The word advocate in a sentence

The word «advocate» is a very familiar word that we use every day. However, we often use the word «advocate» wrongly in a sentence because we do not understand how to use the word correctly. We will explain in detail the word «advocate.»

The word «advocate» is used to describe a person standing in support or favor of another person’s cause, usually during court proceedings. An example of the use of the word «advocate» is: Johnson hated racism, so he became an advocate for humanity.

Using the word «advocate» in a sentence might seem easy given the definition. Nevertheless, you still have a lot to learn before you can correctly use the word in a sentence. This article provides all information needed to use the word «advocate» in a sentence correctly.

What Does The Word «Advocate» Mean?

Being ignorant of the meaning of a word or having little understanding of the word is the major reason there are barriers during communication. A person with little understanding of a word misuses it and the recipient will find it difficult to understand when the person speaks or writes.

To avoid making grammatical errors that will make your writing difficult to read, you should learn everything required about a word before using that word. We will look at the meaning, nature, and origin of the word «advocate.»

advocate dictionary

Meaning Of The Word «Advocate»

The word «advocate» refers to someone who speaks as a representative on behalf of someone else’s case in a court of law. It means someone who is publicly in support of a specific policy, an idea, or cause.

Being an «advocate» also means a lawyer who is defending someone in a court of law. It is also used to describe someone who is not afraid to publicly support what they believe in or suggest an idea or a way of doing something.

It also means writing, speaking, or standing up for something you believe in or someone, pleading, speaking, or arguing in favor of something. The word also refers to someone who fights for the rights of others, an intercessor.

The word «advocate» also refers to someone who acts as a negotiator between two parties aiming for a mutual agreement. It also refers to a person who acts on behalf of another.

Some dictionaries define the word «advocate» as a person who causes trouble and constantly disturbs others. It also means a student or an expert in rhetoric.

The word «advocate» also means promoting the sale, use, or acceptance of something, to express verbally. It also refers to publicly recommending or supporting something or someone, expressing admiration or approval.

The word also refers to seeking to influence or persuade someone (in most cases, a legislator) on an issue or a case. It also means campaigning to stir up the public about an issue so that action can be taken.

Origin Of The Word, Its Etymology And Nature

Now that we have established the meaning of the word «advocate,» we will discuss the origin of the word or its etymology.

The word «advocate» is a Middle English word derived from an Old French word «avocet,» from the Latin word «advocatus,» which is the past participle of the Latin word «advocare» (meaning to call to one’s aid). This is from the Latin word ad- (which means to) and the word «vocare» (meaning to call).

Next, we will talk about the nature of the word «advocate.»

The nature of the word «advocate» refers to the function it performs in a sentence. It is also the part of speech it is classified under.

The word «advocate» has a dual function in a sentence. This means it acts as both a noun and a verb. It is used to describe an action in a sentence. It is also used to identify or describe someone or something in a sentence.

An example of the use of the word «advocate» as a verb is she advocates for the return of the previous president in the current election. An example of using the word «advocate» as a noun is that he advocates for girl child education.

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Synonyms and Antonyms of the Word «Advocate»

Moving on, we will discuss the synonyms and antonyms of the word «advocate.» The synonyms are words with a similar meaning to that of the word «advocate.» The synonyms of the word «advocate» include

  • Supporter
  • Spokesperson
  • Attorney
  • Lawyer
  • Adherent
  • Debater
  • Representative
  • Mediator
  • Negotiator
  • Agitator
  • Endorse
  • Approve of
  • Promote
  • Advertise
  • Verify

We will look at some examples that depict the correct use of the synonyms of the word «advocate» in a sentence.

Examples with «Advocate»

  1. When I heard of my nephew’s case, I hired an advocate to help defend him during the trial.
  2. The chairman appointed Lucy to advocate for the group when any conflict with the other group arises.
  3. He became an advocate for justice after his sister was sentenced to death for a crime she did not commit.

