The word approximately in a sentence

Synonym: about, around, close to, just about, more or less, or so, roughly, some. Similar words: ultimately, appropriate, approve, approval, approach, approve of, lately, climate. Meaning: [-lɪ]  adv. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. 

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1 The area is approximately 100 square kilometers.

2 There are approximately 12 million migrants with their dependants living in the EU countries.

3 The length of the bay is approximately 200 miles.

4 The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.

5 Total expenditure amounted to approximately £1 million.

6 How much do think it will cost, approximately?

7 The battery allows approximately 135 minutes of talk time.

8 The journey took approximately seven hours.

9 One pound is approximately equal to 454 grams.

10 It cost approximately 300 I can’t remember exactly.

11 The journey time to London is approximately four hours.

12 The village has approximately doubled in size since 1960.

13 The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.

14 Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements.

15 The pies have a shelf life of approximately one week.

16 It takes approximately 365 and a quarter days for the earth to revolve around the sun.

17 The earth turns through one complete revolution approximately every twenty-four hours.

18 Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day,[] unless advised otherwise by a doctor.

19 In 1992 the population of Cairo was approximately 6 500 000.

20 The job will take approximately three weeks, and cost approximately £1000.

21 Holmes calculated a ratio of approximately 2.4:1.

22 The diet plan provides approximately 1,000 calories a day.

23 The classes contain approximately equal numbers of members.

24 Approximately 58,000 soldiers were dead or missing in action.

25 Extracellular osmolal concentration is approximately twice the sodium concentration.

26 These periods contained approximately equal numbers of cases.

27 10,000 men had volunteered by the end of September; thereafter, approximately 1,000 men enlisted each month.

28 Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting approximately half an hour late.

29 In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain approximately doubled.

30 Officials at the school say they received a bomb threat at approximately 11:30 a.m. today.

More similar words: ultimately, appropriate, approve, approval, approach, approve of, lately, climate, intimate, estimate, ultimate, estimated, privately, legitimate, desperately, fortunately, accurately, deliberately, appreciation, definitely, mate, satellite, inmate, teammate, material, alma mater, building materials, mathematics, toxic, maximum. 

approximately — перевод на русский


This whole area is within a radius of approximately three-quarters of a mile.

Этот район в радиусе примерно три четверти мили… Радиус…

Approximately one minute to twelve.

Примерно без минуты полдень.

And according to our plan, the vessel will reach the minefield at approximately a quarter past 5.

И в соответствии с нашим планом, судно достигнет минного поля примерно в 5 с четвертью.



Approximately where you’re standing now.

Примерно там, где вы сейчас стоите.

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Depth of fog approximately 500.

Приблизительно 500.

But on the night of October 25… under approximately the same conditions… I and seven of my assistants reran the crime.

Ќо ночью 25 окт€бр€ при приблизительно таких же услови€х € и семь моих помощников пробовали воспроизвести преступление.

Can you remember approximately?

Я не помню. Вспомни, хотя бы приблизительно.

Number one, approximately 40 years, 175 pounds, black hair, brown eyes.

Первый, приблизительно 40 лет, 175 фунтов, тёмные волосы, карие глаза.

At 35 degrees centigrade… sound travels at approximately… one…

При 35-ти градусах по Цельсию звук распространяется приблизительно…

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I would say approximately 400…

— Верно. Я бы сказал, где-то 400…

Approximately two and a half years.

Сколько времени вы здесь работаете? Ну уже где-то два с половиной года.

This is going to be ready in a week approximately.

Это всё будет готово где-то через неделю.

He’s coming from her bed approximately 25 minutes before we lost vital signs.

Он был у ее кровати где-то за 25 минут до того, как жизненные показатели исчезли.

The lab pulled one readable bit from the call history made approximately 24 hours ago to a landline in Waipahu.

В лаборатории извлекли 1 читаемый бит из истории звонков где-то 24 часа назад на стационарный телефон в Вайпаху.

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As you can see, Michael’s heart is approximately three times larger than normal size.

Вследствие миопатии и скопления жидкости в лёгких возникло отверстие. Сердце Майкла почти втрое превышает нормальные размеры.

That made approximately 300.000 people. Woa!

Я бы сказал, участвует почти треть из тех, кто здесь сидит.

The ancient Egyptians along with cultures long before them recognized that approximately every 2150 years the sunrise on the morning of the spring equinox would occur at a different sign of the Zodiac.

