The students were looking a word in the dictionary

  • 1

    Do you often _____________ your granny?





  • 2

    What are they doing now in the garden? I think they _____________ the plants.

    is watering

    are watering



  • 3

    Laura is busy at the moment. She _____________ her students’ homework.


    are checking

    is checking



  • 4

    Maria Sharapova, a famous tennis player, _____________ the first Russian woman athlete who won Wimbledon.


    was become

    has became


    will become

  • 5

    He always _____________ to congratulate me on my birthday.

    is forgetting





  • 6

    Did you _____________ it?



    was doing



  • 7

    She _____________ her room when the doorbell rang.


    is decorating

    was decorating

    will decorate


  • 8

    You have done it. _____________ you?





  • 9

    Our team _____________ four matches in the tournament so far.

    has won


    has been won

    will have won


  • 10

    Aleck _____________ for a job since 2010. He is really disappointed now.

    was looking

    have been looking


    has been looking


  • 11

    Two of my students _____________ with each other when I entered into the classroom.

    are fight

    were fighting


    is fighting


  • 12

    It _____________ for three days. So many flights have been cancelled.

    have snowed

    is snowing

    has been snowing


    will snow

  • 13

    The train _____________ when my friends arrived at the railway station.


    has left


    had left

    will have left

  • 14

    The phone bell _____________ for five minutes when the operator picked up the phone.

    had been ringing

    had rung

    is ringing

    will have rung


  • 15

    The police _____________ to arrest the notorious criminal Jack for years when he was killed in a car accident.


    was trying

    had been trying

    will be trying


  • 16

    After my graduation I _____________ admission in a medical university next year.


    will have take

    will take

    was taking

    am take

  • 17

    Before her 10th birthday, she _____________ in three national swimming tournaments.


    has participated

    had participated


  • 18

    I _____________ for your call tomorrow. Please don’t forget.

    will wait


    was waiting

    will have been waiting

  • 19

    Sorry dear, I can’t come to your wedding because I _____________ examination at that time.


    will take


    will be taking

    will taking

  • 20

    Josephine _____________ in the spring festival tomorrow in the evening.

    was singing

    will be singing

    will have sang


  • 21

    Scientists believe that by the end of the 21st century, human beings _____________ another planet to live on.

    will find

    will be finding


    are finding

    will have found

  • 22

    Los Angles isn’t very far from here. I hope we _____________ it by evening.

    are reaching

    shall be reached

    will have reached



  • 23

    _____________ for three decades for the company by the end of this year?

    Will have you working

    Will you work

    Will has you been working

    Will you be working

    Will you have been working

  • 24

    _____________ was your boss angry at the meeting?

  • 25

    _____________ did they arrive? They arrived about an hour ago.

  • 26

    Look straight and don’t drive _____________.






  • 27

    Please place the vase _____________ of the room.



    in the corner



  • 28

    The journalist _____________ for an hour by the time the prime minister arrives.

    will has been waiting

    will wait

    will be waited


    will have been waiting

  • 29

    Mike met with a _____________ girl in Egypt this summer.

    Belarusian, young, beautiful

    young, Belarusian, beautiful

    beautiful, Belarusian, young

    beautiful, young, Belarusian

  • 30

    I like “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” _____________ Stephan R. Covey. It’s a fantastic book.






  • 31

    I work _____________ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays.

  • 32

    Many people believe in the myth that the bats _____________ see. But it’s not true.




    have to


  • 33

    _____________ I help you? No thanks, I’m fine.




    Ought to


  • 34

    You are _____________ guy I’ve ever met.


    the most funny

    the most funniest

    the funniest


  • 35

    If I _____________ you, I would not drive the car so fast.



    shall be



  • 36

    _____________ the door be closed.

  • 37

    English _____________ by my daughter in this school last year.

    was learned

    is learn

    is learned

    is being learn


  • 38

    Julia said to me, “I am tired”. _____________

    Julia said to me that she is tired.

