The spoken word video

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The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e12  - The Cubs and Brownies Day Trip


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e12 — The Cubs and Brownies Day Trip

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e13 - The Jubilee Concert


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e13 — The Jubilee Concert

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e11 - French Week in Stackton


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e11 — French Week in Stackton

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e09 - Daily Rehearsals


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e09 — Daily Rehearsals

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e10 - Doctor's Horoscope


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e10 — Doctor’s Horoscope

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e08 - The Gymkhana


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e08 — The Gymkhana

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e07 - The Cruise, 2 of 2


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e07 — The Cruise, 2 of 2

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e12 - The Coach Trip


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e12 — The Coach Trip

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e11 - Going for a Song


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e11 — Going for a Song

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e09 - The Wedding


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e09 — The Wedding

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e10 - The Visit


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e10 — The Visit

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e07 - And So To Bed


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e07 — And So To Bed

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e08 - The 10:15 to Gatwick


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e08 — The 10:15 to Gatwick

Cabin Pressure - s04e06 - Yverdon Les Bains


2 месяца назад

Cabin Pressure — s04e06 — Yverdon Les Bains

Cabin Pressure - s04e05 - Xinzhou


2 месяца назад

Cabin Pressure — s04e05 — Xinzhou

Cabin Pressure - s04e04 - Wokingham


2 месяца назад

Cabin Pressure — s04e04 — Wokingham

Cabin Pressure - s04e03 - Vaduz


2 месяца назад

Cabin Pressure — s04e03 — Vaduz

Cabin Pressure - s04e02 - Uskerty


2 месяца назад

Cabin Pressure — s04e02 — Uskerty

Cabin Pressure - s04e01 - Timbuktu


2 месяца назад

Cabin Pressure — s04e01 — Timbuktu

Sneakiepeeks - s01e05 - Echo


2 месяца назад

Sneakiepeeks — s01e05 — Echo

Sneakiepeeks - s01e06 - Two of Our Spies Are Missing


2 месяца назад

Sneakiepeeks — s01e06 — Two of Our Spies Are Missing

Sneakiepeeks - s01e04 - Special Relationship


2 месяца назад

Sneakiepeeks — s01e04 — Special Relationship

Sneakiepeeks - s01e02 - Storm Warning


2 месяца назад

Sneakiepeeks — s01e02 — Storm Warning

Sneakiepeeks - s01e03 - Trust


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Sneakiepeeks — s01e03 — Trust

Sneakiepeeks - s01e01 - Honeytrap Hotel


2 месяца назад

Sneakiepeeks — s01e01 — Honeytrap Hotel

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e06 - Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e06 — Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e05 - It Never Rains


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e05 — It Never Rains

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e04 - The Best Policy


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e04 — The Best Policy

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e03 - An Englishman's Home


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e03 — An Englishman’s Home

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e02 - Take a Chance


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e02 — Take a Chance

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse - s01e01 - The Blackmail Letter


2 месяца назад

Harry Worth in Things Could Be Worse — s01e01 — The Blackmail Letter

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e06 - The Cruise, 1 of 2


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e06 — The Cruise, 1 of 2

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e04 - The Stackton Music Festival


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e04 — The Stackton Music Festival

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e05 - Desert Island Discs


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e05 — Desert Island Discs

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e03 - Marigold's Wedding


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e03 — Marigold’s Wedding

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e02 - Winter's Backlog of Work


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e02 — Winter’s Backlog of Work

