The word arc in a sentence

дуга, арка, дуговой, образовать дугу


- арка, свод, изгиб
- мат. дуга
- электрическая, вольтова дуга

arc lamp — дуговая лампа
arc light — дуговой свет

- искра (при замыкании тока)


- эл. образовывать дугу
- искрить

Мои примеры


to describe arc — описывать дугу  
to extinguish arc — гасить дугу  
arc welding — электродуговая сварка  
to initiate an arc — зажигать дугу  
to move an arc of a circle — двигаться по дуге  
boundary arc — граничная дуга  
broken arc — разорванная дуга  
conjunctive arc — конъюнктивная дуга  
diametral arc — диаметральная дуга  
directed arc — направленная [ориентированная] дуга  

Примеры с переводом

The ball floated in a high arc.

Мяч полетел по высокой дуге.

He bent the twig into an arc.

Он согнул прут дугой.

A light arced across the sky.

На небе появилась световая дуга.

The island chain arcs from north to south.

Цепь островов вытягивается дугой с севера на юг.

The circle of human nature, then, is not complete without the arc of the emotions.

Круг человеческой природы не будет завершённым без эмоциональной дуги.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The arrow arced through the air.

The sun moves across the sky in an arc.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

arcing  — искрение, образование дуги, горение дуги

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: arc
he/she/it: arcs
ing ф. (present participle): arcing
2-я ф. (past tense): arced
3-я ф. (past participle): arced

ед. ч.(singular): arc
мн. ч.(plural): arcs

Synonym: arch, bow, curve, discharge, electric arc, electric discharge, spark. Similar words: farce, arcane, march, arched, starch, parcel, search, a far cry. Meaning: [ɑːk]  n. 1. electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field 2. a continuous portion of a circle 3. something curved in shape. v. form an arch or curve. 

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1. She’s a modern-day Joan of Arc.

2. The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky.

3. The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky.

4. The ball rose in a high arc and fell behind the boundary line.

5. Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.

6. The rainbow described an arc in the sky.

7. The sun moves across the sky in an arc.

8. The beach swept around in an arc.

9. The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky.

10. Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

11. Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake .

12. The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.

13. The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.

14. The chord AC subtends the arc ABC. The side XZ subtends the angle XYZ.

15. Through Joan of Arc, France won a great moral victory.

16. The islands lie in a wide arc just off the mainland.

17. Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in

18. We arc trying to find out.

19. Purple sandpipers arc the most self-effacing of birds.

20. Markets arc dynamic and for ever changing.

21. They arc shown as a dotted arrow. 9.

22. He enters upstage, makes a small arc and leaves by the same side, a few feet downstage.

23. Unless the island arc is subducted it will be accreted to the continental-margin orogen previously formed along the edge of the continent.

24. From the curvature of the arc, I had already begun to estimate the position of the hub.

25. Back-arc spreading may be initiated within the volcanic arc because the high heat flux from below weakens the lithosphere.

26. The islands lie in an arc in the eastern Caribbean.

27. A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc.

28. When the moon is new it looks like an arc of light in the sky.

29. Lime lights were also used for magic lantern shows until they were superseded by the carbon arc.

30. Where oceanic lithosphere is subducted beneath another oceanic part of a plate the associated volcanic activity and produce an intra-oceanic island arc.

More similar words: farce, arcane, march, arched, starch, parcel, search, a far cry, scarce, carcass, parched, monarch, anarchy, scarcely, war chest, monarchy, research, warcraft, researcher, architect, larcenous, patriarch, parchment, oligarchy, carcinomas, in search of, narcolepsy, archetypal, incarcerate, patriarchy.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word arc, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use arc in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «arc».

Arc in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word arc in a sentence.

