The word assess in a sentence

Synonym: appraise, evaluate, measure, tax, valuate, value. Similar words: assessment, asset, assert, session, vessel, assemble, assembly, dessert. Meaning: [ə’ses]  v. 1. place a value on; judge the worth of something 2. charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine 3. set or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine) 4. estimate the value of (property) for taxation. 

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1. We need to assess the impact on climate change.

2. The insurers will need to assess the flood damage.

3. It’s difficult to assess the effects of these changes.

4. We tried to assess his suitability for the job.

5. I’d assess your chances as low.

6. It is difficult to fully assess the damage.

7. Interviews allow you to assess the suitability of candidates.

8. How do you assess your students?

9. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their loans.

10. It’s difficult to assess the impact of the President’s speech.

11. We are trying to assess how well the system works.

12. It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage.

13. It is difficult to assess the building’s value properly without seeing it.

14. The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.

15. Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of their.

15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.

17. We should equitably assess historical figures.

18. The directors will have to assess our credit risk.

19. She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.

20. The court will assess the damages.

21. I’d assess your chances as extremely low.

22. The college has few ways to assess the quality of education overall.

23. A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in primary schools with a typical spread of ability.

24. The appraisal system seeks to assess employees’ strengths and weaknesses.

25. At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage.

26. The job of the jury is to assess the credibility of the witness.

27. We need to assess the merits of both proposals before making our decision.

28. It is too early to assess the full extent of the damage.

29. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.

30. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.

More similar words: assessment, asset, assert, session, vessel, assemble, assembly, dessert, essence, passenger, depressed, embarrassed, essentially, closest, analyses, diagnoses, a bed of roses, lose sight of, pass, mass, class, vassal, pass away, pass out, pass on, a class, pass by, assure, assume, assist. 

оценивать, облагаться, облагать налогом, штрафовать, определять сумму налога


- определять размер налога или штрафа
- оценивать имущество для обложения налогом
- облагать налогом или штрафовать
- определять размер ущерба

to assess damages — определить сумму денежного возмещения (за причинённый ущерб)

- оценивать, давать оценку (положения и т. п.)

to assess a personality — дать оценку личных качеств человека
to assess a speech at its true worth — определить истинную ценность какого-л. выступления

Мои примеры


to assess in damages — присудить к возмещению убытков  
to assess the damage — оценивать размер ущерба  
assess the damage — оценивать размер ущерба  
assess at market value — оценивать по рыночной стоимости  
to assess the penalty — определить меру наказания  
to assess risk — оценивать риск  
assess for tax purposes — оценивать для целей налогообложения  
to assess compensation — определить размеры компенсации  
assess damages — установить сумму возмещения убытков  
to assess the suitability — оценивать пригодность  

Примеры с переводом

We need to assess the impact on climate change.

Нам необходимо оценить влияние на климатические изменения.

The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars.

Стоимость этого имущества была оценена в миллион долларов.

The offender was assessed twenty shillings.

Нарушитель был оштрафован на двадцать шиллингов.

We need to assess whether or not the system is working.

Нам необходимо оценить, работает ли система или нет.

The value of the business was assessed at £1.25 million.

Стоимость данного бизнеса была оценена в 1,25 миллионов фунтов.

It’s too early to assess the full extent of the damage.

Сейчас ещё слишком рано оценивать масштабы нанесённого ущерба.

Also, the study did not assess the capabilities of other methods.

Кроме того, в ходе исследования не оценивались возможности других методик.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

assessable  — подлежащий обложению
assessment  — оценка, суждение, обложение, обложение налогом, сумма обложения, размер налога
assessor  — эксперт, заседатель, податной чиновник, эксперт-консультант
reassess  — производить переоценку

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: assess
he/she/it: assesses
ing ф. (present participle): assessing
2-я ф. (past tense): assessed
3-я ф. (past participle): assessed

Definition of Assess

to judge or evaluate the state or value of something

Examples of Assess in a sentence

The field test will assess the police candidate’s ability to perform under stress.


Unfortunately, it will take years to assess the true value of the hurricane’s destructive effect on Haiti.


The purpose of the final exam is to assess how much information students have acquired throughout the semester.


Since Rod is performing poorly in math, he is going to be given a test to assess if he is in the correct math class.


The insurance company will assess your art collection before it approves your ten million dollar valuation.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word assess, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use assess in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «assess».

Assess in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word assess in a sentence.

  1. Marvin Monroe to assess his sanity.

  2. It was definitely a lot to assess and digest,» said Jarrard.

  3. The immediate effects of the mutiny are difficult to assess.

  4. These fights may allow the female to assess which is dominant.

  5. His job with the PACAF was to assess the air forces of the U.S.

  6. Columbia Pictures rehired Rubin to assess the script and provide notes.

  7. Sighting-resighting methods assess the size and structure of populations.

  8. As a «test man», his job was to assess equipment to ensure that it was safe.

  9. The last idea of how to assess poverty is up to the decision among citizens.

  10. In May 2002, Obama commissioned a poll to assess his prospects in a 2004 U.S.

  11. During their train ride, they assess and make insightful guesses about each other.

  12. Coren’s scale, however, does not assess understanding, independence, or creativity.

  13. Its goal was to assess the steps needed to improve the defenses of the East Indies.

  14. They assess that such bans have reduced tobacco consumption by 16% where instituted.

  15. On May 1, he visited the fort with 50 Ottawas to assess the strength of the garrison.

  16. It is not easy to assess the importance of the Byzantine navy to the Empire’s history.

  17. Husayn subsequently sent his cousin Muslim ibn Aqil to assess the situation in the city.

  18. The impact of the conquest on the lower levels of English society is difficult to assess.

  19. Divers were brought into the area to retrieve bodies and to assess the damage to the ship.

  20. Scholars have found it difficult to assess Zwingli’s impact on history, for several reasons.

  21. Later commentators and historians have tended to assess his career with a degree of sympathy.

  22. The size of the English army is difficult to assess, but it has been described as a «large ..

  23. It is difficult to assess how Cranmer’s theological views had evolved since his Cambridge days.

  24. May, «it is difficult to assess just how much of the final book Josh Logan was responsible for.

  25. Often, CT or MRI scans are performed at a later stage to assess for complications of meningitis.

  26. Husayn subsequently sent his cousin Muslim ibn Aqil to assess the political environment in Kufa.

  27. The joint neutral group never assembled to assess the claims and the conflict remained unsolved.

  28. A skeleton crew boarded Nagato to assess the damage and prepare her for the next test on 25 July.

  29. Scientists assess these every few years in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports.

  30. The Canadians erected metal sheds of a commercial design, which were used to assess blast damage.

  31. The marks remaining after gouging can be used by field workers to assess loris presence in an area.

  32. Harrison’s asked the Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage Association to assess Politician’s status.

