The word apt in a sentence

Definition of Apt

likely to do something

Examples of Apt in a sentence

The apt student was on his way to claiming honor roll status.


Especially apt at portraits, the artist charged a small fee for his work.


The thick smog was apt to make the pedestrian have an asthmatic attack.


Following his father’s footsteps, the architect was apt to take over the family business.


The dieter was apt to cheat when a coworker brought in donuts for the morning meeting.


Other words in the Appropriate category:

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word apt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use apt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «apt».

Apt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word apt in a sentence.

  1. He could not walk properly, and was apt to stumble.

  2. Reddy suggested a slight narrowing to look apt as Krishna.

  3. He was an apt student, becoming adept as a turner, founder, and draftsman.

  4. Demosthenes was apt at combining abruptness with the extended period, brevity with breadth.

  5. Austen scholar Deidre Lynch has commented that «cult» is an apt term for committed Janeites.

  6. Almost no politician, with the exception of Phocion, was at the same time an apt orator and a competent general.

  7. Paget’s apt summary of the case read: «in truth, perhaps, the most complete and most inexplicable Judicial Puzzle on record».

  8. The 16th Welsh Battalion historian wrote that «‘[c]ut to Ribbons’ would be an apt description» as casualties amounted to 276 men.

  9. South Park’s allegory of good and evil is more apt and knowing than anything seen on ‘Christy’ or ‘Touched by an Angel’.

  10. Angelou has compared the production of this book to giving birth, an apt metaphor given the birth of her son at the end of Caged Bird.

  11. He insisted on lavish stagings for his operas: expenses were apt to outrun receipts, and he was in need of a substantial money-spinner.

  12. Although Britten had little idea of what the poem was about, the musicologist Arnold Whittall finds the text «almost frighteningly apt ..

  13. French novelist Claude Simon likewise found Orion an apt symbol, in this case of the writer, as he explained in his Orion aveugle of 1970.

  14. Nannerl herself was an apt pupil, no less quick to learn than her brother, and was playing the keyboard with striking virtuosity by the time she was eleven.

  15. Commentators cite the apt cleverness of the various historical/musical parody match-ups, and the complexity and skill with which the musical elements are executed.

  16. Krueger did not wish to write an autobiography, which he felt was «invariably apt to be an apologia», but was willing to write up an account of the Sixth Army’s exploits.

  17. Crawford’s overriding quality was a complete integrity which robbed his passion and his prejudice of all poison, even when (as on occasion) it seemed to some of us least apt.

  18. Reportedly an apt pupil, he showed particular interest in geology and astronomy, and from an early age he wrote prolifically, an activity which filled much of his spare time.

  19. Thorpe’s comment—»Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his friends for his life»—was widely regarded in the press as the most apt verdict on the prime minister.

  20. The course included music history and theory studies with Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray, but it is not certain that Debussy, who was apt to skip classes, actually attended these.

  21. The young alferes was an apt choice for the task; he was well connected in the imperial capital (his uncle, married to a paternal aunt, was Minister of War), cultured, and well educated.

Synonyms for apt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word apt has the following synonyms: apposite, appropriate, pertinent, apropos, clever, intelligent, disposed, given, minded, tending, inclined, liable and likely.

General information about «apt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word apt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «apt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «apt».

Apt in a Sentence

  1. The apt student was on his way to claiming honor roll status.
  2. Especially apt at portraits, the artist charged a small fee for his work.
  3. The thick smog was apt to make the pedestrian have an asthmatic attack.
  4. Following his father’s footsteps, the architect was apt to take over the family business.


