The word aloud in a sentence

вслух, громко, ощутимо, громким голосом, заметно, сильно


- естественным, нормальным голосом; не шёпотом

they could not speak aloud in the library — в библиотеке они не могли разговаривать громко

- вслух

to read aloud — читать вслух (не про себя)

- громко, во весь голос

to laugh aloud — громко смеяться
to call aloud for help — громко звать на помощь
the pain caused him to cry aloud — он вопил от боли

- эмоц.-усил. ощутимо; сильно; вовсю

it reeks aloud — ужасно /страшно/ воняет

Мои примеры


to think aloud / out loud — думать, размышлять вслух  
call aloud for help — громко звать на помощь  
cry aloud — громко кричать; орать  
laugh aloud — громко смеяться  
read aloud — прочитать вслух; читать вслух  
think aloud — размышлять вслух; думать вслух  
use oneself to speak aloud — приучать себя говорить громко  
reading aloud — чтение вслух  

Примеры с переводом

Oh, sorry. I was thinking aloud.

Ой, извините: я размышлял вслух.

He read the poem aloud.

Он прочитал стихотворение вслух.

The pain made him cry aloud.

Боль заставила его громко плакать.

She wondered aloud what to do with the money.

Она вслух размышляла о том, что делать с деньгами.

Joanne, would you read the poem aloud?

Джоан, прочти, пожалуйста, стихотворение вслух.

He glanced at the letter and began to read it aloud.

Он взглянул на письмо и начал читать его вслух.

The letter was not read aloud, but all present were informed of its purport.

Письмо не было зачитано вслух, но все присутствующие были в курсе его содержания.

I cry aloud to all and sundry, at the very tiptop of my voice.

Я громко кричала всем и каждому, кричала изо всех сил.

The crowd fell silent as the horrible news was read aloud.

Толпа замолчала, когда зачитали эту ужасную новость.

Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud.

Дети могут кликнуть мышкой на предложении, чтобы услышать, как его читают вслух.

The students were taking turns reading aloud.

Студенты по очереди читали вслух.

The roll call of the fallen was read aloud at the memorial service.

Поимённый список павших был зачитан вслух на поминальной службе.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She could have laughed aloud.

It was painful, and made me cry aloud.

‘What did you say?’ ‘ Sorry, I was just thinking aloud.’

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Definition of Aloud

clearly out loud

Examples of Aloud in a sentence

The teacher had the students read the story aloud so that everyone would hear the story being spoken.


Sarah said her thoughts aloud when she told everyone that she thought they were being mean to her.


I will often sing aloud in my garden because I like to hear myself sing but my neighbors don’t.




Other words in the Talk category:





















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1. He read his sister’s letter aloud.

2. Joanne, would you read the poem aloud?

3. Please read the following sentences aloud.

4. Please read this passage aloud, Jennifer.

5. I was thinking aloud.

6. When we were children, our father read aloud to us.

7. Better not say too much aloud.

8. She called aloud for help.

9. The teacher read the poem aloud to the pupils.

10. The students were taking turns reading aloud.

11. I heard him suddenly laugh aloud.

12. He read the poem aloud.

13. «I’ll buy a new car,»Tom thougt aloud.

14. «Where’s Natasha?» she wondered aloud.

15. The pain made him cry aloud.

16. Denis almost gasped aloud in astonishment.

17. «I’m done for!» he shouted aloud.

18. He read the letter aloud to us.

19. Prudently,[] Joanna spoke none of this aloud.

20. » What’s to be done?’she thought aloud.

21. She read the poem aloud.

22. She cried aloud in protest.

23. It was painful, and made me cry aloud .

24. Oh, sorry. I was thinking aloud.

25. «You fool,» he said aloud.

26. The teacher listened to the children reading aloud .

27. She could have laughed aloud.

28. She could scarcely stop herself from crying aloud.

29. He called aloud for help.

30. The teacher asked the students to read the text aloud after class.

More similar words: cloud, loudly, deal out, all out, flour, alone, along, go all out, pull out, roll out, sell out, fill out, feel out, a lot of, let alone, flourish, smell out, catalog, all along, at a loss, a load of, get along, credulous, nebulous, libelous, dialogue, along with, alongside, leave alone, malodorous. 

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Aloud is an American indie rock band.

