The word adventure means

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An adventure is an exciting experience or undertaking that is typically bold, sometimes risky.[1] Adventures may be activities with danger such as traveling, exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, river rafting, or other extreme sports. Adventures are often undertaken to create psychological arousal or in order to achieve a greater goal, such as the pursuit of knowledge that can only be obtained by such activities.


Adventurous experiences create psychological arousal,[2] which can be interpreted as negative (e.g. fear) or positive (e.g. flow). For some people, adventure becomes a major pursuit in and of itself. According to adventurer André Malraux, in his Man’s Fate (1933), «If a man is not ready to risk his life, where is his dignity?»

Similarly, Helen Keller stated that «Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.»[3]

Outdoor adventurous activities are typically undertaken for the purposes of recreation or excitement: examples are adventure racing and adventure tourism. Adventurous activities can also lead to gains in knowledge, such as those undertaken by explorers and pioneers – the British adventurer Jason Lewis, for example, uses adventures to draw global sustainability lessons from living within finite environmental constraints on expeditions to share with schoolchildren. Adventure education intentionally uses challenging experiences for learning.

Author Jon Levy suggests that an experience should meet several criteria to be considered an adventure:[4]

  1. Be remarkable—that is, worth talking about
  2. Involve adversity or perceived risk
  3. Bring about personal growth.

Mythology and fiction[edit]

Some of the oldest and most widespread stories in the world are stories of adventure, such as Homer’s Odyssey.[5][6][7]

The knight errant was the form the «adventure seeker» character took in the Late Middle Ages.

Adventure fiction exhibits these «protagonist on adventurous journey» characteristics, as do many popular feature films, such as Star Wars[8] and Raiders of the Lost Ark.[9]


Adventure books may have the theme of the hero or main character going to face the wilderness or Mother Nature. Examples include books such as Hatchet or My Side of the Mountain. These books are less about «questing», such as in mythology or other adventure novels, but more about surviving on their own, living off the land, gaining new experiences, and becoming closer to the natural world.


Many adventures are based on the idea of a quest: the hero goes off in pursuit of a reward, whether it be a skill, prize, treasure, or perhaps the safety of a person. On the way, the hero must overcome various obstacles to obtain their reward.

Video games[edit]

In video game culture, an adventure game is a video game in which the player assumes the role of a protagonist in an interactive story driven by exploration and puzzle solving.[10] The genre’s focus on story allows it to draw heavily from other narrative-based media, literature and film, encompassing a wide variety of literary genres. Many adventure games (text and graphic) are designed for a single player, since this emphasis on story and character makes multi-player design difficult.[11]

Nonfiction works[edit]

From ancient times, travelers and explorers have written about their adventures.[12] Journals which became best-sellers in their day were written, such as Marco Polo’s journal The Travels of Marco Polo or Mark Twain’s Roughing It. Others were personal journals, only later published, such as the journals of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark or Captain James Cook’s journals. There are also books written by those not directly a part of the adventure in question, such as The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe or books written by those participating in the adventure but in a format other than that of a journal, such as Conquistadors of the Useless by Lionel Terray. Documentaries often use the theme of adventure as well.

Adventure sports[edit]

There are many sports classified as adventure sports, due to their inherent danger and excitement. Some of these include mountain climbing, skydiving, or other extreme sports.

See also[edit]

  • Adventure film
  • Adventure playground
  • Adventure travel
  • Exploration
  • List of genres
  • Sports
  • Tourism
  • Travel