  • 1 What is the meaning of APT in texting?
  • 2 Is apt short for appropriate?
  • 3 What could be the closest meaning for APT?
  • 4 What does ATP slang mean?
  • 5 What does ATP mean twitter?
  • 6 What part of speech is apt?
  • 7 Could not be more apt meaning?
  • 8 What does APT mean on TikTok?
  • 9 Does apt mean apartment?
  • 10 What does Felicitousness mean?
  • 11 What does DTM mean in texting?
  • 12 How do you get ATP?
  • 13 What does STD stand for?
  • 14 Can a person be apt?
  • 15 What is an apt Woman?
  • 16 What is an apt reply?
  • 17 Can’t be happy enough meaning?
  • 18 What is apt or unit?
  • 19 What is a fallacious person?
  • 20 What is congruous mean?

What is the meaning of APT in texting?

synonym study for apt
Apt means to the point and particularly appropriate: an apt comment.

Is apt short for appropriate?

apt.” All three words may be used as adjectives meaning suitable or pertinent:Apt is from the Latin word aptus, “fitted, suited, appropriate.” The adjective derives from a verb meaning “to fasten, to attach.” The most common use of apt is to describe the fitness or expressiveness of language.

What could be the closest meaning for APT?

Some common synonyms of apt are appropriate, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable.

What does ATP slang mean?

answer the phone
ATP means “answer the phone” on TikTok.According to Urban Dictionary, it stands for “at this point” or “at that point.” But rest assured most of the time on TikTok it means “answer the phone.”

What does ATP mean twitter?

If you’re an avid user of slang, “ATP” might not be new. It’s a term that can be seen on other social platforms, where it usually follows its Urban Dictionary definition, and stands as an acronym for “at this point.”

What part of speech is apt?

APT (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Could not be more apt meaning?

1Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances. ‘the theme could not be more apt’

What does APT mean on TikTok?

“Apartment” is the most common definition for APT on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. APT. Definition: Apartment.

Does apt mean apartment?

Apt. is a written abbreviation for apartment.

What does Felicitousness mean?

1 : very well suited or expressed : apt a felicitous remark handled the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner.

What does DTM mean in texting?

doing too much or do too much
DTM is an internet slang acronym meaning doing too much or do too much, in reference to the poster’s behavior.

How do you get ATP?

It is the creation of ATP from ADP using energy from sunlight, and occurs during photosynthesis. ATP is also formed from the process of cellular respiration in the mitochondria of a cell. This can be through aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen, or anaerobic respiration, which does not.

What does STD stand for?

STD. Sexually transmitted disease Generally acquired by sexual contact. The organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases may pass from person to person in blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily.

Can a person be apt?

Having a natural tendency; inclined. She is apt to take offense easily.

What is an apt Woman?

Creating the FutureAcceleration Program in Tokyo for Women “APT Women”This entrepreneurship support program is designed for gathering and amplifying the brilliance of women and to change the world from Tokyo.

What is an apt reply?

quick, prompt, ready, apt mean able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability.

Can’t be happy enough meaning?

: to be very happy I couldn’t be happier with the way our new kitchen looks.

What is apt or unit?

Apt – Apartment number; Suite – Suite (which basically means apartment) number; Unit – Unit number (number of the space which is yours in the building). It’s ‘optional’ because some people do not live in a building that has apartments/suites/units.

What is a fallacious person?

Something fallacious is a mistake that comes from too little information or unsound sources.Fallacious comes ultimately from the Latin fallax, “deceptive.” The word fallacious might describe an intentional deception or a false conclusion coming from bad science or incomplete understanding.

What is congruous mean?

Definition of congruous
1a : being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence Their achievements were congruous with their abilities. b : conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation : appropriate … a congruous room to work in …—

Synonym: acute, appropriate, astute, bright, clever, discerning, fitting, keen, likely, proper, sharp, shrewd, smart, suitable. Similar words: adapt, capture, adapt to, captain, chapter, aptitude, adaptive, adaptable. Meaning: [æpt]  adj. 1. at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant 2. mentally quick and resourceful 3. (usually followed by `to’) naturally disposed toward 4. being of striking appropriateness and pertinence. 

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(1) A man apt to promise is apt to forget. 

(2) This shoe is apt to slip.

(3) China cups are apt to break.

(4) Paper is apt to catch fire.

