The word abandoned in a sentence

Definition of Abandoned

deserted or left by someone else

Examples of Abandoned in a sentence

Without an owner, the abandoned dog had no choice but to take care of itself on the streets of the city.


Because they didn’t have enough food for everyone, the sailors abandoned their prisoners on a deserted island to fend for themselves.


The abandoned building in the middle of the forest has not had a single visitor in over two decades, because no one knows it is there.


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1. I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. 

2. She abandoned law for the fine arts.

3. He abandoned himself to his emotions.

4. He abandoned his daughter to her fate.

5. The company have abandoned their takeover bid.

6. They abandoned the city to the conqueror.

7. A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.

8. He claimed that his parents had abandoned him.

9. The baby had been abandoned by its mother.

10. Jackson has abandoned his old car.

11. They abandoned their lands to the invading forces.

12. The village had been hastily abandoned.

13. The government had abandoned the refugees to their fate.

14. He abandoned his wife.

15. He abandoned all hope.

16. The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost.

17. The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.

18. She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.

19. By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested.

20. Mr Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize.

21. He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.

22. After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.

23. I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.

24. The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being abandoned to the care of strangers.

25. The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.

26. The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island.

27. I like a lonely puppet, lost and I follow like a shadow another puppet, never show will not move, was abandoned in the corner of dusty, alone in despair, in a desperate sad, then continue to missing you.

28. There were insuperable obstacles ,[] and the plan was abandoned.

29. Is who wasn’t careful destroys one named not to leave not the abandoned puppet?

30. Each other just have the tacit understanding, but you let go chose abandoned.

More similar words: abandon, hand on, off and on, depend on, one day, abate, combined, grained, a bad egg, database, unabated, have a ball, band, ban, old-fashioned, Cuban, urban, banquet, husband, banker, done, banking, suburban, donor, be concerned about, hold on, done in, feed on, pardon, donate. 

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Bain Mathieu: built in 1931, possibly abandoned.

Бейн Матье: построен в 1931 году, возможно, заброшенный.

This abandoned island located 15 kilometers away from Nagasaki, Japan.

Этот заброшенный остров расположен на расстоянии в 15 километров от Нагасаки, Япония.

All cities have not been abandoned.

Понятно, что не все города были покинуты.

He found an old stable that looked abandoned.

Она нашла еще один старый, ветхий дом, который казался заброшенным.

Folks are always interested in abandoned places.

Очень часто молодые люди проявляют интерес к заброшенным местам.

For centuries the city carved from stone remained empty and abandoned.

Несколько столетий город на скале был отрезан от мира, стоял пустым и заброшенным.

Tubes (often heavier than the foods they contained) were abandoned.

Тюбики (зачастую тяжелее, чем сами продукты, в них содержащиеся) были заброшены.

Services resumed in 1996, though it still looks abandoned.

Службы возобновились в 1996 году, но она всё ещё выглядит заброшенной.

This explains why ghosts often appear in abandoned buildings.

Это объясняет, почему призраки чаще всего «появляются» в заброшенных зданиях.

Although the project was ultimately abandoned some elements were integrated into other projects.

Несмотря на то, что проект в конечном счёте был заброшен, некоторые его элементы были включены в другие проекты.

Witnesses said the building has been abandoned for months.

Очевидцы рассказали, что это здание было заброшенным в течение многих лет.

We love happy stories about how old or abandoned house become stylish residences.

Мы очень любим счастливые истории о том, как старые или заброшенные дома становятся стильными резиденциями.

Royal Halls and churches built on abandoned ruins are not in themselves towns.

Королевские чертоги и церкви, возведенные на заброшенных руинах, сами по себе не были городами.

His body was found April 5 near an abandoned

Мужчина был найден повешенным вчера, 5 февраля, в заброшенном

Lucky will be abandoned, Mary thought.

Если я умру, Лаки будет заброшена, подумала Мэри.

Worse than abandoned hospitals can only be abandoned psychiatric hospital.

