The spoken word is a lie

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Even if every word’s a lie.

I don’t know whether these are Nancy Ordway‘s lies or her own… but every word she‘s uttered is a lie.

Я не знаю, лгала ли ей Ненси Ордвей, или она сама это придумала… но каждое произнесенное ею словоложь.

It‘s a lie, every word of it.

He said, «Let every man‘s word be a lie, and Mine true.»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Lay–Lie Difference

by Owen Fourie

How not to lie when you use lie, lay, lain, laid, laying, and lying

A tricky word family

If there is the possibility that a student might have a fever, we use a thermometer to find out. How someone uses lay and lie is a grammatical thermometer indicating the state of that person’s grammatical health.

It would be nice not to fuss about these things, but as long as there is a standard to measure right and wrong usage, your speaking and writing will be measured by that standard, so why not get it right?

Wrong usage of lie and lay is often heard in speech, so we’ll consider this in the Speaking English category, but it does occur in writing too.

In the following sentences, see if you can choose the correct word and check below to see if you have chosen correctly:

  1. I am so sleepy; I need to lay/lie on the couch now.
  2. I was so sleepy yesterday that I laid/lay there for a long time.
  3. I have laid/lain here for the past three days.
  4. I am laying/lying on the couch now.
  5. I must lie/ lay my tools on the workbench now.
  6. I lay/ laid the hammer on the workbench yesterday.
  7. I have lain/laid the tape measure on the workbench.
  8. I am lying/ laying a chisel there too.

A trick that will help you to know if you are using the right word

  • Ask yourself this question: Does this word describe the subject putting something somewhere, or is it describing the subject at rest or intending to rest somewhere?
  • What you need to understand is that the word lay is active. When you use it, it needs to affect something. It needs a direct object;
  • The word lie is restful, keeping to itself and not doing anything to anybody. It does not take a direct object;
  • Remember that the quiet lying-down words are lie, lay, lain, and lying;
  • Remember that the active putting-down-something words are lay, laid, laid, laying.

The correct choices for the sentences above

  1. I am so sleepy; I need to lie on the couch now.
  2. I was so sleepy yesterday that I lay there for a long time.
  3. I have lain here for the past three days.
  4. I am lying on the couch now.
  5. I must lay my tools on the workbench now.
  6. I laid the hammer on the workbench yesterday.
  7. I have laid the tape measure on the workbench.
  8. I am laying a chisel there too.

Think about this

It is not correct to say to someone, “Go and lay down!”

  • Lay is active. It requires a direct object;
  • Whoever is being told to do this, would be correct to ask, “Lay down what?”
  • The correct command is “Go and lie down!” Lie is restful. It does not require a direct object.

Confusion happens because there is a restful lay and an active lay:

  • The restful lay is the past tense of lie;
  • The active lay is the present tense of the active lay.

Notice too that there are two uses of laid:

  • It is the past tense of the active lay;
  • It is also the past participle of the active lay.

Now, about those lies I have been telling you …

I lie to you regularly.

I lied to you yesterday.

I have lied to you every day this week.

I am lying to you at this very moment.

Actually, I have told you the truth about the lay–lie difference.


How familiar are you with the lay–lie problem? Are there other points like this for which you would like some clarification? Do you have any useful insights? What are your particular struggles? Your comments, observations, and questions are welcome.

Here are more articles to help you with English words, grammar, and essay writing.

Copyright © 2011 by English Essay Writing Tips

English Essay Writing Tips

Some individuals are habituated to lying at a young age. A number of individuals lie in accordance with a situation that arises. If a lie becomes a habit, the truth always takes a back seat. Majority of the people lie often to ensure security. Not many individuals like listening to the truth which is why lies rule in various situations of our lives. A lie is often spoken for personal gain. In many situations people lie for fun. Some individuals get a cheap thrill out of lies. Such folks get an adrenalin rush every time they see a person’s expressions

when they utter a lie.

