The word approve in a sentence

Synonym: O.K., accept, endorse, like, ratify, think well of. Antonym: differ, disagree, disapprove, object. Similar words: approve of, approval, approach, appropriate, improved, approximately, appreciation, province. Meaning: [ə’pruːv]  v. 1. give sanction to 2. judge to be right or commendable; think well of. 

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1. The boss wouldn’t approve of the plan.

2. I wholeheartedly approve of his actions.

3. My parents don’t approve of me smoking cigarettes.

4. Many doctors don’t approve of unorthodox medicine.

5. She doesn’t approve of my friends.

6. Do you approve of hunting after foxes?

7. He doesn’t approve of me leaving school this year.

8. Do you approve of my idea?

9. Will you approve the proposal?

10. His father did not approve of his.

11. He doesn’t approve of my leaving school this year.

12. The survey showed that 32% of respondents approve, 54% disapprove and the rest are undecided.

13. When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of dissent.

14. I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing.

15. I don’t approve of cosmetic surgery.

16. I don’t approve of your defeatist attitude.

17. Catherine’s parents now approve of her marriage.

18. I don’t approve of smoking in bed.

19. Her parents did not approve of her decision.

20. I don’t approve of smoking.

21. We don’t approve of smacking.

22. They stacked the committee to approve their expenditure.

23. I very much approve of these new tests.

24. I move to approve the minutes as read.

25. Father didn’t approve of her.

26. I don’t approve of wasting time.

27. I told my mother I wanted to marry Jan but she didn’t approve.

28. Do not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the plan.

29. The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs.

30. She doesn’t want to take her new boy-friend home in case her parents don’t approve .

More similar words: approve of, approval, approach, appropriate, improved, approximately, appreciation, province, provide, provoke, provider, provided, provision, controversy, controversial, over and over, apple, apply, happy, appeal, appear, happen, happily, apply for, apparent, appoint, apply to, happen to, appeal to, disappear. 

утверждать, одобрять, санкционировать, апробировать, показывать, проявлять


- одобрять, считать правильным

to approve the policies of the government — одобрить политику правительства
I entirely approve that precaution — я полностью одобряю /считаю правильной/ эту меру предосторожности

- (of) высказываться или относиться одобрительно (к кому-л., чему-л.)

I approve of him — мне он нравится; я хорошо к нему отношусь
my fiancée’s mother does not approve of me — мать моей невесты относится ко мне неодобрительно

- одобрять, утверждать, санкционировать

to approve a report [a plan, the minutes of the meeting] — утверждать доклад [план, протокол совещания]
the minutes were read and approved — протокол был зачитан и утверждён
Congress approved the proposed budget — конгресс принял /утвердил/ предложенный бюджет

- арх. проявлять (себя); показывать (что-л. на деле)

to approve oneself — зарекомендовать себя, проявить себя (с положительной стороны)
to approve oneself a man of courage — показать себя мужественным человеком

- завышать ценность своего имущества

Мои примеры


to approve a label — утвердить ярлык  
to approve of smb.’s plan — одобрить чей-л. план  
to approve oneself an intrepid soldier — показать себя храбрым солдатом  
to approve clemency application — удовлетворить ходатайство о помиловании  
approve the budget — одобрить бюджет  
to pass [approve] the budget — принять [одобрить, утвердить] бюджет  
approve someone’s proceedings — одобрить чьи-л. действия  
approve of a resolution — одобрить резолюцию  
approve a schedule — утверждать график  
to approve a report — утверждать доклад  

Примеры с переводом

I don’t approve of your friends.

Мне не нравятся твои друзья.

I entirely approve of your choice.

Я всецело одобряю твой выбор.

I can’t approve your plan.

Я не могу одобрить /утвердить/ ваш план.

They approved the terms of contract.

Они утвердили условия контракта.

Do you approve of hunting after foxes?

Вы одобряете охоту на лис?

I don’t approve of his staying at their place.

Я против того, чтобы он останавливался у них.

The proposal was approved by the board.

Совет одобрил предложение.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We screen the kids’ music so that we can approve what they listen to.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disapprove  — не одобрять, неодобрительно относиться
approval  — утверждение, одобрение, согласие, рассмотрение
approved  — одобренный, апробированный, испытанный
approving  — одобрительный
approvable  — заслуживающий, достойный одобрения
approvement  — одобрение, похвала, доказательство вины, на основании показаний осведомителя
approver  — преступник, сознавшийся в преступлении и выдавший своих сообщников

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: approve
he/she/it: approves
ing ф. (present participle): approving
2-я ф. (past tense): approved
3-я ф. (past participle): approved

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word approve, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use approve in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «approve».

