The word anyway in a sentence

1, I must do it anyway.

2, I shall go and see the patient anyway.

3, It’s too late now, anyway.

4, They will probably bump you off anyway!

5, It was a pretty daft idea anyway.

6, It’s too expensive and anyway the colour doesn’t suit you.

7, I’m certain David’s told you his business troubles. Anyway, it’s no secret that he owes money.

8, He really hates shopping but he goes anyway, and takes his medicine.

9, Let’s go window-shopping anyway.

10, Anyway, I’d better get back to work.

11, Anyway, I’d better be pushing along now.

12, What does he know about football, anyway?

13, Oh, bugger the cost! Let’s get it anyway.

14, Well,[] I think it’s a good idea anyway.

15, We were going to wallpaper that room anyway.

16, Let them attack: we’ll defeat them anyway.

17, I shall go and see him anyway.

18, Anyway, let’s forget about that for the moment.

19, Let them talk about me; I’ll be dead, anyway.

20, I don’t want to hear your stupid secret anyway!

21, She knew that was a mistake,but she bit anyway.

22, Becker has never been the most consistent of players anyway.

23, I knew my parents would disapprove, but I went anyway.

24, Catherine wasn’t sure the book was the right one, but she bought it anyway.

25, To be perfectly honest, I didn’t want to go anyway.

26, Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.

27, Of course I don’t mind taking you home — I’m going that way anyway.

28, I don’t care what you say, I’m going to do it anyway.

29, A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.

30, I shouldn’t look forward too much to seeing Grace at the party; chances are that she won’t come anyway.


This is Everyday Grammar. I’m Kaveh.

Это «Грамматика на каждый день». Я Каве.


And I’m Lucija. Kaveh, you look tired. Did you get enough sleep last night?

А я Лусия. Каве, ты выглядишь усталым. Ты выспался этой ночью?


The fire alarm in my building went off at 5 a.m., but I had to get up early anyway.

Пожарная сигнализация в моем доме сработала в 5 часов утра, но, в любом случае, мне надо было встать рано.


I’m sorry to hear that. Anyway let’s talk about today’s lesson.

Мне жаль это слышать. Тем не менее, давай поговорим о сегодняшнем уроке.



ANYWAY as one word is a common adverb in everyday speech. It is used to show disagreement or contrast, and appears either at the beginning or the end of the sentence.

Anyway, как одно слово, — распространенное наречие в повседневной речи. Оно используется, чтобы продемонстрировать разницу мнений или противопоставление, и располагается или в начале, или в конце предложения.


There are two main ways that ANYWAY is used in conversation. One is to show contrast with another speaker’s point.

Есть два основных случая использования anyway в разговоре. Один из них — противопоставление точке зрения собеседника.


And the other is to signal change in conversation; to show that you will talk about something different.

А другой — это сигнал к тому, чтобы сменить тему разговора, чтобы показать, что вы собираетесь говорить о чем-то другом.


ANYWAY at the end of the sentence generally shows contrast. It does not always mean the speaker disagrees, but signals a comparison.

Anyway в конце предложения обычно демонстрирует противопоставление. Это не всегда означает несогласие говорящего, но является знаком того, что имеет место сопоставление [двух мнений].

  • I can’t find my bus pass.
  • Я не могу найти свой проездной на автобус.
  • That’s OK. I’ll let you ride anyway.
  • Все нормально. Я позволю вам проехать и так.


ANYWAY at the beginning of a sentence shows that the speaker wants to talk about a different, and usually more important, subject. Consider this conversation of two people at work:

Anyway в начале предложения показывает, что говорящий хочет поговорить о другой, и, как правило, более важной теме. Послушаем разговор двух людей на работе:

  • Hey, it’s almost lunch time! Where are you going to go eat?
  • Слушай, пора обедать! Где собираешься есть?
  • I’m not sure. I was thinking of going to the deli.
  • Я не знаю. Думала пойти в закусочную.
  • Yeah, that sounds good.
  • Да, это отличная мысль.
  • Anyway, can you send me those numbers so I can finish the report?
  • Тем не менее, можешь ли ты прислать мне те данные, чтобы я могла закончить отчет?


And that’s Everyday Grammar.

И это была «Грамматика на каждый день».


Приведем несколько примеров перевода наречия anyway:

  • в любом случае
  • во всяком случае
  • тем не менее
  • так или иначе
  • как бы то ни было
  • как бы там ни было


Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

A, B
C, D
E, F
G, H
I, J
K, L
M, N
O, P
Q, R
S, T
U, V
W, X
Y, Z

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word anyway, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use anyway in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «anyway».

Anyway in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word anyway in a sentence.