(5) The words are very apt to my case.

(6) We are apt to wish for what we can’t have.

(7) Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays.

(8) The song would have been more apt for a bass voice.

(9) The words of this report are as apt today as in 1929.

(10) ‘Scared stiff’ is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.

(11) The remark was most apt.

(12) He is apt to raise the roof.

(13) The old are apt to catch a cold.

(14) Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths.

(15) He is apt to leave things about.

(16) Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.

(17) My little sister is apt at languages.

(18) Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar.

(19) He is apt to fly out in a rage.

(20) My pen is rather apt to leak.

(21) The punishment should be apt for the crime.

(22) He is the most apt of all pupils.

(23) Redundant slogans are apt to petrify a man’s thinking.

(24) My bicycle bell is apt to fall off when I ride too fast.

(25) Her comments on my work were very apt and to the point.

(26) ‘Love at first sight’ is a very apt description of how he felt when he saw her.

(27) We have some particularly apt students in the class this year.

(28) She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about.

(29) If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she «took up» with him at all(, to call her by her first name.

(30) «Urchin», with its connotation of mischievousness, may not be a particularly apt word.

What does the word apt mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary, Your Dictionary, and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, the word apt is an adjective that means having a tendency to do something, suitable, fitted, expected or anticipated, similar to what pertinent means or what relevant means depending on the varieties of speech. Someone who is apt is able to perform what they are attempting to, exactly suitable, or appropriate. This person might also be quick to understand or extraordinarily smart, which would refer to the implication of a natural disposition or habitual tendency against confrontation. The word apt is pronounced ˈæpt. The word apt can also be used as an abbreviation for apartment. Many things can be described as apt, such as an apt pupil, apt comment, a relevant opinion, apt young man, an apt reply, and more.

Many different languages also contain words that mean apt. You may notice that several of these words look and sound similar to the word apt. These are called cognates, which are formed when two words of different languages have the same root or language of origin. This list of translations of apt is provided by Word Sense.

  •  Ido: apta‎
  •  Nynorsk: egna‎
  •  Japanese: 適切(てきせつ, tekisetsu)
  •  Italian: adatto‎, appropriato‎, idoneo‎ (formal), confacente‎ (formal)
  •  Galician: apto‎ (masc.)
  •  Manx: cooie‎, traaoil‎
  •  Bulgarian: уместен‎, подходящ‎
  •  Bokmål: egnet‎, egna‎
  •  German: geeignet‎, passend‎
  •  Russian: подходя́щий‎, соотве́тствующий‎, уме́стный‎
  •  Finnish: sopiva‎, omiaan (to sth)
  •  Spanish: apto‎, apropiado‎, acertado‎, oportuno‎
  •  Romanian: potrivit‎ (masc.) (n), apt‎ (masc.) (n)
  •  Portuguese: apto‎
  •  Dutch: passend‎, gepast‎, toepasselijk‎
  •  Irish: tráthúil‎ (of speech)
  •  Occitan: apte‎
  •  Swedish: passande‎

What is the origin of the word apt?

According to Etymonline, the word apt has been used since c14 Middle English. This comes from the Old French apte and Latin aptus (ap-tus) which is the past participle of apere (obsolete apere), related to the Latin apisci, Greek ἅπτειν and Sanskrit आप्त. 

How can the word apt be used in a sentence?

The word apt can be used in many different sentences in the English language. Using words in a sentence is a great way to memorize their definitions. Your can also try making flashcards and quizzes to test your knowledge of the definitions of different English language words. Try using this word of the day in a sentence today! Below are a few different examples of the word apt being used in a sentence to help get you started. 

The man was apt for getting support on social media sites, and got over a million signatures on a petition for world peace that he advertised on Facebook and Twitter.

The successful copywriter was apt at creating the bibliographies. She did a seminar for students at Princeton University in their freshman year so that they could learn from the best. 

Bram Stoker was a clever man who was apt at using his wit. In the novel Dracula, he is able to blend his witty humour with the dark subject matter to make a book that is touching and entertaining.

