The word accommodation means

жилье, помещение, приспособление, аккомодация, компромисс, приют, примирение


- приспособление (действие)
- амер. часто pl приют, пристанище; стол и ночлег; помещение

furnished accommodations — меблированные комнаты
hotel accommodation — номер в гостинице
accommodation allowance — квартирное пособие, квартирные
wanted accommodation for a married couple with small children in London — супруги с маленькими детьми снимут дом или квартиру в Лондоне (объявление)
hotel accommodation was scarce — в гостиницах свободных мест не было, почти все гостиницы были забиты
can we find accommodation at the hotel for the night? — можем ли мы устроиться на ночь /переночевать/ в этой гостинице?
what kind of accommodation can you get in this city? — как в этом городе можно устроиться с жильём?

- расквартирование войск
- pl. амер. место (в поезде, на пароходе и т. п.)

to book /to secure/ accommodations on the train [on the airplane, on the bus] — заказать билеты /зарезервировать места/ на поезд [на самолёт, на автобус]

- согласование; примирение; разрешение спора

to come to an accommodation — договориться; прийти к компромиссу

- удобство

for your accommodation — для вашего удобства

- оказание услуг
- психол. адаптация, аккомодация; притирка (об отношениях между людьми)
- амер. ссуда
- мор. расположение кают
- физиол. аккомодация (глаза)

Мои примеры


deluxe / first-class accommodation — благоустроенное жильё  
secure accommodation — безопасное помещение  
accommodation with every convenience — квартира со всеми удобствами  
to seek accommodation — искать жильё  
to make / work out an accommodation — выработать соглашение  
to reach an accommodation with creditors — заключить соглашение с кредиторами  
accommodation ladder — приставная лестница  
poorly furnished accommodation — бедно обставленное жилище  
accommodation capability — способность к адаптации, адаптивная способность  
accommodation car — ж.-д. вагон для местных пассажиров (дешевый, без удобств, для ездящих на небольшие расстояния)  

Примеры с переводом

The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.

В стоимость отдыха входит перелет и проживание.

They had begun to seek a possible accommodation.

Они начали искать возможный компромисс.

The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up.

Цены на съёмное жильё продолжают расти.

We reached an accommodation between both parties.

Мы достигли компромисса между обеими сторонами.

All students are offered free accommodation.

Всем студентам предоставляется бесплатное жильё /проживание, размещение/.

The accommodations on board the boat are a bit cramped.

Помещения на борту судна немного тесноваты.

Accommodation, without which society would be painful.

Умение приспосабливаться, без которого в обществе просто невозможно было бы жить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Accommodation is provided on-site.

First-class accommodation is available for a supplement.

He changed his schedule as an accommodation to his clients.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accommodating  — любезный, вмещающий, услужливый, сговорчивый, уживчивый, уступчивый
accommodated  — приспособленный, обеспеченный

  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > accommodation

  • 2

    accommodation [əˏkɒməˊdeɪʃn]


    1) помеще́ние; жильё; стол и ночле́г;

