The word addiction usually makes us


The word addiction usually makes us think of someone unable to stop using dangerous stuff like alcohol. But people who have a strong relationship with computer games or even food can also show similar psychological, emotional, and social problems. Nowadays, a growing number of teenagers develop a cigarette habit. It is a very dangerous tendency. Studies show that the earlier you start smoking, the more likely you are to become a lifelong addict.

Specialists also stress that a person is at risk of becoming an alcoholic later in life if he starts drinking as a teen. An American professor explained that if you are a young teen and start drinking, the risk is pretty high that you will go on to have a problem. But the number of under 18’s taken to hospital with drink-related problems went up lately.

When people asked what the way out was, specialists recommended to take up a sport and gave an explanation that the more teens were involved in sport, the less time they had to be involved in antisocial behavior.

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we hooked on addiction?

подвержены наркомании?

word addict for most people conjures up images of drug users or
alcoholics. But today there is a new breed of addicts.

мы подвержены

«наркоман» для большинства людей
вызывает в воображении образы наркоманов
или алкоголиков. Но сегодня существует
новое поколение наркоманов.

Mark Collins is the head of the addictions unit at the Priory, an
expensive clinic in Roehampton.

the last 18 months we have noticed a big rise in the number of
behavioural addictions, so called to distinguish them from substance
dependencies, he says.

Марк Коллинз является главой группы
зависимостей в монастырь, дорогая
клиника в Ройхемптоне.

течение последних 18 месяцев мы заметили
большой рост числа поведенческих
так называемые отличные от вещественных
зависимостей, говорит он.

are looking down on smokers, alcoholics and cocaine addicts, but then
go and spend five hours in an internet chatroom,» says Collins.
Behavioural addictions include compulsive attachment to plastic
surgery, the internet, mobile phones and even sunbeds.

смотрят на курильщиков, алкоголиков и
кокаиновой зависимости, но затем пойти
и потратить пять часов в Интернете чат,»
сказал Коллинз. Поведенческих зависимостей
включают навязчивую привязанность к
пластической хирургии, Интернет,
мобильные телефоны и даже солярий.

seems that
our fast-paced pressurized modern lives, we are increasingly turning
to comfort behaviour,

which temporarily make us feel happier, less stressed and lonely. And
experts warn that these are the very things that can lead us into
dependency, no matter how harmless they may seem at first. And while
behavioural addictions may sound less serious than being hooked on
drink or drugs, according to experts, their potential for wrecking
lives may actually be quite similar. They can lead to obsession, debt
and the breakdown of relationships.

что в нашем стремительно меняющемся
современной жизни под давлением, мы все
чаще обращаются к комфорту поведение,
деятельность которых временно заставляют
нас чувствовать себя счастливее, меньше
подвержены стрессу и одиноко. И эксперты
предупреждают, что это именно те вещи,
которые не могут привести нас в
зависимость, как бы ни безвредны, они
могут показаться на первый взгляд. И в
то время поведенческих зависимостей
может показаться менее серьезным, чем
время подсел на напиток или наркотиков,
по мнению экспертов, их потенциал для
вредительстве жизни может фактически
быть очень похожи. Они могут привести
к одержимости, задолженности и к разрыву


Harrison 37, a full time mother of three, admits to compulsively
using the internet. «I was surfing to discover something about
my youngest child
skin problem when I found this amazing parenting website with lively
message boards, she says. Soon I found I couldn’t go a day without
logging on. I started spending all evening chatting to my new online
friends instead of spending time with my husband. It never crossed my
mind that it could be addictive. But now I feel edgy and tense if I
can’t access my computer. It
as if I can
help myself. The people there seem more real and supportive than my
own family and friends. I often feel depressed and lonely in real
life because my husband works long hours, so being on the site makes
me feel good. Well


Харрисон 37, полный рабочий день мать
троих детей, признается, что навязчиво,
используя Интернет. «Я был серфинг
открыть для себя что-то о моем младшего
ребенка? Ы проблемы кожи, когда я нашел
этот удивительный сайт воспитания с
живой досках объявлений, говорит она.
Вскоре я обнаружил, что не может пойти
день без входа в систему. Я начал проводить
весь вечер чате с моими новыми друзьями
в Интернете вместо того, чтобы проводить
время с моим мужем. он никогда не приходила
мне в голову, что это может вызвать
привыкание. Но теперь я чувствую резкий
и напряженной, если я не могу войти в
свой компьютер. это как если бы я не могу
с собой поделать. люди там кажется более
реальным и поддержку, чем мой собственный
семьей и друзьями. Я часто чувствуют
себя подавленными и одинокими в реальной
жизни, потому что мой муж много работает,
поэтому, чтобы быть на месте заставляет
меня чувствовать себя хорошо. Ну,
временно хорошо.