  33. The female may not become pregnant but she is still able to assess the condition of potential mates.

  34. Occasionally a nuclear medicine bone scan is used to assess the degree of loosening within the joint.

  35. This made it difficult to assess the amount of damage caused, which was the objective of the exercise.

  36. Meanwhile, Hawkins and his executive officer were taken by boat to West Bridge to assess her situation.

  37. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay can assess whether a structure incorporates all desired strands.

  38. He agreed to have the Shelby prototype shipped from America in July 1963 for him and his team to assess.

  39. Modern scholars assess the number of people converted to Christianity by Francis Xavier at around 30,000.

  40. Not enough remains of the Rodrigues starling have been found to assess whether it was sexually dimorphic.

  41. Blood tests and pulmonary function testing are used to assess whether a person is well enough for surgery.

  42. The project had up 175,000 images to view and assess far more than the team could hope to view on their own.

  43. She wrote to Governor Bob Graham in 1985 to encourage him to assess the conditions the migrant workers endured.

  44. In 2007, a study was conducted to assess genetic variation among all Indian horse breeds except the Kathiawari.

  45. Despite the friction between Militia and Staff Corps officers, Berryman chose to assess officers on performance.

  46. Engineers were called to assess the existing foundation to determine whether it could bear the additional weight.

  47. It is difficult to assess the factual veracity of these statements given the known bias of the surviving sources.

  48. Signals from social media are used to assess academic publications, as well as for different scientific approaches.

  49. Bethe worked through the night to assess the results and reported that they were consistent with a perfect explosion.

  50. Then they were given a transfer test to assess if they could generalize their newly learned rule to novel situations.

Synonyms for assess

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word assess has the following synonyms: measure, evaluate, valuate, appraise, value and tax.

General information about «assess» example sentences

The example sentences for the word assess that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «assess» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «assess».

What we have got to assess is the value of the deal against the dislocation or whatever of any potential comments from the regulators. ❋ David Fickling (2010)

The second thing they must guess/assess is their faith in you to do accomplish something of a similar magnitude to the comps, generally expressed as a percentage. posted by redbarren at 6: 27 PM ❋ Ben Barren (2006)

«The first thing you have to assess is why did you lose,» he said. ❋ Unknown (2005)

But the first thing you have to assess is why did you lose. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The most difficult risk to assess is the political uncertainty, which would, of course, be aggravated by any or all of the other uncertainties. ❋ Unknown (1978)

— Related to the first question, to what degree does the rubric assess for specific skills and knowledge that are needed by students as they progress from this course to others? ❋ Unknown (2010)

In test process management, it is important to plemented into the project is efficient, effective in terms assess the effectiveness of different testing techniques, in of factors such as cost, time, and the number of bugs that terms of their ability to expose errors and also the size of can be detected. ❋ Softwarecentral (2010)

Issuing the security advisory is Step 3, called assess and stabilize, where «the engineering team investigates and develops the solution, while the communications team reaches out to provide guidance to customers and partners.» ❋ Unknown (2009)

Then assess, which is «best». so, do you know any software can convert to a good MPEG2 file, the best converter ❋ Unknown (2008)

He also points out that while conventional dictionaries offer a number of senses to define each word, little help has traditionally been given to the reader to enable them to assess which is the most likely meaning for their purposes. ❋ Paul Luna (2009)

Engraved still in my brain is the judgment of a small group of bureaucrats who came to «assess» the situation in the first weeks of the genocide: » We will recommend to our government not to intervene as the risks are high and all that is here are humans». ❋ Meg (2009)

So, what we’re expecting is they will report to the presidents and the presidents will kind of assess where they are and then tell them to keep going. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So what you will see today is the president sitting down with the top money people, the head of the FDIC, the Federal Reserve chair, his secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, and others as well to kind of assess the situation, take a look at how what they have been doing is working. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I hope we can look back on the Obama administration and soberly and honestly ‘assess‘ his adminstration’s successes and failures without embarking on a multi-page list of every misrepresentation ever hurled at him. ❋ Unknown (2008)

What if she acknowledged publicly that she has no need for money in the primary and she’ll «assess» her needs thereafter? ❋ Unknown (2008)

More specifically, Hirsh doesn’t care — he can’t be bothered to look into the competing policy proposals and assess which is more credible. ❋ Unknown (2008)

On Friday, NATO and the United Nations called a temporary halt to the air campaign to «assess» the situation. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Yes, I want to talk about sending Cindy to Georgia to «assess» the situation? ❋ Ann Althouse (2008)

Dear [Assess],
Please join me for dinner under the [cows ass].
Your love, Harry [the Bastard] ❋ Bastardized Bottomburp (2003)

1. Although the conclusions were quite disappointing, it was a fair [assessment] of the project.
2. They went to assess the property to see how much it was worth.
3. According to the assessment, [the store’s] worth 1.[6M].
4. His essay sucked, so when assessed.. He’s got a 1 out of 10. ❋ Jafje (2007)

Dude im just going to [sit back] and make a [assessment] this [situation]… ❋ Killin You (2010)

You know, [John’s] been [sleeping on the couch] for months, plus all the parties we’ve been having? It might be time to give that [couch] a serious assessment. ❋ Cadalso (2008)

Isarena: It’s…[Assessment]! He’s come to destroy [Criterion’s] fame and fortune!
[Mimi]: Gosh! ❋ SockEater (2006)

[The kids] [take] a Pre-assessment in [school] ❋ Game Mode 0 (2016)

