The word abolish in a sentence

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Second, all governments should immediately abolish capital punishment for drug-related offenses.

Во-вторых, все правительства должны немедленно отменить смертную казнь за преступления, связанные с наркотиками.

The State party should abolish prison sentences for press offences.

Государству-участнику следует отменить наказание в виде тюремного заключения за совершение правонарушений, касающихся печати.

Additionally, political parties/blocs and movements shall abolish their economic committees.

Кроме того, политические партии/ блоки и движения должны упразднить свои экономические комитеты.

Biotechnology could abolish suffering throughout the living world.

Таким образом, биотехнология может упразднить страдания во всем животном мире.

We need not abolish all aspects of globalization and return to national production regimes under a multiplicity of sovereign nation-states.

Нет необходимости отменять все достижения глобализации и возвращаться к национальным производственным системам со множеством суверенных национальных государств.

That is, with a hypothetical entry into the EAEU, Azerbaijan in principle would abolish its import duties on these goods.

Т. е., при гипотетическом вступлении в ЕАЭС Азербайджан по идее отменяет свои импортные пошлины на эти товары.

The country supposedly abolish slavery in 1981.

Рабство было, якобы, отменено в стране в 1981 году.

Kazakhstan must abolish guardianship and guarantee human rights for all.

«Казахстан должен отменить институт недееспособности и гарантировать права человека для всех.

He earnestly hoped that Lithuania would shortly abolish capital punishment.

Г-н Прадо Вальехо искренне надеется на то, что смертная казнь в Литве будет в ближайшее время отменена.

Busulfan should abolish the appearance of signs of toxic effects on lung tissue.

Бусульфан следует отменить при появлении признаков токсического действия на ткань легких.

Less advanced theories do not abolish the content of the science to which they belong.

Менее развитые теории не отменяют содержание той науки, к которой они принадлежат.

My point is not that we should abolish copyright or go back to the eighteenth century.

Я не упираю на то, что нам следует отменить копирайты или вернуться в восемнадцатый век.

Many will issue their own cryptos — they’re trying to totally abolish paper cash as we speak.

Многие будут выпускать свои собственные криптовалюты — они пытаются полностью отменить бумажные деньги, как мы говорим.

That’s an interesting question because I don’t think we should necessarily abolish copyright totally.

Это интересный вопрос, потому что я не думаю, что мы обязательно должны отменить авторское право полностью.

No need to save us, just abolish the laws that punish us .

Не нужно нас спасать, просто отмените законы, по которым нас наказывают .

To do this, it is necessary to erase state borders, abolish existing laws and — over time — individual states.

Для этого необходимо стереть государственные границы, упразднить действующие законы и — со временем — отдельные государства.

Decentralised systems also don’t necessarily abolish unequal power structures, but can instead replace one with another.

Децентрализованные системы также не обязательно отменяют неравные структуры власти, но вместо этого могут заменить одну на другую.

To challenge capitalism is to alter and eventually abolish the way it creorders power.

Бросить вызов капитализму — значит изменить и, в конечном итоге, отменить способ, которым он создаёт власть.

They become socialists and abolish private property.

Он был социалистом, и отменил частную собственность.

A trip to this museum will also abolish some of the long held assumptions you may have had regarding wedding attire.

Поездка в этот музей также отменит некоторые из давних предположений, которые вы, возможно, имели в отношении свадебного наряда.

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Definition of Abolish

to put an end to

Examples of Abolish in a sentence

The Supreme Court believed it was time to abolish the outdated amendment.


The politician filibustered to abolish the unjust law.


Many historians point out that Abraham Lincoln did not abolish slavery out of compassion but rather as a political move.


His forward-thinking stance was instrumental in helping to abolish slavery.


He hoped to abolish all ties between the church and the state, making it impossible to build laws around individual moral beliefs.


There are still places around the world where they need to abolish slavery.


This new treaty would effective abolish old trade routes to establish new ones.


The dictator hoped to abolish any education that contradicted his philosophy.


In light of illegal activities, they were forced to abolish their business.


She would not allow them to abolish such a fine institution.


