The word adapt in a sentence

Definition of Adapt

get used to something new or change to fit

Examples of Adapt in a sentence

When James relocates to a different side of the country, he will have to adapt to a new weather pattern.


Kelly found it difficult to adapt to being a paparazzi target after going unnoticed for so many years.


Because the rain came out of nowhere, we had to adapt our outdoor party to an indoor event.


Kurt had to adapt to cooking and cleaning for himself when his marriage crumbled.


After Lou lost one arm in a car accident, he had to adapt to a prosthetic limb.


Other words in the Change category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

1 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. 

2 The reasonble man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself, Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. 

3 She knew how to adapt herself.

4 You should adapt yourself to the new class.

5 He is going to adapt his play for television.

6 It’s amazing how quickly people adapt.

7 The author is going to adapt his stories for television.

8 I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions.

9 It is really hard for Jim to adapt to the new environment.

10 All living organisms have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions.

11 The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.

12 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

13 He added philosophically that one should adapt oneself to the changed conditions.

14 Yulan magnolia can adapt to a variety of soils.

15 Businesses must adapt to change or stagnate.

16 All organisations need to adapt to changed circumstances.

17 He maintains Islam must adapt to modern society.

18 Chung has tried to adapt to local customs.

19 Businesses have to adapt to change.

20 The company can easily adapt to changing demand.

21 It’s amazing how soon you adapt.

22 How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments?

23 We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.

24 It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.

25 When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.

26 The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen.

27 You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in.

28 The designing institute has been revamped recently to adapt itself to the new developing circumstances.

29 The world will be different,[] and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.

30 When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.

адаптировать, приспосабливать, приспосабливаться, применять, применяться


- приспособлять

to adapt plans to suit new circumstances — изменять планы в соответствии с новыми обстоятельствами
to adapt smth. to the needs of the people — приспособить что-л. к нуждам людей
these tractors have been adapted — в конструкцию этих тракторов были внесены некоторые модификации

- приспосабливаться, адаптироваться, применяться к (тж. to adapt oneself)

one must adapt to circumstances — а) нужно применяться к обстоятельствам /считаться с обстоятельствами/; б) нужно действовать по обстоятельствам /в соответствии с обстановкой/

- адаптировать, переделывать, облегчать (текст, книгу и т. п.)

to adapt a book (for use in schools) — адаптировать книгу (для школьного чтения)

- экранизировать, инсценировать

to adapt a novel — инсценировать роман
to adapt smth. for the screen — экранизировать что-л.
a play adapted for the radio — радиопостановка по пьесе

Мои примеры


ability to adapt — способность к адаптации  
to adapt a novel for the stage — ставить пьесу по роману  
to adapt a film from a novel — экранизировать роман  
adapt a book — адаптировать книгу  
the ability to adapt — способность к адаптации  
adapt a discovery — внедрять открытие  
adapt a book for use in schools — адаптировать книгу для школьного чтения  
adapt a building on-site — посадить здание  
adapt a novel — инсценировать роман  
adapt a tariff — изменять тариф  

Примеры с переводом

We adapted quickly to life in Paris.

Мы быстро приспособились к жизни в Париже.

She had to adapt herself to local conditions.

Ей пришлось приспосабливаться к местным условиям.

Many of Dickens’ books have been adapted as films.

Многие романы Диккенса были экранизированы.

The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.

Способность к адаптации определённо является ценным качеством для этой работы.

The camera has been adapted for underwater use.

Эта камера приспособлена для работы под водой.

She has adapted herself to college life quite easily.

Она довольно легко адаптировалась к жизни в колледже.

Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.

Полки были сделаны так, чтобы приспособить библиотеку под офис.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She lives in a specially adapted flat.

The clock was adapted to run on batteries.

The car has been adapted to take unleaded gas.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

adaptable  — легко приспосабливающийся, поддающийся адаптации, поддающийся
adapter  — адаптер, переходник, держатель, наконечник, соединительное устройство, зажим
adaptor  — адаптер, переходник, держатель, наконечник, соединительное устройство, зажим
adapted  — адаптированный, пригодный, подогнанный
adaptive  — адаптивный, приспосабливающийся
adapting  — адаптация, согласование, подгонка
adaption  — адаптация, экранизация, приспособление

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: adapt
he/she/it: adapts
ing ф. (present participle): adapting
2-я ф. (past tense): adapted
3-я ф. (past participle): adapted

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word adapt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use adapt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «adapt».

Adapt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word adapt in a sentence.