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Calla— американская группа, играющая Инди- рок.

I order you to pray aloud.

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Our God Commands that His people should»Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice

like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression.


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НАШ БОГ ПРИКАЗЫВАЕТ, что Его люди должны:» Взывай громко, не удерживайся; возвысь голос твой,

подобно трубе, и укажи народу Моему на беззаконие его.


Eight Old Testament readings were omitted, another was shortened, and the priest was no longer obliged

to read the passages quietly while they were being read or chanted aloud.

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Восемь чтений из Ветхого Завета были изъяты, еще одно сокращено, и священник больше не был

обязан тихо читать эти отрывки в то время, когда они громко пелись или читались.

After the bone is broken with one strike, the men come out on the street with calls of»kurai-kurai», inviting happiness and prosperity,

and simply shouting aloud, as they say.

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После того, как кость разбита одним ударом, мужчины выходят на улицу с криками« курай- курай»,

зазывают счастье и достаток и просто громко кричат, как говорится,

They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the LORD, they shall cry aloud from the sea.

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Они возвысят голос свой, восторжествуют в величии Господа, громко будут восклицать с моря.

When Bartimeus heard that Jesus was near,

he lifted up his voice and began to cry aloud,“Jesus, Jesus, have mercy upon me!”.

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Когда Вартимей услышал, что рядом с ним находится Иисус, он начал громко кричать:« Иисус, Иисус, помилуй меня!».

She was thinking about something, something that had been nagging at her for quite a while,

ever since-«Ever since the church,» she said aloud, remembering it.

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Она думала кое о чем, что преследовало ее уже долгое время,- Начиная с церкви,-

сказала она громко, вспомнив это.

I don’t very well know what I did with my hands, but he called me“Rat!

Rat!” and bellowed out aloud.

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Я не вполне сознавала, что делают мои руки, но он крикнул:- Крыса!

Крыса!- и громко завопил.

Such consent must be expressed by each spouse, aloud and in person before the Civil Registry official.


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Это согласие должно быть выражено каждым из супругов устно и лично в присутствии сотрудника органа записи

актов гражданского состояния.


On Sundays, the whole family gathered at the round table in the hall, opened the box,

and read its contents aloud.


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По воскресеньям вся семья собиралась у круглого стола в зале, ящик вскрывался,


She first appeared at the Babbacombe theatre,

Torquay as part of the supporting act Kidz Aloud troupe aged 7.

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Впервые появилась в театре Babbacombe в возрасте семи лет,

когда она выступила на разогреве у труппы Kidz Aloud troupe.

PLOT- to COME OUT POVERTY** in the Morning, after

washing, pour in a glass of water and tell on it aloud, by heart:

Clear water, water rich, water generous, water rich, you flow where you want, do not know barriers, yourself make look fat the earth, never become scanty.


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ЗАГОВОР- ВЫЙТИ ИЗ БЕДНОСТИ** Утром, после умывания,

налей в стакан воды и наговори на нее вслух, наизусть: Вода чистая,

вода богатая, вода щедрая, вода изобильная, ты течешь, где хочешь, преград не знаешь, собою землю полнишь, никогда не оскудеваешь.


I arose upon my knees in the bed and wept aloud with joy,

and remained for some time too much overwhelmed with the baptism of the Spirit to do anything, but pour out my soul to God.


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Я встал на колени в кровати и громко рыдал от радости,

оставаясь какое-то время слишком переполненным крещением в Духе так, что был не в состоянии что-либо делать, кроме как изливать свою душу Богу».


Part of this problem was that votes were counted silently rather than aloud and observers were unable to see the voter’s mark,

so there was no way of telling whether the ballots were being counted accurately.


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Отчасти эта проблема заключалась в том, что голоса подсчитывались молча, нежели вслух, и наблюдатели не имели возможности видеть сделанную избирателями отметку,

в результате чего было невозможно определить, насколько точно подсчитывались.


All that is left is to declare aloud and to send the world a clear message that Russian language

and culture is the Ukrainian heritage which ostensibly was shamelessly stolen by Moscow and now blackmails Ukraine.


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Осталось громко и на весь мир заявить, что русский язык и культура- это украинское

наследие, которое якобы бессовестно украла Москва и теперь шантажирует несчастную Украину.


