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The University Word List (UWL)Precursor to the AWL
The University Word List (UWL) is a list of 836 word families, created by Xue and Nation in 1984. It was one of the first widely used
lists of academic vocabulary.
The list was created initially by combining two other words lists: one by Campion and Elley (1971), developed for the vocabulary section of the
Language Achievement Test of Overseas Students, and the American University Word List compiled by Praninskas (1972). Words from the
General Service List (GSL) were excluded, and the list was expanded by using
two further lists, those of Lynn (1973) and Ghadessy (1979), to add high-frequency vocabulary items which learners had difficulty with.
The resulting list of 836 headwords had a coverage of approximately 8.5% of texts in the Learned and Scientific sections of the
Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus (LOB) corpus of written British English.
One of the main criticisms of the list is that it used four pre-existing word lists for its creation. This combination meant it
lacked consistent principles for the selection of words. In addition, the four lists were derived from small
corpora which did not contain a balanced range and variety of topics.
As a result, the UWL is no longer considered relevant, and has been replaced by the more recent
Academic Word List (AWL), which was developed by Averil Coxhead in 2000.
Like the UWL, the AWL excludes words from the GSL. However, it uses a fewer number of headwords, 570 compared to 836, with similar coverage in the
corpus used to derive the AWL (10% for AWL compared to 9.8% for UWL). A total of 435 word families from the UWL overlap with the AWL, while 401
word families do not (and conversely, 135 word families in the AWL do not appear in the UWL).
Since the list is mainly of historical interest rather than practical use, it is not included here.
Coxhead, A. (2000), ‘A New Academic Word List’, TESOL QUARTERLY, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2000C., pp.213-238.
Lessard-Clouston, M. (2013), ‘Word Lists for Vocabulary Learning and Teaching’, The CATESOL Journal, 24.1, pp.287-304.
Therova, D. (2020), ‘Review of Academic Word Lists’, The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, Volume 24, Number 1.
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A perpetual student [pə’peʧuəl]
вечный студент
An academic year
учебный год
Admission [əd’mɪʃ(ə)n]
поступление, прием (в учебное заведение)
An alumnus [ə’lʌmnəs] (sg.) – alumni [ə’lʌmnaɪ] (pl.)
бывший студент, выпускник (колледжа, университета)
Bachelor’s degree [‘bæʧələ]
степень бакалавра
Master’s degree
степень магистра
Doctorate (PhD) [‘dɔkt(ə)rət]
докторская степень
A bursary [‘bɜːsərɪ] / a grant / a scholarship [‘skɔləʃɪp]
стипендия, грант
To award / grant a scholarship
давать, присуждать стипендию
To apply for a scholarship
претендовать на стипендию
To get / receive scholarship
получить стипендию
A discipline [‘dɪsəplɪn]
An elective [ɪ’lektɪv]
факультативный курс
An exchange program
программа обмена
Faculty [‘fæk(ə)ltɪ]
профессорско-преподавательский состав
A department (реже faculty)
The humanities [hjuː’mænətɪz]
гуманитарные науки
Exact sciences [ɪg’zækt] [‘saɪəns]
точные науки
A full-time student
студент очного отделения
A part-time student
студент заочного отделения
Distant education / education by correspondence
заочное отделение
An evening department
вечерний факультет
Grade Point Average (GPA)
средний балл
Interdisciplinary [ˌɪntəˌdɪsɪplɪ’n(ə)rɪ]
A major in smth
профилирующая дисциплина; дисциплина, выбранная в качестве специализации
To major in smth
специализироваться по какому-л. предмету
Plagiarism [‘pleɪʤ(ə)rɪzm]
A seminar
A lecture [‘lekʧə]
A syllabus [‘sɪləbəs]
программа, учебный план
A course [kɔːs]
курс, программа
An exam [ɪg’zæm]
To take an exam
сдавать экзамен
To pass an exam
сдать экзамен
To fail an exam
завалить экзамен
An undergraduate [ˌʌndə’grædjuət] / a student
Postgraduate studies [ˌpəust’grædjuət]
A postgraduate student
A dorm = a dormitory [‘dɔːmɪtərɪ]
студенческое общежитие
Tuition [tju’ɪʃn]
плата за обучение
To enroll in a course [ɪn’rəul]
записаться на курс
To enter a university
поступить в университет
To graduate from a university
окончить университет
To graduate with honors / cum laude
окончить с красным дипломом
A graduation paper
дипломная работа
A thesis [‘θiːsɪs]
To defend a thesis
защищать диссертацию
Данная статья содержит словарь терминов на тему образования, процесса поступления в университет, обучения за границей.
