The spanish word for good

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The basic word for «good» in Spanish is «bueno» (boo-EHN-oh). Even if you don’t know much Spanish, you may already be familiar with this word. Bueno is an adjective. Use the word bien (BEE-ehn) when you need a noun or an adverb. Once you’ve mastered bueno, take your Spanish to the next level with slang words and common phrases that incorporate the word.[1]

  1. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 1


    Say «bueno» (boo-EHN-oh) when something is good. Bueno is the basic way to say «good» in Spanish. As an adjective, it is used similarly to the way the word good is used in English. It means something that is suitable, favorable, or morally proper.[2]

    • For example, you might say «Este libro es bueno,» or «This book is good.»
  2. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 2


    Change the ending to agree in gender and number. Since bueno is an adjective, it must agree in gender and number with the noun it’s modifying. If the noun is feminine, you would say «buena» (boo-EHN-ah). Add an s to the end if the noun is plural.[3]

    • If you’re confused, just look for the thing that’s being described as good. That’s the noun the adjective bueno needs to agree with.
    • For example, you might say «eso es una buena señal» to mean «this is a good sign.» Since the word señal is feminine, you would use the feminine form of the word bueno. If there were several signs rather than just one, you would say «estas son buenas señales.»


  3. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 3


    Shorten the word to «buen» in front of masculine nouns. If you are somewhat familiar with Spanish, you may recognize that bueno is the masculine form of the word. But when it occurs immediately before a masculine noun, you drop the ending.[4]

    • For example, a single friend might lament «Un buen hombre es difícil de encontrar,» which means «A good man is hard to find.» Since the word hombre is a masculine noun, bueno is shortened to buen.
    • However, if the word bueno appears after the masculine noun it modifies, you don’t shorten it at all. For example, «Es un informe bueno» or «It is a good report.»
    • Bueno may generally appear before or after the noun. For example, «el libro bueno» and «el buen libro» are both correct.
  4. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 4


    Add «muy» (MOO-ee) to say «very good.» The word muy is an adverb that means «very.» You can put it in front of bueno to intensify the adjective. While the word bueno still needs to agree with the noun in gender and number, the word muy never changes.[5]

    • For example: «Este vino es muy bueno» (This wine is very good).
  5. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 5


    Use «válido» (VAH-lee-doh) if you mean that something is valid. If you want to talk about something being current, in order, or acceptable, you might use the word good in English. In Spanish, you would use the word válido.[6]

    • For example you would say «Mi pasaporte es válido por 10 años» to mean «My passport is good [valid] for 10 years.»
    • You may also use válido to say that something is correct or accurate. For example: «Es un texto válido.» (It is a valid text.)
  6. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 6


    Avoid «bueno» to describe yourself. When someone asks you how you’re doing (¿Cómo estás?») you might be tempted to reply «Estoy bueno» or «I’m good.» Just as in English, this is grammatically incorrect.[7]

    • Bueno is an adjective. When you say «estoy bueno,» this may be interpreted as though you are saying «I am good looking.» If you go around telling people that, they’ll think you’re egotistical.

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  1. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 7


    Say «bien» (BEE-ehn) to talk about a virtue or benefit. In Spanish, good can be a noun as well as an adjective. The noun form, bien, is used for something that is beneficial or positive.[8]

    • For example, you might say «esto no habría estado bien» to mean «that would not have been good.»
  2. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 8


    Respond «estoy bien» (ESS-toy BEE-ehn) to mean «I’m fine.» The word bien is also used in Spanish as an adverb, similar to the word well in English. If someone asks you how you’re doing («¿Cómo estás?») you can reply by saying «estoy bien.»

    • Generally, you can understand when best to use bien and bueno if you think about when you would properly use the words well and good in English.
  3. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 9


    Say «¡Muy bien!» to reply to good news. If someone tells you about an achievement or positive development, ¡Muy bien! is used in the same way you might say «Way to go!» or «Good for you!» in English.[9]

    • For example, if you watched a friend score the winning goal in his soccer match, you might say «¡Muy bien! Lo hiciste genial!» or «Very good! You did great!»
    • Muy bien is also used as a phrase meaning «very well,» the same as you would say that in English. For example: «Trabajamos muy bien juntos.» (We work very well together.)
  4. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 10


    Use the plural «los bienes» to talk about merchandise. In English, it’s common to refer to merchandise as «goods,» particularly in a retail or business setting. In Spanish, you use the plural of the noun bien.[10]

    • For example: «La gente tiende a pagar en efectivo por los bienes y servicios.» (People tend to pay cash for goods and services.)
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  1. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 11


    Use the plural form to say «good morning» or «goodnight In Spanish, you can see the word bueno in the phrases «Buenos días» (good morning) and «buenas noches» (good night).[11]

    • «Buenos días» could be literally translated as «good days,» but it’s used primarily to mean «good morning.»
    • «Buenos noches» is used more like «good evening» would be used in English, as it can be both a greeting and a farewell.
  2. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 12


    Try «buena onda» (boo-EHN-ah OHN-dah) as slang for «cool.» While the phrase literally means «good wave,» many Latin Americans use this phrase to mean «cool» or «good vibe.» You may hear it used in Argentina and Chile, as well as parts of Mexico.[12]

    • Spanish is a more formal language than English, so be careful who you use this phrase with. You wouldn’t want to speak this casually to someone older than you or in a position of authority.
  3. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 13