  1. ^ «Adventure». Retrieved 13 June 2013.
  2. ^ Gomà-i-Freixanet, M (2004). «Sensation Seeking and Participation in Physical Risk Sports». On the psychobiology of personality. Elsevier. p. 187. ISBN 978-0-08-044209-9.
  3. ^ Keller, Helen (1957). The Open Door. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday.
  4. ^ Snow, Shane (2 December 2016). «The Science of the Perfect Night Out». GQ. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  5. ^ Mansbach, Adam (12 February 2010). «Odysseus Remixed». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 1 January 2022.
  6. ^ Jenkyns, Richard (22 December 1996). «Heroic Enterprise – (Book review: The Odyssey translated by Robert Fagles)». Retrieved 13 June 2013.
  7. ^ Zweig, Paul (1999). The adventurer. Akadine Press. ISBN 1-888173-72-6. OCLC 61858818.
  8. ^ Canby, Vincent (26 May 1977). «A Trip to a Far Galaxy That’s Fun and Funny». The New York Times.
  9. ^ Canby, Vincent (12 June 1981). «Movie Review: Raiders of the Lost Ark». The New York Times.
  10. ^ Adams, Ernest (29 December 1999). «The Designer’s Notebook: Three Problems for Interactive Storytellers». Gamasutra. p. 43. Archived from the original on 10 May 2010. Retrieved 9 June 2010.
  11. ^ Hitchens, Joe (2002). «Special Issues in Multi player Game Design». In Laramée, François-Dominic (ed.). Game Design Perspectives. Charles River Media. p. 258. ISBN 1584500905.
  12. ^ «16 Famous Explorers and Their Incredible Stories». The Art of Travel: Wander, Explore, Discover. 4 December 2018. Retrieved 19 December 2021.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Adventure.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Adventure.

  • Martin Feeney Going on a journey: Life in Year 10
  • Website of the Research Unit «Philology of Adventure»: ongoing research project on the literary history of the adventure pattern
  • What is an adventure? A definition of «adventure», «hero» and «epic» with an illustration of the hero’s journey.
  • Wikivoyage

Adventure is a word that is so often used, but does anyone REALLY know what it means?

What is adventure? What does it mean to be adventurous?

Heck, our blog name even has the word adventure in it! Does it always have to entail jumping off airplanes or diving through shipwrecks (both of which we’ve actually done)? Sure, by those standards you could say Tom and I are adventurous travelers.

We love going off to the unknown to experience something new. If we were standing by a waterfall and someone tells Tom to jump, without blinking an eye, he would. Our bucket list consists of cage diving with great white sharks, trekking through the Amazon Jungle, and bungee jumping off a bridge.

But, is that really what adventure is?

I turned to my trusty friend Google and it gave me the definition of;

Adventure Meaning

“Engaging in an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.”

Sure, that covered all our bases, but to us, adventure means so much more. Yes, we realize that our idea of adventure may be completely different from the person sitting next to us.

We might find that eating strange Filipino street food (like fried bugs and animal innards) is adventurous to us, but to the average local person, eating those is part of their everyday life.

Although somewhat perplexing, I realized that it was part of the beauty of adventure. It is the fact that each person has a different opinion of what adventure is.

To us,

✨The 1 Thing We Never Leave Home Without…

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Adventure is about…

going out of your comfort zone to open yourself up to the experiences and beauty that life gives you, no matter what path you choose to go on.

Adventure is all about taking each experience, regardless if you know the outcome or not and facing it head-on. It is about seeing the world from a different perspective, even if you’ve seen it a million times before.

It is choosing to see the beauty from the ordinary and finding ways on how to do it differently.

Editor’s Note: Check out the Best Adventure Quotes of all time if you have a minute!

Travel quotes - adventures are the best way to learn

So just because we are jumping off 200m high gorges, bathing elephant and climbing volcanoes, does it mean that our adventure is better than everyone else’s? Absolutely not.

To us, adventure is stepping out of your comfort zone by doing something that you normally wouldn’t do. From helping out a random person to working up the courage to make friends with a stranger. It is about finding something that you love and pursuing it relentlessly.

always about going away to some exotic destination, but about finding excitement in both the new and the old.

It is exploring where you are and choosing to look at it differently. It’s about going on a road trip not because you want to reach a particular destination, but because the journey there would awesome! Adventure can be found in our everyday lives. In the little things. If only you choose to see it.

Related: Best Travel Books that you should read this year.

Travel quotes - adventure may hurt you but monotony will kill you

Adventure Could Mean…

taking the selfless leap of raising a family.

Massive recognition needs to be given to people entering the roller coaster of parenthood as they take on the role of becoming a mother and father, or sometimes even both.  Both my sisters are raising families of their own and there isn’t a day that goes by where I am not proud of what they are doing.

For some people, getting married and having kids may be the biggest adventure that they will ever take on, but they do it none the less. They face it with nothing but determination and selflessness in order to provide the best for their families.

