The well written word

I freely admit to being a pedant regarding the written word. Given our rich vocabulary and well defined rules of grammar and punctuation, it seems perfectly reasonable that we use it correctly and fully. But of course too, it has to effectively communicate the message we are trying to deliver. Given that our messages may be intended for different audiences, it is essential that the writing reflect their education, socio-economic backgrounds and their propensity to stay the course through the entire text.

So it was with some trepidation that I listened to a renowned linguist talking about the natural and rapid changes which all languages have gone, and continue to go, through. I am taking a course on The Story of Human Language, given by Professor John McWhorter.

The first few lectures dealt with the beginnings of the spoken word. Quickly however, it moved to how and why, inevitably, the sounds change, the words themselves change and even the meanings of words that remain change over time. Of course, we all understand that change occurs. Nobody who has sat through a Shakespeare play, trying to follow the plot without the Cole’s Notes, recognises this truth. But of course change occurs in decades, not centuries. Nobody today speaks like Professor Henry Higgins in Shaw’s Pygmalion (1913).

Soon I was beginning to doubt the rationale for my quibbling. However, as we progressed to the written word I became reassured. I learned,( surprise, surprise), that we speak differently than we write. I also learned that the written language is significantly more enduring than the spoken word.

There are obvious reasons for this dichotomy. The written word stays around much longer, so it tends to be copied, duplicated and appropriated by others over a longer period of time. Also, unlike the spoken word, there are no other sensory cues as to meaning or intent, such as tone, timing or body language. Every nuance must be delivered by the words – or the punctuation. Most importantly, there is, typically, no feedback to the writer to facilitate a second chance to get the meaning across if the first rendition failed in its objective. Social media, of course, is now supplying that feedback, but still rarely provides the opportunity for clarification and conciliation.

So, while most of what is written is not intended for long term import, it remains advisable to ensure clarity and unambiguousness. Easily said, much more difficult to do.

As Dorothy Parker said: If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second-greatest favour you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first-greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy.

Guest post: Len Ashby

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

хорошо написано

хорошо написана

хорошо написаны

хорошо написанный

хорошо написан

хорошо написанная

хорошо написанные

хорошо написанным

хорошо написанной

хорошо написанное

написано хорошо

хорошо написанных

хорошо прописаны

хорошо написанного

написана хорошо

правильно написанный


Favorite books: I enjoy anything that’s well written.

Любимые писатели: очень много, люблю всё, что хорошо написано.

It’s a bit long, but it’s well written.

It was the longest and very well written.

Его работа была на нескольких страницах,… и она была очень хорошо написана.

She’s evil but at least she’s well written with more than one dimension.

Она злая, но, по крайней мере, она хорошо написана с несколькими измерениями.

But the articles still have to be well written.

Но статьи к тому же, должны быть по-прежнему хорошо написаны.

The first is that the articles be well written.

Вторая заключается в том, чтобы материалы эти были хорошо написаны.

They should be well written and precise.

Very well written and so much information.

The ending was so well written, I cried for two hours after I finished it.

Окончание было так хорошо написано, я плакал в течение двух часов после того, как закончил.

Therefore it goes without saying that your resume has to be very professionally compiled or in the worst case very well written.

Поэтому само собой разумеется, что ваше резюме должно быть очень профессионально составлено или в худшем случае очень хорошо написано.

Overall the paper is well written, and they do not seem amateurish people writing their first paper.

В целом статья хорошо написана, и они не кажутся дилетантскими людей, пишущих свои первые бумаги.

These asides are interesting, well written and often relevant to what’s going on in the game.

Эти предложения интересны, хорошо написаны и часто имеют отношение к тому, что происходит в игре.

Madame’s letters are well written, it is true.

Content should be well written with sound grammar and spelling.

Содержание должно быть хорошо написано со звуковой грамматикой и написанием.

If your articles are well written, search engines show them in search results, thereby giving you visitors.

Если ваши статьи хорошо написаны, поисковики показывают их в результатах поиска, тем самым дают вам посетителей.

A very well written one, given the standards.

The dialogue is very honest and beautifully well written.

The instructions are well written, with the time, quantity and temperature of the most common foods.

Инструкции хорошо написаны, со временем, количество и температура наиболее распространенных продуктов питания.

Description of this framework is well written in, I note only that a good…

Описание этого фреймворка хорошо написано на, отмечу лишь, что хорошей средой для разработки этого…

PS, this is well written.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат well written

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well written

Общая лексика: хорошо написанный

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «well written» в других словарях:

  • well-written — index cognizable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • well-written — /ˈwɛl rɪtn/ (say wel ritn) adjective written skilfully. Also, (especially in predicative use), well written /wɛl ˈrɪtn/ (say wel ritn) …  

  • well-written — adj. Well written is used with these nouns: ↑article, ↑script …   Collocations dictionary

  • well-written — well′ writ′ten adj …   From formal English to slang

  • well-written — adj. * * * …   Universalium

  • well-written — adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • Well temperament — (also circular or circulating temperament) is a type of tempered tuning described in 20th century music theory. The term is modelled on the German word wohltemperiert which appears in the title of J.S. Bach s famous composition, The Well Tempered …   Wikipedia

  • Written Cantonese — refers to the written language used to write colloquial standard Cantonese using Chinese characters.Cantonese is usually referred to as a spoken variant, and not as a written variant. Spoken vernacular Cantonese is different from Written Standard …   Wikipedia

  • Well drainage — means drainage of agricultural lands by wells. Agricultural land is drained by pumped wells (vertical drainage) to improve the soils by controlling water table levels and soil salinity. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Design 3 Flow to wells 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Written Scots language — examples from various sources.Text from Legend of the Saints 14th CenturyXXXIII. GEORGE. Ȝete of sancte george is my wil, gyf I connandes had þere til to translat þe haly story, as wrytine in þe buk fand I. for he wes richt haly mañ fele tynt… …   Wikipedia

  • Well (play) — Well is a play about illness written by and starring Lisa Kron. Well made its world premier at the Joseph Papp Public Theater in New York City in 2004. The play was directed by Leigh Silverman and also starred Jayne Houdyshell as Lisa s mother,… …   Wikipedia

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Most reports were well written and required minimal editorial changes.