    2) прию́т, убе́жище



    расквартирова́ние войск

    4) приспособле́ние

    5) согласова́ние; соглаше́ние; компроми́сс

    6) ссу́да

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > accommodation

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > accommodation

  • 4

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > accommodation

  • 5

    əˌkɔməˈdeɪʃən сущ.
    1) амер. обыкн. мн. помещение;
    стол и ночлег;
    приют, убежище accommodation with every convenience ≈ квартира со всеми удобствами Prices start at 2 pounds per person, including flights, hotel accommodation and various excursions. ≈ Цены — от двух фунтов на человека, включая стоимость перелета, проживания в гостинице и различных экскурсий. seek accommodation deluxe accommodation first-class accommodation furnished accommodations hotel accommodation secure accommodation Syn: lodging
    2) амер. обыкн. мн. а) место( в поезде, на пароходе и т. п.) book accommodations on the train second-class accommodation б) квартира, комната, жилье (тж. иногда по смыслу) Our sole accommodation a tent barely able to contain eight persons. ≈ Ночевать нам пришлось в палатке, едва вмещавшей восемь человек. We rode to the house of a neighbouring farmer, where we found good accomodations. ≈ Мы подъехали к дому соседского фермера, у которого нашли хороший прием. accommodation house travel accommodation accommodation paddock accommodation unit
    3) воен. расквартирование войск
    4) приспособление, настройка под новые условия Accommodation, without which society would be painful. ≈ Если бы человек не умел приспосабливаться, в обществе просто невозможно было бы жить.
    5) согласование;
    замирение (between;
    with) They had begun to seek a possible accommodation. ≈ Они начали искать возможный компромисс. Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them. ≈ Для того, чтобы выжить, религии должны идти на компромисс с вышестоящими политическими структурами, которые питают их. come to an accommodation make an accommodation work out an accommodation reach accommodation
    6) нечто, что удовлетворяет некоторую потребность, удобство The regular progress of cultivated life is from necessaries to accommodations, from accommodations to ornaments. ≈ Обычный путь цивилизации — от вещей необходимых к вещам удобным, от вещей удобных к вещам декоративным. accommodation address accommodation ladder accommodation road accommodation bridge accommodation train accommodation stage
    7) денежная помощь в трудной ситуации, ссуда He obtained an accommodation of 100 pounds from Ballantyne. ≈ Баллантайн ссудил ему сто фунтов. accommodation bill accommodation note accommodation paper
    8) физиол. аккомодация (процесс перефокусировки глаза с предмета на предмет)
    9) лингв. а) ассимиляция б) заимствование It is necessary to suppose an English accommodation of the Scandinavian word to account for the forms that the word presents in our dialects. ≈ Чтобы объяснить формы, в которых это слово встречается в наших диалектах, необходимо предполагать скандинавское заимствование.

    accommodation физиол. аккомодация ~ жилье ~ квартира ~ кредит ~ помещение;
    стол и ночлег;
    accommodation with every convenience квартира со всеми удобствами ~ помещение ~ примирение ~ приспособление ~ приспособление ~ приют, убежище ~ разрешение спора ~ воен. расквартирование войск ~ расположение кают ~ согласование;
    компромисс ~ согласование ~ соглашение ~ ссуда ~ ссуда ~ стол и ночлег ~ удобства

    ~ помещение;
    стол и ночлег;
    accommodation with every convenience квартира со всеми удобствами

    free ~ бесплатное жилье

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > accommodation

  • 6



    1) жильё, жилище, помещение

    deluxe accommodation / first-class accommodation — благоустроенное жильё

    Prices start at £2,000 per person, including flights, hotel accommodation and various excursions. — Цены – от двух тысяч фунтов на человека, включая стоимость перелёта, проживания в гостинице и различных экскурсий.

    The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up. — Цены на съёмное жильё продолжают расти.

    Our sole accommodation was a tent barely able to contain eight persons. — Нашим единственным убежищем была палатка, едва вмещавшая восемь человек.

    — accommodation house
    — travel accommodation
    — accommodation paddock
    — accommodation unit
    — accommodation address
    — accommodation road
    — accommodation train


    а) комната с пансионом; съёмное жильё

    б) место



    расквартирование войск

    4) приспособление, подстраивание под новые условия

    Accommodation, without which society would be painful. — Умение приспосабливаться, без которого в обществе просто невозможно было бы жить.

    5) согласование; соглашение; компромисс, договорённость; примирение

    to come to / reach an accommodation — договориться; достигнуть договорённости

    to make / work out an accommodation — выработать соглашение

    They had begun to seek a possible accommodation. — Они начали искать возможный компромисс.

    6) удобство; вещь, обеспечивающая удобство

    The regular progress of cultivated life is from necessaries to accommodations, from accommodations to ornaments. — Обычный путь цивилизации — от вещей необходимых к вещам удобным, от удобных — к декоративным.

    7) ссуда, денежная помощь в трудной ситуации

    He obtained an accommodation of £ 100 from Ballantyne. — Баллантайн ссудил ему сто фунтов.