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket - s01e01 - The Jubilee


2 месяца назад

The Enchanting World of Hinge and Bracket — s01e01 — The Jubilee

Radio 2's History of British Comedy - 4 of 4


2 месяца назад

Radio 2’s History of British Comedy — 4 of 4

Radio 2's History of British Comedy - 2 of 4


2 месяца назад

Radio 2’s History of British Comedy — 2 of 4

Radio 2's History of British Comedy - 3 of 4


2 месяца назад

Radio 2’s History of British Comedy — 3 of 4

Radio 2's History of British Comedy - 1 of 4


2 месяца назад

Radio 2’s History of British Comedy — 1 of 4

Hut 33 - s03e06 - Entente Cordiale


2 месяца назад

Hut 33 — s03e06 — Entente Cordiale

Hut 33 - s03e05 - Unlucky for Some


2 месяца назад

Hut 33 — s03e05 — Unlucky for Some

Hut 33 - s03e04 - Spitfire and Poker


2 месяца назад

Hut 33 — s03e04 — Spitfire and Poker

Hut 33 - s03e03 - Back to Your Post


2 месяца назад

Hut 33 — s03e03 — Back to Your Post

Hut 33 - s03e02 - Big Machine


2 месяца назад

Hut 33 — s03e02 — Big Machine

Hut 33 - s03e01 - Know Thyne Enemy


2 месяца назад

Hut 33 — s03e01 — Know Thyne Enemy

That Reminds Me - s02e04 - Sir Clement Freud


2 месяца назад

That Reminds Me — s02e04 — Sir Clement Freud

s03e06 - Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel - Finding A Lost Child At Christmas


2 месяца назад

s03e06 — Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel — Finding A Lost Child At Christmas

s03e05 - Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel - Coney Island Fair


2 месяца назад

s03e05 — Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel — Coney Island Fair


Фото —

Иван Балашов

Listener стартовали в далеком 2002-м как хип-хоп-проект Дэна Смита. Со временем звучание ужесточилось до такой степени, что Смита позвали записывать гостевой вокал для металкорщиков The Chariot, а сама группа выступала на разогреве у The Dillinger Escape Plan на недавно прошедших в России концертах.

Инструментал у Listener довольно агрессивный, отдаёт кантри-мотивами, а безумные участники делают каждую песню не слёзным рассказом о несчастной любви, а эмоциональной декларацией лучшего друга в баре под очередную пинту пива.

Лу Рид

Фото —

The Daily Beast 

Лу Рид и его группа The Velvet Underground в своё время вдохновили невероятное количество музыкантов и тем самым повлияли на развитие рока. Например, о сильном влиянии Лу Рида на своё творчество говорил Дэвид Боуи.

Лу был в составе The Velvet Underground с 1964 по 1970 год, а после ухода из группы начал сольную карьеру. Он принял участие в песне Tranquilize группы The Killers, записал вместе с Gorillaz песню Plastic Beach и даже выпустил совместный альбом с Metallica!

Конечно, он выпускал и собственные альбомы. Наиболее необычный и несомненно заслуживающий внимания — The Raven, записанный в жанре spoken word. Главное в нём то, что он основан на рассказах Эдгара Аллана По. Так что скачивайте все 36 (!) песен, закрывайте глаза и погружайтесь в атмосферу.

Hotel Books

Фото —

Егор Зорин 

Hotel Books обязательно понравятся любителям концептуализма. Кемерон Смит – единственный бессменный участник группы и её лицо – знает в этом толк. Например, песни July и August объединяет один общий клип, а для песни Lose One Friend существует своего рода парная композиция — Lose All Friends.

«Люди приходят и люди уходят. Некоторые приходят навестить, а другие просто потусить. И это моя книга поэм», — объясняет Кемерон название группы. Однако «люди приходят и люди уходят» — это не только про жизнь Смита, но и про саму группу. В последнем туре Hotel Books, например, за инструментал отвечали участники металкор-группы Convictions.

Дискография Hotel Books насчитывает уже 4 альбома, поэтому каждый сможет найти для себя новую любимую песню среди всего их разнообразия.


Фото —

Сергей Бабенко 

ДК – советская группа, созданная в 1980 году. Название ей дал Сергей Жариков – создатель, идеолог и руководитель группы. ДК не стеснялись экспериментировать со звучанием и жанрами. Они первопроходцы российской экспериментальной музыки, творившие не только в жанре spoken word, но и авангарде, психоделическом роке, арт-панке, блюз-роке и еще множестве интересных жанров.