  1. Your culture will adapt to service us.

  2. Some bands tried to adapt to the new musical landscape.

  3. They also needed to adapt their methods to those used in the UK.

  4. Jim Thompson was hired by Foster and McQueen to adapt his novel.

  5. In October 1936 Bodley was hired by Charlie Chaplin to adapt the D.

  6. MacDowell tried to adapt to Murray’s natural improvisation in scenes.

  7. He encouraged people to adapt to the environments in which they found themselves.

  8. Batting at number five, he had to adapt his style depending on the match situation.

  9. She chose to adapt this particular Austen work because there were two female leads.

  10. He tries to work as a manual laborer, but struggles to adapt to life as a free man.

  11. Crichton was hired to adapt his novel The Terminal Man into a script by Warner Bros.

  12. Jacobs, who had come to Paris looking for properties to adapt with his new company, APJAC Productions.

  13. The network chose to adapt the Dutch show Now or Neverland into Fear Factor in place of Chains of Love.

  14. Hence, Smilodon could have been too specialized at hunting large prey and may have been unable to adapt.

  15. By themselves, these efforts to adapt cannot avert the risk of severe, widespread and permanent impacts.

  16. Legendary Television bought the rights to adapt Lazarus following a competitive bidding war in March 2015.

  17. Frederic Blin Vose of Sperry Gyroscope expressed an interest in the design and felt he could adapt the Mk.

  18. They were able to adapt to the shifting climate and the resulting changes in animal and plant populations.

  19. The British decided to adapt the American Mark 28 as a cheaper alternative to doing their own development.

  20. In 2016, writer Robert Kirkman was reported to be planning to help adapt Oxenfree into a film via Skybound.

  21. The akpwón can switch from song to song quickly, with the drummers having to adapt their rhythm accordingly.

  22. Many populations died out, but the lineage of Steller’s sea cow was able to adapt to the colder temperatures.

  23. In the later 20th century, analysts started to adapt these tools to the yet more complex music being written.

  24. Prior to the 1913 Installation it was necessary to adapt the chapel to accommodate the larger number of members.

  25. Many of the actions that promote adaptation in ecosystems, also help humans adapt via ecosystem-based adaptation.

  26. This change forced Henry to adapt again to fit into the Arsenal team, and he played many games as a lone striker.

  27. With the cancellation of Phase II, writers rushed to adapt its planned pilot episode, «In Thy Image», into a film script.

  28. For instance, wealthy nations responsible for the largest share of emissions would have to pay poorer countries to adapt.

  29. After a number of attempts to adapt the series into a feature film, director Zack Snyder’s Watchmen was released in 2009.

  30. Moore replied, stating that as Fraser had won the competition for the medal, she should adapt her design for the quarter.

  31. People who are able to adapt to their changed bodies and to have satisfying sex lives have better overall quality of life.

  32. Soon after, he began a campaign in favor of introducing Romance neologisms, which he wanted to adapt to Romanian spelling.

  33. During the late 1950s and early 1960s a number of American painters began to adapt the imagery and motifs of comic strips.

  34. Having won promotion and reached the semi-final of the FA Cup, The Times expected Cardiff to adapt well to the higher tier.

  35. Around the same time, Lucas was trying to adapt the space opera serial Flash Gordon (1936), but could not obtain the rights.

  36. In 1909 Broadway producers Lincoln Wagenhals and Collin Kemper asked Rinehart to adapt her novella Seven Days for the stage.

  37. Affleck co‑wrote the screenplay, based on the book by Dennis Lehane, with childhood friend Aaron Stockard, having first mentioned his intention to adapt the story in 2003.

  38. Otherwise, they adapt well to gardens with good drainage, sandy soils and sunny aspects in drier and Mediterranean (winter moisture) climates, and are also frost tolerant.

  39. Working mainly from Liverpool, he helped these men to adapt to their unfamiliar environment and to deal with the severe racism and discrimination which many of them faced.

  40. The presence of the fossa at these locations indicates its ability to adapt to various elevations, consistent with its reported distribution in all Madagascar forest types.

  41. In 1932, Stalin closed down independent artists’ unions; former avant-garde artists had to adapt to the new climate or risk being officially criticised or even blacklisted.

Synonyms for adapt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word adapt has the following synonyms: accommodate, adjust and conform.

General information about «adapt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word adapt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «adapt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «adapt».

«The vine is the easiest part of the native civilization to adapt to

One learns to adapt

Here is a spraying schedule that you will learn to adapt to your own use

There is a form of email called eye messaging on this planet and he checked for messages and found nothing but petty complaints of some in the community toward some others in the community or some aspect of local custom they don’t want to adapt to

He couldn’t even adapt to monogamy

She felt guilty for forcing Alan to adapt to their culture and guilty for insulting Luray by forcing Alan to mate with her

The success you desire can be yours when you adapt these ‘Habits of Success’

I didn’t know how long I would be there for so I might have to adapt

I convinced myself that I could adapt

It was all because those cultures had religions that couldn’t adapt to science

“There’s an adapt, back in our time, back in the heavenly Atlantis of 2384ad, on the path where Thera did not explode