    Julia told me that she was tired.

    Julia told me that she were tired.

    Julia said me that I was tired.

    Julia told me that I was tired.

  • 39

    Julia said to me, “Do you like Korean food?” _____________

    Julia asked me that do I liked Korean food.

    Julia said to me if I like Korean food.

    Julia asked me that If I liked Korean food.

    ulia said to me if I do like Korean food.

    Julia asked me if I liked Korean food.

  • 40

    If she _____________ the Moon Restaurant earlier, she wouldn’t have recommended it to you.



    will have visited

    was visiting

    had visited

  • 41

    The young boy _____________ house was burnt is weeping.






  • 42

    These are my class fellows. _____________ names are Peter, Johnson and Michael.

  • 43

    Please come to me and show me _____________ homework.

  • 44

    Robin is _____________ honest officer.

  • 45

    My friend Dmitri is the person _____________ helped me during the hard times of my life.






  • 46

    _____________ Ganges, a holy river in India, is treated like a human being.

  • 47

    My daughter likes ice skating, _____________ my son is fond of football.


    as well as

    such as



  • 48

    I couldn’t attend her call _____________ I was very busy.


    because of


    as long as


  • 49

    Please don’t drive _____________ talking on phone.



    as soon as



  • 50

    Please fill _____________ this registration form to get a membership of our swimming pool.

  • 51

    She likes reading books _____________ it takes too much time to read a book.





    as well

  • 52

    The students were looking _____________ a word in the dictionary.

  • 53

    _____________ is injurious to health. We must avoid it.

    To smoke




  • 54

    She prepared the assignment _____________.






  • 55

    My aunt remembered _____________ me on my birthday.



    to wish


  • 56

    A _____________ costs nothing, but can make another person happy.






  • 57

    My grandfather has a lot of _____________ on his farm.






  • 58

    It’s very dangerous to go out alone at night so you must take care of _____________.





  • Control of Writing (7th form)

    I variant
    Complete the sentences with up, after, for, forward to.1. I looked _____ her.

    2. Who will look_____your little brother.

    3. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it_____in a good dictionary.

    4. Every year the children look ______ the holidays coming.

    2.Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous .
    Father _____(watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday.When I ______(come) home, Kate_____(play) the piano.They_____ (translate) a difficult test yesterday.When I _____(open) the door, my friends_____(sit) around the table.I_____(go) to the theatre yesterday.Complete the sentences. 1.If you ____ (drop) a book, it falls.

    2. When Jill ____ (eat) fish, she is sick.

    3. If it _____(rain), I ____(not go) to the park.

    4. If I_____(get) this job, I_____(earn) a lot of money.

    II variant
    Complete the sentences with after, for, up, forward to. 1.I’m so looking ______ it.

    2. Who will look_____your little sister.

    3. I’m looking_____my bag.

    4. I looked it _____in the dictionary.
    Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous .When I _____(go) to school, I ______(meet) my friend.They ______(play) in the yard in the evening yesterday.I _____ (play) the piano at five o’clock yesterday.He _____(read) a newspaper, when I_____(come) in.The train_____(start) at fifteen minutes to ten.Complete the sentences. 1. If you _____ (heat) water to 100 Celsius, it boils.

    2. When I _______(to cook) salads, I use only olive oil.

    3. If I______(see) Mary, I ______(tell) her.

    4. If I _____(go) to London, I _____ (see) the Tower of London.

    Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

    • Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Лексико-грамматический блок.

      1 слайд

      Подготовка к ЕГЭ.
      Лексико-грамматический блок.

    • Образование грамматических форм (B4-B10)различные формы местоимений;

      2 слайд

      Образование грамматических форм (B4-B10)
      различные формы местоимений;
      множественное число существительных;
      степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий;
      порядковые числительные;

    • We do a lot of homework because (we) teachers are very strict and they want (...