more worrying for parents is the behaviour of 14-year-old Tracey
Barlow, who is now seeking treatment for an addiction to tanning.

teenager has been visiting tanning parlours three times a week, and
at one stage was having treatments five days a week.
skin is already prematurely aged, and she has been warned that she
risks developing skin cancer but, despite being warned of the risks,
she says she feels overwhelmingly anxious if she perceives her tan
fading. ‘It’s like an illness with her ‘ says her despairing mother ‘
she hates being pale’.


более тревожным для родителей является
поведение 14-летней Трейси Барлоу, который
в настоящее время, обращающихся за
медицинской пристрастием к загара.

посещает салоны солярия три раза в
неделю, и на одном этапе имел лечения
пять дней в неделю. Ее кожа уже досрочно
в возрасте, и она был предупрежден, что
она рискует заболеть раком кожи, но,
несмотря на то, предупредил о рисках,
она говорит, что чувствует себя в
подавляющем большинстве хотелось, если
она воспринимает ее загар замирание.
«Это как болезнь с ней ‘говорит, что
ее отчаяние матери она ненавидит


26-year-old sales manager Emily Lane, it was her love of shopping
that got dangerously out of hand. Her compulsive spending on designer
clothes , shoes and handbags has left her with 30,000 pounds worth of
debt and destroyed her relationship with her boyfriend James. She
admits that many of the items she bought remained unused, but that
she found it impossible to stop spending.

home with armfuls of bags gave me an enormous rush, and I needed to
keep buying more clothes, shoes and accessories to keep getting it. I
would shop in my lunch hour, after work, and at the weekends, but I
see that I had a problem — until James split up with me over it.


26-летний менеджер по продажам Эмили
Лейн, это была ее любовь к магазинам,
которые получили опасно из-под контроля.
Ее расходы навязчивый на дизайнерской
одежды, обуви и сумок оставил ее с 30000
фунтов стерлингов долга и уничтожили
ее отношения со своим бойфрендом
Джеймсом. Она признает, что многие из
пунктов она купила остались
неиспользованными, но ей было невозможно
остановить расходов. Придя домой с
охапками мешки дал мне огромный прилив,
и я должен был продолжать покупать
больше одежды, обуви и аксессуаров
продолжать получать его. Я бы магазин
в моем обеденного перерыва, после работы,
и в выходные дни, но я не мог видеть, что
у меня была проблема — пока Джеймс не
распалась со мной над ним.

Robert Lefever, director of the Promis Recovery Centre, who himself
has overcome addictions to gambling, spending and work, explains,
‘Deep down, sufferers are usually depressed. In that state, you can
become hooked on anything that changes the way you feel and even if
you try to stop the behaviour, you will find it extremely hard, at
least without becoming bad tempered or anxious’.

Роберт LeFever,
директор Promis
Центр восстановления, который сам
преодолел наркотическую зависимость
от азартных игр, расходов и работы,
поясняет: «В глубине души, страдающие,
как правило, в депрессии. В этом состоянии,
вы можете стать подсел на все, что
меняется, что вы чувствуете, и даже если
вы пытаетесь остановить поведение, вы
найдете его очень трудно, по крайней
мере, не становясь плохой характер или

Lefever believes that compulsive behaviour often manifests in
clusters. There is, for example, the Eating Disorders cluster, which
also includes shopping and spending, work, cosmetic surgery and
exercise, the Hedonistic cluster includes alcohol, drugs, caffeine,
sex, and gambling, while the Relationship cluster, which includes
compulsive helping of others and addiction to love and being in love.
‘If you are addicted to one thing in the cluster, you are at risk
of becoming addicted to others

he says.

считает, что навязчивый поведение часто
проявляется в кластерах. Существует,
например, расстройств пищевого поведения
кластер, который также включает в себя
магазины и расходы, работа, пластической
хирургии и упражнения, гедонистического
кластер включает в себя алкоголь,
наркотики, кофеин, секс и азартные игры,
в то время как Отношения кластер, который
включает в себя навязчивый порцию другие
и пристрастие к любви и влюбленности.
‘Если вы пристрастились к одному в
кластере, вы подвержены риску стать
зависимым от других », говорит он.

your age, Lefever believes that, if you have a serious compulsive
problem that is interfering with your life, then the most effective
treatment is a stay in a clinic or therapy with a psychologist who
understands addiction.

is treatable, he says. And I see this every day in myself and in
other people.