Teacher: It’s NOT an exam! It’s just a [mini-assessment] to see how you’re doing. It will count towards your final grade but it isn’t the ONLY thing that will, so [it’s not important] and I don’t want you [stressing] over it. ❋ The Rain Master (2021)

[IB Student] 1: Dude the Biology internal assessment is due tomorrow I haven’t even started….
IB Student 2: I have to write both my Biology [IA] and History IA by next month. [Kill me now]
IB Student 1: I think this is a good time for us to drop out of IB.
IB Student 2: Agreed. These internal assessments are so pointless ❋ Imsocoolomg (2015)

(Carly was trying on a pair of pants at the mall, and when she exited the change room to show Megan there was a moment of awkward silence.)
Carly: Wow these jeans [fit like] a glove, and they’re so comfortable!
Megan: uhh.. Carly, have you given yourself the booty assessment yet?
Carly: …no? (walks to the [3-way] mirror and does a [twirl])
Carly: Jesus christ are you kidding me? These pants make my ass look as deformed as Joan Rivers’ face! ❋ Ae123456 (2009)

That guy is talking to bae! [Aight] bruh, I’m [bouta] [assess the situation]. ❋ Noah Rouse (2015)

  • Use the word ASSESS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

celidimite Other dangers however were real enough 20 years on we may be able to assess the true risks of LSD.

Keeper, you better assess that guy.

What standard do you take to assess his personality?

If i were down there in the audience with you, there are certain things that i would want to know about the man who’s telling the story so that i could assess the reliability of his judgment and his bias or his lack of bias.

Let’s leave it to the Central Flying School to assess your capabilities. If I pass again?

A Tsar must always weigh and assess. Mercy and gentleness for the good.

The jury find the defendant guilty and assess his punishment as death.

If you’re trying to assess their chances of fighting us off you’d do well to look at the men around you.

The military have the right and the duty to assess the lack of capacity and the moral failures of civilians.

Why have you borrowed it, as you assess you haven’t had any cat before?

How would you assess him?

I was never given time to fully assess my achievement.

Our first operation is to locate them and assess their strength.

To mobilize all Algerians, to assess our strength.

I went to Khartoum to assess the Egyptian capacity to deal with the uprising.

Leni Peickert and von L├╝ptow assess the congress papers.

With the world in a state of crisis, it is impossible at this time to assess what the ramifications might be.

The delegates assess the situation.

assess damage and repair whatever’s necessary.

Your lost youth you’ll again acquire, But if you drink to excess, do stop and assess.

He was asking for various medical examinations… to assess your mental state.

Traditions only make sense if we can assess their meaning.

Yes, sir, but they do have the power of speech, and it is for you gentlemen to assess how far that power can be exercised intelligently.

You gave me time to assess … ..

In addition to the distance you have to also assess the true human nature…

Gentlemen, we are here exactly to assess the intensity of malice.

Orienting ourselves towards more ambitious goals might help to assess whether we are ready to face the challenges we will have to face ahead.

At first it was very difticult, naturally, to assess their accuracy.

Edvard Munch begins to re-assess the values and beliefs that Hans Jager has taught him.

Please tell us how you assess the present situation.

I think anyone who would want to honestly assess… what his political persuasions are, would…

We’ve already had the opportunity to assess examples of his style.

Jury members, assess the vagueness of this testimony, which seems inadmissible in any case.

On your way here, you could assess the military situation.

Once located, we can assess the strength of the Alliance and determine our next step.

I cannot assess someone without knowing the rules of the game.

During the flight, you’d be able to assess every aspect of the crew’s abilities.

Three things—so… this trial will allow me to assess these two— three basic aspects of your skills, right?

We’ll assess you from there.

So start to assess your personalities, if there’s still time!

To re-assess our position re the Professor.

«To re-assess our position, re the Professor.»

When the dealer comes to assess the belongings, I’ll tell him not to include the television.

There have been wild stories in the media. We want to assess any possible environmental impact… from your operation.

Well, as near as we can assess it, they don’t actually fly the planes.

assess, plan, prep, field command.

We’re going to assess the problem, then come up with a solution.

Let us assess the damage… with the Haydn, from the beginning.

I connot assess how long it will take

Superficial examination by the person doctor .connot assess litness to stand trial

The team not only makes a study of the market but also is in a position to closely monitor the chosen companies to assess their present and future prospects

All we need to do now is assess the operational readiness

the 1940s to evaluate muscle strength and assess the

We try to assess their capacity for fitting in with the others, as you may imagine — the dynamics of the group changes from month to month — and their drive to use the time fruitfully – sadly, we do have applicants who are too damaged by their history to cope with that

of his men to guarding them while he went to assess

If only he could move, he might be able to watch events unfold, might be able to see what is happening, might be able to assess the damage

’ He waited again, trying to assess what he

Claude turned on his side, the better to assess her

suggested she come with me to assess the extent of the

Instinctively, he thought to call to Argos, to assess the ship’s current condition, but then he remembered something

perhaps I can assess this world’s defenses

Keeping a wary eye on Hell’s Gate, Rag’nerack turned to assess his brothers

Death flipped his head in my direction to assess me

From others he demands a certain sum, but leaves it to the states of each province to assess and levy that sum as they think proper

giving frequent “drone” quizzes that do not count against their grades, but that allow the instructors to accurately assess each student’s grasp of the class material

to accurately assess the inner workings of a person, but Mr

Having rested for a second, he started to assess the rock face above him for suitable handholds

Once directly under the overhang he was in the best position to assess how to proceed

Compared with the underlying structure of the Bible and Bible codes that have to be studied in the original languages, prophecies are relatively easy to assess and test for truthfulness

How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects — even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?