  1. How real are films anyway?

  2. Who is the story’s hero anyway?

  3. I put it on the schedule anyway.

  4. Maund was suspicious, but came anyway.

  5. Joyce won the third-place medal anyway.

  6. Most of these people are immoral anyway.

  7. Elizabeth forbade her attendance anyway.

  8. Otto decided to attempt the corner anyway.

  9. Gainey) surrenders but Sawyer shoots him anyway.

  10. Salisbury continued using the shortened name anyway.

  11. They were too heavy and not weighted properly anyway ..

  12. The Nixon administration decided to cancel NERVA anyway.

  13. Because with or without you, we’re going to do it anyway.

  14. You’re walking away from us anyway … I can’t stay with you.».

  15. The Whigs nominated him anyway, but he refused the nomination.

  16. Yet, many news people say I should have taken the picture anyway ..

  17. The thing about rock’n’roll is that for me anyway it wasn’t enough ..

  18. Many scientists believed such a relation could never be proven anyway.

  19. Initially devastated, he eventually decided to become an actor anyway.

  20. But we decided he was strong enough to win anyway, and we were wrong.».

  21. He said later: «If the truth be known, I didn’t want to be there anyway.

  22. Curtis argues that the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapsing anyway.

  23. Some mycologists consider Fomitiporia to be a synonym of Phellinus anyway.

  24. He applied anyway, but was turned down because of his psychiatric history.

  25. Before Game Four, Ruth injured his left hand in a fight but pitched anyway.

  26. Layman continued to push the concept, and eventually wrote the story anyway.

  27. The Big Four went anyway, as tourists, visiting Britain, Belgium and France.

  28. Nonetheless, in deference to Herring’s wishes, Blamey relieved Savige anyway.

  29. Oppenheimer’s clearance was revoked one day before it was due to lapse anyway.

  30. Against Nakamura’s protest, Namco signed Nintendo’s new licensee contract anyway.

  31. A prison doctor came and said it was too late, as McCain was about to die anyway.

  32. The mall could not be extended anyway because the 53rd Street subway was in the way.

  33. We’ll probably have to shoot them some time anyway, or we’ll raise a breed of morons.».

  34. You were supposed to hear the audience anyway, as they listen to Sergeant Pepper’s Show.

  35. Executions followed anyway, and the palace eunuchs Dorotheus and Gorgonius were executed.

  36. However, after Al-Dani’s death in 1303, Muhammad III named Ibn al-Hakim as vizier anyway.

  37. When Yoshimura insisted on continuing anyway, Finnerty angrily stormed out of the meeting.

  38. Persuaded by Douglas to play anyway, he scored 40 and 34 but struggled to field effectively.

  39. However, the option would be imposed later in the year anyway, to the senator’s displeasure.

  40. The scene was filmed anyway, but the Board demanded it be removed before the film was passed.

  41. If he’d left and then saw what the mountain did to his lake, it would have killed him anyway.

  42. Many at the convention voted for McAdoo anyway, and a deadlock ensued with Attorney General A.

  43. In a 1749 report, Leonhard Euler admits that the series diverges but prepares to sum it anyway:.

  44. Perot conceded that he might not appear on the state’s ballot, but stated that he may run anyway.

  45. She went through with it, anyway, after her husband Paul Du Feu advised her to be honest about it.

  46. Burnet had similar doubts, particularly given his taciturn nature, but applied for the position anyway.

  47. The organizers refused to remove the Armenian Genocide from the program and held the conference anyway.

  48. Taft named Lurton anyway on December 13, 1909, and the Senate confirmed him by voice vote a week later.

  49. The ball wound up in the hands of field announcer Pat Pieper, but Dark ended up getting it back anyway.

  50. Sculptor James Earle Fraser criticized some aspects of the design, but the Treasury approved it anyway.

Synonyms for anyway

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word anyway has the following synonyms: anyhow, in any case, at any rate and in any event.

General information about «anyway» example sentences

The example sentences for the word anyway that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «anyway» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «anyway».

- во всяком случае; как бы то ни было

I’ll go anyway, no matter what you say — я всё равно пойду, что бы вы ни говорили

- как придётся, как попало (часто just anyway)

don’t do the job just anyway — эту работу нельзя делать кое-как
he damped the tools in the box just anyway — он как попало побросал инструменты в ящик

you won’t be late anyway — во всяком случае; вы не опоздаете  
anyway that’s something — это уже что-то; это уже хорошо  
do one’s work anyway — работать кое-как  
feel anyway — чувствовать себя расстроенным; чувствовать себя больным  

Anyway, it’s gone.

Как бы там ни было, всё позади.

Anyway, I must be going now.

Так или иначе, мне сейчас нужно уйти.

Anyway, how are you?

Ладно, а ты-то как?

Get it done anyway you can.

Сделайте это уж как умеете.

Whether you like it or not, I’m going anyway.

Нравится тебе это или нет, а я всё равно ухожу.

Anyway, why didn’t you call the police?

Всё-таки, почему вы не вызвали полицию?

The road got worse, but they kept going anyway.

Дорога стала хуже, но они всё равно продолжали идти.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Definition of Anyway

anyhow; nevertheless

Examples of Anyway in a sentence

I figured that he mall would be very busy on Saturday afternoon, but I decided to go anyway.


It is raining outside, but my sister wants to go to the beach anyway.


Although the pioneer’s family asked him not to go on the dangerous journey, he sat out on the trail anyway.


The girl’s father warned her not to marry her cheating fiancé but she did it anyway.


My husband and I both agreed the movie looked boring but decided to see it anyway.


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anyway — перевод на русский


But anyway I have the perfect slippy-slidey socks.

В любом случае, у меня есть отличные носки для скольжения.

Anyway, where is Rebecca?

В любом случае, где Ребекка?

Anyway, nothing means much to me now.

В любом случае, сейчас для меня ничто ничего не значит.

Anyway, what’s the good of talking?

В любом случае, что проку от болтовни?

Anyway, what difference does it make?

В любом случае, что это изменит?

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— Where are we anyway? I don’t know.

— Где мы вообще?

Say, what is this, anyway, an inquisition?

Так, что это вообще за допрос?

What’s the idea, anyway?

В чем дело, вообще?

How do you want to get there anyway?