Включены слова, выражения и аббревиатуры, связанные с программами бизнес-администрирования, образовательных кредитных систем, идиомы на тему учебы.
Данную статью я написала как подборку для своих студентов, которые готовятся к международным экзаменам, в особенности TOEFL, а также, для всех тех, кто интересуется процессом поступление в зарубежные вузы, имеет желание хорошо ориентироваться на сайтах университетов и организаций, помогающих в поступлении за границу, предоставления кредитов и грантов на обучение.
В данном случае, довольно важно понимать значение используемых выражений и слов, тематической лексики.
Содержание статьи
1. Университетская лексика.
2. Идиомы на тему учебы.
3. Термины, связанные с программами бизнес-администрирования, и образовательных кредитных систем.
1. Университетская лексика
academic background — пройденные образовательные программы, полученные дипломы, сертификаты, степени
alumni — выпускник
application fee waiver — запрос, чтоб не платить аппликационный сбор
application fee — регистрационный взнос
application form — форма заявки
application deadlines — сроки подачи заявок
applicants – кандидаты
admissions requirements — вступительные требования
admissions process — отбор студентов, процесс поступления
admissions committee — приемная комиссия
admission — вход
attendance – посещаемость
accommodation – размещение
Arts – гуманитарные науки
Bachelor of Arts, BA — бакалавр гуманитарных наук
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences — факультет гуманитарных и общественных наук
adult illiteracy — неграмотность взрослых
academic advisor – научный руководитель
annual tuition fee — годовая плата за обучение
(to) audit a class — проверка класса
(to) attend classes — посещать занятия
(to) apply for – подать заявку на
she bombed her history exam — она завалила экзамен по истории
a Bachelor’s Degree — степень бакалавра
boarding school — школа-интернат
bookworm — книжный червь
(to) buckle down — стать серьёзным, приложить усилия, сосредоточиться
(to) bite more than you can chew — взять слишком много на себя
core subjects — Основные, профилирующие предметы
curriculum — курс обучения, учебный план
campus – территория университета
cloakroom – раздевалка
changing room – раздевалка
case-study — тематическое исследование
core courses — основные курсы
class – уроки, занятия; курс обучения (курс какой-либо дисциплины); выпуск студентов или учащихся какого-либо года (например, the class of ‘2018)
continuous assessment — система непрерывной оценки
credits — переводные зачетные единицы
cafeteria — столовая
career-based (vocational) course — курсы, программы профессиональной подготовки
Chancellor — номинальный президент университета
Vice-Chancellor — ректор
Pro-Vice-Chancellor – проректор
residential and online courses — заочные и онлайновые курсы
(to) commute — добираться до места учебы или работы
(to) cut class — пропускать уроки
(to) commute — ездить на работу и обратно
(to) catch up with her — догнать ее
(to) get caught up — увязнуть, влипнуть
(to) cram for a test — натаскаться к экзамену, зубрить
(to) cram for my biology — сильно готовиться к биологии
(to) cover most of my costs – покрыть большую часть моих расходов
degree — диплом (как документ) или степень — Bachelor, Master, PhD
diploma thesis — дипломная работа
high school diploma — диплом средней школы
diploma — аттестат
dual diploma — двойной диплом
double degree — Joint degree, Combined Degree — «двойная степень», комбинированная программа обучения с присуждением двух степеней в смежных направлениях
department — отдел, факультет
deadlines for next semester — сроки на следующий семестр
distance education (distance learning) — дистанционное обучение
dormitory – общежитие
daycare – ясли
dean — декан
dean’s office — деканат
I want to degree in wildlife science. — Я хочу получить степень в области науки о дикой природе.