What are synonyms and antonyms of apt?

There are many different words that a person could use in place of the word apt which can be used in an equivalent way. These words and phrases are called synonyms. Learning synonyms is a great way to avoid repeating yourself and also a great way to expand your knowledge of English. This list of synonyms of apt is provided by Power Thesaurus.

  •  pat
  •  proficient
  •  capable
  •  having the know-how
  •  pertinence
  •  tending
  •  smart
  •  bright
  •  germane
  •  able
  •  applicable
  •  prone
  •  clever
  •  not born yesterday
  •  fit
  •  pertinent
  •  ad rem
  •  liable
  •  adroit
  •  advantageous
  •  adapted
  •  opportune
  •  competent
  •  apropos
  •  crack
  •  cunning
  •  brainy
  •  masterful
  •  neat
  •  predisposed
  •  befitting
  •  apposite
  •  proper
  •  appropriate
  •  adequate
  •  suitable
  •  well-timed
  •  right
  •  congruous
  •  given to
  •  perfect
  •  ready
  •  handy
  •  sharp
  •  meet
  •  seasonable
  •  ingenious
  •  quick
  •  auspicious
  •  efficient
  •  intelligent
  •  relevant
  •  ideal
  •  felicitous
  •  well-suited
  •  keen
  •  happy
  •  disposed
  •  talented
  •  exact
  •  skilful
  •  quick-witted
  •  inclined
  •  suited
  •  teachable
  •  minded
  •  fitting
  •  game for
  •  deft
  •  accomplished
  •  correct
  •  given
  •  rightful
  •  decent
  •  expedient
  •  probable
  •  qualified
  •  expert
  •  astute
  •  propitious
  •  good
  •  comme il faut
  •  behooving
  •  the point
  •  skilled
  •  fitted
  •  skillful
  •  becoming
  •  likely
  •  adept
  •  just
  •  equal to
  •  well-chosen
  •  appropriateness
  •  convenient
  •  timely
  •  dexterous
  •  masterly
  •  seemly
  •  brilliant
  •  acceptable
  •  gifted

There are also numerous different words that have the opposite meaning as the word apt. These are called antonyms. Learning antonyms is another quick and easy way to expand your vocabulary of the English language. This list of antonyms for the word apt is also provided by Power Thesaurus.

  •  infelicitous
  •  ass-headed
  •  unbefitting
  •  lacking in propriety
  •  inopportune
  •  deficient
  •  unsuited
  •  unapt
  •  erroneous
  •  bush-league
  •  inaccurate
  •  unfit
  •  incongruous
  •  untoward
  •  substandard
  •  vile
  •  household
  •  dumb as a bag of hammers
  •  out of place
  •  out of character
  •  familiar
  •  idiotic
  •  unrelatable
  •  malapropos
  •  incompatible
  •  baneful
  •  blue
  •  unskilled
  •  inadequate
  •  depressed
  •  unhappy
  •  inapposite
  •  inappropriate
  •  common
  •  inapplicable
  •  incapable
  •  disinclined
  •  commonplace
  •  garden
  •  disagreeable
  •  dumb as dirt
  •  awkward
  •  alright
  •  incorrect
  •  acceptable
  •  lame
  •  stupid
  •  decent
  •  bush
  •  atrocious
  •  fair
  •  unseemly
  •  unintelligent
  •  inferior
  •  wrong
  •  dumb as a box of rocks
  •  imprecise
  •  beyond the pale
  •  execrable
  •  ineligible
  •  unacceptable
  •  indifferent
  •  dull
  •  not good enough
  •  fat-headed
  •  feather-brained
  •  badly chosen
  •  unfitting
  •  flawed
  •  inexact
  •  inept
  •  indecent
  •  adequate
  •  ill-suited
  •  misbecoming
  •  poor
  •  inapt
  •  unsatisfactory
  •  not good
  •  false
  •  fatuous
  •  unbeseeming
  •  out of keeping
  •  dissatisfactory
  •  indecorous
  •  improper
  •  unlikely
  •  slow
  •  unsuitable
  •  everyday
  •  awful
  •  unbecoming
  •  all right
  •  irrelevant
  •  bad
  •  undue
  •  ill
  •  bastard
  •  unmeet
  •  frequent

Overall, the word apt means fitting or appropriate. This word is also frequently used to refer to someone who is fitted to do something or who has a natural talent for it. 


