The weather word list

В этом уроке вы найдете список английских слов по теме «Weather» (intermediate), пословицы про погоду, а также разговорные выражения для запоминания. Вы можете повторить английские слова по теме «Weather». Список №1 (для начинающих).

weather список английских слов

  1. weather forecast — прогноз погоды
  2. be under the weather — плохо себя чувствовать
  3. predict the weather — предсказывать погоду
  4. temperature — температура

Выражения на английском языке по теме «Weather» для запоминания:

1. How do you like this weather? — Как тебе нравится эта погода?
2. What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? — Какой прогноз на завтра?
3. What is the temperature today? — Какая температура сегодня?

Weather. Список английских слов №2 (intermediate)

Weather. Список существительных по теме «Погода»

  1. heat — жара
  2. shower — ливень
  3. icicle — сосулька
  4. frost — мороз
  5. snowflake — снежинка
  6. hoar frost — иней
  7. mist (fog) — туман
  8. hail — град
  9. thunder — гром
  10. lightning — молния
  11. rainbow — радуга
  12. storm — шторм
  13. average temperature — средняя температура
  14. usual temperature — обычная температура
  15. thermometer — термометр


  1. It’s 25 above zero on our thermometer. – На нашем термометре 25 градусов выше нуля.
  2. A thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature. – Термометр –это инструмент для измерения температуры.

Weather. Список прилагательных по теме «Погода»

  1. cool — прохладный
  2. droughty [‘drautɪ] — засушливый
  3. wet (humid) — влажный
  4. dry — сухой
  5. nasty (stormy) — ненастный
  6. cloudless — безоблачный
  7. overcast — в тучах
  8. calm — тихий (безветренный)
  9. high / low temperature — высокая / низкая температура
  10. frosty — морозный
  11. misty (foggy) — туманный
  12. showery — с ливнями
  13. stuffy — душный
  14. changeable — изменчивый
  15. lovely — чудесный
  16. muddy — грязный
  17. slippery — скользкий

Выражения на английском языке для запоминания:
1. I am wet through. — Я промок насквозь.
2. The sky is overcast.  — Все небо в тучах.
3. The roads are slippery and muddy. — Дороги скользкие и грязные.

Weather. Список глаголов по теме «Погода»

  1. clear — проясняться
  2. pour — лить (как из ведра)
  3. melt — таять
  4. fall — падать
  5. last — длиться
  6. become — стать
  7. be like — представлять из себя

Выражения на английском языке для запоминания:
1. It has become warmer. — Стало теплее.
2. In Russia the winter lasts till March. — В России зима длится до марта.
3. The leaves fall down in autumn. — Листья опадают осенью.
4. Let`s stay indoors, it is raining heavily outside. — Давай останемся дома, идет сильный дождь.
5. Look, it is pouring outside. — Посмотри, как льет на улице.

Запомните еще несколько словосочетаний по теме «Погода» на английском языке:
unpredictable weather — непредсказуемая погода
unbearable cold — невыносимый холод
oppressive heat — угнетающая жара

Пословицы про погоду на английском языке. Proverbs about Weather

  1. There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. – Нет плохой погоды, есть плохая одежда.
  2. One swallow doesn’t make a summer. – Одна ласточка не делает лета.
  3. When the days begin to lengthen then the cold begins to strengthen. – Когда дни удлиняются, холода начинаются.
  4. The grass is always greener on the other side of the road. – Трава всегда зеленее на другой стороне дороги.
  5. Sow the wind and reap the storm. – Посеешь ветер, пожнешь бурю.
  6. After rain comes fair weather. – После дождя будет хорошая погода.
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Слова по теме «Погода» 🌨️ | Weather

В этот список вошли различные слова на тему погоды: от самых простых холода и жары для новичков — до инея и засухи для учеников 💪 продвинутого уровня

23895 23.04.2020 (обновлена 12.07.2021)

Для новичков (beginner, elementary)

Чтобы уловить нюансы произношения, рекомендуем слушать запись каждого слова по 3-5 раз.

Weather Погода
Cold Холодно
Hot Жарко
Warm Тепло
Cool Прохладно
Temperature Температура

Нажимайте кнопку «Тренировать» и учите слова по карточкам прямо на сайте. Выбирайте от 3 до 6 слов для изучения по карточкам за один раз.

Rainy Дождливо
Windy Ветрено
Sunny Солнечно
Cloudy Облачно
Snowy Снежно
Fog Туман
Spring Весна
Winter Зима
Summer Лето
Autumn Осень
Wet Влажно
Dry Сухо

Средний уровень (intermediate)

На среднем и продвинутом уровне рекомендуем выбирать от 4 до 8 слов для изучения по карточкам за один подход.