Adventure Could Also Mean…

working your ass off to become successful in your job.

Whether you are building a business or making a name for yourself in your company, if that is what you want in life, why should you not view it as an adventure? Some people put their blood, sweat and tears into a job where they constantly strive to build their skills on a daily basis.

As long as you see the bigger picture and are working towards a goal, pursuing your career could be your adventure. To us, growing this blog has been an adventure in itself. It has its ups and its downs, but every day, we wake up realizing how lucky we are to be able to pursue our passions in life.

Read: How Starting an Adventure Blog Changed Our Life

Travel quotes - life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all

Adventure could mean spicing up your daily routine by trying out a new meal, ordering your coffee in a different way, or even something as simple as trying out a new look from time to time. In any situation, you can find different ways to be adventurous as you try something new and exciting.

Adventure is about trying out new experiences, whether you will like it or not. I must admit that even though I have jumped off planes and have done more adventurous things than anyone in my family, I often get scared. Just the thought of jumping off high places make my palms sweat and my heart race.

However, I do them anyways. Why? Because I don’t want to live my life in the safety of my comfort zone. I want to live a life that exhilarates and excites me.

Travel quotes - the biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams

At the End of the Day, Adventure is About…

seizing opportunities and taking on life with nothing but passion, enthusiasm and excitement.

Our point is that every day should be treated as an adventure. Whether you are hiking through the Sahara desert, growing an enterprise, or chasing your kids down your yard, choose to look every day with a sense of marvel and excitement.

Dare yourself to do something out of the ordinary and breakaway from your everyday routines.

This is what adventure means to us. Pursuing whatever you want out of life relentlessly and passionately. So to those that say adventure is only for those that hike through caves and trek through jungles, hear this. Adventure is a choice.

Life is a big adventure and it is up to YOU to choose how you are going to live it.

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Everyone talks about going on an adventure...but really, what the hell does adventure mean?

  • Definition & Examples
  • When & How to Write an Adventure
  • Quiz

I. What is Adventure?

Adventure (pronounced ad-ven-cher) was originally a Middle English word derived from the Old French aventure meaning “destiny,” “fate,” or “chance event.” Today, we define adventure as a remarkable or unexpected journey, experience, or event that a person participates in as a result of chance. This last detail, a result of chance, is a key element of adventure; the stories usually involve a character who is brought to the adventure by chance, and chance usually plays a large role in the episodes of the story. Also, adventures usually includes dangerous situations, narrow escapes, problems to be solved through intelligence and skill, exotic people and places, and brave deeds.

II. Example of Adventure

The following short passage might be found in a piece of adventure:

The young deckhand could see the approaching island, palm trees swaying in the ocean breeze, sandy shores littered with driftwood, tropical birds singing in the hot Caribbean sun—and somewhere, deep in the jungle, buried somewhere, was the treasure he had been reading about since he was a young boy. And now, he was going to part of the team to discover it and take it back home to save his nation’s people.

The above passage sets up the action that is about to come for the protagonist—a quest to discover a treasure. It is clear from this selection that the deckhand has traveled far and for a long time to reach this island; whether or not the trip was worth it remains a mystery for the reader to enjoy discovering.

III. Types of Adventure

There are many types of adventure but their meanings are obvious.  You could see most of them by exploring Netflix—types such as fantasy adventure, science-fiction adventure, supernatural adventure, and historical adventure.

IV. Importance of Adventure

Adventure stories have been popular since the earliest forms of literary fiction. For instance, one of the oldest pieces of fiction in English is an adventure written during the Middle Ages—Beowulf.  In fact, most medieval romances, such as the King Arthur stories, consisted of a series of adventures.

Adventures are important to humanity in a couple of ways. They are a form of “the hero’s journey” which, according to theorist Joseph Campbell is a universal story about the psychological growth of human beings.  Which is probably why adventures are usually stories of self-discovery for the protagonist.  Mythological stories are also usually adventures and as we have all heard, mythology is the way ancient cultures explained their world and their beliefs.  Finally, it is a form of escapist literature—works that allow the reader to escape everyday life to enjoy strange faraway lands and wild stories of mystery and discovery; in other words, adventure is food for the imagination, one of our most important forms of intelligence.