      3 слайд

      We do a lot of homework because (we) teachers are very strict and they want (we) to work hard.

      (Child) living with a single parent have more (duty).

      Who is the (good) student in the class?

      Y. Gagarin was the (one) man in space.

    • We do a lot of homework because our teachers are very strict and they want us...

      4 слайд

      We do a lot of homework because our teachers are very strict and they want us to work hard.

      Children living with a single parent have more duties.

      Who is the best student in the class?

      Y. Gagarin was the first man in space.

    • Образование грамматических форм (B4-B10)личные (видовременные) формы глагола;...

      5 слайд

      Образование грамматических форм (B4-B10)
      личные (видовременные) формы глагола;
      неличные формы глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие I и II);
      пассивный залог;
      способы согласования времен (косвенная речь);
      условные предложения

    • Словообразование (B11-B16)определить какой частью речи должно быть пропущенно...

      6 слайд

      Словообразование (B11-B16)
      определить какой частью речи должно быть пропущенное слово;
      определить в положительном или отрицательном значении оно используется;
      образовать нужное слово с использованием нужных суффиксов и префиксов;

    • HelpHelper

      7 слайд


    • HonestDishonest

      8 слайд


    • ScienceScientist(s)

      9 слайд


    • Kind

      10 слайд


    • Лексическое задание (A22-A28)
синонимы, антонимы, омонимы;
фразовые глаголы;...

      11 слайд

      Лексическое задание (A22-A28)

      синонимы, антонимы, омонимы;
      фразовые глаголы;
      предлоги и схожие с ними по форме наречия;
      нормы лексической сочетаемости, принятые в английском языке

    • LookLook after – 
Look at – 
Look for – 
Look out – 
Look forward –  
Look up...

      12 слайд

      Look after –
      Look at –
      Look for –
      Look out –
      Look forward –
      Look up –
      Look through –

    • lookLook after – присматривать, ухаживать
Look at – смотреть на
Look for – ис...

      13 слайд

      Look after – присматривать, ухаживать
      Look at – смотреть на
      Look for – искать
      Look out – быть настороже
      Look forward – ждать с нетерпением
      Look up – искать информацию
      Look through – просматривать

    • If I come across an unknown English word, I look it … in a dictionary.
Look …...

      14 слайд

      If I come across an unknown English word, I look it … in a dictionary.
      Look … this exercise and underline all adjectives.
      My sister is looking … an English language course to improve her speaking skills.
      I look … to hearing from you soon.
      Look …! There’s a car coming.
      We usually look … the neighbours’ dog while they’re on holiday.
      Look … me! Do you like my new dress?

    • If I came across an unknown English word, I look it up in a dictionary.

      15 слайд

      If I came across an unknown English word, I look it up in a dictionary.
      Look through this exercise and underline all adjectives.
      My sister is looking for an English language course to improve her speaking skills.
      I look forward to hearing from you soon.
      Look out! There’s a car coming.
      We usually look after the neighbours’ dog while they’re on holiday.
      Look at me! Do you like my new dress?

    • Addicted

      16 слайд


    • Addicted to
Late for
Depend on
Worry about
Lack of
Belong to
Hope for
Join in...

      17 слайд

      Addicted to
      Late for
      Depend on
      Worry about
      Lack of
      Belong to
      Hope for
      Join in
      Deal with
      Rely on

    Откройте скобки используя глаголы Present Continuous or Present Indefinite
    Here (to be) a picture of an English class.The students of group 8 (to have) English class. They usually (to have) English classes in the morning. The instructor (to stand) at the blackboard. He (to write) some words on it. The students (to sit) at their desks. They (to look) at the blackboard. They (to listen) to the instructor and (to repeat) the words after him. They always (to listen) to him attentively (внимательно). One of the students (to write) Something in his notebook. Another student (to look up) the words in the dictionary. Peter who (to sit).next to me (to read) silently a text. My classmate (to like) to read and (to do) a lot of reading. The instructor has just finished writing the words on the blackboard. Facing the class he (to ask) us questions. It must be noted he never (to ask) us questions in Russian. Suddenly the instructor (to notice) one of the students writing something. «What you (to do) there?» he (to say). «I (to do) an exercise,» was the answer. «Stop doing it and listen to me.»