Other words in the Reject category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

отменять, упразднять, уничтожать


- отменять, упразднять; положить конец (чему-л.)

to abolish slavery — уничтожить рабство
to abolish taxes — отменить /упразднить/ налоги

- уничтожать, разрушать

Мои примеры


to abolish / lift censorship — отменить цензуру, цензурный контроль  
to abolish colonialism — ликвидировать колониализм  
to abolish a tax — отменить налог  
abolish a duty — отменить пошлину (тариф, налог)  
abolish a tax — отменить пошлину (тариф, налог)  
to abolish a duty — отменить пошлину [сбор, налог]  
a movement to abolish slavery — движение за отмену рабства  
abolish censorship — отменить цензуру  
abolish colonialism — ликвидировать колониализм  
abolish a law — аннулировать закон; отменять закон; отменить закон  

Примеры с переводом

Senate voted to abolish the death penalty.

Сенат проголосовал за отмену смертной казни.

Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century.

В США рабство было отменено в девятнадцатом веке.

He is in favor of abolishing the death penalty.

Он выступает за отмену смертной казни.

The senator proposed to abolish the sales tax.

Сенатор предложил отменить налог с продаж.

Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia.

В Америке и в России рабство было отменено в середине девятнадцатого века.

The U.S. abolished slavery by constitutional amendment on December 6, 1865.

США отменили рабство конституционной поправкой 6 декабря 1865 года.

Возможные однокоренные слова

abolishment  — отмена, упразднение
abolished  — упраздненный, отмененный, уничтоженный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: abolish
he/she/it: abolishes
ing ф. (present participle): abolishing
2-я ф. (past tense): abolished
3-я ф. (past participle): abolished

abolish — перевод на русский


So you wanna just abolish all home-package delivery?

То есть ты хочешь отменить доставку посылок на дом?

The only solution is to abolish the Fed and the fractional reserve banking system and withdraw from the BIS.

ќни могут сломать нашу экономику в любой момент. ≈динственный выход это отменить ‘ед и частичное покрытие и выйти BIS.

So, you’re going to abolish the right to protest here on the station?

Значит, вы собираетесь отменить право на протест на этой станции?

«It was we who invented democracy.» «It is we who decided to abolish it…»

«Именно мы изобрели демократию.» «Именно мы решили отменить её…»

An Alabama town wants to abolish all laws except the Ten Commandments.

В Алабаме есть город, который хочет отменить все законы, за исключением Десяти заповедей.

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The Southern Society intends to abolish it.

Общество Юга намерено ее упразднить.

To abolish the monarchy overnight is impossible, especially here, in Russia. It can only be restricted by the law, like in Britain.

Упразднить монархию в одночасье невозможно, особенно у нас, в России, ее можно лишь ограничить законом на манер Британии.

Instead of an almost humiliating failure he shed light on the urgent necessity not to improve universal suffrage but to abolish it.

Вместо почти унизительного провала он сделал очевидной крайнюю необходимость не совершенствовать общее избирательское право, а упразднить его.

The family should be abolished!

Семью нужно упразднить.

I move to abolish the marriage law, as it applies to present and future queens of Genovia.

Предлагаю упразднить закон о замужестве, применяемый к настоящей и будущим королевам Женовии.

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You will be pleased to know the death penalty has been abolished…

Вы, конечно, будете рады узнать, что смертная казнь у нас отменена.

You know that capital punishment has long been abolished here in Gallifrey, but there is a precedent for a situation like this.

Вам известно, что высшая мера наказания на Галлифрее давно отменена, но в подобных ситуациях делаются исключения.

It is fortunate that death penalty has been abolished in France.

Прежде всего хочу сказать, нам повезло, что смертная казнь во Франции отменена.

In fact Lingchi, the so-called death of 1,000 cuts, wasn’t abolished in China as a form of execution until 1905.

В действительности, Линг-чи, так называемая смерть тысячи освежеванных, не была отменена в Китае как форма смертной казни до 1905 г.

In the name of the Republic, slavery will be abolished.

Именем Республики, рабство будет отменено.

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To abolish the Monarchy.

Об упразднении монархии.