    Talk about inanimate objects with «buenazo» (boo-ehn-AHS-soh). Particularly in Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru, this fun alteration of the word bueno means you’re saying a particular object is really cool. Typically it isn’t used to describe people.[13]

    • For example, you might say «Ese coche es buenazo» or «That car is cool.»
    • While you may hear buenazo used to describe people, the meaning of the word is different in different countries, and may not always be complimentary. Ask someone what it means before you attempt to use it to talk about a person.
  4. Image titled Say Good in Spanish Step 14


    Use «todo bien» (TOH-doh BEE-ehn) to say «all good.» Just as in English, Spanish speakers have a common phrase that means «all good» or literally «all well.» The phrase is used in Spanish in similar situations as it would be in English.[14]

    • For example, a mother might say «Están muy callados, niños. ¿Va todo bien?» (You’re too quiet, kids. Is everything okay?») The kids reply «¡Todo bien, mamá!» (All good, mom!).
    • The phrase also appears in «hasta aquí todo bien,» which means «so far, so good.»
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To say «good» in Spanish, say «bueno» when you want to describe something as good. For example, if you enjoyed a book, you could say that it was «bueno.» If you want to use «good» as a noun or an adverb, say «bien» instead. For example, if someone asked you how you are, and you want to tell them that you’re good, you could say «estoy bien.» To learn how to say «very good» in Spanish, scroll down!

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Just like in English, the word ‘good’ is very useful and it can be applied to many different contexts. Since depending on what you want to say, you will need to use a different term, people often wonder how to say good in Spanish.  

The most common ways to say good in Spanish include: 

  • Bien – Good / Well
  • Bueno – Good 
  • Válido – Valid / Good
  • Rico – Good / Delicious
  • Apropiado – Appropriate / Good
  • Producto – Good

Just like in English, depending on how they are being used, these words can either work as adjectives or nouns. 

Knowing different words to express an idea will really take your Spanish to another level as you’ll be able to add diversity and specificity to your conversations. So if you’re interested in those things, keep reading, because in this article I’ll show you 6 ways to say good in Spanish.

1. Bien – Well

Bien is an incredibly useful word because, as a standard term, it can be used in multiple scenarios. It frequently carries a similar meaning as the words ‘well’, ‘good’, ‘okay’, ‘properly’ or ‘correctly’. In this sense, you can use it whenever you’re talking about health or a good performance.

To talk about health you’ll need to add a reflexive pronoun before the verbs ‘sentir’ or ‘encontrar’.

[Noun] + [reflexive pronoun] + [verb conjugated] + (adverb) + bien

No me siento bien.
I don’t feel well.

Mamá, ¿te sientes bien?
Mom, do you feel okay?

Mi abuela no se encuentra bien.
My grandmother is not feeling well.

As established before, one of the most common uses of ‘bien’ is to describe or qualify how well someone does a certain activity. In this case, you can use adverbs to intensify it. 

[Noun] + [verb conjugated] + (advb) + bien

Tu amiga canta muy bien.
Your friend sings very well.

La mamá de Paty cocina bastante bien. 
Patty’s mom cooks very well. 

La lavadora ya no funciona bien.
The washing machine is not working properly.

Another common use of ‘bien’ is when referring to the morality of actions, as a translation of ‘right’, ‘okay’ or ‘nice’.

[Complement] + [‘estar’ conjugated] + bien

Lo que hiciste no estuvo bien.
What you did was not okay.

Mentir no está bien.
Lying is not right.

Just like in English, ‘bien’ also works as a noun. In this case, it translates as ‘own good’, ‘sake’ or ‘benefit’.

[Complement] + por + [possessive adjective] + bien

Te lo digo por tu bien.
I’m telling you for your own good.

Lo hice por su bien.
I did it for his own good.

A veces los padres son estrictos por nuestro bien.
Sometimes parents are strict for our own good.

2. Bueno – Good

If you ever want to compliment someone’s food, describe how good the character and skills of a person are, talk about the benefits of an activity, or just rate anything in general, knowing the word bueno will make things easy for you. In these contexts, bueno translates as ‘good’ or ‘great’

Notice that you can add ‘muy’ before ‘bueno’ and also intensify or exaggerate your sentence by adding ‘ísimo’ or ‘ísima’ to ‘buen’.

[‘Ser’ conjugated] + (muy) + bueno/a + [noun]

Eres muy buena persona.
You are a very good person.

Luisa es muy buena maestra.
Luisa is a very good teacher.

Fernando es muy buen papá. 
Fernando is a very good dad. 

If instead of describing a person you want to provide your opinion about an object, activity or event, you can use the following phrase structures.  

[Noun] + [‘estar’ conjugated] + bueno/a

Este chocolate está buenísimo.
This chocolate is so good.

Estas enchiladas no están tan buenas como las de mi abuela.
These enchiladas are not as good as my grandmother’s.

[Complement] + [‘ser’ conjugated] + (muy) + bueno/a + para + [complement]

La linaza es buenísima para la digestión.
Flaxseed is great for digestion.

Caminar una hora al día es bueno para la salud.
Walking for an hour a day is good for your health.

Take note: The plural buenos can be used to say ‘buenos días’, ‘buenas tardes’ and ‘buenas noches’, which mean ‘good morning’, ‘good afternoon’ or ‘good evening’ and ‘good night’, respectively.