Когда государство занимает деньги у ФРС, или человек берёт ссуду в банке, займ всегда должен быть выплачен с исходным процентом. Иными словами, почти каждый существующий доллар, в конце концов, должен быть возвращен банку вместе с процентом.

About 95% remain only moderately disabled for approximately 30 years.

Около 95% испытуемых оставались умеренно недееспособными на протяжении почти 30 лет.

That would’ve stretched from here underground to approximately the other side of the street, and then maybe another 20 feet east.

Он мог пробраться отсюда почти на другую сторону улицы, а затем возможно 20 футов на восток.

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The next boat will leave in approximately 10 minutes…

Ближайший рейс — через 10 минут.

Ladies and gentlemen, last shuttle leaving for the dock… leaves in approximately five minutes.

[ Рей ] Дамы и господа, последнее судно… отправляется через пять минут.

The F-14’s should intercept in approximately 15 minutes.

Они перехватят «Боинг» где — то через 15 минут.

We are experiencing heavy call volume. Because your call is very important to us, it will be answered in approximately 27 minutes.

Поскольку ваш звонок очень важен для нас, вам ответят в ближайшие 27 минут.

So, for approximately two minutes, we got no evidence of people leaving or entering the bank. That’s great.

Итак, в течение двух минут нет никаких свидетельств о том, что в банк кто-то входил или выходил.

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I’ve known you as a couple since the beginning of the relationship, which was approximately three hours ago.

Я знаю вас, как пару ещё когда ваши отношения только начинались, что было, если точно три часа назад.

You have approximately three hours, give or take, before you die.

У вас есть максимум три часа, ни больше, ни меньше, потом вы умрете.

Backup will be arriving in approximately one hour.

Подкрепление прибудет в течение часа.

I think the body may have been compressed after death for approximately an hour.

Я думаю, что тело после смерти могли сжимать в течение часа.

Tycho Station pinged the Nathan Hale approximately four hours ago.

Станция «ТАйко» отправила сигнал на «НатАн Хейл» четыре часа назад.

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Andrew it restored that there are approximately 15 years. It comes here to think.

Эндрю восстановил ее 15 лет назад, приходит сюда подумать.

Not without approximately five years of additional training.

Ну, если потренироваться лет пять.

Oh, approximately eight years.

Восемь лет!

— How old is he approximately?

Сколько ему лет?

Graham Cunningham, 65, presented with cirrhosis approximately seven years ago.

Грехем Каннингем, 65 лет, 7 лет назад диагностирован цирроз печени.

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We were approximately 100 metres from the village when five of the savages ambushed us.

— Лишь синяки. Мы были в сотне метров от деревни, когда пятеро дикарей напали на нас.

Bearing is 2-3-2 true, approximately 8,000 yards.

Пеленг — 2-3-2, дистанция — 7 300 метров.

Approximately 30 feet.

Метров под 9.

It appears to be rising… approximately twenty to thirty meters above the tree line.

Кажется, от 20 до 30 метров… выше линии деревьев.

The spot are at regular intervals, approximately 30 meters apart.

Точки расположены равномерно в 30 метрах друг от друга.

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Definition of Approximately

close to, but not exactly

Examples of Approximately in a sentence

The newborn baby weighed approximately 8 pounds, but I would need to look at his birth certificate to be certain.


The length of the city block was approximately 4,000 yards long, but they decided to measure it later.


“I had to run approximately 4 miles to get help for the hiker who fell off a small cliff,” Aaron recounted.


The test takers had approximately 45 minutes to complete the difficult test, but they knew that they needed more time in order to finish it.


When asked his math grade, the boy stated that he approximately had a C, but he knew it was really a D.


Other words in the Numbers, Shapes, Math category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

приблизительно, приближенно, почти, ориентировочно


- приблизительно, приближённо

Мои примеры


an Australian who can approximate a strong New York City accent — австралиец, который может очень похоже сымитировать сильный нью-йоркский акцент  
highly approximately — весьма приблизительно  
approximately continuous — аппроксимативно непрерывный  
approximately equal — приближенно равный  
approximately true — приближенно верный  
approximately unbiased — приближенно несмещенный  
calculate approximately — приближённо вычислять  
approximately commercial value — ориентировочная продажная цена; ориентировочная цена рынка  
approximately safe level of impact — ориентировочно безопасный уровень воздействия  
approximately factored scheme — приблизительно факторизованная схема  
approximately linear — приближённо линейный  

Примеры с переводом

How much do think it will cost, approximately?

Как думаете, сколько это приблизительно будет стоить?

Can you give me the approximate cost of the repair?