I’m thinking of asking parliament for a referendum to abolish the monarchy.

Я хочу попросить Парламент провести референдум об упразднении монархии.

But there are rumors of a referendum to abolish the Monarchy.

Но ходят слухи о референдуме об упразднении монархии.

The referendum to abolish the Monarchy still awaits his signature, and when he’s well, if it’s what your King desires and it’s what the people want, the referendum will be signed and placed before you.

Референдум об упразднении монархии ожидает его подписи, и, если король и народ всё ещё будут желать этого, когда он выздоровеет, референдум будет одобрен и предоставлен вам.

That’s right. I can understand abolishing the domains of newer vassals, but to treat vassals who’ve supported the Tokugawa for generations so harshly?

Упразднение владений неопытных вассалов очевидно, но этот клан поколениями поддерживал власть Токугавы.

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Those who want to institute a State capitalism as the… property of a totalitarian bureaucracy and not destroy the Councils; or those who want to abolish class society and do not condemn… all unions and the specialized hierarchical parties— they will… endure but a short while.

Не долго продержится тот, кто хочет поставить капитализм на службу тоталитарной бюрократии и не разрушить при этом советский строй, или тот, кто хочет уничтожить классовое общество, не уничтожая при этом торговлю, подчиненную иерархии.

To abolish space and time with an indifferent quietness.

уничтожить пространство и время с помощью этой надменной неподвижности.

They want to break up the 1st Battalion, abolish the South Essex.

Они хотят расформировать 1-й батальон. Уничтожить Южный Эссекс.

When he came, he said, «I come not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.»

Когда он пришел, он сказал, «Я пришел не уничтожить закон, но выполнить его.»

Yeah,and then i could abolish the monarchy forever.

Да, и тогда я смогу навсегда уничтожить монархию.

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I will be first to cheer when the Neutral Zone is abolished.

Я буду первым приветствовать отмену

The North won the Civil War and that victory abolished slavery in 1865!

Север выиграл Гражданскую войну что повлекло отмену рабства в 1865 году.

And do you know when Congress is going to vote to abolish extradition?

– Нет проблем, Пабло. Ты знаешь, когда конгресс проголосует за отмену экстрадиции?


Не считая отмены рабства.

I’m a part of the largest campaign to abolish the practice completely.

Я участвую в большой интернет-компании по полной отмене этого вида деятельности.

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— The race is abolished.

— Гонка запрещена.


Запрещена! ?

According to what I’ve just learned, it’s a practice that was abolished on our world centuries ago.

Исходя из того, что я только что узнал, подобная практика была запрещена и прекратилась столетия назад

Right. Pirate radio abolished.

Так, пиратское радио запрещено.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word abolish, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use abolish in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «abolish».

Abolish in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word abolish in a sentence.