But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, who were ancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice;

and many shouted aloud for joy:

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Впрочем многие из священников и левитов и глав поколений, старики, которые видели прежний храм, при основании этого храма пред глазами их, плакали громко,

но многие и восклицали от радости громогласно.

It is similar to this situation; if you were all the time amongst those who are shouting, swearing aloud, and fist fighting,

soon you would begin to feel weakness within your own self, a physical fatigue, and you would desire to leave that venue as quickly as possible.


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Это точно то же самое, если все время находились бы среди громко кричащих, ругающихся,

и дерущихся, то вскоре вы почувствовали бы слабость внутри себя, физическую дряблость, и хотели бы быстрее это место покинуть.


If You understand that the issue has put You in a deadlock,

begin boldly to think aloud to draw or sketch plan of action,

if You prefer, ask additional questions for deeper understand the asked question.


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Если Вы понимаете, что вопрос поставил Вас в тупик,

начинайте смело размышлять вслух или схематично рисовать план действий, если Вам так будет удобнее, задавайте

дополнительные вопросы для того, что бы более глубинно понять суть задаваемого вопроса.


But many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers'[houses], the old men that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice;

and many shouted aloud for joy:

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Впрочем многие из священников и левитов и глав поколений, старики, которые видели прежний храм, при основании этого храма пред глазами их, плакали громко,

но многие и восклицали от радости громогласно.

She said aloud, turning her head swiftly and looking him straight in the face,

not with the bright expression that seemed covering something, but with a look of determination, under which she concealed with difficulty the dismay she was feeling.

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Громко сказала она, быстро поворачивая к нему голову и глядя ему прямо в

глаза, но совсем уже не с прежним скрывающим что-то весельем, а с решительным видом, под которым она с трудом скрывала испытываемый страх.

A supposed transcript of a phone call from the prison to the Magen David

Adom emergency services was read aloud on Channel 10 news,

in which the caller reportedly said,»he’s hanged himself», and requested a mobile intensive care unit.

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Предполагаемая транскрипция телефонного звонка из тюрьмы в аварийные службы

Magen David Adom была прочитана вслух в новостях Channel 10,

в которых, по сообщениям, вызывающий абонент сказал:« Он повесился» и запросил реанимационный автомобиль.

Therefore, Vatican diplomats should listen carefully to the voice of Ukrainian Christians, including the opinion of the leadership of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, and especially the Kyiv Patriarchate,

which express their frustration aloud.


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Поэтому ватиканская дипломатия должна внимательно прислушиваться к голосу, исходящему от украинских христиан, в том числе и к мнению руководства Украинской греко- католической Церкви[ 2], а в особенности Киевского патриархата[

3], которые громко выражают свое разочарование 4.


Thinking aloud, I admit that the Eastern Partnership programme must

be taken into account, which, in turn, should take into account the fact that, judging from your statements, we have mutual interest in shaping a wider and comprehensive concept of common spaces.

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Размышляя вслух, допускаю, что должна учитываться программа« Восточное партнерство»,

которая в свою очередь должна учитывать, что мы, судя по Вашим высказываниям, имеем обоюдный интерес к формированию более широкой, всеохватывающей концепции общих пространств.

At other times the people were free to climb to the summit alone or in company, but it is said that the silence was so great that even a stranger ignorant of Númenor and all its history, if he were transported thither,

would not have dared to speak aloud.

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Во все остальное время люди были вольны подниматься на вершину поодиночке и группами, но говорят, что тишина там была настолько полной, что даже чужеземец, не знающий ничего о Нуменоре и его истории, попав туда,

не осмелился бы говорить громко.

The sorted ballots shall be counted aloud, by moving them one by one from one stack to another in such a way

as to allow the persons present at the counting to see the voter’s mark in the ballot.

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Подсчет рассортированных избирательных бюллетеней осуществляется вслух, путем перекладывания их по одному, из одной пачки в другую таким образом,

чтобы лица, присутствующие при подсчете, могли слышать или видеть отметку избирателя в избирательном бюллетене.

But I had no guess of it then as I sat writing by the fireside, in what seemed the spring-tides of a somewhat pedestrian inspiration; nor yet day by day, after lunch,

as I read aloud my morning’s work to the family.