  1. Each gun had an arc of fire of 130°.

  2. Each turret had an arc of fire of 240°.

  3. Its brightest stars form a semicircular arc.

  4. Each 305 mm turret had an arc of fire of 250°.

  5. It explores the series’ alien mythology story arc.

  6. Lodz’s character arc starts with Ben joining the carnival.

  7. At first, carbon electrodes were used in carbon arc welding.

  8. Nagato’s arc paved the way for the ending of Naruto to occur.

  9. A triple-star system is separated from Rigel by 9.5 arc seconds.

  10. However, the continued character arc increasingly bored critics.

  11. Submerged arc welding was invented the same year and continues to be popular today.

  12. Farther to the west, a complex island arc assemblage formed above a subduction zone.

  13. The pulse provides a stable arc and no spatter, since no short-circuiting takes place.

  14. Strohmenger released a coated metal electrode in Britain, which gave a more stable arc.

  15. This increases arc quality since contaminants in the atmosphere are blocked by the flux.

  16. This process is repeated about 100 times per second, making the arc appear constant to the human eye.

  17. Volcanic rocks in the Banda arc are mostly calc-alkaline ranging from basalt over andesite to dacite.

  18. The third season introduced a season-long story arc, to some of the best reviews of the entire series.

  19. In 1800, Sir Humphry Davy discovered the short-pulse electrical arc and presented his results in 1801.

  20. In 1932 a Russian, Konstantin Khrenov eventually implemented the first underwater electric arc welding.

  21. Above the bird, Longacre again placed thirteen stars, arranged as a halo, together with an arc of rays.

  22. Vasily Petrov independently produced the continuous electric arc in 1802 (followed by Davy after 1808).

  23. The last issue was released on January 1, 2009, and led into the first arc of the Sonic Universe series.

  24. The angular separation of Rigel B from Rigel A is 9.5 arc seconds to its south along position angle 204°.

  25. Master Chief reunites with his fellow Spartans of Blue Team in a 2014 arc of the comic series Escalation.

  26. Newer helmet designs feature a liquid crystal-type face plate that self-darkens upon exposure to the arc.

  27. A related process, plasma arc welding, also uses a tungsten electrode but uses plasma gas to make the arc.

  28. Similarly, the heat from the arc can cause poisonous fumes to form from cleaning and degreasing materials.

  29. First introduced in the 1940s, these lamps replaced the shorter-lived carbon arc lamps in movie projectors.

  30. This helps operators keep the arc length consistent even when manually welding with hand-held welding guns.

  31. Other welding methods, like shielded metal arc welding, are extremely versatile and can weld virtually any type of joint.

  32. Another multi-episode arc included Lee Tergesen as an officer who is friends with the homicide squad and later gets shot.

  33. Manual gas tungsten arc welding is a relatively difficult welding method, due to the coordination required by the welder.

  34. In open-air applications, such as construction and outdoors repair, shielded metal arc welding is the most common process.

  35. Plestis agreed, wanting to create a story arc throughout the episodes and—unlike the South Korean show—reuse the costumes.

  36. The game features no text or dialogue, forming a narrative arc primarily through visual representation and emotional cues.

  37. The Mono Craters sit atop a 7.5-mile (12 km)-long arc on the eastern side of the 11-mile (18 km)-wide ring-fracture system.

  38. It also can lead to arc stability and penetration issues, and increased spatter, due to its much more energetic arc plasma.

  39. The two forward guns had a firing arc of 150°, including straight ahead, while the rear guns could fire 120° on either side.

  40. Tau Ceti is considered to be a high-proper-motion star, although it only has an annual traverse of just under 2 arc seconds.

  41. Many different energy sources can be used for welding, including a gas flame (chemical), an electric arc (electrical), a laser, an electron beam, friction, and ultrasound.

  42. Meredith named the process Heliarc because it used a tungsten electrode arc and helium as a shielding gas, but it is often referred to as tungsten inert gas welding (TIG).

  43. When offered jobs, he would refuse to tell a traditional Hollywood story arc as he found defying the expected premise and structure to be the most interesting part for him.

  44. Brock Akil said she provided closure to Melanie and Derwin’s story arc through their exit, explaining: «They’re together, and we were able to put a period on their story.».

  45. The automatic process replicates the motions of manual welding by feeding a cold or hot filler wire into the weld area and dabbing (or oscillating) it into the welding arc.

Synonyms for arc

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word arc has the following synonyms: bow, discharge, spark, electric arc, electric discharge, arch and curve.

General information about «arc» example sentences

The example sentences for the word arc that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «arc» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «arc».

The blades were very close to Nancy, she could feel the air whoosh by as they passed near her through the spinning arc of the attack pattern

The man cocks his arm, hurls Bolt’s camera in a mighty arc

Please, at least settle your cherub on one of the hundreds of big islands I’ve scattered in a lazy arc across this water

It was barely even enough to be called a refusal, but she grabbed him by his exosuit’s front panel, swing him in an arc over her head, and threw him down through the open bridge hatch

I opened my eyes and saw Robbie begin to arc his boot towards my chest

half closed against the brilliant sun in its lowering arc

the high arc of sky that bends away

Nerves and ligaments of the spine arc subjected to a healthy pull, and the spinal nerve roots and sympathetic system are toned so that this posture beneficially affects the entire organism

‘ I flung the jar high into the air and watched it arc into the sea without a splash

and his left foot started on its arc towards dry land on the far side of

The track itself was the cable suspending itself above the water in a sweeping arc that was steep here near the cliff and the leaning pyramid that held it, nearly horizontal where it came out on the island

Whereas the cove she knew had been a small almost circular area shut in by the ground around it and only open to the sea for a short arc of its circumference, this was a long stretch of sea-washed coast leading off in both directions as far as she could see

The ride from Gare Montparnasse to the Splendid Etoile Hotel, near the Arc de Triomphe was without a doubt the most fabulous coach ride the trio had yet experienced

I expected the weak rainbow arc

crescent moon arc slowly across the small opening of his

But as soon as his axe finished its arc a pair of fleshless hands grabbed hold of him

With every passing arc of M’jllner a dozen fell, their bodies exploding on contact

The ashes of his allies and enemies rained down on him after the hammer continued on, the others not as fortunate to avoid its arc

But later when He found enough nerve to appear, the colored arc of Iris shone out of this vapor

Most men would have simply sent a yellow arc against the wall

As soon as he broke through the last line of people, he swept his arms out in a huge arc and beamed a smile at me

In fact if you looked up into the sky you could actually see the shells from the big naval guns flying in a curved arc towards the Turkish positions as I looked at my watch I could see that it was exactly 8am

By opening the stance a little and changing the position of the hips, the golfer can slice or hook the ball around the tree, but not have such an arc as to take the ball out of play

A decent-sized crowd had gathered to listen to the music and the woman’s fine voice, soldiers, Ael Tarael, Alit’aren, Wood Kin, over two hundred stood in an arc surrounding one side of the campfire with the musicians on the other

Then the flares started to arc into the night sky bathing the scene in white light and I could now see just how many men were trying to get back to our trenches

Khan’s leg shot out in a perfect arc, flying towards Raven’s shoulder

The tray clattered to the floor and the soup splattered in a wide arc

Wedge shaped apart from where the two walls converged to an arc of a circle, curving inwards

In the early stages of acceleration at less than a light year from their home system, the order was given to target the arc ships’ engines

I did notice that I got the largest slice of pie for dessert, and this fact was not wasted on Hal, as I saw him doing the mental math, conceding me the larger arc of pie; or was it pi?

