The word accustomed in a sentence

accustomed — перевод на русский


I’m not accustomed to handling anything so delicate, so valuable.

Я не привык обращаться с такой хрупкой, такой ценной.

I am not accustomed to speaking in public…

Я не привык говорить на публике.

You’re accustomed to me suffering in silence.

Ты привык, что я страдаю молча. Держу всё в себе.

# And yet I’ve grown Accustomed to the trace #

Просто я привык к ней.

I’m accustomed to being alone on this bench when I’m working so I would prefer you to leave.

Я привык сидеть в одиночестве на этой скамейке, когда работаю так что предпочел, чтобы вы ушли.

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But during the course of a relationship a man grows accustomed to a few things.

Но в ходе отношений мужчина тоже привыкает к некоторым вещам.

So, when a person reaches the late stages, they’re accustomed to consume high calcium diets, it’s gonna take a while to readapt a little bit.

Итак, когда человек достигает последней стадии, он привыкает к питанию с высоким содержанием кальция, привыкание к меньшему количеству займёт некоторое время.

One becomes so accustomed to one’s own horrors.

Человек привыкает к собственным страхам.

— Then she was not accustomed.

— Тогда ей не привыкать.

My precious little squirrelykins are going to live in the manner to which they’ve become accustomed, and they’re going to be able to see their Dama Teh Teh anytime they want.

ћои дорогие бельчата будут жить в услови€х, к которым им следует привыкать, и будут видетьс€ с ƒамой «ей «ей, когда только пожелают.

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He used the tone of someone accustomed to command.

Говорил голосом человека, привыкшего командовать.

He had still the same slow gestures of a ploughman accustomed to clay or of a stone cutter with his motionless eyes, his absent look

У него все еще были те же самые медленные жесты крестьянина, привыкшего лепить глину, или скульптора, с его неподвижными глазами и отсутствующим взглядом.

And Credit Versoix is the perfect banking partner for a man accustomed to the aggressive practice of business.

И Credit Versoix идеальный банковский партнер для человека, привыкшего занимать активной позицию в бизнесе.

I was accustomed to the open expanse of the country, and now I was in the heart of London, at the height of the Victorian era.

Я, привыкший к сельским просторам, где жизнь протекала спокойно и неторопливо, вдруг очутился в Лондоне. И это в расцвет викторианской эпохи!

— I am a man accustomed to injustice.

— Я — человек, привыкший к несправедливости.

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But we must at least give him credit… for guaranteeing our peace and security. And for giving us back so quickly our accustomed lifestyle.

что так быстро вернул нам наш привычный образ жизни.

Neptune’s wind movement Is unlike anything We are accustomed to.

Характер движения ветров на Нептуне совсем не похож на привычный нам.

This hand is more accustomed to the sword than to the pen.

Эта рука больше привычна к сабле, чем к перу.

As a Borg, I was accustomed to cohabitating with thousands of other drones.

Как борг, я привычна к сообитанию с тысячами других дронов.

Be not afraid of these phantoms that are nothing but the nightmares of his foolish imaginings and all like him that would keep you in your accustomed places.

Не страшитесь этих призраков, они всего лишь кошмарные плоды глупого воображения — его и подобных ему, которые удерживают вас на привычных местах.

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— Not what I’m accustomed to, no.

— Не так, как обычно. Нет.

Do you know how much I’m accustomed to getting for a lecture?

Да вы знаете сколько я обычно беру за лекцию?

«Your Honor, I’m used to this, I’m used to that, I’m accustomed to this …»

«Ваша честь, я привыкла к этому, к тому, у меня обычно так…»

Yo, what the fuck is «accustomed»?

Какого хуя значит «обычно»?

Hey, you go to a restaurant, you’re accustomed to eating. You leave, you ain’t eating no more.

Эй, если ты приходишь в ресторан тебе «обычно» поесть ты уходишь — больше ты не ешь.

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And I doubt either one of them would be terribly accustomed to that reality.

И я сомневаюсь, что эти двое смогут свыкнуться с таким образом жизни.