Weather forecast Прогноз погоды
Chilly Прохладно, зябко
Freeze Мороз
Breeze Ветер
Storm Буря
Shower Легкий дождь
Hail Град
Downpour Ливень
Blizzard Метель
Snowflake Снежинка
Mist Дымка, легкий туман
Tornado Торнадо
Hurricane Ураган
Flood Потоп
Degrees Градусы
Heat Жара
Thunder Гром
Lightning Молния
Snowfall Снегопад
Clear Ясно
Rainbow Радуга
Puddle Лужа
Mud Грязь
Icy Холодно, наличие льда, морозно

Продвинутый (advanced)

Humidity Влажность
Rainfall Осадки
Dew Роса
Below freezing Ниже нуля
Meteorology Метеорология
Thunderstorm Гроза
Sunshine Солнечный свет
Sunrise Восход
Sunset Закат
Cloudless Безоблачный
Overcast Пасмурная погода
Intermittent Кратковременный
Atmospheric pressure Атмосферное давление
Icicle Сосулька
Snowstorm Буран
Gale-force Штормовой ветер
Sleet Мокрый снег
Frost Иней
Climate Климат
Torrid Знойный
Arid Засушливый
Mild Мягкий
Drought Засуха
Coastal Прибрежный

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На это странице вы найдете английскую лексику на тему «Погода» (Weather).

General Vocabulary — Общая лексика
Какая сегодня погода? What is the weather like today?
Сухо/мокро/жарко dry/wet/hot
Прогноз погоды weather forecast
Переменчивая погода changeable weather
Облако cloud
Солнечный свет sunlight
Роса dew
Туман; густой туман; легкий туман fog; tight fog; mist
Смог smog
Ветер; сильный ветер wind; a strong blind
Ураган; торнадо hurricane, tornado
Температура temperature
Температура около the temperature is around
Сегодня температура ниже, чем вчера. Today the temperature is lower than yesterday.
Температура опустится ниже нуля. The temperature will drop to below freezing.
Летом температура поднимается до 30 градусов в тени. In summer the temperature rises to 30 degrees in the shade.
Rainy weather — Дождливая погода
небо затянуто тучами The sky is overcast.
дождь; ливень; небольшой дождь rain, shower, light rain
Похоже, будет дождливый день It looks like it’s going to be raining day.
Наверное, будет дождь. It looks like it’s going to be shower.
Идет сильный дождь. It is raining like billy.
Льет как из ведра. It is raining pitchfork.
мелкий дождь; изморось drizzling rain
Идет моросящий дождь. It’s drizzling rain.
попасть под дождь to be caught in the rain
промокнуть до нитки to be dripping wet
гроза thunderstorm
гром и молния thunder, lightning
раскат грома a peal of thunder
ослепительные вспышки молнии blinding lightning flash
найти укрытие to find cover
лужа pool, puddle
быть забрызганным грязью to be dashed with mud
град hail
проясниться (о небе) to clarify
радуга rainbow
влажный, сырой wet, demp
Утро было сырое и туманное. The morning was damp and muggy.
влажный климат dewy climate
Sunny and hot weather — солнечная и жаркая погода
погожий денек fine day,  lovely day
период хорошей погоды a spell of good weather
небо безоблачное The sky is cloudless.
освежающий ветерок cooling breeze
жаркое лето sultry summer
Невыносимо жарко. It is unbearably hot.
Стоит палящий зной. It is scorching hot.
Был жаркий летний день. It was a roasting summer day.
жара heat
невыносимая жара fierce heat, oppressive heat
Жара становится невыносимой. The heat becomes insufferable.
душный stuffy
сильная засуха a severe drought
бабье лето an Indian summer
Winter weather — погода зимой
холодно It’s cold.
мороз; сильный мороз frost, hard frost
иней hoarfrost
Утром земля была покрыта инеем. This morning the ground was covered with frost.
снег; снегопад snow; snowfall
снежинка snowflake
вьюга; метель blizzard, snowstorm
снеговик snowman
Землю покрывал толстый слой снега. A blanket of snow laid on the ground.
Рождество, когда выпадает снег. White Christmas
лед; гололед ice; glaze, rime
сосулька an icicle
пурга blizzard
Мои ноги окоченели от холода. My feet were numb with cold.
дождь со снегом slobber, rain and snow
слякоть slush
Начинается оттепель. It’s beginning to thaw.

Смотрите также:

  • Английские идиомы о погоде (Weather Idioms).

We All Know About the Weather but We Don’t Know the Weather Vocabulary Properly. We Are Sure That You Can Collect a to Z Weather Words List From These Topics. Because Here We Will Discuss the Complete List of Weather Vocabulary. So, Check All Segments for Learning Lots of Weather Words.