  1. You have also a new system, by which you abolish all tickets.

  2. A 2013 attempt to abolish the Seanad was rejected by referendum.

  3. The former sought to restrict vivisection and the latter to abolish it.

  4. The ruling did not abolish the poll tax in Mississippi for state elections.

  5. Nevertheless, in July, legislation was introduced to abolish the twenty-cent piece.

  6. In 1894, the kingdom passed laws to abolish the marriage of girls below the age of eight.

  7. He lacked the authority to abolish the game and was actually a fan who wanted to preserve it.

  8. On 26 February 1793, another vote to abolish the slave trade was narrowly defeated by eight votes.

  9. The 1949 effort to abolish the tax was a key part of the civil rights platform of President Harry S.

  10. Talat Pasha had decreed that «everything must be done to abolish even the word ‘Armenia’ in Turkey».

  11. Crittenden joined the Old Court majority in the House in passing a measure to abolish the New Court.

  12. In 1929, Chamberlain initiated the Local Government Act 1929 to abolish the Poor Law boards entirely.

  13. Only in 1863, much later than Britain or France, did the Netherlands abolish slavery in its colonies.

  14. As Playford did not commute Stuart’s sentence, Dunstan introduced a bill to abolish capital punishment.

  15. The bill did not abolish the three-cent silver piece, which was still being struck in small quantities.

  16. Proposals were made in the 17th and 18th centuries to abolish trial by battle, but they were unsuccessful.

  17. From the early 1930s, the Tennessee chapter of the League of Women Voters campaigned to abolish poll taxes.

  18. In 1961, the suddenly pro-Hutu Belgians held a referendum in which the country voted to abolish the monarchy.

  19. In 1942, national legislation was proposed to abolish poll taxes and the women’s reports were used in hearings.

  20. Secondly, democracy was to give citizens the right to vote, impeach elected officials, ratify and abolish laws.

  21. She promised to co-sponsor legislation that would abolish it, resulting in the direct election of the president.

  22. On other issues he was more liberal, such as supporting moves to abolish penal laws against dissenting Christians.

  23. One of his first efforts at reform was to attempt to abolish this distinction, which took over a decade to accomplish.

  24. Following this, the Coronado City Council voted to abolish the Tunnel Commission that had been formed to study the issue.

  25. In the mid-1930s they called on the state legislature to abolish the requirement to pay to vote, achieving success in 1937.

  26. Tyler considered slavery a part of states’ rights, and therefore the federal government lacked the authority to abolish it.

  27. In June 1804, Wilberforce’s bill to abolish the slave trade successfully passed all its stages through the House of Commons.

  28. An amendment to abolish capital punishment completely, suggested before the bill’s third reading, failed by 127 votes to 23.

  29. He also moved to abolish per capita payments to the states, to be replaced by a funding formula tied more to financial need.

  30. Black women who were members of the NAACP also worked to abolish poll taxes and in support of other civil rights legislation.

  31. Sharp’s role in the Relief Party’s plan to abolish the old court and replace it with a new, more favorable court is not known.

  32. As Playford had not shown an inclination to commute Stuart’s sentence, Dunstan introduced a bill to abolish capital punishment.

  33. He also successfully lobbied the legislature to abolish the two-round primary, in favor of a single primary for future elections.

  34. He wanted to abolish a religious test for employment and services and opposed creating an established church within Upper Canada.

  35. He tried to change the name of the United States to «Columbia», abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, and increase tariffs.

  36. The Scottish Parliament decided that Gaelic had become a principal cause of the Highlanders’ shortcomings and sought to abolish it.

  37. However, the bill to abolish capital punishment passed with ease, and the homosexuality law reforms eventually passed in September.

  38. Both black and white women pressed at state and national levels for legislative action to abolish laws that required paying to vote.

  39. Himmler, unhappy with the work of VoMi in supporting SS recruiting, did not abolish VoMi, he just authorised Berger to circumvent it.

  40. Republicans proposed the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, which would abolish slavery, and Randall spoke against it.

  41. Taft vetoed a bill to abolish the court, but the respite was short-lived as Woodrow Wilson signed similar legislation in October 1913.

  42. In April 1890, the Manitoba legislature attempted to abolish the official status of French and ceased to publish bilingual legislation.

  43. To the astonishment of the world, and the chagrin of Reagan’s most conservative supporters, they agreed to abolish all nuclear weapons.

  44. Have men the power to bring the universe into their brain, or is their brain a talisman with which they abolish the laws of time and space?

  45. Norton issued numerous decrees on matters of state, including a decree on October 12, 1859, to formally abolish the United States Congress.

  46. Following this event, Zwingli and other humanist friends petitioned the bishop on 2 July to abolish the requirement of celibacy on the clergy.

  47. The Vietminh announced that they would abolish the mandarin governance system and hold national elections with universal suffrage in two hold.

  48. In June 1819, Lord Eldon, the Lord Chancellor, introduced a bill to abolish private appeals following acquittals and to abolish trial by battle.

  49. Labor also pledged to abolish the Senate; this goal was not erased from the party platform until 1979, after Whitlam had stepped down as leader.

  50. The government had initially intended the 1832 bill to go further and abolish the Six Clerks, but the Clerks successfully lobbied to prevent this.

Synonyms for abolish

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word abolish has the following synonyms: get rid of.

General information about «abolish» example sentences

The example sentences for the word abolish that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «abolish» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «abolish».

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