They got into a heated argument on cell growth and the ability of genes to adapt

I reckon it’s going to be harder for you two, you’re not kids, but bloody-minded, so-called mature adults, and in some ways it is going to take more effort to adapt to living together

In fact she had been the one to adapt native ways in their relationship and seek ‘variety’ as the natives called it, once or twice more per week

The elf said, that if needed, they could quickly adapt the bridge to accommodate a sudden influx of heavy traffic or loads of supplies

But she can’t become a native here, she can’t adapt to this society

church, although it should adapt its message, did not

Humans have the capacity to discover, adopt and adapt what actually does exist in their universe

Non-the-less, X’ander was quite confident she would adapt to its use effortlessly

to refine and adapt if needed, but do not lose focus on the end goal

quit your job or keep it, you’ll have to adapt to a new way of thinking to

When this function is compromised, we have a hard time seeing the consequences of our behavior, and being flexible enough to review our plans and adapt to changing conditions

We are, in short, addicted to having things, and to “having” people, and when we adapt to what we have, we want still more

” The Elf had been really poor at catching on to several of her more physical training exercises over the last months, primarily because she couldn’t adapt to having that tail

How could any person know: What a person’s name would be who will only exist in another 2,000 years? What this person will be doing, thinking and saying and then to not only adapt your writing style to include the predictions about his life, actions and words into a code hidden in the book you are writing, but is also contained in books that other people will write? How to hide all this information in an elaborate code? It is even more difficult to picture how one would achieve this when considering the design criteria required from the perspective of someone such as Moses

This would allow them to easier adapt the information in the Bible, to the views that are widely accepted by the majority of people and the scientific community

However, they would adapt to life back in New Bedford rather

They therefore chose the most open regime to change and adapt; always flexible

But then as soon as contact could be established, if only for a test itself, it would immediately be detected by the system, and then adapt its defence with some unusual quirk

Would they be able to adapt to a free life? Would Balzar keep them as slaves? How would he, as he seemed to think himself alone to the task, steal the Globe back and place it in its resting place? Would Balzar give it up freely? He didn’t think so

Its flexibility wisely allows our judicial system to adapt to political, social and economic arrangements vastly complex in proportion to the evolving requirements of a pluralistic society

The above was challenged many times in court by the long haired liberal lawyers, and the commissioned officers soon learned to adapt to the conditions

At least then we can help you and the baby adapt

is in an animal‘s inability to properly apply Logic and Reason to what has been learned or to adapt itself to the social, moral and ethical requirements of learning

Nevertheless, it would seem that price increases should be effected gradually in order to allow the consumer sufficient time to adapt without causing unnecessary excitement, thereby minimizing its ―shocking‖ effects

To adapt in a big hurry

Though presently abandoned, the latter is being planned for restoration by very enthusiastic descendants of that venerable family who want to preserve its external basic structure of the past while changing its interior to adapt to modern comfort

This forced them to adapt quickly to new tactical situations

adapt existing games in such a way that everyone that

They won’t know how to adapt and the winter will takes its toll, as it usually does

It was understandable that he would be proficient in survival skills, but his ability to adapt to changes in climate and terrain seemed unrivaled

I adapt and embed with any circuitry or software

their social security systems and we could adapt and/or copy from them

The finality is to provide choice alternatives to the social investor, sponsor and altruistic grantmaker so that they can adapt its available funds in total way or partial way through social investors’ groups (sponsors’ pool)

Adapt faster, adapt better, adapt to things that no man should have to

Is adult’s subjective influence the learning state, the adult’s subjective let adults learning a bit does not adapt, so study up to the same time, and children have the difference

continue again, until don’t adapt to the pain, to check into the terminal cancer

to survive, it will adapt

will adapt to the intensity

They are not random, they are carefully chosen to test the speed and mobility of the enemy, as they constantly have to move to adapt

While he admired the Re Che for their ability to rise to the challenge presented by the Mongols, unlike his people, who did not adapt and paid a very heavy price, he knew that what little future his people had was tied now to the Mongols and he would not betray their interests for anything

survive in a habitat that is far removed from its own, it must adapt and be willing to embrace that adaptation or perish

Just like atoms, everything borne of them was subjected to random events and had to adapt quickly to flourish but in a measured way

adapt within a habitat completely removed from

but his subject would be hard pressed to adapt knowing so much

I guess there’re some things that you just can’t adapt to

Would the enormous costs of what the hottest of the warmers propose be worth it? Or would a more plausible approach be to accept “autonomous adaptation” to the warming over the century or so during which it would occur? Human beings have been known to adapt to new and difficult situations, and with a century to work on might well do so in respect to global warming

its processes and workflows to adapt to the

bother to adapt the keyboard to English

These animals adapt differently on different planets and look different; but they all represent strength, bravery, royalty, a warrior and survival of the fittest…