  1. apt: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense 
  2. Apt Meaning | Best 16 Definitions of Apt | Your Dictionary 
  3. Apt antonyms – 688 Opposites of Apt | Power Thesaurus 
  4. Apt synonyms – 1 890 Words and Phrases for Apt | Power Thesaurus 
  5. apt | Origin and meaning of apt | Online Etymology Dictionary 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Lilian Emmerich

Score: 4.6/5
(9 votes)

(3) Paper is apt to catch fire. (4) The words are very apt to my case. (5) We are apt to wish for what we can’t have. (6) Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays.

What does it mean when you are apt?

adjective. inclined; disposed; given; prone: too apt to slander others. likely: Am I apt to find him at home? unusually intelligent; able to learn quickly and easily: an apt pupil. suited to the purpose or occasion; appropriate: an apt metaphor; a few apt remarks on world peace.

Is apt short for appropriate?

apt.” All three words may be used as adjectives meaning suitable or pertinent: … Apt is from the Latin word aptus, “fitted, suited, appropriate.” The adjective derives from a verb meaning “to fasten, to attach.” The most common use of apt is to describe the fitness or expressiveness of language.

What part of speech is apt?

APT (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is an apt time?

Apt time sometimes depends upon lapse of time; as, where a thing is required to be done at the first term, or within a given time, it cannot be done afterwards. But the phrase more usually refers to the order of proceedings, as fit or suitable.

40 related questions found

What is apt an abbreviation for?

Apartment, sometimes abbreviated APT.

What does APT stand for in texting?

«Apartment» is the most common definition for APT on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

How do you use APT in a sentence?

Apt in a Sentence ?

  1. The apt student was on his way to claiming honor roll status.
  2. Especially apt at portraits, the artist charged a small fee for his work.
  3. The thick smog was apt to make the pedestrian have an asthmatic attack. …
  4. Following his father’s footsteps, the architect was apt to take over the family business.

What is an apt answer?

7. Apt is defined as a response or result that is likely, expected or anticipated.

What does ATP mean in a text?

ATP means “answer the phone” on TikTok. However, you may have seen it used differently on other social media platforms. According to Urban Dictionary, it stands for “at this point” or “at that point.” But rest assured most of the time on TikTok it means “answer the phone.”

What is the difference between apropos and appropriate?

Apropos means of an appropriate or pertinent nature, not quite by the way or incidental. «Our meeting was apropos, you couldn’t have expected a much different reaction.» Appropriate means suitable to the social situation, respect, discreetness in accordance to the available norms or customs.

What does APT or suite mean?

Answer: A: «Apt» means apartment (number). «Suite» means suite (number). These help pinpoint a location within a specific building. They are typically used when more than one person share an address.

What is an apt Woman?

Creating the FutureAcceleration Program in Tokyo for Women «APT Women» … This entrepreneurship support program is designed for gathering and amplifying the brilliance of women and to change the world from Tokyo.

What does APT mean in work?

APT. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure. Business » Occupation & Positions.

What is the synonym of APT?

Frequently Asked Questions About apt

Some common synonyms of apt are appropriate, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable.

What does ATP mean on FB?

The intended meaning of GTS ATP on Snapchat is «Answer The Phone.» This slang is generally used on SC for telling a person to pick up a Snap voice call or video call and join them on a conversation.

What does APT mean in games?

An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a stealthy threat actor, typically a nation state or state-sponsored group, which gains unauthorized access to a computer network and remains undetected for an extended period.