    Автор: Гость

    Смотрите любимых YouTube-блогеров и учите по ним английский

    Englika позволяет быстро выучить английский язык, просматривая любимые YouTube-ролики с носителями языка. 🇬🇧Проходя разнообразные задания, вы научитесь понимать английскую речь на слух и стремительно расширите свой словарный запас.

    Похожие тесты

    Тест на фразовый глагол Turn

    Напишите глагол Turn с одним из предлогов: around, away, down, in, into, on, off, over, out, up

    Тест на фразовый глагол Take

    Напишите глагол Take с одним из предлогов: after, apart, away, back, down, off, on, over, up, upon

    Тест на фразовый глагол Run

    Напишите глагол Run с одним из предлогов: after, around, away, for, into, off, on, out of, over, through

    Тест на фразовый глагол Put

    Напишите глагол Put с одним из предлогов: on, out, off, down, about, aside, back, forth, up, up with

    Тест на фразовый глагол Make

    Напишите глагол Make с одним из предлогов: do with, for, fun of, off with, out, over, up, up with, up for

    Тест на фразовый глагол Keep

    Напишите глагол Keep с одним из предлогов: around, at, away, back, from, off, on, out, to, up

    Тест на фразовый глагол Go

    Напишите глагол Go с одним из предлогов: about, across, after, along with, away, back, back on, down, for, in for, off, on, out, over, round, through, under, up, without

    Тест на фразовый глагол Give

    Напишите глагол Give с одним из предлогов: away, back, in, off, out, over, up, up on

    Тест на фразовый глагол Get

    Напишите глагол Get с одним из предлогов: across, along, around, at, away, away with, by, down, down to, off, on, on with, out, out of, over, rid of, through to, up, up to

    Тест на фразовый глагол Come

    Напишите глагол Come с одним из предлогов: about, across, along, apart, around, back, by, down with, forward, out, up, up against, up with, upon


    Проверочная работа на 5 минут «Фразовый глагол look», с ключем

    Можно использовать при контроле знаний по теме «Фразовые глаголы».

    Просмотр содержимого документа
    «Проверочная работа на 5 минут «Фразовый глагол look», с ключем»

    1.Could you look ……. my dog while I am on vocation?

    2.If you don’t know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.

    3.Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking ….. it everywhere.

    4.I look……… to seeing you.

    1.Could you look ……. my dog while I am on vocation?

    2.If you don’t know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.

    3.Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking ….. it everywhere.

    4.I look……… to seeing you.

    1.Could you look ……. my dog while I am on vocation?

    2.If you don’t know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.

    3.Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking ….. it everywhere.

    4.I look……… to seeing you.

    1.Could you look ……. my dog while I am on vocation?

    2.If you don’t know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.

    3.Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking ….. it everywhere.

    4.I look……… to seeing you.

    1.Could you look ……. my dog while I am on vocation?

    2.If you don’t know the word look it ….. in the dictionary.

    3.Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking ….. it everywhere.

    4.I look……… to seeing you.

    Could you look after my dog while I am on vocation?

    If you don’t know the word look it up in the dictionary.

    Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking for it everywhere.