Не могли бы вы сообщить мне примерную стоимость ремонта?

There are approximately 8,000 species of ants.

Существует около восьми тысяч видов муравьёв.

The journey time to London is approximately four hours.

Дорога до Лондона занимает около четырёх часов.

The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.

Самолёт начнёт приземление примерно через двадцать минут.

This is the approximate location of the ancient city.

Это приблизительное местонахождение древнего города.

The company grosses approximately $80 million a year.

В год компания получает валовую прибыль в размере примерно 80 млн. долл.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

approximate  — приблизительный, приближенный, приближаться, приближать

icon forward

In 2011, Turkey’s total export volume is approximately USD 135 Billion.


Moreover, approximately half of all detected trafficking victims are adult women.


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Кроме того, женщины составляют около половины всех выявляемых жертв торговли людьми.


A buyout cost of approximately $100,000 per staff member would be anticipated.


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Ожидается, что расходы на единовременный расчет составят около 100 000 долл. США на одного сотрудника.


In this case, the slipping limit should be approximately 1.3 x nominal load.


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В этом случае предельное значение расцепления должно составлять около 1, 3× номинальная нагрузка.


Concentration of nanoparticles was approximately 510 11 particles/ml.


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Total investment in 2005 was approximately Euro1,000 million, about 0,6% of GDP.


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Общий объем инвестиций в 2005 году составлял около 1 млрд. евро, или


6% от ВВП.


The total weight of the pot and the coins was approximately 32 kg 71 lb.

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The monthly payment for the project was approximately GEL 15 thousand.

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Денежное вознаграждение по этому проекту составляло около 15 тысяч лари в месяц.

In 2009, men accounted for approximately 93% of the total number of prison inmates.


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The average operation throughput during phase V was approximately 845,000 barrels per day.


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Средняя пропускная способность в течение этапа V составляла около 845 000 баррелей в день.


Therefore, Kumtor’s net consumption in 2010 was approximately 0.752 million m3.


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Таким образом чистое потребление воды в 2010 году составило около 752 000 м3.


The proportion of births in 2010

attended by skilled health personnel was approximately 85.


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В 2010 году процент родов,


Amounts due from other persons were approximately one million euros.


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Возвратные финансовые требования от других лиц составили около 1 миллиона евро.


The highest levels seen in wellhead gas were approximately 2.3 ug/m3.


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Самое высокое количество ртути, обнаруженное в попутном газе, составило около 2, 3 мкг/ м3.


The total value of the above-mentioned investments is approximately USD 350 million.


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Общая сумма всех вышеперечисленных инвестиций составила около 350 миллионов долларов.


Production for the 1937 model year was approximately 3,000 units.

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Годовое производство по состояния на 1903 год составляло около 3000 инструментов.

Remedying noise pollution in the rolling stock will cost approximately 820 million francs.


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Расходы по противошумовому переоборудованию подвижного состава составят около 820 млн. фр.


Co-financing brought these investments to approximately $5 billion.


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Благодаря совместному финансированию такие инвестиции составляют порядка 5 млрд. долл. США.


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Что ты делаешь в бижайшие пять с половиной минут?


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Раны заживают в среднем за 10 дней.



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В среднем 300 дней


году являются солнечными.


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Results: 34175,
Time: 0.0576





We continued to expect the global CRM market to grow at a mid single digit rate, which we define as approximately 4% to 6% growth on a constant currency basis. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In fact I hadn’t seen him since our ice cream date three weeks earlier—and by “our ice cream date” I mean “that time he and I and four of our friends went to get ice cream and Scott said my name approximately once.” ❋ Leila Sales (2010)

The routine practice of taking two films annually for each breast results in approximately 0.5 rad (radiation absorbed dose) exposure. ❋ Samuel S. Epstein (2010)

Current molecular genetic testing of the RET gene can identify mutations in approximately 95 percent of individuals with MEN2A and MEN2B, and approximately 88 percent of families with FMTC. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The representative will ask for a brief summary of the problem and then assign your call to a nurse, who will call you back in approximately five to 30 minutes. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Gastroschisis occurs in approximately 1 in 5,000 births. ❋ Unknown (2010)

These cities grew in approximately the same places as our cities do now, however different the shape of the continents was. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So a mouse gets in approximately 27 shakes per second. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Urinary tract abnormalities as a group are seen in approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Senate forecasts are more difficult due to the small sample sizes, but going into last night the GOP was predicted to gain approximately seven seats; they appear likely to pick up six. ❋ Brendan Nyhan (2010)