(to) drop a course — бросить курс
exam / examination — экзамен
evaluation — определение качества
elective subjects — предметы по выбору
Electives – факультативы, дисциплины по выбору или факультативные курсы на выбор самого студента помимо обязательных предметов
the entire year of study – полный год обучения
elementary school – начальная школа
enrollment – регистрация, процесс зачисления студента в учебное заведение
entrance requirements — входные требования
(to) enforce the rule — соблюдение правил
(to) enroll in — поступить в, записываться
(to) enroll in night school — enroll in night school
(to) enroll for a course — записаться на курс
(to) enter a university — поступить в университет
faculty — профессорско-преподавательский состав
fellowship — стипендия, предоставляемая для проведения научно-исследовательской работы
financial aid — финансовая помощь
full financial aid — полная материальная помощь
full-time students — студенты дневного отделения
she is a freshman — она первокурсница
face-to-face classes — очные занятия
(to) fail an exam — провалить экзамен
(to) fall behind — отставать
(to) fresh up — освежать, подучить
(to) fill out an application — заполнить бланк заявления
I flunked the test — я завалила тест
(to) flunk out of school — исключать из школы
GPA (Grade Point Average) — средняя оценка успеваемости студента, выведенная на основе всех полученных за определенный период времени оценок
ISA (International Student Adviser) — штатный консультант по работе с иностранными студентами
Graduation — окончание учебного заведения
graduation requirements — требования к выпускникам, требования для получения степени
graduation ceremony — выпускной вечер
grant — одноразовая выплата для проведения научно-исследовательской работы
she graduates from — она оканчивает
giving permission — дает разрешение
you didn’t goof off — ты не валял дурака
give feedback — дать обратную связь
grade – класс, оценка, степень, ранг
student’s goal – цель студента
go overseas — поехать за границу
grad student – аспирант
(to) get through — пройти
(to) get down to math — приступить к математике
higher education — высшее образование
head teacher – директор школы
hangouts — тусовки
(to) hand in a paper — сдавать эссе
(to) hand in your homework — сдавать домашнюю работу
(to) hit the books — усиленно заниматься, с усердием взяться за учёбу
(to) hand out assignment — раздайте задание
home tuition («преподавание в доме») — особая схема индивидуального обучения, когда ученик живет в доме своего преподавателя, что увеличивает время непосредственного общения на английском языке
to issue — выдавать
It’s against her policy — это против ее политики правил
I am a junior — я на предпоследнем курсе
an intensive course — интенсивный курс
individual tuition (private tuition) — индивидуальное обучение
internship — производственная практика, интернатура
Interdisciplinary research — междисциплинарные исследования
teacher’s pet — Любимец учителя
three R’s – чтение, письмо, арифметика
the institutions are accredited — учреждения аккредитованы
instructor – преподаватель руководитель
she killed her test — она отлично справилась с тестом
she was kicked out — ее выгнали
kindergarten – детский сад
(to) swot up — долбить, зазубривать, зубрить
(to) keep up with him — не отставать от него
letter of recommendation — рекомендательное письмо
lecture hall – лекционный зал
lecturer – лектор, доцент
living expenses — расходы на проживание
locker – шкафчик, ящик
a Masters Degree — степень магистра
midterm exam — промежуточный экзамен
master’s student — студент магистратуры, магистр
motivation letter — мотивационное письмо
I have to choose a major — я должен выбрать профилирующую дисциплину
she majors in — она специализируется на
a mature student — зрелый студент
meeting deadlines — успевать к срокам
minor – непрофилирующий предмет
by regular mail – обычной почтой
(to) master — овладеть
(to) miss classes — пропускать занятия по какой-то причине
(to) mug up — зазубривать, усердно заниматься
need blind — университеты, которые берут на учёбу независимо от суммы финансирования
need aware — университеты, которые в основном берут студентов без финансирования
merit-based financial aid — финансирование лучших студентов
need-based financial aid — финансирование основанное на нужде студента
non-refundable — невозвращаемый
official transcripts — официальный транскриптор
obtain degrees online – получить образование онлайн
a pop quiz — внезапный экзамен
personal statement — заявление в личном порядке; личное заявление образ. небольшое эссе с кратким описанием цели поступления в университет
prerequisite — предварительное условие
primary education — начальное образование
a procrastinator — человек, который откладывает что-либо, медлит
I passed my test by the skin of my teeth — я едва сдал мой тест
I passed with flying colors — я получил хорошую оценку
post doc — окончивший аспирантуру и защитивший диссертацию
prof — профессорs
PhD students — аспиранты
research proposal — план исследования
(to) play truant – прогуливать
public schools — общеобразовательные школы
(to) pursue studying — продолжать обучение
(to) process the application – обработать заявку
(to) plagiarize — заниматься плагиатом
(to) process the application — обработать заявление
(to) pull an all-nighter — работать всю ночь