V. Examples of Adventure in Literature

Example 1

Two of Mark Twain’s most celebrated works are The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Both stories are the adventures of Tom and Huck, two young boys growing up on the Mississippi River in the late 1800s. Below is a short passage that captures Tom’s thoughts in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer:

What if he turned his back, now, and disappeared mysteriously? What if he went away — ever so far away, into unknown countries beyond the seas — and never came back any more!

Tom Sawyer is a fairly normal boy while Huck Finn, the son of the town drunk, is more of a drifter and often the driver of the adventures. The thoughts reflect the thinking of many if not all little boys, which shows us why adventure stories are so popular; most of us hunger for adventure when we are children—and most adults hunger to feel what it is like to be a child again.

Example 2

Gulliver’s Travels is a satirical adventure novel by author Jonathan Swift. In this classic of English literature, a man named Gulliver is shipwrecked on a strange island, and from then on encounters many unusual people, places, and things. Swift’s adventure story is unusual, however, because it satirizes many elements of a traditional adventure story and parodies “traveler’s tales,” which were popular during Swift’s lifetime in the 1700’s. Below is a passage that expresses Gulliver’s observations upon reaching a new land:

I did not discover any good effects they produced; but on the contrary, I never knew a soil so unhappily cultivated, houses so ill contrived and so ruinous, or a people whose countenances and habit expressed so much misery and want.

Swift’s novel is a commentary on society, politics, religion, morality, and other social topics. In the above passage, Swift actually makes fun of a traditional adventure story by providing a detailed description of a miserable and unimpressive place. Some of Gulliver’s travels lead him to interesting and awing discoveries, while others lead to boring and disappointing discoveries.

VI. Examples of Adventure in Pop Culture

Example 1

Hook is a fantasy adventure movie based on the beloved fairy tale and adventure story Peter Pan.  In the film (not in the original story) Peter is a middle-aged workaholic who overlooks his family. One night, the villainous pirate Captain Hook kidnaps his children—because Peter is actually the grown up Peter Pan, but he doesn’t remember his life in Neverland. He returns to Neverland to get his children back, and goes on a wild adventure. After rejoining the Lost Boys and Tinkerbell, Peter resumes his identity as the hero Peter Pan, and confronts Captain Hook.

Hook (5/8) Movie CLIP — Peter Confronts Hook (1991) HD

Peter and his Lost Boys face Captain Hook and his crew in an important battle in Neverland’s history. It is what Peter’s whole adventure has been leading to and what the audience has been waiting for throughout the story.

Example 2

Treasure Planet is an animated adaptation of the famous adventure novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. In the film, the young protagonist Jim Hawkins sets out on a quest to find the mysterious treasure planet, which legend claims is home to the infamous Captain Flint’s vast collection of hidden treasure.

Treasure planet — trailer HD HQ

Adventure stories can be changed to take place in any time or location. The classic story of Treasure Island is reset in the future, with flying ships and strange aliens, robots and interstellar travel; it achieves the same feelings as Treasure Island but in a new and exciting way.

VII. Related Terms


Fantasy a genre of fiction that concentrates on imaginary elements (the fantastic). This can mean magic, the supernatural, alternate worlds, superheroes, monsters, fairies, magical creatures, and mythological heroes. Many adventure stories involve elements of fantasy, but not all fantasy stories are necessarily adventure stories.

Adventure Fiction

Adventure fiction is a genre of literature that features stories of adventure, such as world travel, difficult quests, voyages of discovery, and other journeys. They might involve things like pirates and buried treasure, the search for a secret place or object, or a quest or expedition whose success is crucial for personal or societal reasons.

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, adventure allows the audience to escape into exciting stories about faraway places, long hidden secrets, and voyages of discovery. It is an age-old genre that has been popular among all ages since the beginning of literature because human beings are born with imaginations—perhaps our most unique quality among all animals!

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  • 1

    adventure [ədˊventʃə]

    1) приключе́ние

    2) риско́ванное предприя́тие; риск; авантю́ра



    комме́рческое де́ло, предприя́тие




    1) отва́живаться; рискну́ть сказа́ть или сде́лать (что-л.)