The intendant, in order to be sure of finding the sum assessed upon his generality, was empowered to assess it in a larger sum, that the failure or inability of some of the contributors might be compensated by the overcharge of the rest ; and till 1765, the fixation of this surplus assessment was left altogether to his discretion

and assess the damage

teams a chance to assess just what it was they’d found

darling Felicity, going in to help assess the damage

Taxpayers should not be blind-sided after the fact; that is to say, forced to pay taxes on what basically amounts to paying taxes on taxed income that has already been spent or planned on being spent, perhaps, but provided ample opportunity to properly assess (beforehand) the impact prospective tax increases, or tax reductions, for that matter, will have on their household budgets

A society in the throes of a Cultural War (or a War of Ideas), whose socially transmitted customs are under assault, is never quite apparent to the uninitiated, (unlike the attendant violence of civil wars, for example, whose apparent destruction of person and property, not to mention its deleterious effect on the economy, are much easier to assess), and whose consequential impact on that society‘s traditions (usually) take longer for an non-engaging or morally indifferent society to absorb

Moral Relativism lacks a supporting structure; that is to say, lacks a universal standard by which to (correctly) assess the proposed merits of some moral or ethical proposition whereas Moral Absolutism, drawn to its own (unconditional) point(s) of reference or final conclusions, oftentimes assumes too heavy a burden that must otherwise be lessened by degrees or fall under its own weight

Feigned indignation and fabricated reprisals designed to redress historical grievances in matters of gender, race and ethnicity should be a troubling proposition for any society whose lack of (dialectic) proportion makes it increasingly difficult to correctly assess the (determined) aspects or (appropriate) limits of free speech

‘s by focusing (more) on ―performance‖ standards in the classroom rather than relying on objective, more traditional measures commonly employed to assess a student‘s (native) aptitude

We have to assess the situation,” and then he just sat down; weak in the knees

As if it poured from around them; not from the ceiling of this chamber or cavern the size of which they could not properly assess

Brett could imagine his father seated right there beside Andy, intently focused on all the same data he had access to, but with far more time to digest and assess the readings

It will also be a good idea to assess what happened so that if you want

During that time, Moses had learned to rely on them enough to send them on a mission to assess what kind of resistance he might expect from the inhabitants of the land they were expected to invade and claim

god’s intent, we believe, was to assess what the church would or

How should one assess that circumstance? Just plain good fortune? This list of acknowledgements would not be complete if I didn’t offer the possibility of something beyond pure chance in this odyssey of creative expression

You can assess the impact of every change and enhancement that takes

These data to assess gene provides a possibility for the effect of the disorder

Learn to assess your employee’s strengths and weaknesses without prejudice

him to assess the damage

] He indicated that the NRA will conduct a long-term investigation to assess the

I have been asked to assess the military of Europa, but that is only prudent since one of your countries might think to invade us

2 Assess and Control the Impacts of the Transition

distinguish, test, prove and assess things while living

Becky propped him up against the wall , “Harry, are you ok?” it was only a matter of minutes before the paramedics arrived to assess his situation

The very reason we are here is to assess the defendant’s state of mental health

To assess whether, or to what extent, fascism is present or developing in a given society is not difficult

* Observant and assess others

A free individual can assess these giants and say with justifiable pride of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony or Shakespeare’s King Lear that a human being did that

«The public accounts committee has to assess where we’re at and where

assess the new evidence and determine its relevance before making his

This demands selecting the best military leaders, listening to their guidance; and then having ‘civilian leadership’ that can assess the planning and make decisions, not based in what is the best political decision, rather the best decision to ‘protect and defend’ the United States and its interests

The purpose of an audit is to assess an organizations’ accounting practices, procedures, and

The EPA and Congress had started to assess the polluter for the clean up but in many cases no one knew who had polluted

Assess who has the balance of power

that he’d been so paranoid when trying to assess what illnesses he

o Assess whether it would be appropriate and acceptable to

When I use this list to assess my own

Finally, on October 12, the moratorium was lifted by the Interior Department and we will soon be able to assess the damage done by that moratorium

o Assess whether it would be appropriate and acceptable to request that the

the barrel to assess its wear and then he began, “By the time I was

around to assess where best to begin

attempt to assess the length of two lines without ruler measurement by comparing the lines ‘in

environment? A good start would be to assess the

I ask myself all of the questions so that I can assess whether or

His name is Mark Longstrider, and he was seeking no more than a high vantage that faced south, so that he could assess the lay of the land in that direction, as he planned to continue traveling that way

You assess the situation

association China and cave explorer who came to assess the situation and then offered

“You six and your pets would be wiped out in a moment in any serious engagement! You’re nothing but a pack of foolish, headstrong adolescents! Granted you have considerable strength and talent and power as individuals, but face reality! Now that this alliance is formed, the existing fast reaction units of its nations’ military forces will number tens of thousands of warriors and wizards and dragons! No enemy will attack unless they can match at least that force! For a platoon as small and inexperienced as yours to make any real difference at all, you would have to detect the initiation of hostilities, Translocate there, assess the situation first hand, and be acting accurately with all your power, all within one-quarter of a second after the first advance units of the enemy had Translocated to the site of hostilities!

They stopped just long enough to assess the

He wanted me to assess if the so-called Rapid Response Plan was justified or could we live with the existing request net and current method of scrambling air support from ground alert status

She fell to her knees, gasping, and desperately trying to assess the injuries, or worse, of the people around her

It is when we assess the candidate’s focus and motivation

Although a chiropractor, Tobie was unwilling to assess the latter injury

«And as we approached, the CO had us run some scans and assess the situation while trying to contact the ship

Azeth rode to the front of his advancing army to survey the ground and assess the preparations and ability of his opponents

She spent as long as the situation permitted to assess all of the guards’ patterns, then quickly made a final check on her equipment and tightened any loose straps before moving out

Trying not to assess his chances of failure

He realises that he does not have sufficient knowledge to assess the overall net ‘good’ or

If any of the alarms went off he would call a specialist from the research laboratory to assess the situation

The surrogates that were found in a drugged state had to be cared for so emergency teams of medical personnel were brought in to assess them and care for them until they were off the drugs and able to tell their stories

recall our encounters with him and to assess his life in our minds Similarly,

They can assess the underlying cause or causes of why

rationale for this question is «the need to know» so as to assess impacts and arrange

Assess the costs and consequences

Then they need to stick to their instructions: assess according to form, or substance,

inventory in which you list, assess, and align all of your objectives with coherent goals

my own health – similarly I use everything that comes my way that I assess can add to my quality

