The versatility of the word

гибкость, многосторонность


- разносторонность, многосторонность
- непостоянство, неустойчивость; переменчивость
- тех. универсальность, манёвренность

versatility training — обучение смежным профессиям

- бот., зоол. подвижность

Мои примеры


to demonstrate versatility — показывать всестороннее развитие  
actor of considerable versatility — актёр, снявшийся в самых разных ролях  
provide an example of versatility of — являться примером универсальности  
habitat versatility — обитание в разнообразных биотопах; эвритопность  
versatility of propaganda — изворотливость пропаганды  
ammunition versatility — возможность использования различных видов боеприпасов  
production versatility — серийный вариант  
rate equipment on versatility — оценивать оборудование с точки зрения универсальности  
target versatility — возможность поражения различных целей  
the versatility of the machine — универсальность станка  

Примеры с переводом

Its sheer versatility puts this computer in a different class.

Абсолютная универсальность этого компьютера перемещает его в другой класс.

Hegley’s outstanding versatility as an all-round entertainer

выдающаяся универсальность Хегли в качестве разностороннего эстрадного артиста

Whether through fonts, colors, or jumbled placement, much of what characterizes experimental poetry today is typography, or the art and technique of arranging type to make written language readable and beautiful. Typography allows words to be utilized in ways that extend far beyond their basic meaning. Among the many styles out there word layout, visual poetry, and linear perspective make up the most versatile and capable forms of literary manipulation of physical text.

The layout of a body of text can be manipulated to alter the way that text is interpreted. After spending time with M. NourbSe Philip’s “Zong” one would realize that many of the poems tried to cluster and brake up groups of words to emphasize certain aspects of the text. An example of this can be seen in Zong #20, when Philip clumps together phrases to create the first two stanzas.

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 1.18.03 AMScreen Shot 2015-03-02 at 1.18.15 AM

M. NourbeSe Philip Zong #20  

In doing so, and by placing the second one diagonally below and to the right of the first she creates a suggested “slide” that leads the reader’s eye down, thus forcing them to naturally compare the two areas of text. This effect can be explained by looking at the way that we humans generally set up our comparisons. Ven-Diagrams, charts, tables, and other visual forms of comparison all place categories side by side, and separate them to make them distinct. In this particular instance the poem shows an evolution from the decisions made by the insurers to the uncertainty and chances involved with going on the voyages of the slave ship. The clumped structure takes a twist when Philip decides to suddenly break up the text by fragmenting phrases and spreading them across the page. This genius approach completely changes the way that the text is interpreted. Due to the time it takes for the reader’s eyes to travel across the page, the messages carried by the words appear as bubbles of light bursting in the dark, each distinct and direct. It is the equivalent of writing: “the between of day… a sea of negroes… drowned… live… in the thirst…”, as the ellipses provide natural, audible breaks when read aloud.

Similar to, yet different from this approach toward creatively structured writing is the technique of constructing recognizable objects by using the text to draw both lines and negative space.


Ecko, John. “ECKOVISION.” ECKOVISION. WordPress, 18 Sept. 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2015.

For example, when looking at this visual poem, after a mere glance most could identify the shape of a man in a cape, holding what appears to be a smoking gun. Before any words are read, the image projected to the reader will most likely spark feelings described by: fear, ominous, death, darkness, suspense. Although there are more clues in this image, they are less obvious and not likely to be interpreted before reading the text. As the reader continues onto the first sentence, they cannot help but apply the mood set by the picture to the words as they are read. Furthermore, they are going to instantly try to place the man depicted into the scene described in the poem. For this reason, rather than reading, “Wind laments across tall grasses beneath moonless sky”, as the poem writes, the reader will interpret the first sentence to say something more along the lines of “Wind laments across tall grasses as a dark, ominous man holding a smoking gun strides beneath the moonless sky”. As mentioned earlier, the less obvious visual elements of the piece are described later in the poem. For example, when the poem reaches the point, “…smoke and shell casings.” it becomes clear that the small quotation marks scattered at the feet of the ominous man represent the shell casings. Arguably the most effective of the three strategies I believe are key to typography, visual poetry, or the use of words to create recognizable images, allows the writer to project moods and feelings that can bias the way the reader interprets the text.

Experimental poets love to manipulate the reader in numerous ways, one of which being directing their attention through subtle hints. By making use of inherent human behavior, writers can influence the way that their works are perceived. Before I elaborate more I would ask that you, the reader, quickly scan through this work:

helvetia poster“Helvetica.” Cjb07s Blog. Helvetia, 12 May 2010. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.