While there are different types of liars, the ones we encounter in everyday life could be compulsive liars, pathological liars, carefree liars, sociopathic liars, occasional liars, and white liars. Every type of liar displays certain behavioral traits. Individuals that speak white lies do not consider themselves liars. These liars love to justify their lie with reasons that are often unreasonable.

No matter how small a lie, words that are not the truth can only be a lie. Intentions may differ with people when they lie. Devious lies are spoken with bad intentions, with the hope false words will work in favor or what is envisioned or planned. Individuals that plan, scheme, and plot against others blatantly lie to achieve what they desire. Lies by such individuals are often used to give other individuals false impressions that could lead to a turn of events. We come across liars everywhere. The highest number of lies a person speaks is at the workplace. In an environment where every individual wants to climb the ladder, lies are spoken way too often.

A lie may be spoken to show an individual in good light or to tarnish a person’s image. The majority of lies we come across in various situations are white lies. A liar may use different lies in accordance with situations encountered. The debate in regard with who lies more, men or women goes on. However, the fact remains that most men lie at every opportunity that benefits them, women on the other hand go over the top with lies at gossip sessions and when rumors are doing the rounds.

Top 100 lies People Tell often

  1. I’m doing Fine
  2. See You Later
  3. I had a great weekend
  4. I Love You
  5. You’ve lost weight
  6. You’re the Best I ever Had
  7. That’s a nice dress you’re wearing
  8. I was at a Meeting
  9. She’s just a friend
  10. I got caught in Traffic
  11. I love hanging out with your friends
  12. I have a headache
  13. My Father had a Heart Attack
  14. I’ve had this dress forever
  15. That dress makes you look thin
  16. Looking Good
  17. I’m hardworking
  18. I’m Busy
  19. I’m Listening
  20. Gimme’ a Minute
  21. I picked this at a sale
  22. My Mother is not well
  23. The food was very tasty
  24. I’ve left, I’m On My Way
  25. Yes!
  26. She’s just a friend from college
  27. The signal on my phone was weak
  28. I was the captain of my school team
  29. Been really busy with work
  30. Next time, surely
  31. My cell phone died
  32. I wasn’t checking her out!
  33. That’s a nice color
  34. I have a girlfriend
  35. I have a boyfriend
  36. Not very expensive
  37. I’m a businessman
  38. We’re just friends
  39. I’m tired, not tonight
  40. I had fun
  41. I will take a bullet for you
  42. I quit smoking
  43. I think I’ve seen you somewhere
  44. You look very young
  45. She dumped me
  46. I don’t work out regularly
  47. Yeah, makes sense
  48. He dumped me
  49. I get along very well with my Mother In Law
  50. The party was fun
  51. It’s easy
  52. I’m in a relationship
  53. I do not skip meals
  54. I’m getting late, I‘ve got to go
  55. It’s nice
  56. I didn’t get hurt
  57. Both the dresses look good on
  58. I was an average student
  59. It wasn’t me
  60. It wasn’t my fault
  61. I wish your parents were here
  62. She’s not very good looking
  63. I tried calling you, got a busy tone
  64. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you
  65. I had a hard time
  66. She’s my best friend
  67. He’s my best friend
  68. It was a mutual decision
  69. Teachers loved me
  70. I’ll have just one Drink
  71. I’m going home
  72. Have fun
  73. You’re looking much younger
  74. I can do that too
  75. We’ll Reach in five minutes
  76. I’ve been working out
  77. We are office buddies
  78. Good to see you
  79. I Love My Job
  80. I never buy clothes at a sale
  81. I’m Cool
  82. Collage was fun
  83. I weigh… lbs
  84. I loved all my teachers
  85. Just kidding
  86. I didn’t get your mail, wait, I didn’t check my spam
  87. I never took part in a beauty pageant
  88. I used to… not anymore
  89. I will miss you
  90. I will call you later
  91. I missed you
  92. I have guests coming over
  93. I totally forgot about it
  94. I was joking
  95. Size doesn’t Matter
  96. I love it!
  97. You look good in any outfit
  98. I am …. Years old
  99. It won’t happen again
  100. I don’t watch TV

В этой статье расскажем о правилах употребления глаголов to say, to tell, to speak и to talk, а также объясним, в чем между ними разница.