Как же ты хочешь вообще туда попасть?

— What kind of a name is that, anyway? C.K. Dexter Haven.

— И вообще, что за имя — Си Кей Декстер Хейвен?

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So, anyway, you know, he’s finally ready, and he’s got, you know, his tray of cheese, you know, it’s just right.

Ну, в общем, он наконец готов, и у него эта тарелка сыра, все как надо.

Well, um…anyway… suppose we, um…play the hands?

Ну, в общем, поиграем в карты?

Anyway, I’m going to get married, and don’t interrupt.

В общем, я женюсь. И не перебивайте меня.

Anyway, the iridium turned out to be stolen.

В общем, выяснилось, что иридий был ворованный.

Anyway, this officer and the woman he truly loved… spent three nights together… and all they did was weep.

В общем, этот офицер провел с женщиной, которую очень сильно любил, три ночи и они все время только плакали.

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Anyway, report to the office.

Ладно, если что, сообщай в отделение.

Well, anyways, I gotta be going.

Ладно, мне пора.

Well, anyway it was nice to stay awake and hold the baby.

Ладно, приятно было подержать ребёнка.

Anyway, present it for the first time, quote:

Ладно, заголовок может быть таким: «Свадьба в светском обществе.

Well, anyway, here it is:

Ладно, вот это тебе.

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Oh, well, maybe I’m a chump. Well, the smart boys never have any fun— Anyway, not this kind of fun.

Может быть, я глуп, но толковые парни еще не имели возможности… по крайней мере, такой приятной возможности.

Well, part of the time anyway.

И ты, Джеральд, по крайней мере, иногда.

Almost none, anyway.

Почти нет, по крайней мере.

Well, anyway, do you suppose it was not getting the train you were really mad about?

По крайней мере, ты разозлился не из за того что не получил поезд?

Not on his part, anyway.

По крайней мере, не для него.

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Especially the one you told about the pajama tops and open windows. And anyway, you might catch a cold.

особенно когда они говорят о пижаме и открытых окнах в конце концов ты можешь простудиться

Anyway, if he’d really loved me, he would’ve come to me.

В конце концов, если бы он действительно любил меня, он бы приехал ко мне.

Anyway, there are letters and letters.

Как это? В конце концов, письмо — это письмо.

Anyway, our soldiers at the front were worse off

В конце концов, нашим солдатам на фронте было ещё хуже.

Anyway, it’s here that I’ve ended up.

В конце концов, здесь всё и закончилось.

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— How old are you anyway, Clarence?

Кстати, Клэренс, сколько тебе лет?

What about our pay anyway, and when do we get it?

Кстати, о зарплате. Когда мы ее получим?

Anyway, there was no difficulty about the death certificate.

Кстати, насколько мне известно, врач выдал разрешение на погребение.

Anyway, Mrs. Hildreth’s husband was talking to someone the other day… who said it isn’t coming here after all.

Кстати, муж миссис Хилдрет разговаривал с кем-то недавно, и тот сказал, что это может сюда и не дойти.

You were brilliant. Anyway, it’s only fair to give you back the thing you most desire.

Кстати, поздравляю с блестящим выступлением.

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Well, 10, anyway.

Ну, через десять.

Well, anyway, we can’t fall down.

Ну, за то мы не упадём.

Most of us, anyway… most of the time.

Ну, почти все мы. Почти всегда.

— In his own mind, anyway.

Ну, сам он в этом убеждён…

Anyway, what do you want from me?

Зачем? Ну ответь мне.

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I don’t want to go out anymore anyway.

Я уже не хочу гулять.

That’s okay, sweetheart, I got it anyway.

Не волнуйся, дорогуша, я их уже получил.

Anyway, before I left town I dropped in at the Canton Cafe.

И уже перед отъездом я зашел в то самое кафе.

That’s something, anyway.

-Это уже что-то

We’re already in jail anyway.

В тюрьму не могут, потому что мы уже!

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Thanks anyway But I’ve had enough.

Спасибо, конечно, но мне уже хватит.

Thank you anyway, and goodbye.

Спасибо вам и до свидания.

Thanks anyway, but I prefer going it by myself.

Спасибо, но я предпочитаю одиночество.

No, thanks anyway, but I’m planning to break the…

Нет, спасибо конечно, но я должен сам разобраться…

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There are countless English words with multiple variations.

Some of these words, like toward and towards, are really no different. They are used in the exact same way, just by different audiences. Other words, however, are used in different ways or one variant is universally considered incorrect.

Therefore, in order for your writing to excel, it’s important to know which variations of words are considered standard and which variations are considered nonstandard.

What is the Difference Between Anyway and Anyways?

Today, I want to talk about the differences between anyway vs. anyways, how to use them in a sentence, and which is the correct choice.

After reading this post you shouldn’t ever wonder again, is it anyway or anyways?

When to Use Anyway: Is Anyway a Word?

any way or anyway grammar rulesAnyway is an adverb with a few different meanings.

  1. In any case; at least.

I’m not sure if we have any wood for a fire; It’s raining outside anyway.

  1. Nevertheless; Regardless.

It was snowing and the temperature was below freezing, but the game went on anyway.

Anyway is the more common of the two words and educated writers and speakers use it almost exclusively.

When to Use Anyways: Is Anyways a Word?

Anyways is a nonstandard dialect and informal variation of the word anyway. When used, it also functions as an adverb.