Examples with the synonyms of «Advocate.»

  1. When I heard of my nephew’s case, I hired an attorney to help defend him during the trial.
  2. The chairman appointed Lucy to be the mediator for the group when any conflict with the other group arises.
  3. He became a supporter for justice after his sister was sentenced to death for a crime she did not commit.

Next, we will discuss the antonyms of the word «advocate.» The antonyms are words with an opposite meaning to the word «advocate.»

Some of the antonyms of the word «advocate» include:

  • Protester
  • Opponent
  • Accuser
  • Offender
  • Antagonist
  • Adversary
  • Condemn
  • Disapprove
  • Prevent
  • Enemy
  • Disagree
  • Denounce
  • Be against
  • Not believe in
  • Avert

Examples with the antonyms of «Advocate.»

  1. Many protesters were combing the streets today; unfortunately, some of them were killed by gunmen.
  2. My greatest enemy are people who love money so much that they can do anything to get it even if it is illegal.
  3. Most students strongly disagree on the cafeteria choice of dishes because their food was of low quality.
  4. She knew her parents disapprove of her going to the dance studio alone, but she went because she had no one to accompany her.
  5. Nick stood as one of my accusers and made false allegations against me even though he knew the truth about the situation.

How To Properly Use «Advocate» In A Sentence

You use the word «advocate» when you want to describe someone who loves fighting for the rights of others to protect them from harm. It is used to describe someone as an intercessor.

It is used to describe someone who argues or pleads for another’s cause, someone always supporting or defending another. It also means encouraging or supporting something or someone.

Lots of people use the word «advocate» as a synonym of a lawyer or an attorney. An «advocate» pleads for the cause of another in a court of law. It is also used to describe someone who tries to influence another’s decision to be in favor of his case.

It is also used when referring to one who supports and promotes others’ interests, especially in a group. The word «advocate» is also used to describe a representative of someone.

The best word to describe someone willing to strongly support, defend, argue, or represent someone else’s cause in any situation is an «advocate.» When a person is not scared of giving his opinion or supporting someone else’s opinion or decision, such a person is usually referred to as an «advocate.»

The noun form of the word «advocate» is «advocate,» while the verb form is «advocated» or «advocating.»

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Illustrative Examples On How To Use The Word «Advocate.»

We have given a detailed explanation of how you can correctly use the word «advocate» in a sentence. However, for better clarification, we will provide some examples below.

  • He became an advocate of financial support for orphans after his terrible experience when he lost both parents.
  • The king’s advocate sometimes represents the crown in international and foreign meetings when the king is not available.
  • Most psychological experts advocate rewarding your children for their excellent behavior because it helps them psychologically.
  • Heart specialists strongly advocate against eating food with high cholesterol as it gradually damages the heart.
  • Sam’s obsession with Bruce Lee’s movies was because he is a strong advocate of martial arts.
  • Mary was an advocate of the boss’s plan to hire more writers so they could get through the backlog of orders.
  • We found out that she is a passionate advocate of women’s liberation and that she has been fighting all her life for women’s rights to be implemented.
  • During the child custody case, the mother’s therapist is called to advocate for the child’s mother.
  • As an advocate for the aspiring presidential candidate, he did not hesitate to make promises to change the economy if people vote for his candidate.
  • Most parents see it as their duty to advocate for their children regardless of their situation.
  • You do not need to let people decide who you should be, advocate for anything that makes you happy and be proud of it.

Final Thoughts

The word «advocate» is like a word created to represent the excellent aspect of a person. Furthermore, the word is used to describe a person with good intentions. With a clear understanding of the word «advocate,» you can use it correctly when writing.

It is fun adding new words to your vocabulary, but getting more understanding of a word you know already is much fun. Moreover using new words with old words correctly is the ultimate fun you can have when communicating.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Definition of Advocate

to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things

Examples of Advocate in a sentence

A tireless advocate for children, Mr. Smith has practiced in the area of child welfare for over 20 years.