Разница между say, tell, speak, talk

На английский язык глагол «говорить» можно перевести несколькими способами: to speak, to say, to tell и to talk. Чтобы понять, какое слово и в какой ситуации уместно употреблять, нужно знать разницу между этими глаголами. Для этого мы приведем значения каждого из них и примеры употребления, а в конце дадим небольшой тест для закрепления материала.

Глагол to say

Глагол to say переводится как «говорить», «произносить».

He said that you were the best candidate for this position. — Он сказал, что ты лучший кандидат на эту должность.
Eric was shocked and couldn’t say a word. — Эрик был шокирован и не мог произнести ни слова.
She wanted to say something on that matter but she was interrupted. — Она хотела сказать что-то по этому вопросу, но ее перебили.

Чаще всего после to say не употребляется объект, к которому обращается говорящий. Но если его необходимо указать, то нужно использовать частицу to.

I’m going to say to all of them that they are wrong. — Я собираюсь сказать им всем, что они неправы.

В неформальной беседе to say используется для указаний сделать что-то. В таком случае после to say употребляется глагол в инфинитивной форме (to + начальная форма глагола).

Mom said to sweep the floor and to tidy up my room. — Мама сказала подмести пол и прибрать комнату.

Также to say используют, чтобы указать на какую-то информацию или дать приказ.

The rules say that students are not allowed to leave the dormitory after 11 p.m. — Правила гласят, что студентам нельзя покидать общежитие после 11 вечера.

Глагол to tell

Глагол to tell переводится как «сообщить», «информировать», «рассказывать». Когда мы говорим что-то кому-то, то после to tell не ставится частица to.

Tell me what’s on your mind. — Расскажи мне, что у тебя на уме.
Please, tell me when you are going to get married. — Пожалуйста, скажите мне, когда вы собираетесь пожениться.
Don’t trust him. He always tells lies. — Не доверяй ему. Он всегда говорит неправду.

To tell не употребляется со словами a word (слово), a name (имя), a sentence (предложение) и a phrase (фраза).

Don’t you dare to tell say a word. — Не смей произносить ни слова.

To tell используют в приказах и указаниях.

I told him to sit quietly but he never obeys. — Я велела ему сидеть тихо, но он никогда не слушается.

Когда вы даете оценку каким-то событиям на основании своих знаний, опыта или фактов, также употребляйте глагол to tell.

I can tell that he’s nervous. He is looking aside and sweating a lot. — Могу с уверенностью сказать, что он нервничает. Он смотрит в сторону и сильно потеет.

Малоизвестное значение глагола tell — это «различать».

While talking to these triplets it’s hard to tell one from the other. — В разговоре с этими тройняшками сложно отличить одного от другого.

В таблице привели популярные устойчивые словосочетания с этими глаголами.

Say Tell
to say hello — поздороваться
to say goodbye — попрощаться
to say nothing — промолчать
to say something — сказать что-то
to say a prayer — произнести молитву
to say yes — согласиться
to say no — отказаться
Say no more! — Понятно!, Ни слова больше!
to tell a joke — рассказать шутку
to tell a lie — соврать
to tell a story — рассказать историю
to tell the truth — сказать правду
to tell the future — предсказать будущее
to tell the difference — отличать, различать
to tell the time — сказать, который сейчас час

Глагол to speak

To speak переводится как «разговаривать», «говорить», чаще используется в формальных ситуациях. При обращении к кому-то, после глагола to speak ставьте предлог to или союз with. Если используете глагол в значении «говорить о чем-то», то после него употребляйте предлог of или about.