  • You wouldn’t understand anyways.
  • Anyways, it’s time for a new focus.
  • Whatever you say. That was a dumb idea anyways.

Anyways is almost universally regarded as being incorrect and not fit for print or publication. And the usage of anyways vs. anyway actually bears this out.

The below chart shows just how widespread the distaste for the nonstandard anyways is.

any way vs anyway meaning

Anyways is used with such little frequency when compared to anyway that you can barely even see the line leave the zero percent mark.

Anyway vs. Any way: Is Anyway One Word?

With all of this talk of picking anyways or anyway, what about any way (two words)? How do I know when to use anyway or any way?

As discussed above, anyway is an adverb. If we define anyway, it usually means regardless or in any case.

  • I told you that that was my fault, and we fixed the problem anyway.
  • I’m not sure if I lost it or it was stolen. Anyway, it’s gone now.

anyway anyways definition in a worksheetAny way (two separate words) is simply the word way modified by the adjective any.

When the words are next to each other, they form a paired adjective and noun with the meaning any particular course, direction, or manner.

  • Are you able to help in any way at all?
  • Is there any way that you can be on time tonight?
  • Some people are willing to win any way necessary.

Some dictionaries will point to an overlap between anyway and any way, stating that both can be used to mean in any way or manner; whatever, but I personally like to keep both uses separate.

Remember the Difference

If you ever forget which word is the correct choice, just remember that the “S” in anyways can stand for “slang.” And if you are writing for a professional audience or for publication, slang words are not appropriate.


so anywaysThe two words anyway and anyways are both adverbs and are used in the same way, but anyways is widely considered incorrect and is not standard English usage.

Anyway is the correct word choice.

Anyways is a colloquial variant of the word anyway. It is almost universally considered incorrect.

Any way (two words) means any particular course, direction, or manner.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Anyway and Anyways?
  • 2 When to Use Anyway: Is Anyway a Word?
  • 3 When to Use Anyways: Is Anyways a Word?
  • 4 Anyway vs. Any way: Is Anyway One Word?
  • 5 Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

This is Everyday Grammar. I’m Kaveh.

Это «Грамматика на каждый день». Я Каве.

And I’m Lucija. Kaveh, you look tired. Did you get enough sleep last night?

А я Лусия. Каве, ты выглядишь усталым. Ты выспался этой ночью?

The fire alarm in my building went off at 5 a.m., but I had to get up early anyway.

Пожарная сигнализация в моем доме сработала в 5 часов утра, но, в любом случае, мне надо было встать рано.

I’m sorry to hear that. Anyway let’s talk about today’s lesson.

Мне жаль это слышать. Тем не менее, давай поговорим о сегодняшнем уроке.

ANYWAY as one word is a common adverb in everyday speech. It is used to show disagreement or contrast, and appears either at the beginning or the end of the sentence.

There are two main ways that ANYWAY is used in conversation. One is to show contrast with another speaker’s point.

And the other is to signal change in conversation; to show that you will talk about something different.

ANYWAY at the end of the sentence generally shows contrast. It does not always mean the speaker disagrees, but signals a comparison.

Anyway в конце предложения обычно демонстрирует противопоставление. Это не всегда означает несогласие говорящего, но является знаком того, что имеет место сопоставление [двух мнений].

ANYWAY at the beginning of a sentence shows that the speaker wants to talk about a different, and usually more important, subject. Consider this conversation of two people at work:

Anyway в начале предложения показывает, что говорящий хочет поговорить о другой, и, как правило, более важной теме. Послушаем разговор двух людей на работе:

And that’s Everyday Grammar.

И это была «Грамматика на каждый день».

Приведем несколько примеров перевода наречия anyway:



1 anyway

• «The first act has apparently required you to attract me. Anyway, that’s been the effect.» (F: 221)

«В первом акте, очевидно, предполагается, что я должен увлечься тобой. Во всяком случае, у меня сложилось такое впечатление.»

• «They aren’t English. And absolutely under Maurice’s thumb. We hardly see them anyway.» (F: 218)

«Они не англичане. И делают лишь то, что скажет Морис. В любом случае, мы с ними почти не видимся.»

Я знал, что он, возможно, блефует, но у меня было сильное подозрение, что нет. да и потом он бы не рискнул спрятать их в таком очевидном месте.

• «What would you know about literary creation anyway, Parkinson?» (DL: 315)

» Да и вообще, что вы можете знать о литературном творчестве, Паркинсон?»

Особым случаем употребления частицы anyway является ее способность вводить актуальный аргумент, который является истинным, несмотря на то, что говорилось ранее. В следующем примере героиня подчеркивает, что хотя она и не по своей инициативе стала говорить на определенную тему, но это не значит, что она не верит в то, что говорила:

Кроме все-таки, передавать данное прагматическое значение английской частицы могут все равно и в любом случае:

Иногда частица anyway употребляется для выражения естественности или неизбежности некоего события:

Как видно, в данном примере в качестве эквивалента частицы употреблено русское выражение так и так, можно было бы также употребить в любом случае. Вообще, в этой функции у частицы есть достаточно много разных эквивалентов, в частности, возможно использование все равно, так или иначе или и так:

Особо стоит остановиться на функционировании частицы anyway в более объемных отрезках текста, когда частица связывает вводимое ею высказывание не с одним, а несколькими высказываниями в совокупности. Во-первых, она может маркировать переход от одной темы к другой:

• «My height is a curse. Can’t get away with anything. What brings you here anyway?» (JB: 204)

«От моего роста мне одни неприятности. Ничего невозможно сделать незаметно. Ну, неважно, ты-то как здесь очутился?»