Weather Words That Start With A:

  • Advisory
  • Altocumulus
  • Avalanche
  • Aurora
  • Alberta Clipper
  • Anticyclone
  • Aurora Borealis
  • Accuracy
  • Altitude

Weather Words That Start With B:

  • Barometer
  • Breeze
  • Blizzard
  • Backing Wind
  • Bermuda High
  • Blimp
  • Broadcast

Weather Words That Start With C:

  • Climate
  • Cold Wave
  • Convergence
  • Cirrus Clouds
  • Clouds
  • Coriolis Force
  • Celestial
  • Circulation
  • Controversial

Weather Words That Start With D:

  • Doldrums
  • Downdraft
  • Dust Devil
  • Demonstrate
  • Dust Devils

Weather Words That Start With E:

  • Easterlies
  • Ef-scale
  • Eye Wall
  • Earthquake
  • Equator
  • Electricity
  • Eruption

Weather Words That Start With F:

  • Flurry
  • Funnel Cloud
  • Freeze
  • Flood Plain
  • Frostbite
  • Flooding

Weather Words That Start With G:

  • Ground Fog
  • Graupel
  • Gust
  • Glaze
  • Ground Clutter
  • Glacial
  • Gusty

Weather Words That Start With H:

  • Hydrology
  • Humid
  • Hydrosphere
  • Hard Freeze
  • Headwind

Weather Words That Start With I:

  • Ice Crystals
  • Inversion
  • Indian Summer
  • Informative

Weather Words That Start With J:

  • Jet Stream

Weather Words That Start With K:

  • Kelvin

Weather Words That Start With L:

  • Land Breeze
  • Low Clouds
  • Landspout
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Low Tide

Weather Words That Start With M:

  • Microburst
  • Monsoon
  • Muggy
  • Movement

Weather Words That Start With N:

  • Nowcast
  • Nimbostratus
  • Nature

Weather Words That Start With O:

  • Outflow
  • Overcast
  • Occluded Front
  • Occlusion

Weather Words That Start With P:

  • Polar Front
  • Pollutant
  • Prediction

Weather Words That Start With Q:

  • Quake

Weather Words That Start With R:

  • Rain Shadow
  • Rope Tornado
  • Raindrops
  • Rotation

Weather Words That Start With S:

  • Shady
  • Slush
  • Storm
  • Sun Dog
  • Snow Flurry
  • Sunrise
  • Sunshine

Weather Words That Start With T:

  • Tidal Range
  • Tidal Wave
  • Tropical
  • Turbulence
  • Trace
  • Tempest
  • Tsunami

Weather Words That Start With U:

  • Upwelling
  • Unstable Air
  • Undulate

Weather Words That Start With V:

  • Vapor Trail
  • Volcano
  • Volcanic
  • Variegated

Weather Words That Start With W:

  • Weather Map
  • Wind Chill
  • Water Cycle
  • Windsock
  • Warm Front
  • Water Vapor
  • Wind
  • Westerly

Weather Words That Start With Y

  • Zone
  • Zonal Flow
  • Zephyr

Finally, We Are Very Happy Cause We Think You Found Many Weather Words From Here. We Are Happy if You Can know Something. So Lastly We Request You Please Do Share and Give Us Your Feedback in the Comments Section.

You are almost guaranteed to need
weather vocabulary at some point in your IELTS exam. Weather plays such an
important part in our lives and is something every single one of us is affected

You will very likely use weather vocabulary when talking about yourself in Part 1 of the Speaking test and it may even be the topic of your Part 2 talk and follow-up questions in Part 3. Weather is a common subject for both Writing tasks and could also come up in either your Reading or your Listening tests.

You’ll also need weather vocabulary
for answering questions about other common topics, especially the environment.

a broad subject.
are some common areas you could be asked about:

  • What the weather is like in your
  • Your favourite weather or season
  • How the weather affects how you
    or other people feel
  • How the weather affects what you
    or other people do
  • The effect of the weather on jobs
    or local transportation
  • Bad, problematic or extreme
  • Climate change
  • Weather forecasting

To ensure that
you are well prepared to answer any weather-related question, I’ve included four
things on this page:

  • IELTS-style
    questions on the topic of weather
  • Sample answers
  • A
    list of common weather vocabulary 
    with definitions & sample sentences 
  • Links
    to online reading and listening resources

You’ll find
PDF downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the weather vocabulary
list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions
relate to the Speaking test because this part of the exam offers the broadest
range of possible questions on the topic of weather. They give the best
opportunity for me to demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using

I’ve included
IELTS-style questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test.
I’ve highlighted key words and phrases in bold.

You’ll find
these words and phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. The
list also includes explanations and sample sentences and there’s an audio to
listen to the pronunciation.