Because I knew that Brendan’s family was watching these newscasts and so in effect it was a message to try to get them accustomed to the idea that Brendan might take a legal option that they don’t like, so part of the intended audience was Brendan Dassey’s family.

Просто я знал, что семья Брендона смотрит выпуски новостей и в какой-то мере это было посланием, которое помогало им свыкнуться с мыслью, что Брендон, возможно, изберёт правовой вариант, который им не понравится так что семья Брендона Дейси была частью целевой аудитории.

You’re distressed now, but in time you’ll become accustomed to the idea. You’ll give us your blessing.

Сейчас вы расстроены, но со временем вы свыкнетесь и дадите нам свое благословение.

I’ve been so accustomed to charlatans, at first I was unwilling to believe the messages that came.

Я так свыкся с шарлатанами,.. …что поначалу не верил пришедшим посланиям.

Soon they’ll get accustomed.

Скоро они свыкнутся с этим.

After all, not accustomed to, not to offend you

Ведь не приучены, не в обиду Вам будь сказано

For accustomed to believing in image, an absolute idea of value his world had forgotten the command of essence:

Приученный верить изображению, возведший в абсолют принцип сравнительной стоимости, его мир забыл важнейшую заповедь:

Naturally, these undomesticated, wild animals are not accustomed to being caged, and cage madness develops when frightened and frustrated animals are driven crazy from the stress of confinement.

Естественно, они неприрученный, дикие животные не приучены к тому, чтобы быть державшимся в клетке, и безумие клетки развивается когда пугается и расстроенные животные сведены с ума от напряжения заключения.

Long-term consumption of calcium, specially as occurs in a young person’s life and on into the mid years, on the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, if one is accustomed to consuming really high levels of calcium,

При долгосрочном потреблении кальция, особенно у молодежи и людей среднего возраста, в 20, 30 и 40 лет, если кто-то приучен потреблять действительно высокий уровень кальция, тело снова пытается приспособиться к нему, усвоить большее количество,

He is accustomed to it.

Он приучен к этому.

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1 The young man has been accustomed to hard work.

2 These people are accustomed to hard work.

3 This is his accustomed hour to go to bed.

4 We were accustomed to working together.

5 He was not accustomed to political or philosophical discussions.

6 She had grown accustomed to his long absences.

7 Have you grown accustomed to Japan?

8 The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby.

9 He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of life.

10 I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.

11 I’m not accustomed to being treated like this.

12 My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the gloom.

13 Foot-ballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses.

14 He has become accustomed to his new duties.

15 He quickly became accustomed to the local food.

16 My eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom.

17 She was not accustomed to entreat.

18 He was well accustomed to hard work.

19 My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.

20 She has got accustomed to this sort of work.

21 Long use has accustomed me to it.

22 I am accustomed to humble fare.

23 She quickly accustomed herself to the darkness.

24 He took his accustomed seat by the fire.

25 The pans were in their accustomed places.

26 She quickly became accustomed to his messy ways.

27 Bradley is still accustomed to travelling everywhere in style.

28 American consumers are accustomed to hunting out bargains.

29 Freed acted with his accustomed shrewdness.

30 The child was accustomed to have her way.

More similar words: customer, accuse, accused, the accused, custody, accusation, stomach, accurate, accuracy, come down, accurately, accumulate, not to mention, accumulation, acculturation, come home, atom, atomic, tomato, excuse, focus, symptom, anatomy, caucus, circus, at bottom, occur, discuss, excuse me, focus on. 