В 1984 году на Жарикова завели уголовное дело, а его группе, соответственно, запретили любые публичные выступления. Несомненно, это серьёзно сказалось на популярности ДК среди широких масс. Но всё же в музыкальных кругах они были группой известной и даже оказали сильное влияние на творчество Егора Летова (как на Гражданскую оборону, так и на проект Коммунизм), а также на группу Сектор Газа.

Canadian Softball

Фото —


Canadian Softball – это вымышленная группа комика и музыканта Джаррода Алонжа, известного своими пародиями на рокеров и рок-группы. В 2015 году он выпустил альбом Beating a Dead Horse, в записи которого «участвовали» семь различных групп. На самом деле все семь групп были выдуманы комиком. Каждая группа пародировала определённый жанр. Звучание Canadian Softball, в частности, напоминало об эмо-группах поздних 1990-х — ранних 2000-х.

Состояла эта группа из самого Алонжа, вокалиста и гитариста, бассиста Уилла Грини и барабанщика/бэк-вокалиста Энди Конвэя. В альбоме у этой группы была только одна песня: The Distance Between You and Me is Longer Than the Title of this Song. Как видите, даже её название носит пародийный характер.

Позднее группа представила еще несколько песен, а 28 июля обещает выпустить альбом. В общем, дела у пародийной выдуманной группы идут даже лучше, чем у некоторых реально существующих артистов.

Weekly Episodes of Music & the Spoken Word become available for viewing on demand in the video gallery as soon as clearances are available. This can sometimes take a few weeks.