от вашего возраста, LeFever
считает, что, если у вас есть серьезные
навязчивый проблему, которая мешает
вашей жизни то наиболее эффективным
методом лечения является пребывание в
клинике или терапии с психологом, который
понимает зависимость.

поддается лечению, говорит он. И я каждый
день вижу это в себе и в других людях.

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For many of us, topics like addiction and substance abuse seem far removed, like they affect other people and don’t (or will never) concern us—the same way depression, anxiety, or other issues can seem remote to those who don’t experience them. But the truth is, addiction is an insidious disease that can creep up on you or very possibly already be hurting someone you know or love, maybe even without you having a clue.

In the US alone, over 23 million people, ages 12 and up, needed treatment for illicit drugs (including prescription drugs) or alcohol abuse in 2009, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. That’s nearly one in ten people in the US, and it doesn’t include the millions of teens and adults with hidden addiction problems or people with other addictions such as smoking. With one in four deaths in the US attributable to alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drug use, addiction is one of the most devastating—yet treatable—diseases.

Sadly, statistics like these and PSAs often do little to get people help. Words like «addiction,» «substance abuse,» and «disease» carry such a stigma that we don’t usually see the problem, much less admit it or discuss it head on. But maybe your best friend, your sister, your son, your co-worker, or you yourself need(s) help. We need to talk about it frankly—and without shame. So here’s what we’ve learned about addiction from medical experts and personal experiences.

What Addiction Is

The word «addiction» is derived from Latin words meaning «handed over» or «bound to» (as a slave). Anyone who’s ever felt addicted to something—whether it’s a video game, girlfriend or boyfriend, or a substance—understands the connection and that death grip.

I used to be a pack-a-day smoker (back when it was much more socially acceptable, not that that makes me feel much better), and I remember thinking every morning over the many years I tried quitting, «Today I am not going to smoke…or at least I’ll cut down.» By the end of the day, with a whole pack or more gone, there was the usual disgust, the self-incrimination, and the feeling like I was trapped and hopeless.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines drug addiction this way:

Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain; they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be long lasting and can lead to many harmful, often self-destructive, behaviors.

You could substitute other addictive things for the word «drug» above, as most addictions affect the same brain pathways (more on that in a bit).

Based on the definitions above, it’s not hard to see how many of us abuse or have a dependence on other things beyond illegal drugs. We experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms, don’t get the same satisfaction from just one beer, or can’t stop playing just one more video game level.

Whatever you call it, at its most basic level, «addiction is really the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of displeasure,» says Dr. Scott Glassman, Clinical Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the MS program in Mental Health Counseling at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Also note that he says the pursuit of pleasure and not actually pleasure.

Harvard’s health site offers these three questions to help you determine if you might have a problem:

A «yes» answer to any of the following three questions suggests you might have a problem with addiction and should—at the very least—consult a health care provider for further evaluation and guidance.

  • Do you use more of the substance or engage in the behavior more often than in the past?
  • Do you have withdrawal symptoms when you don’t have the substance or engage in the behavior?
  • Have you ever lied to anyone about your use of the substance or extent of your behavior?

How Addiction Changes the Brain

TED-Ed’s video on sugar describes how it and other addictive substances, like alcohol and nicotine, get us hooked. They activate our brain’s reward system and cause a spike in dopamine levels, making us feel euphoric.

Over time, however, we develop a tolerance to the substance and need more of it to get as much reward as we used to. Dr. Glassman explains:

There is a part of the brain closely tied to addictive behavior called the nucleus acumbens, or «reward center.» Activity in this area is related to how much a person wants something. Anything that is pleasurable can increase activity in the nucleus acumbens, and lead to an addiction (food, gambling, video games, etc.)

Stimulant drugs like cocaine and amphetamines cause increases in dopamine, which enhances excitement, alertness, activity, and mood. As a result of repeated stimulant drug use, this brain structure is increasingly able to release dopamine, and leads to increased desire for the drug. At the same time, the nucleus acumbens stops responding to other incentives, like sex, and filters out other more traditional signals that help us find activities rewarding. Individuals, as a result, find more and more of their lives devoted to pursuing the drug.