3. Válido – Valid

As you can imagine, válido is the direct translation of ‘valid’ or ‘good’. With this word you can express that something has validity for a certain time, for certain benefits and other specificities. As a result, you’ll usually see this word when people are talking about things like documents, promos, and tickets among other things.

[Noun] + [‘ser’ conjugated] + válido/a + [complement]

Mi pasaporte es válido por cinco años.
My passport is good for five years.

Esta promoción es válida hasta el 8 de septiembre.
This promo is good until September 8.

Su membresía sólo es válida en los Estados Unidos.
Your membership is only good in the United States.

4. Rico – Delicious / Good

Although you can also use ‘bueno’ in this context, if you want to sound like a native speaker when describing food and flavors, you need to master the word rico. As you probably guessed by now, ‘rico’ is translated as ‘delicious’, ‘good’ or ‘tasty’ but it has a slightly more informal connotation. 

Also, it’s very common to just use the expression ‘qué rico’ to indicate that you think something is really good, but if you want to specify what you’re talking about you can use the next phrase structures. 

Just like with ‘bueno’ you can add the adverb ‘muy’ or change rico to riquísimo in order to give emphasis to the sentence.

Qué + rico/a + (‘estar’ conjugated’) + [noun]

Qué rica estaba la cena.
Dinner was delicious.

Qué ricos tacos, ¿quién los hizo?
These tacos are delicious, who cooked them?

Qué ricos postres venden en este restaurante.
The desserts they sell in this restaurant are delicious.

Here is another phrase structure that you can use. Notice that in this case, this formula is used to introduce the dish that you’re referring to. 

[Noun] + [‘estar’ conjugated’] + (advb) + rico

Este café está riquísimo.
This coffee is delicious.

Las papas a las francesa no estaban tan ricas.
The French fries weren’t as good.

El arroz que hizo tu mamá estuvo muy rico.
The rice that your mother made was very good.

Take note: If used to talk about people, rico works as the direct translation of ‘rich’. Since we don’t taste people (hopefully), in this context, rico is used to describe a wealthy person.

Mis primos son muy ricos
My cousins are very rich. 

5. Apropiado – Appropriate / Good

Imagine that you want to ask if what you’re doing is suitable or good for the occasion. In this context, you can use the word apropiado, which is the direct translation of ‘appropriate’. This word describes something that results suitable for the circumstances or the goal you want to achieve. So it can also be translated as ‘good’, ‘best’ or ‘suitable’. 

This Spanish word for good is a little formal, but it can be used in casual conversations as well. Keep in mind that, ‘apropiado’ is an adjective, so you’ll need to change it to match the gender or number of the thing or person that you’re referring to. Here are some examples:

[Noun] + [‘ser’ conjugated] + apropiado/a

¿Este vestido es apropiado para una cita?
Is this dress appropriate for a date?

La comida fue apropiada para ese tipo de fiesta.
The food was appropriate for that kind of party.

Esta computadora es apropiada para mi trabajo.
This computer is good for my work. 

La manera en la que te comportaste no fue la más apropiada.
The way you behaved was not the best.

6. Producto – Product / Good

Just by reading this word, you can probably tell that producto is the direct translation of ‘product’. So, we use it to refer to goods, which are items that are usually manufactured (“goods and services”). Unlike other words from this list, this Spanish word for ‘good’ only works as a noun. 

You’ll notice that this ‘producto’ is usually applied in ads or in places like stores and online shops. So if you like shopping or you work in sales, I bet you’ll encounter this word very frequently.

[Determiner] + producto + [complement]

Ofrecemos gran variedad de productos.
We offer a wide variety of goods.

Tendremos que liquidar estos productos.
We’ll have to sell off these products.

Los productos que venden en esa tienda son de alta calidad.
The goods they sell in that store are of high quality.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know that there are more ways to say good in Spanish than ‘bueno’, you’re ready to put your knowledge into practice. Now, you’ll be able to compliment people’s dishes, skills, and character and grade how good things are. So this means that you’ll also be able to develop your opinions a bit more and also understand other people’s opinions a lot better.

If you constantly use these words, people will notice that your conversational skills have improved and that you have a better understanding of the language. So keep it up and soon hablarás español muy bien.

Related Resource: Difference Between ‘Bien’ and ‘Bueno’

She is pretty.

Ella es guapa.

We are good friends.

Somos muy amigos.

That is a very good habit.

Esa es una costumbre muy buena.

Our announcers are very good.

Los locutores nuestros son muy buenos.

Ours are very good.

Los nuestros son muy buenos.

Thanks, that’s good.

Gracias, qué bueno.

You should be good.

Debes ser bueno.

Good night.

Buenas noches.

Good morning.

Buenos días.

Good schools.

Buenos colegios.

Good morning, how are you?

Buenos días, ¿cómo está?

Good afternoon.

Buenas tardes.

Fine, and you?

Bien, ¿y usted?

Good job.

Buen trabajo.

You are a good student.

Tú eres un buen estudiante.

You have a good time.

Te lo pasas bien.

He is a good teacher.

Él es un buen maestro.

I’m not good to be without you.

No sirvo para estar sin ti.

I don’t feel good.

Estoy mal.

You are good for nothing.

No sirves para nada.

That is all to the good.

Eso está muy bien.