The adventure begins just after the awakening of the heroines who were abducted and abandoned in a prison on an abandoned island.

Приключение начинается сразу после пробуждения героинь, которые были похищены и заброшены в учреждении, находящемся на заброшенном острове.

There is only an abandoned half-rotten sod road, a windbreak and a forest abandoned after deforestation.

Там только заброшенная полусгнившая лежневая дорога, бурелом и брошенный после вырубки лес.

Should be particularly careful in abandoned quarries of stone ruins of abandoned buildings.

Также внимательными нужно быть в заброшенных карьерах, среди каменных развалин, в заброшенных зданиях.

Warsaw abandoned its Soviet-era territorial units in 2008.

Варшава отказалась от своих территориальных сил, оставшихся еще с советских времен, в 2008 году.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word abandoned, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use abandoned in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «abandoned».

Abandoned in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word abandoned in a sentence.

  1. Both forts are now abandoned.

  2. This idea was later abandoned.

  3. But the site was not abandoned.

  4. It was abandoned in the late 1930s.

  5. The case was abandoned in November.

  6. The building was abandoned in 1585.

  7. Henry abandoned the siege in April.

  8. The federation was abandoned in 1972.

  9. Only those near death were abandoned.

  10. As a result, the project was abandoned.

  11. Montanan began to settle and was abandoned quickly.

  12. Montanan began to settle and was quickly abandoned.

  13. Pedro Muñoz abandoned the race after 30 km (19 mi).

  14. Clair ordered Ticonderoga abandoned on July 5, 1777.

  15. Their abandoned property was burnt by the attackers.

  16. Their morale broken, the Swiss returned to their cantons; Lombardy was abandoned.

  17. West Falkland was left abandoned, and Puerto Soledad became mostly a prison camp.

  18. It was quickly abandoned by MRD after engine reliability problems became evident.

  19. Staggered releases were abandoned in favor of releasing the games simultaneously.

  20. Anne’s letters arrived in October explaining that she had abandoned the crossing.

  21. The studio disliked her changes, so Hepburn abandoned the project and was replaced with Maggie Smith.

  22. These caused a planned attack against the outbound convoy PQ 8 at the end of January to be abandoned.

  23. However, they were subsequently abandoned and Tasha was required to look after her sister on her own.

  24. Louisiana abandoned its poll tax law in 1932, and the number of women voters increased by 77 percent.

  25. By the time Weiss came to write the teleplay, he had abandoned Christianity and converted to Judaism.

  26. The Brundages moved to Chicago when Avery was five, and Charles soon thereafter abandoned his family.

  27. A project to replace the M113s began in the 1980s, but was abandoned in favour of upgrading the type.

  28. Evans had abandoned plans to mount his own expedition and transferred his financial backing to Scott.

  29. In the case where a claim was abandoned or not worked upon, other miners would «claim-jump» the land.

  30. In 1990, the tidal flow system was abandoned and Albert Bridge was converted back to two-way traffic.

  31. However, after that date, a pagan backlash set in and the see, or bishopric, of London was abandoned.

  32. Hutton was troubled by his injury; his wrists no longer rotated fully and he abandoned the hook shot.

  33. The pentropic structure was abandoned in 1965, before M113s had been delivered in significant numbers.

  34. He calculated that on the day Endurance was abandoned they were 346 miles (557 km) from Paulet Island.

  35. Some of his early ideas for the project referenced Buckingham Fountain, but these were soon abandoned.

  36. Later promoted to Captain, Halkett died on 23 March 1885, aged 65, and the manufacture of his boat designs was abandoned.

  37. The Kinetoscope application also included a plan for a stereoscopic film projection system that was apparently abandoned.

  38. In July 1843, Marques de Sousa attacked the rebel capital, Piratini, which had been all but abandoned by the Ragamuffins.

  39. On 20 August, after over five months, the French abandoned the siege and marched away in considerable haste and disorder.

  40. Meanwhile, many Kushite temples and settlements, including the former capital Meroe, seem to have been largely abandoned.

