The word appropriate means

соответствующий, подходящий, присущий, ассигновать, присваивать, предназначать


- соответствующий, подходящий; уместный

appropriate instruments — нужные инструменты
appropriate examples — уместные /подходящие/ примеры
appropriate for a hot day [for arctic weather] — приспособленный /пригодный/ для жаркой погоды [для арктических условий]
appropriate to occasion [to the theme] — соответствующий случаю [теме]

- (to) книжн. присущий, свойственный

appropriate to smb. — приличествующий /подобающий/ кому-л.

- уст. присвоенный, приданный; принадлежащий
- уст. своекорыстный, эгоистичный


- присваивать

to appropriate a piece of property [of land] — присвоить себе (чужую) собственность [землю]

- часто шутл. стащить, стянуть

who appropriated my dictionary? — кто утащил у меня словарь?

- (to, for) ассигновывать, выделять, отводить (средства)

to appropriate money for research program — выделить средства на программу исследований

Мои примеры


a book not appropriate for children — книга, не подходящая для детей  
to appropriate fertilizer — усваивать удобрение  
to file a request with the appropriate authorities — подавать какой-л. документ соответствующим властям  
appropriate dress — подобающая одежда  
book not appropriate for children — книга, не подходящая для детей  
appropriate conduct — должное поведение  
to appropriate to oneself — присвоить  
appropriate suggestion — дельный совет, уместное предложение  
appropriate / fitting background — подходящий фон  
appropriate body — надлежащий орган  
appropriate concentration — соответствующая концентрация  

Примеры с переводом

I can assure you that appropriate action will be taken.

Я могу заверить вас, что надлежащие меры будут предприняты.

The movie is perfectly appropriate to people of all ages.

Фильм идеально подходит для людей всех возрастов.

Where appropriate, I delegate as much work as possible.

В случае необходимости, я делегирую как можно больше работы.

The committee appropriated money for the memorial.

Комитет выделил деньги на возведение мемориала.

He is suspected of appropriating government funds.

Он подозревается в присвоении государственных средств.

Accommodation is comfortable and appropriate to nature of horse trekking.

Условия проживания комфортные и приспособлены для конных маршрутов.

The town has appropriated funds to repair the bridge and work should begin this summer.

Городские власти выделили средства на ремонт моста, и работы должны начаться этим летом.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mark box 1 or 2, as appropriate.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

inappropriate  — неуместный, несоответствующий, неподходящий
misappropriate  — незаконно присваивать, растрачивать, совершать растрату
appropriation  — ассигнование, присвоение, назначение
appropriateness  — уместность, соответствие
appropriately  — соответствующе, подходящим образом, уместно, соответственно, соответствующим…
appropriative  — носящий характер присвоения
disappropriate  — лишать прав собственности, лишать права собственности

Формы слова


More than almost anyone writing today, Slater, whose prose is astringent and sensuous by turn, reflects both a genuine feeling for and appreciation of foods appropriate to the season—and a tolerance for kitchen disasters.

Cynthia Zarin, Gourmet, April 2007

Crepuscular means «pertaining to twilight.» It sounds so lovely. I use the word as much as possible, even when it’s not appropriate.

Bob Berman, Astronomy, June 2006

While working as one of the exhibition curators, I was surprised to learn that, until the 1920s, ice cream was properly eaten with a fork, a cumbersome technique decried by none other than Florence Howe hall, the granddaughter of Julia Ward Howe, who wrote «The Battle Hymn of the Republic». But if high society eventually agreed on a more appropriate utensil for eating the frozen-dessert, even the most au courant hostess may have had trouble deciding what kind of device should be used for serving it …

Darra Goldstein, Saveur, June-July 2006

Three days. There was no way on this earth that proper due diligence could be done in such a limited time. For a merger of this magnitude, a week’s worth of due diligence would have been more appropriate.

Nina Munk, Vanity Fair, January 2004

Red wine would have been a more appropriate choice with the meal.

The movie is perfectly appropriate to people of all ages.


From this source it was appropriated by Wilhelm Ropke in his effort to develop a social and political theory in which the market economy would be reconciled with the local community.

Roger Scruton, National Review, 20 June 2005

Dr. Seuss’s mother, also the daughter of German immigrants, was Henrietta Seuss, and when he appropriated the name for his books Dr. Seuss pronounced it in the German manner, «soice,» until he realized that Americans naturally read the name as «soose,» and that the American pronunciation of «Dr. Seuss» evoked a figure advantageous for an author of children’s books to be associated with—Mother Goose.

Louis Menand, New Yorker, 23 & 30 Dec. 2002

Wales, in contrast, was officially appropriated into the United Kingdom by Henry VIII’s Acts of Union, in 1536 and 1543, before it had developed the apparatus of a modern state.

Pamela Petro, Atlantic, April 1999

The town has appropriated funds to repair the bridge and work should begin this summer.

The economy has been weakened by corrupt officials who have appropriated the country’s resources for their own use.

Elements of the design were appropriated from other architects.

The term “bad” has been appropriated by teenagers as a synonym for “good.”

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Recent Examples on the Web

The city is also trying to gauge whether most residents believe gunshot-detection technology is even appropriate for Portland.

Savannaheadens, oregonlive, 5 Apr. 2023

Four points was knocked off the Waffle House’s score by using chlorine as sanitizer while not using an appropriate chemical test kit to accurately measure the concentration of sanitizing solution.

Howard Koplowitz |, al, 5 Apr. 2023

But such treatment would evidently feel less ceremonious and would not offer appropriate emotional closure to what was likely an important relationship.

Eric Tourigny, CNN, 3 Apr. 2023

When an appropriate location was found, the spotter jumped ashore, cleared away brush with his machete and raised a red-and-white sighting pole until surveyors in a separate boat measured the angle and distance between their position and the sighting rod.

Larry Rohter, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Apr. 2023

Well, internet crush is probably more appropriate because Gwyneth Paltrow’s hot lawyer James Egan is reportedly married.

Emily Tannenbaum, Glamour, 1 Apr. 2023

The agency works with U.S. attorneys to assist them with filing federal hate crime charges and works with local and state investigators when federal charges are not appropriate.

Jake Allen, The Indianapolis Star, 31 Mar. 2023

The parent said the movie was more appropriate for an eighth-grade American history class and asked that the district remove it from the list of films approved for elementary schools.

Jonathan Edwards, Washington Post, 28 Mar. 2023

Bans are only appropriate when there are no alternatives.

Ana Faguy, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023

The governor asked lawmakers to appropriate $60 million from the General Fund to repay the Alabama Trust Fund for money borrowed from 2013 through 2015 to balance the state budget.

Mike Cason |, al, 8 Mar. 2023

And the bill appropriates $22 million for research and development into detectors and $5 million for developing safer tank cars.