I analyzed how well you flew our ship back on Earth and how your mind was able to adapt to out of body communicating

are very liberal and adapt their advice to the needs of the en-

Experience says that humans need time to adapt to a reveal like this

There was no change in her; and he couldn’t adapt

self-regulation — being able to manage your own emotional states and adapt to changing

You need to be listening to what is being talked about so that you can adapt your Twitter strategy to effectively respond to those conversations

While all life forms advance and adapt, the human race did not evolve into a life form

adapt, reproduce and survive; or whether it»s the

adapt to other sources of energy; mainly the

Now it could adapt better

does to a child, so early humans adapt to their

Companies of all sizes looking to improve their business in 2014 should consider these demographic shifts and adapt accordingly

position to easier adapt the pipe to bring the

in spite of these conditions being met, the animal cannot adapt itself to

But with a bit of experimenting you should be able to adapt it to your needs quite nicely

We must anticipate change, adapt to it, and be prepared in advance to confront it

The give-and-take between students and EMBA Programs helps programs as they adapt to changes in the marketplace and changes in needs of students and organizations

While it is true that often humans adapt to their environment, it is also true that often humans

Organizational learning allows a company to adapt to market changes and trends and grow in the process, and in some cases helps reduce the risk of

you learned by heart, it is about how fast you can adapt to an ever-changing

Living species which adapt faster have better chances of surviving under new conditions

only ones, and adapt!”

He is often praised for his ability to adapt to the needs of his body and yet keep scoring consistently

Adapt it to

Magicians always adapt to the times and fashion!

At the time I thought in Beatrice and how she would feel to be a guest in this medieval world, what would my sister do without their «Silver» or money to spend? Would she adapt to this barter system? Certainly, for her, it would be the end of the world

thinking about breeding new strains of trees and plants that can adapt to the local conditions

he has learnt to adapt himself, and to co-operate with any person whatever

They wanted to adapt rather than change

explaining that the younger children would adapt to terms, sayings, and even accents over here, they being so young when they left

If you have to adapt to a few changes here and there, then so what! If you resist, they’ll just close the plant anyway

trying his hardest to adapt

But they did not find themselves growing up in the country; and Jesus, being a thoroughly practical youth as well as an idealist, intelligently and vigorously attacked his problem just as he found it, and did everything within his power to adjust himself and his family to the realities of their situation and to adapt their condition to the highest possible satisfaction of their individual and collective longings

Conditions of the twentieth century, prevailing in both religion and human governments, are so different from those prevailing in Jesus’ day that it was indeed difficult to adapt the Master’s teachings at Urmia to the problems of the kingdom of God and the kingdoms of men as these world functions are existent in the twentieth century

9 The inability of Philip to adapt himself to a new situation was well shown when the Greeks came to him at Jerusalem, saying: «Sir, we desire to see Jesus

The world will adapt to you

to adapt to the new things

The motors and pumps were from a waterpark with the boilers adapted to burn liquid fuel instead of cordwood

«They’re a group who never adapted,» Tahlmute said

As my eyes adapted to the shadows I could make out Italian mob hair as well

It comes from an old Dromeedian recipe that we’ve adapted using the latest psionic technology, with just a dash of tpsii added to bring out the patterns a little more

Despite my aching legs I surprised myself as to how much I adapted once I found my pace,

He didn’t know, of course, and as soon as I made the point he adapted

and when beneficial will not be rejected but rather adapted into continued

be done, because it’s other pieces may have been adapted to it

‘But this has obviously adapted to the local conditions

I think I adapted to the weather better than he did, but I miss my social life

He employed more interesting building details for the facade and added a bell tower of sorts, nothing ostentatious just well adapted to the balance and symmetry of the structure

He related to her, and she passed along to my sister and me, a rare tale of a most curiously adapted regimen for the pursuit of what she referred to as ‘enlightenment

Jean was surprised at how well he adapted to riding a

by Kenneth Grahame (the text is adapted)

The Adventure of the Dying Detective (adapted)

All other stories and illustrations are taken from internet sites and are part of the public domain The stories have been adapted for the ESL audience and the resultant materials are copyright Courtney E Webb, 2013

These stories have been adapted to better suit modern readers and to make the content more accessible to modern eyes

They will sleep some, but they are adapted to weeks, not days

They are building a suntower adapted to their technology

borders of savant though, diversified and adapted itself

Not evidently bright, they obviously dreamt of developing into forms better adapted to their environment

There are several different sorts of paper money; but the circulating notes of banks and bankers are the species which is best known, and which seems best adapted for this purpose

To their credit, the elves adapted – fighting more cautiously, facing off against the tendrils as if they were individual foes, ignoring Ostedes trunk-like body — except for Kendal and S’ilindsa