A commission was appointed by the British Government to visit India, assess the situation and come up with recommendations

can assess your success with the number of hits, visitors and the number of

current condition, and assess the effectiveness of any changes

Thus, at the end of any modeling session in which you have modeled business unit, core processes, jobs or work group models, you can ask questions and make observations that assess current and missing organizational support

Job models get everyone more organized, giving each person a better handle on what their work is, how their job relates to other jobs, and how management can monitor, assess and improve individual work

Assess results of pilot and address gaps

situation and assess the energy of what was

However, as a rule of thumb, it may be useful to use the following guidelines in trying to assess whether or not the problem is serious or can be easily addressed

These returns should be correctly assessed keeping in mind the taxation, tax concessions and tax rebates

Cold, hard, eyes surveyed, assessed, and

With the wind shut out, Emma assessed the puddle of ice and water she had come to rest in

“We, the Council of Tahoe City, make proclamation of the establishment of a School for our children, aged six through thirteen, to be publicly financed through the receipt of taxes assessed upon all sales of goods, merchandise, and services conducted in this town during the months of June, July and August of each year henceforth

The date for the initial round of testing was published and all hopefuls were provided a cursory outline of the subjects which were to be assessed

Before even reaching for his lighter to see where he was, he just stopped and assessed his situation

assessed the girl’s symptoms, gave her a cursory

assessed and then paid into my account the

The underlying reason is the intention and should be assessed properly before an action is taken

Examples are not wanting of empires in which all the different provinces are not taxed, if I may be allowed the expression, in one mass ; but in which the sovereign regulates the sum which each province ought to pay, and in some provinces assesses and levies it as he thinks proper ; while in others he leaves it to be assessed and levied as the respective states of each province shall determine

18, reducing the fine for admission to twenty pounds for all persons, without any distinction of ages, or any restriction, either to mere merchants, or to the freemen of London; and granting to all such persons the liberty of exporting, from all the ports of Great Britain, to any port in Turkey, all British goods, of which the exportation was not prohibited, upon paying both the general duties of customs, and the particular duties assessed for defraying the necessary expenses of the company ; and submitting, at the same time, to the lawful authority of the British ambassador and consuls resident in Turkey, and to the bye-laws of the company duly enacted

The man hadn’t visited her for counselling, though his sanity remained to be assessed

A certain proportion of the land tax is, in the same manner, assessed upon all the other cities and towns corporate in the kingdom ; and arises almost altogether, either from the rent of houses, or from what is supposed to be the interest of trading and capital stock

and assessed the various tubes and wires

In England, the valuation, according to which the different counties and parishes were assessed to the land tax by the 4th of William and Mary, was very unequal even at its first establishment

In the ancient dominions of the king of Prussia, the land-tax is assessed according to an actual survey and valuation, which is reviewed and altered from time to time

In 1666, the generality of Montauban was assessed to the real or predial taille, according, it is said, to a very exact survey and valuation

The valuation, according to which each different parish and district is assessed to this tax, is always the same

He would be apt to abandon the country in which he was exposed to a vexatious inquisition, in order to be assessed to a burdensome tax ; and would remove his stock to some other country, where he could either carry on his business, or enjoy his fortune more at his ease

The extreme inequality and uncertainty of a tax assessed in this manner, can be compensated only by its extreme moderation; in consequence of which, every man finds himself rated so very much below his real revenue, that he gives himself little disturbance though his neighbour should be rated somewhat lower

The greater part of it was laid upon the country; and of what was laid upon the towns, the greater part was assessed upon the houses

What remained to be assessed upon the stock or trade of the towns (for the stock upon the land was not meant to be taxed) was very much below the real value of that stock or trade

The rate, too, upon each district, continuing always the same, the uncertainty of this tax, so far as it might he assessed upon the stock of any individual, has been very much diminished, as well as rendered of much less consequence

In some towns, the whole land tax is assessed upon houses; as in Westminster, where stock and trade are free

} the proportion in which this sum is assessed upon those different provinces, varies from year to year, according to the reports which are made to the king’s council concerning the goodness or badness of the crops, as well as other circumstances, which may either increase or diminish their respective abilities to pay

The proportion which each parish ought to support of what is assessed upon the whole election, and that which each individual ought to support of what is assessed upon his particular parish, are both in the same manner varied from year to year, according as circumstances are supposed to require

No man subject to such a tax, it is evident, can ever be certain, before he is assessed, of what he is to pay

He cannot even be certain after he is assessed

In the countries where the personal taille takes place, the farmer is commonly assessed in proportion to the stock which he appears to employ in cultivation

The vingtieme, or twentieth penny, in France, is a tax of the same kind with what is called the land tax in England, and is assessed, in the same manner, upon the revenue arising upon land, houses, and stock

So far as it affects stock, it is assessed, though not with great rigour, yet with much more exactness than that part of the land tax in England which is imposed upon the same fund

In England, for example, when, by the land-tax, every other sort of revenue was supposed to be assessed at four shillings in the pound, it was very popular to lay a real tax of five shillings and sixpence in the pound upon the salaries of offices which exceeded a hundred pounds a-year; the pensions of the younger branches of the royal family, the pay of the officers of the army and navy, and a few others less obnoxious to envy, excepted

the contributors were, the greater part of them, assessed according to the degree of their rank; as dukes, marquises, earls, viscounts, barons, esquires, gentlemen, the eldest and youngest sons of peers, etc

Serjeants, attorneys, and proctors at law, who, in the first poll-tax, were assessed at three shillings in the pound of their supposed income, were afterwards assessed as gentlemen

The officers of the king’s court, the judges, and other officers in the superior courts of justice, the officers of the troops, etc are assessed in the first manner

The inferior ranks of people in the provinces are assessed in the second

The mild government of England, when it assessed the different ranks of people to the poll-tax, contented itself with what that

If any province complains of being assessed too high, it may, in the assessment of next year, obtain an abatement proportioned to the overcharge of the year before ; but it must pay in the mean time

The intendant, in order to be sure of finding the sum assessed upon his generality, was empowered to assess it in a larger sum, that the failure or inability of some of the contributors might be compensated by the overcharge of the rest ; and till 1765, the fixation of this surplus assessment was left altogether to his discretion

The largest falls upon those subject to the taille, who are assessed to the capitation at so much a-pound of what they pay to that other tax