The weather
vocabulary list contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS

Finally, at
the bottom of the page I’ve added links to topical articles, short videos and
podcasts that will help you to improve both your weather vocabulary and your reading
and listening skills.

something to think about as you work through this page:

It’s important to learn new vocabulary in context so that you understand how it’s used by native speakers.

It gets icy when the temperature drops below freezing

Speaking Test Questions and Answers

Common weather vocabulary
is highlighted in bold.

Part 1

1) What is the weather like in your

weather is very unpredictable. One minute it can be
lovely sunshine, the next we’re
experiencing a downpour. The UK is
well-known for this.

2) Do you like the weather in your country?

and no. I get frustrated that we have so many rainy days but we do have some glorious
 as well. When the sun comes out and there’s not a cloud in the sky, I couldn’t be happier.

3) Is the weather the same in all parts of
your country?

There are
some quite marked regional differences. I live in the south-west where it’s mild but we get high precipitation. It’s drier in the east
and they actually had a drought this
summer. Further north, it’s very cold in winter
and they get heavy snow.

4) Are there any problems with
the climate in your country?

certainly seem to have experienced more violent storms and torrential rain
in recent years. This has caused serious flooding in some places. A village near where I live had a flash
this summer which washed
away cars and a few buildings. People say global warming is to blame.

5) Does the weather ever affect the way you feel?

definitely. I feel so much more cheerful and full of energy when it’s sunny, whatever season it is. Even a break
in the weather
on an overcast
day lifts my spirits.

A heavy downpour.

Part 2

Describe your favourite season.

You should say:

  • what the season is and when it occurs
  • what the weather is like during this season
  • what your typical activities are during this season

and explain why it is your favourite season.

That’s really
difficult as I like things about every season
but if I had to choose one, I guess I’d go for spring. It covers the months of March, April and May in my
country and is actually the time of year I was born.

I spend the
cold winter months looking
forward to the first signs of spring
as nature comes back to life with the change of the season – things like the snowdrops poking through the soil,
colourful daffodils and crocuses, blossom on the trees, shiny new leaves and the birds singing their hearts out as they build their nests. It’s such a
lovely time of year.

The weather gradually improves week
by week, although we can still get frost
right up to the end of April and even snow,
but it’s usually just sleet and
turns to slush as soon as it
touches the ground. Hail storms are quite common and
bright rainbows, which we see
as a promise of fine weather
to come.

there’s plenty of warm sunshine in spring, a shower
of rain
is never far away and the wind
tends to be quite chilly so you need to dress up warm
to go out. I keep a close eye on the weather
before making plans as to what to do.

To sum up the weather, you’d have to say that it’s changeable – a mixture of sunny spells and cloudbursts
is how I’d describe it.

As the temperature rises, I definitely
get more active. I start to take longer walks and go out on my bike more often.
Weather permitting, we often
have a barbecue on my birthday.

I also get
stuck into some gardening. There’s always lots of cutting down and clearing up
to do, plus the grass begins to grow again and needs cutting. At weekends, I go
to the garden centre to buy bedding plants ready for a colourful summer display.

One of the
best things of all about spring
is the lighter evenings, such a relief after the dark winter months. You can now spend evenings outdoors if you
want to rather than being stuck in watching TV.

So you see,
there are lots of reasons why spring
is my favourite month. I love the hotter weather
of the summer, of course, but
there’s something about the freshness of spring
that makes it special.

Daffodils & bright green leaves in spring.

Part 3

1) How do the different seasons affect the
lifestyle of people in your country?

As we have a fairly mild
, people are able to enjoy the outdoors all times of the year.
Of course, summer is the most popular time for going to the beach
and such like but even on
blustery winter’s
days, you’ll
see people out walking along the shore enjoying the fresh air. With our unpredictable
, we’re used to getting caught in the rain
whatever the season so we just put on our waterproofs and off we

When it’s warm,
people tend to take a picnic when they go out walking or cycling but in chilly
weather, they’re more likely to stop off at a cosy pub or café for
something to eat.

One of the biggest
differences in our lifestyle through the seasons is down to the
variation in daylight hours. In summer, it’s light until around
10.30pm whilst in the middle of winter it’s dark by 3.30pm.
No-one feels much like going out when it’s cold and dark so we stay at home

2) Do you think people who
live in cold places have different personalities to people who live in warm or
hot places?

something I’ve never considered but now I come to think of it, I’m sure they
do. From my experience, people living in cold countries are fairly reserved and
quite serious. Those living in hot climates,
on the other hand, are more outgoing and full of life. That’s apart from the
most humid regions where it’s
so hot and sticky that you just want to sit around and do nothing all day.