Since Jason is an advocate of living a healthy life, I find it quite surprising he smokes cigarettes.


As a teacher, I am a strong advocate for parental involvement in schools.


Colin joined the military because he wanted to be an advocate for freedom and justice.


Any good doctor will advocate healthy eating for his patients.


The outspoken singer is an advocate for gay and lesbian rights.


Rather than complain about the laws of your country, you should advocate for them to be changed.


Although Jean is a pro-choice advocate, she would never have an abortion herself.


Maggie does not advocate the death penalty even though a man killed her son.


Because my lawyer was such a fierce advocate for me, I won my court case.


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In This article, we will learn how to use Advocate in a sentence with simple 150+ examples. We will also learn the synonyms, definitions, and related words of Advocate.

  1. A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
  2. A lawyer who pleads cases in court
  3. Push for something
  4. Speak, plead, or argue in favor of
  5. Publicly recommend or support.
  6. A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

Advocate Synonyms

  • Recommend
  • Prescribe
  • Commend
  • Advise
  • Favour

Examples Of Advocate In a Sentence

  1. This is not something I advocate.
  2. Polygamy was advocated by Luther.
  3. Many people advocate for more gyms.
  4. It is god’s justice that advocates.
  5. Vince lets us play devil’s advocate.
  6. You should not advocate this or that.
  7. There are many investigative advocates.
  8. An advocate has already spoken with me.
  9. How can this be? the advocate inquired.
  10. I am honored to be an advocate for any.
  11. He is an advocate for buffy in his life.
  12. Could i send a telegram to the advocate?
  13. A deep breath was taken by the advocate.
  14. It is not the job of advocates to judge.
  15. So who is advocating for unborn children?
  16. The only legal advocate he had was mavis.
  17. My intention is not to advocate shooting.
  18. I am also an advocate of animal adventure.
  19. It’s not the kind of thing i advocate for.
  20. The last was the one i advocated seriously.
  21. Many advocates for a radical pneumonectomy.
  22. We need to advocate for affordable housing.
  23. The best person to advocate for you is Steve.
  24. Only labour has the option of advocating it.
  25. Becoming the child’s advocate in the school.
  26. Doctor wolf was an advocate based in prague.
  27. He advocates against marriage at a young age.
  28. Aren’t we still advocates for eugenics today?
  29. Dr. kauka was beethoven’s advocate in prague.
  30. A gradual reform strategy is what i advocate.
  31. Are there any great teachers who advocate it?
  32. The letter was signed by 8 prominent advocates.
  33. In the past, we advocated that authors who pay.
  34. She advocates for a toll-free system for roads.
  35. He only advocates a new way despite his support.
  36. The best advocate in the county was at his side.
  37. Those who sin will be protected by our advocate.
  38. Advocates of this approach should be considered.
  39. My father is my advocate, and you represent him.
  40. I am not an advocate of any particular doctrine.
  41. He was one of the world’s most famous advocates.
  42. Finally, a fourth point was made by the advocate.
  43. I have always been an advocate for nuclear power.
  44. Prosecutors and advocates took part in the trial.
  45. He advocates greater, that’s the only difference.
  46. Since a very young age, i have advocated napping.
  47. This situation is not one where i advocate change.
  48. The advocate smiled, “wait, that’s quite useless.”
  49. His career as an advocate began in 1846 in naples.
  50. I am advocating for the legalization of marijuana.
  51. The smith family was a strong advocate for saving.
  52. It wasn’t my idea to assign you as their advocate.
  53. None of the members of the group advocate violence.
  54. I can only imagine how english advocates must feel.
  55. I have always been an advocate for the old version.
  56. As a result, he has not stopped advocating for the.
  57. The tycoons are not like the advocate in any manner.