I want to speak to the manager of the restaurant. — Я хочу поговорить с менеджером ресторана.
Would you like to speak to the psychologist about your deepest fears? — Хотел бы ты поговорить с психологом о своих самых глубоких страхах?

To speak также употребляется в значении «издавать звук», «использовать голос».

Valory spoke so quietly I could hardly make it out. — Вэлори говорила так тихо, что я с трудом мог разобрать ее речь.

Распространенное значение to speak — это «говорить на языке».

My daughter speaks Spanish and French fluently. — Моя дочь свободно говорит по-испански и по-французски.

При употреблении to speak в значении «высказываться против», «высказываться за» используйте предлоги against и in favor of.

The bravest employees spoke in favor of a pay rise. — Самые смелые сотрудники высказались за повышение зарплаты.

Разговаривая по телефону, используйте глагол to speak во времени Present Continuous.

Jane is speaking. — Джейн у телефона. / Говорит Джейн.

Глагол to talk

To talk переводится как «говорить», «вести диалог», «беседовать». Глагол похож по значению на to speak. Разница в том, что to talk используется в более неформальной обстановке.

Jeffry talks too much. He is a real chatterbox. — Джеффри слишком много говорит. Он настоящий болтун.
Let’s talk about you and me. — Давай поговорим о тебе и обо мне.

Одно из значений to talk — «обсуждать кого-либо», «обсуждать что-либо».

My dad loves to talk sports. — Мой отец любит говорить о спорте.
Talking of Brandon, he seems gloomy. Do you know what’s happening to him? — Кстати о Брендоне, он кажется мрачным. Ты знаешь, что с ним происходит?

Другое значение to talk — «предавать огласке», «выдавать секретную информацию».

He talks stuff, you know. We need to make him keep silent. — Он болтает всякое, знаешь. Нам нужно заставить его замолчать.

Следующее значение глагола to talk — «убеждать», «иметь влияние».

Money, power and connections talk. — Деньги, власть и связи действительно убеждают.

В таблице привели список распространенных выражений с глаголами to speak и to talk.

Speak Talk
to speak your mind — открыто выражать свои мысли
to speak up — говорить громко и отчетливо
to speak too soon — поторопиться с выводами
to be not on speaking terms — не общаться
to speak highly of smb — хорошо о ком-либо отзываться
to speak ill of smb — плохо о ком-либо отзываться
Can’t speak a word of Spanish. — Не могу ни слова сказать по-испански.
to talk behind one’s back — говорить у кого-то за спиной
to talk back — спорить, возражать
to talk nonsense — нести чепуху
to talk one out of smth — отговорить кого-либо от чего-то
to talk one into smth — уговорить кого-либо на что-то
to talk it over — обсудить, обговорить
You talk sense. — Дело говоришь.

Чтобы закрепить материал, пройдите небольшой тест на употребление to say, to tell, to speak и to talk.

Тест по теме «Разница между say, tell, speak, talk»

© 2023, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

IELTS Practice Questions Weekly IELTS Newsletter Topics Films Truth and Lies

Welcome to Mark Teacher’s Free Weekly IELTS Newsletter! This week, we’ll be talking about the IELTS Topic: Truth & Lies

IELTS Warm-up Questions: Truth & Lies


Warm-up Questions: 

  • When was the last time you told a lie?
  • Do you know what ‘a white lie’ is?
  • How do you feel when someone lies to you?
  • How do you feel when you lie to someone else?
  • Do you ever lie a little bit to make your stories sound more exciting or interesting?

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IELTS Practice Questions Weekly IELTS Newsletter Topics Films Truth and Lies

IELTS Lesson – Part 3 – Describing Changes

This week’s Part 3 Question Type is about ‘Describing Changes’.

Watch the video below to learn a useful grammar tip and sentence pattern than can help you describe changes!