If one were to show this picture to a sample and observe how they approached it, the majority of people today would have probably chunked words that were on the same diagonal together, and created mental breaks whenever switching to text written on distinctly angled lines.

In addition to this, one might find that people generally try to read words grouped by a similar font and color, such that “ABCDEF…KLMNO…” is read separate from the block of text: “Helvetia Neue”. This is because humans are creatures of continuity. By nature, we categorize texts by discriminating their differences and similarities. This allows us to process information more efficiently, but it also allows for literary artists to redirect our attention with relative ease. The artist of the poster above not only created an eye-catching, pretty image for people to enjoy, but also provided a text-based advertisement with the same advertising potential as a poster surrounded with visuals that contribute to the text.

Experimental writing is reshaping the means of literary expression through the efforts of contemporary artists seeking to explore. By altering the typography of traditional text in clever and unconventional ways, poets have proven that words can create both visual and literary appeal at the same time, and thus no longer need to rely on other modes of communication to help convey the same messages to the reader. Movements like Word Art, Constructivism, and others experimenting with typography have begun to use words to create not only literature, but meaningful forms of expression that have otherwise been experienced only through art and music.

  • 1

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > versatility

  • 2


    универсальность; гибкость в применении

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > versatility

  • 3

    versatility [ˏvɜ:səˊtɪlətɪ]


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > versatility

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > versatility

  • 5

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > versatility

  • 6

    1. n разносторонность, многосторонность

    2. n непостоянство, неустойчивость; переменчивость

    3. n тех. универсальность, манёвренность

    4. n бот. зоол. подвижность

    Синонимический ряд:

    flexibility (noun) adaptability; affability; amiability; complaisance; compliance; docility; flexibility; tractability

    English-Russian base dictionary > versatility

  • 7

    English-russian biological dictionary > versatility

  • 8

    English-Russian military dictionary > versatility

  • 9



    1) непостоянство, изменчивость

    We are apt to condemn their versatility of principles as arising from dishonest motives. — Мы склонны осуждать непостоянство принципов, как проистекающее из нечестности побуждений.


    2) многосторонность, разносторонность

    Англо-русский современный словарь > versatility

  • 10

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > versatility

  • 11

    универсальность; гибкость в применении

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > versatility

  • 12


    versatility многосторонность и пр. versatility эксплуатационная гибкость

    English-Russian short dictionary > versatility

  • 13

    1. разносторонность
    2. маневренность

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > versatility

  • 14


    1. разносторонность, многосторонность

    2. непостоянство, неустойчивость; переменчивость


    универсальность, манёвренность

    НБАРС > versatility

  • 15

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > versatility

  • 16

    1) универсальность, многосторонность

    * * *

    универсальность; гибкость в применении

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > versatility

  • 17

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > versatility

  • 18

    Англо-русский технический словарь > versatility

  • 19

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > versatility

  • 20


    непостоянство, изменчивость



    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > versatility


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Versatility — Ver sa*til i*ty, n. [Cf. F. versatilit[ e].] The quality or state of being versatile; versatileness. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • versatility — index ability, amenability Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • versatility — n. 1) to demonstrate versatility 2) versatility at, in * * * [ˌvɜːsə tɪlɪtɪ] in to demonstrate versatility versatility at …   Combinatory dictionary

  • versatility — noun Date: 1668 the quality or state of being versatile < a writer of great versatility > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • versatility — noun /ˌvərsəˈtɪlɪti/ The property of being versatile or having many different abilities; flexibility. Those are the sort of women who polish a young man the most, and who give him that habit of complaisance, and that flexibility and versatility… …   Wiktionary

  • versatility — Synonyms and related words: Renaissance man, Renaissance versatility, adaptability, adjustability, all roundedness, ambidexterity, capriciousness, changeability, changeableness, choppiness, dappleness, deviation, difference, differentiation,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • versatility — versatile ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. DERIVATIVES versatility noun. ORIGIN Latin versatilis, from versare turn about, revolve …   English terms dictionary

  • versatility — See versatilely. * * * …   Universalium

  • versatility — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. flexibility, utility, adjustability; see adaptability , usefulness …   English dictionary for students

  • versatility — ver·sa·til·i·ty || ‚vÉœrsÉ™ tɪlÉ™tɪ /‚vɜː n. state of being versatile, state of having many abilities or functions …   English contemporary dictionary

  • versatility — ver·sa·til·i·ty …   English syllables

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

A big reason domains are so popular is their versatility.