В русском языке для заполнения паузы, часто образующейся при переходе к новой теме, обычно используется частица ну и сочетания с ней, одно из которых мы видим в приведенном примере. Среди других возможных сочетаний такого рода можно назвать ну, (да) ладно и ну, не суть.
Сходным образом частица anyway используется для возврата к прежней, основной теме беседы или рассказа. Потенциальные русские эквиваленты английской частицы в этой функции в целом совпадают с предыдущими (ну, неважно, ну да ладно, короче), хотя именно здесь возможно также ну так вот:

• «. young Johns played the piano. Versatile lad, that; the oboe’s his instrument, really. Well anyway, the reporter chap must have got the story wrong. » (KA: 7)

«. юный Джонс играл на фортепиано. Кстати, очень разносторонний парень; вообще-то, я думаю, лучше всего он играет на гобое. Ну так вот, этот репортер, должно быть, чего-то не понял. «

Довольно часто anyway используется для резюмирования или перехода к главному, сигнализируя о пропуске незначительных деталей. В русском языке сходную функцию выполняют слова и выражения главное, короче, словом, во всяком случае, в общем:

• I told Morris that, and it didn’t make him any sweeter. Anyway, I’m going to put the whole story into my book. (DL: 296)

Я сказала об этом Моррису, что отнюдь не добавило ему любезности. В общем, я собираюсь вставить всю историю в свою книгу..

• If he’s not there I’ll leave a message or something. Anyway I’ll see to it. that Mrs Welch doesn’t get involved. (KA: 94)

Если его не будет дома, я оставлю сообщение или что-нибудь ещё. Во всяком случае, сделаю все так, чтобы миссис Велч ничего не узнала.

• He’s terrible, he won’t stop playing games. Anyway, I hope you know what it’s all about. (F: 402)

Он невыносим, постоянно играет в какие-то игры. Короче / ну, надеюсь, ты понимаешь, что я имею в виду.

2 anyway

It wouldn’t have helped anyway. — Это все равно бы не помогло.

3 anyway

4 anyway

He may not like my visit, but I’ll go and see him anyway — Ему, может, и не понравится мой визит, но я тем не менее навещу его

Anyway, he has come — Однако он пришел

Anyway, you can try — Но ты все равно можешь попробовать

It’s too late now, anyway — Все равно уже поздно

5 anyway

6 anyway

7 anyway

Anyway, it’s gone. — Как там ни было, всё позади.

Whether you like it or not, I’m going anyway. — Нравится тебе это или нет, а я всё равно ухожу.

Get it done anyway you can. — Сделайте это уж как умеете.

8 anyway

9 anyway

10 anyway

I didn’t want to go to the movies anyway — всё равно́ я не хоте́л идти́ в кино́



• «The first act has apparently required you to attract me. Anyway, that’s been the effect.» (F: 221)

«В первом акте, очевидно, предполагается, что я должен увлечься тобой. Во всяком случае, у меня сложилось такое впечатление.»

• «They aren’t English. And absolutely under Maurice’s thumb. We hardly see them anyway.» (F: 218)

«Они не англичане. И делают лишь то, что скажет Морис. В любом случае, мы с ними почти не видимся.»

Я знал, что он, возможно, блефует, но у меня было сильное подозрение, что нет. да и потом он бы не рискнул спрятать их в таком очевидном месте.

• «What would you know about literary creation anyway, Parkinson?» (DL: 315)

«Да и вообще, что вы можете знать о литературном творчестве, Паркинсон?»

Особым случаем употребления частицы anyway является ее способность вводить актуальный аргумент, который является истинным, несмотря на то, что говорилось ранее. В следующем примере героиня подчеркивает, что хотя она и не по своей инициативе стала говорить на определенную тему, но это не значит, что она не верит в то, что говорила:

Кроме все-таки, передавать данное прагматическое значение английской частицы могут все равно и в любом случае:

Иногда частица anyway употребляется для выражения естественности или неизбежности некоего события:

Как видно, в данном примере в качестве эквивалента частицы употреблено русское выражение так и так, можно было бы также употребить в любом случае. Вообще, в этой функции у частицы есть достаточно много разных эквивалентов, в частности, возможно использование все равно, так или иначе или и так:

Особо стоит остановиться на функционировании частицы anyway в более объемных отрезках текста, когда частица связывает вводимое ею высказывание не с одним, а несколькими высказываниями в совокупности. Во-первых, она может маркировать переход от одной темы к другой:

• «My height is a curse. Can’t get away with anything. What brings you here anyway?» (JB: 204)

«От моего роста мне одни неприятности. Ничего невозможно сделать незаметно. Ну, неважно, ты-то как здесь очутился?»