привычный, привыкший, приученный, обычный


- привычный, обычный

he spoke with accustomed ease — он говорил с присущей ему /обычной для него/ непринуждённостью
a salesgirl’s accustomed smile — заученная /традиционная/ улыбка продавщицы

Мои примеры


those morose job seekers who have grown accustomed to rejection — те угрюмые соискатели работы, что уже привыкли к постоянным отказам  
to be accustomed to hard work — быть приученным к тяжёлому труду  
to be accustomed to working hard — иметь обыкновение много работать  
to get / grow accustomed to the new place — привыкать к новому месту  
accustomed to smth. — приученный к чему-л.  
accustomed to hard work — приученный к тяжёлой работе  
accustomed to walking long distances — привыкший много ходить пешком  
accustomed trademark — широко известный товарный знак  
become accustomed — привыкнуть  
get accustomed — притерпеться; налаживаться; притираться  
primage and average accustomed — обычная добавка к фрахту  

Примеры с переводом

He was accustomed to sit up late.

Он привык засиживаться допоздна.

He got accustomed to the warm climate.

Он привык к жаркому климату.

We were accustomed to working together.

Мы привыкли работать вместе.

Slowly my eyes became accustomed to the darkness.

Постепенно мои глаза привыкли к темноте.

This is not the kind of treatment I am accustomed to.

Я не привык к такому обращению.

Camels are accustomed to go several days without watering.

Верблюды привычны к тому, чтобы идти несколько дней без водопоя.

He took up his accustomed position with his back to the fire.

Он занял своё привычное место, повернувшись спиной к огню.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The pans were in their accustomed places.

… travelers grew accustomed to having copious helpings of meat when they visited Quimper’s inn.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

accustom  — приучать, привыкать
unaccustomed  — непривычный, необычный, непривыкший

What is a sentence using the word accustomed?

Examples of accustomed in a Sentence She arrived early enough to get her accustomed seat in the front row. Josh felt uncomfortably full, as he was not accustomed to eating so much.

What type of word is accustomed?

adjective. customary; usual; habitual: in their accustomed manner. habituated; acclimated (usually followed by to): accustomed to staying up late; accustomed to the noise of the subway.

Is it accustomed or accustomed to?

If you are accustomed to something, you have become familiar with it and you no longer find it strange. Accustomed to usually comes after linking verbs such as be, become, get, and grow. It did not get lighter, but I became accustomed to the dark.

What does the phrase accustomed to indicate?

If you are accustomed to something, you know it so well or have experienced it so often that it seems natural, unsurprising, or easy to deal with. I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults. [ + to] She had not yet become accustomed to the fact that she was a rich woman.

What can’t you end a sentence with?

It’s not an error to end a sentence with a preposition, but it is a little less formal. In emails, text messages, and notes to friends, it’s perfectly fine. But if you’re writing a research paper or submitting a business proposal and you want to sound very formal, avoid ending sentences with prepositions.

What does habitual mean in English?

1 : regularly or repeatedly doing or practicing something or acting in some manner : having the nature of a habit : customary habitual candor habitual behavior habitual drug use.

What is an example of habitual?

The definition of habitual is done by habit. An example of habitual used as an adjective is the phrase a “habitual walk” which means a walk that someone goes on each day. Behaving in a regular manner, as a habit. He’s a habitual chainsmoker.

How do you use habitual?

  1. They waited for his habitual response.
  2. His drinking had become habitual.
  3. She sat smoking her habitual cigarette.
  4. If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects.
  5. Habitual overeating had distended the boy’s stomach.
  6. He suddenly dropped his habitual banter.

What is a habitual sentence?

A habitual offender, repeat offender, or career criminal is a person convicted of a new crime who was previously convicted of crimes. Usually, the sentence is greatly enhanced; in some circumstances, it may be substantially more than the maximum sentence for the crime.

What is habitual action and examples?

A habitual action, state, or way of behaving is one that someone usually does or has, especially one that is considered to be typical or characteristic of them. He soon recovered his habitual geniality. You use habitual to describe someone who usually or often does a particular thing. She was a habitual daydreamer.

How many times is considered habitual?

The definition of a habitual offender is any person that commits the same crime or breaks the same law more than once, usually three times or more, within a three year period. The most common habitual offenders are those that are charged with driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated.

What is a habitual person?

A habitual action, state, or way of behaving is one that someone usually does or has, especially one that is considered to be typical or characteristic of them. If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects. Synonyms: customary, normal, usual, common More Synonyms of habitual.