What is the full name of APT?

The Full form of APT is Advanced Persistent Threat, or APT stands for Advanced Persistent Threat, or the full name of given abbreviation is Advanced Persistent Threat.

What is full form APT?

APT — Automatic Package Transfer.

What is a suite in an address?

A suite is the location of a business within a shopping mall or office building. The suite’s number also serves as a sort of address within an address for purposes of mail delivery and pickup. … In the USA, suite can be abbreviated «STE» or «Ste» in postal addresses.

Can I use suite instead of APT?

Using abbreviations in your apartment address

Apartment – APT. Building – BLDG. Floor – FL. Suite – STE.

What do you put for APT suite if you live in a house?

Address Line 2 is for the apartment, suite or space number (or any other designation not literally part of the physical address) If the apartment, suite, or space number is short, and the address is short, it can all be shown on one line. Write down your address.

Does apropos means suitable True or false?

Apropos means regarding or appropriate to, as in: Apropos of your interest in fishing, your grandfather gave you his set of championship lures, rods, reels and lucky tackle box. Apropos is a useful word to learn. But first you have to know how to pronounce it: AP-rə-pō.

What does so apropos mean?

1 : at an opportune time : seasonably Your letter arrived apropos. 2 : by way of interjection or further comment : with regard to the present topic.

i, film geek, proclaim the title apt and brilliant for this tragic tale. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Hanging out in front of the apt is nice way to meet people, too ❋ Unknown (2009)

And looking at the older posts on Ellen & Mark’s blog; their apt is pretty tiny so they’ll have to walk the dogs frequently. ❋ Unknown (2009)

How apt is the common analogy between America and Rome? ❋ Unknown (2008)

Given the persistence of human nature, the quotation I posted last year will no doubt remain apt for many years to come. posted by Matthew @ 9: 55 AM ❋ Matthew Guerrieri (2008)

I called the apt complex for a few maintenance requests I’ve been needing to get taken care of forever, then called mom while I was waiting (hoping) they’d show up today. ❋ Haloaskew (2006)

So … it depends on where the apt is in that colonia. ❋ Unknown (2003)

The less one talks the more apt is he to hear wise words. ❋ Unknown (1947)

When we read the brief prose of those war communiques which announce that the Island’s young men have been bombing German invasion barges gathered along the northern coast of Europe, we reflect how apt is the majestic description of that beloved place which was written in poetry more than 300 years ago ❋ Unknown (1941)

F.R.C.O.: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: I think that perhaps of all the occasions when the principles of education were most aptly elucidated, the most apt is found in Nicholas Nickleby. ❋ Unknown (1940)

He saw that so apt is mankind to quarrel, so strong are the tendencies to disruption and disintegration, that if democracy were to survive he had to preserve anything calculated to consolidate the Union that had been torn in the strains of separation and war. ❋ Unknown (1932)

The wedding jester excelled himself in apt allusions to the friends and relatives who brought up their wedding presents at his merry invitation. ❋ Unknown (1912)

Those that inferred the suddenness of it from its certainty, when that answered not their expectation, were apt from the delay to infer its uncertainty. ❋ Unknown (1721)

No creature will lose itself sooner than a sheep, so apt is it to go astray, and then so unapt to find the way back. ❋ Unknown (1721)

Apple’s latest round of sticking an «i» in front of a word apt-get remove me and I shall become stronger than you can possibly imagine … ❋ Timothy (2010)

Or, is that term apt only for Putin et al but not so for UK, US, or other western leaders? ❋ Unknown (2010)

Cuthbert and the Nightwalkers Halloween Special seems a name apt for a Halloween slasher flick; but instead it was the return of the band affectionately known amongst Sydney local’s as «Cuthbert’s Choir». ❋ Unknown (2008)

Not only is his name apt, but he works quickly and with great quality. ❋ Unknown (2008)

After seeing [that film] for the second time, I [realized] the pure apt that is [weaved] within. ❋ Jeffery Wienerslav (2012)