Where such taxes, therefore, are properly assessed, and upon proper commodities, they are paid with less grumbling than any other

we will all be assessed on our response to the prophetic summons

They could not, therefore, be assessed according to any rent roll

But neither were the lands of Great Britain, in the 4th of William and Mary, assessed according to any rent roll, but according to a very loose and inaccurate estimation

The lands in America might be assessed either in the same manner, or acording to an equitable valuation, in consequence of an accurate survey, like that which was lately made in the Milanese, and in the dominions of Austria, Prussia, and Sardinia

I think it had something to do with rank, or maybe someone took a minute and assessed their chances of living

Aweemowep was a very accurate gunner though, as I assessed the results

It was a probing glance into character, something not easily assessed

Japan is assessed 19% and Germany 8%

have also assessed us lots and lots of money ($ billions) and we have not received any assistance from

You’ve analyzed the needs of your business, assessed systems in

requirements is gathered and risk is assessed

Was this “rising star” ever psychologically assessed?

Again, was this bastard ever psychologically assessed?

What kind of psychologist assessed the “rising star” for the Canadian Forces,

Finally the EPA recognized that the system would not work and so a special tax was assessed on chemical and oil companies and that generated billions of dollars in tax revenue and huge costs to those companies

assessed the situation and his first course of action was to shove the

In 1941, Filburn was assessed a penalty of $117

Then, he assessed his situation

assessed his find, trying to figure out what the best use of the wood

After you have assessed the types of distractions

Chaim Weizman, the highest ranking Jewish leader of his day, assessed

Have your battle skills assessed, both physical and magical, and practice the exercises they assign you for as many hours per day as you can drive yourselves to do

They lunged across the now vacant military encampment, where they had first assessed their barge-loading problem

Once inside the second room, the two assessed their

He Healed those, assessed the situation in a tenth of a second, and attacked again without even spending any time to check his momentum

They lunged across the now vacant military encampment, where they had first assessed their

Her eyes assessed the red fabric

Each man had been assessed regarding his attitude, and the single and compassionate Anton, who regularly visited his elderly mother had been marked as the soft touch, Zerch reckoned him the most likely to let her in

In addition, any change in plans or unexpected delays can be immediately impacted on the project and assessed in terms of most probable outcomes

Coming back, he calmed down and assessed the situation

Barrad instantly assessed that the mixed men-at-arms on the left flank would be the best side to push hard

She assessed her situation and options again – it was desperate

Titus instinctively knew that the black pupil-less eyes that assessed him held a cunning intelligence

The duty officer had assessed the situation quickly when the raid had started and decided that there was no point in resisting the raid

Not only did they have to deal with the incubator issue but there were all the prisoners of the complex to process and interview, all of the staff had to be interviewed and assessed, those with no record or interest to the police were encouraged to keep working so that the activities of the clinics and hospital wards were not affected

• Cortisol levels (which were assessed before and after the stressor)

The smoke was thick, but I saw him near a group of white-cloaked druids I quickly assessed as druids I knew

sniffed and assessed me

Rochelle mentally assessed the powerful muscles of his chest

Products are designed, risk is assessed, prices are determined (underwriting) based on the actuarially determined likelihood of a claim being submitted, insurance products are assembled, approved by various state and federal agencies, marketed, sold, administered and claims are processed when submitted


The discs are usually kept in place for a period of 48 hours and then assessed by a dermatologist for allergic changes

He was medically assessed and was glad to take the early retirement that was offered by the airline

Ciara assessed the situation very quickly even trying to resuscitate him but to no avail

He lay still and assessed his body for damage

approaches, some of these are sometimes assessed with clients for whom they appear

The Doctor that assessed her had said that they needed to rule out the possibility of “social phobia» and prescribed Valipene

One of a couple dozen deployed around the system, it assessed the fleet and sent its data home

She assessed Faye Anne’s agitation

Her eyes sparkled as she visually assessed the three

Several voices spoke at once as they assessed the impact a slave rebellion on their plans

After relieving J T on watch, Captain Darwin assessed their situation

The child’s skills, interests and attributes were assessed and courses of study to be implemented in the home were designed

I got a call from her lawyer and everything that had been assessed against me was back in force

You will not go before a court to have your place assessed or judged and your willingness to give up your place judged

One of the most widely-known theories assessed by Coffield’s team

Remember research is a process, and you will be assessed

He assesses the situation in an instant

Examples are not wanting of empires in which all the different provinces are not taxed, if I may be allowed the expression, in one mass ; but in which the sovereign regulates the sum which each province ought to pay, and in some provinces assesses and levies it as he thinks proper ; while in others he leaves it to be assessed and levied as the respective states of each province shall determine

In some provinces of France, the king not only imposes what taxes he thinks proper, but assesses and levies them in the way he thinks proper

Every man assesses himself, and, in the presence of the magiatrate, puts annually into the public coffer a certain sum of money, which he declares upon oath, to be one fourth per cent

The more severe government of France assesses upon each generality a certain sum, which the intendant must find as he can

In his current position, he studies the technology industry and assesses the financial health, quality of corporate governance, and business strategy of American technology companies

Dunham assesses the wound

He assesses the


Assesses callers’ needs and assists them with issues related to

He swallows and assesses his situation

Your checking account: When was the last time you looked at the monthly fees your bank assesses on your checking account? By switching to a non-interest-bearing account, you can pay far less money and avoid higher fees

Cenni assesses them quickly… and, yes… there’s a good buck among them

When you first start the game, the Wii Fit assesses your balance — which is important in your overall health, but is usually not a concern to anyone who is not a senior citizen or recovering from injury

He is nude then and she assesses him clinically

He assesses me and I see him contemplating tossing me over his shoulder and loping away

She glances over her shoulder with that telltale inhuman head swivel, assesses and disregards me

She closes her eyes, analyzes, assesses, processes all she saw and factors in what she has come to understand about humans and monsters in her years of war

Once out of the car, Christian assesses me critically

This procedure assesses the amount of effort that an animal is willing to emit

assesses the construct of anhedonia, and predictive validity in which treatments

6 assesses the reward for duration extension

7 assesses the reward for bearing credit risk

2 assesses the YC’s predictive ability by estimating the correlation of the 10-year vs