  58. An advocate is available online through the website.
  59. It is for this reason that i advocate for happiness.
  60. In his opinion, i’m just being the devil’s advocate.
  61. The company is the strongest advocate of wind power.
  62. He’s arguing with me just to be the enemy’s advocate.
  63. Advocates are generally experts at defending clients.
  64. According to bacon, science advocates should present.
  65. He did not advocate an outright smoking ban, ash said.
  66. It has not been advocated that the latter proposition.
  67. He advocates for more jet aircraft and fewer warships.
  68. The devil’s advocate must be given some consideration.
  69. Some of these centers advocate for the efficacy of sex.
  70. The pound and mil system was strongly advocated by him.
  71. Do you think you were advocating unforgivable behavior?
  72. Taking his seat, the defending advocate began to speak.
  73. Don’t identify her, but rather advocate for her privacy.
  74. Despite your liberal views, you were a devil’s advocate.
  75. As an advocate of free trade, she opposes protectionism.
  76. They aren’t advocating anything but a single perspective.
  77. During his tenure, he advocated for parliamentary reform.
  78. If possible, the advocate should have fluency in spanish.
  79. You can advocate for them; you can speak on their behalf.
  80. What we advocate are gentle breezes and moderate rainfall.
  81. Why indian teachers advocate that their activity declines?
  82. He was an advocate who used to be just like everyone else.
  83. You have one great advantage if you have a strong advocate.
  84. Anyone could take advantage of his devil’s advocate skills.
  85. Only attorneys and advocates are permitted to practice law.
  86. The advocate believes that this is a fair position to take.
  87. An advocate and the prosecutor play into each other’s hands.
  88. She is in her home right now with a crime victim’s advocate.
  89. Advocate agree to pay only if he or she wants advertisement.
  90. In his work, he advocates for the rights of african speakers.
  91. Throughout her writings, she advocates for transcendentalism.
  92. Advocates of open-source software are familiar with the term.
  93. Those who advocated for the opposite direction were dismissed.
  94. Is the advocate for any specific purpose? but if not, why not?
  95. It is advocated that nuclear power plants continue to operate.
  96. As a result, he became her advocate rather than her adversary.
  97. We are not advocating that we should have fewer media outlets.
  98. Members of this group also work to advocate among the elderly.
  99. The advocate begins by stating that it all depends on the case.
  100. In their foreign policy, they advocated for ethical principles.
  101. No change will be advocated for change’s sake by our commission.
  102. As a matter of fact, advocates’ names are addressed as mr.& mrs,
  103. The modern marketer advocates conducting a survey of the market.
  104. A waiver of disqualification can be granted by the lord advocate.
  105. Traditionally, the attorney general has been the public advocate.
  106. Peace activists are the advocates while analysts are the generals.
  107. Some advocates believe in a time-out for a certain amount of time.
  108. He or his fellow christians would never advocate feeding the poor.
  109. An advocate was the official representative and paid by the state.
  110. Several years ago, gene advocated for the benefits of vaccination.
  111. People often accuse him of playing the devil’s advocate with them.
  112. Additionally, he advocated for a stronger naval policy for germany.
  113. This article advocates for the application of the law of entelechy.
  114. In the opinion of these advocates, the challenge is insurmountable.
  115. The free-trade advocate is a faithful supporter of the free market.
  116. My intention is not to advocate a right to debate without restraint.
  117. Then how could she stand up for murray if he was maxwell’s advocate?
  118. He has been a strong advocate for public ownership of the railroads.
  119. Bryan center, a charity that advocates for people with disabilities.
  120. In this paper, advocates – drag system of dragon – planer is studied.