Prem Thakker, The New Republic, 1 Mar. 2023

That September, the commission voted to appropriate an additional $5 million for Willis’s office.

Mark Binelli, New York Times, 2 Feb. 2023

Connecticut Democrats and anti-hunger advocates are pressing state leaders to pass emergency legislation that would appropriate millions of state dollars to fund free meals for all Connecticut public school students through the end of the academic year.

Alison Cross, Hartford Courant, 12 Jan. 2023

The Quorum Court’s Finance & Budget Committee sent ordinances to the full Quorum Court that would appropriate $10 million in federal covid relief funds for the expansion and transfer $8.8 million from one budget line to another for use on the project.

Tom Sissom, Arkansas Online, 7 Dec. 2022

Earlier this year, Utah Sen. Daniel McCay, R-Riverton, proposed a plan to appropriate $5 million of state tax money to add more courts for big-time tournaments in Salt Lake County.

Palak Jayswal, The Salt Lake Tribune, 3 Sep. 2022

The drill involved a school bus and students, with Edison’s EMT and other health science students treating and triaging injured people and taking them to appropriate vehicles for emergency transport.

Staff, San Antonio Express-News, 23 Mar. 2023

So some of this discourse is about non-Black women culturally appropriating the often-natural body shape of Black women with curves and larger derrières.

Suzette Hackney, USA TODAY, 11 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘appropriate.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

appropriate — перевод на русский


You’ll be dressed in something more appropriate, then…

Переоденься во что-нибудь более подходящее.

But if you’ve ever eaten there, you know it is an appropriate name.

Но если вы когда-либо там уже ели вы знаете, что это подходящее название.

In light of my recent episode, now may be the appropriate time.

В свете последнего эпизода, сейчас может быть подходящее время.

And it was decided at yesterday’s board meeting that this would be the most appropriate site.

На вчерашнем совещании руководства было принято решение, что это помещение самое подходящее.

I thought it was the most appropriate name anyone could give me… and then I met you… and the others-

Я думал, это было самое подходящее имя, которое можно было мне дать. А потом я встретил вас. И остальных — Сиско, Дакс, даже Кварка.

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That’s not really appropriate.

Не совсем уместно.

well, I mean, yes the thing is, well, it is not appropriate to use such a short skirt during work hours but its just that… it distracts me!

Ну, я имею в виду, да. Дело в том, что… Не совсем уместно носить такую короткую юбку во время работы.

I think it might be appropriate.

Думаю, это было бы уместно.

It would be appropriate for a Federation ambassador to be present at this occasion, and as I am interested in First Contact… I appreciate your interest, and to keep you all informed, I’m scheduling a briefing at 04:00.

Для федерального посла было бы уместно присутствовать в этом случае, и поскольку я заинтересован в первом контакте… Я уважаю ваши интересы, и поэтому, чтобы держать вас в курсе, назначаю брифинг в 04:00.

«It could not be more appropriate «that your arrival coincides «with the discovery here on Cardassia

И более чем уместно, что ваше прибытие совпадает с открытием здесь, на Кардассии, места древнего крушения.

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We are apprised of the situation and are taking appropriate measures.

Мы в курсе данной ситуации и принимаем соответствующие меры.

We’ve taken the appropriate precautions, Major, but if you would care to check the security, I’m sure you can accompany us.

Мы приняли соответствующие меры предосторожности, майор но если Вы хотите лично проверить безопасность, я уверен, Ваш командующий позволит Вам сопровождать нас..

As soon as We can gather the appropriate papers.

Как только мы соберём соответствующие документы.

Please issue the appropriate orders to your engineers.

Пожалуйста, отдайте своим инженерам соответствующие приказы.

A replicator operates through a series of electronic pathways that allow it to receive instructions and take appropriate action, and there you go-— a cup of coffee, a bowl of soup, a plasma conduit-— whatever we tell it to do.

Репликатор работает за счет серий электронных цепей, которые позволяют ему получать инструкции и осуществлять соответствующие действия. И вот вам, пожалуйста, — чашка кофе, тарелка супа, плазменный трубопровод — всё, что мы говорим ему сделать.

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So much more appropriate for you, don’t you think?

Подходит тебе намного больше, как думаешь?

That’s not really appropriate, the Fourth Amendment.

Тут четвёртая поправка не подходит.

The problem is knowing what punishment would be most appropriate.

Вопрос в том, какое наказание лучше всего подходит.

Why is this not an appropriate time?

Чем же это время не подходит?

These quarters are not appropriate for Admiral Colti.

Эта каюта не подходит адмиралу Колти.

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This is not appropriate.

Это неуместно, ты вторгаешься в мое пространство.

I was going to phone you, but I didn’t think it was appropriate.

Я собирался позвонить тебе, но решил, что это неуместно.

Oh, that’s not appropriate

Ох, это неуместно.

Father, my presence is not appropriate.

Отец, мое присутствие здесь неуместно!

Mr. Hodes, that’s not appropriate.

Мистер Ходс, это неуместно.

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Anywhere where your highness would find it appropriate.

В Италию, или куда Ваше превосходительство сочтет нужным.

Because there are no instruments that can maneuver through A nasal cavity this small and get the appropriate angles.

Потому что нет инструментов, которые могут проникнуть в такую маленькую носовую полость под нужным углом.

So long as that is in place, and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don’t, frankly, matter.

Пока это так, и нет свидетельства что Администрация или Конгресс или кто — либо еще просят, чтобы мы поступали не так, как мы считаем нужным поступать, то не имеет значения, каковы эти отношения.

You just, uh, sign whichever one you feel is appropriate.

ѕодпишите, где считаете нужным.

Help yourself to as much gold as you deem appropriate.

Возьми столько золота, сколько считаешь нужным.

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If I might suggest, if we are to travel by train, perhaps a simple, brown Harris Tweed such as this might be more appropriate.

больше подойдет этот коричневый твидовый костюм от Хэриса.

Perhaps this might be appropriate?

Возможно, это подойдет.

Well, it’s hardly appropriate for a posh cocktail reception.

Ну а это едва ли подойдёт для шикарной коктейльной вечеринки.

Someone your school administration and I thought would be appropriate.

Тот, кто, по мнению, администрации школы, тебе подойдет.

This planet would be appropriate for the Enkarans.

Эта планета подойдет для Энкаран.

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Don’t you think it’s appropriate that the most expensive items are black?

Ты не находишь, что это правильно, что самые дорогие вещи — черного цвета?

— Is it the appropriate expression, is not it?

Так правильно сказать по-английски?

I think it’s appropriate.

Думаю, это правильно.

In fact, I… ..well, I encourage you to always, er… challenge me when you feel it’s appropriate.