(to) put math off — откладывать математику
(to) procrastinate — медлить, откладывать
(to) pass an exam — сдавать экзамен (успешно)
room and board — проживание и питание (полн. пансион)
RA — научный сотрудник, research assistant
rolling deadline — cрок подачи документов на обучение, при котором заявление можно подавать в любое время года
residence – проживание, местожительство
rating, ranking — рейтинг
to be ranked in the Top 5 universities — попасть в число 5 лучших университетов
to be rated 3rd among the USA universities rating — занять 3-е место среди университетов США
(to) revise – просматривать, перечитывать, пересматривать
(to) repay a student loan — погасить студенческий заем
a sponsorship — спонсорство
syllabus — программа, конспект
scholarship — стипендия
sealed envelope — запечатанный конверт
secondary education — среднее образование
he is a sophomore — он второкурсник
school year — школьный год
state school — государственная школа
a single-sex school — однополая школа
subject specialist — предметный специалист
a senior — студент последнего курса
It was not on the syllabus — он не был в программе
(to) sign up for — зарегистрироваться, подписаться на
(to) sit an exam – сдавать экзамен
(to) support yourself through school – поддержать себя во время учебы
(to) sign up for the meal plan — подписаться на план питания
(to) sail through — успешно пройти (тест, экзамен)
(to) scrape through — с трудом сдать экзамен
(to) send in addition — отправить в дополнение
(to) skip class — прогуливать уроки
TA ( teaching assistant) — помощник преподавателя, ассистент преподавателя
tuition expenses — расходы на обучение
tuition fees — плата за обучение
tutorial — семинар (в классах для взрослых); период обучения в колледже; встреча с руководителем; практические занятия с руководителем; информационно-обучающее пособие
transcripts — выписка из зачётно-экзаменационной ведомости (содержит информацию о прослушанных курсах, сданных экзаменах и зачётах и полученных оценках), приложение к диплому
transcript of records — приложение к диплому — стандартизированная форма, включающая перечень прослушанных курсов с указанием длительности курса и полученных отметок
take a year out — взять год
term – семестр
half term – пол семестра
(to) transfer to – перевестись в
(to) take an exam — сдавать экзамен, сдавать экзамен, выдерживать экзамен, сдать экзамен, результат неизвестен
(to) take down it — записывать это
vocational course — курс профессиональной подготовки
the US embassy — посольство США
the university kicks out — университет исключает
the university expels — университет исключает
university degree — высшее образование
university graduate — выпускник университета
wait-list – лист ожидания, означающий, что вы не зачислены, но ваша кандидатура не отклонена
(to) withdraw from the course — бросить учебу в университете ( или курс)
(to) work your way through school – трудиться, чтобы закончить учебы (оплачивать учебу)
2. Идиомы на тему учебы
Education Idioms
It was a piece of a cake. — Это было легко как дважды два.
I learnt a whole speech parrot fashion. — Я зазубрил всю речь.
I passed the exam by the skin of my teeth. — Я едва сдал экзамен.
She burnt the midnight oil for several days. — Она училась (изучала что-то) ночью несколько дней.
Eager beaver – энтузиаст, работяга
(to) hit the books – ударить по книгам (интенсивно учиться)
(to) make us learn by heart — заставить нас выучить наизусть
3. Термины, связанные с программами бизнес-администрирования
и образовательных кредитных систем
AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) — Международное главное объединение школ бизнеса в Америке
AMBA (Association of MBA’s) — Ассоциация выпускников программ МВА
EFMD /EQUIS (European Foundation for Management Development /European Quality Improvement System) — авторитетная система аккредитации бизнес-школ
ECTS (The European Credit Transfer System) — Европейская система перевода кредитов
EPAS (Educational Planning and Assessment System) — Европейская система аккредитации программ высшего образования
Master thesis — Магистерская диссертация, которая защищается по окончании программы МВА
MBI (Master of Business Information) — магистр в сфере IT
MPA (Master of Public Administration) – магистр государственного управления
MPP (Master of Public Policy) — магистр государственной политики
USCS (US Credit System) — Система кредитов США
Читать статьи для сдачи TOEFL по ССЫЛКЕ
- 1 Introduction
- 2 List
- 2.1 Sublist 1
- 2.2 Sublist 2
- 2.3 Sublist 3
- 2.4 Sublist 4
- 2.5 Sublist 5
- 2.6 Sublist 6
- 2.7 Sublist 7
- 2.8 Sublist 8
- 2.9 Sublist 9
- 2.10 Sublist 10
- 3 Other websites
The Academic Word List (AWL) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts. The list does not include words that are in the most frequent 2000 words of English (the General Service List), thus making it specific to academic contexts. The AWL was primarily made so that it could be used by teachers as part of a programme preparing learners for tertiary level study or used by students working alone to learn the words most needed to study at colleges and universities.
The 570 words are divided into 10 sublists. The sublists are ordered such that the words in the first sublist are the most frequent words and those in the last sublist are the least frequent.