    It is necessary to suppose an English accommodation of the Scandinavian word to account for the forms that the word presents in our dialects. — Чтобы объяснить формы, в которых это слово встречается в наших диалектах, необходимо предполагать скандинавское заимствование.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > accommodation

  • 7


    accommodation физиол. аккомодация accommodation жилье accommodation квартира accommodation кредит accommodation помещение; жилье; стол и ночлег; accommodation with every convenience квартира со всеми удобствами accommodation помещение accommodation примирение accommodation приспособление accommodation приспособление accommodation приют, убежище accommodation разрешение спора accommodation воен. расквартирование войск accommodation расположение кают accommodation согласование; соглашение; компромисс accommodation согласование accommodation соглашение accommodation ссуда accommodation ссуда accommodation стол и ночлег accommodation удобства accommodation помещение; жилье; стол и ночлег; accommodation with every convenience квартира со всеми удобствами free accommodation бесплатное жилье

    English-Russian short dictionary > accommodation

  • 8

    1. n приспособление

    2. n амер. часто приют, пристанище; стол и ночлег; помещение

    3. n расквартирование войск

    4. n амер. место

    5. n согласование; примирение; разрешение спора

    6. n удобство

    7. n оказание услуг

    8. n психол. адаптация, аккомодация; притирка

    9. n амер. ссуда

    10. n мор. расположение кают

    11. n физиол. аккомодация

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. compromise (noun) agreement; compromise; reconciliation; settlement

    3. service (noun) aid; benevolence; comfort; convenience; ease; kindness; luxury; service

    English-Russian base dictionary > accommodation

  • 9

    Politics english-russian dictionary > accommodation

  • 10

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > accommodation

  • 11

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > accommodation

  • 12




    помещение, квартира, комната, жилье, место







    услуги по проживанию




    расквартирование войск






    аккомодация, приспособляемость




    согласование; согласие; компромисс; замирение; разрешение спора

    to come to [to reach] an accommodation — договориться, прийти к компромиссу




    * * *

    кредит или возможность его получить.

    * * *

    * * *


    кредит или возможность его получить

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > accommodation

  • 13

    1. распределение
    2. разрешение спора
    3. размещение (туристическая услуга)
    4. приспособление (действие)
    5. помещение, размещение
    6. мн. поглощение
    7. жильё
    8. аккомодация

    Предоставление минимального набора услуг для ночлега, включая санитарно-гигиеническое оборудование.
    [ ГОСТ Р 53423-2009]

    Данный термин относится к организации размещения членов Олимпийской Семьи в период до и во время Игр. Размещение также может включать контроль над удовлетворением потребностей в размещении других посетителей Игр. ОКОИ может учредить функциональное подразделение, занимающееся всеми аспектами размещения.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    This term relates to the management of all pre-Games and Games-time accommodation for the Olympic Family. Accommodation may also have oversight of accommodation needs of other Games attendees. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with accommodation aspects.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    • спорт (службы Игр)
    • туристические услуги


    • accommodation


    • Unterkunft


    • hébergement

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > accommodation

  • 14

    1) размещение; распределение

    3) место

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > accommodation

  • 15


    2. 1)

    часто pl приют, пристанище; стол и ночлег; помещение

    accommodation allowance — квартирное пособие, квартирные

    wanted accommodation for a married couple with small children in London — супруги с маленькими детьми снимут дом квартиру в Лондоне ()

    hotel accommodation was scarce — в гостиницах свободных мест не было, почти все гостиницы были забиты

    can we find accommodation at the hotel for the night? — можем ли мы устроиться на ночь /переночевать/ в этой гостинице?

    what kind of accommodation can you get in this city? — как в этом городе можно устроиться с жильём?

    2) расквартирование войск

    to book /to secure/ accommodations on the train [on the airplane, on the bus] — заказать билеты /зарезервировать места/ на поезд [на самолёт, на автобус]

    4. согласование; примирение; разрешение спора

    to come to an accommodation — договориться; прийти к компромиссу

    5. 1) удобство

    2) оказание услуг


    адаптация, аккомодация; притирка ()

    НБАРС > accommodation

  • 16

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > accommodation

  • 17

    Англо-русский технический словарь > accommodation

  • 18

    1) приспособление

    2) помещение; жилье; квартира

    3) удобства (напр. в квартире)

    4) ссуда

    5) согласование; соглашение

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > accommodation

  • 19

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > accommodation

  • 20


    1) согласование; примирение; разрешение спора; компромисс

    3) соглашательство; потворство

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > accommodation


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • accommodation — [ akɔmɔdasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe « prêt gratuit » (cf. accommodement); de accommoder 1 ♦ (1566) Action d accommoder ou de s accommoder (aux circonstances, aux individus). ⇒ adaptation. 2 ♦ Physiol. Aptitude de l œil à accommoder (III). L amplitude d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • accommodation — I (adjustment) noun accordance, adaptation, agreement, arrangement, compositio, composition of differences, compromise, friendly agreement, harmonization, mutual understanding, obliging, provision, readjustment, reconciliatio, rectification,… …   Law dictionary