Bob the Buho’s camouflage, found in other species of Mother Nature’s children, is not only created by the darkness of his environment when he is out on the hunt, but also his plumage itself is skillfully adapted to blend in with the colors, textures, and patterns of his surroundings

Thirdly, The mode of fishing, for which this tonnage bounty in the white herring fishery has been given (by busses or decked vessels from twenry to eighty tons burden ), seems not so well adapted to the situation of Scotland, as to that of Holland, from the practice of which country it appears to have been borrowed

A boat-fishery, therefore, seems to be the mode of fishing best adapted to the peculiar situation of Scotland, the fishers carrying the herrings on shore as fast as they are taken, to he either cured or consumed fresh

It has ruined the boat fishery, which is by far the best adapted for the supply of the home market; and the additional bounty of 2s:8d

They adapted the design of the tent as best they could to cope with the missing pole and again weighed down the edges of the fabric with quantities of gravel

The hand-held console adapted as a sensor relay

Would that not be the same as saying that a big industrial fuel plant was the designer of the large compressors, operating within it, and that over time the compressors adapted to the environment to become perfectly part of the plant and to provide compressed air to specific units within the plant? It is absurd and makes no sense

brought forward, adapted in his ear, he could

If their craft was not adapted to submersible travel then there was a chance

They took as their doctrine a strict set of rules and guidelines know as the Temporal Directive, devising rules for minimal intervention and interference, which then had to be adapted for each assignment

Russian women adapted to the new system much better than the

The stigma (in law anyway) disappeared when the law was adapted to stop the discrimination

Technology wise we used frequency hopping radios in the 1970s already and our locally adapted Kfirs (Cheetah) outflew the much vaunted F15 Strike Eagle on exercises


The double-tap method was preferred by SAP COIN, and not taught at the College thus some never adapted it

Later on we got dedicated white flash lights for our Uzi’s which we adapted to our assault rifles

Thus we adapted a way of cocking the pistol against our belt or shoe-heel using only one hand, but that was not taught by any Instructor

He quickly adapted to our ways and followed our example as he realised he will die if not


Since the public did not always hear the siren we adapted another technique when approaching traffic waiting at a robot and that was to lock your brakes for a second or two

My wife (Rose) and I had dinner the other evening at the Westchester Premier Theatre which featured a play, Sayonara, adapted from a novel written by James Michener

I am aware of the existence of other people who have a similar likeness to me that confirms my own existence‖ (Freely adapted from Rene Descartes) The troubling assumption with most (nihilistic) existential thinkers is the idea that the universe is fundamentally evil; without purpose or meaning and that alienated Man must overcome the evil dynamics of Nature through his or her own (determined) efforts or by exercising Free Will that ironically lends force to conscious expression

Travelers, however, simply adapted and managed their time accordingly


The Dog Unit would arrive with their dogs and patrol formations were adapted to accommodate them

All this shows you how practical policemen are, and how the Casspirs were adapted for their new duties

a cultist, and countering by a move he adapted from the few month of Weng Chen Kung Fu he once

It is very interesting to see how they adapted to the different phases of the war

The experts say to be effective each counter-terrorism action must be adapted to suit the particular group which is logical

It also creates practical complications for all the weapons used during the rescue are adapted for their own use and is now confiscated by the Police Department as evidence

‘Because of their inability to defend themselves, it is not surprising that some species of salamanders have completely adapted to subterranean caves that contain water

“We have adapted,” said the chief simply

The Sycler slithered away into the darkness on her specially adapted foot, moving at quite a speed for such a big creature

In his adapted persona, he flattered the border guards, customs agents and their supervisors with humorous comments about the many seals in his passport

and adapted physical activity

Hartle was aware that the sim adapted constantly as it learned more about him

And those specially adapted arms of theirs can both seize and slash with fatal efficiency

This, it was averred, is the very first indication, the appearance of clothing adapted body lice, of when Man lost his own body hair

The interesting thing is that cetaceans returned from whence they came, evolutionarily, and their body adapted to life at sea again

Paper had been adapted from the Chinese

Vasantha has adapted the recipes for an Ameri-

[161] The «Twelve Principles of Buddhism» have been adapted from http://www

has adapted to his challenging circumstances, he has learnt the

This place was well adapted by its situation to expose them to

Brown Automotive Group has adapted to

‘Jaden, remember what I was telling you about the gravity affects from the gravity tides? All the fish and animals in our oceans and on land adapted for the past million years around this daily event

Most of the sea animals adapted with wings or fins that work underwater and in the air

‘It is survival of the fittest, where the animals that adapted best under the gravity tide take advantage of those that didn’t

can be adapted to host large-scale builds and shoots

dispensation of Moses…we consider as adapted to the childhood of the human race”)6,

That is where what my dad did and how I reacted to it and adapted

proper care and living conditions, adapted to their physiological and behavioural