Approve in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word approve in a sentence.

  1. We could approve our own titles ..

  2. Eisenhower, who similarly did not approve it.

  3. Kennan did not approve of the social changes of the 1960s.

  4. But Whale reminds us quickly that society does not approve.

  5. In the meantime, Glenelg refused to approve Bond Head’s proposal.

  6. Edward was involved in a love affair; his father did not approve.

  7. They «sponsored Leszek Balcerowicz and persuaded Wałęsa to approve.

  8. However, Pavlik’s family did not approve of the young boy’s actions.

  9. It has refused to approve the budget only twice, in 1984 and in 1998.

  10. At least 80% of voters must approve the nominee for him to be inducted.

  11. Nelson moved that the committee approve the amended bill, and this carried.

  12. However, the World Meteorological Organization did not approve the request.

  13. Since Williams was still alive, the State of California had to approve the name.

  14. The mayor and council set local taxes and a budget, which Congress must approve.

  15. The Parliament did not approve the plan, however, mainly for reasons of finance.

  16. If the Council does not approve these, then a «Conciliation Committee» is formed.

  17. Positive responses pushed the studio to approve work on an official director’s cut.

  18. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS to:-.

  19. Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke.

  20. The local railroad foreman did not approve and later seized the vehicle and destroyed it.

  21. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Air Force Cross to Mr.

  22. NASA did not approve the requested $715 million, and the future of the project is uncertain.

  23. You know I did not and do not approve of Australia being represented at these Olympic Games.

  24. This occurred on March 6, 1929, with Utah’s ratification; Arizona did not approve it until 1944.

  25. The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the posthumous award of the VICTORIA CROSS to: —.

  26. Since the legislature did not approve a call to convention, some said the convention was illegal.

  27. The government did not approve a public memorial service for the deaths of Diệm and Nhu until 1968.

  28. His sweet, religious fiancée, Ruth Gordon, does not approve of his experiments and hopes to reform him.

  29. As a captain, Jardine inspired great loyalty in his players, even if they did not approve of his tactics.

  30. However, after some consideration, the Australian Government did approve the proposed Vixen test program.

  31. Learning about Nines’ presence at the mansion, LaCroix tells the other chiefs to approve Nines’ execution.

  32. The president appoints each member of the council, but the National Assembly must also approve each member.

  33. McCain’s lying in state was approved by the Senate, while Trump did approve the transport for McCain’s body.

  34. The CTC did approve the proposal a month later, provided that this land was found before construction began.

  35. At the same time, different Members of Parliament may approve of a statutory provision for different reasons.

  36. The Council first voted to approve the first part, the first two paragraphs up to the word drauge, of the Act.

  37. She agrees, but she needs family consent and lies, saying that she has a brother who will approve the marriage.

  38. Đôn insisted that Diem remained in control although Nhu had to approve all of the generals’ meetings with Diệm.

  39. Douglas Dillon felt that his successor should approve the plan, as he would have to live with the consequences.

  40. Baldwin did not approve of Raynald’s attack on Cyprus, and in any case had already made an agreement with Manuel.

  41. The Porter family did not approve of the match, partly because Johnson was 25 and Elizabeth was 21 years his elder.

  42. Early in 1903, the Board of Estimate moved to approve Thomas’s original plans for the interior of the new building.

  43. Louis XVIII did not approve of the trip and had troops disperse the crowd that gathered at Le Havre to see him off.

  44. Day did not approve, claiming the age difference was too great, although Bicknell was only two years older than Day.

  45. First and foremost, as commissioner, Chandler had the power to void Robinson’s contract, but he chose to approve it.

  46. At first they were cautious about Lancaster’s suitability as a husband and provider, but they came to approve of him.

  47. Fraser’s telegram said: «You know I did not and do not approve of Australia being represented at these Olympic Games.

  48. The Board required that Rudder approve each female applicant; he accepted any woman who met the academic requirements.

  49. Board of Trade inspections took place in late December 1862 and early January 1863 to approve the railway for opening.

  50. Had you chosen a name which we could approve we could have done much to launch you & advertise your society by name.

Synonyms for approve

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word approve has the following synonyms: O.K., okay and sanction.