I was chilling typing up [new words] for Urban Dictionary when I got a bad case of APT..My hands, especially the [thumbs] were [drenched] in panic sweat.The APT were so bad that when I tried to use TouchID my fingerprints couldn’t be recognized. ❋ 93 Yourcultleader93 (2020)

I saw an [apt] in [Manhattan] that is really good and [cheap]. ❋ Retardeddictionary (2009)

[Desmond]: Hey did you see [nicky’s] nudes.
Craig: Yeah, they were fuckin apt man.
Ben: He’s one [good looking rooster] that’s for sure. ❋ Wilbur M (2017)

«Hey, look at those three blondes.»
«They look like Albino [Porcupine] [Triplets]».
«What up [APT’s]!!!??» ❋ The Original APTs (2011)

[Oh man], I can’t believe APTs are still able to easily socially [engineer] accounts in [2016]. ❋ Sudosev (2016)

Always look for the APT [seal of approval] when you [buy] [toilet paper]. ❋ Lazyboytestpilot (2008)

apt-get [install] [irssi]apt-cache search irssiapt-get [update] ❋ Tristor (2005)

«Let’s [head on] back to the APT. I wanna [grab] some stuff before [we go] out tonight.» ❋ Jupiter6921 (2007)

APT is really one [cool cat]…[I wish] I could have that [hair]!!! ❋ COOL DUDE (2005)

I blogged about KU several times, but the post that seems most apt is this one.


It’s too convenient a place for such an apt description of the film.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that motorcyclists are 35 times more apt to be killed in a road accident than drivers or passengers riding in other types of vehicles.


Manufacturers are much more apt to incorporate a new technology when they can secure the needed parts from multiple sources that are all competing for their business.


Given the rapid pace of climate research, any summary of the «state of the art» is apt rapidly to become dated.


Do you make your own or are you more apt to grab the box of instant on the store shelf out of fear that making the homemade version would be too hard?


Maybe for 3rd party pubs that upfront skepticism and hesitation is somewhat apt but for consumers it’s not at all.


Regardless of how much or little credibility you want to give the reputable breeder, it’s only logical to conclude that he’s more apt to take better care of his animals than a BYB or a puppy miller.


Her candidacy is apt to attract more Progressive and independent voters than Republicans or Democrats, and a three-way race makes it easier for someone to win with little more than 40 percent of the vote.


«But its counterproductive — all this does is slow down your metabolism, so youre more apt to regain weight once you stop.»


When parents have strong relationships with their child’s teachers and have a thorough understanding of their academic progress, they are more apt to support their scholar’s continued growth in the right direction.


The savings in water are obvious, but we are apt to forget the electricity that it takes to pump the hundreds of gallons of water yearly that our household will now conserve.


As seems usual at conferences these days, many of us tweeted sessions to discuss, to note-take, in some cases to engage with the panel, but also to — in apt librarian fashion — to share information with folks in other sessions.


Maybe paper plates are needed until a kitchen helper becomes less apt to drop them.


«From what we’re seeing, the House is not as apt to go along with these schemes.»


International buyers tend to purchase properties priced higher than an area’s median price, and they are very apt to use cash because they might not have the required U.S. credit to obtain a mortgage from a U.S. source.


They have more patience than small dogs, and they aren’t as apt to accidentally hurt a child during an innocent game of chase.


This bedding idea is beautiful to look at and is apt if one is using two beds in a room.


It seems to me that Justice Stratas» criticism of the Court’s approach (which is particularly apt because, as Daly notes, the Court had undergone a shift in personnel since its last decision on this issue) puts our task into stark relief.


The word «conjuring» is especially apt in Da Corte’s work, filled as it is with references to the occult, witchcraft, and mysterious ceremonies.


It is always mandatory for you to get along with the best recruitment consultant, whenever you are planning to look for the apt candidate.


How perfectly apt it was for me then, to be asked by JD Williams to pick my out some of my favourite denim pieces from their latest Autumn 2017 range.