Gastroschisis occurs in approximately 1 in 5,000 live births and occurs more often in babies born to younger mothers (usually under 20 years of age). ❋ Unknown (2010)

Those benefited by economic development remain approximately the same, while the Losers remain about the same though they lifestyle does improve. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers by J.G. Jones that will ship in approximately 50/50 ratio. ❋ Unknown (2009)

MOTTAINAI is the Japanese word that approximately translates to “what a waste”. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Retailers please note: This issue will feature two covers that will ship in approximately 50/50 ratio. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In individuals with a clinical diagnosis of PJS, molecular genetic testing of the STK11 gene reveals disease-causing alterations in approximately 100 percentof individuals who have a positive family history. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[Investigator]: «What did you [have for breakfast]?»
Suspect: «Well basically, I barely got to my home at approximately [2am].» ❋ RPD00001 (2017)

1. The approximation of [pi] is [3.14]
2. The approximation of [your mom is fat] ❋ Fasteroid (2016)

The [approximate] [time] of [the show] is. ❋ Javana Joseph (2003)

guy one: «[How long] [will you] be?»
guy two: «approximatively [15 minutes].» ❋ Char H (2006)

They [stood] there, tacitly. An [air] of approximate can be smelled. ❋ 喜之正品淘汰狼 (2016)

«Looks like things are going really well with your girlfriend, Bob!»
«Yeah, it’s [pretty good], Stan. I kept looking for my [vision] of perfection, then decided I should [get real] and find an approximate.» ❋ Mr.Whosiwhatsis (2008)

Andree Approximately (*[insert] unfuni these [penut] joke*) ❋ 米饭人 (2022)

What is [the ratio] of the number of math students and teachers globally who celebrate Pi Approximation Day in July to the number of those who [commemorate] [Pi Day] in March every year. ❋ MathPlus (2021)

person 1 :»they look like approximately 27 sobbing horses»
person 2 :»yeah it’s [probably] because the horse-masks are [not popular] [anymore]» ❋ Dead Horse Named Steve (2020)

[Ay] [seen that] Andree Approximately [paint] video? ❋ 米饭人 (2022)


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How to use the word Approximately in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Approximately.

Use Approximately in a Sentence - How to use "Approximately" in a sentence

Definition of Approximately

used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly.

Examples of Approximately in a sentence

  1. That accident killed 30 people directly, as well as damaging approximately $7 billion of property.
  2. At the equator, the Sun provides approximately 1000 watts per square meter on Earth’s surface.
  3. It has a population of approximately 70,000.
  4. The upper angled layer of grey dolomite is approximately 500 million years old.
  5. Approximately 600 lymph nodes are scattered throughout the human body.
  6. Approximately 71% of earth is covered in water.
  7. There are approximately 3 billion bases in the human genome.
  8. Oil deposits approximately 200 million years old have been discovered in Brazil.
  9. Of the four species of penguins kept at the Belfast Zoo, the adult king rises above the rest to approximately one meter.
  10. Muscular endurance training is done in a series of approximately 10 exercises.
  11. The transition between the inner core and outer core is approximately 5,150 km beneath the Earth’s surface.
  12. A drop of water has a volume of approximately 7×10^-2 mL.
  13. Plasma is a hot ionized gas consisting of approximately equal numbers of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons.
  14. The 1999 Izmit earthquake was an approximately 7.4 magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Turkey on August 17.
  15. 1 mile is approximately equal to 1.6 kilometers.
  16. Light can be approximately collimated by a number of processes, for instance by using a collimator.
  17. One meter is approximately 1 yard, or 3.28 feet.
  18. When the centromere is approximately in the center of a chromosome, it is called metacentric.
  19. The Sun is approximately 1400 million kilometers from the planet Saturn.
  20. The first population, a shrubbery habitat has a maximum of approximately 150 younger plants.
  21. A low pressure area over Iceland shows an approximately logarithmic spiral pattern.
  22. The sun is approximately 230000000000 meters from Mars.
  23. The hydrogen atom itself has a radius of approximately 52.9 pm.
  24. Approximately 8% of people are left-handed.
  25. The surface of the Sun is approximately at 5750 K, and the temperature of the Earth’s surface is approximately 289 K.
  26. A DVD is approximately 12 centimeters in diameter.
  27. Each stem has a diameter of approximately 5 cm (2 inches) and produces approximately 12 to 25 leaves with stems of overlapping leaves, or petioles, that line the stem of the plant to form a false herbaceous (non-timber) trunk of approximately 30 at 40 cm in diameter.

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