General information about «approve» example sentences

The example sentences for the word approve that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «approve» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «approve».

approve — перевод на русский



Как вы думаете, ваш папа-генерал одобрил бы?

He approved the script.

Он одобрил текст.

I promise you we’ll do nothing tonight That the priest wouldn’t approve of.

Я обещаю тебе, что мы ничего не будем делать сегодня вечером, … чего бы не одобрил священник.

Yes, yes, I approved it.

Да, я одобрил его.

Of course, since you’ve approved the loan, the incident is closed.

Разумеется, с момента, как ты одобрил заем, инцидент был закрыт.

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You don’t expect me to approve of your being here.

Не думай, что я одобряю твой визит.

I approve and make sure the scripts are good before you even see them.

Я одобряю и убеждаюсь, что сценарий хорош, прежде, чем ты его видишь.

I don’t approve of me at all!

Я совсем себя не одобряю

And I certainly don’t approve of your personal initiative in this matter!

Тем паче я не одобряю вашу инициативу в этом деле.

I suppose he regrets the loss of his youthful vigor, but I can’t approve of so many injections.

Думаю, он печалится о потери своего юношеского задора но я не одобряю массивное лекарственное лечение.

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But I did not know it was going to be rubbed out of existence, Which it will be if this contract is approved.

Но я не знала, что она прекратит свое существование, как это будет, если настоящий договор будет одобрен.

This time the family approves.

Но этот брак впервые одобрен семьёй.

Global Two, wide turn approved.

Глобал 2, широкий поворот одобрен.

«Items one, comma, five, comma, seven, approved fullwise.

«Вопрос 1, запятая, 5, запятая, 7, запятая, полностью одобрен.

He falsified his research so RDU-90 could be approved and Devlin MacGregor could give you Provasic.

Он фальсифицировал данные чтобы РДУ-90 мог быть одобрен и Девлин МакГрегор мог продавать вам провазик.

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Have a minute to approve some copy?

Есть минутка утвердить копии?

You got 10 seconds to approve this operation or else I’m calling Central HQ and telling them all about your marijuana field.

У тебя есть 10 секунд утвердить эту операцию или я звоню в главный штаб и рассказываю им о твоей плантации марихуаны.

«Dear colleagues, today we are here to approve of a little unauthorized building right opposite the airport.»

«Дорогие коллеги, сегодня мы собрались здесь, чтобы утвердить строительство маленького незапланированного здания прямо напротив аэропорта»

The Synod must still approve you, Da’an. But if it is your will, I will vigorously support you.

Так или иначе, кандидатуру должен утвердить Синод, но, если ты пожелаешь, я употреблю все свое влияние, чтобы поддержать тебя.

They got to approve your outfit.

Они обязательно должны утвердить одежду.

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The urban town planning has been approved.

План был утверждён.

The text hasn’t been approved. What do you plan to say?

Доклад не утвержден, как ты будешь выступать?

If you check the order, you’ll see it’s been approved by the Director of investigations.

Если проверите приказ, то увидите, что он был утверждён главой отдела расследований.

They’ve been approved for temporary status by the student council.

Их временны статус утвержден студсоветом.

And this test isn’t exactly FDA approved, so let’s just keep it our little secret, okay?

Этот тест не совсем утвержден управлением по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами. Так что, пусть это будет наш маленький секрет, хорошо?

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He approved of us, but for reasons which were subtle, like his verse.

Такое одобрение могло растаять за одну ночь. Я так ему и сказал.

When their new drug gets approved on Monday anyone who holds the stock is going to be very, very rich.

Когда их лекарство получит одобрение в Понедельник, все владельцы акций станут очень-очень богатыми.


И Трейси сказала, что теперь ей всего лишь надо получить одобрение окружного менеджера, но это простая формальность.

I put my stuff out there and I pray they approve.

Я составляю каталоги, размещаю в них модели и надеюсь на одобрение.

I hope you approve.

Надеюсь на ваше одобрение.

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I hope you approve the new decoration of these rooms, madam?

Леди должна иметь собственную горничную. Я надеюсь, вам нравится новое оформление этой комнаты, мадам?

You don’t approve of these choices…

Вам не нравится подборка…

Surely you don’t approve of that.

Вам это нравится?

I should jolly well think I do approve, yes.

Думаю, что мне это нравится, да.

— I’m glad you approve.

— Я рад что вам нравится.

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I don’t think Dad would approve this kind of thing going on.