Here is the language pattern again:

  • [Subj.] + have / has become + (comparative) adjective 
  • Technology has become cheaper than ever before.
  • English has become more important all over the world.
  • Elderly people have become healthier thanks to modern medicine.

The present perfect shows that the changes have happened gradually over a longer period of time.

The comparative adjectives shows that the current state of the change is more expensive / healthier / better / faster than before.

  • In your country, have people’s eating habits changed in recent years? 

“A lot of people have become more conscious about factory farming.”

“Vegetarianism has definitely become more popular than ever before.”

  • How have cities changed in your country in the last 20 years?

“Most major cities have become more expensive nowadays.”

“Pollution has become more serious every year.”

  • How has technology affected the way news spreads?

“News updates have become faster than ever before.”

“Fake news has become harder to spot than many people expected.”

You can read even more about Describing Changes in my Part 3 Question Type post here:

There’s no doubt that our world has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. A lot of those changes have come from technology. So if you get a question about technology, the internet, or social media, you have a good chance to use this language structure.

Let’s apply this to this week’s topic: The Truth & Lying 

  • Can we trust news on the internet? 

“I suppose it depends on where you get your news from, because I believe that most major newspapers and their websites run stories that are truthful and trustworthy. But I think social media has become much worse over the last few years, because people share and spread fake news just to get attention and ‘likes’. So I think news on sites like Facebook has become less reliable than ever before, and that’s why I stick to news sources I can trust.”

  • Do you agree that many people exaggerate how good their lives are because of social media? 

“I would agree with that, yes, because some people definitely do. Social media has become a bigger part of people’s lives, and it has become more important in how people measure their own popularity or self-worth. So that means that people might embellish or exaggerate how fun or exciting their lives are, just to get more likes and maintain the illusion that they are interesting people.”


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IELTS Vocabulary and Levelled Reading

IELTS Practice Questions Weekly IELTS Newsletter Topics Films Truth and Lies

Read these 2 levels of about ‘Truth & Lies’. Every level becomes more difficult but every level has the same meaning. The new words are highlighted, so if you don’t understand a word in Level 2, look back at Level 1 to find the easier synonym! This is a great way to learn new vocabulary!

Level 1: Basic  Level 2: Advanced 

IELTS Question #1: Can you suggest why people tell lies?

  • Level 1:”Generally speaking, I suppose most people, including children and adults, tell lies to avoid punishment. For example, an office worker might not hear their alarm and be late for work, but then lie about the traffic. Kids do the same thing, if they break something in the house, they might blame one of their siblings to avoid getting into trouble. Another reason could be to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings by telling ‘white lies’. Like if their friend or partner is wearing and ugly outfit, they can tell them it looks great, so they don’t feel embarrassed or sad.”
  • Level 2:
    “Generally speaking, I suppose most people, including children and adults, tell lies to escape punishment. For example, an office worker might miss their alarm and be late for work, but then use the traffic as an excuse. Kids do the same thing, if they break something in the house, they might lay the blame on one of their siblings to get out of trouble. Another reason could be to spare someone else’s feelings, by telling ‘white lies’. Like if their friend or significant other is wearing an ugly outfit, they can tell them it looks great, so they don’t feel embarrassed or upset.”

IELTS Question #2: Why is it sometimes easier to tell the truth to strangers than to close friends?

  • Level 1:
    For the most part, I would say that telling the truth to strangers is easier because there are no real consequences. In other words, what you tell them in unlikely to cause problems again in the future, because the stranger isn’t in your social circle, so the news can’t spread and maybe hurt your relationships. Some other people may want to admit the truth without being judged, which can be a relief for them, and could help them figure out what to do next. So those are some reasons that come to mind.
  • Level 2:
    For the most part, I would say that opening up to strangers is easier because there are no real repercussions (conseq.). In other words, what you tell them is unlikely to come back and bite you, because the stranger isn’t in your social circle, so the news can’t spread and potentially (maybe) damage your relationships. Some other people may want to get something off their chest without being judged, which can be a relief for them and could help them figure out what to do next. So those are some reasons that come to mind.