  121. Smith was one of the first advocates of interactive computer systems.
  122. While fowler opposed free trade, he was an outspoken advocate for it.
  123. Patients’ advocates are actively engaged in the fight against cancer.
  124. Those who are constitutionalists advocate defending the constitution.
  125. The advocate said the case had no chance of success in criminal court.
  126. I have been an advocate for my own health since i was first diagnosed.
  127. The lord jesus is not only the world’s advocate but also its redeemer.
  128. Based on the advocate’s observations, the businessman appears happier.
  129. There is a battle between pro-life advocates and pro-choice activists.
  130. I did not know that an advocate was pouring cold water on an imposter.
  131. As a consequence, i fear that a devil’s advocate may still be devilish.
  132. He started his legal career as an experienced advocate in his hometown.
  133. This is the reason he’s a strong advocate of state-owned rail companies.
  134. Neither this plan nor any other plan advocates too much fat consumption.
  135. There is a section here where advocates can share their views on cancer.
  136. You advocate banning car traffic in the heart of the city. do you agree?
  137. Linguet, one of the most famous advocates of sultans, viziers and neros.
  138. It is said that father guado carducci advocated a concept that he called.
  139. Despite the advocate’s initial denial, nekhludoff was allowed to proceed.
  140. As a fierce advocate of natural childbirth, she supports it passionately.
  141. Throughout his career, he has been a staunch advocate of economic reform.
  142. But it can be quite challenging to advocate a cause or a course of action.
  143. My heart aches for those advocates of these seedy, misguided philosophies.
  144. There is no need to worry about the sanctions since nobody advocates them.
  145. Advocators will not be hired for this job; they will hire analysts for it.
  146. An advocate is a person whose profession relies on persuasive arguments b.
  147. A good advocate represented wickersham in court, to wickersham’s advantage.
  148. During his time in the parlement of normandy, he was appointed an advocate.
  149. Another birth control advocate, margaret sanger, was harassed by him as well.
  150. In the christian advocate (january), statistics of the churches are revealed.
  151. Advocates of post-tribulation theology will see the church and israel united.
  152. They were represented by jules favre, an outstanding advocate of their cause.
  153. The role of a parent in advocating for their child is particularly important.
  154. A person who advocates the protection of and reverence for ritualistic forms.
  155. Throughout my career i have been a crisis counselor, advocate, and supporter.
  156. Therefore, the verses in the passage should be interpreted as advocating the.
  157. Despite the fact that the advocate seems pleased, a doctor thinks he is angry.
  158. As far as i’m concerned, we never advocated for him starting from the beginning.
  159. Having talked for a while, the witness then asked: where is the crown’s advocate?
  160. Therefore, he joined a conservationist movement and advocated for a greener world.
  161. Norman schwaf has advocated a permanent ban on tobacco on the international stage.
  162. A certain amount of boldness is expected of the tycoon, but not from the advocate.
  163. The preacher advocates that the church is not supposed to enter a particular business.
  164. The opposing party’s advocates are the ones who send christ in the opposite direction.
  165. During his lifetime, he was a strong advocate for women’s rights and the rights of farmers.
  166. No other individual would advocate for the destruction of the united states than rap brown.
  167. Although she advocates for reforms to the political system, she opposes the current arrangement.
  168. Crusades were never advocated in the new testament, and there are no passages that support them.
  169. In his new role as an advocate for the people, jim has never hidden his commitment to the people.
  170. Depending on where you live, carreno, the advocate in calle mayor, will probably know how to help you.