Не думаю, что папе понравилось бы происходящее.

— Then you approve of it?

— Значит, вам понравилось?

You approve?

Тебе понравилось?

I’m pleased you approve.

— Мы рады, что вам понравилось.

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They approved it and now don’t want it?

Дали разрешение и не хотят?

— We’re officially approved.

Посмотри у нас официальное разрешение.

We’re gonna need Pearlman to approve her wearing a wire.

Нам понадобится Перлман, чтобы получить разрешение на нательный микрофон.

You have been approved for a loan at 18%.

Вы получили разрешение на кредит под 18%.

I didn’t want anyone else to know in case I didn’t get approved.

Я не хотела, чтобы кто-то знал. А вдруг мне не дадут разрешение?

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I don’t know how they approved this.

Не пойму, как тебе разрешили.

It’s not approved, remember.

Но вы же не разрешили ее ставить.

We’ve been able to get Naomi breathing a little, but we need to remove the clot, and we need you to approve the treatment.

Мы смогли заставить Наоми снова немного дышать, но нам необходимо убрать тромб, и необходимо, чтобы вы разрешили лечение.

FDA just approved it last year, and it’s not the kind of medical treatment you’re likely to find in Mexico yet.

У нас их разрешили использовать только в прошлом году, поэтому, вряд ли данная методика дошла уже и до Мексики.

Did you really approve of Robbins storming my O.R., stealing my patient, humiliating me publicly?

Вы разрешили Роббинс захватить мою операционную, украсть моего пациента и публично меня унизить?

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Definition of Approve

to officially accept something, considering it good or okay

Examples of Approve in a sentence

Before the bank will approve your loan, you must sign a note promising to repay the money with interest.


The credit card company would not approve the applicant because she didn’t have a job.


Because of his strong credit rating, the car lot was able to approve the buyer for a brand-new vehicle.


A note was sent to the office manager asking him to approve the spending budget for this month.


My supervisor won’t approve my day off because there is no one to cover my shift.


Other words in the Support category:

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Learn how to use approve in a sentence and make better sentences with `approve` by reading approve sentence examples.