  • Accommodation — may refer to:*Accommodation (in British usage) or accommodations (in American usage) is lodging in a dwelling or similar living quarters afforded to travellers in hotels or on cruise ships, or prisoners, etc. * Accommodation (religion), a… …   Wikipedia

  • Accommodation — Ac*com mo*da tion, n. [L. accommodatio, fr. accommodare: cf. F. accommodation.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of fitting or adapting, or the state of being fitted or adapted; adaptation; adjustment; followed by to. The organization of the body with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • accommodation — UK /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/ noun ► [U] UK (US accommodations [plural]) PROPERTY a place in which to live, work, stay, etc.: »The cost, including flights, accommodation, and meals, was €100,000. » temporary accommodation » luxury accommodations. ► [C or U] …   Financial and business terms

  • Accommodation — Accommodation, accommodiren, anbequemen, anpassen. Dies geschieht, wenn man die eignen Gewohnheiten, Lebensweise, Sprache, Vortrag, Lehre u.s.w. aus Rücksicht auf andere aufgibt oder ändert, um nicht zu entfremden oder zu verletzen. Die… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Accommodation J&T — (Охрид,Македония) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Kuzman Kapidan Kaneo do Kiro …   Каталог отелей

  • accommodation — (n.) room and provisions, lodging, c.1600, now usually plural (accommodations) and chiefly U.S.; from Fr. accommodation, from L. accommodationem (nom. accommodatio), noun of action from pp. stem of accommodare (see ACCOMMODATE (Cf. accommodate)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • accommodation — [ə käm΄ə dā′shən] n. 1. an accommodating or being accommodated; adaptation (to a purpose); adjustment 2. reconciliation of differences 3. willingness to do favors or services 4. a help or convenience 5. [pl.] lodgings; room and board 6. [pl.]… …   English World dictionary

  • Accommodation — (v. lat.), 1) Bequemung des Betragens, der Rede etc. nach den Bedürfnissen u. der Denkungsart Anderer; bes. 2) (gr. Synkatabasis, lat. Condescensio, Theol.), von dem Lehrvortrage menschlicher Lehrer, die weise, schonende Berücksichtigung der… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • accommodation — [n] adjustment for different situation, circumstances adaptation, compliance, composition, compromise, conformity, fifty fifty deal*, fitting, modification, reconciliation, settlement; concept 697 …   New thesaurus

Other forms: accommodations

Accommodation is all about making room — it can mean a room or place where you will stay or an agreement about sharing something.

If the only accommodation at Grandma’s is the bunk bed and you and your sis decide to take turns on the top, you’ve made an accommodation regarding your accommodations. When you are accommodating someone, you are making room for them or special circumstances for them. For example, the student with the broken hand was granted the accommodation of having a scribe write his answers for the test. Always remember that accommodation is an accommodating word — there’s room inside for two m’s and two c’s.

Definitions of accommodation

  1. noun

    making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances

  2. noun

    (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eye

  3. noun

    in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality

  4. noun

    the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need

  5. noun

    living quarters provided for public convenience

    accommodations are available”

  6. noun

    a settlement of differences

    “they reached an
    accommodation with Japan”

    see moresee less


    Missouri Compromise

    an agreement in 1820 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States concerning the extension of slavery into new territories


    modus vivendi

    a temporary accommodation of a disagreement between parties pending a permanent settlement


    an accommodation in which both sides make concessions

    type of:


    a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it

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Accommodation meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Accommodation’ is explained in simple English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

Accommodation’ pronunciation= akamadeisan, akamaˈdeis(a)n

‘Accommodation’ means a place to stay or a place to live.

The word ‘accommodation’ has different meanings.

1. ‘Accommodation’ means a living place provided for public convenience, such as a room, hotel, lodge, or rented place where peoples stay.

▪ Overnight accommodations are available for students.

2. An agreement, deal, reconciliation, or union between different people, groups, countries, or states.

▪ Ukraine sought accommodation with Russia.

3. The act of adapting or adjusting someone or something.

4. The act of providing something(lodging or food) to meet a need.

5. ‘Accommodation’ is the ability of the eye lens to automatically adjust focus on nearer and distant objects.