В русском языке для заполнения паузы, часто образующейся при переходе к новой теме, обычно используется частица ну и сочетания с ней, одно из которых мы видим в приведенном примере. Среди других возможных сочетаний такого рода можно назвать ну, (да) ладно и ну, не суть.
Сходным образом частица anyway используется для возврата к прежней, основной теме беседы или рассказа. Потенциальные русские эквиваленты английской частицы в этой функции в целом совпадают с предыдущими (ну, неважно, ну да ладно, короче), хотя именно здесь возможно также ну так вот:

• «. young Johns played the piano. Versatile lad, that; the oboe’s his instrument, really. Well anyway, the reporter chap must have got the story wrong. » (KA: 7)

«. юный Джонс играл на фортепиано. Кстати, очень разносторонний парень; вообще-то, я думаю, лучше всего он играет на гобое. Ну так вот, этот репортер, должно быть, чего-то не понял. «

Довольно часто anyway используется для резюмирования или перехода к главному, сигнализируя о пропуске незначительных деталей. В русском языке сходную функцию выполняют слова и выражения главное, короче, словом, во всяком случае, в общем:

• I told Morris that, and it didn’t make him any sweeter. Anyway, I’m going to put the whole story into my book. (DL: 296)

Я сказала об этом Моррису, что отнюдь не добавило ему любезности. В общем, я собираюсь вставить всю историю в свою книгу..

• If he’s not there I’ll leave a message or something. Anyway I’ll see to it. that Mrs Welch doesn’t get involved. (KA: 94)

Если его не будет дома, я оставлю сообщение или что-нибудь ещё. Во всяком случае, сделаю все так, чтобы миссис Велч ничего не узнала.

• He’s terrible, he won’t stop playing games. Anyway, I hope you know what it’s all about. (F: 402)

Он невыносим, постоянно играет в какие-то игры. Короче / ну, надеюсь, ты понимаешь, что я имею в виду.

anyway — index regardless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

anyway — (adv.) 1560s, any way in any manner; variant any ways (with adverbial genitive) attested from c.1560. One word form predominated from 1830s. As an adverbial conjunction, from 1859. Middle English in this sense had ani gates in any way, somehow (c … Etymology dictionary

anyway — [adv] by any means anyhow, at all, at any rate, ever, however, in any case, in any event, in any manner, nevertheless, once; concept 544 … New thesaurus

anyway — ► ADVERB 1) used to emphasize something just said. 2) used in conversations to change the subject or to resume after interruption. 3) nevertheless … English terms dictionary

anyway — [ən′ēwā΄] adv. 1. in any manner or way 2. at least; nevertheless; anyhow 3. haphazardly; carelessly: Also Dial. anyways … English World dictionary

anyway — [[t]e̱niweɪ[/t]] ♦♦ (The form anyhow is also used.) 1) ADV: ADV with cl You use anyway or anyhow to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous point. I m certain David s told you his business troubles. Anyway, it s no secret that… … English dictionary

anyway — an|y|way [ eni,weı ] adverb SPOKEN *** 1. ) despite something else despite something that you have previously mentioned: Even if the drug is banned, a lot of people will go on using it anyway. No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

anyway */*/*/ — UK [ˈenɪˌweɪ] / US adverb spoken 1) despite something else despite something that you have previously mentioned Even if the drug is banned, a lot of people will go on using it anyway. No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that s… … English dictionary

anyway — an|y|way W2S1 [ˈeniweı] adv also anyhow [sentence adverb] 1.) in spite of the fact that you have just mentioned ▪ Catherine wasn t sure the book was the right one, but she bought it anyway. ▪ This idea probably won t work, but let s try it anyway … Dictionary of contemporary English

Anyway — Infobox Album Name = Anyway Type = Album Artist = Family Released = November 1970 Recorded = Fairfields Hall and Olympic Sound Studio, London Genre = Rock / Progressive rock Length = 39:57 Label = Reprise Records (UK), United Artists Records (U.S … Wikipedia


Одно или два слова? [Перевод]

Anyway (any way), everyday (every day) и другие подобные слова могут писаться слитно или раздельно в зависимости от их значения. Часто я замечаю, что их пишут в одно слово, когда нужно писать в два. Так в чем же разница? Одно или два слова?

awhile/ a while

Будьте внимательны: если перед этим словом вы употребляете предлог, пишите его раздельно. A while – существительное с артиклем, awhile – наречие.

anyway/ any way

Во многих случаях вы можете определить, как написать эти слова по тому, сделали бы вы паузу между частями слова. Any way –прилагательное и существительное. Anyway – наречие.

Is there any way you can take my place at the meeting?

I will get there any way I can.

sometime/ some time/ sometimes

Some time – это существительное и прилагательное. Sometime и sometimes – наречия.

I hope you have some time to help me with this.

Sometimes I go to the beach on weekends.

any time/ anytime

Any time – существительное и прилагательное. Anytime – наречие.

I don’t think I have any time to do laundry today.

every one/everyone

Everyone – неопределенное местоимение. Every one – местоимение и прилагательное.

Every one of you should be studying your math.

I frosted every one of these cupcakes.

Everyone is taking the bus to the fair.

any one/ anyone

Any one – местоимение и прилагательное. Anyone – неопределенное местоимение.

Did any one of you see the cat?

Any one of you can try to fix the printer.

I didn’t see anyone come in.

some thing/ something/ some things

Some thing и some things состоят из существительного и прилагательного. Something – неопределенное местоимение. По сути, some thing и something – это одно и то же. Используйте something. Так как some подразумевает «больше одного», лучше не использовать some thing (но использовать some things).

Something is in my eye.

I heard something about you from my brother. (Some thing будет обозначать то же самое, поэтому мы используем только something.)

Some things are bothering me about this plan.

I have some things for you to buy.

everyday/ every day

Every day – это существительное и прилагательное. Everyday – прилагательное.

I swim every day at 6 p.m.

Every day is a fresh start.

My swimming program is an everyday thing.