I’d have to agree overall, I think there are many other factors than temperature and the weather that affect people’s

3) Do you think there
are any problems with the world’s climate now?

believe that we’re facing many serious issues with our climate at the moment and they’re only going to get worse
unless we do something about global

my country, the winters are
getting milder and wetter and serious flooding
is becoming common. It’s a real problem in many areas. However, that’s nothing
compared to the devastating tropical
that some parts of the world are experiencing, more violent ever
before. Meteorologists
predict that they will get even stronger in the future which is a great

of the most serious problems of climate
is the melting
of the icecaps as it’s causing rising sea levels. It’s possible that many
coastal areas could be under water by the end of the century. Now that really
is a worry.

Serious flooding.

Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

Download PDF Now

Weather Vocabulary

* Important

  • Do not try
    and learn this list of weather vocabulary.
  • Identify
    the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about the weather.
  • Record
    these in your vocabulary notebook and practise using them regularly.

I recommend that you create
your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many
other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how to learn
vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for

Top 6 Types of IELTS
Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Weather Vocabulary – Common Words & Phrases

Weather Vocabulary Set 1: Key definitions

weather – the temperature or conditions outside with
regard to heat,
cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

— The weather can change very quickly up on
the moor, so make sure you take your waterproofs when you go walking.

climate – the general weather conditions usually found in
a particular area.

— The climate in the Andean mountains of Peru is very different to that
found on the coast.

climate change – a change in global or
regional temperature patterns.

— Scientists believe that climate change will
lead to more extreme weather in the future.

global warming – a gradual increase in
world temperatures caused by polluting gases, such as carbon dioxide, which are
collecting in the air around the Earth and preventing heat from escaping into

— It’s not too late to reverse the effects of global
 but we must act right now.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 2: Seasons

season – time of year characterized by certain weather.

— In Europe, we have four seasons but in some parts of the world,
they have only two, such as the Philippines which has a wet season and a dry

winter – the coldest season of the year, December to February north of
the equator and from and June to August in the southern hemisphere.

— I don’t
like the winter as it’s very cold
and there isn’t much daylight.

spring – the season between winter and summer when the
weather becomes warmer and vegetation starts to grow again.

— In spring I love to watch nature come to life again; to see leaves
sprouting on the trees and lambs in the fields.

summer – the warmest season of the year, June to August north of the
equator and from and December to February in the southern hemisphere.

— We can’t
wait for summer and are already
planning the outdoor activities we’re going to enjoy in the nice weather.

autumn – the season between summer and winter when the
leaves change colour and fall from the trees and it becomes cooler.

Autumn is a great time for hiking as the weather is often pleasant
and the trees look stunning as their leaves change to red, yellow and orange.

fall – Term for autumn in American English.

— In the US, fall is the time for celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 3: Snowy weather

snow – water vapour frozen into ice crystals and
falling to the ground as white flakes.

— I live in a hot climate so we don’t get snow but I’ve seen it in photos and it looks so beautiful.

snowflake – a single particle of snow.

— Did you know that every single snowflake is different which is quite

snowing – when snow is falling to the ground.

— It was so exciting to wake up
this morning to find that it was snowing.

snowy – when it’s snowing or things are covered with

— Children love snowy weather as it often means that
the schools are closed.

– snow that has recently fallen.

— The fresh snow glistened in the moonlight, the pristine carpet of white
not marked by a single footprint.

heavy snow – when a lot of snow falls.

— The weather forecast predicted heavy snow so we got out our sledge
ready to have some fun.

a blanket
of snow
– a complete covering of snow.

— It snowed heavily all afternoon
and the countryside was soon covered in a blanket
of snow

snowstorm – when a large amount of snow falls, often mixed
with wind.

— I was still at work when the snowstorm hit and had to sleep in my
office as the buses were cancelled and I couldn’t get home.

blizzard – a storm with very heavy snow and strong winds.

— It’s dangerous driving on the
roads in a blizzard.

whiteout – snowfall that is so heavy that it’s almost
impossible to see anything.

— I was so glad I decided not to
drive to the shops as the light snowfall soon turned into whiteout conditions.

flurry – very light snowfall.

— The children were hoping for
heavy snow so they could make a snowman but all we got were light flurries.

avalanche – a large mass of snow and ice sliding rapidly down a

— It was
reported that five skiers were caught in the avalanche and rescuers are trying to dig them out.

snowdrift – a bank of deep snow formed by the wind.

— The road was blocked by
snowdrifts blown by the strong winds.

sleet – a mixture of rain and snow.

— The sleet made the pavements
slippery and it was difficult not to fall over.

slush – partly melted snow

— As the temperature rose
slightly, the glistening white snow turned to mucky slush.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 4: Cold weather

– below
zero degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

— I put on a thick coat, gloves, hat and a
scarf before going outside as it was well below freezing.

ice – very cold water in a solid state; you only see
it when the temperature is below freezing.