    Задания на фразовый глагол LOOK (10 класс)

    hello html m132e8539

    1. Alice has been looking _______ a smaller and cheaper flat for a month. FOR

    2. Angels was looking _______ the playing puppies. AT

    3. At first pupils looked _________ at their new classmate, but then they loved her. DOWN

    4. Children ought to look ________ their elderly parents. AFTER

    5. Dan is looking ________ a good present for his girlfriend. FOR

    6. Don’t look ________ if you think about sad experiences. BACK

    8. Dorothy was standing and looking ________ the sky. AT

    9. Elder children looked _______ their baby brother while mother was in the hospital. AFTER

    10. Ender, look ______! The teacher is coming! OUT

    1. Every morning I look ______ a new pair of socks. FOR

    2. First people looked ________ and Malevich, but now they think him to be a genius. DOWN

    3. Footballers were looking ___________ the match with the Brazil team. FORWARD TO

    4. Granny looks _______ me and my brother. AFTER

    5. Have you seen my exercise book? I have been looking _______ it the whole evening. FOR

    6. Have you seen Sveta? I’m looking _______ her. FOR

    7. He looked ________ trains in the depot. AFTER

    8. He looked ________ and saw his friend. BACK

    9. I am looking ____________ his arrival. FORWARD TO

    10. I am looking _______________ my birthday. FORWARD TO

    1. I have already been looking ________ my keys for twenty minutes. FOR

    2. I look __________ at my babyhood and think that I was happier then. BACK

    3. I looked _______ and saw a gold ring on the ground. DOWN

    4. If I don’t know where my dictionary is, I look ______ it. FOR

    5. If you don’t know where the street is, look it ________ in the city guide. UP

    6. In museums and art galleries people look _________ pictures and statues. AT

    7. In winter look ___________ slippery places. OUT FOR

    8. Jasmine’s father looked ___________ Aladdin. DOWN ON

    9. Kelly looked _________ at her childhood with a smile. BACK

    10. Kids are looking ____________ Christmas. FORWARD TO

    1. Kids are looking ____________ the outing. FORWARD TO

    2. Looking _________ at the past remember you can’t change it. BACK

    3. Mothers look ______ better lives for their children. FOR

    4. My aunt is looking ________ a companion to share a flat. FOR

    5. My chinchilla has got ill, I have to look _________ it better. AFTER

    6. My friend and I looked ________ at the summer holidays and became sad. BACK

    7. Nanny Shine looked _________ Larry and Lulu. AT

    8. Never look ____________ others. DOWN ON

    9. Nobody likes people who look _________. DOWN

    10. One should look ____________ cars while crossing the street. OUT FOR

    1. Kids are looking ___________ to this party so much! FORWARD

    2. Look _______ the screen attentively. AT

    3. Look __________ pickpockets in the crowd. OUT FOR

    4. Please look _________ falling icicles. OUT FOR

    5. Selma hates looking words _______ in the dictionary. UP

    6. She has always been looking ________ at her mother. UP

    7. She has been looking ________ a cheaper lodging since Easter. FOR

    8. She was looking _______ the train leaving the station. AT

    9. Sometimes I have to look _________ my younger nephews. AFTER

    10. Teacher Evans, I can’t look _________ the blackboard because of the bright sun! AT

    1. Look _________ the falling chestnuts! OUT FOR

    2. The boss will look your name _______ the publications list. IN

    3. The eye doctor told me to look _________ her finger. AT

    4. The landlord asked us to look _________ her cat while she is away. AFTER

    5. The teacher looked _________ Mother’s mobile in the register. UP

    6. There is something noisy in the closet, look ________! OUT

    7. Theresa looked ________ and thought about her girlhood. BACK

    8. They looked ________ at the previous winter and canned more vegetables. BACK

    9. This baby won’t even look ________ goat milk. AT

    10. This new apparatus looks __________ babies in the hospital. AFTER

    1. Tom is looking _______ you in the garden. FOR

    2. We have been looking ________ a film to watch for an hour. FOR

    3. What are you looking ________? That butterfly. AT

    4. What are you looking __________? A good fantasy book. FOR

    5. While writing my essay, I had to look ________ 15 words. UP

    6. Why are you looking ________ that girl? AT

    7. You can have a puppy if you promise to look ________ it yourself. AFTER

    8. You can look your name ______ in the passenger list. UP


    Курс повышения квалификации

    Дистанционное обучение как современный формат преподавания


    Курс повышения квалификации

    Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС


    Курс профессиональной переподготовки

    Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

    Онлайн-конференция для учителей, репетиторов и родителей

    Формирование математических способностей у детей с разными образовательными потребностями с помощью ментальной арифметики и других современных методик

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    Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.