Фактически, я ну, я поощряю вас всегда, э… поправлять меня, когда вы чувствуете, что это правильно.

Somebody has given a very appropriate name to all of you.

Правильно вас всех называют.

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Is it appropriate for an attorney to kick people and then steal spermicide? — No! L…

Разве приемлемо для адвоката — толкать людей а после этого красть спермицид?

Eminently practical and yet appropriate As always

Практично и приемлемо Как всегда

And with it all, the day still comes when they put you in a box and it’s on to the next generation of idiots who’ll also tell you all about life and define for you what’s appropriate.

И с этим багажом придет день, когда вас уложат в ящик. И всплывет новое поколение идиотов. Они тоже будут вещать истины жизни и определять за вас, что приемлемо.

I’m not sure that’s appropriate.

Не уверен, что это приемлемо.

You know, about what’s appropriate.

Ну знаете, о том что приемлемо.

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And then we can discuss the appropriate medications.

И тогда мы уже сможем обсудить необходимые препараты.

I’d be happy to send you the appropriate forms.

€ буду рад прислать вам необходимые формы.

Our job now is to find the traitors among us… using whatever means we think are appropriate… whoever they are and wherever they are.

Сейчас наша задача — используя любые необходимые средства найти среди нас предателей, не зависимо от того, кто они и где они.

We are taking what we believe are factually appropriate steps.

Мы принимаем, на наш взгляд, все необходимые и адекватные меры.

All appropriate measures are being taken.

Мы принимаем все необходимые меры.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

The proposed simplification of the design has led to the use of appropriate means of review.

As to paragraph 5, a substitution for notification by other appropriate means could be envisaged (e.g. public notification).

Что касается пункта 5, то можно было бы предусмотреть возможность уведомления обвиняемого и с помощью других соответствующих средств (например, публичное уведомление).

Ministers stress their commitment to making higher education equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means.

Министры делают ударение на своем обязательстве сделать высшее образование доступным для всех, используя все возможности и соответствующие средства.

But, today, appropriate means of control are available to the international community.

Their accidental failures must be limited in their impact on safety by appropriate means.

Их случайные сбои должны быть ограничены по своим последствиям для безопасности с помощью надлежащих средств.

A clear view from the forward window shall be ensured by appropriate means at all times.

При помощи надлежащих средств в любое время должен обеспечиваться беспрепятственный обзор из окна.

It was necessary to carefully analyze both of these violations and use the appropriate means to overcome them.

Необходимо было тщательно проанализировать оба этих нарушения и использовать соответствующие средства, чтобы их преодолеть.

Therefore, the enforcement of legislation and application of policy guidelines through appropriate means are of paramount importance for sustainable forest development.

Поэтому принятие законодательства и применение руководящих принципов в области политики на основе соответствующих средств имеют исключительно важное значение для устойчивого освоения лесов.

The groups themselves have the right to choose the appropriate means for this.

The staff member required to undergo such medical examination may be notified by letter, telephone or fax or any other appropriate means.

Сотрудник, которому вменяется в обязанность пройти такое медицинское освидетельствование, может быть уведомлен об этом письмом, по телефону, факсу или с помощью других соответствующих средств.

We protect the stored data by appropriate means from unauthorized access, unauthorized changes, disclosure and loss.

Мы обеспечиваем защиту сохраненных данных от несанкционированного доступа, изменения, опубликования и потери с помощью соответствующих средств.

After all, if our goal is to change things in their foundation, we must use the appropriate means.

И, наконец, если нашей целью является изменение вещей в их основе, то мы должны использовать соответствующие средства.

Any changes will be announced and guests will be notified by the appropriate means.

Любое изменение будет объявлено и доведено до сведения гостя с помощью соответствующих средств.

Protection against unauthorized access is provided by using appropriate means of information protection and continuous updating of system and application software.

Защита от несанкционированного доступа обеспечивается использованием соответствующих средств защиты информации и постоянным обновлением системного и прикладного программного обеспечения.

Admittedly, their survival has, in certain cases, effectively depended on whether they could count on appropriate means of defence.

Следует признать, что в некоторых случаях их существование действительно определялось наличием у них соответствующих средств обороны.

In accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, every State was entitled to exercise its inalienable right to self-determination by appropriate means.

В соответствии с общепризнанными принципами международного права каждое государство может осуществлять свое неотъемлемое право на самоопределение при помощи надлежащих средств.

Effective protection of human rights requires more efficient State functioning, as well as appropriate means for its implementation.

Для действенной защиты прав человека требуется более эффективное функционирование государства, а также соответствующие средства для обеспечения этой защиты.

The CMI’s primary objective is to contribute by all appropriate means and activities to the unification of maritime law.

Главная цель CMI состоит в том, чтобы внести все соответствующие средства и действия в унификацию морского права.

The Tribunal may use all appropriate means of communication and make use of codes or cipher for its official communications or correspondence.

Суд может использовать все соответствующие средства связи, в том числе электронные, и имеет право пользоваться в своих официальных сообщениях и корреспонденции кодами или шифрами.

These guides are intended to assist National Committees in organizing and submitting their work and to establish regular channels of communication using all available and appropriate means and technologies.

Цель этих руководств заключается в оказании национальным комитетам помощи в организации их работы и представлении достигнутых результатов, а также в установлении регулярных каналов связи с использованием всех имеющихся соответствующих средств и технологий.

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What is the word appropriate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to take exclusive possession of : annex No one should appropriate a common benefit. 2 : to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use appropriate money for a research program. 3 : to take or make use of without authority or right natural habitats that have been appropriated for human …

What’s another word for appropriate?

Some common synonyms of appropriate are apt, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable. While all these words mean “right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,” appropriate implies eminent or distinctive fitness.

What is the appropriate form?

More Definitions of Appropriate Form Appropriate Form means the written form provided or prescribed by the Committee for the particular purpose. Appropriate Form means the form or forms prescribed by the Administrative Committee for a particular purpose.

How do you write appropriate words?

Plain-language writing uses the clearest words possible to describe actions, objects and people. That often means choosing a two-syllable word over a three-syllable one, an old familiar term instead of the latest bureaucratic expression and sometimes, several clearer words instead of one complicated word.

What are phrases give examples?

Examples include:

  • Taking my dog for a walk is fun.
  • Walking in the rain can be difficult.
  • Strolling along a beach at sunset is romantic.
  • Getting a promotion is exciting.
  • Signing autographs takes time.
  • Going for ice cream is a real treat.
  • Singing for his supper was how he earned his keep.

What is appropriate words example?

The definition of appropriate is to put aside or take something for one’s self or some other specific person. Stashing away a piece of cake for a friend is an example of to appropriate. Putting money aside for a vacation is an example of to appropriate. Appropriate is defined as something that is right for the purpose.