This video from CNN further demonstrates how our brain gets rewired into dependence and are notably different from non-addicted brains.

The physiological aspects of addiction aren’t yet entirely understood, and they may differ from person to person. A Yale brain scan study, for example, found that men and women with addictions respond differently to stress and drug/alcohol cues, and so their optimal treatments might differ. Studies of identical twins suggest that genes may be responsible for about 50 percent of addictions to substances, while environment makes up the other half of probability.

The Psychological and Social Sides of Addiction

Everyone who’s ever tried to beat an addiction knows that the physical aspects of it are small compared to the mental ones. Even if you can reduce the physical cravings—with medication, for example, that inhibits dopamine—pure habit and other psychological factors can still compel someone who’s addicted.

What makes one person seem more vulnerable to addiction than others? Besides the physical factors, environment and internal factors contribute a lot. Joseph Troiani, Associate Professor of clinical psychology and coordinator of the substance abuse counseling program at the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, says:

There is no one specific trigger, but there are many contributing factors and high risk behaviors that contribute to the addictions spectrum disorders.

  • Physiological Factors — Pre-natal substance use exposure, genetic predisposition, psycho-pharmacology of the substance being use, and the person’s body ability to tolerate the substance.
  • Psychological Factors — Stress/distress, anxiety, depression, and physical/psychological pain all increases one’s likelihood of using substances
  • Social — Exposure to substance use in one’s family, community, or even one’s job are possible contributing factors
  • Spiritual — Loss of purpose, hope, or struggling with the meaning of it all.

As with most complex health matters, addiction triggers vary for each person. But no one wakes up wanting to be or become an addict— or label themselves as such.

Personally, I feel the biggest issue is the way we perceive the things we get addicted to—we attach unrealistic value to them and develop a crutch, perhaps one that’s supported by the people around you. Here’s an analogy: Imagine strawberries were really scarce and expensive, but you were lucky to get some every day or so. You could only eat them at specific times during the day and if you were caught eating too many, most people would frown upon you. But they taste so good! (And also trigger euphoric chemical changes in your brain.) When you get together with your friends, they’re all eating strawberries too, even though too many could be unhealthy. If you don’t eat a strawberry, you feel a sort of emptiness and also like everyone’s thinking something is wrong with you.

You get the picture. Strong social and external triggers help make addiction a vicious cycle, seemingly inescapable for some. (Jezebel posted this haunting, courageous firsthand account of someone so addicted to alcohol she’d secretly swig mouthwash.)

How to Get Help

You’ve heard it before, but the first—and hardest—step is to admit that there’s a problem, at least to yourself. If loved ones are concerned about you, you should be too, but only you can motivate yourself to truly change.

After that, treatment options depend on your case. Not surprisingly, most of the doctors I spoke with for this article recommend seeing a medical professional, who could offer medication if necessary combined with behavioral therapy. Dr. Glassman warns, though, about finding someone with the right approach for you:

Overcoming addiction may involve detoxification, medication to combat withdrawal, and individual and group therapy for different lengths of time. Motivation for change often fluctuates, and there’s typically great ambivalence around stopping drug use. Coercive, confrontational approaches can actually increase someone’s determination to keep using or engaging in the addictive behavior, versus a style of interaction that is more accepting, person-centered, and guiding (motivational interviewing) that focuses on helping a person explore their own desire, ability, reasons, and needs to stop the behavior.

There’s no one-size-fits all approach to overcoming addiction (and in the case of alcohol addiction, the rehab industry may be harming us more than helping).

If you don’t have a doctor you can talk too, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a hotline (800-662-4357) for information and referrals. They can also help friends and family members who are concerned about a loved one.

This takes an enormous amount of courage to face, but as journalist and editor Jolie O’Dell writes of her recovery:

That’s really the only reason I write posts like these: Not because I’m soooo proud of myself or because I want to «show off» my damage. I want you, dear reader, to know that your drinking or drug problem doesn’t have to hold you back forever. You can start making those little choices, and you can break your own cycles. And when you do, I swear to God, your life will change in the most beautiful, gratifying, and mind-blowing ways. I am living proof of that; these aren’t just hollow words. And for me, that proof is the best thing about recovery.

Photo by Andrea Danti (Shutterstock), felixtsao, DaveBleasdale.

When we talk about addiction, tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction tend to come to mind. Even though many of us often make that association, there are in fact many other substances and behaviours (or processes) that people are addicted to. For example, there are numerous people across the globe that are hooked on gambling, food and even work. Let us look at nine of the most common addictions that affect people today, according to addiction experts and psychologists.