I adapted to this without changing my philosophy, and when I finished the course, I got one of six As in the class out of thirty-six in the graduate student body

“We immediately adapted the technique to the auras of these lucky two, and when we correlated the results with the events in their memories when they manifested most strongly, we were able to identify the nature of their talent

We came here during a warmer epoch, when it was no colder here than Finitra is now, and we’ve adapted to the land over time

This place was well adapted by its situation to expose them to the gaze of all comers into the city and of those who went from the city into the country

The Air Force Sikorsky helicopter was adapted for Navy and Coast Guard missions

«But the other round stones which had not yet been adapted to the building of the tower and had not yet received the seal were for this reason put back into their place because they are exceedingly round

animal that was feeding on these melons was so poorly adapted

We each adapted in an individual way

«You merely adapted your theory to take this into account, not having the slightest…»

a rational care plan based on medical knowledge adapted for that

on them after a week to find that they had quickly adapted to their new home and seemed

She said she was a writer and I knew that the price of a free lift would be a bit of entertainment, so I told her about the story idea I had once stolen from an American magazine, then adapted to a German environment

adapted (biological) eye is capable of seeing even a single photon 28, which is

Even the Humanists ironically have adapted the Golden Rule:

She knew them all, knew the Colonel was the firebrand who had the hardest time adapting to the ways of this world

«I have to tell you, Alan is adapting a lot better to our society than that guy did to mine

So we married … it wasn’t as simple adapting to the physical side as I thought it would be but I got pregnant fairly quickly and it was easy to persuade Alastair that any physical relationship was unwise during the pregnancy … since then Alastair and I have occupied separate rooms

Once the images were scanned the older woman copied down the details of Danny’s email and web addresses from Annie’s diary and set about the task of adapting one of her more subtle Trojan Horse viruses so that it would work specifically with Danny in mind

adapting one of her more subtle Trojan Horse viruses so that it

restraint, and still allow for a broad range of motion;” they were proud of their ingenuity in adapting clothing to the rigors of their discipline

Drau’d was a genius builder, his talents easily adapting to defensive construction of the battlefield


Adapting his own PDU as an interface so it could be used to control a flyer; a map location simply selected, and the craft would take him to that

The Elusivers had not succeeded in destroying the temporal field device despite how close their adapting salvo had got, close enough to destroy everything but the very foundations on which they were fixed

In the race to gain the upper hand the enemy were constantly upgrading and adapting

East west, no longer divided, were now using one constantly adapting economic model

They are open to adapting at first because they

I think inclusion is not necessarily adapting a game for kids without

Improvising on the piano – I’d insisted on having one in my classroom, I played honky-tonk versions of little kids’ songs (Afrikaans and English), making up words or adapting them to my purpose

When the time came that the city was encroaching too much upon our paradise, we reluctantly decided to sell it to one of those businesses that promised to maintain a park-like exterior while adapting the lovely old house for a new use

The other creatures may not have travelled far and may not be as astounded as Derek, therefore adapting quite quickly

They are constantly evolving and adapting

What was the point in adapting for a few months? He would bring her back after that project for sure

It is all a matter of adapting and reacting to the circumstances

ethological needs prevent it from adapting to the restriction of captivity, which is

She gloried in his attentions as he massaged her shoulders and back with his fingertips, adapting a gentler version of the Ranger’s rubdown techniques he’d used after weapons practices

Be patient in class, be patient at school, be patient adapting to your new surroundings

She was having an adventure over there, adapting to Dutch life with her

A good general always selects his battlefield suited to his background and experience rather then falling in the trap of adapting foreign principles and methods

accepted the challenge, adapting to a new world and new

With major determination, I continued with a few studied contortions that in nothing were adapting themselves to the pristine intention of my message

Connections to normal neurons at the base of the brain are maintained through the new brain adapting itself to the slower firing rates of the unaltered neurons

Are you adapting to the whims of society, following the trend of what is and is not proper to keep the mindless masses off your back? Or is this really you? Tera is perfect; organized, innovative, never questions your decisions, speedy, efficient—the perfect secretary—the perfect wife

always in such cases a certain difficulty in adapting the vehicle to the needs

This may benefit the psychopath as long as there are few other psychopaths in the community since more psychopaths’ means increasing the risk of encountering another psychopath as well as non-psychopaths likely adapting more countermeasures against cheaters

adapting to the organization and the

In adapting themselves to the changing conditions, they had sunk far below their original level

adapting to the changes in landscape, language, life?