This is not very good at all.

Esto es muy negativo.

For the good of …

Por el bien del …

So this is all very good

Así que todo esto es muy bueno.

But what if it were not very good?

¿Pero qué ocurriría si el acuerdo no fuera muy bueno?

This is all to the good.

Esto es muy positivo.

Once again that is not good.

Y repito, eso no es bueno.

But it is not all good.

Pero no todo es positivo.

That would not have been good.

Esto no habría estado bien.

It is very good that this should be so.

Está muy bien que así sea.

This is all to the good.

Todo esto es positivo.

All of that is good.

Todo esto es muy bueno.

That is no good at all.

No es bueno en absoluto.

Some are good, and some are not.

Unas son buenas, otras no.

So what is not good?

Así pues ¿qué es lo que no es bueno?

It is good that it was.

Es positivo que haya sido así.

It has not been good.

No ha sido positiva.

It is good that …

Es bueno que …

All of this is very good.

Todo ello está muy bien.

This is all very good.

Todas juntas son positivas.

That would be very good.

Sería ciertamente una experiencia muy positiva.

We have a good partnership in this and good support.

Contamos para ello con una buena asociación y un buen apoyo.

It is a good paper and its goals are good.

El documento es bueno. Los objetivos también lo son.

With some good and some not so good points.

Con algunos buenos puntos y otros que no lo son tanto.

This is a very good image and a very good example!

¡Es una excelente imagen y un buen ejemplo!

This is good for its people, and it is good for Europe.

Es un hecho positivo para su población, y para Europa en su conjunto.

It is good for them and it is good for us.

Es bueno para ellos y también para nosotros.

That would be good for our companies and good for jobs.

Eso sería bueno para nuestras empresas y para nuestros trabajos.

We are fairly good, but not good enough.

No vamos mal, pero no es suficiente.

Good for the east and good for the west!

Sería positivo para el este y también para el oeste.

This was very good news and a very good decision.

Aquello era una excelente noticia y una excelente decisión.

What is good for the financial markets is not good for them.

Lo que es bueno para los mercados financieros es malo para ellos.

That is not good for them and it is not good for us.

Eso no es bueno para ellos ni tampoco para nosotros.

This is not good for Europe and not good for any of us.

Eso no es bueno para Europa ni para ninguno de nosotros.

I would not say very good, but I would say good.

No diría muy bien, pero sí bien.

They are good for Spain and what is good for Spain is also good for Europe.

Es buena para España y lo que es bueno para España es bueno para Europa.

What is good for Europe is good for each Member State and is good for their citizens.

Lo que es bueno para Europa también lo es para cada uno de los Estados miembros y sus ciudadanos.

That is good for our citizens; it is good for their health and it is good for their democratic rights too.

Eso es bueno para nuestros ciudadanos; es bueno para su salud y es bueno también para sus derechos democráticos.

All this is to the good of the consumer.

Todo ello en beneficio del consumidor.

They look good in themselves.

Éstas, en sí, parecen buenas.

This is good, but it is not enough.

Esto es provechoso, pero no basta.

That would not be a good thing.

Esto no sería provechoso.

This is a good question.

. (FR) Se trata de una excelente pregunta.

This is a very good idea.

Es un idea magnífica.

This is a good move.

Eso está bien.

It is a very good report.

Es un informe muy bueno.

That is a good thing.

Es algo bonito.

That is a good balance.

Se trata de un buen equilibrio.

This is a good sign.

Eso es una buena señal.

It is a good text.

Es un texto válido.

[ view all sentence pairs ]

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Fuerte- strong / loud.

The basic word for “good” in Spanish is “bueno” (boo-EHN-oh). Even if you don’t know much Spanish you may already be familiar with this word. Bueno is an adjective. Use the word bien (BEE-ehn) when you need a noun or an adverb.

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If you do something with panache you do it in a confident stylish and elegant way.

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Basic Spanish Words

  • Hola = Hello.
  • Adiós = Goodbye.
  • Por favor = Please.
  • Gracias = Thank you.
  • Lo siento = Sorry.
  • Salud = Bless you (after someone sneezes)
  • Sí = Yes.
  • No = No.

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[venˈtura] fortune ⧫ chance. andare alla ventura to trust to luck.

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di·ver·ti·do Adjective. Translate “divertido” to English: amusing cool distracting entertaining fun fun-packed waggish diverting hooty.

What can I say instead of muy bien?

But sometimes just saying bien is not enough to express how good you feel. In those cases you can use other expressions in Spanish such as Muy bien (“Very well”) or even ¡Súper bien! (“Super well!”). These words can also be used next to the adjective bueno.

Does muy bien mean?

muy bien | Translation of VERY WELL into Spanish by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of VERY WELL in Spanish.

Do you say shut up in Spanish?

Say “shut up.” “Cállate” is the literal translation of “shut up” in Spanish and there are a few ways to say it. The word is pronounced “ka-ya-tay.” Here’s what you can say: “¡Cállate!” (“Shut up!”)

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The collective noun to describe a gathering of flamingos is “flamboyance ” an appropriate term for these colorfully-feathered creatures. They flock together by the thousands on salt flats lagoons lakes and swamps around the world where they can filter-feed for shrimp algae and insects.

What does it mean when you finesse someone?

To cheat or deceive someone. I’m not going to let some scammer like him finesse me out of my hard-earned money!