    2) рискова́ть;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > adventure

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > adventure

  • 3



    real / ultimate adventure — настоящее приключение

    breathtaking / exciting / thrilling adventure — захватывающее приключение

    sense / spirit of adventure — дух приключенчества; страсть к неизведанному, необычному, таящему опасность

    adventure story — приключенческий роман; рассказ или повесть о приключениях

    Along the way he had a great many adventures. — В пути с ним произошло множество приключений.

    I got back to my inn without any adventure. — На обратном пути в гостиницу со мной не произошло ничего необычного.

    But soon after this they met with an adventure which deserves record. — Но вскоре после этого с ними произошла история, заслуживающая отдельного рассказа.

    From travels in search of head-hunting tribes in Indonesia to trekking across India on an elephant, his life has been one big adventure. — Начиная с путешествий по Индонезии в поисках племён охотников за скальпами и заканчивая походом по Индии верхом на слонах, его жизнь была одним большим приключением.

    Art flourishes where there is a sense of adventure. — Искусство процветает там, где есть страсть к неизведанному.

    You get a sense of adventure, of exploring unknown territory and not knowing what you’re going to find. — У тебя возникает ощущение приключения, как будто ты вступаешь в область неизведанного, не знаешь, что тебя ждёт впереди.

    …the spirit of adventure that had been my curse… —…страсть к неизведанному, которая всегда была моей бедой…

    I felt the spirit of adventure quicken within me. — Я чувствовал(а), как во мне пробуждается дух приключенчества.

    adventure holiday — отпуск, связанный с активным отдыхом (например, поездка на сафари, поход на лошадях)

    2) коммерческая спекуляция; рискованный или сомнительный проект ; авантюра




    You must take care not to adventure yourself single-handed against the combined forces of those bandits. — Ты не должен подвергать себя риску, выступая в одиночку против этих бандитов.


    б) отваживаться, рискнуть

    I adventured out of the house. — Я рискнул выйти на улицу.

    «Did he tell you about us?» she adventured, cautiously. — «Он рассказал тебе о нас?» — отважилась она спросить.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > adventure

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > adventure

  • 5


    adventure отваживаться; рискнуть сказать или сделать (что-л). adventure приключение adventure рискованное предприятие; риск; авантюра adventure рисковать; to adventure one’s life рисковать жизнью adventure событие, переживание adventure attr. приключенческий; an adventure story приключенческий рассказ adventure рисковать; to adventure one’s life рисковать жизнью adventure attr. приключенческий; an adventure story приключенческий рассказ

    English-Russian short dictionary > adventure

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > adventure

  • 7



    We had many adventures. — У нас было много приключений.

    He told us of his adventures. — Он рассказывал о своих приключениях.

    Along the way he had a great many adventures. — В пути с ним произошло множество приключений.

    I got back to my inn without any adventure. — На обратном пути в гостиницу со мной не произошло ничего необычного.

    But soon after this they met with an adventure which deserves record. — Но вскоре после этого с ними произошла история, заслуживающая отдельного рассказа.

    From travels in search of head-hunting tribes in Indonesia to trekking across India on an elephant, his life has been one big adventure. — Начиная с путешествий по Индонезии в поисках племен охотников за скальпами и заканчивая походом по Индии верхом на слонах, его жизнь была одним большим приключением

    real adventure

    — extraordinary adventure
    — breathtaking adventure
    — adventure stories
    — adventure film
    — sense of adventure
    — love of adventure
    — in search of adventure

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > adventure

  • 8

    1. n приключение

    2. n смелое предприятие; авантюра; риск

    3. n коммерческая спекуляция, авантюра

    4. n горн. горное предприятие

    5. v рисковать

    6. v отваживаться, осмеливаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. experience (noun) challenging experience; emprise; enterprise; escapade; experience; exploit; feat; gest; happening; quest

    2. risk (noun) chance; danger; hazard; jeopardy; peril; risk; venture; wager

    English-Russian base dictionary > adventure

  • 9

    1. [ədʹventʃə]

    1. приключение

    he is full of adventure — он любит приключения, он любитель приключений

    adventures in the mountains — путешествия по горам; ≅ опасности путешествия по горам