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More Similar/Related Words to Advocate

Approve of, Support, Back, Uphold, Subscribe to, Champion, Campaign on behalf of, Stand up for, Speak for, Argue for, Plead for, Press for, Lobby for, Urge, Promote, Espouse, Endorse, Sanction, Vouch for, Upholder, Supporter, Backer, Promoter, Proponent, Exponent, Protector, Patron

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Mr. Einar Hodkiewicz II

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(61 votes)

Advocate sentence example. The company is a strong advocate for wind power. It is the job of the parent to advocate for their child. … The job of a literary agent is to act as an advocate for the writers he represents.

Is it correct to say advocate for?

A: If you rally round a cause, you “advocate” it; you don’t “advocate for” it (“He advocates universal free health care”). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.) says the verb means to “speak, plead, or argue in favor of” something.

Is advocate for grammatically correct?

That’s how the verb “advocate” is supposed to be used. Without “for.” While we often see and hear advocate for (where advocate is a verb), frequent usage does not necessarily make good usage.

Can you advocate to someone?

As a noun, an advocate is a person who represents another person’s interests, like a lawyer does. In fact, the word comes from the courtroom — it’s from Latin advocare, to “add” a “voice.” To advocate is to add a voice of support to a cause or person.

What are the 3 types of advocacy?

Advocacy involves promoting the interests or cause of someone or a group of people. An advocate is a person who argues for, recommends, or supports a cause or policy. Advocacy is also about helping people find their voice. There are three types of advocacy — self-advocacy, individual advocacy and systems advocacy.

38 related questions found

What is a good sentence for advocate?

Advocate sentence example. The company is a strong advocate for wind power. It is the job of the parent to advocate for their child. You can chat with an advocate online through the website.

What is an advocate example?

The definition of an advocate is someone who fights for something or someone, especially someone who fights for the rights of others. An example of an advocate is a lawyer who specializes in child protection and who speaks for abused children in court. … Advocate a vegan diet.

How do you use the word advocate?

Advocate in a Sentence ?

  1. A tireless advocate for children, Mr. …
  2. Since Jason is an advocate of living a healthy life, I find it quite surprising he smokes cigarettes.
  3. As a teacher, I am a strong advocate for parental involvement in schools.

What do you call someone who advocates?

attorney, attorney-at-law, counsel, counselor.

How do you explain advocacy?

Advocacy is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.

What can I advocate for?

Advocates for Youth Issue Areas

  • Sexual Violence. …
  • Abortion Access. …
  • Young People in the Global South. …
  • Confidentiality in Health Care. …
  • Growth and Development. …
  • Supportive and Healthy Schools. …
  • Contraceptive Access. …
  • Youth Leadership and Organizing.

What do we advocate for?

Advocacy seeks to ensure that all people in society are able to: Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. Protect and promote their rights. Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives.

What does it mean to be someone’s advocate?

Webster’s defines an advocate as a person who pleads another’s cause, or who speaks or writes in support of something. … A good advocate does his or her homework, and follows through on what they say they’re going to do.

What are the 5 principles of advocacy?

Clarity of purpose,Safeguard,Confidentiality,Equality and diversity,Empowerment and putting people first are the principles of advocacy.

Who can be an advocate?

Friends, family or carers can be an advocate for you, if you want them to. It can be really helpful to get support from someone close to you, who you trust.

Is lawyer and advocate same?

A lawyer is a general term used to describe a legal professional who has attended law school and obtained a Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree. An advocate is a specialist in law and can represent clients in court.

How do you write an advocate name?

Advocates are entitled to prefix their names with ‘Advocate’; e.g. Mr.

What is advocacy and examples?

The definition of advocacy is the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing. An example of an advocacy is a non-profit organization that works to help women of domestic abuse who feel too afraid to speak for themselves. noun.

How can I be a good advocate?

There are 8 characteristics of an effective advocate.

  1. Always listens and learns.
  2. Deliberate focus on long-term goals.
  3. Values support from others.
  4. Openness to different ways to share your message.
  5. Commitment to partner with different and like-minded individuals.
  6. Ability to look at and respond to positions and an issue.

How do you self advocate for yourself?

Here are ten steps to being an effective self-advocate!

  1. Believe in Yourself and Prioritize Your Needs. No one knows your needs better than you. …
  2. Know Your Rights. …
  3. Keep Records. …
  4. Prepare and Plan. …
  5. Be Creative and Assertive. …
  6. Get Information and Decisions in Writing. …
  7. Right to Appeal. …
  8. Interim Solutions.

What does advocate for yourself mean?