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Definitions of gawkiness. the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are extremely ungainly and inelegant. synonyms: ungainliness. type of: awkwardness clumsiness. the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant.

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50 Beautiful Spanish Words

  • bonita: pretty (adjective)
  • precioso: precious/beautiful (adjective)
  • señorita: young lady (noun)
  • guapo: handsome (adjective)
  • rosado: pink (adjective)
  • amor: love (noun)
  • encantar: to enchant (verb)
  • desear: to wish (verb)

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  • tranquilo – Cool quiet composed laid back chilled out. …
  • escuincle – Kid brat.
  • chamba – A Mexican word that means “work”. …
  • órale – Mexican word that means “OK” “alright” or “go for it!”
  • dale – Argentine version of órale.
  • escopeta – A shotgun.
  • genio – Literally means “genius”.

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  • Pendejo. One of the most used slang words in Mexico is calling someone a ‘pendejo’. …
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via de ventura. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ vía. route. road.

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hard-working | Translation of TRABAJADOR into English by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of TRABAJADOR in.

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Does Serio mean serious?

Serious problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.

How do you respond to im good in Spanish?

How do you reply to bien y tu?

The standard answer is probably “Bien” (“Fine”) or “Muy bien” (“Very good”). Of course both of those responses are often expanded: “Muy bien gracias. ¿Y tú?” (“Quite well thank you.

Is it estoy bien or soy bien?

What is the difference between estoy and soy? The two words seem to both mean “I am.” For example in lesson 1.1 we are taught “estoy bien” but in 1.2 it is “soy alto.”

What does De nada mean in English?

Definition of de nada

: of nothing : you’re welcome.

How do you answer Como estas?

When someone asks you ¿Cómo estás? If you feel alright you say estoy bien you could also say estoy muy bien to give more emphasis which means “very good” or “very well.” You can also add one extra word gracias meaning “thanks” and estoy bien gracias it means “I’m fine thank you.” 2.

What does muy bien y?

I am fine how are you.

Is callate rude?

Cállate may not be very polite but it’s not rude. An equivalent to “shut up” could be the expression Cállate la boca.

Is Nalgas a bad word?

Las nalgas: This is an okay word for butt and it’s totally benign for most people but not all. So it’s not recommended. … El trasero las pompas las nachas: The behind or backside of a person.

What is Kayate in Spanish?

1. ( informal) (imperative second person singular) shut up (colloquial)

What is a group of magpies called?

Why do you think there is only one right answer? 39 Terms of Venery A tiding of magpies a gulp of magpies a mischief of magpies a conventicle of magpies a tittering of magpies. Most such terms are latter-day “urban myth / old wives tales” though.

What do you call a group of giraffes?

A group of giraffes is called a tower. These amazing animals can be found in the African plains and they use their long necks to reach leaves on the tops of trees.

See also what are the 6 characteristics of typical invasive plant species

What is a group of alligators called?

It typically refers to an important gathering. The US Fish & Wildlife Service asks: “What is more important than [a gathering of] the symbol of our country?” Interestingly a group of alligators is also referred to as a congregation.

What does finesse a girl mean?

Finessing means actively getting what you want by tricking the other side.

How do you finesse a girl?

How to Flirt With Finesse

  1. Make Friendly Lasting Eye Contact With a Smile.
  2. Approach From the Front.
  3. Give Compliments That Go Beyond Looks.
  4. Use Appropriate Touch to Show Interest.
  5. Use Playful Teasing to Your Advantage.
  6. Read Signals and Take a Hint.

300 Words Every Spanish Beginner Must Know

Spanish Words – 100 Most Common Words Translated – Covering 50% of Spoken Conversation!

Strong Opinions! Learn Spanish With Paul

Spanish Conversation for Beginners | 70 Basic Spanish Phrases To Know

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good = bueno
«good» is «bueno» in spanish.

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better (comparative)best (superlative)

When good is part of a set combination, eg in a good temper, a good deal of, good heavens, look up the noun.

The commonest translation of good is bueno, which must be shortened to [buen] before a masculine singular noun.

1 (satisfactory) bueno

a good book un buen libro; at the end of the day, it’s a good investment a fin de cuentas es una buena inversión

Note that [bueno]/[buena] etc precede the noun in general comments where there is no attempt to compare or rank the person or thing involved:

he’s a good translator

if he set his mind to it, he could be a very good painter si se lo propusiera podría ser muy buen pintor; she was a good wife and mother era una buena esposa y madre; she has a good figure tiene buen tipo

[Bueno]/[buena] etc follow the noun when there is implied or explicit comparison:

we could make a list of good teachers podríamos hacer una lista de profesores buenos; I’m not saying it’s a good thing or a bad thing no digo que sea una cosa buena, ni mala

she’s got good legs you’ve got good hair

Use [ser] rather than [estar] with [bueno] when translating [to be good], unless describing food:

the idea is a good one la idea es buena; it’s good to be aware of the views of intelligent people es bueno conocer los puntos de vista de la gente inteligente; the paella was very good la paella estaba muy buena