— I had to clear ice from my car windscreen before I could
drive to meet my friend.

icy – covered in ice; slippery because of ice.

— It’s better for elderly people
to stay indoors when it’s icy as
they can easily fall over and break a bone.

frozen – when the temperature is so cold that water has
turned to ice or expression to mean feeling very cold.

— It was so cold that the surface
of the pond was frozen.

— Ingrid got absolutely frozen watching her son’s team playing

– very cold.

— Bruno was reluctant to take the dog for a walk as it was freezing

– extremely cold.

— The sun was shining but there
was a bitterly cold wind blowing.

hail – pieces of ice falling from the sky; frozen rain.

— I hate being out in hail because it really hurt when it
strikes your face.

frost – ice crystals on a frozen surface.

— I could tell from the frost on the ground that the
temperature overnight had fallen below freezing.

hard frost – when it gets very cold overnight and everything is
covered with thick frost.

— The hard frost turned everything white and
made the garden look like a magical frozen wonderland.

– mythical character who comes
out at night and lays out frost.

— We woke in the morning to
see that Jack Frost had been in the

frostbite – injury to any part of the body caused by overexposure
to extreme cold.

Frostbite is one of the greatest dangers faced by Arctic explorers.

to dress
up warm
– to wear warm clothes to
protect yourself against wintry conditions.

— If you go out to play in the
snow, be sure to dress up warm.

to melt – the process by which snow or ice changes to
water as the temperature rises above freezing.

— After a week of freezing
conditions, the temperature rose and the snow finally began to melt.

a cold
spell / cold snap
– a
short period of cold weather.

— The weather is usually mild at
this time of year but the forecasters say we’re in for a cold spell next week.

— The sudden cold snap had us searching for our hats, gloves and scarves.

chilly – uncomfortably cold.

— Fuyuko was feeling a bit chilly so she turned the heating up.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 5: Rainy weather

precipitation – water that falls to the earth in the form of
rain, hail, mist, sleet, or snow.

— The average annual precipitation
in London is 23 inches (58 cm) which makes it drier than New York which has an average of 50 inches (127cm) of rain per year.

– intense rainfall.

— The heavy rain kept the children indoors all day despite it being the

– very heavy rain.

— The torrential rain was making driving conditions hazardous.

driving rain – heavy rain mixed with strong wind.

— We walked on
through the driving rain, wanting to
get home as quickly as possible.

to pour – to rain heavily.

— It was pouring with rain when I set off for the bus stop.

downpour – heavy
shower of rain.

— Christian
got caught in a downpour on his way
to the party but fortunately had an umbrella with him.

cloudburst – sudden rainfall that it over quickly.

— The sudden cloudburst took them by surprise and they had to run for shelter.

cats and dogs

raining heavily.

— What miserable weather. It’s
been raining cats and dogs all day.

to get
drenched / soaked
– to get
very wet.

— Ekrem left her coat at home and
got drenched in the cloudburst.

— The children had great fun
playing in the rain but got soaked
to the skin.

rainy day – a day when it rains a lot.

— I quite like a rainy day as I can be lazy and cuddle
up by the fire with a good book.

a drop of
– a small amount of rain.

— There was a drop of rain in the afternoon but it
didn’t spoil our day out.

drizzle – very light rain.

— There was a bit of drizzle in the air as we set off on our
walk but it didn’t come to anything.

gentle rain – light rain.

— The gentle rain was quite welcome at the
end of a long, hot day as it really cooled the air.

shower (of
– a quick, light rainstorm.

— It was only a shower of rain so we didn’t get too

— It was only a quick shower so we didn’t get too wet.

to get
caught in the rain
– to be
outside when it rains unexpectedly.

— Meena was soaked through having
got caught in the rain without a
coat on.

to be
rained off
– to be
cancelled or postponed because it’s raining or expected to rain.

— The pupils were looking forward
to the school sports day but sadly it got rained

let up – to stop raining.

— We’ll go out for a walk if
there’s a let up in the rain.

to clear up – when clouds or rain disappear.

— The
forecast says that it will clear up by this afternoon.

puddle – a small pool of water usually formed by

— When I was young, I loved splashing
in puddles.

to flood – when a large amount of water flows over an area of land
that is normally dry.

— There
had been so much rain that the road was flooded.

a flash
– a sudden and severe flood.

— The flash flood brought mud and debris gushing down the road bringing
traffic to a standstill.

burst its banks – when a river overflows onto the land due to heavy
rainfall and causes flooding.

— After nearly
three days of continuous rain, the river burst
its banks
flooding the town.

rainbow – an arch of colours seen in the sky during or
after rainfall when it is also sunny.