You may have heard or seen the term, “self-advocacy.” But what does it mean to advocate for yourself? Self-advocacy means: You are able to tell people about your thoughts and feelings. You are able to ask for what you need and want. You know your rights and you speak up for your rights.

How can an advocate support an individual?

An advocate can:

  1. listen to your views and concerns.
  2. help you explore your options and rights (without pressuring you)
  3. provide information to help you make informed decisions.
  4. help you contact relevant people, or contact them on your behalf.
  5. accompany you and support you in meetings or appointments.

Why should I be an advocate?

Using Advocacy to Drive Change

We work to drive social justice and improve health behaviors. … Advocacy is a powerful and important catalyst for the change we want to see. We can work to improve the laws, policies and systems that affect the communities we serve.

Why is advocacy so important?

What is the main purpose of advocacy? Advocacy seeks to ensure that all people in society are able to: Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. Protect and promote their rights. Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives.

advocate — перевод на русский


It also happens that a very well known advocate is a close personal friend of the family’s.

К счастью, один весьма известный адвокат является близким другом моей семьи. Это угроза?

I can’t see that the famous advocate Hastler is doing anything for me except encourage the delay.

Знаменитый адвокат Хаслер мне ничем не помог, только затянул эту волокиту.

You know why the advocate has agreed to see him, Leni?

Знаешь, Лени, почему адвокат его принимает?

— Who is your advocate?

Нет-нет. Тут вы адвокат, вы, вы.

Sure, advocate.

Разумеется, адвокат.

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It’s my job to advocate for them. Come on, Sara.

Защищать их — моя работа.

I’d first like to say that I wasn’t trying to advocate for anyone.

Сначала я скажу, что никого защищать не собиралась.

So in addition to surgery, a big part of the job is advocating for them.

Так что, мы не только их оперируем, нам приходится их защищать.

You have to advocate for the kids.

Ты должен защищать детей.

Sometimes you have to be your patient’s advocate and push to get things done.

Иногда вы должны защищать своего пациента, делать все возможное.

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I play the devil’s advocate in all this… and to do so I seek and I find… dangerous documentary evidence… which I’ll give to our colleague when everything is over so he can make a nice bonfire.

Я играю роль адвоката дьявола и все такое, и чтобы делать это, я ищу, и я нахожу опасные документальные доказательства, которые я отдаю своему коллеге, чтобы, когда все закончится, он мог устроить хороший костер.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate.

Я сейчас сыграю Адвоката Дьявола:

He wanted to play Devil’s Advocate with the actual devil.

Он хотел сыграть в Адвоката Дьявола с самим Дьяволом.

To play devil’s advocate, maybe there is a great reason why he’s not telling you.

— Играя роль адвоката дьявола, скажу что может есть весомая причина почему он не говорит тебе.

The thing about playing devil’s advocate, my dear, is that your client is the devil himself.

Когда играешь адвоката дьявола, моя дорогая, загвоздка в том, что твой клиент сам дьявол.

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-He advocated statehood, right?

— Он выступает за присвоение Пуэрто-Рико статуса штата, правильно?

What? Says here he’s a member of a group called La Leche League which is a group that advocates breast-feeding babies.

Здесь говорится, что он является членом группы под названием Ла Лече Лига которая выступает за грудное вскармливание младенцев.

What kind of psychiatrist advocates denial to deal with illness?

Какой нейропсихиатр выступает за отказ от лечения?

She advocates childless marriages.

Она выступает за бездетные браки.

She advocates a different kind of nursing.

Она выступает за иной уход за больными.

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If you’re not his advocate, he’s got no one.

Если ты не его защитник, значит у него никого нет.

Greenzo is america’s first non-judgmental, business-friendly environmental advocate.

Гринзо – первый ненавязчивый, дружественный бизнесу экологический защитник Америки.

As his child advocate, I would think you would know, Ms. Hanover.

Как его защитник, думаю, вы знаете, мисс Хановер.