Use [estar] with the adverb [bien] to give a general comment on a situation:

you’ve written a book, which is good has escrito un libro, lo que está bien; his hearing is good del oído está bien; el oído lo tiene bien

she’s good at maths se le dan bien las matemáticas; es buena en matemáticas

she’s good at singing canta bien; she’s good at putting people at their ease tiene la capacidad de hacer que la gente se sienta relajada

that’s good enough for me eso me basta

I’m doing a job I love and that’s good enough for me [=I’m content with that] When I was level with Gary’s record, I felt that was good enough for me. He swore to me he had done nothing wrong and that was good enough for me [=I was convinced] Even though the event might not be highly profitable, as long as everyone involved enjoys it, that’s good enough for me

it’s just not good enough! ¡esto no se puede consentir!

i didn’t mean to stay out late. I just forgot the time — It’s just not good enough it is not good enough to say that parents should control what children watch on TV

40% of candidates are not good enough to pass el 40% de los candidatos no dan el nivel or la talla para aprobar

to feel good sentirse bien

I started to feel good about myself again empecé a recuperar mi autoestima or la moral; I don’t feel very good about that (I’m rather ashamed) me da bastante vergüenza

we’ve never had it so good! (informal) ¡nunca nos ha ido tan bien!; ¡jamás lo hemos tenido tan fácil!

how good is her eyesight? ¿qué tal está de la vista?

he has good manners his manners are good

you’re looking good ¡qué guapa estás!

having a healthy skin is not just about looking good carpets need regular cleaning to keep them looking good

things are looking good las cosas van bien; la cosa tiene buena pinta (informal)

Weather conditions are still looking good One of the Conservative campaign team claimed: `It’s looking good. We are on course to win’ things are looking good for the Conservatives Your finances are looking good, so give yourself a treat

you look good in that eso te sienta or te va bien

you can have too much of a good thing lo mucho cansa (y lo poco agrada)

it’s too good to be true no puede ser; es demasiado bueno para ser cierto

he sounds too good to be true! ¡algún defecto tiene que tener!

she’s good with cats entiende bien a los gatos; sabe manejarse bien con los gatos

he’s good with his hands It seems like a great idea, but it’s too good to be true if you ask me. There’s bound to be a catch The offer of a new slimline body with no bumps or lumps, no rolls of fat, involving no starvation, no step classes, no aerobics, no swimming, no pain and no surgery, seems too good to be true. She claims that this is the best method of slimming she has ever come across. Yes, I know it sounds too good to be true, but take a look It sounded too good to be true — and it was I had been right. He was too good to be true. The wit, charm and intelligence were genuine but flawed by an inability to face the truth to be too much of a good thing a six-month period in which to be moderate in your eating habits. You must just learn that you can have too much of a good thing a chocolate Swiss roll, with chocolate filling, coated with chocolate. You may find the rich taste of chocolate is too much of a good thing

2 (of high quality)

always use good ingredients utilice siempre ingredientes de calidad or los mejores ingredientes; it’s made of good leather está hecho con cuero del bueno

it’s important to have good equipment this is my only good dress 200 was a good score in those conditions

3 (pleasant) [+holiday, day] bueno; agradable; [+weather, news] bueno

it was as good as a holiday aquello fue como unas vacaciones

have a good journey! ¡buen viaje!

how good it is to know that …! ¡cuánto me alegro de saber que …!

it’s good to see you me alegro de verte; gusto en verte; (LAm)

it’s good to be here da gusto estar aquí

have a good trip! ¡buen viaje!

it’s good to be alive it’s [as] good [as] a holiday to me

4 (beneficial, wholesome) [+food] bueno; sano; [+air] puro; sano

it’s good for burns es bueno para las quemaduras

it’s good for you or your health te hace bien

this climate is not good for one’s health the shock was good for him [=morally improving] what’s good for the consumer isn’t necessarily good for the economy it’s good for you to swim

spirits are not good for me los licores no me sientan bien; he eats more than is good for him come más de lo que le conviene

milk is good for children

all this excitement isn’t good for me! ¡a mí todas estas emociones no me vienen or sientan nada bien!; it’s good for the soul! ¡ennoblece el espíritu!; ¡te enriquece (como persona)!; if you know what’s good for you you’ll say yes por la cuenta que te tiene dirás que sí; some children know more than is good for them algunos niños son demasiado listos or saben demasiado

it’s [still] good to eat last week’s bread is still good the water from the well is still good it stays good for weeks

5 (favourable) [+moment, chance] bueno

it’s a good chance to sort things out es una buena oportunidad de or para arreglar las cosas

I tried to find something good to say about him traté de encontrar algo bueno que decir de él

it would be a good thing or idea to ask him no estaría mal or no sería mala idea preguntárselo

this is as good a time as any to do it es tan buen momento como cualquier otro para hacerlo

6 (useful)

the only good chair la única silla que está bien; la única silla servible or sana

to be good for (doing) sth servir para (hacer) algo

my car is good for another few years

it’ll be good for some years durará todavía algunos años; he’s good for ten years yet tiene todavía por delante diez años de vida

he’s good for £5

John’s good for a few hundred pounds John seguramente puede prestarnos unos cientos de libras; I’m good for another mile todavía puedo aguantar otra milla más; the ticket is good for three months el billete es válido or valedero para tres meses; he’s good for nothing es un inútil; es completamente inútil

7 (sound, valid) [+excuse] bueno

unless you have a good excuse a menos que tengas una buena excusa

for no good reason sin motivo alguno

he is a good risk (financially) concederle crédito es un riesgo asumible; se le puede prestar dinero

is his credit good? deutschmarks are good anywhere in Europe what how much is he good for?