These events happened some years apart, but General Neethling’s forensic people traced the arc of the bullets by measuring their angle of penetration and duly arrested the law breakers who were found guilty by the court of a variety of offences

The snow did not give much room to maneuver, but she managed to sidestep the downward arc of the club without leaving the path

Then she flicked her head sharply, as though trying to dislodge some annoying insect, and this movement caused the Talisman to swing outwards in a shallow arc, landing on her head with a soft thump

Finish the story arc with

Finish the arc with Rites of Blood, Cora’s Choice 4-6 Bundle

Turning back, I could see tracers reaching up in a great arc into the night, and answering fire from yet another of our planes on site at last

That’s when Hartle wrenched the controls in a great slewing arc, watching as a field of stars swept past his view

The entire area in a wide arc surrounding the log yard and its pier underwent his intense scrutiny

It came free and swung in a high arc, over the mast of the boat, disappearing in its hold where the woman went to meet it

“Wait a minute,” Mike said holding his palm up and swinging his eyes in a slow arc around the boat

At the same moment, the stiletto flashed in an arc behind him

Other remarkable women include Teresa of Avila, Hildegard of Bingen, Joan of Arc and Theresa of Lisieux, to name only a very few

He dropped down and quickly drew an arc in the dirt with a circle in front of it

He drew many lines coming through the arc converging on the circle

“I’m doing a story arc

With a howling scream, she swung the helmet in a wide arc and hit the insect directly between its eyes

I spluttered, imagining how Guy Fawkes and Joan of Arc must of felt

And she didn’t have Oriental eyes but the eyes of a Gaul from a tribe that had seen slaughter on the battlefield in a war with the Moors, the eyes of a tribe that had waited behind the battlements of a castle under siege, the eyes of a tribe that was soon going to die from hunger, the eyes of a tribe that had gone on to achieve the ultimate in civilization and art under the Sun King, the eyes of a tribe whose spirituality and faith and craftsmanship and endeavor and ability had built the Notre Dame, the eyes of a tribe who had spawned Francois Villon, Joan of Arc, Flaubert, and Balzac and Mallarme and Chateau Briand and Baudelaire and

Light pours in from all angles, and the city unfolds around us, glass buildings and the arc of train tracks, and we are high above it

“Glory to God in the Highest,” my soprano completed the arc of song

Suddenly an arc of energy leaped forward and slammed into us

burning sphere in the east, yet to arc above the Plate

He chanted a command and slashed his hand through the air, leaving a blade-like arc of energy behind, which flew at Jerran

I chanted a spell and traced an arc through the air

Behind my finger leapt out a bright arc of energy that pounded into their group, sending them all flying into the wall

The Arc represented the covenant of God for salvation and eternal life in Noah’s day,

But who was in the Arc? Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives! That is all the

The Arc represented the covenant of God for salvation and eternal life in

But who was in the Arc? Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives! That

arc lights all around the building painted the compound at

As he swept the light in an arc around the large

As the arc

The scribe gasped because, as the bird flew in an arc around the half-broken hall he found himself in, his flight lit up the room’s strange treasures

He has raised his arms towards the arc of its flight but when it descends no lower, he brings them to his side again

A great arc of green patterns shifting and changing with every heartbeat surrounded him

These arc the bright waters which you have seen

When the dwarves’ final began, one couple took to the air, and the female cast Firebolt spells while the male threw javelins that impacted with a loud crackle and a bright momentary arc of electricity

As Ralph throws the gems upward and allows his mind to track the wild arc of their rising, he sees the undead soldiers are beginning to shatter

Then the old man raised his staff and pointed it along what looked like his line of sight eastward and slowly swung it in an arc into the north

” Again his moving staff repeated its southerly arc

Suddenly loosed arrows rose up in a slow graceful arc toward the hilltop

She had fallen behind so was saved when one tripped a Fire Drum that coughed and belched a horrendous shower of flaming detritus through the air, covering several sappers, while the 700 steel balls from the Claymore whistled low and deadly, scything down two VC outside the flaming arc

As they flew upwards, he took the mind-cane, its song piercing his thoughts and mingling with the cries of the traveller, and swept it through the arc of the emeralds as they fell

He leapt silently at the Lammas Lord, rock in his hand flailing in a determined arc downwards

He swept the mind-cane in a perfect arc in front of him and the resulting swift flames gave him a respite he could tumble through, back into the harshness of the rough flooring and the reality of the wintry air

„Kill them all!’” He spread out his arms in a wide arc for added emphasis

eastward and slowly swung it in an arc into the north

The bird’s southern arc carried

” He leaned over the table and kissed her on the cheek, at the same time flinging his waiter’s hat in an arc to the floor

It twisted as he clutched it, and swung itself down, down, in an arc towards the mind-executioner’s head

Latitude: the measure of angular distance in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc from 0 degrees to 90 degrees north or south of the Equator

arc as it started its approach into L

Others were steady arc spotlights, and he felt teeming, seething movement

With his now spare hand, he scooped up some of the plentiful dust that caked the ground and threw it about him in a wide arc, carefully studying its effect as it had always been his habit to be cautious