Sublist 1
sector •
available •
financial •
process •
individual •
specific •
principle •
estimate •
variables •
method •
data •
research •
contract •
environment •
export •
source •
assessment •
policy •
identified •
create •
derived •
factors •
procedure •
definition •
assume •
theory •
benefit •
evidence •
established •
authority •
major •
issues •
labour •
occur •
economic •
involved •
percent •
interpretation •
consistent •
income •
structure •
legal •
concept •
formula •
section •
required •
constitutional •
analysis •
distribution •
function •
area •
approach •
role •
legislation •
indicate •
response •
period •
context •
significant •
similar •
Sublist 2
community •
resident •
range •
construction •
strategies •
elements •
previous •
conclusion •
security •
aspects •
acquisition •
features •
text •
commission •
regulations •
computer •
items •
consumer •
achieve •
final •
positive •
evaluation •
assistance •
normal •
relevant •
distinction •
region •
traditional •
impact •
consequences •
chapter •
equation •
appropriate •
resources •
participation •
survey •
potential •
cultural •
transfer •
select •
credit •
affect •
categories •
perceived •
sought •
focus •
purchase •
injury •
site •
journal •
primary •
complex •
institute •
investment •
administration •
maintenance •
design •
obtained •
restricted •
conduct •
Sublist 3
comments •
convention •
published •
framework •
implies •
negative •
dominant •
illustrated •
outcomes •
constant •
shift •
deduction •
ensure •
specified •
justification •
funds •
reliance •
physical •
partnership •
location •
link •
coordination •
alternative •
initial •
validity •
task •
techniques •
excluded •
consent •
proportion •
demonstrate •
reaction •
criteria •
minorities •
technology •
philosophy •
removed •
sex •
compensation •
sequence •
corresponding •
maximum •
circumstances •
instance •
considerable •
sufficient •
corporate •
interaction •
contribution •
immigration •
component •
constraints •
technical •
emphasis •
scheme •
layer •
volume •
document •
registered •
core •
Sublist 4
overall •
emerged •
regime •
implementation •
project •
hence •
occupational •
internal •
goals •
retained •
sum •
integration •
mechanism •
parallel •
imposed •
despite •
job •
parameters •
approximate •
label •
concentration •
principal •
series •
predicted •
summary •
attitudes •
undertaken •
cycle •
communication •
ethnic •
hypothesis •
professional •
status •
conference •
attributed •
annual •
obvious •
error •
implications •
apparent •
commitment •
subsequent •
debate •
dimensions •
promote •
statistics •
option •
domestic •
output •
access •
code •
investigation •
phase •
prior •
granted •
stress •
civil •
contrast •
resolution •
adequate •
Sublist 5
alter •
stability •
energy •
aware •
licence •
enforcement •
draft •
styles •
precise •
medical •
pursue •
symbolic •
marginal •
capacity •
generation •
exposure •
decline •
academic •
modified •
external •
psychology •
fundamental •
adjustment •
ratio •
whereas •
enable •
version •
perspective •
contact •
network •
facilitate •
welfare •
transition •
amendment •
logic •
rejected •
expansion •
clause •
prime •
target •
objective •
sustainable •
equivalent •
liberal •
notion •
substitution •
generated •
trend •
revenue •
compounds •
evolution •
conflict •
image •
discretion •
entities •
orientation •
consultation •
mental •
monitoring •
challenge •
Sublist 6
intelligence •
transformation •
presumption •
acknowledged •
utility •
furthermore •
accurate •
diversity •
attached •
recovery •
assigned •
tapes •
motivation •
bond •
edition •
nevertheless •
transport •
cited •
fees •
scope •
enhanced •
incorporated •
instructions •
subsidiary •
input •
abstract •
ministry •
capable •
expert •
preceding •
display •
incentive •
inhibition •
trace •
ignored •
incidence •
estate •
cooperative •
revealed •
index •
lecture •
discrimination •
overseas •
explicit •
aggregate •
gender •
underlying •
brief •
domain •
rational •
minimum •
interval •
neutral •
migration •
flexibility •
federal •
author •
initiatives •
allocation •
exceed •
Sublist 7
intervention •
confirmed •
definite •
classical •
chemical •
voluntary •
release •
visible •
finite •
publication •
channel •
file •
thesis •
equipment •
disposal •
solely •
deny •
identical •
submitted •
grade •
phenomenon •
paradigm •
ultimately •
extract •
survive •
converted •
transmission •
global •
inferred •
guarantee •
advocate •
dynamic •
simulation •
topic •
insert •
reverse •
decades •
comprise •
hierarchical •
unique •
comprehensive •
couple •
mode •
differentiation •
eliminate •
priority •
empirical •
ideology •
somewhat •
aid •
foundation •
adults •
adaptation •
quotation •
contrary •
media •
successive •
innovation •
prohibited •
isolated •
Sublist 8
highlighted •
eventually •
inspection •
termination •
displacement •
arbitrary •
reinforced •
denote •
offset •
exploitation •
detected •