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Но я не догадывался об этом тогда, когда сидел и писал у камина, который, казалось, источал свежие приливы вдохновения; ни теперь, изо дня в день, после обеда,

когда я читаю вслух мою утреннюю работу семье.


So then, when I woke up(I don’t wear any watch here, as you know),

when I came back, the two consciousnesses were simultaneous, and I said aloud,»Where is my watch? I forgot to put my watch on.».

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И тогда, пробуждаясь( я не ношу здесь часов, ты знаешь),

при пробуждении оба сознания оказались одновременно, и я громко сказала:« Где мои часы? Я забыла надеть свои часы.».

The 30 points refer to the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On 10 December, students and teachers at Adelphi University gathered in classrooms and conference halls inside the campus,

where students took turns to read aloud each article of the Declaration.


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Упомянутые 30 аспектов относятся к 30 статьям Всеобщей декларации прав человека. 10 декабря студенты и преподаватели Университета Адельфи собрались в аудиториях и конференц-залах университетского городка,

где студенты по очереди зачитали вслух каждую статью Декларации.


Although Harry had offered to share his book with both of them, Ron had more difficulty deciphering the handwriting than Harry did,

and could not keep asking Harry to read aloud or it might look suspicious.

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Хотя Гарри предложил делить его книгу с ними обоими, но у Рона были бОльшие трудности, при расшифровке почерка, чем были у Гарри, и он

не мог продолжать просить, чтобы Гарри читал вслух, иначе это могло бы выглядеть подозрительным.

Results: 360,
Time: 0.025





» she read aloud

Say this prayer with me aloud

And say this prayer with me aloud

the words of faith aloud

As they came up the stairs, they stopped, turned towards each other and wondered aloud, when they would be able to return to this place

It was hot and busy and I groaned aloud when I heard that my 2230 flight was delayed by almost an hour

Gratitude prayers are simple: either write or state aloud all of the

into the bucket for each name that was read out aloud

Rapidly realizing the implications of this Captain Andrid repeated aloud, “Worse than that young man, this means there is a traitor among us

two could not help laughing aloud at his appearance

The mystic lady threw her head back and laughed aloud

“I didn’t think this island was that big!” Tom wondered aloud

wondered aloud what he should do with his Granddad’s watch

The witch laughed aloud, ‘This is just too precious

Jock starts to catalogue his options, thinking aloud

They ate, talked, played and read aloud, cooked, cleaned, washed and mended, paced, hummed, sang and told stories always with the twins in someone’s arms, lap, or perched on a hip

The host spoke aloud as he filled in the remaining points

Jameson only loosened his hold when she thanked him aloud in a voice of both gratitude and intimacy

He wondered aloud at their non-performance of the routine ‘walk

Belle read aloud, We most thoroughly enjoyed the theater again our last evening in the city that doesn’t sleep

Harry’s subsequent interview with the headmaster and the accommodation which Malvern College made on Harry’s behalf was cause for celebration when first received and read aloud; even now it rekindled a warmth of pride in them at the recollection of Harry’s triumph

Belle had not read aloud, nor would she consent to do so, the record of Mr

On that afternoon, Titania and Hipolyta with Jameson sat around the big table in the great room with their elders and listened as George read aloud a copy of the notice delivered personally by the Council Secretary to all store owners in the village

Allcock on a chilly December day?” he asked aloud

After another hour he got tired of reading aloud and just asked her letters he forgot

This solicited grins from the others who had to be careful not to laugh aloud

Olivia affirmed her guess aloud and with a slight disappointment that her ruse was unsuccessful she went to sit down and watch the continuing game

Harold was so taken by the descriptions of the Sierras and of the Great Tahoe, he wondered aloud how fitting a Honeymoon destination it would make for Chloe

Spelman read the few lines aloud, “My apologies, I’m afraid I didn’t have time to assemble the view maps for your residence, but I am quite sure you will find that your vista of the river and lake are framed quite nicely by the near valley’s shoulders

1“Shout it aloud, do not hold back

» She blurted aloud to herself

Jameson laughed aloud at his own role as Bottom the Weaver

It would be a good training experience for them,” Belle thought aloud

” She couldn’t say it aloud, the practice of silence was too strong after so long

Then he said aloud that he himself was my target, and to loose the arrow with all my skill and strength

carefully dismounted his old mare and asked aloud if there

She’d even been invited to read the bible aloud with them

The masters, upon these occasions, are just as clamorous upon the other side, and never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate, and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much severity against the combination of servants, labourers, and journeymen