’ He said slowly, looking at me over his spectacles as though assessing what he saw

’ I answered firmly, but she looks across at me as though assessing how true my statement might be

‘I went to the hotel as I said …’ the girl started, glancing at Kara as though assessing her fragility

She ran her memory of the walk to the station through her head … assessing, trying to predict where the trouble might occur

He busied himself loosening her boots, lifting one foot at a time to draw them off, all the time casting glances at her face as if measuring and assessing her state of mind

‘Anything familiar, Lintze?’ Joris asked, looking around as though assessing what there is

In their photo, her piercing brown eyes stare straight into the camera, unafraid, weighing and assessing everything

These services are assessing your potential with other individuals while you are simply living out your life considering other things that might require your attention

abilities in assessing personalities, as well as other great upgrades

Chris looks at him for a moment as though assessing his motive

He looks at her intently, as though assessing her state of mind

Without knowing what she has taken the crew are having difficulty assessing the criticality of the situation

He glanced at the occupants, his eyes assessing

Reaching the bedroom she’d stood and looked around, assessing the enormity of the task

You are not expected to have this knowledge at your fingertips at this juncture, but for the purposes of assessing your intellectual fitness and compatibility with the courses of study here at Malvern, we ask you to do your best to answer all the questions, and as fully as you are able

but was still assessing possible escape routes out of the

windowpanes as he began assessing our situation out

I turned to face Izzy’s assessing stare and turned to look at Willow

the more that is known, the more trust in assessing what our role in this

It has been proposed, accordingly, that the colonies should be taxed by requisition, the parliament of Great Britain determining the sum which each colony ought to pay, and the provincial assembly assessing and levying it in the way that suited best the circumstances of the province

When we stood by her cage, she stopped trying to open the latch long enough to give us an assessing glance

Therefore, can any of us ascertain, without qualification, that the manner an individual behaves is either moral or immoral without properly assessing that individual‘s underlying assumptions or conditions without compromising our (own) judgment? Insight into ―things‖, as indicated above, requires that an individual be cognizant of the internal factors that correctly define the quality of his or her actions; that such qualities ―unseen‖ are nevertheless as real as Character, Decency or Virtuosity, or their opposites, that become readily apparent to an inquiring mind

The psychologist assessing my chances of success as a law officer had subtly questioned my sanity when he suggested I might use my intelligence to better advantage by going back to university

But when she dropped Eddie Ralston»s name, Langdon, who must have been assessing the plausibility of what was being said, suddenly lurched forward and drilled Mia with a force ten glare

Then a loud voice of survival erupted within her mind, “Run!” Before the command could reach her tired limbs, she’d spun around assessing her options for escape

to be to find enough minor infractions to justify assessing enough in fines to pay for the state OSHA

But that girl was probably scared out of her mind, certainly not capable of assessing situations cleverly at the time, if she was ever able to do so

I see all the muscles in Evelyn’s arm standing at attention, her eyes not cold, not quite like Jeanine’s, but calculating, assessing, planning

assessing where to focus investments between competing projects

field to achieve true objectivity in assessing the possibilities

assessing and trawled the Internet for customer reviews and feedback

keep an eye out for it in the niche you’re assessing

of thousands of dollars, assessing some McCain backers for more

In assessing the impact of the above on German national life, we need to remember that it was written to protest French influence in Germany

”4 When assessing the threat to liberty posed by the Jewish Left and the Protestant Left, one is hard-pressed to state from which quarter the threat is greater

Prospective students might want to consider various factors when assessing ROI, says Dave Wilson, president and CEO of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)

Accreditation is one factor that helps in assessing quality

The interview process helps in assessing those qualities

Depending on the structure of the organization and the competition process between various projects, this may include interviewing people and assessing their skill sets

Dimarico had questioned each of the fourteen as to his circumstances, assessing mental stability and intelligence

A couple minutes later, still in our pyjamas, Jan and I stood in the garage, assessing

Realism is an attitude, the attitude of assessing a situation accurately rather than on the basis of

categories either simultaneously or concurrently as ways of assessing human actions

After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving

possessively assessing her as one might a piece of property

“Ma’am, this is a respectable hotel,” he warned, assessing her

He shook my hand then retreated a pace as if assessing my worth

The short, dumpy, sweaty, dinner-suited sheik ignored my outstretched hand, instead reaching with hirsute paws to grasp at my shoulders; staring up my nostrils as if assessing a camel

” Alec reached the body first, assessing the damage of the trespasser

active process of assessing the dynamics of the situation,

neutral professional, although it does mean this, but also that she has a particular kind of body and sexuality, which must be considered in assessing the potential quality of

assessing the shape of the battle, they targeted the carriers and mother ships that had transported the attackers

Harold’s people were assessing the damage when Saul and the remains of his group docked

find that assessing children’s learning styles and matching to instructional

with yourself in assessing how much control you really have over the

Third, in assessing any strategy, whether during the development stage or when it is employed and records are kept and monitored, the percentage of wins is not the only, and perhaps not even the most important, measure of performance

He left the room to begin assessing the damages that had been sustained to the nest and to the ancestor’s tunnels

There was tangible electricity in the air as Ambrosius entered the trading floor, eyes flickering microprocessor glances at him, evaluating and assessing this peculiar new component

He looked as if he were mulling Stan over, assessing his character

After assessing that the coast was clear in an automatic

position; she looked around, assessing her situation and

Do you have any questions about the effects of self in assessing a circumstance?”