Links and Resources

You can find even more IELTS-appropriate vocabulary, collocations and phrases about Truth & Lies here:


Why do children tell lies? Here are the main reasons. Each one of these would be a good IELTS Speaking answer too!


What do you think are the top 10 most common white lies? Find out here! How many of these white lies do you use? Be honest! 😉


IELTS Practice Questions

IELTS Practice Questions Weekly IELTS Newsletter Topics Films Truth and Lies

Putting it all together:

Part 2 Questions: 

  • Describe a time when you lied to your friend. You can say:
    • When and where this happened
    • Who this friend was
    • Why you lied
    • How you felt about lying

Part 3 – Questions

Truth – Part 3 

  • Are there any situations when it isn’t polite to tell the truth?
  • Is it necessary to always tell the truth to achieve success in life?
  • Why is it sometimes easier to tell the truth to strangers than to close friends?
  • Can we trust the news on the internet?
  • Do you think people can’t about truth if they are being entertained?
  • Do you agree that some people exaggerate how good their lives are because of social media?

Lying – Part 3 

  • Can you suggest why people tell lies?
  • Should friends be honest with each other all the time?
  • Do you think there are times when it is suitable to tell a small lie, or a lie with good intentions? (A white lie)
  • What can parents do if their children tell lies?

Happy learning!


What’s the difference between «lie / fool / deceive»?
Do I understand correctly that:

Lie = only word (spoken)
Fool = word & action
Deceive = word & action but formal?

Can you give me some examples?

Thanks in advance.

Ответы · 2

Your understanding does provide the basics but here are some examples.

«You said you liked pie but when I gave you some you didn’t eat it. Did you lie (to me) about liking pie?»
The verb «lie» can be used with or without and object. When used with «about» it expresses the event that spoken falsely. When used with «to» it expresses who was told a lie.

«It looks like gold but you can’t fool me. I know pyrite when I see it.»
«Slight of hand are magic tricks that deceive viewers into believing something false.»
«Fool and deceive» are synonyms that require a direct object. You have to say who was fooled or deceived.

The word «lie» does not require the same rules so the three words are not interchangeable. However, you can usually interchange «fool» and «deceive» though «deceive» is a little stronger than «fool». If you fool someone it is usually something funny or minor such as a prank. When you deceive someone the event is usually more serious but you can see in my example that it doesn’t have to be something serious.

Lie= not telling the truth (i lied when i said i didnt take the last biscuit)
Fool= is like to deceive but less sinister, its basically to trick someone (a magician fools the audience)
Deceive= like fool but can be more sinister (the man deceived me and stole all my money) generally fool and deceive are interchangeable except you wouldnt really use deceive in a fun way (you wouldnt say «the clown deceived the children with his card trick»)

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The absolute truth. Especially when something may be perceived as unbelievable. Origin believed to be Canadian.

No word of a Lie! I was at a sold-out baseball game and I caught 2 homerun balls.

by Craig Croteau October 13, 2005


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no word of lie

a term when used means that the phrase previously spoken or written is not a lie and is truthful.

I’ll be at the party tomorow, no word of lie

by mike_101 July 27, 2007


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Straight up no word of a lie

Basically, a long way of saying that something is true. Especially funny if you can get an adult, especially a teacher to say it because it makes them sound like they’re trying to be hip. Can also be used in question form (e.g. 2)

Example 1

Person 1) I’ve finished everything.

Person 2) Really?

Person 1) Straight up no word of a lie

Example 2

Person 1) I’ve finished everything.

Person 2) Straight up no word of a lie?

Person 1) Hell yeah!

by Will_100 November 2, 2009


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Фото —

Иван Балашов

Listener стартовали в далеком 2002-м как хип-хоп-проект Дэна Смита. Со временем звучание ужесточилось до такой степени, что Смита позвали записывать гостевой вокал для металкорщиков The Chariot, а сама группа выступала на разогреве у The Dillinger Escape Plan на недавно прошедших в России концертах.