Adapting to the change, they found ways to amuse themselves that did not involve their parents

Some were middle aged or older and could have great difficulty adapting to the new high-tech equipment which I expected to bring in

Adapting is important, overcoming obstacles is important, it is important to have motivation, but there is much that the minds of those who are enlightened or have the ability to become this manner of thinking, there is much that they simply accept or choose to ignore

finding out how they overcame their situation, then adapting their solution to

Adapting to his great ongoing

will give up convenience in many cases, and that means adapting

When your life is about adapting to bad situations, they end-up becoming very normal and ordinary to you

By either adapting physical brains/bodies or repeating the downloading of

� We are however in the process of adapting its pulse jet technology to our own bombers

Alex, again adapting the prosecutor mode said, “There’s even

James Park, a favourite hunting ground of the Sinclair Road gang adapting their African skills as poachers in London’s top spots for a potential roast

Adapting the cost of equity to reflect current risk-free yields and market returns while maintaining the long-term beta is a combination that will bias

Third-party support, on the other hand, was slower in coming; game designers, used to the conventional gamepad control sets, had difficulty adapting popular franchises to the heavily motion-based Wii controller, and some didn’t bother, preferring instead to concentrate on what they felt to be their core audience on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

They did so mostly by using their knowledge of their land and by adapting their tactics to it, fighting a guerrilla war against the British, who were accustomed to regulated, set-piece battles

The British soon were adapting that advanced technology to produce advanced consumer goods that few could beat, selling these products to the rest of Europe and particularly to the countries of the Commonwealth, which in general had suffered little or not at all from the war and had the means to buy those products

The Time Minstrels specialized in adapting and playing songs and musical pieces from various periods of history

When balanced, then, manifested creations are able to transform as required, in adapting to evolutionary changes

If you have this high of blood pressure consider adapting a healthier lifestyle and talk with your doctor about taking medication to help lower it

And of those, they were mostly humans having trouble adapting to their parent’s constant reassignments

up, and adapting to alternative cultural behaviors

She moved in with a couple of friends from university and she was adapting seamlessly at the office

But adapting to using renewable technologies on an increasing scale may require significant changes in our institutions and attitudes

Every machine, every exercise class and every method of fitness is based on our bodies adapting to the stress exercise imposes

I tried to conform to his style of living by adapting the things he loved

Consultants for both what you want or should want to become and the form of its online presentation; defenders to search and scrub the web for any defamatory bytes of information that might besmirch your image and then vigilantly maintain your perfected reputation; lawyers to sue those who defame or copyright infringe upon your image; and counselors to aid you in adapting to and dealing with virtual relationships and screened feelings

If education is only adapting the citizenry to integrate with the economy, the student can only be as enlightened as the economy is –

The ancestors of all tetrapods began adapting to

That is what makes love now; it is conditioned upon every now adapting itself to every now

became more able to run during this time, adapting to the

adapting to its environment that we are equally ignorantly unaware of

Love never changes in that it is always changing, growing, adapting

When heroes engage prophets, martyrs, or messiahs, heroes win by adapting to, then smothering and finally extinguishing the field that is trying to emerge or withstand it

Transparent governance is a self-monitoring, adjusting and adapting system, whose transparency derives from the lack of inhabitable power structures and the absence of money

It hasn’t been easy adapting to life on this island without the amenities they’d grown accustomed to in the old world

am always adapting and changing my techniques but this has worked

It had been that way for the last three months, and she was adapting, gradually

blindly innocent from birth, you mature as you explore the world, experiencing the inner fire of transformation throughout your life, adapting to all life’s challenges as love guides you on your journey

Since the Indian Ocean regals are adapting better they are going for higher prices

It’s no wonder my brain has trouble adapting

I couldn»t have been more relaxed and I could see these guys were adapting

it is hardly fair for the old to think that all the adapting should be on the

’ By adapting to a lower quality of dead-burnt food, we became desensitized: our taste buds, our sense of smell, our hearing and our reflexes, all became de-sensitized

adapting to the change of environment in effecting emotional and physical ‘s

body in adapting to the change of the environment including toxic chemicals,

We trained ourselves as tool-using apes for millions of years to think, feel, act and inter-act linearly: by adapting ourselves to the tools we used

Once the repetitive making and use of tools became the main form of adapting and surviving and living for our ancestors, once their brains were programmed to function like tools functioned… hominid and human awareness began acting like a tool

Whether it is a bird, or a shark: both manage to survive each day by reacting to and adapting differently and creatively to each new condition and situation

What is the trait you most deplore in others? Nothing, I’m strong believer that everyone is made imperfect to help others see different things, and I love every imperfection about everyone, because it help me grow, adapting to love everything about everyone

We have no choice but to wrap ourselves and insulate ourselves from this rape… and in that process: by that process… because of that process: we become numbed, normalized, and dehumanized… adapting to our tool-cultures, becoming better tools, becoming less human… while also living in denial, brainwashed, ignorant, unaware, numbed… defending ourselves in a thousand destructive ways, deflecting painful truths a thousand different ways