As he finished his words, thousands of lights lit up around the surrounding plains in a wide arc around the mine

emanate out from the plasma in the arc or glow modes)

in the arc mode, nitrogen can be elevated to a metast-

age to the electrodes, producing an arc of energy that flew across the gap

Hence, the subtitle, The Pirate Arc, reflecting that it is a separate story

The centurion’s cloak swung in a large arc and his sword hit the table as he turned and left

«Hi-yah!» She pointed her spear and a spidery arc of blue electricity shot out, zapping the lion in the tail

She pointed her spear, and a blue arc of lightning shot out, hitting the monster in his rusty knee, which buckled

He slashed his sword in an arc and disappeared in a ripple of darkness

Inside the sharp spark and hiss of an arc welder could be heard

The demons scattered as his great sword sweeps an arc around him

but he was quick enough to get to the ladder and the shots arced

Sadness filled the girl’s wide eyes, yet when she met the gaze of Alec her puffy lips arced into a smile

No sooner had Alec noticed the shifting forest than an arrow arced into the sky

The flaming bottle arced through the air and exploded on the ground, flaring up in a burst of yellow flame

The flaming bottles arced high into the sky and then came crashing down into the brush on the sides of the road

We walked along other communications trenches and then we heard firing very close by and a flare arced up into the sky bursting and bathing everything in its bright white light

The beast arced toward Amaranthe

Galeron flew back into space, arced into the center of the pit, and with arms and legs flailing, he began descending into the darkness

Looking up, the walls rose on either side, in a gorge that arced over and almost met at the top

» He tossed the phial sky-wards and I threw myself flat on the ground, watching in horror as it arced and sparkled through the air

It arced over and crashed into the underbrush on the far side of the trail

bringing her leg round in an arced motion

dank sewer walls arced around them, their bricks oozing with

it continued on beneath a series of huge rusting pipes that arced

There was something bold and expansive about the way the feathers arced upwards and the brush of the talons across the tallest of the branches

Seeing the others of his crew looking in his direction, he arced his arm as he veered off toward where Youssaf and Mahli could be seen hurrying toward another storehouse

The fire in the north burns no more! The one that we see now is small by comparison! The sign that arced over all of Egypt disappeared into the southern sky

A potato masher grenade arced through the open spot between the men in the door and lodged in the rear bulkhead seat webbing in front of Haskell’s eyes as he lay on the floor

Court felt his pulse race as SAMs arced up to them, then seemed to push over

The MiG gracefully arced over as a great tongue of flame belched from the tailpipe and then the wing root

the others of his crew looking in his direction, he arced his arm as he veered off toward where

momentarily blinded by the flash could only hang on to his staff and pivot as it arced over his

He sobbed forcefully as his back arced in agony and choked out, “I have to do it a little at a time

arced over the rail

hand and onto the floor, where it arced in small circles at my

He arced an overarm blow around his shield at the man’s head, but instead of the accustomed thud, it wrenched his arm as it met with no resistance, hitting nothing but cold air

It arced high though the air eventually taking the man in the thigh

Then the strong arms holding them arced down

Shreds of clothes and wisps of straw flew out of the Threshing Machine’s chimney, followed by something else: something that glinted as it arced through the air, and clanged when it landed on the ground in front of Bryony

Tendrils of red lightning arced

flames arced around to cut a perfect circle out of the hull before pulling it away

The sun had arced its way over the horizon, filling the valley with soft light as he blinked through binoculars at 2 dozen men walking up the driveway

a shooting star arced across the southern sky, trailing sparks in the dew beneath her

Another wire arced as she earthed it to the steering column, the starter motor turned over the engine, and it came to life

unexpectedly a yellow stream of liquid arced from the fuzzy creature, spilling down Schmatzenbladder’s front

It arced up, then fell into the center of the piled-up Zen I crystals

She placed her finger on the ‘door open switch’ and the four doors arced out and up

His flight arced up and over the edge of the pit, and he disappeared screaming into the gaping hole of the open pit mine

The beam arced down anticipating his roll

“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” he said, dodging as an eyeball arced over the ring of spectators and narrowly missed his left ear

Each will, no matter its choice, has its own gravity arced by its attractors and traced by its actions, and therefore becomes not simply a path walked, but a trail led or a groove rutted

It arced through the air, and simultaneously fell towards Annie and Henrietta

Then a spout of water arced from his mouth, smooth and clear as if from a watering can

The red-furred monster stood before Hal and Abigail with its scorpion tail arced high over its head, pointing down at them and swaying from side to side like a cobra choosing its moment to strike

The green ball arced upwards and began to fall, but, impossibly, fell back to the same place it had left, smacking Hal on the snout

Holnami’s right hand rose high in the air and then arced down towards the man’s bowed head

Thin streams of blessed liquid arced toward the evil hounds that were snarling, jinking out of way of the arcs of holy water, and falling back only to turn round and begin another charge

Two lines of huge dirty white curves arced over from out of the ground towards each

Angry-looking light arced and hissed along its surface

as it arced back at forth between the two of them

It was built on an uprising of stone where the ridge of rocky breakers that guarded the harbor arced back into the land

At some point far into the journey the bands of lava arced off elsewhere and the water alone continued to rise to the surface

The ray of light split into four smaller tendrils, which arced out to each surround a pillar which formed a square of space in the center of the main temple hall

The screen showed the 3D action, while the explosions and the ship’s fire, as well as the enemies could be seen for real, as it arced across the glass front of the ship in a horrifying spectacle of abject onslaught