What is a good sentence for appropriate?

1. It was thought appropriate to award her the prize. 2. Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party.

What makes something appropriate?

Something appropriate is correct and fits the situation. A sweater-vest with reindeer on it is appropriate holiday apparel, even if it’s totally embarrassing. The adjective appropriate is used when something is suitable or fitting.

What is the word for belittling someone?

Some common synonyms of belittle are decry, depreciate, and disparage. While all these words mean “to express a low opinion of,” belittle usually suggests a contemptuous or envious attitude.

What are examples of belittling?

Example: I don’t think you have what it takes.

  • Trivializing. A remark that trivializes your feelings, thoughts, experiences, or accomplishments, making you feel unimportant, invalidating your feelings or downplaying your accomplishments.
  • Put-Downs.
  • Condescension.
  • Insults.
  • Discounting.
  • Manipulation.
  • Undermining.

What is condescending patronizing?

“Condescending” and “patronizing” are synonyms and therefore can typically be used interchangeably. Condescending – “having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.” Patronizing – “apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending.”

Are pretentious and condescending the same?

As adjectives the difference between pretentious and condescending. is that pretentious is marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction while condescending is assuming a tone of superiority, or a patronizing attitude.

What is worse than condescending?

Condescending Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for condescending?

arrogant patronisingUK
pompous snooty
uppity snobbish
imperious disdainful
lofty lordly

What is a opposite word for condescending?

Opposite of assuming a tone of superiority, or a patronizing attitude. approachable. deferential. friendly. humble.

What is a good synonym for condescending?

In this page you can discover 38 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for condescending, like: superior, disdainful, patronizing, proud, patronize, approachable, humble, friendly, arch, patronising and supercilious.

What is a condescending B * * * *?

: showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others.

What causes a person to be condescending?

Why People Condescend They’re looking for a way to to demonstrate their superiority and comfort themselves that you’re no threat to them and that they’re worthier than anyone else. Others who condescend may, in fact, think too much of themselves, and use condescension to make themselves the focus of attention.

Other forms: appropriated; appropriating; appropriates

Something appropriate is correct and fits the situation. A sweater-vest with reindeer on it is appropriate holiday apparel, even if it’s totally embarrassing.

The adjective appropriate is used when something is suitable or fitting. It comes from the Latin appropriare, which means «to make something fit, to make something one’s own.» Going back even further, appropriate is related to the Latin word proprius, «to belong to a person, thing, or group.» Another appropriate way to use this word is as a verb, meaning to steal or seize something, the way you’d appropriate your sister’s sandwich if she left it sitting near you.

Definitions of appropriate

  1. adjective

    suitable for a particular person, place, condition, etc.

    “a book not
    appropriate for children”

    “it seems that an apology is



    appropriate to


    the quality of ability and work that is appropriate for students in a specified grade


    exactly suited to the occasion

    proper, right

    appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person’s character, needs


    of an appropriate or pertinent nature


    marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness

Definitions of appropriate

  1. verb

    take possession of by force, as after an invasion

  2. verb

    give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

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Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting.

tr.v. (-āt′) ap·pro·pri·at·ed, ap·pro·pri·at·ing, ap·pro·pri·ates

1. To set apart for a specific use: appropriating funds for education.

2. To take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself, often without permission: My coworker appropriated my unread newspaper.

[Middle English appropriat, from Late Latin appropriātus, past participle of appropriāre, to make one’s own : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin proprius, own; see per in Indo-European roots.]

ap·pro′pri·ate·ly adv.

ap·pro′pri·ate·ness n.

ap·pro′pri·a′tive (-ā′tĭv) adj.

ap·pro′pri·a′tor n.

Synonyms: appropriate, arrogate, commandeer, confiscate
These verbs mean to seize for oneself or as one’s right: appropriated the family car; arrogated the chair at the head of the table; commandeered a plane for the escape; confiscating stolen property. See Also Synonyms at allocate.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



1. right or suitable; fitting

2. rare particular; own: they had their appropriate methods.

vb (tr)

3. to take for one’s own use, esp illegally or without permission

4. (Banking & Finance) to put aside (funds, etc) for a particular purpose or person

[C15: from Late Latin appropriāre to make one’s own, from Latin proprius one’s own; see proper]

apˈpropriable adj

apˈpropriately adv

apˈpropriateness n

apˈpropriative adj

apˈpropriˌator n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(adj. əˈproʊ pri ɪt; v. -ˌeɪt)

adj., v. -at•ed, -at•ing. adj.

1. particularly suitable; fitting; compatible: remarks appropriate to the occasion.


2. to set apart for a specific purpose or use: to appropriate funds for an environmental study.

3. to take to or for oneself; take possession of.

4. to take without permission; expropriate.

[1515–25; < Late Latin appropriātus, past participle of appropriāre to make one’s own = Latin ap- ap-1 + propius one’s own]

ap•pro′pri•a•ble, adj.

ap•pro′pri•ate•ly, adv.

ap•pro′pri•ate•ness, n.

ap•pro′pri•a`tive (-ˌeɪ tɪv, -ə tɪv) adj.

ap•pro′pri•a`tor, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: appropriated
Gerund: appropriating

I appropriate
you appropriate
he/she/it appropriates
we appropriate
you appropriate
they appropriate
I appropriated
you appropriated
he/she/it appropriated
we appropriated
you appropriated
they appropriated
Present Continuous
I am appropriating
you are appropriating
he/she/it is appropriating
we are appropriating
you are appropriating
they are appropriating
Present Perfect
I have appropriated
you have appropriated
he/she/it has appropriated
we have appropriated
you have appropriated
they have appropriated
Past Continuous
I was appropriating
you were appropriating
he/she/it was appropriating
we were appropriating
you were appropriating
they were appropriating
Past Perfect
I had appropriated
you had appropriated
he/she/it had appropriated
we had appropriated
you had appropriated
they had appropriated
I will appropriate
you will appropriate
he/she/it will appropriate
we will appropriate
you will appropriate
they will appropriate
Future Perfect
I will have appropriated
you will have appropriated
he/she/it will have appropriated
we will have appropriated
you will have appropriated
they will have appropriated
Future Continuous
I will be appropriating
you will be appropriating
he/she/it will be appropriating
we will be appropriating
you will be appropriating
they will be appropriating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been appropriating
you have been appropriating
he/she/it has been appropriating
we have been appropriating
you have been appropriating
they have been appropriating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been appropriating
you will have been appropriating
he/she/it will have been appropriating
we will have been appropriating
you will have been appropriating
they will have been appropriating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been appropriating
you had been appropriating
he/she/it had been appropriating
we had been appropriating
you had been appropriating
they had been appropriating
I would appropriate
you would appropriate
he/she/it would appropriate
we would appropriate
you would appropriate
they would appropriate
Past Conditional
I would have appropriated
you would have appropriated
he/she/it would have appropriated
we would have appropriated
you would have appropriated
they would have appropriated