The combine couples therapy seems to be the most apt because it is always better to have both the partners give their inputs to the psychotherapist.This will ensure that a better treatment especially in cases of major conflict between the partners.


My breeder said males are more apt to sit on you then females.


This was a studio apt and the fire damaged a lot of stuff, but it wasn’t really a large fire.


Take extra care during peak season — unscrupulous lenders and brokers are more apt to quote you bogus rates or slip in extra costs during peak homebuying season, in hopes you won’t notice.


To give you an apt answer, we have discussed this briefly, further in our article.


Jackson Pollock mediated through an LCD screen seems an apt metaphor for generational detachment given his determination to dissolve the barriers between him and his painting, the exterior and interior universe: «When I am in my painting, I’m not aware of what I’m doing,» he declared in 1948.


It’s so funny because I remember in the first few weeks after my daughter was born and my husband was back at work, I would actually be excited to go to her doctors apt., and not just because I was happy to hear everything was going well.


He grasps a rope and can’t let go, a dangerous flaw for a man in his line of work, and an apt metaphor for his attachment to a sport that his given his life purpose and meaning.


He commended the organisers for the theme of this year’s forum, «Unlocking Opportunities for Diversification», saying it was apt as it would afford participants focus on addressing the obstacles to the effective development of the agricultural value chain.


It’s In My Genepool The Yorkshire terrier is generally a healthy breed; however, there are some genetic problems it can be more apt to develop.


The article also explores possible responses, and includes this apt comment from Professor Jacob about the status quo:


All the names so far have been in alphabetical order starting from D to I. No wonder, the next version gets the name starting with «J» and the name Jelly Bean could be a apt choice if at all it gets approved.


We believe that a resurgence is likely in 2018, and that it will become a mounting concern apt to have an adverse impact on valuations.


That does» t mean… Which is apt to happen when only one party in a conversation is actually listening.


As difficult as it is to discuss your personal finances with your vet, such candor is apt to save you some money without jeopardizing your pet’s health.


We recognize our approach may incur slightly higher «information costs» by abandoning the simple proxy of family status, but this approach in practice is not apt to be more costly than the extant costs of verifying the reality of familial care-giving responsibilities.


Your analogy of «First Monday in October» is shrewd and very apt for the issue…… defend the principle, because the process behind it is worth defending at any cost.


I am indebted to a counselee for this apt statement.


Oroville is an apt metaphor and symbol for California government that continues to be in denial about its dysfunctional water and energy infrastructure policies and priorities… Failure to fix the designed weaknesses of the spillways surely was «penny wise but pound foolish» given the enormity of the consequences of failure.


Sony is perhaps the most apt design comparison, as the new Kindle Touch models also use the same touchscreen technology found in the Sony PRS-350 and PRS-650.


Besides being blessed with world-class surf breaks, Bali also has several beaches that feature natural wave barriers, which make for calm waters apt for this activity.


DO N’T FALL is tense and an apt exercise in folk horror.


If you are seeking an entry-level position, write a career objective stating why you are seeking the job and what makes you an apt candidate.


The more apt metaphor is of a Protestant moon orbiting a Roman Catholic earth.


«Part animal primer, part detective tale, part existential treatise, veterinary behavioral medicine expert Vint Virga’s new book takes us in the minds and motivations of our four-legged friends, and reveals what their actions can show us about ourselves (if we stop to pay attention)… just as apt for the Personal Growth as the Nature section of the bookstore.»


Given that, the controls on the DualShock controller are quite apt but it does take a little time getting used to the gravity controls.


I would love to let her cry it out sometimes but we live in apt and also, she can carry on for 45 minute stretches.


SuperZoo’s «Better Together» theme proved to be extremely apt given the wealth of products emphasizing the connection between people and their pets, both in a practical and emotional sense.


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  • The word august in a sentence
  • The word approximately means
  • The word believe in spanish
  • The word attitude means
  • The word approximately in a sentence