    2. смелое предприятие; авантюра; риск

    to put (one’s life) in adventure — подвергать (свою жизнь) опасности /риску/

    3. коммерческая спекуляция, авантюра

    2. [ədʹventʃə]

    1) рисковать

    2) (in, into, on, upon) отваживаться, осмеливаться

    I’ll adventure chiding — может быть, меня и отругают, но я всё же рискну

    НБАРС > adventure

  • 10

    Politics english-russian dictionary > adventure

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > adventure

  • 12


    смелое, рискованное предприятие; авантюра

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > adventure

  • 13

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > adventure

  • 14


    1) Общая лексика: авантюра, горное предприятие, осмеливаться, отваживаться, отважиться, переживание, похождение, приключение, приключенческий , риск, рискнуть , рискнуть сделать, рискнуть сказать, рискованное предприятие, рисковать, смелое предприятие, событие, отваживаться , коммерческая спекуляция, случай

    3) Религия: волнующий, дерзновение, захватывающий, испытание, испытать, небывалый, неповторимый, одолеть, опыт, пережить, поиски, преодолеть, решиться, странствие

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > adventure

  • 15


    приключение; авантюра; риск

    рисковать; осмеливаться, отваживаться

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > adventure

  • 16

    1) приключение

    2) рискованное предприятие; риск; авантюра

    3) событие, переживание

    4) (


    ) приключенческий; an adventure story приключенческий рассказ

    1) рисковать; to adventure one’s life рисковать жизнью

    2) отваживаться; рискнуть сказать или сделать (что-л).

    * * *

    (n) приключение

    * * *

    * * *

    [ad·ven·ture || əd’ventʃə]
    приключение, авантюра, похождение; риск, рискованное предприятие; коммерческая спекуляция, коммерческая авантюра; рудник
    рисковать, отваживаться, осмеливаться, рискнуть сделать, рискнуть сказать

    * * *






    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) приключение
    2) рискованное предприятие
    3) переживание
    2. гл.
    1) рисковать
    2) отваживаться; рискнуть (сказать/сделать что-л.)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > adventure

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    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > adventure

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    рискованное коммерческое дело, рискованное предприятие; спекуляция

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > adventure

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    1. рискованное дело

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > adventure

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    ədˈventʃəсмелое предприятие, авантюра, риск, коммерческая спекуляция, случай, случайное происшествие

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > adventure


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См. также в других словарях:

  • adventure — Adventure, f. C est ce qui doit advenir et succeder à quelques uns, ou de quelque chose, Jean le Maire, Il vient de ce verbe Aduenio pour Euenio, Accidentia, Casus, Fors, Fortuna, Euentus. Achever et mettre à fin les adventures estranges, qui… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Adventure — Adventure (с англ.  приключение). Может означать: Adventure обобщённое название приключенческих компьютерных игр. Adventure  первая текстовая приключенческая компьютерная игра 1975 года. Adventure  компьютерная игра 1979 года… …   Википедия

  • adventure — adventure, enterprise, quest denote an undertaking, an exploit, or an experience involving hazards and requiring boldness. Adventure so stresses the excitement or thrills associated with the encountering of risks or hardships that the word is… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Adventure A — Adventure A: Planet of Death is a 1981 adventure game from Artic Computing for the ZX81 and ZX Spectrum computers. In this adventure, the player is stranded on an alien planet. The aim is to escape from this planet by finding his or her captured… …   Wikipedia

  • Adventure — Ad*ven ture (?; 135), n. [OE. aventure, aunter, anter, F. aventure, fr. LL. adventura, fr. L. advenire, adventum, to arrive, which in the Romance languages took the sense of to happen, befall. See Advene.] [1913 Webster] 1. That which happens… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • adventure — I noun endeavor, enterprise, episode, exercise, experience, exploit, happening, happenstance, operation, quest, undertaking, venture associated concepts: detour and adventure II verb chance, endanger, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, risk, run the… …   Law dictionary