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. appropriate - give or assign a resource to a particular person or causeappropriate — give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; «I will earmark this money for your research»; «She sets aside time for meditation every day»
2. appropriate - take possession of by force, as after an invasionappropriate — take possession of by force, as after an invasion; «the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants»; «The army seized the town»; «The militia captured the castle»

take over, usurp, arrogate, seize, assume — seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one’s right or possession; «He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town»; «he usurped my rights»; «She seized control of the throne after her husband died»

carry — capture after a fight; «The troops carried the town after a brief fight»

Adj. 1. appropriate — suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc; «a book not appropriate for children»; «a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity»; «it seems that an apology is appropriate»

apropos — of an appropriate or pertinent nature

proper — marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; «proper medical treatment»; «proper manners»

inappropriate — not suitable for a particular occasion etc; «noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness»; «inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach»; «put inappropriate pressure on them»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. suitable, right, fitting, fit, suited, correct, belonging, relevant, proper, to the point, in keeping, apt, applicable, pertinent, befitting, well-suited, well-timed, apposite, apropos, opportune, becoming, seemly, felicitous, germane, to the purpose, appurtenant, congruous It is appropriate that Irish names dominate the list.
suitable irrelevant, inappropriate, incorrect, unfitting, unsuitable, improper, incompatible, untimely, inopportune


1. seize, take, claim, assume, take over, acquire, confiscate, annex, usurp, impound, pre-empt, commandeer, take possession of, expropriate, arrogate Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea.
seize give, relinquish, cede

2. allocate, allow, budget, devote, assign, designate, set aside, earmark, allot, share out, apportion He is sceptical that Congress will appropriate more money for this.
allocate withhold

3. steal, take, nick (slang, chiefly Brit.), pocket, trouser (slang), pinch (informal), pirate, poach, swipe (slang), lift (informal), knock off (slang), heist (U.S. slang), embezzle, blag (slang), pilfer, misappropriate, snitch (slang), purloin, filch, plagiarize, thieve, peculate What do they think about your appropriating their music and culture?

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place:

apt, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, meet, proper, right, tailor-made.

2. Suited to one’s end or purpose:

3. Consistent with prevailing or accepted standards or circumstances:


1. To set aside or apart for a specified purpose:

2. To lay claim to for oneself or as one’s right:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.






értelemszerûnem kívánt

hlutaîeigandi; viîeigandi








thích hợp


A. [əˈprəʊprɪɪt] ADJ [time, place, method, response] → apropiado, adecuado; [moment] → oportuno, apropiado, adecuado; [authority, department] → competente, correspondiente
it is appropriate thatresulta apropiado or adecuado que …
it may be appropriate to discuss this with your solicitorquizá sería conveniente que discutiera esto con su abogado
she’s the most appropriate person to present the awardes la persona más indicada or más adecuada para presentar el premio
to take appropriate actiontomar las medidas apropiadas or adecuadas or pertinentes
choose A, B or C as appropriateelija A, B o C según corresponda
this treatment was very appropriate for our soneste tratamiento resultó ser muy apropiado or adecuado para nuestro hijo
it would not be appropriate for me to discuss individual casesno sería apropiado que comentara casos concretos
to take appropriate precautionstomar las debidas precauciones
it seemed appropriate to end with a jokeparecía apropiado terminar con un chiste
words appropriate to the occasionpalabras apropiadas or adecuadas para la ocasión
a job appropriate to his talentsun trabajo que se adecúa a sus aptitudes
A, and where appropriate, BA, y en su caso, B
you will be answering queries, and, where appropriate, demonstrating our softwaredará información a quien la pida y, si se presta, hará demostraciones de nuestro software

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= suitable) [person, clothing, comments, time, reponse, punishment] → qui convient, approprié(e); [behaviour, subject] → convenable; [authority] → compétent(e); [treatment, skills, training] → adéquat(e); [visa] → requis(e)
to take appropriate action → prendre des mesures appropriées
appropriate for sb/sth, appropriate to sb/sth → approprié(e) à qn/qch
That dress isn’t very appropriate for an interview → Cette robe n’est pas très appropriée pour un entretien.
it is appropriate to … → il est approprié de …
it seems appropriate to … → il semble approprié de …
it is appropriate that … → il est approprié que …
to be appropriate for sb to do sth
It would not be appropriate for me to comment → Il ne me serait pas approprié de commenter.

[əˈprəʊprieɪt] vt

(US) (= allot) [+ money, funds] → affecter
to appropriate sth for sth → affecter qch à qch

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005





Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈprəupriət) adjective

suitable; proper. Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion; Complain to the appropriate authority.

apˈpropriateness nounapˈpropriately adverb

suitably. appropriately dressed for the occasion.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مُلَائِم vhodný passende passend κατάλληλος apropiado sopiva approprié prikladan adatto 適切な 적합한 geschikt passende odpowiedni apropriado соответствующий lämplig เหมาะสม uygun thích hợp 适当的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. apropiado-a, adecuado-a, apto-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj adecuado, apropiado

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.



From Middle English appropriaten, borrowed from Latin appropriatus, past participle of approprio (to make one’s own), from ad (to) + proprio (to make one’s own), from proprius (one’s own, private).


  • (Received Pronunciation) enPR: əprō’priĭt, əprō’priət, IPA(key): /əˈpɹəʊ.pɹi.ɪt/, /əˈpɹəʊ.pɹi.ət/
  • (US) enPR: əprō’priĭt, əprō’priət, IPA(key): /əˈpɹoʊ.pɹi.ɪt/, /əˈpɹoʊ.pɹi.ət/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /əˈpɹəʊ.pɹi.eɪt/
  • (US) enPR: əprō’priāt, IPA(key): /əˈpɹoʊ.pɹi.eɪt/


appropriate (comparative more appropriate, superlative most appropriate)

  1. Suitable or fit; proper.

    The headmaster wondered what an appropriate measure would be to make the pupil behave better.

    • 1798-1801, Beilby Porteus, Lecture XI delivered in the Parish Church of St. James, Westminster
      in its strict and appropriate meaning
    • 1710, Edward Stillingfleet, Several Conferences Between a Romish Priest, a Fanatick Chaplain, and a Divine of the Church of England Concerning the Idolatry of the Church of Rome
      appropriate acts of divine worship
    • 2011 February 1, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction[1], Wesleyan University Press, →ISBN, pages 102-103:

      But some discussion of the complex relationship between “allohistory” and sf is appropriate here, as the genres overlap in certain ways. Classical allohistory— such as Trevelyan’s «What if Napoleon had won the Battle of Waterloo?» and Churchill’s «If Lee had not won the Battle of Gettysburg» —is a rigorously consistent thought-experiment in historical causality.