abandon •
random •
revision •
virtually •
uniform •
predominantly •
thereby •
implicit •
tension •
ambiguous •
vehicle •
clarity •
conformity •
contemporary •
automatically •
accumulation •
appendix •
widespread •
infrastructure •
deviation •
fluctuations •
restore •
guidelines •
commodity •
minimises •
practitioners •
radical •
plus •
visual •
chart •
appreciation •
prospect •
dramatic •
contradiction •
currency •
inevitably •
complement •
accompany •
paragraph •
induced •
schedule •
intensity •
crucial •
via •
exhibit •
bias •
manipulation •
theme •
nuclear •
Sublist 9
bulk •
behalf •
unified •
commenced •
erosion •
anticipated •
minimal •
ceases •
vision •
mutual •
norms •
intermediate •
manual •
supplementary •
incompatible •
concurrent •
ethical •
preliminary •
integral •
conversely •
relaxed •
confined •
accommodation •
temporary •
distorted •
passive •
subordinate •
analogous •
military •
scenario •
revolution •
diminished •
coherence •
suspended •
mature •
assurance •
rigid •
controversy •
sphere •
mediation •
format •
trigger •
qualitative •
portion •
medium •
coincide •
violation •
device •
insights •
refine •
devoted •
team •
overlap •
attained •
restraints •
inherent •
route •
protocol •
founded •
duration •
Sublist 10
whereby •
inclination •
encountered •
convinced •
assembly •
albeit •
enormous •
reluctant •
posed •
persistent •
undergo •
notwithstanding •
straightforward •
panel •
odd •
intrinsic •
compiled •
adjacent •
integrity •
forthcoming •
conceived •
ongoing •
so-called •
likewise •
nonetheless •
levy •
invoked •
colleagues •
depression •
collapse •
Other websites
For more information about the AWL, please see Massey University — New Zealand’s defining university
For more practice with the words from the AWL, please see
- The University of Nottingham
- Using English for Academic Purposes
- Compleat Lexical Tutor
- AWL Exercises Homepage, featuring 170 exercises to learn and review AWL vocabulary in context
academia (noun): all the people and places that make up the world of higher education and academic research – The first step towards a life in academia is getting a post-graduate degree.
academic (adjective): relating to education, especially higher education – Your CV should include your skills, work experience and academic qualifications.
academic (noun): a person whose job is to teach or do research at a college or university – I loved studying so much that I became an academic.
alumni (plural noun, mostly US): graduates of a particular school, college or university – Hundreds of Oxford alumni signed a letter opposing their country’s invasion of Iraq.
assignment (noun): a piece of work done as part of a course of study – Our latest assignment is a 3,000 word essay that’s due next Friday.
AA (or Associate of Arts) (noun): in some countries a first degree in arts subjects such as languages – Matt will use his Associate of Arts to qualify for a BA course in English literature.
AS (or Associate of Science) (noun): in some countries a first degree in scientific subjects such as chemistry – Some AS degrees like business are somewhat less focused specifically on science.
BA (or Bachelor of Arts) (noun): a first university degree in arts or humanities subjects like a language or history – Joe has a BA in English literature.
BSc (or Bachelor of Science) (noun): a first university degree in scientific subjects like chemistry or biology – To teach biology, the minimum requirement is a BSc in biology.
bachelor’s degree (noun): the first degree a student completes at a university – Is your bachelor’s degree a BA or a Bachelor of Science?
bursar (noun): a person who manages the financial affairs of a school or college – If you need extra time to pay your fees, contact the bursar.
bursary (noun): a grant that pays a person’s university or college fees – If you can’t afford to pay for college, apply for a bursary.
campus (noun): all the land and buildings that a university or college occupies – All our new students are given a tour of the university’s campus.
college (UK noun): a training institute for school-leavers that awards vocational or technical diplomas – I wanted to be a mechanic so I went to a technical college.
college (US noun): a university – Maria went to college and got a BA.
course (noun): a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject – I’m doing a part-time course in interior design.
credit (noun): a completed unit of study that counts towards a degree, diploma or other qualification – Each of these courses counts as one credit towards a degree.
curriculum (noun): the subjects taught in a course, or all the subjects offered in a school, college, etc. – Our school’s curriculum includes a wide range of subjects, including foreign languages.
dean (noun): the person in charge of a university department – She’s dean of the faculty of science at Tokyo University.