— As the storm passed, a
beautiful rainbow appeared in the

monsoon – the season of heavy rain in tropical climates.

— Nearly all of the country’s
annual rainfall falls during the monsoon.

– another term for the time of
the monsoon.

— The rainy season in my country is normally July to October.

horrid weather – unpleasant weather.

— I’m fed
up of this horrid weather and can’t
remember when I last saw any sunshine.

foul weather – bad weather.

— The foul weather kept the fishing boats in the harbour as it was too
dangerous for them to go to sea.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 6: Sunny weather

sunshine – direct sunlight unbroken by cloud.

— Isabella usually had lunch in
the canteen but today she bought a sandwich and ate it in the sunshine.

sunny – bright with sunshine.

— Looking out at the pouring
rain, Svetlana longed for a sunny

sunny spells
short periods of sunny weather.

— It was
mostly cloudy for our trip to the zoo but there were some sunny spells in the afternoon.

heatwave – a period of very hot weather.

— Summer weather in the UK can be
very unpredictable but this year we had a real heatwave.

to come
(the sun) – when the sun appears
out of a cloudy sky.

— We were so pleased that the sun
came out for our wedding photos as
it had been a bit of a dull day up to then.

hot / boiling hot
– very

— Sunday was baking hot so Duong and his friends headed to the river for a swim.

scorcher – a very hot day.

— The day was a real scorcher, far too hot to be out in the
sun for very long.

drought – a long period with no rainfall.

arid – having
had little or no rain for a long time; too dry to support vegetation.

— Large areas of Australia are suffering from drought. The land has become arid and cattle and sheep on the
ranches are dying from a lack of food and water.

humid /
– hot
and damp conditions

— Celeste found the climate in
Florida too humid and moved to
California where it was still hot but with less humidity.

stifling – uncomfortable hot; can make you feel breathless.

— The heat of the day was stifling so the expedition travelled
only at night when it was cooler.

sweltering – extremely hot.

— My classroom
is sweltering in the summer so I
take the children outside and we have lessons in the shade of a large tree.

close – warm and uncomfortable.

— We don’t have a humid climate
in the UK but in summer it is often close
which leaves you feeling sweaty and lethargic.

warm – a temperature in between hot and cold.

— Feeling the warm spring sunshine on your face is
such a treat after the long, cold months of winter.

sunburn – painful red skin caused by being in the sun too

to sunlight

allowing strong sunshine to fall on the skin.

— It’s important to limit our exposure to sunlight as sunburn
can lead to skin cancer.

suntan /
– brown skin caused by long
periods of exposure to sunlight.

— Jay got a great suntan on his sailing holiday in Greece
and arrived home looking tanned and

/ suntan lotion
– a
cream or lotion that protects the skin from the damaging UV (ultraviolet) rays
of the sun.

— As children, we were never
allowed out to play in the sun without sunscreen

– wonderful weather.

— We had glorious weather on our
holiday in France.

– lots of sunshine and no rain.

— The fine weather we’re having at the moments has lifted everyone’s

pleasant weather – warm temperatures and mainly clear skies.

— Jerry
made the most of the pleasant weather
to get some gardening done.

a break
in the weather
– when
the rain stops for a while.

— I waited for a break in the weather before taking the
dog for a walk.

a spell
of fine weather
– a
short period of good weather.

— It’s been a pretty awful summer
but we’re finally enjoying a spell of
fine weather

blue skies
– a sky
without clouds.

— The clear blue skies drew hordes of tourists to the beach.

not a
cloud in the sky
– when no clouds are visible.

— There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it promised to be
a glorious day.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 7: Cloudy weather

cloud – a grey or white mass, made up of very small drops of water,
floating in the sky.

— As the dark clouds drifted overhead, Yana rushed to
the garden to bring in her dry washing before it rained.

cloudy – when there are lots of clouds in the sky.

— Although it was a cloudy day, they still had a good time
on the beach.

overcast – very cloudy with no sun is visible.

— Thahn was disappointed that it
was overcast for the barbecue but at
least it wasn’t raining.

– when it is sunny and cloudy at
the same time.

— The TV weather forecast has
said partly cloudy but it ended up
being overcast for most of the day.

dull – not clear, bright or sunny.

—  Dull days can be rather depressing, especially at
this time of year when it’s cold outside and daylight hours are short.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 8: Windy weather

wind – a natural current of air.

— There wasn’t enough wind to go sailing so they kayaked

windy – when there is a lot of wind.

— It was a windy day and Dan spend the afternoon flying his kite.

breeze – light wind

— The flag was hoisted to the top
of the mast where it flapped gently in the breeze.

high wind strong wind.

— The forecast warned
of high winds and a risk of fallen

gale – a very strong wind.