  41. By the time Barbera was 15, his father had abandoned the family and his maternal uncle Jim became a father figure to him.

  42. On May 3, 1863, Longstreet abandoned the siege and began moving his forces north to rejoin the Army of Northern Virginia.

  43. Swollen and rotting in groups of five or six, the dead lay abandoned in pigsties, on dunghills, and in the muddy streets.

  44. In the 1920s, the plaster cupids were evidently damaged on a tour, and the transformation scene was abandoned completely.

  45. It thrives on abandoned agricultural land growing in forests too dense for wading birds to nest in, similar to melaleucas.

  46. It was generally considered to represent a crown given by Dionysus to Ariadne, the daughter of Minos of Crete, after she had been abandoned by the Athenian prince Theseus.

  47. These plans were soon abandoned as Allied ground forces advanced towards Mimoyecques, and on 30 July the Organisation Todt engineers were ordered to end construction work.

  48. In September, the invasion was abandoned, and Lafayette turned his hopes toward returning to America In December 1779, Adrienne gave birth to Georges Washington Lafayette.

  49. In February 2001, underworld dons «Vellai» Ravi and Chera, who terrorised the city of Madras (now Chennai) in the 1990s, abandoned a life of crime and took up social work.

  50. It takes place in a fantasy setting and follows Wander, a young man who enters an isolated and abandoned region of the realm seeking the power to revive a girl named Mono.

Synonyms for abandoned

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word abandoned has the following synonyms: derelict, uninhabited and uninhibited.

General information about «abandoned» example sentences

The example sentences for the word abandoned that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «abandoned» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «abandoned».

abandoned — перевод на русский


Just please, please… Don’t let them think that I’ve abandoned them…

Пожалуйста, пожалуйста, не позволяй им думать, что я их бросил,

Did Otsū forgive me for abandoning her like that?

что я её вот так бросил?

If my father were alive, he’d never have abandoned us for 20 years.

Если бы мой отец был жив, он никогда не бросил бы нас на двадцать лет.

I abandoned him, and now I call myself his father.

Я бросил его, а теперь называю себя его отцом.

Look, all I’m trying to do… is find the gentleman whom, thanks to you… I abandoned on the golf course today.

Послушайте, все чего я хочу… это найти господина, которого, благодаря Вам… я бросил сегодня на поле для гольфа.

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We’re going to abandon ship!

Мы собираемся покинуть корабль!

Oh my dear I abandoned you.

Я должен покинуть вас.

I think what he meant was that as the order to abandon ship came from the bridge, he assumed, he naturally assumed, it was Captain Patch who gave the order.

Пытаюсь понять, о чем он подумал, когда отдали приказ покинуть корабль… Приказ шел с мостика, и он предположил — естественно, предположил! — что это капитан Патч отдал приказ.

And there weren’t any more than three or four of us about when the captain got panicky and gave the order to abandon ship.

Присутствовало не больше трех-четырех из нас когда капитан запаниковал и отдал приказ покинуть корабль.

You ordered the boats swung out and the crew to abandon ship.

Вы приказали экипажу спускать лодки и покинуть корабль.

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I can’t just abandon him now.

Мы не можем оставить его в нынешнем положении.

Could I abandon my sister?

Разве мог я оставить сестру?

You mean to abandon Russia’s ancient and sacred capital?

Вы хотите оставить без боя священную и древнюю столицу?

— Mothers forced to abandon their kids…

Матерям придется оставить своих детей.

I couldn’t abandon you to your destiny.

Я не мог оставить Вас на волю судьбы, Гудвин.

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Not far from the airport where you work, there’s an old, abandoned warehouse.

Недалеко от аэропорта, где ты работаешь есть старый, заброшенный склад.

An abandoned warehouse, seven miles from here.

Заброшенный склад в семи милях отсюда.

Buy some pints of liquor and take it to the old abandoned Kali temple

Купи ликёр и притащи её в заброшенный храм Кали

An abandoned castle.

Заброшенный замок.