What makes a habitual criminal?

A habitual offender is a status usually given to a repeat felony offender. If a person has committed two or three previous felonies or numerous misdemeanors, they may be subject to being labelled a habitual offender. If labelled a habitual offender, increased penalties apply to subsequent crimes committed.

Who have been declared a habitual criminal?

Section 659 of the Criminal Code 1901 permits the Court to declare that an offender is a habitual criminal if the offender has been convicted of a designated offence and has been convicted of a designated offence on at least 2 or 3 previous occasions (depending on the offence).

What is periodical imprisonment?

See Page 1. e) Periodical imprisonment – a form of imprisonment requiring prisoners to be imprisoned for short periods only (often over weekends). After every period they are released to continue their normal existence.

What is correctional supervision?

Correctional supervision is a community-based sentence which is served by the offender in the community under the control and supervision of correctional officials, subject to conditions which have been set by the court or the Commissioner of Correctional Services, in order to protect the community and to prevent …

What is the correctional process?

Sentencing and the correctional process play a major role in the Criminal Justice System. These are the operations of pretrial and sentencing activities. Main focuses are on preventative detention, bail, release on recognizance, plea-bargaining, and presentence investigation.

What is the aim of Correctional Service?

The aim of the Department of Correctional Services is to contribute to maintaining and protecting a just, peaceful and safe society by enforcing court-imposed sentences in the manner prescribed by the Correctional Services Act of 1998.

What is the role of correctional services?

The aim of the Department of Correctional Services is to contribute towards maintaining and protecting a just, peaceful and safe society, by: enforcing court-imposed sentences. detaining prisoners in safe custody.

What are the four functions of Corrections?

Four different goals of corrections are commonly espoused: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation.

What is the meaning of Correctional Services?

Introduction. The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) is mandated to place offenders in a secure, safe and humane environment, and ensure that rehabilitation and successful reintegration programmes are implemented.

What skills do you need to be a correctional officer?

Here are examples of correctional officer skills and abilities that help them perform their duties:

  • Resilience.
  • Communication skills.
  • Open-mindedness.
  • Stress management skills.
  • Self-discipline.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Teamwork.
  • Problem-solving skills.

What are the pros and cons of being a correctional officer?

The Pros & Cons of Being a Correctional Officer

  • Pro: Pay and Benefits. The average annual salary of a state correctional officer is $38,380 and $53,459 for Federal positions.
  • Pro: Job Security.
  • Con: Long Training.
  • Con: Danger.
  • Con: Poor Working Conditons.
  • Con: Working Holidays and Odd Shifts.

Which is a skill needed for a successful career in corrections services?

Correctional officers must be able to interact and effectively communicate with inmates and others to maintain order in correctional facilities and courtrooms. Negotiating skills. Officers must be able to assist others in resolving differences to avoid conflict. Physical strength.

Is corrections a government job?

States and the federal government employ correctional officers to work in prisons, where inmates serve longer sentences. Private prisons also employ correctional officers.

How long does it take to become a CO?

What is the Hiring Process Like to Become a Correctional Officer in California? The application for a job as a correctional officer includes an online application process. The hiring process is lengthy, and can take as long as 12 to 18 months to complete.

How do you become a CO?

The Necessary Requirements to Become a California State Correctional Officer

  1. Be at least 21 years old.
  2. Be a United States citizen.
  3. Hold a high school diploma or GED.
  4. Be in excellent physical condition.
  5. Be eligible to own/operate a firearm (i.e., no felony convictions or domestic violence misdemeanor convictions)

How much do co make an hour?

Hourly Wage for Correctional Officer Salary

Percentile Hourly Pay Rate Location
25th Percentile Correctional Officer Salary $20 US
50th Percentile Correctional Officer Salary $22 US
75th Percentile Correctional Officer Salary $25 US
90th Percentile Correctional Officer Salary $27 US

What is a sentence using the word accustomed?

Alex Heath


What is a sentence using the word accustomed?