Инструментал у Listener довольно агрессивный, отдаёт кантри-мотивами, а безумные участники делают каждую песню не слёзным рассказом о несчастной любви, а эмоциональной декларацией лучшего друга в баре под очередную пинту пива.

Лу Рид

Фото —

The Daily Beast 

Лу Рид и его группа The Velvet Underground в своё время вдохновили невероятное количество музыкантов и тем самым повлияли на развитие рока. Например, о сильном влиянии Лу Рида на своё творчество говорил Дэвид Боуи.

Лу был в составе The Velvet Underground с 1964 по 1970 год, а после ухода из группы начал сольную карьеру. Он принял участие в песне Tranquilize группы The Killers, записал вместе с Gorillaz песню Plastic Beach и даже выпустил совместный альбом с Metallica!

Конечно, он выпускал и собственные альбомы. Наиболее необычный и несомненно заслуживающий внимания — The Raven, записанный в жанре spoken word. Главное в нём то, что он основан на рассказах Эдгара Аллана По. Так что скачивайте все 36 (!) песен, закрывайте глаза и погружайтесь в атмосферу.

Hotel Books

Фото —

Егор Зорин 

Hotel Books обязательно понравятся любителям концептуализма. Кемерон Смит – единственный бессменный участник группы и её лицо – знает в этом толк. Например, песни July и August объединяет один общий клип, а для песни Lose One Friend существует своего рода парная композиция — Lose All Friends.

«Люди приходят и люди уходят. Некоторые приходят навестить, а другие просто потусить. И это моя книга поэм», — объясняет Кемерон название группы. Однако «люди приходят и люди уходят» — это не только про жизнь Смита, но и про саму группу. В последнем туре Hotel Books, например, за инструментал отвечали участники металкор-группы Convictions.

Дискография Hotel Books насчитывает уже 4 альбома, поэтому каждый сможет найти для себя новую любимую песню среди всего их разнообразия.


Фото —

Сергей Бабенко 

ДК – советская группа, созданная в 1980 году. Название ей дал Сергей Жариков – создатель, идеолог и руководитель группы. ДК не стеснялись экспериментировать со звучанием и жанрами. Они первопроходцы российской экспериментальной музыки, творившие не только в жанре spoken word, но и авангарде, психоделическом роке, арт-панке, блюз-роке и еще множестве интересных жанров.

В 1984 году на Жарикова завели уголовное дело, а его группе, соответственно, запретили любые публичные выступления. Несомненно, это серьёзно сказалось на популярности ДК среди широких масс. Но всё же в музыкальных кругах они были группой известной и даже оказали сильное влияние на творчество Егора Летова (как на Гражданскую оборону, так и на проект Коммунизм), а также на группу Сектор Газа.

Canadian Softball

Фото —


Canadian Softball – это вымышленная группа комика и музыканта Джаррода Алонжа, известного своими пародиями на рокеров и рок-группы. В 2015 году он выпустил альбом Beating a Dead Horse, в записи которого «участвовали» семь различных групп. На самом деле все семь групп были выдуманы комиком. Каждая группа пародировала определённый жанр. Звучание Canadian Softball, в частности, напоминало об эмо-группах поздних 1990-х — ранних 2000-х.

Состояла эта группа из самого Алонжа, вокалиста и гитариста, бассиста Уилла Грини и барабанщика/бэк-вокалиста Энди Конвэя. В альбоме у этой группы была только одна песня: The Distance Between You and Me is Longer Than the Title of this Song. Как видите, даже её название носит пародийный характер.

Позднее группа представила еще несколько песен, а 28 июля обещает выпустить альбом. В общем, дела у пародийной выдуманной группы идут даже лучше, чем у некоторых реально существующих артистов.

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