  • September 06, 2020 — #4747 Music & the Spoken Word
  • August 30, 2020 — #4746 Music & the Spoken Word
  • August 16, 2020 — #4744 Music & the Spoken Word
  • August 09, 2020 — #4743 Music & the Spoken Word
  • August 02, 2020 — #4742 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 19, 2020 — #4740 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 12, 2020 — #4739 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 05, 2020 — #4738 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 28, 2020 — #4737 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 21, 2020 — #4736 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 14, 2020 — #4735 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 07, 2020 — #4734 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 31, 2020 — #4733 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 24, 2020 — #4732 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 17, 2020 — #4731 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 10, 2020 — #4730 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 19, 2020 — #4727 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Apr 12, 2020 — #4726 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Apr 05, 2020 — #4725 Music & the Spoken Word
  • March 22, 2020 — #4723 Music & the Spoken Word
  • February 23, 2020- #4719 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Labor Day Special (September 2, 2018) — Music & the Spoken Word
  • November 03, 2019 — #4703 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 06, 2019 — #4699 Music & the Spoken Word
  • August 4, 2019—#4690 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 14, 2019 — #4687 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 7, 2019 — #4686 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 28, 2019 — #4676 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Easter Special (April 21, 2019) — Music & The Spoken Word
  • April 7, 2019 — Music & the Spoken Word
  • March 17, 2019 — #4670 Music & the Spoken Word
  • March 10, 2019—#4669 Music & the Spoken Word
  • February 3, 2019 — #4664 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Veterans Day Special (November 11, 2018) — Music & The Spoken Word
  • October 14, 2018–#4648 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Sep 23, 2018 — #4645 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Aug 5, 2018 — #4638 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 17, 2018 — #4631 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 6, 2018 — #4625 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 22, 2018 — #4623 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 15, 2018 — #4622 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 1, 2018 — #4620 Music & the Spoken Word
  • March 11, 2018 — #4617 Music & the Spoken Word
  • March 4, 2018 — #4616 Music & the Spoken Word
  • February 25, 2018 — #4615 Music & the Spoken Word
  • February 11, 2018 — #4613 Music & the Spoken Word
  • February 4, 2018 — #4612 Music & the Spoken Word
  • January 28, 2018 — #4611 Music & the Spoken Word
  • January 21, 2018 — #4610 Music & the Spoken Word
  • A Tribute to President Thomas S. Monson (January 7, 2018) — #4608 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Christmas Special (December 10, 2017) — #4604 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Christmas Special (December 3, 2017) — #4603 Music & the Spoken Word
  • November 26, 2017 — #4602 Music & the Spoken Word
  • November 5, 2017 — #4599 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 29, 2017 — #4598 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 22, 2017 — #4597 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 15, 2017 — #4596 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 8, 2017 — #4595 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 1, 2017 — #4594 Music & the Spoken Word
  • 150th Anniversary of the Tabernacle (September 24, 2017) — Music & The Spoken Word
  • September 17, 2017 — #4592 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Labor Day Special (September 3, 2017) — #4590 Music & the Spoken Word
  • August 27, 2017 — #4589 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 30, 2017 — #4585 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 23, 2017 — #4584 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 16, 2017 — #4583 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Independence Day Special (July 2, 2017) — #4581 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Canada Day Special (July 1, 2017) — Music & The Spoken Word
  • Father’s Day Special (June 18, 2017) — #4579 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 11, 2017 — #4578 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Memorial Special (May 28, 2017) — #4576 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 21, 2017 — #4575 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Mother’s Day Special (May 14, 2017) — #4574 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Easter Special (April 16, 2017) — #4570 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 2, 2017 — #4568 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Presidents Day Special (February 19, 2017) — #4562 Music & the Spoken Word
  • New Year’s Special (January 1, 2017) — #4555 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Christmas Special (December 25, 2016) — #4554 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Christmas Special (December 18, 2016) — #4553 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Christmas Special (December 4, 2016) — #4551 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Advent Special (November 27, 2016) — #4550 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Thanksgiving Day Special (November 20, 2016) — #4549 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Veterans Day Special (November 6, 2016) — #4547 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 2, 2016 — #4542 Music & the Spoken Word
  • July 24, 2016 — #4532 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Independence Day Special (July 3, 2016) — #4529 Music & the Spoken Word
  • June 5, 2016 — #4525 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Memorial Day Special (May 29, 2016) — #4524 Music & the Spoken Word
  • May 22, 2016 — #4523 Music & the Spoken Word
  • April 3, 2016 — #4516 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Easter Special (March 27, 2016) — #4515 Music & the Spoken Word
  • February 21, 2016 — #4510 Music & the Spoken Word
  • October 4, 2015 — #4490 Music & The Spoken Word
  • July 26, 2015 — #4480 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Independence Day Special (July 5, 2015)- #4477 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Special Edition: Bound for Glory — #4267 & #4476 Music & the Spoken Word On Location
  • June 14, 2015 — #4474 Music & the Spoken Word
  • Easter Special (April 5, 2015) — #4464 Music & the Spoken Word
  • The Wonder of Christmas, with Santino Fontana — Christmas Special
  • Christmas Special (November 30, 2014) — #4446 Music & the Spoken Word
  • November 16, 2014 — #4444 Music & the Spoken Word
  • November 2, 2014 — #4442 Music & The Spoken Word
  • October 26, 2014 — #4441 Music & The Spoken Word
  • October 5, 2014 — #4438 Music & The Spoken Word
  • August 3, 2014 — #4429 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Independence Day Special (June 29, 2014) — #4424 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Father’s Day Special (June 15, 2014) — #4422 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Mother’s Day Special (May 11, 2014) — #4417 Music & The Spoken Word
  • May 4, 2014 — #4416 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Easter Special (April 20, 2014) — #4414 Music & The Spoken Word
  • April 13, 2014 — #4413 Music & The Spoken Word
  • April 6, 2014 — Music & The Spoken Word
  • March 30, 2014 — #4411 Music & The Spoken Word
  • March 23, 2014 — #4410 Music & The Spoken Word
  • March 16, 2014 — #4409 Music & The Spoken Word
  • March 9, 2014 — #4408 Music & The Spoken Word
  • February 23, 2014 — #4406 Music & The Spoken Word
  • February 16, 2014 — #4405 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Heritage Day Special (January 19, 2014) — #4401 Music & The Spoken Word
  • January 12, 2014 — #4400 Music & The Spoken Word
  • New Year’s Special (December 29, 2013) -Music & the Spoken Word
  • Christmas Favorites, with Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies — Christmas Special
  • A Dickens Christmas, with John Rhys-Davies — Christmas Special
  • Christmas Special (December 8, 2013) — #4395 Music & The Spoken Word
  • December 1, 2013 — #4394 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Thanksgiving Special (November 24, 2013) — #4393 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Veterans Day Special (November 10, 2013) — #4391 Music & The Spoken Word
  • October 6, 2013 — Music & The Spoken Word
  • Memorial Day Special (May 26, 2013) — Music & The Spoken Word
  • April 7, 2013 — Music & the Spoken Word
  • Easter Special (March 31, 2013) — Music & The Spoken Word
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Special (January 20, 2013) — #4349 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Christmas Special (December 9, 2012) — #4343 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Thanksgiving Special (November 18, 2012) — #4340 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Independence Day Special (July 1, 2012) — #4320 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Thanksgiving Special (November 20, 2011) — #4288 Music & The Spoken Word
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Special (January 17, 2010) — #4192 Music & The Spoken Word