Examples of accustomed in a Sentence She arrived early enough to get her accustomed seat in the front row. Josh felt uncomfortably full, as he was not accustomed to eating so much.

Is it accustomed or accustomed to?

If you are accustomed to something, you have become familiar with it and you no longer find it strange. Accustomed to usually comes after linking verbs such as be, become, get, and grow. It did not get lighter, but I became accustomed to the dark.

Is accustomed a verb?

accustom Add to list Share. The verb accustom means to become used to or familiar with something; to make something a habit. If there is a new baby in your family, you will most likely become accustomed to changing diapers.

Is accustoming a word?

v.t. -tomed, -tom•ing. to familiarize by custom or use; habituate: to accustom oneself to cold weather.

Is Accustomation a word?

noun. The action of making usual, habitual, or familiar; familiarization.

What does habituate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to make used to something : accustom. 2 : frequent sense 1.

How do you spell Acustom?

verb (used with object) to familiarize by custom or use; habituate: to accustom oneself to cold weather.

What’s another word for accustomed?

Some common synonyms of accustomed are customary, habitual, usual, and wonted. While all these words mean “familiar through frequent or regular repetition,” accustomed is less emphatic than wonted or habitual in suggesting fixed habit or invariable custom.

What does Acustim mean?

Acustimulation: Mild electrical stimulation of acupuncture points done to control symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Are used to synonym?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for used-to, like: accustomed to, familiar with, habituated to, in the habit of, comfortable with, wont to, acclimated and use.

What is another word for sensible?

SYNONYMS FOR sensible 1 intelligent, sagacious, rational, reasonable. 2 conscious, understanding, observant. 4 perceptible, discernible, palpable.

What is a word for using someone?

An exploiter is a user, someone who takes advantage of other people or things for their own gain. Being an exploiter is selfish and unethical. To exploit someone is to use them in a way that’s wrong, like an employer who pays low wages but demands long hours. An exploiter is a person who treats others this way.

Is they’re a proper term?

They’re has an apostrophe, which means it’s the product of two words: they are. If you can substitute they are into your sentence and retain the meaning, then they’re is the correct homophone to use.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word accustomed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use accustomed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «accustomed».

Accustomed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word accustomed in a sentence.

  1. Either that, or you’re not accustomed to the sweet sounds of love.».

  2. The rhinoceros was already well accustomed to being kept in captivity.

  3. As people became more accustomed to hyacinths the prices began to fall.

  4. Hamilton had grown accustomed to being regularly consulted by Washington.

  5. Thespis was an advance on the types of burlesques to which Gaiety audiences were accustomed.

  6. By the outbreak of the Second World War, Liverpool had become accustomed to finishing midtable.

  7. Although homesick over that first Christmas, Louise soon grew accustomed to the winter climate.

  8. Magpies are ubiquitous in urban areas all over Australia, and have become accustomed to people.

  9. Amos Kling was a man accustomed to getting his way, but Harding attacked him relentlessly in the paper.

  10. Growing up with his older brothers, Selwood was accustomed to playing with bigger teammates and opponents.

  11. Wolf packs are typically settled, and usually leave their accustomed ranges only during severe food shortages.

  12. Most of the Africans in his force remained loyal; they were accustomed to acting against their fellow Africans.

  13. Senators of both parties were accustomed to being consulted about political appointments and turned against Hayes.

  14. Toward the end of his first term, he grew accustomed to assuming a marginal role, and rarely intervened in debate.

  15. The war had accustomed many scientists to working without the budgetary constraints imposed by pre-war universities.

  16. He left Paris a month later for Algiers, with the intention of wintering there, as he had long been accustomed to do.

  17. She has even been depicted as unassertive, and accustomed to be satisfied in whatever circumstances she found herself.

  18. She spent time walking around New York wearing a mask over her eyes to get accustomed to walking as though she were blind.

  19. Players were allowed to select weapons before matches to get accustomed to weapons more easily and minimize weapon hunting.