    Проверочная работа по английскому языку «Фразовый глагол to look».

    Проверочная работа «Фразовый глагол to look ».

    We are really … our summer holidays this year.

    Who will … your little brother when your parents are at work?

    What are you …? My history textbook.

    I’ll g et the dictionary and … the words I don’t know.

    She looks … her mother.

    I am really looking … to seeing new film.

    My mother asked me to look … my sister on Saturday.

    Rashel is looking … you everywhere.

    Why don’t you look … the word in the dictionary.

    We are looking … babysitter.

    Проверочная работа «Фразовый глагол to look ».

    We are really … our summer holidays this year.

    Who will … your little brother when your parents are at work?

    What are you …? My history textbook.

    I’ll g et the dictionary and … the words I don’t know.

    She looks … her mother.

    I am really looking … to seeing new film.

    My mother asked me to look … my sister on Saturday.

    Rashel is looking … you everywhere.

    Why don’t you look … the word in the dictionary.

    We are looking … babysitter.

    Проверочная работа «Фразовый глагол to look ».

    We are really … our summer holidays this year.

    Who will … your little brother when your parents are at work?

    What are you …? My history textbook.

    I’ll g et the dictionary and … the words I don’t know.

    She looks … her mother.

    I am really looking … to seeing new film.

    My mother asked me to look … my sister on Saturday.

    Rashel is looking … you everywhere.

    Why don’t you look … the word in the dictionary.

    We are looking … babysitter.


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    Подарочные сертификаты

    Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

    Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.


    Основные английские фразовые глаголы Look, Make, Give, Take. Часть 1.

    Английские фразовые глаголы представляются довольно сложными для запоминания. Однако они встречаются настолько часто, что без них никак не обойтись. Фразовые глаголы я рекомендую начать изучать на втором уровне изучения языка, хотя самые распространенные глаголы встретятся вам уже на первом уровне. Это, например, глаголы: look for (искать), go on (продолжать), come back (возвращаться). Вы можете изучить их, перейдя по ссылке ниже.

    Английские фразовые глаголы Look, Make, Give, Take

    Этот урок для продолжающих, и сначала давайте проверим, хорошо ли вы знаете английские фразовые глаголы look, make, give, take. Именно с этими глаголами мы будем подробно знакомиться в этом уроке. Для этого выполните вводное упражнение и проверьте себя по ключам.

    Упражнение (вводное). Complete the sentences by putting the right verb in: take, make, give, look

    ОТВЕТЫ в конце урока


    1. Глагол Look

    Frazovyiy glagol Look1. look – смотреть (основное значение)

    Look + предлог

    2. look at – смотреть на
    3. look in(to) – смотреть в
    4. look out of – выглянуть из

    Look + прилагательное = выглядеть

    5. look happy – выглядеть счастливым
    6. look like – выглядеть как (быть похожим)

    1.1. Фразовый глагол Look

    Look + фразовая частица

    1. look for – искать
    2. look after – присматривать за
    3. look up – посмотреть в словаре
    4. look through – просматривать
    5. look forward to – с нетерпением ждать

    Упражнение 1. Переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные сочетания.

    Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложение: up, after, forward to, for, through.

    Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский.

    1. Что он ищет?
    2. Не смотри на меня так.
    3. Она смотрела в зеркало.
    4. Ребенок выглядел больным.
    5. Девочка выглянула из окна и помахала мне рукой.
    6. Как она выглядит?
    7. Соседка будет присматривать за собакой, когда вы уедете.
    8. Он с нетерпением ждал ее письма.
    9. Если не знаете слова, вы можете посмотреть его в словаре.
    10. Он взял газету и внимательно просмотрел ее.