Now smarting from the loss of all my CBC relationships and income, not to mention that Bonnie had warned me to lay low on a number of occasions, I decided that I should erase myself by the numbers, but for the right reason this time: I was more than half-way there, because I had been assessing my crappy experiences for their underlying cause for months, and working on determining what would have been the impeccable thing to do

We are still assessing ourselves the full effects from that burst

But of one thing she was certain when assessing genocide, namely, that Soviet policies in Poland were incomparably milder than Nazi policies

 The protected share is calculated by assessing the value of all assets owned separately or jointly by either spouse at the point the individual becomes institutionalized

Although he appeared warm and relaxed, and his movements were smooth and athletic, Carla casually observed his rapid eye movement, as he scanned the interior of the lift assessing its occupants

Assessing the reliability of health information that you come across in Web discussion groups or chat rooms is as least as important as it is for Websites

Max saw this as a polite way of Jason assessing Max’s worth

not give them more respect than they deserve when assessing their

Turning around to look at his signalers, he started assessing the extent of his losses from this attack

In assessing the exercise it was concluded that in war lives are lost, sometimes apparently meaninglessly, and the disaster at Slapton Sands was only part of what may be expected for real on D Day

They disappeared into the stairwell after warily surveying and assessing any risks from within just before Wickland, Graisco, Dave, and the rest of the men crowded into one of the glass elevators

This caused him to lose all sense of proportion in assessing his own capabilities

The difficulty people have had in assessing the origin of life results from misconceptions largely attributable to simplistic mythological perceptions that society has failed, and often refused, to outgrow

Peter spent most of his life assessing the possibility of threats to him from

gloves and assessing his task at hand

“Let’s start with saving our own, assessing the damage, and if we have time, start building our

come around, assessing her progress every step of the way

Garcia studied the playing field, assessing the pieces as if it were nothing more

Three Klingons beamed in while Garcia was assessing his team

Garcia took his chair, assessing the visual information on the screen

difficulties in assessing the best method of selling the business is that a buyer

The witch began to feel his back and arms, as if assessing his strength in some way

Gowr responded immediately, having already been assessing the possibility of a

moment, the detective’s wife just stood there with her arms crossed, assessing the

Lov winced in pain as Zae twisted and turned it assessing the injury

The trooper’s mind started assessing the present situation, taking mental pictures, calculating what he was seeing, and forming initial hypotheses

The question I want to answer is whether we can identify good negotiators by assessing their personalities and preferences before we even see them negotiate

One way of assessing the competitiveness of energy prices is by looking at annual UK pre-tax energy prices; if they remain below the EU/G7 median, then the competitive position of the UK is better than half or more of the countries in the EU/G7

In Namibia, the banks are charging high fees and interest rates because of the “difficulties in assessing risk”, and the “unavailability of data”, especially regarding the physical address of clients

here she was assessing this man, while he was strapping her onto this cold, hard, table

Gerald shot her an assessing look

I looked at Annie then, properly, assessing her as I might assess someone I had never seen before

In their duplicity they fooled no-one but themselves! If they had only believed that there is no god but Al’lah, they would have seen Him nearby, watching and assessing their actions, and then surely, they would have never acted in this way

Assessing the team’s skill levels and competencies and

After assessing all the conditions I decided to turn back, much to their disappointment

How to use Assess in a sentence as a verb

Not so much any more, I should quit it!- I’m past hammers — electric drill with screws can do 90% of it does and for the 10% it does not I should really re-assess whether I’m doing the right thing in the first place.- I tried to make a cereal with a hammer this morning, but it did not work!

That may seem like splitting hairs, but there’s a real question of competence here: as a physicist, I don’t feel especially qualified to assess the methods they used or the reliability of the conclusions they draw.

* No clear route identification or plan* The didn’t dig a snow pit to assess avalanche conditions on the ***** they were about to hit — my personal number 1* Multiple people dropped in at once — the biggest no-no of all!

Now the legal doctrines involved here can get complex and I have not had a chance to assess them carefully in the 3Tap/CL context.

I worked for a publisher of standardized tests for a number of years, though this company did not develop the assessments used by the State of New York.

There’s usually a mentality of «You go first» to new assessment techniques.

The company I worked for hired these people largely off of a standard bank of psychological assessments.

A student might write a quality piece about something, but it might have been well off topic or not sufficiently on topic based on what the state wanted to assess.

The education system, especially when it comes to statewide assessments, isn’t prepared to appreciably handle outliers like her.

Note that I didn’t say accurately assessing each and every candidate.

He has an encyclopedic knowledge of algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry, I would say that he’s in the top ten people worldwide who could reasonably assess whether Mochizuki’s proof is correct.

The fact that they can come out and say this demonstrates that these employees, the people best able to assess this, don’t believe that Eich will retaliate.

> When people are doing a physical task, it’s easy to assess how hard they are working.

They were standing on one side of the road in a quiet neighborhood, and the man was teaching the girl how to assess the distance across the road.

This caused her to file a tax return and amended tax return that understated her wages and caused the IRS to assess annincorrect amount of tax for 2001, thereby obtaining a tax benefit for which she was not entitled.

Assess your students online.

Sir, Assess them first.

Analyse and Assess the client’s financial situation.

A is for Assess.

We have to Assess the situation.

We’ll Assess the situation before we escape.

Now, just thought we’d Assess where we are.

Assess your needs.

Assess the state of press freedom throughout the world;

I can’t accurately Assess your risk of a malignancy.

Our brains can almost instantly Assess in-group or out-group status.

Assess how long the company has been in the business.

Multi-year observations and interviews Assess whether changes are temporary or enduring.

Assess financial risk and proficiency, especially when future payoffs are uncertain.

Assess local market conditions and identify current and prospective business opportunities.

Assess local market conditions and identify current and prospective sales opportunities.

Assess local Markets conditions and identify current and prospective sales opportunities.

Assess your areas of strength and weakness before you start preparing.

Remote monitoring available to monitor and Assess data and equipment performance.

Perform connect layout that is spacing and Assess, tag, exercise or slice.

They Assess that such bans have reduced tobacco consumption

by 16% where instituted.

Assess the situation quickly and you will need to help her remove it.

We Assess that this missile was an intercontinental ballistic missile,

as had been expected.”.

Try this: Assess where your last few years of clients have come from.

Assess risk of non-permanence- when carbon is lost(e.g.,

due to wetland clearance/drainage, sea-level rise).

A project could Assess the reliability of particular antibodies to certain foreign molecules.

In addition, you continue to monitor your budget and Assess any financial risks.

Essentially cool yourself, Assess the circumstance, figure out what you did wrong and why.

Basically relaxed yourself, Assess the scenario, figure out what you did incorrect and why.

Initially wanted to take some time and then Assess where we go from there.

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