  2. Suitable to the social situation or to social respect or social discreetness; socially correct; socially discreet; well-mannered; proper.

    I don’t think it was appropriate for the cashier to tell me out loud in front of all those people at the check-out that my hair-piece looked like it was falling out of place.

    While it is not considered appropriate for a professor to date his student, there is no such concern once the semester has ended.

    • 2011 November 10, Jeremy Wilson, “England Under 21 5 Iceland Under 21 0: match report”, in Telegraph[2]:

      With such focus from within the footballing community this week on Remembrance Sunday, there was something appropriate about Colchester being the venue for last night’s game. Troops from the garrison town formed a guard of honour for both sets of players, who emerged for the national anthem with poppies proudly stitched into their tracksuit jackets.

  3. (obsolete) Set apart for a particular use or person; reserved.


  • (suited for): apt, felicitous, fitting, suitable; see also Thesaurus:suitable


  • (all senses): inappropriate

Derived terms[edit]

  • appropriateness
  • appropriate adult
  • appropriate technology
  • culturally appropriate


  • proper
  • property


peculiar, suitable, fit, proper

  • Albanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Arabic: مُنَاسِب(munāsib)
  • Armenian: համապատասխան (hy) (hamapatasxan), պատշաճ (hy) (patšač)
  • Azerbaijani: müvafiq (az), uyğun (az), yerli (az)
  • Basque: please add this translation if you can
  • Belarusian: адпаве́дны (adpavjédny), прыда́тны (prydátny)
  • Bulgarian: подходя́щ (bg) (podhodjášt), уме́стен (bg) (umésten), съотве́тен (bg) (sǎotvéten)
  • Catalan: apropiat (ca), adequat (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 適當适当 (zh) (shìdàng), 恰當恰当 (zh) (qiàdàng)
  • Czech: odpovídající (cs) m, příslušný (cs) m, náležitý (cs) m, příhodný (cs) m, vhodný (cs) m
  • Danish: egnet, formålstjenlig, passende, hensigtsmæssig
  • Dutch: geschikt (nl), passend (nl), toepasselijk (nl)
  • Esperanto: konvena
  • Estonian: asjakohane, kohane
  • Finnish: sopiva (fi), sovelias (fi), täsmällinen (fi), asianmukainen (fi)
  • French: approprié (fr), idoine (fr) m or f
  • Galician: apropiado m
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: angebracht (de), angemessen (de), passend (de)
  • Greek: κατάλληλος (el) m (katállilos)
    Ancient: ἱκανός (hikanós)
  • Hebrew: please add this translation if you can
  • Hiligaynon: dápat
  • Hindi: please add this translation if you can
  • Hungarian: megfelelő (hu)
  • Icelandic: please add this translation if you can
  • Indonesian: please add this translation if you can
  • Italian: apposito (it), appropriato (it)
  • Japanese: 適切 (ja) (てきせつ, tekisetsu), 適当 (ja) (てきとう, tekitō), 相応しい (ja) (ふさわしい, fusawashii)
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Korean: 적절하다 (ko) (jeokjeolhada), 적당하다 (ko) (jeokdanghada), 알맞다 (ko) (almatda)
  • Latvian: piemērots, atbilstošs, piederīgs
  • Malay: please add this translation if you can
  • Maori: arotau, tika (mi), tōtika
  • Middle English: honeste, semly
  • Norwegian: egnet, formålstjenlig, passende (no), hensiktsmessig (no)
  • Old Norse: bærr
  • Polish: odpowiedni (pl) m, właściwy (pl) m, stosowny (pl) m, należyty (pl)
  • Portuguese: apropriado (pt)
  • Romanian: adecvat (ro), potrivit (ro)
  • Russian: соотве́тствующий (ru) m (sootvétstvujuščij), подходя́щий (ru) m (podxodjáščij)
  • Scottish Gaelic: freagarrach, iomchaidh
  • Serbo-Croatian: prìkladan (sh), pȍdesan (sh)
  • Slovene: ustrézen (sl), primeren
  • Spanish: apropiado (es), adecuado (es)
  • Swahili: mwafaka (sw)
  • Swedish: lämplig (sv), tillbörlig (sv), passande (sv)
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Turkish: muvfâfık, uygun (tr), yerinde (tr)
  • Ukrainian: відпові́дний (vidpovídnyj), підходя́щий (pidxodjáščyj)
  • Vietnamese: please add this translation if you can
  • Welsh: priodol (cy)
  • Yiddish: פּאַסיק(pasik)

obsolete: set apart for a particular use or person


appropriate (third-person singular simple present appropriates, present participle appropriating, simple past and past participle appropriated)

  1. (transitive) To take to oneself; to claim or use, especially as by an exclusive right.

    Let no man appropriate the use of a common benefit.

    • 1837, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], Ethel Churchill: Or, The Two Brides. [], volume II, London: Henry Colburn, [], →OCLC, page 179:

      «I promise you,» said she, after a pause of some minutes, «to wear the last new dress you gave me, it is a triumph of taste!»
      Lord Marchmont bowed, and appropriated the compliment as if the taste had been his own, not the milliner’s.

    • 1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter V, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC:

      We made an odd party before the arrival of the Ten, particularly when the Celebrity dropped in for lunch or dinner. He could not be induced to remain permanently at Mohair because Miss Trevor was at Asquith, but he appropriated a Hempstead cart from the Mohair stables and made the trip sometimes twice in a day.

    • 1962 December, “Motive Power Miscellany: North Eastern Region”, in Modern Railways, pages 422, 425:

      On the morning after the one-day strike, October 4, one of the Type 4s on crew-training, No. D169, was appropriated to head the 3 a.m. mail to Hull, as no steam locomotive had been lit up and the usual Hull Type 3 was not available; […].

  2. (transitive) To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, especially in exclusion of all others; with to or for.