I was not adapting to the new tactics the two were using

methodology of adapting and incorporating aspects of the religions of conquered peoples

Therefore a greater power may be at play here in the process of any evolution than just a species adapting to the environment through the random chance of accidental mutations of genes that create physiological and functional changes that by chance become strengths out-surviving the same species with physiological and functional weaknesses

They forget that they can create enormous wealth by simply adapting their talents and abilities towards the improvement of life for many others, through the provision of services or product that solves other people’s problem

There was a massive pooling of resources and man power with the purpose of adapting to the new technology and the construction of space craft

Adapting to the new environment was difficult at first: they were

adapting capacities of the brain

For this was how they would have wished to be, each setting up an ideal to which they were now adapting their past life

pretending to address me, but evidently adapting his discourse to the capacity of the landlady; who, at every pause, uttered an exclamation of pity; or ‘Yes, to be sure—Very true, sir

The Reagans have been in Washington for a week, adapting to the capital’s routine after more than a year living out of suitcases on the campaign trail

They were practitioners of my chosen craft at the highest level possible, and if I had to pretend to be interested in adapting The Office for the United States in order to meet them, then so be it

But we’ve gone ahead and started our own school, adapting a lot of what the Marines do but adding a number of things to prepare SEAL snipers for our mission

The Delthak Works had already started adapting its own rockets as artillery in response to a fresh Ehdwyrd Howsmyn inspiration, now that the concept had suggested itself to the AOG

The thing is that your neurological system adapts very quickly to your set/rep patterns

Accustomed to the noise of the props and motors, your hearing adapts, oddly enough

It adapts itself well to live in the outskirts and suburbs of the city

company that adapts telecoms products

Every species chooses the niche it lives and evolves in, and it adapts to the needs

Sophianalyst creates their own model and adapts it to the needs of the group, which

do, the better your body adapts to it

He pours forth, that it adapts itself to each one of these millions as though he were the only object of its influence, and it appears as though what for us

The human organism, for survival, adapts to stressful situations in such a way that the

Why are the planets closest to the earth so barren yet miraculously Green Water lives and produces beings similar to us? Why would the spores that settled on Earth settle on Green Water and nowhere else? More importantly, every species adapts and changes to the environment it lives in

It is the smoothness and slipperiness of his skin that protects from and adapts to high solar radiation

and as he adapts his mind to that

The seal under Onyx changes as it adapts to his

our organism works, coordinates within and adapts without in a perfect synchrony

Your body adapts to anything you throw at it

“A human grows and adapts,” he continued

He adapts his technique to the exigencies of the moment

A clever man adapts himself to the heavenly laws now for the amazing events to come

Sensitivity without knowledge adapts a runaway mind

the culture changes, the communication system adapts and the information is altered

Culture adapts itself to the expressions of the people, and culture affects the acts of the people in it

The individual body evolutionarily alters as it engages in, adapts to, and is comformicated by the real and virtual physical distribution of social functions

“Love adapts by celebrating emergences by comformicating to the circumstances and

Each competitor has his own complex and secret tactics, and the race will be won by the person who best adapts his plans to the conditions and other variables of that year

If the land humans live on owns them as much as they own the land, then they become just another animal that adapts itself genetically to the needs of whatever ecosystem they live in

Man adapts his morals for the smooth functioning of society, the propagation of the species and the needs of wars and conquests

But today, in the 21st century, it is not the strong who survives but the one who adapts the quickest!

He might want to play a game where everyone adapts their favorite characters

A child growing up having a drug abuser and addict parent adapts the values the parent’s exhibits

He is penetrated with the spirit of Plato, and quotes or adapts many thoughts both from the Republic and from the Timaeus

“Welcome to war games, Mac, where the terrain never stops changing and he who adapts fastest wins

The strong, silent, dangerously attractive type that harbors a private, vast, brilliant inner landscape of knowledge, wisdom, and experience, and watches, always watches, learns, adapts, evolves

But a man who believes in something else than his own greed, has necessarily a conscience or standard to which he more or less adapts himself

changes occur the brain adapts to the drug-induced changes

The options market is truly efficient, so much so that it adapts and learns from changes in the market

Each entity within the macro-structure mutates and adapts so as to increase the possibility of survival as a whole

Niall Ferguson (2007) adapts Milton Friedman’s famous quote (that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon) by arguing that “hyperinflation is always a political phenomenon,” preceded by political instability and unrest

A Trading Channel That Moves and Adapts to the Markets in Real Time

A wider pass-band filter adapts more quickly to changes in the input data

He thus adapts animals and plants for his own benefit or pleasure

As natural selection acts by competition, it adapts and improves the inhabitants of each country only in relation to their co-inhabitants; so that we need feel no surprise at the species of any one country, although on the ordinary view supposed to have been created and specially adapted for that country, being beaten and supplanted by the naturalised productions from another land

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