Would the fall NEVER come to an end! `I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?’ she said aloud

said aloud, gingerly removing his shoes and oblivious to

aloud, and then went back out into the courtyard

Janice lent forward and read it aloud to herself

able to recover his composure, he read aloud so that all

Other worshippers stood nearby in prayer, palms raised to the heavens, crying out aloud

You’re wrong, Nerissa thought, just stopping herself in time before she corrected him aloud

Surprisingly, it helped to say these things aloud

“No! No! No!” he sobbed aloud

Puzzled, Brynjolf mused aloud why Dragon Bridge, why that far-flung little village, and the man answered mockingly that maybe she intended to join up with the “Pentus Ocultus”, or whatever gibberish it was that they were called

And was it magnificent! “Doesn’t intercourse hurt?” she wondered aloud

He couldn’t say it aloud, but the message was clear

Senta on the other hand, mused aloud, “I haven’t watched a ship being built before

“Any other little gadgets I should know about just now?” Mim’s eyes never left the Seranim, as if she were interested to see how much of what she knew would be aired aloud

She read aloud: “Elhehrim Starship, Lorien!?” her voice was nearly screeching

“Tenrith? Never heard of it;” Elenir mused aloud, her voice stronger after the time with Ravena in their rooms

He repeated the name aloud, in spite of himself

“Yes, Captain!” she accepted aloud for the whole bridge to hear

Now Deni was even more impressed that Senta could always look so immaculate; and never use a mirror?! “How do you do it?” she muttered aloud

All the guests followed his example and raised their goblets in the direction of the couple while they repeated the king’s words aloud

‘ Jista continued aloud, “

“Huntress to the Borantus,” she called aloud

‘ She fixed her eyes into the depths of the stone as directed, and aloud repeated what she thought she’d just ‘heard,’ holding the stone a little higher

“What now?” she mused aloud to prod them out of their ‘stupor

Aloud the Elf replied, “It would seem that I shan’t be worried about counting birthdays any longer, for one thing

“Curious feeling to say the least!” she said aloud, but added to Jista and Elenir, “Don’t quit your day jobs just yet

“Certainly the Legion isn’t admitting children now?” She snickered aloud

Tohm laughed aloud, “Yes, Time is the uniquely subjective phenomenon

“Ready!” she called aloud to someone else, not with them at the moment

He held the stone high over his head and repeated aloud an incantation he was certain he’d translated properly

“What a nutty deal that was,” she said aloud

something else aloud when she heard a tapping sound at the rear of the house

“Why I could almost believe you took one of my sleeping pills to offset the diet pills,” she muttered aloud

up while I’m doing it?” she asked herself aloud but softly

I wondered aloud where all this merchandise came from

Don»t you know that God understands how we feel? It doesn»t make any difference whether you say it aloud

” We both laughed aloud at the memories

“Good,” I said aloud, “Joseph isn»t here yet

“Joseph isn»t the only reason I can»t let myself cry aloud, Ruth

He prayed aloud, “Lord, I have seen the Redeemer

Jesus laughed aloud as Joseph awoke and looked around

A blue bird lit on His shoulder and Jesus giggled aloud

” Joseph spoke aloud as he scooted Jesus back on his shoulder

” I said aloud, then asked in a silent prayer for God to care for them

” His voice was low, as though he were thinking aloud

” His voice was distant, almost as though he were dreaming rather than speaking aloud

you leave me my Tom,” she cried aloud

“And to think,” I said aloud to my brother, who I knew by instinct to be

I put a saucer of food near the sill in appreciation of his attendance and read my copy aloud for his approval

I said aloud

To expel the words from his thoughts he spoke aloud as he picked up the knife and pressed it to his arm

“Lydia Isackson?” Roger said aloud

They both laughed aloud

He blinked and regarded Jhordel dazedly, unaware that he had spoken aloud

And that almost made him laugh aloud as he pictured himself stuck in a washroom pissing

“Interesting,” thought Porge aloud

He deciphered and translated aloud as if it helped him understand better

” he declared, thinking aloud

She wished for a book or something to read aloud to them

They were so upset when I said that aloud

She read them to herself, and she read them aloud to Miss

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