8 (kind)

that’s very good of you es usted muy amable; ¡qué amable (de su parte)!

he was so good as to come with me tuvo la amabilidad de acompañarme

please would you be so good as to help me down with my case? ¿me hace el favor de bajarme la maleta?; ¿tendría la bondad de bajarme la maleta? (formal); would you be so good as to sign here? ¿me hace el favor de firmar aquí?

he’s a good sort es buena persona or gente

he was good to me fue muy bueno or amable conmigo; se portó bien conmigo

9 (well-behaved) [+child] bueno

be good! (morally) ¡sé bueno!; (in behaviour) ¡pórtate bien!; (at this moment) ¡estáte formal!

to be as good as gold portarse como un ángel or santo

the child has been as good as gold

10 (upright, virtuous) bueno

he’s a good man es una buena persona; es un buen hombre

I think I’m as good as him yo me considero tan buena persona como él

the twelve good men and true los doce hombres justos

yes, my good man sí, mi querido amigo

send us a photo of your good self tenga a bien enviarnos una foto suya

she’s too good for him ella es más de lo que él se merece

your good lady (wife) frm or hum

11 (close) bueno

he’s a good friend of mine es un buen amigo mío

my good friend Fernando mi buen or querido amigo Fernando

12 (middle-class, respectable)

to live at a good address vivir en una buena zona or en un buen barrio

he’s got no money but he’s of good family no tiene dinero pero es or viene de buena familia

13 (creditable)

he came in a good third llegó en un meritorio tercer puesto

14 (considerable) [+supply, number] bueno

we were kept waiting for a good hour/thirty minutes nos tuvieron esperando una hora/media hora larga; nos tuvieron esperando por lo menos una hora/media hora

we waited a good fifteen minutes

a good three hours tres horas largas; a good 10km 10kms largos; a good £10 lo menos 10 libras

a good many or few people bastante gente

15 (thorough) [+scolding] bueno

to have a good cry llorar a lágrima viva; llorar a moco tendido (informal)

to have a good laugh reírse mucho

to take a good look (at sth) mirar bien (algo)

to have a good wash lavarse bien

give it a good rinse/stir


the good ship Domino el (buque) Domino

his first command was the good ship Domino on the good ship, Lollipop, where the …

17 (in greetings)

good morning buenos días

good afternoon/evening buenas tardes

good night buenas noches

with every good wishwith all good wishes (in letter) saludos; un fuerte abrazo

Robert sends (his) good wishes Robert manda recuerdos

18 (in exclamations)

good! ¡muy bien!; (that’s) good! ¡qué bien!; ¡qué bueno!; (LAm) very good, sir sí, señor

good for you! ¡bien hecho!; (congratulations) ¡enhorabuena!

good [old] Mike! Mike managed to catch the post. Good old Mike

good one! (well done, well said) ¡muy bien!; ¡sí señor!

that’s a good one! some chance! a likely story!

19 (in other set expressions)

as good as

it’s as good as new está como nuevo; I’ll soon be as good as new pronto estaré como nuevo

the car has hardly been used — it’s as good as new was he hurt? — a few bruises, but in a week or two he’ll be as good as new [*/hum?]

the job is as good as done el trabajo puede darse por acabado; it’s as good as lost puede darse por perdido; they’re as good as beaten pueden darse por vencidos; as good as saying … tanto como decir …

that’s as good as saying worrying is good for you

she as good as told me so poco menos que me lo dijo; he as good as called me a liar me llamó poco menos que mentiroso

to come good

turn out well

things will come good eventually todo se arreglará al final

it’s just a matter of time before things start coming good again

good and …

good and hot bien calentito (informal); good and strong bien fuerte

the soup was served good [and] hot

I’ll do it when I’m good and ready lo haré cuando a mí me parezca

to hold good valer;for para

yesterday’s success formula is unlikely to hold good for tomorrow

the same advice holds good for us el mismo consejo vale para nosotros

it’s a good job

(it’s a) good job he came! ¡menos mal que ha venido!

to be on to a good thing he’s on to a good [thing] > pls provide info, I suspect meaning but not sure EV


1 (as intensifier) bien

a good strong stick un palo bien fuerte; a good long walk un paseo bien largo; un buen paseo

to give as good as one gets pagar con la misma moneda; devolver golpe por golpe

good and proper

they were beaten good and proper les dieron una buena paliza (informal); they were cheated good and proper les timaron bien timados (informal); les timaron con todas las de la ley (informal)

I told him off good and proper >

2 especially (US) (well) bien

you did good hiciste bien; «how are you?» — «thanks, I’m good» —¿cómo estás? —muy bien, gracias


1 (virtuousness) el bien

to do good hacer (el) bien

good and evil may co-exist within one family

good and evil el bien y el mal

he is a power for good su influencia es muy buena or beneficiosa; hace mucho bien

for good or ill para bien o para mal

and, for good or ill, they decided to emigrate

there’s some good in him tiene algo bueno

to be up to no good estar tramando algo

2 (advantage, benefit) bien (m)

the common good el bien común

to the good we were £50 to the good >

if it’s any good to you si te sirve de algo

a rest will do you some good un descanso te sentará bien

the sea air does you good el aire del mar le hace or sienta a uno bien

the change has done him good a holiday/diet/rest will do you good

a (fat) lot of good that will do you! ¡menudo provecho te va a traer!

a lot of good that’s done him!

much good may it do you! ¡no creo que te sirva de mucho!; ¡para lo que te va a servir!; it does my heart good to see him verlo me alegra la existencia

for your own good por tu propio bien

for the good of the country por el bien del país

to be in good with sb estar a bien con algn

that’s all to the good! ¡menos mal!

what good will that do you? ¿y eso de qué te va a servir?

what’s the good of worrying? ¿de qué sirve or para qué preocuparse?

what’s the good of this?