defer (verb): to postpone something like a course of study until a later time – Can you defer university and travel for a year instead?
degree (noun): the qualification awarded after completing a university course – I started university but I left before getting a degree.
department (noun): a section of a large organization such as a government, university, corporation, etc – Kim is a lecturer in the sociology department at Trinity College.
dining hall (noun): a large room in a university, school, hospital, etc in which meals are served – What’s the food like in the college’s dining hall?
diploma (UK noun): a vocational course in an institute of higher education – My boyfriend is doing a diploma in nursing.
dissertation (noun): a long piece of writing on a particular subject that’s done as part of a university degree – I’m writing a 25,000 word dissertation on the impact of social media on mental health.
doctoral degree or doctorate (noun): the highest degree a university can offer – My wife can’t draw or paint to save her life but she has a doctorate in art history.
dormitory (noun): a room full of beds in which many people can sleep – One guy in the dormitory snores so loudly that people are complaining. (also dorm, an informal abbreviation)
DPhil — see PhD
elective (noun): a subject that you choose to take when doing a course of study – Everyone does the compulsory core units as well as three electives of their choice.
emeritus (often capitalized: Emeritus) (adjective): a word added to the title of someone such as a professor after they stop working – Now that he’s retired, Jim’s title is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Toronto University.
enrol (US spelling enroll) (verb): to be accepted into a school or university – Every year thousands of students try to enrol, but we only have places for a few of them.
entry requirements (noun): qualifications or grades needed to enrol in a course of study – What are the entry requirements for studying law at Cambridge?
faculty (noun): a department or group of departments in a college or university – I teach Russian literature in the Faculty of Arts at Melbourne University.
fellow (UK noun): a senior member of a university or college faculty, or a member of an academic or professional organization – Judith is a fellow in the Faculty of Medicine and a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
fraternity (informal frat) (US noun): a club for male students at an American college or university – The guys in my fraternity drink way too much alcohol. (Note: a similar club for female students is a sorority)
freshman (US noun): a first-year student at a college or university – I made lots of friends when I was a freshman at university.
fresher (UK noun): a student who has just started his or her first year at a university – Even as a fresher her grasp of theoretical physics amazed her professors.
gap year (UK noun): a year that some young people take off from study in order to travel or work, often between secondary school and university – After spending my gap year exploring Europe, I was ready to start university.
graduate (noun): a person who has a university degree – College graduates have a much better chance of getting well-paying jobs.
graduate (verb): to complete a course of study at a university or college, or (US English only) to finish secondary school – I graduated from Harvard University in 1996.
grant (noun): money given by a government or other organization to help someone pay for something like a degree or a research project – Why don’t you apply for one of those grants for students who can’t afford college fees?
hall of residence (UK noun) : a building in or near a campus in which students can live while studying – How much is a room in one of the halls of residence? (also dormitory or dorm, mostly US)
higher education (noun): education after secondary school, especially at university or college – We need more universities and other institutes of higher education.
honours (noun): a university degree or course at a higher level than usual – Andrew is getting an honours degree in modern history.
instructor (US noun): a teacher below the rank of assistant professor at a North American university – David’s an economics instructor at Yale, but soon he’ll be an assistant professor.
Ivy League (US adjective): connected with a group of eight elite universities in north-eastern USA – Getting into an Ivy League college like Columbia, Cornell, Harvard or Yale isn’t easy.
junior college (US noun): a US college that offers two-year programmes in vocational subjects or programmes to prepare for study at university – After completing junior college I got a BA at university.
lecture (noun): a talk given in order to teach a particular subject, especially at a university or college – Did you understand that lecture on quantum computing?
lecturer (noun): someone who gives a lecture – Great lecturers can make any subject sound fascinating.
MA (or Master of Arts) (noun): an advanced degree from a university in a humanities subject like a language or history– Anna has a Music Education MA from University College London.
major (noun): the main subject a student studies at college or university – I got a bachelor’s degree with a major in anthropology.
major in (phrasal verb): to study something as the main subject of a college or university course – What did you major in at college?
master (UK noun): male head or senior member of a college in a UK collegiate university – My grandfather was a master in one of those colleges at Oxford University.
MSc (or Master of Science) (noun): an advanced degree from a university in a science subject like chemistry or biology – To do technical research, you’ll need an MSc degree.
master’s degree (noun): a more advanced second degree you can get by studying for one or two years after getting a first degree – Harry’s gone back to university to do a master’s degree. (also master’s)
matriculate (verb, formal): to be officially accepted as a student at a university – I matriculated in 2006 and graduated in 2010.
matriculation (noun, formal): the act of being officially accepted as a student at a university – To enter university you have to satisfy requirements such as passing a matriculation examination.
mentor (noun): an experienced person who helps someone less experienced – Ever since I decided to study jazz, Miles has been my mentor.
minor (noun): a subject that’s studied for a shorter time than a main subject or a major – My music major took three years to complete, but my minor in French only took two.