Meagan’s back arced off the bed and he gripped her tightly and firmly

It arced through the air and landed

The bag arced across the room, turning slowly in the air, and burst on the edge of a table

Black shadows arced and jiggered over the walls

A spear arced out of the sky and trembled to a halt in the woodwork by the wizard’s ear

The machete arced into the air

They arced through the water, and when she pointed them out, Colin broke into a boyish grin

The grenades arced toward the stable with a considerably higher velocity than a human arm could have imparted, but they were still far slower than a bullet

He paused, sick at heart, watching the bright streaks as the heretics’ shells arced upward

They arced upwards, spreading out slightly as they went, howling through the heavens, climbing higher and higher

In this case, the sound Lieutenant Kuhlhani couldn’t identify was the clatter of a pair of grappling hooks as they arced into the air from astern of the galleon and hooked their prongs over the taffrail on the poop deck above him

Rob flinched and blinked violently as a half-eaten abdomen arced in to hit him in the eye

The MP5 opened up, stitching holes in the floor as it arced toward him

At the moment however a flash of light arced through the structure and revealed in stark relief the patterns that were words, part of the furniture of his mind

Yet again Marwan Tayeh, this briefly arcing flare, fell back to earth, spent and blackened

A tiny, arcing, charge came off the command chair and wormed and noodled its way into the back of Tig’s hand, making him let go

the one arcing slowly over the head of the ribald,

” We stood on the fire step and looked out into the night we could see red and green signal flares arcing up into the sky and bursting into beautiful patterns that were highlighted against the backdrop of the night

We had been pouring support fire into the trench but now the whole front seemed to be coming to life and very flares were arcing up into the sky casting a bright artificial light over everything

The noise rattled out across the landscape and then the whole front opened up with flares arcing into the sky and firing coming from all directions at once or so it seemed to me

pinpricks of light arcing outwards as their engines flared in the darkness

I came arcing in low, coming at the finger of land from the side, instead of head-on

Unending rows of windows lined the arcing face of the

cargo ship’s hull interior; a high arcing ceiling of reinforced steel

The steps rose symmetrically in an arcing motion

deviating dangerously towards the arcing tunnel walls as he

Up it flew arcing gently over, rapidly losing energy because of the steepness of the trajectory

It soared slowly upward, its arcing flight centered between Joshua and the path, where it had first come into view

blackened center arcing away on individual courses in all directions, slowly falling back to

arcing away into the universe

dangling at the end of tall, arcing poles (which were different

dirt that they were turning up, spears arcing through the air as

She pulled her sabre free, arcing back her cloak and the nearest man fell instantly and silently with his windpipe cleanly severed

’ Corvus swung the great axe, cleaving through both men’s throats with a single arcing swing

As he closed his fist, the metallic points flared with electricity, until he was holding what looked more like the classic thunderbolt, a twenty-foot javelin of arcing, hissing energy that made the hairs on my scalp rise

They have a special purpose keeping the orbiting nightlights from arcing off at will

Grumbling thunder swelled to a deafening clamour and darkness was banished by continuous billion-volt energy blasts arcing across the firmament, tearing the ether to shreds

computer panels were arranged in long aisles, arcing inwards from both walls towards a

Arcing wires at the end of the cables soon shorted out the local

In a matter of a few minutes, a torrent of debris was arcing its way spiraling downward to the planet’s surface

Summer lightning assaulted the sky with luciferous, arcing tendrils of blue-white light as Stan and Ambrosius made their way home through the night

And it came over the City in all its evil and good, seeking out the nooks and crannies first in long, arcing shadows and then boldly striding across street and square

Now came another fork of lightning, only this time not from above: the mist below, churned by the maelstrom, had built up such a charge that electricity was arcing and snaking about in its funnel

There was an eerie bluish glow inside, almost like electrical arcing

He took out his notepad and drew a drinking straw, with a piece of arcing cardboard attached

His sword left its sheath and sliced through the air in one fluid movement, arcing towards the

Out of the launcher, a mass of flares shot forward, arcing down toward the burning Kierdan ships

iSwimming in conduits of EM rivulets e-migrating towards vortexing oceans of ihooking gravities trolling for our allegiances to snap our arcing searches from the fisheries of ambivalence to bend our desires according to their currents, we pool into pacified pods spinning, darting, chasing every lure of light and shimmering fly, casting ourselves at the bait promising to reel us skii-ward – the techno ex natura

The only practical sociological institutions for achieving social justice and global peace are those arcing towards love, which is created by the manifestations of generating equality for all

The manticore was on its feet in a flash, and up came its scorpion tail, arcing over its head

His words sent a surge of excitement arcing through her, leaving her breasts tingling for his touch

After some minutes they began gesturing, pointing things out to one another, their faces beaming and arcing from one side to the other as something new and exciting was spotted, identified and commented on

Arcing across the sky and bouncing off the clouds, the resounding, echoing light continued on for a brief moment until fading away entirely

He threw his head forward, his back arcing as he pressed against her, his face against the cold of the stone pillar behind her

Pierre cowered at the end of the bar, and the double edge of the blade glistened brightly as Ravan moved into him, arcing swift and brutal as he carved

going, and then arcing and stepping high for the high ground any-

targets arcing about in a large radius turn to cut off and kill the Avengers

The fountains of fluid arcing out and over the pass ignited instantly to reveal itself as a light flammable oil

behind, slashing his blade in an arcing motion and catching the

Hadaen inserted a finger inside her, her body arcing off the bed as he did so

A backhand blow hammered into the dragonlord’s wrist, sending the dagger arcing away towards the ground, and another caught the man full on the chin