  20. While cavalry divisions were still being formed in Britain, cavalry troops quickly became accustomed to fighting dismounted.

  21. The weather at Manzanar caused suffering for the inmates, few of whom were accustomed to the extremes of the area’s climate.

  22. He was exposed to a variety of situations, including open horse shows where he could become accustomed to crowds and activity.

  23. Second, individual ring-tailed lemurs accustomed to living in a troop may not respond well to isolation for laboratory testing.

  24. On the way to the capital, popular unrest was such that Olga, who was not accustomed to such demonstrations, was close to tears.

  25. The de Chaddertons, Lords of the Manor of Chadderton, were accustomed to pay tax to the overlords until the division of Tottington.

  26. This collapse helped fuel agricultural reform, as crofters accustomed to earning a second income had to now earn more from farming.

  27. Louise, who had a jealous nature, had grown accustomed to treating Beatrice with pity on account of the queen’s constant need for her.

  28. The composition of the side continually changed, and the team performed poorly, causing unrest among supporters accustomed to success.

  29. Magpies will become accustomed to being fed by humans, and although they are wild, will return to the same place looking for handouts.

  30. The episode was well received critically upon airing, specifically for containing the humor and wit to which fans had become accustomed.

  31. His assistant at the time, Virginia Downsborough, said that she had to wean him off the diet of drugs to which he had become accustomed.

  32. While some critics praised the change in the band’s sound, others more accustomed to the style of their earlier efforts were disappointed.

  33. The Carthaginian ships were lighter built and more manoeuvrable, and their crews were more experienced and accustomed to working together.

  34. This method relies heavily on the wolf’s fear of human scents, though it can lose its effectiveness when wolves become accustomed to the odor.

  35. Mint Director Stella Hackel Sims stated, «people are accustomed to the Eisenhower dollar, but in time, they’ll become accustomed to the Susan».

  36. People here have been accustomed when the ball was put into the scrum to see it wobbling about and frequently never coming out in a proper way.

  37. Locke posited that if children were accustomed to having sodden feet, a sudden shower that wet their feet would not cause them to catch a cold.

  38. Georgia Tech alumni accustomed to success under football legends John Heisman (whose career wins–losses–draws statistics were 185–70–17), William A.

  39. If marmots are not accustomed to human contact in a certain area, they may also sound a trill when seeing a person, in order to alert other marmots.

  40. Lathrop stated that the calf was a bit unruly at first, but grew so accustomed to her presence that it would kiss her on the nose when it was allowed.

  41. A nesting female that had become accustomed to being fed by humans was reportedly able to be enticed to leave the nest during incubation and brooding.

  42. The members of the party were neither well-nourished nor accustomed to camping in snow 12 feet (3.7 m) deep and, by the third day, most were snowblind.

  43. At their initial meeting, Hendrix bought four speaker cabinets and three 100-watt Super Lead amplifiers; he grew accustomed to using all three in unison.

  44. There were relatively few motor vehicles in Australia at the beginning of the 20th century, so most dogs of any breed would have been accustomed to horses.

  45. He enjoyed the game’s difficulty especially with the bosses, but he noted the game will seem tough at first until players become accustomed to the controls.

  46. She disliked living in the state capital of Sacramento, which lacked the excitement, social life, and mild climate to which she was accustomed in Los Angeles.

  47. Wisden judged the experiment a success and several of its opponents changed their mind by the end of the season; batsmen soon became accustomed to the alteration.

  48. Liszt’s new works did not find guaranteed success in their audiences, especially in cities where listeners were accustomed to more conservative music programming.

  49. A horse, which had been trained before the race to be accustomed to the loud noise of an engine starting, towed each competitor out of parc fermé to the start line.

  50. It is generally shyer and more wary than its pied relative, but has become more accustomed to people in areas of high human activity in southwest Western Australia.

Synonyms for accustomed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word accustomed has the following synonyms: customary, habitual, wonted, usual, used to and wont to.

General information about «accustomed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word accustomed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «accustomed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «accustomed».

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