Типы наречий и их место в предложении

mesto narechij

Место наречий в английском предложении зависит, в первую очередь, от типа наречий. Типы наречий в английском весьма схожи с типами наречий в русском.

На сайте есть больше теоретической информации по теме «Наречия», а также упражнения на наречия.

Типы наречий в английском языке.

here, there, near, above, below, somewhere (anywhere), nowhere,

just, already, yet, today, yesterday, ever, ago, tonight, tomorrow, since,

always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never

наречия образа действия

slowly, proudly, fast, well

Место наречия в английском предложении.

Наречия места обычно стоят в конце предложения:

Greg couldn’t find Molly anywhere.

She didn’t see him there.

Наречия времени могут занимать различную позицию в предложении. Наречия just, already, ever, стоят между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголом.

Have you ever been to Kongo?

They have already handed their tests.

They have just come.

Наречие yet принято ставить в конце предложения, хотя можно и между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголом.

I haven’t checked my dictation yet.

I haven’t yet checked my dictation.

Остальные наречия времени занимают позицию в начале или в конце предложения.

Tomorrow I’ll visit him. I’ll visit him tomorrow.

Yesterday I saw her. I saw her yesterday.

Наречия частотности, как правило, употребляются перед смысловым глаголом или именной частью составного именного сказуемого:

She is always ready to answer.

It often rained last autumn.

I will never see her again.

Наречия образа действия обычно употребляются после глагола:

You did the test well.

Why are you walking so slowly?

Усилительные наречия so, such, very, too и другие употребляются перед определяемым прилагательным, существительным или наречием, а наречие enough употребляется после прилагательных, наречий или глаголов, но перед существительными:

Molly is very tired.

He’s so busy today.

Molly is such a clever girl.

The child is bright enough.

Mike hasn’t put enough sugar into the pie.

Как видно из примеров, наречие so относится к прилагательному, a such — к существительному:

It is such a beautiful day.

Если наречие относится ко всему предложению в целом, то ставится оно в начале (или реже в конце) предложения.

Unfortunately, we failed to solve the problem.

В соответствии со своим значением наречие выполняет в предложении синтаксическую функцию обстоятельства, т.е. обстоятельства места, времени, частотности, образа действия и т.д.

Место наречий в предложении. Упражнения.

Упражнение 1. Определите подходящее место в предложении для наречия.

Упражнение 2. Найдите наречия и исправьте ошибки, если таковые имеются. (по теме МЕСТО НАРЕЧИЯ В ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ)

Место наречий в предложении. Ответы к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1. Определите подходящее место в предложении для наречия.

Упражнение 2. Найдите наречия и исправьте ошибки, если таковые имеются. (по теме МЕСТО НАРЕЧИЯ В ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИИ)

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

4 Комментариев для «Типы наречий и их место в предложении»


«Why’d you pick Zharvai anyway?» he asked

It falls short onto the counter, not that she would have caught it anyway

So anyway, what was the take up rate I hear you enquire? How would

«It wasn’t you we were worried about anyway,» Ava said, «it was Venna

Jorma went back to the ale and Ennil switched also, for this cup anyway

This was a week to let the garden take care of itself and it was going to be at least another hour before the snow melted anyway

I feel like I’ve met him anyway

«Yeah, I can’t get the last bite of this in and it’s cold anyway

Hermann felt kind of bad about that, but it seemed to him like she would be happier in Heaven anyway

Probably not the best time in the world to be using elevators anyway,” Vinnie said as he glanced at his departing teammates

“What do those do, anyway?” Big Petey asked nervously as he looked at the four square grenades that Red was still holding

«I couldn’t sleep anyway,» he said over the steaming cup

Anyway, she trained as a nurse and went away to work in Bristol

She watched people around them wondering what kind of years are there anyway?

There was barely enough light to run it, but the plains were devoid of signal anyway

devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

What is this thing anyway

«But anyway, we pick it up at a warehouse on the docks, where’s it gotta go?»

Estwig was making enough noise dragging the far end of the big harness out in the direction of the Rockasaur that he could hardly hear a shout at that point anyway

Anyway, she totally rejects the idea that there could be someone who hates her that much

I feel I almost know you anyway

There was nothing better in life, for me anyway, than skin

Only one that stands out anyway

Where is she anyway

no old man at home, anyway, only the dog, and Cat never thought of her as a moron

‘I remember one occasion when Jack and I had to put everything in store while we moved house … there was some problem so we couldn’t just move out of one place and into another … can’t remember what it was now … but anyway, we ended up renting a furnished place for a month

More than two anyway

«Anyway, Michael and I both owe him a few grand each

Glenelle tended to have a separate sun for each room in her universe anyway so this would just be the opening on one side of her home

Having sunset last for two or more hours was something she could enjoy anyway

«What bilge-bail are you looking for anyway

Anyway, I took her down to the police station in my car and sat with her while she made her statement

That’s a safe and reliable little car, I believe, and anyway, I must have a chat with her

Anyway, I recognized the cunt

Anyway, Sammy came over to us and asked Rocco where he got the big Yant on his back

Not yet anyway

«Anyway, my sister wanted to be warned,» she was fiddling with a ground-comm panel

Not entirely anyway

Even if they were, they had certain contracts that could not be ignored and would have given them a free ride anyway

Not under stress anyway

And anyway, he had tried to offer them alternatives

Anyway, I’m hoping they’ll let me up soon

‘Could do with losing a bit of weight anyway

Anyway, I suspect her success was just a foul play, so as to show this special telepathy experiment was not just a flop