Accommodation- Noun
a convenient arrangement
a settlement or compromise
adjusting to circumstances
making or becoming suitable
a settlement or differences


The word ‘Accommodation’ acts as a ‘Noun’.

The plural noun of the word ‘Accommodation’ is ‘Accommodations’.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Accommodation’ are as follows.


▪ University provided accommodation to foreign students.

▪ I wish I had accommodation at the seaside.

▪ We need accommodation for two days.

▪ Food and accommodation are provided by the company to their employees.

▪ This building has accommodation for all religious people.

▪ Usually, people like accommodation of low rent.

▪ ‘Accommodation’ means buildings or rooms where people live or stay.

▪ ‘Accommodation’ means a place, such as a room, hotel, lodge, or rented place where peoples stay or live.

▪ Ukraine’s prime minister was seeking accommodation with Russia to avoid war.

▪ We reached an accommodation between both parties.

▪ Accommodation of 50 people on the boat was not possible.

▪ This accommodation is adequate for our needs.

▪ An accommodation bill is drawn, pay it immediately.

▪ The Accommodation was spacious and comfortable.

▪ Required accommodation for a few hours.

‘Accommodation’ other meanings

accommodation of eye= The ability of the eye to focus its attention on distant objects.

financial accommodation= A form of loan in which the borrower is not obliged to compensate the lender.

transit accommodation= Home sites provided to residents during the redevelopment period.

bachelor accommodation= Single or shared housing where the employee or an individual lives without their family

free accommodation= an arrangement where a free place is provided for living without paying any rent

rent free accommodation= an arrangement where a residence is provided for living without paying any rent

staff accommodation= A provided residency by a company to the employee

power of accommodation= The ability of the eye lens to focus on near and distant objects.


The synonyms of the word ‘‘Accommodation’ are as follows.


The antonyms of the word ‘‘Accommodation’ are as follows.


Table of Contents

  1. How do you use the word accommodation?
  2. Is accommodation a word?
  3. Is accommodation singular or plural?
  4. What’s an example of accommodation?
  5. What is another word for accommodation?
  6. What is another word for temporary accommodation?
  7. What is the opposite word of accommodation?
  8. What is the nearest meaning of accommodation?
  9. What are the types of accommodation?
  10. What does accommodation only mean?
  11. What are the three types of accommodation?
  12. How do you classify the accommodation facilities?
  13. What is the cheapest type of accommodation?
  14. What is the importance of accommodation?
  15. What are the characteristics of accommodation?
  16. What is the importance of office accommodation?
  17. What is the main function of accommodation sector?
  18. What are accommodation services?
  19. What is the principle of office accommodation?
  20. What are the objectives of office layout?
  21. What is workplace accommodation?
  22. How do you write a request for accommodation?
  23. Can a reasonable accommodation be denied?
  24. What is not considered a reasonable accommodation?
  25. How do you ask for a reasonable accommodation?
  26. What is a hardship under the ADA?

1 : something supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need: such as. a : lodging, food, and services or traveling space and related services —usually used in plural tourist accommodations on the boatovernight accommodations.

How do you use the word accommodation?

Accommodation sentence example

  1. All hope of an accommodation was, however, in vain.
  2. She arranged an accommodation for her daughter.

Accommodation is commonly used in the plural form (accommodations) to refer to lodging—a place to stay, usually temporarily, as in hotel accommodations.

Is accommodation singular or plural?

In American English, accommodation is often used as a plural noun in meaning 1: The price includes meals and accommodations. In meaning 2, accommodation is often used as a singular noun: They reached an accommodation.

What’s an example of accommodation?

Accommodation involves the modification of an existing schema to understand (accommodate) new information. It may involve creating a new schema altogether, for example, a child may have a schema for birds (feathers, flying, etc.) and then they see a plane, which also flies, but would not fit into their bird schema.

What is another word for accommodation?

Accommodation Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for accommodation?

quarters residence
lodging house
lodgings digs
dwelling place
rooms habitation

What is another word for temporary accommodation?

What is another word for temporary housing?

homeless shelter emergency housing
night shelter warming center

What is the opposite word of accommodation?

An antonym for accommodation is disagreement.

What is the nearest meaning of accommodation?

Accommodation is all about making room — it can mean a room or place where you will stay or an agreement about sharing something.

What are the types of accommodation?

We’ve got it all; exquisite luxury lodges and resorts, clean and affordable hotels and more.