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Большинство докладов были написаны хорошо и потребовали лишь минимального редактирования.


They were well written,


researched, and eloquently delivered.

The Plan of Action is, however, a


recognized and well written document.


context icon

Тем не менее План действий представляет собой получивший широкое признание и хорошо составленный документ.


His stories are fascinating,


researched and well written.

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THE SUBMISSION Submissions need to be cogently argued and well written.


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In addition,

you can select if you want to give you the exact name for correct and well written or whether it is an approximation.


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Кроме того, вы можете выбрать, если вы хотите, чтобы дать вам точное название для правильного и хорошо написано или является ли это приближение.


The document was comprehensive, clear and well written, detailed,


focused, and contained good ideas.


context icon

Этот документ носит всеобъемлющий и четкий характер, хорошо составлен, подробен, четко ориентирован и содержит хорошие идеи.


This checks and

balance network guarantees that you will receive the most accurate and well written final product.


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Это сдержек и противовесов сеть гарантирует, что вы получите самый точный и хорошо написано конечный продукт.


Ms. SCHÖPP-SCHILLING noted that although the report was well written and very informative, it had been submitted late.


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Г-жа ШЕПП- ШИЛЛИНГ отмечает, что, хотя доклад хорошо составлен и является весьма содержательным, он был представлен с опозданием.


It is comprehensive, well written, complete and full council,

which will open up a whole new way of thinking for you about how you eat and how you live.


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Он является всеобъемлющим, хорошо написана, полной и полной советов,

который откроет целый новый способ мышления для вас относительно того, как вы едите и как вы живете.


The representative of the Human

Resources Network expressed appreciation to the secretariat for a well written document.


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Представитель Сети по вопросам

людских ресурсов выразила признательность секретариату за хорошо написанный документ.


Its other strong features were its full stroke QWERTY keyboard,

small size, well written Microsoft floating-point BASIC and inclusion of a monitor and tape deck for approximately half the cost of the Apple II.

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Другими его сильными сторонами были полноразмерная QWERTY- клавиатура,

малый размер, хорошо написанный Floating BASIC, монитор в комплекте и цена в 599 долл.

The document was clear, analytical and well written, and demonstrated that UNDP had achieved exemplary cooperation in that country.


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Этот документ носит четкий, аналитический характер, является хорошо составленным и демонстрирует, что ПРООН добилась в этой стране образцового сотрудничества.


Although the analyzer generates diagnostic messages on some code from this library,

you are sure that it is rather safe and well written.


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И хотя на какой-то код из этой библиотеки анализатор выдает диагностические сообщения, вы считаете,

что эта библиотека является достаточно надежной и написана хорошо.


He adds that the court transcript was not well written, as it misses some of the questions and answers.


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Кроме того, он заявляет, что судебный протокол был плохо составлен, поскольку в нем отсутствуют некоторые вопросы и ответы.


On average, you can receive up to $2,500 by mailing well written letters to approximately 75 people.


In an interview with Pop Break, Baker said that he liked playing Klaus because he loves the German language,

the part was well written, and it is light duty on his voice.

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В интервью с Попом Бриком Бейкер сказал, что ему понравилось играть Клауса, потому что он любит немецкий язык,

часть была хорошо написана, и это- легкий режим на его голосе.

Reviewing the book in the online periodical Taki’s Magazine,

Tom Piatek wrote,»Although Hitchens’ book is lively and well written, it is fatally marred by its many rhetorical evasions and falsehoods.

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Обозреватель Том Пятак( Piatak) в своей рецензии в Taki’

s Magazine( англ.) русск. пришел к выводу: Хотя книга Хитченса живо и хорошо написана, она чудовищно грешит многими риторическими увертками и подтасовками.

As 2014 comes to a close, the sincere wish of Union Postale’s editorial team is that the magazine has

continued to reach out to its readers with carefully researched and well written articles, presented in an easy-to-read design and layout.


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Редакционная коллегия журнала Почтовый союз искренне надеется на то, что журнал, как и прежде,

обращался к своим читателям с тщательно подготовленными и хорошо написанными статьями, представленными в удобном для чтения дизайне с качественной версткой.


Результатов: 30,
Время: 0.0235





  • Defenition of the word well-written

    • knowledgeable about literature; «a literary style»

Synonyms for the word well-written

    • literary

Similar words in the well-written

    • literate

See other words

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    • The definition of litchee
    • The interpretation of the word litchi nut
    • What is meant by nephelium litchi
    • The lexical meaning litchi chinensis
    • The dictionary meaning of the word litchi tree
    • The grammatical meaning of the word lichee
    • Meaning of the word litchi
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word litany
    • The origin of the word literary agent
    • Synonym for the word literary composition
    • Antonyms for the word literary work
    • Homonyms for the word literary study
    • Hyponyms for the word literate
    • Holonyms for the word literate person
    • Hypernyms for the word literatim
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word lithiasis
    • Translation of the word in other languages lithia water

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