  • Adventure — Ad*ven ture, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adventured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adventuring}.] [OE. aventuren, auntren, F. aventurer, fr. aventure. See {Adventure}, n.] 1. To risk, or hazard; jeopard; to venture. [1913 Webster] He would not adventure himself… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Adventure — Ad*ven ture, v. i. To try the chance; to take the risk. [1913 Webster] I would adventure for such merchandise. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • adventure — [ad ven′chər, ədven′chər] n. [ME aventure < OFr < VL * adventura, lit., a happening < L advenire: see ADVENT] 1. the encountering of danger 2. a daring, hazardous undertaking 3. an unusual, stirring experience, often of a romantic nature …   English World dictionary

  • Adventure! — est un jeu de rôle publié par White Wolf. Son intrigue se place dans les années 1920 et prend pour inspiration les pulps magazines. Description Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Votre aide est la bienvenue ! …   Wikipédia en Français

  • adventure — [n] risky or unexpected undertaking chance, contingency, emprise, endangerment, enterprise, experience, exploit, feat, happening, hazard, incident, jeopardy, occurrence, peril, scene, speculation, trip, undertaking, venture; concepts 384,386 Ant …   New thesaurus

What do we mean by adventure?

An undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature. noun

An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state’s affairs. noun

An unusual or exciting experience. noun

Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences. noun

A financial speculation or business venture. noun

To venture upon; undertake or try. intransitive verb

To expose to danger or risk. intransitive verb

To proceed despite risks. intransitive verb

To take a risk; dare. intransitive verb

1. That which comes or happens to one; hap; chance; fortune; luck. noun

A hazardous enterprise; an undertaking of uncertain issue, or participation in such an undertaking. noun

A remarkable occurrence in one’s personal history; a noteworthy event or experience in one’s life. noun

A speculation of any kind, commercial, financial, or mining; a venture; specifically, a speculation in goods sent abroad. noun

Peril; danger. noun

Adventurous activity; participation in exciting or hazardous undertakings or enterprises: as, a spirit of adventure. noun

To risk or hazard; put in the power of unforeseen events: as, to adventure one’s life.

To venture on; take the chance of; run the risk of doing or suffering.

To take the risk involved in doing anything; proceed at a venture.

To try the chance; to take the risk. intransitive verb

The encountering of risks; a bold undertaking, in which dangers are likely to be encountered, and the issue is staked upon unforeseen events; a daring feat.

A remarkable occurrence; a striking event.

A mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard; a venture; a shipment by a merchant on his own account.

A feeling of desire for new and exciting things.

A text adventure or an adventure game.

That which happens by chance; hazard; hap.

Chance of danger or loss.

Risk; danger; peril.

Something that is most likely a very, very bad idea, but sounds like it would be exciting, so you try it anyway Urban Dictionary

A mission with a positive outcome and some cool shit along the way. Urban Dictionary

Code word for dating Urban Dictionary

When, on a normal day, things get to a point where you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel. i dont mean youre stressed, or anything emotional. like when you get a flat and you dont have a spare, and youre in a dangerous intersection. or when youre fishing and your boat sinks and youre suffering hypothermia. not to be confused with any old thing thats exiting Urban Dictionary

An adventure is when one drives around to smoke pot as to not attract attention sitting in a cul de sac or in a parking lot Urban Dictionary

What every girl on tinder says she likes while she watches Netflix all day Urban Dictionary

The coolest damπ people ever. These are the guys and girls who have skillfully kindled the roaring flame within that is the spirit of adventure. They live off of the thrill of exploring, battling, and justice. While others are being boring they go off to fight the forces of evil! You could sit anywhere and look around and the only way to tell who is an adventurer is to look for bags under their eyes. They don’t sleep, justice NEVER sleeps. Urban Dictionary

Someone who travels and battles evil only to be stopped by an arrow in the knee. Urban Dictionary

Adventure in a digital world is quite unique. You cannot be sure who you are talking to and where your words might be spread. It is a relief when you find out your friends link their information to your love who didn’t know you were real but quite a dreamer. Of cause if the dreamer talks to much, she still can be silenced by some legal means. Maybe she tries to show some respect then. Maybe she tries to find her words in songs. Well, some song texts can lead into more trouble again. But… yes! If it would be too easy, it would be no real adventure. I hope, all our friends and family will enjoy. Urban Dictionary

A group of people with the proverbial grape fruit sized testicles that will try anything, anywhere, anytime. Urban Dictionary

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