  • Motels. Motel accommodation usually features a selection of studio, one, or two bedroom units.
  • Hotels.
  • Apartments.
  • Bed & Breakfasts.
  • Luxury Lodges.
  • Boutiques and Lodges.
  • Homestays.
  • Holiday Parks and Campgrounds.

What does accommodation only mean?

1 lodging or board and lodging. 2 adjustment, as of differences or to new circumstances; adaptation, settlement, or reconciliation.

What are the three types of accommodation?

Here are some of the most common types of accommodation that can be classified as catered.

  • Hotels. Hotels are the most traditional and most common types of accommodation.
  • Bed and breakfasts.
  • Guest houses and home-stays.
  • Chalets.
  • Youth hostels.
  • Cottages.
  • Apartments.
  • Boats.

How do you classify the accommodation facilities?

Hotels are classified based on several factors such as size, target market, location, available facilities, the level and type of service, affiliation, and ownership. Apart from these parameters, hotels can also be rated according to the Crown, Star, or Diamond system, which depend on their geographic location.

What is the cheapest type of accommodation?

Hostels. Hostels are the cheapest and most accessible accommodation for budget travelers. Hostels have a variety of rooms that go from private to 30+ mixed bed bunks. The bigger the room, the more people you sleep with, the cheaper the cost.

What is the importance of accommodation?

Not only can accommodations help employees return to work faster but they can help increase employee productivity. After receiving support from their employer, 93% of employees said they could perform their job effectively. Often, the support and accommodations employees need are not costly for an organization.

What are the characteristics of accommodation?

8 most important characteristics of Accommodation

  • Accommodation is the end result of conflict.
  • It may be a conscious or an unconscious activity or process.
  • It is a universal activity.
  • It is a continues process.
  • It is a mixture of love and hate.
  • It is a changing process.
  • It is a selfish process.

What is the importance of office accommodation?

The purpose of office accommodation is to create sound working environment and to bring efficiency and rapidness in office work. It is important for both employees and outsider. Office employees spend a long time office. Bad accommodation can cause boredom and frustration among employees.

What is the main function of accommodation sector?

The accommodation sector provides much more than tangible products such as guest rooms, beds and meals; service is also crucial. Regardless of their role in the operation, all employees must do their part to ensure that each guest’s needs, preferences, and expectations are met and satisfied.

What are accommodation services?

The tourist accommodation service is defined as: “the provision, for a fee, of sheltered overnight accommodation in appropriately equipped rooms, including at least a bed, offered as a main service to tourists, travellers and lodgers.

What is the principle of office accommodation?

Office accommodation refers to the selection of must appropriate office location, office building and other facilities required for office. The appropriate office accommodation helps to achieve a business objective. It supports employee for the successful accomplishment of their duty.

What are the objectives of office layout?

The office layout aims to make full utilization of office space available. The office layout aims to bring efficiency in office operation. Office layout assures the optimum utilization of floor space. Effective office layout ensures a smooth flow of work.

What is workplace accommodation?

A job accommodation is an adjustment to a job or work environment that makes it possible for an individual with a disability to perform their job duties. Accommodations may include specialized equipment, modifications to the work environment or adjustments to work schedules or responsibilities.

How do you write a request for accommodation?

Sample Accommodation Request Letter

  1. Identify yourself as a person with a disability.
  2. State that you are requesting accommodations under the ADA (or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if you are a federal employee)
  3. Identify your specific problematic job tasks.
  4. Identify your accommodation ideas.

Can a reasonable accommodation be denied?

An employer can legally deny the requested accommodation under certain circumstances. In terms of religious discrimination, reasonable accommodations must be granted when requested unless they would impose more than a minimal burden on the employer.

What is not considered a reasonable accommodation?

4. What accommodations are not considered reasonable? Reasonable accommodation does not include removing essential job functions, creating new jobs, and providing personal need items such as eye glasses and mobility aids.

How do you ask for a reasonable accommodation?

According to the EEOC, you only have to let your employer know that you need an adjustment or change at work for a reason related to a medical condition. You can use “plain English” to make your request and you do not have to mention the ADA or use the phrase “reasonable accommodation.”

What is a hardship under the ADA?

“Undue hardship” means significant difficulty or expense and focuses on the resources and circumstances of the particular employer in relationship to the cost or difficulty of providing a specific accommodation.

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