    2. Глагол Make

    Frazovyiy glagol Make1. make — делать своими руками (изготавливать)
    2. make — заставлять

    Make + предлог

    3. make from — делать из одного продукта другой (с процессом переработки)
    4. make of — делать из одного продукта другой (без переработки)

    2.2.Фразовый глагол Make

    Make + фразовая частица

    1. make up – сочинять, придумывать
    2. make up – накладывать косметику
    3. make up oneself – краситься
    4. make up with smb – помириться с кем-то
    5. make out – разобраться, понять (с трудом)
    6. make off – быстро уйти, удрать, смыться

    Упражнение 4. Переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные сочетания.

    Упражнение 5. Вставьте в предложения: up, off, out.

    Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский.

    1. Я помирился с своим братом.
    2. Он всегда сам сочиняет свои песни.
    3. Я не могу разобрать, что здесь написано.
    4. Ты удрал так быстро, что я не смог попрощаться с тобой.
    5. Что он сказал? Я ничего не понял.
    6. Масло делают из молока.
    7. Эта фигура сделана изо льда.

    Упражнение 7. Вставьте глаголы make или do.

    3. Глагол Give

    Frazovyiy glagol Give1. Give – давать (основное значение)

    Give + предлог

    2. give to — давать кому-то

    3.3. Фразовый глагол Give

    Give + фразовая частица

    3. give back – отдавать назад, возвращать
    4. give out – раздавать
    5. give away – отдавать, дарить
    6. give up – отказаться, бросить, перестать заниматься чем-то

    Set-expression (устойчивое выражение)

    7. give up the idea of doing something – отказаться от мысли решить какую-то проблему (признать, что ты не ее решить не можешь)

    Упражнение 8. Переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные сочетания.

    Упражнение 9. Вставьте в предложения: back, out, away, up.

    Упражнение 10. Переведите на английский.

    1. Мне раздать все эти тарелки и чашки? Помогите мне, пожалуйста.
    2. Никогда не расставайся с надеждой.
    3. – Угадай, какой из двух городов — столица Австралии: Сидней или Канберра? – Не знаю. Я сдаюсь.
    4. Зачем ты отдала этот журнал? Я еще не читала его.
    5. Я перестала заниматься танцами, когда мне было десять лет.
    6. Я не могу отказаться от мысли съездить в Лондон, чтобы увидеть этот город собственными глазами.
    7. Катя вернула книгу рассказов, теперь ты можешь взять ее.
    8. Попробуй еще раз, не сдавайся. Ты можешь это сделать.

    4. Глагол Take

    Frazovyiy glagol Take1. Take – брать, взять (основное значение)

    Take + предлог

    2. take smth with — взять что-то с собой
    3. take smb to some place — взять (сопроводить) кого-то куда-то
    4. take out – вытащить, вывести

    4.4. Фразовый глагол Take

    Take + фразовая частица

    1. take back – отнести на место, вернуть
    2. take away – убрать, унести (прочь), увести (прочь)
    3. take off – a) снимать, убирать; b) взлетать (о самолете, вертолете)
    4. take up – заняться чем-либо, напр. to take up music
    5. take after – быть похожим на кого-либо из родственников (о характере)

    Упражнение 11. Переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные сочетания.

    Упражнение 12. Вставьте в предложения: after, up, away, out, off, back.

    Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский.

    1. Можно мне снять свитер? На улице очень тепло.
    2. Как только самолет взлетел, у меня ужасно разболелась голова.
    3. Все дети похожи на своего отца, все они веселые и работящие.
    4. Пожалуйста, отнесите эту книгу соседке, это ее книга.
    5. Эта карта на стене очень старая. Давай снимем ее.
    6. Убирайте отсюда свои игрушки, пожалуйста. Уже пора ложиться спать.


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