Главной причиной, по которой такие домены, как.сом и.net, являются столь популярными, — их универсальность.

Tthe undisputed leader for its power and versatility.

Данный редактор являеться бесспорным лидером за свою мощь и универсальность.

The artist’s works are distinguished by genre diversity and technical versatility.

Работы художника отличают жанровое разнообразие и техническая многогранность.

An excursion to this beautiful open-air museum will certainly help you to become imbued with national culture and to appreciate its versatility.

Экскурсия по этому прекрасному музею под открытым небом позволит в полной мере проникнуться национальной культурой и оценить ее многогранность.

The Department has exploited the versatility of some non-recurrent material by utilizing and disseminating it in a number of different formats.

Департамент использовал гибкость некоторых непериодических материалов, применяя и распространяя их в ряде различных форматов.

The first consists in increasing versatility by measures to rotate key staff through different assignments with reasonable frequency.

Первая группа включает меры по повышению гибкости путем ротации ключевых сотрудников посредством назначения их на различные должности с разумной частотой.

Still, no other option can match the versatility and reliability of solar.

Тем не менее, ни один другой вариант не может сравниться с универсальностью и надежностью солнечных батарей.

Platinum’s versatility in manufacturing has quadrupled its demand since 1980.

Универсальность платины в производстве в четыре раза увеличила ее спрос с 1980 года.

I can’t think of another singer were her range and versatility.

Я не могу думать о том, что другой певец был ее диапазоном и универсальностью.

Another reason why green is becoming more popular on walls is its versatility.

Еще одна причина, почему зеленый цвет становится все более популярным на стенах, — его универсальность.

They have amazing versatility and creativity particularly in art, performance skill and fashion.

Они имеют удивительную универсальность и креативность, особенно в искусстве, отличаются мастерством исполнения и вкусом в моде.

But what makes MDF shine is its versatility.

Stylists worldwide praise Murray’s versatility and ability to create any style.

Стилисты из разных стран мира восхваляют универсальность средств Murrays и умение создавать с их помощью любой стиль.

Delivery of goods by sea is characterized by its versatility, reliability and low price.

Доставка грузов морским транспортом характерна своей универсальностью, надёжностью и невысокой ценой.

It offers versatility and stunning aesthetic qualities.

Он предлагает универсальность и потрясающие эстетические качества.

The grips described above leverage the versatility of this implement as both an offensive and a defensive weapon.

Описанные выше стили хвата показывают универсальность этого оружия, как в наступательном, так и оборонительном бою.

Stadium seating adds playfulness and versatility to office projects big and small.

Размещение на стадионах добавляет игривости и универсальности офисным проектам больших и малых размеров.

The versatility of women is the embodiment of the unity and struggle of opposites.

«Многогранность женщины — воплощение единства и борьбы противоположностей.

Due to its versatility, practicality and relevance, quilted coat can be worn at any event.

Благодаря своей универсальности, практичности и актуальности, пальто стеганое можно надеть на любое мероприятие.

The versatility of the material also allows us use it in other ways.

Универсальность материала допускает его использование разными способами.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Asked by: Prof. Daren Maggio MD

Score: 4.3/5
(59 votes)

1 : embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills also : turning with ease from one thing to another. 2 : having many uses or applications versatile building material. 3 : changing or fluctuating readily : variable a versatile disposition.

How do you use the word versatile?

Versatile sentence example

  1. Galen was one of the most versatile and accomplished writers of his age. …
  2. A summary of so versatile a genius is impossible. …
  3. People are highly versatile , great at learning new things, naturally curious, and naturally enjoy new things.

What is an example of versatile?

Having varied uses or serving many functions. The definition of versatile is having many uses. … An example of versatile is the ability of a Kitchen Aid mixer with many attachments.

What is a versatile man?

For those of you who don’t know, being versatile (vers, for short) is a slang term used to describe a gay or bi man who can be either a top or bottom during sex.

What is versatility example?

Versatility is defined as a state of having a wide variety or the ability to change. An example of versatility is when you can work in many different jobs because of your diverse career background. noun. 9. The property of being versatile or having many different abilities; flexibility.

18 related questions found

How do you explain versatility?

the state or quality of being useful for or easily adapted to various tasks, styles, fields of endeavor, etc.: The versatility of the space makes it perfect for a business lunch, an informal dinner, a cocktail with friends in the evening, or a revitalizing cup of tea.