Well, it sure is lucky… we stumbled upon this old, abandoned summer camp.

Хорошо: что мы наткнулись на этот старый заброшенный лагерь.

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It’s not nice to abandon someone who is ill.

Это не очень хорошо, бросать того, кто болен.

It’s not nice to abandon someone who is desperate.

Не очень хорошо, бросать того, кто в отчаяние.

Why should we abandon our homes to protect theirs?

Зачем нам бросать свои дома ради защиты чужих?

You’ll have to abandon then.

Тогда вам уже нечего будет бросать.

Lots of people continuously told me to abandon baseball wand that they would help me, if I decided to become grandfather’s successor

Многие уговаривали меня бросать бейсбол и помогли бы мне, если бы я решил стать преемником деда.

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Me and the wife found an abandoned trailer downstream.

Мы с женой нашли брошенный трейлер, ниже по течению.

Here I stand, abandoned.

Вот я стою, брошенный.

Now I’m the abandoned man

Теперь я брошенный.

Look at what they abandoned in their panic. They were afraid!

Выглядит как брошенный в панике.

When I asked him, he said the child was an orphan who was abandoned by people, and he made up his mind to raise him.

Когда я спросил его, он ответил, что ребёнок — сирота, брошенный людьми, и он направит его и возвысит его ум.

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Think about what they went through to abandon this baby.

Подумай о том, через что они прошли, что бы отказаться от этого ребенка.

Surely we can’t abandon him.

Конечно, мы не можем отказаться от него.

We can’t abandon them, it’s our mission.

Мы не можем отказаться от них, это наша миссия.

To abandon your father?

Хочешь отказаться от своего отца?

You should abandon the show and open a pharmaceutical house.

Вам следует отказаться от шоу и открыть фармацевтическую контору.

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We’re abandoning ship, and don’t believe it.

Мы покидаем корабль, и не верь в это.

-We’re abandoning the station!

— Мы покидаем станцию!

We shall abandon the ship, monsieur.

Мы покидаем корабль, мсье.

I’ll notify Starfleet that we’re abandoning the station.

Я оповещу Звездный Флот, что мы покидаем станцию.

Abandon ship!

Покидаем корабль!

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Much as I hate to abandon my ship, we stand a better chance… from a strategic point of view, on a fortified situation on the island.

Мне тоже не хотелось бы оставлять корабль, но у нас больше шансов Со стратегической точки зрения, лучше укрепится на острове

I loved to tease her clitoris with the tip of my tongue… and then abandon it… wet and glistening… like a little duck dabbling in a pool of pink flesh.

Мне нравилось дразнить её клитор кончиком языка, а затем оставлять его… мокрый и блестящий, словно утёнок, утопающий в озере розовой плоти.

Why would the Cardassians abandon this station and leave behind a few soldiers in stasis tubes?

Зачем кардассианцам оставлять несколько солдат в стазис-камерах на покинутой станции?

You’re crying… No, but… I hate abandoning you here in this house where the devil roams.

Вы плачете… нет, но… мне не нравится оставлять вас одну в этом доме, где гуляет дьявол.

Was it a good thing to just abandon hope?

Разве можно оставлять надежду?

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The British government in particular is reluctant… to abandon its absurd and sentimental policy… of offering asylum to so-called political refugees.

Британское правительство упорно не желает отказываться от своей нелепой и сентиментальной политики предоставления убежища так называемым политическим беженцам.

Why would I abandon them?

Почему я должен отказываться от них?

And I don’t think we should abandon the higher-ground idea, ’cause it was a good idea.

И мы не должны отказываться от идеи найти более высокое место, идея же была хорошая.

— No. But I understand how they got it and because I do, I’m not willing to abandon my own free will and worship them for it.

Но я понимаю, как они ее получили, и поэтому я не хочу отказываться от своей свободы выбора и поклоняться им за это.

But, despite COBE, Fred Hoyle did not abandon his Steady State model.

Однако, несмотря на COBE, Фрэд Хойл не желал отказываться от своей Стационарной модели.

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