— The gale blew all night and caused damage to several buildings.

gust – a sudden, strong blast of wind.

— It was a fierce storm with gusts of up to 80 miles an hour.

blustery – blowing in strong gusts.

— Kali’s umbrella turned inside
out in the blustery weather.

chill (factor)
– when
the wind makes the air feel colder than the actual temperature.

— It was just above freezing but
the wind chill factor made it feel
more like minus 5.

– becoming stronger

— The wind started picking up at about 3.00 pm and an hour
later had reached gale force.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 9: Foggy weather

fog – a thick cloud of tiny water droplets close to
the ground or sea that makes it difficult to see.

— I hate driving in fog as it’s hard to see other cars on
the road.

foggy – when there is a lot of fog.

— It’s so foggy today that I can hardly see the houses across the street.

smog – fog-like cloud caused by pollution.

— The smog hung over the city and many people wore masks when they went
out to stop them breathing in the polluted air.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 10: Stormy weather

storm – severe rainy and windy weather.

— The storm brought a tree down
in our garden which only just missed our house.

thunder – a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard in the sky, especially
during a storm.

— We heard the thunder in the distance and knew that a
storm was on its way.

lightning – electric flash of light in the sky.

— The lightning lit up the whole sky and was quite spectacular.

thunderstorm – a storm that includes thunder and lightning.

— My pets hate thunderstorms. The dog barks at the
thunder and the cat hides under the bed.

– a storm with very high winds
typical of tropical regions.

— The first time I was in a tropical storm I was very frightened as
I’d never experienced such high winds before.

/ cyclone / typhoon
– a
tropical storm with extremely strong, damaging wind. The difference between
them is where the storm originates in the world. Hurricanes come in from the
Atlantic Ocean, cyclones from the Indian Ocean and typhoons from the Pacific

— In 2017, a hurricane devastated the Caribbean island of Anguilla.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 11: General weather terms

changeable – weather that often changes.

— The weather is very changeable at the moment and it’s
difficult to decide what to wear to go out.

unpredictable – likely to change
suddenly and therefore not easy to predict.

— The weather in the Scottish islands is notoriously unpredictable so it’s best to carry a
raincoat at all times.

– if the
weather allows it.

— We’ll be having a family picnic
in the park at the weekend, weather

weather holds
– fine
weather continues.

— I hope the weather holds as I have a few days off next week.

freak weather conditions – weather
conditions, often extreme and destructive, that are not normal for that place.

Freak weather conditions are becoming
more common due to global warming and climate change.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Weather Vocabulary Set 12: Weather forecasting

– a
prediction of what the weather is likely to be, broadcast on TV/radio
programmes and printed in newspapers.

— I’ve just seen the weather forecast and we’re in for a
nice day.

– the
weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead.

— The long-range forecast is a bit disappointing as it predicts rain by
the weekend.

mild – gentle, not harsh or extreme.

  •      mild

            — We’re having really mild weather for the time of year.

  •      mild climate – a climate without extreme weather conditions.

             — We have a mild climate in the UK with no extremes of heat or cold and few
violent storms.

  •      mild winter – a winter that isn’t particularly cold.

             —  It’s
been a mild winter with only one real cold

temperature – how hot or cold it is

— It’s cold in the shade but the temperature rises significantly when
you step into the sun.

thermometer – instrument for measuring temperature.

— The thermometer on the wall showed that it was almost 100 degreesº.

degrees – measurement for temperature. Denoted by the
symbol º.

— Temperature can be measured in degrees Celcius or Fahrenheit.

Celsius – measurement of temperature where freezing point
is 0º and boiling point is 100º.

Fahrenheit – measurement of temperature where freezing point
is 32º degrees and boiling point is 212º.

meteorology – the scientific study of weather.

— Nandor had always been
fascinated by what caused different weather conditions and wanted to be study meteorology at university.

meteorologist – a person who studies weather patterns.

Meteorologists are far better at predicting the weather than they
were a decade ago.

Weather Vocabulary Pronunciation

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of weather vocabulary.

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Weather Idioms

There are a large number of weather idioms in the English language. Most
of them use the weather as a metaphor for something else so there are very few
that you’d use to answer questions about the weather itself.

For this reason, I haven’t included them on this weather vocabulary page but have given them
a whole page of their own. You’ll find them here:
Weather Idioms.

Ways to Improve Your Weather Vocabulary

One of the best
ways to improve your vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube
videos and listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some
online resources I recommend.

Weather Forecasts & Weather Videos

BBC Weather

Fox News Weather

Weather Articles

Friends of the Earth


The Weather Channel

Live Science 

TED Talks

TED Talks are short videos
with a powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for
improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

Search YouTube TED Talks Weather to help you improve your weather vocabulary.

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