Honorable men and women of the committee I come to you as an advocate for the very future of the human race.

Уважаемые члены комиссии. Я пришел к вам как защитник самого будущего человечества.

Also, I’m a gay rights advocate.

К тому же, я защитник прав геев.

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No, I don’t advocate knowledge at any price.

Я не сторонник познания любой ценой.

As an advocate for the abolition of slavery, will you help us?

Вы — сторонник отмены рабства. Можем мы рассчитывать на вашу помощь?

If you advocate freedom for all, then you’re a true socialist.

Это не свобода, если только ты и я свободны. Если ты сторонник свободы для всех, то ты истинный социалист. Ладно.

I am not advocating that we hide behind the blue line.

Я не сторонник не выносить сор из избы.

The father is a drug kingpin slash mayor slash radical home-birth advocate who built a delivery room in their guest house.

Отец — босс наркомафии плюс мэр плюс радикальный сторонник домашних родов посторивший родовую палату в гостевом коттедже.

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— And thomas. tell me I can trust you to advocate my interests to the king.

И, Томас, скажи мне, могу ли я доверять тебе защиту моих интересов перед королем?

And no one would advocate bringing a child Into the world before she’s ready, and you know it.

И никто не встанет на защиту досрочных родов, ты это знаешь.

because we started off doing interesting research and then got into advocating use in a way that was incredibly threatening.

Тимоти Лири действительно дискредитировал научный подход к изучению этого он начал проводить интересные исследования, и затем встал на защиту использования психоделиков, что было весьма угрожающе.

Some of the clubs said they reached out to you, that they wish that you’d be more of a public advocate for the culture.

Ќекоторые клубы за€вили, что обращались к вам, хотели, чтоб вы выступили в защиту национальной культуры.

I was a strong advocate for those green burials.

Я выступал в защиту экологически чистых похорон.

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I can’t sign a bill that toughens guidelines and ties judges’ hands then turn around next month and advocate judicial discretion.

Я не могу подписать законопроект, который ужесточает нормы и связывает судьям руки, потом повернуться в следующем месяце и пропагандировать судейское усмотрение.

— lt is in the spirit of Shaolin to advocate good and punish those that are evil.

— Задача Шаолиня пропагандировать хорошее, и наказывать тех, кто несёт зло.

When they advocate violent attacks — on Americans, yes.

Если они будут пропагандировать террористические атаки на американцев, да.

He’s advocating violence as a means for social change, spurned on in part by the revolutions going on in the Middle East.

Он пропагандирует насилие в качестве средства социальных изменений, отвергнутых частично переворотов, проходящих на Ближнем Востоке.


В смысле, он фактически пропагандирует изнасилование.

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Perhaps you could help me understand why Joseph Smith advocated polygamy, for instance.

Возможно вы могли бы помочь мне понять, к примеру, почему Джозеф Смит отстаивает полигамию.

-and advocated a healthy organic kitchen.

отстаивает здоровой органической кухни.

He keeps advocating his radical ideas.

Он отстаивает радикальные принципы.

I advocated you, but…

Я тебя отстаивал, но…

When Gandhi advocated his philosophy of non-violence, I bet he didn’t know how much fun it was killing stuff.

Когда Ганди отстаивал свою философию ненасилия, я готов поспорить, что он не догадывался, как может быть весело убивать.

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It’s not that I’m not sympathetic to you, but my job is to advocate for Oliver.

Дело не в том, что я не могу вас понять, но моя работа — это защитить Оливера.

Your patients can’t advocate for themselves.

Твои пациенты не могут защитить себя.

Trying to be free market advocate when it’s really an «anything goes» mentality.

Пытаясь защитить свободный рынок, но дело действительно во вседозволенности на уровне ментальности.

If you came to advocate on behalf of Agent Cooper…

Если вы хотите защитить поведение агента Купера —

I came to advocate on behalf of you.

Я хочу защитить вас.

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