The word against the world

In his goodness, He chose
to make us His own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all
creation, became his choice possession. James1:18

The Word is what birthed
(or transformed into) all that there is. The bible says:

In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked
in darkness.  And the Spirit of God was
hovering over its surface. Then God said. “Let there be light,” and there was
light. Genesis1: 1-3

In the beginning the Word
already existed. He was with God, and he was God. He created everything there is.  Nothing exists that he didn’t make. John1:1-3

This actually means that
the Word is older than the world.  So it
(the world) is definitely no match for the Word.  The Word is older than everything there is i.e.
everything that has been created. 

According to Genesis 1
verse 3 above (and many other verses in Genesis Chapter 1); what God did at
first was to SAY.  He said things so they
could BE.

For when he spoke, the
world began! It appeared at his command. Ps33:9

Even when He created man,
at first, he spoke to him.  He reiterated
to him ‘who he is’, ‘why he is’ and ‘what to do’.  He emphasized man’s place and authority here
on earth.  Hence, the function of man was
communicated to and implanted in him via the Word.  

And so was (is) man.  

Therefore, man (the
spirit of man) responds to the Word.  And
also, man responds to words.

Meanwhile, there will
always be a definite reaction when the word that’s spoken is backed up by power.
 Of course, God is the all- powerful, so
every word he speaks is –automatically- fulfilled on earth and in the life of (a)

His Word is as good the deed.

It is the same with my
word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I
want it to, and will prosper everywhere I send it. Isaiah55:11

Aside from man being a
product of the Word and being sustained by it, he is also a speaking spirit. After
all he came out of a supreme ‘speaking’ God.  

Then God said, “Let us
make people in our image, to be like ourselves…

So God created people in
his own image.  God patterned them after
himself; male and female he created them. Genesis1:26a&27

The words that proceed
out of the mouth of man could make or mar him.

A man shall eat good by
the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence.

Also the words that
proceed out of the mouth of a man (and backed up by authority) could make or
mar another man, especially if the latter does not rely on an authority or
power that is superior to that of the one who commands.  

Words will become if they
are spoken, well directed, and clear and backed up with power and authority.

Above all, the Word of our
father-the creator- supersedes every other.

The grass withers, and
the flowers fade beneath the breath of the LORD. And so it is with people. The
grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the Word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:7&8

Tomorrow, we shall study
‘the world’ ( I mean the ‘spirit’ world. It more like the one the Yorubas call ‘aiye’(means ‘wicked world’) and what
makes evil people tick.

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Examples of using
Against the world
in a sentence and their translations

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So Many Tears» is



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So Many Tears»-

второй сингл Тупака Шакура из альбома« Me Against the World».

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И это была она против мира,. и Бог запрещает кому-либо помогать ей.

It was a clear-cut choice against the world,

against the

material, in favor of




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Это был абсолютно четкий выбор против мира,


материального, в пользу духовного.


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Мое лицо должно быть повернуто


земле, спиной к миру.

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1. , published shortly after the event, draws the correlations between the ‘two profound crises of social decomposition, in some ways similar to each other … the first … marked with the end of the old aristocratic parties, the triumph of democratic monarchy and of Julius caesar. the second, nearly two thousand years later … is characterized by the collapse of revolutionary socialism and the fascist victory of benito . It must be acknowledged before going any further that Mussolini’s appropriation of caesar and roman history was by no means original. thoughout history, as Wyke explains, caesar has been proposed alternately ‘as conqueror or civilizer, founder or destroyer, democrat or autocrat, murderer or victim … deployed to legitimate or undermine the authority of kings, to justify or denounce the coups of generals, to launch or obstruct revolutions’ (Caesar 17). 4 the coining of the term ‘caesarism’ can be traced back to the second half of the nineteenth century around the time of…

Idioms browser

  • after/when the dust settles
  • afternoon
  • afternoon farmer
  • ag
  • again
  • again and again
  • against
  • against (one’s) better judgment
  • against (one’s) principles
  • against (one’s) will
  • against (someone or something)
  • against all odds
  • against all the odds
  • against nature
  • against one’s better judgment
  • against one’s will
  • against the clock
  • against the collar
  • against the current
  • against the grain
  • against the grain, to go
  • against the law
  • against the odds
  • against the run of play
  • against the stream
  • against the world
  • against time
  • against will
  • against your better judgement
  • against your will
  • age
  • age before beauty
  • age in place
  • age is just a number
  • age like (fine) wine
  • age of consent
  • age of discretion
  • age out
  • age, sex, from
  • aged
  • ageing
  • agenda
  • agender
  • age-old
  • ages
  • aggie
  • aggregate
  • aggro
  • aging
  • aging in place
  • agitate

Full browser

  • Against the Grain (novel)
  • Against the Grain (novel)
  • against the grain, to go
  • Against the hair
  • Against The Kevin Conspiracy
  • Against the Law
  • Against the Mainstream
  • Against the man
  • Against the man
  • Against the man
  • Against the Odds
  • Against the person
  • Against the person
  • Against the person
  • Against the Rest Crew
  • Against the run of play
  • Against The Spread
  • against the stream
  • against the stream
  • against the stream
  • against the stream
  • against the stream
  • against the stream
  • Against the sun
  • Against The Wall
  • Against the will
  • against the wind
  • against the wind
  • Against the Wind (disambiguation)
  • Against the Wind (disambiguation)
  • against the world
  • against their better judgment
  • against their principles
  • against their will
  • against them
  • against time
  • against time
  • against time
  • against time
  • against time
  • Against Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
  • against us
  • Against Violence Human Rights Center
  • Against Wet Sawdust
  • against will
  • against you
  • against your better judgement
  • against your better judgment
  • against your principles
  • against your will
  • Against, Opposite
  • Against-the-Box
  • Against-the-Grain
  • Against-the-Grain
  • Against-The-Rule Astigmatism
  • Against-The-Rule Astigmatism
  • Against-The-Rule Astigmatism
  • Against-The-Rule Astigmatism
  • Againstand
  • Againward
  • Agakhi, Mukhammad Riza

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

против всего мира

против мира

против целого мира

против мировой

против мирового

против остального мира

против Всемирного

решении мировой

против Всемирной

Against the World

борьбе с мировой

на Всемирный

с миром


My cousin and I against the world .

It’s us against the world almost.

She had been fighting all her life against the world‘s darkness in all its forms.

Она всю свою жизнь боролась против мира тьмы во всех его формах.

No, it’s you and me against the world, baby.

Because it’s me and you against the world.

Emily and Dad against the world.

The two criminal states stand united against the world.

Moreover, we are virtually alone against the world.

Two against the world, baby.

Just you and me against the world?

If we’re all going to live together, then it’s us against the world.

It can be me and you against the world.

I don’t want to be against the world any more.

It was usually him against the world rather than…

It was my rebellion against the world.

You and me against the world, kid.

One man and his guitar against the world.

Back then we were a tiny group against the world.

It’s me and you against the world, always remember that.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат against the world

Результатов: 690. Точных совпадений: 690. Затраченное время: 442 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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