Then came the tracers, streams of bullets arcing across the narrow rectangle of black

Then came the tracers, streams of bullets arcing across the narrow rectangle of black

Torrents of text conversations, tides of cell conversations, of television programs, of e-mail, vast networks of fiber and wire interlaced above and beneath the city, passing through buildings, arcing between transmitters in Metro tunnels, between antennas atop buildings, from lampposts with cellular transmitters in them, commercials for Carrefour and Evian and prebaked toaster pastries flashing into space and back to earth again, I’m going to be late and Maybe we should get reservations? and Pick up avocados and What did he say? and ten thousand I miss yous, fifty thousand I love yous, hate mail and appointment reminders and market updates, jewelry ads, coffee ads, furniture ads flying invisibly over the warrens of Paris, over the battlefields and tombs, over the Ardennes, over the Rhine, over Belgium and Denmark, over the scarred and ever-shifting landscapes we call nations

With the flare arcing over them, Louie, Phil, and Mac watched the bomber, willing the men aboard to see them

The noise, the muzzle flashes, the shell cases arcing through the bright morning sunlight, the guys going down

Exhale as you press the weight back up to the starting position in a smooth, arcing motion

Never in my considerable experience had a sky been so crazed with storm light, great bolts beyond counting, crackling across the heavens in curious patterns, one bolt arcing to the next, revealing the clouds in such a way as to make it appear that they were in fact the crumbled and tumbling remains of some great and ancient stone city sliding down a mountainside to bury Pico Mundo in ruins

Behind the bones of its buildings, a red line is rising out there, the leading edge of a curve that might keep arcing outward forever

But then I was passing through the cloud of arcing, swooping Glaive Fighters, evading their laser and plasma fire, which I did reflexively, almost without thinking—and I smiled because everything had become clear once again, now that I was finally facing off against my true enemy

By the looks of it, with its main lodge built of stacked giant redwoods and arcing windows of tempered glass, the guests here were not exactly into self-denial

“We should check under the cloud of balloon-type things,” I said, and Dylan nodded as he started a wide, smooth, arcing turn

Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

Just as they had practiced in training over and over again, the precision of their arcs, and their flawless dives took out many dragons on that first pass

He allowed himself to imagine one of those elaborate shorting-out scenes like in ancient movies where the robot becomes encased in blue plasma with arcs of lighting all around them until their parts clatter to the floor, smoking

wielding frying pans in frenetic arcs above their heads while

Meanwhile, Brice appeared worried and puzzled all at once, his eyebrows appearing unable to decide whether they should rise up in arcs, or scrunch together

Grey hooked the fish out onto the bank where it landed with a wet thwack, flipping its body in urgent arcs as it tried to re-enter the water

When he disappeared they had time to shoot to the surface and leap clear of the water in matching graceful arcs, and their simulacrums ended just before they would have entered the water again

-Lightning Bolts: a jagged or zigzag line that sparkles and/or arcs over

my hands cupped into a broad scoop, flinging arcs of it over the

began counting my strokes, slow methodical arcs with my arms,

about seventy of them, formed concentric arcs that where set upon risers, so the

hoofed legs, a few heads, and the recurring arcs of rib cages

-Lightning Bolts: a jagged or zigzag line that sparkles and/or arcs over the field of vision; with the

The cautious Earthman paced forward, pistol up in both hands, scanning right and left in small arcs

within our galaxy This tail extends from Sagittarius’ centre and then arcs

it pushed open, scraping arcs in the mold and muck

A few of the dwarves were struck by the missiles and fell to the floor, shuddering with electric arcs

A whirling ball of light now shined as brightly as a silver sun, ceased throwing arcs of singing lights

Then, with a snap, His scepter glowed from which great arcs of lightning

Great shafts and arcs of sparkling beams continued pouring out the core, and as they did, some passed through Us which I experienced as peace

A growing dust cloud covers the city twenty-five miles away, kicked up by a giant cable at least a small city block in diameter thrashing around, releasing exploding arcs of electricity

Through the lens of your amateur telescope the snake looming on the horizon rears back and poises for another strike as hot gases and electric arcs pour out its head, making it fly about like an unattended garden hose at full blast

previously, then arcs or electricity jumped between two of

assigning arcs of fire to the robots covering the windows of that room

As soon as you will be landed and will get detailed instructions about your arcs of fire, I want you to start digging slit trenches or, for the machine guns, small bunkers

The two remaining enemy tanks, their arcs of fire blocked by the destroyed tank, then advanced and went around it, one tank on each side, with their turrets pivoting while searching for targets

During past recent visits to a number of American infantry units in Korea, the standard of defensive works she had seen often was limited to the digging of simple individual foxholes, often made without enthusiasm and poorly positioned, with a lack of supporting arcs of fire

The tactical positioning and the choice of the arcs of fire of the trenches of this regiment denote either a lack of tactical judgment on the part of the officers of this unit, or general neglect about defensive works

Deeply satisfied, his eyes followed the arcs of the stars that swam across his vision

The MRRs deflect the asteroids in gradual arcs above and below the Ember, and the pilots fire thrusters in the opposite direction to compensate for the slight change in course

Glacia grabs my hand and we walk back through those boulders and arcs of water and hanging vines