Spoken word in particular is one of the most powerful forms of poetry today and these videos provide more than enough evidence of that. Whether you like poetry or not, prepare to be blown away.


Whether you like poetry or not, prepare to be blown away. Poetry is more than just flowery language from an archaic time; it’s a way to express deep truths that transcend words and rhythm. Spoken word in particular is one of the most powerful forms of poetry today and these videos provide more than enough evidence of that.

«Remember How We Forgot»

This spoken word by Shane Koyczan is a wonderful reminder of our childhood and what we might have lost over the years. In this moving piece, Koyczan explores his childhood experiences — many of which we might have shared with him in our own little ways — and laments how differently we view the world once we lose our childlike sense of wonder.

It’s not as dark or depressing as I’ve made it sound. In fact, this performance ends on a high note full of inspiration and motivation. The message is clear: let us not forget that we are each individuals with our own passions and let us remember to live as if we were truly alive.


In this piece, Holly McNish thoughtfully arranges a short story that explores the topic of immigration and xenophobia. Despite the politically-charged nature of the subject, she presents a clear and thoughtful stance that ought to ring true with all of us. I’m not one to concern myself with political debate, but this spoken word goes beyond that.

There’s a bit of mild cussing in this one so if you have sensitive ears, you should be wary of that before hitting play. I think it’s worth the watch even so.

«Knock Knock»

Here’s a spoken word that strikes deep to the core, appealing to the inner children within all of us who have ever struggled in our identity apart from our parents. Daniel Beaty recounts his experiences as the son of a prisoner and his lessons are words of wisdom for us all.

The ending might be a bit too saccharine for some, but I found his words both encouraging and motivational. Even if you think the message is a bit corny and idealistic, you can still appreciate the way in which he strings his words together and weaves a short tale. Brilliant.

«I Will Not Let Exam Results Decide My Fate»

The education system here in the US often takes center stage under the crosshairs of my peers. No system is perfect, of course, but there is a flaw that sits deep in the core of many education systems today. In this piece, Suli Breaks explores the question: if we’re all individuals with unique desires, passions, and skills, then why doesn’t the education system recognize that?

My takeaway from this was NOT that tests are inherently bad but that perhaps education needs a paradigm shift at its core. This piece should be especially powerful to those who have always just assumed that schooling is the way it is because «it’s always been that way.» Maybe it’s time for a change.

«What Teachers Make»

This is what happens when your life is driven by passion. With every word uttered, Taylor Mali oozes raw energy and pain — not a self-centered pain but a pain for those around him who can’t see that character, integrity, and honesty are more important than simply making money for the sake of it.

It’s easy to walk away from this video with a higher respect for teachers — at least for the teachers who truly believe in what they do and live to transform the lives of their students, not just teach to a test in order to look good before their peers. Real teachers who have a heart for their students are rare to find these days.

Are you a fan of the spoken word? If you know of any particularly outstanding videos that weren’t mentioned in this list, please share them with us in the comments.

Image Credits: dualdflipflop Via Flickr

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  • The roots of the word like
  • The spoken word the message
  • The root word of questions
  • The spoken word signs
  • The root word of light