Oxbridge (noun): the two most elite UK Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, when considered together – An Oxbridge education was essential for success in British business or politics.
personal statement (noun): a written account of your achievements and interests that’s used when applying for a job or a place at university – In your personal statement you should explain why you’d like to do the course.
PhD (or Doctor of Philosophy) (noun): the most advanced degree a university can offer – Most professors have a PhD. (also DPhil, but only at UK’s Oxford University)
postgraduate (adjective): relating to study done after you’ve graduated with a first or bachelor’s degree – I’m going back to university to do a postgraduate course.
postgraduate degree (noun): any university degree more advanced than a first or bachelor’s degree – I’m going back to university to get a postgraduate degree.
president (also President) (US noun): the person in charge of a university or college – Who’s the President of Harvard University these days?
principal (UK noun): the head of a college or university
– Who’s the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews in Scotland?
principal (US noun): the head of an elementary or secondary school
– Can you remember who your high school principal was?
proctor (noun): a person who watches students who are taking an exam to ensure they have whatever they need, follow the rules, etc. – One of the proctors said she saw me cheat, but I didn’t! (also invigilator, mostly UK)
professor (noun): a high-ranking lecturer at a college or university – I know he’s a famous professor, but his lectures put me to sleep.
provost (also Provost) (UK noun): the person in charge of a college at a UK university – I earned more as a provost, but doing research was much more interesting.
provost (US noun): a senior official who manages the affairs of a college or university – James is good at all that administrative stuff that provosts do.
rector (UK noun): the head of a university, college or school – I’m going to complain to the rector about this.
registrar (noun): a senior officer who manages the affairs and records of a college or university – The new registrar is putting all our official records online.
research graduate (noun): a university graduate who does research in his or her field of study– I’m going to apply for the position of research graduate.
sandwich degree (also sandwich course) (noun): an academic degree that combines study with work to give students practical experience – Lots of employers prefer applicants with sandwich degrees these days.
scholarship (noun): money given by a school, university, or other organization to help a talented student pay for a course – Kelly was offered several scholarships after getting such high grades.
semester (noun, mostly US): one of two periods of several months that a school or college year is divided into – When does the spring semester start?
send down (UK phrasal verb): to tell someone to leave a college or university due to bad behaviour – Students can still be sent down for smoking marijuana. How ridiculous!
sophomore (US noun): a second-year student in a US college or high school – You have to be a freshman or a sophomore to get into this team.
sorority (US noun): a club for female students at an American college or university – African-American girls couldn’t join sororities back then. (Note: a similar club for male students is a fraternity)
students’ union (also student union) (noun): an organization at a university or college that provides students with services, meeting places, sports facilities, etc – Joining the students’ union isn’t free, but it’s definitely worth it.
syllabus (noun): a list of subjects taught in a course of study – Most of the subjects on the history syllabus were about royal families and the wars they caused.
term (noun): one of the periods into which the academic year is divided – Have you rented a room for next term yet?
term paper (US noun): a long essay on a particular subject that’s done as part of an academic course – Do you choose your term paper’s topic yourself?
tertiary education (noun): education after secondary school, esp. at a college or university – Tertiary education used to be free in Australia, and tertiary students even got a government allowance.
tuition (noun): money paid to study at a college, university or private school – Your uncle will pay half your tuition if you go to university. (also tuition fee)
tutor (UK noun): a teacher in a college or university – My tutor said my essays are getting much better.
tutorial (noun): a lesson in which a small group of students discuss a subject with a tutor – Our tutorials on modern art are really interesting.
undergraduate (noun): a student who is studying for their first university degree – Hundreds of undergraduates are protesting against these higher tuition fees.
undergraduate degree (US noun): a degree you can get after high school, such as an associate or bachelor’s degree – After getting an undergraduate degree you can go to graduate school.
unit (noun): one of the parts or sections that make up a course of study – To get a credit for the course, you have to complete all the units.
university (noun): an institute of higher education that awards degrees and does research – After graduating from high school, Jason went to university and got a degree.
varsity (US adjective): related to the main team at a school, college or university, esp. in North America – Christine was thrilled when she got into the varsity basketball team.
warden (also Warden) (UK noun): the head of a college – The Warden of New College at Oxford from 1379 to 1389 was Nicholas Wykeham.