The arm of the Milky Way arcs up from the southern horizon and fades near the top of the sky

— Can we go beyond simple arcs to use more complex representations of the

and G01 moves) and arcs (G02 and G03)

Faceting shows the g-code used lines where arcs might have been better

This reciprocating expansiveness – in and out of me into you waving you into me, resonating up and down the crisscrossing arcs of Earth’s developing brain – is a manifestation of Earth’s evolving spirit

Reflected in this self at sea, we step outside ourselves catching the photographs flowing by in sacred stills and spiritual scenes whitewater splintering into arcs prisming time to a tear

From your environment, personal and social, how love is defined and demonstrated arcs and molds your endeavors, roles, responsibilities and possibilities for evolving into one’s self-definition

oil and water variety of iridescence is not as pretty as the colors of rainbow arcs in the sky are

Piles of books still stood across the floor, with most of the stacks knocked down and kicked and spread in arcs now

These volcanic island arcs

power are the social arcs they are trying to alter the gravity of, from,

The winged creature flapped its great leathery wings in graceful arcs as

In slow motion it arcs towards him in a long stream

Red embers spouted up from the white heat, settling in graceful arcs, and pale gray smoke drifted up against a black sky

Blinding arcs of sparks were produced as the swords clashed in a deafening series

Thin streams of blessed liquid arced toward the evil hounds that were snarling, jinking out of way of the arcs of holy water, and falling back only to turn round and begin another charge

Again and again, Kate raised the wand and brought it down, sending out greater and greater arcs of blue, until the hallway before her was empty but for the smoldering bodies scattered along the floor

wall Jeff could see countless arcs of streaming piss

The direct fall of gravity down the pass sides, and a reduction in sluice size, aided the higher pressure of the fluid as it shot out into the pass forming interlacing arcs of fluid across it over thirty feet into the air

In its place, rising from below, came dark blue shapes, gliding in lithe arcs

Then they reached the top of their arcs, plummeted back towards earth, and landed in a terrible, re-echoing roll of thunder even worse than the fiendish clamor of their passage

This would be Will, roaming the apartment in long, urgent arcs, having intuited that she did in fact have something to hide

This total includes 239 story arcs and a full-length TV movie but does not include spoofs, spin-offs or webisodes

The small rocking chair moved quietly back and forth, in little arcs, and then stood still

Blood sprayed in arcs the color of the killer’s body

To his left, a cigarette wove fiery arcs in the air as someone’s lips talked swiftly around it

Few had provisions or water, there was lack of covering from the icy air, and the only lights were the still undimmed arcs and incandescents of the settling ship, save for one of the first boats

From what has been said it appears, that if A and B be any two arcs, of which A is the greatest, then

The propriety of this is manifest; for as a and b denote two indefinite arcs, the same reasoning will apply to A and B, as to a and b, the first being supposed in each case the greatest

Sines and cosines of the sum and difference of two arcs, formulæ for, T

, a new method of obtaining the formulæ of the sines and cosines of the sum and difference of two arcs, i, 424

Definition of Arc

to move with a curving trajectory

Examples of Arc in a sentence

When hitting it with the club, the golfer was able to arc the ball into a perfect curve.


To hit the pins with the bowling ball, the player had to arc it with a half-moon motion.


The skaters began to arc their bodies in a semi-circle as they zoomed round and round the rink.




Other words in the Direction category:





















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Point3d secondPoint): base (arc) {_arc = arc; _dragPoint = dragPoint; _firstPoint = firstPoint; ❋ Unknown (2009)

Point3d secondPoint, Line2d line): base (arc) {_arc = arc; _dragPoint = dragPoint; _firstPoint = firstPoint; ❋ Unknown (2009)

The main arc is a murder mystery around an original Melrose character, Laura Leighton’s Sydney Andrews. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Most of the arc is there, buried or only mentioned or simply still in my head instead of on the page. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The peak of the arc is the revelation, where the character experiences the most significant transformation. ❋ Unknown (2008)

On viewing from the opposite edge of the lentil, forming the division of the two great scaly plates, a sac or canal, k. proceeding from the posterior part of the lentil, there is distinctly visible the body u, which we call the arc; where there are five transverse hairy bands of a yellow colour, while the rest is white. ❋ Fran��ois Huber (1790)

Considering how dawdling and vague much of the main arc is, and considering how often we’ve been told there are 12 Cylon models, the fact that suddenly there was another one around is pretty damn major. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Their political arc is now in descent, and their leaders are distancing themselves. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Aside from faithfully following the plot of the novels, each six-issue arc is drawn by a different, very capable artist. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Anon: The next story arc is called «Family Reunion». ❋ Roger Langridge (2010)

This subplot/sub-arc is going the other way instead. ❋ Skzbrust (2010)

After that and a Christmas break before you just forget what the whole arc is about or worse — you lose interest. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Tying it into The Avengers arc is probably the only reason I’d watch it. blog comments powered by Disqus ❋ Unknown (2010)

Interested fans should inquire with their retailer on just how to get their hands on this cover. “Bill Willingham†™ s first arc is definitely going to deliver, ” promises IDW Associate Editor, Mariah Huehner. “Look forward to some unexpected developments for Angel and crew. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The character arc is intriguing, if tragic – how a closeted 40 year old transformed himself into such a public advocate who made a difference in American policies in the span of less than a decade. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The first arc is starting to come to an end, but the second arc is much more open-ended, so lots more stories to come. ❋ Nalini Singh (2009)