How do you show versatility?

Activities that increase professional versatility

  1. Being opportunistic. Putting your hand up to take on new, challenging responsibilities can be a great way to develop and demonstrate your versatility. …
  2. Observing the bigger picture. …
  3. Being indispensable. …
  4. Filling skills gaps.

What is a versatile person like?

To describe a person or thing that can adapt to do many things or serve many functions, consider the adjective versatile. In E.B.

What makes a person versatile?

If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills. [approval] He had been one of the game’s most versatile athletes. Synonyms: adaptable, flexible, all-round, resourceful More Synonyms of versatile.

Is Versatile a compliment?

When you are tagged as a versatile player for your coaches, it means they trust your capability of doing many things competently. That’s what Chris Chambliss, manager of the Charlotte Knights, said about Josh Kroeger.

What is the most versatile word?

«Fuck» is the most versatile word in the English language. It could be used as a verb, an adverb, a noun, an adjective, a modifier, an intensifier or even an interjection!

How do you say someone is versatile?

Versatile synonyms

  1. many-sided. Having many sides; polygonal. …
  2. multifaceted. Having many aspects; nuanced or. …
  3. various. Several or many. …
  4. ingenious. Marked by or exhibiting originality or inventiveness: …
  5. adroit. Quick and skillful in body or mind; deft. …
  6. dexterous. …
  7. protean. …
  8. flexible.

What exactly is a cellist?

A person who plays the cello is called a cellist.

What are the benefits of being versatile?

Quite simply, versatility allows you to get the most out of your workforce. By looking beyond fixed job descriptions, you can capitalize on not just one, but all of an employee’s skills. Because working in this way maximizes your workforce’s talents, you also help boost employee motivation and satisfaction levels.

What are the four sources of versatility?

David Merrill and Roger Reid, creators of the SOCIAL STYLE ModelTM, determined that Versatility can be measured along four dimensions: Image, Presentation, Competence and Feedback. These four sources of Versatility form the basis for adjusting your behavior to increase your interpersonal effectiveness with others.

How do you explain versatility as a strength?

What is Versatility? Versatility is the ability to adapt to many different functions. When we look at versatile leaders, these leaders are able to manage several functions with balance. The opposite of a versatile leader is a imbalanced leader.

What do you call a person who is good at everything?

A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs, «having learned much»)1 is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas; such a person is known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.

What do you call someone who needs to know everything?

A pantomath is a person who wants to know or knows everything. … In theory, a pantomath is not to be confused with a polymath in its less strict sense, much less with the related but very different terms philomath and know-it-all.

What do you call someone who is good at lots of things?

adept. noun. someone who is very skilled at doing something or who knows a lot about something.

Is versatility a skill?

The good news is Versatility is a skill that can be learned and mastered. But Versatility requires effort, requiring you to modify your approach to fit others’ approaches, even when it may not be comfortable.

What are synonyms for versatility?

synonyms for versatility

  • adaptability.
  • ambidexterity.
  • skillfulness.
  • utility.
  • versatileness.

How can I increase my versatility?

11 Ways to Boost Your Versatility

  1. Astuteness. …
  2. Excellent work ethic. …
  3. Sales-focused. …
  4. Ethical. …
  5. Professional. …
  6. Clear communicator. …
  7. Personable. …
  8. Inquisitive and intent listeners.

What is the full meaning of versatility?

1 : embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills also : turning with ease from one thing to another. 2 : having many uses or applications versatile building material. 3 : changing or fluctuating readily : variable a versatile disposition.

Who is the most famous cellist?

Random greatest-cellists-list #1 (ClassicFM):

  • Luigi Boccherini.
  • Adrien-Francois Servais.
  • Pablo Casals.
  • Pierre Fournier.
  • Natalia Gutman.
  • Steven Isserlis.
  • Julian Lloyd Webber.
  • Yo-Yo Ma.

Who is the world’s best cellist?

12 Famous Cellists Throughout History

  • Mstislav Rostropovich. Mstislav Rostropovich, a Russian, is considered as the greatest cellists and conductor. …
  • Jacqueline du Pré …
  • Pablo Casals. …
  • Yo-Yo Ma. …
  • Julian Lloyd Webber. …
  • Paul Tortelier. …
  • Arthur Russell. …
  • Luigi Boccherini.

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