    A spot of ground is appropriated for a garden.

    to appropriate money for the increase of the navy

    • 2012, The Washington Post, David Nakamura and Tom Hamburger, «Put armed police in every school, NRA urges»
      «I call on Congress today to act immediately to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every single school in this nation,» LaPierre said.
  3. (transitive, Britain, ecclesiastical, law) To annex (for example a benefice, to a spiritual corporation, as its property).
  4. (transitive, archaic) To make suitable to; to suit.
    • 1790, Helen Maria Williams, Julia, Routledge 2016, p. 67:
      Under the towers were a number of gloomy subterraneous apartments with vaulted roofs, the use of which imagination was left to guess, and could only appropriate to punishment and horror.
    • 1802, William Paley, Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity
      Were we to take a portion of the skin, and contemplate its exquisite sensibility, so finely appropriated [] we should have no occasion to draw our argument, for the twentieth time, from the structure of the eye or the ear.
    • 1927, Plain Talk, p.94:
      The fellow across the road gives up farming and turns his place into a pastoral bootleggery . Picnickers appropriate the lawn and declare for the proletariat . The sheriff comes , argues with them and they depart , leaving the Sunday […]


  • (to take to oneself): help oneself, impropriate; see also Thesaurus:take or Thesaurus:steal
  • (to set apart for): allocate, earmark; see also Thesaurus:set apart


to take to oneself in exclusion of others

  • Azerbaijani: mənimsəmək
  • Bulgarian: присвоявам си (prisvojavam si)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 独占 (zh)
  • Czech: přivlastnit si pf, přivlastňovat si impf, přisvojit si (cs) pf, přisvojovat si impf
  • Danish: tilegne sig
  • Dutch: (please verify) zich toeëigenen
  • Esperanto: alproprigi
  • Finnish: varata (fi), ottaa haltuun, omia (fi)
  • Galician: apropiarse
  • Georgian: მისაკუთრება (misaḳutreba)
  • German: aneignen (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌲𐌰𐌰𐌹𐌲𐌹𐌽𐍉𐌽 (gaaiginōn)
  • Hungarian: kisajátít (hu)
  • Japanese: 私する (ja) (watakushi suru)
  • Maori: kaihau, kokoraho, makitaunu, nopenope, tauapo, taumanu
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: tilegne seg
    Nynorsk: egne til seg, tileigne seg
  • Old English: āgnian
  • Polish: przywłaszczyć sobie pf
  • Portuguese: apropriar-se de, apoderar-se de
  • Romanian: apropia (ro)
  • Russian: присва́ивать (ru) impf (prisváivatʹ), присво́ить (ru) pf (prisvóitʹ)
  • Slovene: prilastiti si
  • Spanish: adueñarse (es)
  • Swedish: tillägna sig
  • Ukrainian: привласнювати (pryvlasnjuvaty)

to set apart for

  • Bulgarian: определям (bg) (opredeljam), предназначавам (bg) (prednaznačavam)
  • Czech: určit (cs) pf, určovat (cs) impf, přidělit pf, přidělovat impf, vydělit pf, vydělovat impf
  • Dutch: toewijzen (nl)
  • Finnish: varata (fi)
  • German: zuweisen (de)
  • Hungarian: elkülönít (hu), félretesz (hu), fordít (hu), előirányoz (hu)
  • Japanese: 充当する (ja) (じゅうとうする, jūtō suru)
  • Portuguese: designar (pt)
  • Russian: ассигнова́ть (ru) impf or pf (assignovátʹ); выделя́ть (ru) impf (vydeljátʹ), вы́делить (ru) pf (výdelitʹ)
  • Slovene: nameniti
  • Spanish: designar (es)
  • Ukrainian: асигнувати (uk) (asyhnuvaty), виділяти (vydiljaty)

Further reading[edit]

  • appropriate at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • appropriate in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913



appropriate f pl

  1. feminine plural of appropriato
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  • 1


    1) подходя́щий, соотве́тствующий (to, for)



    сво́йственный, прису́щий (to)

    1) присва́ивать

    2) предназнача́ть; ассигнова́ть

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > appropriate

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > appropriate

  • 3

    1) требуемый; установленный; установленного образца; предусмотренный

    approved as appropriate утвержденный в установленном порядке;

    approved as deemed appropriate by А утверждается в порядке, установленном А (каким-л. полномочным органом) 2. если это предусмотрено; если это требуется 3. в зависимости от конкретной ситуации; в зависимости от конкретных условий

    2) положенный

    3) соответствующий; уместный

    4) требуемый (

    в знач.

    нужный); необходимый

    take appropriate steps to принять необходимые меры по

    5) адекватный; правильный

    7) лучший (в сравнит., а не превосходн. степени)

    8) корректный; обоснованный

    it seemed appropriate to include a short summary of нам показалось уместным привести краткую сводку…;

    ft is now appropriate to remark on… Здесь уместно упомянуть / отметить / прокомментировать…;

    11) режимный (т.е. требуемый по проекту;


    , параметр)

    12) комплектный

    14) предусмотренный

    15) правомерный

    16) компетентный /

    recommend that appropriate representatives from ABC Co. be appointed to participate within the alliancing activities Хотел бы порекомендовать Вам назначить компетентных представителей от компании ABC для участия в работе по созданию объединения

    17) приемлемый; позволяющий сделать


    this plasticity theory is appropriate for теория пластичности в такой формулировке позволяет

    18) целесообразный

    19) нормальный

    21) рассчитанный на

    22) своевременный

    23) возможный

    24) заинтересованный

    26) where appropriate 1. в зависимости от того, что больше подходит / используется 2. там, где это уместно; если таковой имеется; а в особых случаях…

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > appropriate

  • 4

    [̘. ̈a.əˈprəuprɪɪt]

    appropriate ассигновать appropriate ассигновывать appropriate конфисковать appropriate конфисковывать appropriate надлежащий appropriate обращать в свою собственность appropriate отводить средства appropriate относить платеж в погашение долга appropriate подходящий, соответствующий (to, for) appropriate подходящий appropriate предназначать appropriate приобретать appropriate присваивать appropriate присущий appropriate свойственный, присущий (to) appropriate свойственный appropriate соответствующий appropriate уместный appropriate to the reserve fund выделять денежные средства в резервный фонд where appropriate в надлежащем месте where appropriate когда это уместно

    English-Russian short dictionary > appropriate

  • 5

    1. a соответствующий, подходящий; уместный

    2. a книжн. присущий, свойственный

    appropriate of appropriate to — подходящий; соответствующий; свойственный; присущий; присваивать; предназначать; выделять; ассигновать

    3. a уст. присвоенный, приданный; принадлежащий

    4. a уст. своекорыстный, эгоистичный

    5. v присваивать

    6. v шутл. часто стащить, стянуть

    7. v ассигновывать, выделять, отводить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. fit (adj.) applicable; apropos; apt; becoming; befitting; condign; convenient; correct; deserved; desired; due; expedient; felicitous; fit; fitting; germane; good; happy; just; likely; meet; merited; opportune; pertinent; relevant; requisite; rhadamanthine; right; rightful; seasonable; seemly; suitable; suited; tailor-made; true; useful

    2. individual (adj.) individual; intrinsic; particular; peculiar; proper; unique

    3. accroach (verb) accroach; annex; arrogate; assume; commandeer; grab; preempt; pre-empt; seize; sequester; snatch; take

    4. adopt (verb) adopt; allot; apportion; assign; confiscate; expropriate; secure; take away; usurp

    6. steal (verb) abstract; cabbage; collar; filch; hook; lift; nab; nim; nip; pilfer; pillage; pinch; pocket; purloin; smouch; snitch; steal; swipe; thieve; vulture

    Антонимический ряд:

    give; improper; inappropriate; inept; irrelevant; relinquish; unfitting; unsuitable

    English-Russian base dictionary > appropriate

  • 6

    соответствующий, подходящий, уместный, надлежащий

    1) присваивать, приобретать

    2) предназначать; ассигновывать, выделять

    appropriate money for smth.