1. Tobacco addiction

Tobacco contains nicotine, which is the main addictive ingredient found in cigarettes. This form of addiction has the highest amount of addicts. Since cigarettes are legal and have mild side effects, people often assume that cigarettes are not as harmful as other forms of addiction. The reality is that tobacco causes more deaths than other addictions. Despite the fact that people who smoke know that tobacco is harmful to their health, they often find it very difficult to get past the urge to quit, which is a clear indication of an addiction problem.

2. Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction can be difficult to determine because of the way that our society accepts social drinking. Even though alcohol is legal, the potential abuse and addiction can expose users to numerous health risks. The World Health Organisation states that alcohol contributes to at least 60 kinds of diseases and injuries, such as liver disease, crashes, violence and more. Alcohol use continues to rise due to cheap costs and easy availability. Drinking too much alcohol can also lead to an overdose, which can ultimately result in death.

3. Marijuana addiction

Marijuana, or cannabis, is the most commonly grown, used and trafficked illegal substance. It has started to become more socially acceptable ever since it became legalised in several states in the US. However, this should not distract from the fact that it is a potentially addictive substance. The rise of marijuana addiction in recent years may also be due to an increase in potency. Marijuana can impair physical performance and cognitive development, permanently damage memory, worsen schizophrenia and cause a variety of other issues.

4. Painkillers addiction

There are several drugs that are often prescribed by pharmacists and doctors to help alleviate pain, but just because they are prescribed does not mean they are free of addictive properties. Even though a person may be taking seemingly harmless levels of painkillers, this can eventually lead to addiction. Many people who take painkillers do not realise that they are addicted until they attempt to stop taking them. Once they are addicted, it can turn into a difficult addiction to cure.

5. Cocaine addiction

Cocaine is a popular substance amongst the upper class because it is usually quite expensive. Even though the number of cocaine addicts in the US is starting to decrease, it is happening at a gradual rate. This drug can cause a variety of health problem and is especially harmful to the heart. Crack cocaine is a free base form of cocaine that has usually been mixed with baking soda or other cheap substances. Both cocaine and crack cocaine have ruined many lives.

6. Heroin addiction

Heroin is often thought of as the worst drug that a person can be exposed to. After all, just a single dose of heroin can cause a person to become addicted. People often think that they can try it once or twice and be able to stop, but they do not understand how addictive and damaging it is. Withdrawing from heroin can be a terrible experience, which is why it can be even more difficult for people to break the habit. Heroin can cause many health issues such as kidney or liver disease, bacterial infections of the heart valves and blood vessels and lung problems. It can also lead to HIV, hepatitis B and C through the sharing of needles.

7. Gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is a form of behavioural addiction that involves different types of gambling that compromise an individual’s life, family and/or career. People with gambling addiction tend to hide their behaviour, which can involve lying to their family members or hide their losses or winnings. They use gambling to get excitement and thrills or as an escape. Gambling addicts may face financial, legal, career and interpersonal issues. Furthermore, many people who have a gambling problem may think about or even attempt suicide.

8. Sex addiction

Sex addiction can occur in many different ways, such as anonymous sex with multiple partners, compulsive masturbation, sex with prostitutes, voyeurism, and affairs. It occurs when a person becomes preoccupied with sex and acts on their sexual impulses, with no regard for the damaging consequences. Sex addicts often use sex as a way to relieve their anxiety, escape reality or satisfy compulsions that could be associated with a borderline personality disorder. Sexual addiction can lead to an increased likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections and tendency to engage in high-risk sexual behaviours.

9. Internet addiction

Internet addiction has turned into a global problem. Many people use the internet on a daily basis, but there becomes a point when it turns into an addiction. Internet addicts spend excessive amounts of time online and end up prioritising internet usage to their friends, families, careers, studies and other activities. They start to feel out of control when it comes to their internet habits and end up feeling guilty or acting secretively. They may even experience withdrawal symptoms, such as agitation or anxiety if they do not use the internet for a certain amount of time.

Addiction Treatment at The Dawn Rehab Thailand

We have listed nine of the most common addictions in the world, though there are also others that people can become addicted to. The best thing that you can do when a substance or process addiction is taking over your life is to get help as soon as possible. The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab Thailand is a reputable drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Chiang Mai, Thailand that offers highly-personalised and intensive treatment.

If you or someone you love is facing a problem with addiction, contact us today.

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