The first 5 seasons were top notch, had they ended off then 24 would have gone out on top. (6-8 have been terrible, but I agree with you that Anil Kapoors arc is pretty interesting) ❋ Unknown (2010)

All the Sherlock Holmes references in this arc is making me want to re-read my SH books, particularly the incident at Reichenbach Falls and his return. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[The main character] on «[V For Vendetta]» has an arc. She goes from being a normal everyday kind of a girl to a [revolutionary]. ❋ AutumnLeaves (2006)

Did you [read] [the new] arc in «[Jack]»? ❋ Chem (2004)

«My [parents] had their [divorce] arc» ❋ Tommy’s Pogchamp (2020)

[Let’s play] [ARC] [man]! ❋ Refuze (2005)

«My [parents] had their [divorce] arc ❋ Tommy’s Pogchamp (2020)

Nerd: [Let’s play] [ARC] man!!! I’ll kick your [newb] ass! ❋ Monkeydude (2005)

An arc of [lightning] left her [father’s] hand and slammed [the stranger] into the wall. ❋ Coolcat Is Amazing (2015)

arc arc [the penguin]! ❋ Ibuttockz (2018)

I went to [Grace Park] and [arced] all over the [hooker’s face] for some bezzle. ❋ KarlFaust (2005)

When my house [flooded] I prayed to [Saint] [Yummy] for an arc. ❋ Bellerina (2003)

This natural stone arc is located in front of the Sculpture Park in Ayia Napa.


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Природная каменная арка, находится напротив Парка скульптур Айя- Напы.


A training course on the Arc/Info 8.2 programme for staff of GORS;


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Учебные курсы по программе» Арк/ Инфо 8. 2″ для сотрудников годЗ;


Entrance, arc, angled, trapezoid, heavy, road- there are many types.


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Въездные, дугообразные, косые, трапециевидные, тяжелые, дорожные- видов есть много.


Lez Arc 1950 The youngest and most luxurious of all resorts.

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Лез Арк 1950 Самый младший и самый роскошный из всех курортов.

This included the basics of GIS, using Arc View software.


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В ходе учебной сессии были получены базовые знания о геоинформационных системах с использованием программы<< Арк вью.


What if the Arc were to be permanently located here,

linked to the Matrix?

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Что если Арка постоянно находилась здесь, связанная с Матрицей?

In April, the group was sent to Des Arc, Arkansas.

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В апреле отряд был направлен в Де- Арк, Арканзас.

The Arc of Infinity is shifting.

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Арка Бесконечности перемещается.

Nickel Arc Tube 1000W Energy Saving Lighting

High Pressure Sodium Lamp.


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Никелевая дуговая трубка 1000 Вт энергосберегающая подсветка

высокого давления натрия лампа.


Subsidy for Arc restaurant.


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Субсидия для ресторана<< Арка.


Plasma Arc(PAM)& Electron Beam(EB)

Melting systems for production of ingots and electrodes.


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Плазменная дуговая плавка( PAM)

и электронно-лучевая плавка( EB) для производства слитков и электродов.


This article presents numerical investigation of the arc antenna array of vibrator radiators.


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В статье приводятся результаты численного моделирования дуговых антенных решеток вибраторных излучателей.


The Arc was built in honour of the victory against Napoleon in 1812.


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Арку построили в честь победы над Наполеоном в 1812 году.


Snap through the arc near to Cellar’s House.

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Снимок сквозь арку у Келарского корпуса.

She’s doing pennance to prepare for St. Joan of Arc Day.

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Она репетирует ко дню Жанны д’ Арк.

The Sun’s limb was lifted, an arc of fire, above the margin of the world.

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Над краем мира огненной аркой поднялся край солнца.

Place a compass point centered on that line then draw the arc.


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Поместите стрелку компаса в центр, затем нарисуйте арку.



Sight of Dovmontova tower and»vechevaja ploschad» from below arc of vestibule of Troiyzkij Cathedral.

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Вид на Довмонтову башню и вечевую площадь из-под арки паперти Троицого собора.

Open the Arc Mill Table by pressing the ARC MILL soft key.


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Нажать softkey ФРЕЗЕРОВАНИЕ ДУГИ, чтобы открыть соотвественную таблицу.


Waste produced by electric arc furnaces in the United States.


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Отходы, производимые дуговыми электропечами в Соединенных Штатах.


Arc mount provides constant focal depth.


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Дуговое крепление обеспечивает неизменную глубину фокусировки.


Melting units- arc furnaces of a direct current, centrifugal machines etc.


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Плавильные агрегаты- дуговые печи постоянного тока, центробежные машины и т. д.


Some arc volcanoes are off-limits to navigation owing to volcanic hazards.


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Некоторые дуговые вулканы недоступны для судов изза вулканической опасности.


Types of Welding:• manual arc welding is the most slow

and labor-intensive type of welding.


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Способы сварки:• ручная электродуговая сварка- наиболее медленный и трудоемкий вид сварки.


Xenon arc filters shall be replaced according to the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.


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Ксеноновые дуговые фильтры подлежат замене в соответствии с рекомендациями изготовителя оборудования.


The tiniest defects such as arc spots, may be detected even at maximum speed.


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Мелкие дефекты, такие как дуговые пятна, могут быть обнаружены даже на максимальной скорости.


At this time the eyebrows were painted in arc shapes, as in China.

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В то время брови рисовали в форме дуг, так же как и в Китае.

Arc overalls(three tight jackets and pants type):

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