  • You want to go on a trip and your spouse doesn’t approve.
  • Approve ( Backward check mark was marked here).
  • In situations like these, providing a signed medical release ahead of time will allow the caregiver to approve medical treatment even if there is a delay in reaching you.
  • I approve this review.
  • Some parents might not approve of their children being given this information.
  • Elizabeth’s ex husband, friends and church don’t approve.
  • Bing has produced a modern classic, one of which the Master himself would approve.
  • As a Chicago local who was visiting the area, I approve this hot dog.
  • I’m sure that Jane Austen would heartily approve.
  • I do n’t think he would approve of his scapegrace son fouling Council property.
  • Please don’t forget to approve or disprove the hook.
  • For her to approve of Mr.
  • I loved how supportive and caring he was even though she was with Ryan, and he didn’t approve.
  • Commissioners have until May 14 to approve salaries for countywide elected officials.
  • There are some things Claudia does that I don’t necessarily approve of.
  • I also didn’t approve with some things she did, especially when she talked about her past.
  • Tom would not approve.
  • There were hopes that the IOC would then approve an additional 32 pentathletes— the long ignored women.
  • Jesus would not approve of this bigoted horror of a religious leader.
  • I think so many of the highest achievers in history would approve on all fronts.
  • The board of Condor must approve one of the orders this autumn.
  • The NBA Board of Governors still must approve the sale.
  • Whoever they approve will have been seated by a marginally legitimate president to a stolen seat.
  • Our trainer will not approve of that selection.
  • Naturally Todd does not approve of Bush’s strategy.
  • Stebbing was the owner, and she does not approve of the new owner’s changes.
  • She meets Shane, who she is immediately drawn to, but who her friends don’t approve of.
  • Former prosecutors sitting as judges continue to tacitly approve anything they do.
  • I think Inspector Juve would approve.
  • The council must approve other recommendations such as modifying fee structures.
  • When my insurer would not approve payment for a drug my Dr.
  • «It doesn’t mean I approve of slave traders, » he said.
  • And I TOTALLY approve of the baby’s first musical experience.
  • No matter what kind of car it is they approve of having all electric cars.
  • The lady checked her records and found that the most her charity could approve me for was $250.
  • Check your billing statements, I don’t approve of this fraudulent business tactic.
  • And of course the rich family doesn’t approve of their daughter’s choice.
  • Michael Creighten would approve I,m thinking.
  • Sun Tzu would not approve of that tact.
  • The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions.
  • Flint doesn’t approve of what the Fae are doing to the humans and wants to help them.
  • Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton has handled his job as president over the last eight years?.
  • Ronald McDonald would not approve of this location.
  • A foodie would approve.
  • Still good clean fun, and I approve.
  • She said the manager has to approve it.
  • Tom wouldn’t approve.
  • Sarid said he was confident parliament would approve the accord.
  • I guess Christopher and those like him would approve.
  • Despite strong efforts to ignore or even approve of Nazi aggression, the war came to America.
  • I cannot approve of it.
  • He does not approve of her doing certain things.
  • Miss Manners would definitely not approve of the most recent wedding invitation I received.
  • My japanese wife did not approve to be ‘Good just OK’ but I enjoyed their food.
  • Giuliani had asked the state to approve similar regulations last spring.
  • If the Republicans did not wish to approve Mr.
  • Her hippy ish parents don’t approve, of course.
  • He DID vote to approve Kennedy.
  • While they are behind the island rocking away and other things that they say they do not approve.
  • Boat and car loans take little time to approve, they say.
  • Hopefully the historical society will approve of her vision for the plantation.
  • He tells me maybe you would not approve, but I see he is wrong.
  • Obama had to approve it, as the Republican House hearings, with subpoena power, will uncover.
  • No true Jane Austen fan should approve of the use of porn.
  • While i don’t approve of the life styles portrayed, it is realistic.
  • The banks don’t like to approve late night purchases over certain amounts in that town.
  • The FTC and the local municipal governments would have to approve any buyer.
  • Google also requires a supermajority vote to approve certain mergers and business combinations, the Rockville, Maryland proxy advisory firm said.
  • The plot, however, took a new turn for the series and one I approve of.
  • In all, Jane would not approve.
  • As a libertarian, I strongly do not approve of most tax deductions and credits.
  • If you are working on a two week iteration cycle and you showcase that to the governance steering committee, and they take three weeks to approve it, it won’t work.
  • Just rename nmme, like I asked, buut which is evidently being delayed until the arbcom get off their arses and approve it-oh, gee, sending it to the group that have buggered me over at every turn.
  • Pro at the desk was a jerk said his boss couldn’t approve it.
  • You want to go out with a boy your parents don’t approve.
  • The coffee is roasted in cave creek, and being a coffee snob I fully approve.
  • On a recent trip up to Vegas, my wife and I were in search for great spots the locals approve of.
  • I whole heartedly approve.
  • The securities will convert to common stock once equity investors approve an increase in authorized Bank of America shares. The bank’s shares fell to $15.58 in aftermarket trading.
  • Marie Osmond also turned down the lead role of Sandy in the blockbuster hit Grease, as she did not approve of the movie’s moral content.
  • I approve your project.
  • My Mom would totally approve.
  • Judge the man on his merits and approve his nomination if found worthy.
  • Allied Home Mortgages works with a wide variety of customers, even some who may be difficult to approve.
  • He challenges her desire to build a church and does not approve of her friendships with the locals.
  • Now go out and buy all three, my name is Carla and I approve this message.
  • His primary role was to approve other people risking their lives to pull this off.
  • Chris’ parents did not approve of Sheri.
  • I don’t approve of his choice, on the other hand I’ve never been in that position.
  • Article 34 The Registration Authority shall decide on whether to approve the registration of cancellation within 10 days after the date of acceptance of the application.
  • Todd argued that only the city council had the power to approve personnel policies for city workers.
  • The U . N . Security Council must approve the petition.
  • If voters ultimately approve the measure in November, the tax rate would go up by 53 cents.
  • They won’t overlook bad credit, but they will approve your loan nevertheless.
  • It seems many of his followers are also crazy, given they still approve of him.
  • I’m sure Jesus would approve of all of these suggestions.
  • I didn’t expect him to approve of Nuclear Jellyfish or even like it.
  • Management appears to oversee, review, and approve every item coming out of the kitchen.
  • I approve of the plots, but most of the pleasure comes from the characters and the atmosphere.

Similar words: Appd, Apple Pie, Apparent Brightness, Apps, Appian Way, Apprendre, Applicators, Appeasement, Apperceive, Approximating, Appenage, Applemonger, Applauders, Application Server, Appledore, Appulse, Appropriations, Appealing, Appendectomies, Appropriateness

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