Anyway, I don’t intend to set foot in that hornets’ nest again

We are using the large room behind the stage area for changing … men on the left and women on the right with a row of mobile clothing racks down the middle, where we each have our personal designated areas to hang our costumes, giving some sort of modesty division, though to be honest, who the hell wants to gawp? As the play takes place in the present day, the clothes are not really costumes anyway, but, all the same, my character has certain things she has to wear – some my own and some provided by wardrobe

anyway, I have other things to occupy my mind … like work … and how I throw myself into that

Anyway, I don’t know if the would-be groom believed me; however, we agreed to meet again two days later and go for a swim at “a nice, isolated beach in Kavouri”, as George suggested

This was one of those places where Bahkmar had to bite his tongue and not blurt out, ‘they are just a few thousand pages of ‘if’ statements, some few-level neural simulation loops, a few gig of customizable data and some presentation rendering loops’ but the vow was sacred and he understood even to the sociological level why the people who can’t understand it anyway need to believe it is holy

As she explained to me this evening, when I visited her, during the three years we have been apart she has gone steady with lots of men, until she ended up in a yearlong relationship with a woman! Anyway, for the time being she is single; she doesn’t have any love affair of any kind

Anyway, I came over here to ask about the council meeting, you’re not on duty for this one are you?»

He’s still in the infirmary but the surgeons say he’ll make a full recovery, at least physically anyway

Anyway, at a moment he found a black pen and the opportunity to smudge two of the three pages of my published story! When I saw that, I flew off the handle! The little monster managed to stain the only success I’ve had in my life insofar!

I automatically refuse and tell him I will call him back, but I don’t intend to do anything like that; I don’t trust him, anyway

Anyway, she assures me she has backed me up to Mr Gryparis by explaining to him the reason for my absence

Anyway, there is no proof about that, besides I can’t imagine she could be so mean

Seth didn’t protest, he just insisted, to me anyway, that my whole life solely depended on Julia’s well-being

Knowing Jaseem they would soon retire to the harem anyway

«What are we saving that thing for anyway?» he asked

Elond wouldn’t have cared anyway if he met a former lover at a pub every third week

He was, anyway, the fittest and fastest of the assembled pre-season breakers, playing at centre with all of the modern power and grace required of a rugger boy

«So anyway,» she told him, «if they want to study the planet from a scientific standpoint they should probably start at Kassidor Kassikan in Kassidor Yakhan

I won’t fall for that one again and I’ll have Angie with me anyway

Anyway, she would have to tell everyone to keep their limbs out of the water and not play with the crossbows

Human memory, the details anyway, lasts nowhere near that long, not a fraction that long

What was the purpose of the Messiah, anyway? Why did Jesus even come? And why did He do what He did? What is the reason and heart behind all of this?

As it was, captain M’Kintre would have wanted all the humans on the raft killed except Alan anyway

They would probably consider it pointless because he was likely to be eaten by something before daylight anyway

He called one more time anyway, before his call broke into sobs

He knew he had no chance, but he would put up a fight anyway

«Oh I’d have thought by this point anyway

‘I heard him say something along those lines, Lintze – it will take a while to muster some support for you for the next one anyway

«Yeah, the stuff’s pretty filling anyway

He could see that she was on the defensive, but decided to call her bluff anyway

“I could do with a rest anyway

I daresay my nerves are a bit on edge anyway … what with the impending trip to Minca

It was warmer sleeping by the fire anyway and no predators bothered them

“Yeah, where are they anyway

“Well, it will be dark in about hour anyway

Anyway, it’s not me with the problem, it’s her

Anyway, with the gun and the screaming

Alan didn’t want them relating the starship part, no one believed it anyway, but they were spellbound by the wilderness part

Anyway, I suppose associations like that only served to make him more attractive to my aunt

«She’s over that now,» Luray said, «Nlara’s running her deck anyway

Anyway, I haven’t said I will marry you yet

The children wouldn’t leave without you anyway

But I didn’t mind, and anyway, they were closer to the truth than they realised and so by the time I left college, I felt a real affinity with Greece and not just from my studies but also from the long summers spent with my uncle, and as I grew and continued my interest, a new dimension developed with a cherished awareness of a different culture

The cafe was closed and it was time to head back anyway, but before I did, I wanted to go a little further down to where I could just see a swamp of what looked like complete desolation; dried-up marsh and cracked puddles and decomposing vegetation like the ones that used to scare me as a child

He hung his eyes at her while Nuran read the one about getting the inglethor stuck in your nose that Desa thought was gross anyway

Not that these guys should be betting big money anyway, Desa thought

And anyway, I could never love you less

«Anyway, the oven won’t work

When losing the signal I would start to lose control and pretend I was going to jump out of the car, but my father screaming my name at me usually slugged me back into present time reality for a short period anyway

«He said Nuran came to his cabin puking her guts out and whining that you were so mean you were going to make her stand her shift anyway

She was, anyway, helping a very pleasant young policewoman with her enquiries and Miss Jones was on fine form as the policewoman took her statement

They said they belonged to gangs, but I took a walk with them anyway

Anyway, Zaki told me

Anyway, I brought a load of ’em back with me and sold the lot in one morning down Brick Lane so now, whenever we get the opportunity, we buy a load more and do a nice line for as long as they last

He kissed her anyway and she returned it, as passionately as when she tried to imitate Yellelle

‘There’d be no point – anyway, no-one knows where we are or what barge we were on

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