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > appropriate

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > appropriate

  • 8

    1. [əʹprəʋprııt]

    1. соответствующий, подходящий; уместный

    appropriate examples — уместные /подходящие/ примеры

    appropriate for a hot day [for arctic weather] — приспособленный /пригодный/ для жаркой погоды [для арктических условий]

    appropriate to occasion [to the theme] — соответствующий случаю [теме]

    2. (to)

    присущий, свойственный

    appropriate to smb. — приличествующий /подобающий/ кому-л.


    присвоенный, приданный; принадлежащий


    своекорыстный, эгоистичный

    2. [əʹprəʋprıeıt]

    1. 1) присваивать

    to appropriate a piece of property [of land] — присвоить себе (чужую) собственность [землю]

    2) стащить, стянуть

    who appropriated my dictionary? — кто утащил у меня словарь?

    2. (to, for) ассигновывать, выделять, отводить ()

    to appropriate money for research program — выделить средства на программу исследований

    НБАРС > appropriate

  • 9

    1. [ə’prəuprɪət]



    1) подходящий, соответствующий; должный

    Accommodation is comfortable and appropriate to nature of horse trekking. — Условия проживания комфортные и приспособлены для конных маршрутов.

    2) свойственный, присущий

    sensuality that is deeply appropriate to both words and music of the album — чувственность, глубоко присущая и текстам, и музыке альбома

    2. [ə’prəuprɪeɪt]


    He appropriated the trust funds for himself. — Он присвоил себе фонды треста.


    2) назначать, предназначать


    Congress appropriated the funds to the states. — Конгресс выделил денежные средства для штатов.

    The committee appropriated money for the memorial. — Комитет выделил деньги на возведение мемориала.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > appropriate

  • 10

    1. приспосабливать

    2. соответствующий

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > appropriate

  • 11

    ассигновать ; выделить ; предназначить ; отводить ; присваивать ; красть ; ? appropriate goods to the contract ; ? appropriate money for… ; ? appropriate a piece of property ; ? amount appropriated by resolution ;

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > appropriate

  • 12





    соответствующий; подходящий, уместный




    свойственный, присущий







    захватывать [присваивать] собственность; конфисковывать, приобретать, обращать в свою собственность


    гос. упр.

    резервировать (землю)

    The town cousil appropriated the land to build the new municipal offices. — Город зарезервировал землю на строительство новых зданий для размещения муниципальных органов.





    назначать, предназначать


    гос. фин.

    ассигновать, предусматривать в бюджете, выделять ; относить

    The committee appropriated money for the memorial. — Комитет выделил деньги на возведение мемориала.


    * * *

    1) выделять, предназначать, ассигновывать, резервировать для определенных целей;
    2) незаконно захватывать, присваивать или использовать чужую собственность.

    * * *

    Банки/Банковские операции

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > appropriate

  • 13



    соответствующий, подходящий, надлежащий

    — as appropriate



    1) присваивать; приобретать

    2) ассигновать, выделять ; предназначать

    Politics english-russian dictionary > appropriate

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > appropriate

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > appropriate

  • 16

    приемлемый; подходящий; свойственный

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > appropriate

  • 17

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > appropriate

  • 18

    Англо-русский технический словарь > appropriate

  • 19

    1) обращать в свою собственность; присваивать; конфисковать

    3) предназначать; выделять; относить

    4) соответствующий; надлежащий

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > appropriate

  • 20

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > appropriate


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • appropriate — ap·pro·pri·ate /ə prō prē ˌāt/ vt at·ed, at·ing [Late Latin appropriare to take possession of, from ad to, for + proprius one s own] 1: to set apart for or assign to a particular recipient, purpose, or use the legislature appropriating funds for… …   Law dictionary

  • Appropriate — Ap*pro pri*ate, a. [L. appropriatus, p. p. of appropriare; ad + propriare to appropriate, fr. proprius one s own, proper. See {Proper}.] Set apart for a particular use or person. Hence: Belonging peculiarly; peculiar; suitable; fit; proper. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Appropriate — Ap*pro pri*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appropriated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Appropriating}.] 1. To take to one s self in exclusion of others; to claim or use as by an exclusive right; as, let no man appropriate the use of a common benefit. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appropriate — [adj] suitable adapted, applicable, appurtenant, apropos, apt, becoming, befitting, belonging, congruous, convenient, correct, deserved, desired, due, felicitous, fit, fitting, germane, good, just, on the button*, on the nose*, opportune,… …   New thesaurus

  • appropriate — vb preempt, *arrogate, confiscate, usurp Analogous words: *take, seize, grab: annex, *add appropriate adj fitting, proper, *fit, suitable, apt, meet, happy, felicitous Analogous words: apposite, pertinent, germane, * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • appropriate — [ə prō′prē āt΄; ] for adj. [, ə prō′prēit] vt. appropriated, appropriating [ME appropriaten < LL appropriatus, pp. of appropriare, to make one s own < L ad , to + proprius, one s own] 1. to take for one s own or exclusive use 2. to take… …   English World dictionary

  • Appropriate — Ap*pro pri*ate, n. A property; attribute. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appropriate — ap‧pro‧pri‧ate [əˈprəʊpri eɪt ǁ əˈproʊ ] verb [transitive] 1. LAW to take something for yourself when you have no right to do this: • The generals appropriated defence funds, leaving their men unpaid for months. 2. ECONOMICS to take something,… …   Financial and business terms

  • appropriate — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ suitable; proper. ► VERB 1) take for one s own use without permission. 2) devote (money) to a special purpose. DERIVATIVES appropriately adverb appropriateness noun appropriation noun app …   English terms dictionary

  • appropriate — I adj. 1) appropriate for; to (appropriate for us; appropriate to the occasion) 2) appropriate to + inf. (it is not appropriate to tip a bus driver) 3) appropriate that + clause; subj. (it is appropriate that he be/ should be present) II v. 1)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • appropriate — ap|pro|pri|ate1 W1S1 [əˈprəupri ıt US əˈprou ] adj correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose ≠ ↑inappropriate appropriate for ▪ clothes appropriate for a job interview appropriate to ▪ an education system which is more… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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