3 (people of virtue) the good los buenos

the good and the bad the good die young

4 (in set expressions)

any good

is he any good? [+worker, singer etc] ¿qué tal lo hace?; ¿lo hace bien?; is this any good? ¿sirve esto?; is she any good at cooking? ¿qué tal cocina?; ¿cocina bien?

for good (and all) (for ever) para siempre

he’s gone for good se ha ido para siempre or para no volver

no good

it’s no good (no use) no sirve; it’s no good, I’ll never get it finished in time así no hay manera, nunca lo terminaré a tiempo; it’s no good saying that de nada sirve or vale decir eso; it’s no good worrying de nada sirve or vale preocuparse; no se saca nada preocupándose; that’s no good eso no vale or sirve

that’s no good, it’s too thick that won’t be much good

I’m no good at maths las matemáticas no se me dan nada bien; that’s no good to me eso no me sirve para nada; to come to no good acabar mal


the Good Book (n) (Rel) la Biblia

good faith (n) buena fe (f)

in good faith de buena fe

directors who authorised the group’s misleading prospectus had acted in good faith He said although the loans were made in good faith, he doesn’t believe the union should make direct real-estate loans unions were willing to show their good faith by re-opening negotiations the Palestinians have provided Israel with a pretext to doubt their good faith

Good Friday (n) (Rel) Viernes (m) Santo

good looks (n) atractivo (m) físico

She fell in love with his rugged good looks good looks are important but what really matters is personality

good works (n) buenas obras (f)

Principal Translations Inglés Español good adj (better than average) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   He studied hard and got good grades this year.   Estudió duro y obtuvo buenas notas este año. good adj (favorable) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.   El pronóstico del tiempo es bueno para mañana. good adj (well behaved) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   Now you be good while I’m gone, do you hear?   Sé bueno mientras estoy fuera, ¿me has escuchado? good adj (adequate) bueno/a adj     bien adv Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   You can earn a good living as a mechanic.   Puedes ganarte una buena vida trabajando como mecánico.   Puedes ganarte bien la vida trabajando como mecánico. good for [sb/sth] adj + prep (healthy) bueno para adj + prep     ser saludable para loc verb   Cod liver oil is supposed to be good for you.   Se supone que el aceite de hígado de bacalao es bueno para ti. good for [sb/sth] adj + prep (beneficial) bueno para adj + prep   Whoever said that pain is good for the soul?   ¿Quién dijo que el dolor es bueno para el alma? the good of [sth/sb] expr (benefit, advantage) el bien de expr   Political decisions should always be for the good of the people.   Las decisiones políticas siempre deberían tomarse por el bien de la gente. good adj (virtuous) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   He’s a good man.   Es un hombre bueno. good for [sth],
good for doing [sth]
adj + prep (useful) bueno para adj + prep     útil para adj mf + prep     ser práctico para loc verb   Shoe boxes are good for storing old postcards and letters.   Las cajas de zapatos son buenas para guardar viejas postales y cartas. good adj (competent) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   She’s a very good accountant.   Ella es muy buena contable. good adj (right, correct) bueno/a adj     correcto/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   Good answer!   ¡Buena respuesta! good adj (worthy) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   You’ve ruined our family’s good reputation.   Has arruinado la buena reputación de nuestra familia. good adj (refined) (criterio, gusto) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   He’s got good taste in wine.   Él tiene buen gusto en cuanto a vinos. goods npl (merchandise, commodities) productos, artículos nmpl     mercancías nfpl   The company promised to deliver the goods within 24 hours.   La empresa prometió entregar los productos en 24 horas.   La empresa prometió entregar las mercancías en 24 horas.
Additional Translations Inglés Español be good at [sth] v expr (be skilled, talented) ser bueno en loc verb     ser hábil en loc verb   He is good at anything related to numbers.   Es bueno en todo lo relacionado con números. be good with [sth] v expr (be skilled with) ser bueno con loc verb     ser hábil con loc verb     ser competente con loc verb   My sister is good with numbers but I’m better at languages.   Mi hermana es buena con los números, pero yo soy mejor con los idiomas. be good with [sb/sth] v expr (people, animal: handle well) (hábil) ser bueno con loc verb   He is good with children and animals.   Él es bueno con los niños y los animales. be good for [sth] v expr (be valid: for a duration) ser válido por loc verb   Your international driving licence is good for one year; you can renew it after that.   La licencia de conducir internacional es válida por un año, pero después de eso se puede renovar. be good for [sth] v expr (be equivalent in value to) ser válido para loc verb     servir para, valer para vi + prep   Your admission ticket is also good for one drink at the bar when you get inside.   La entrada es válida para una bebida en el bar. be good for [sth] v expr informal (be fit only for) ser bueno para loc verb   That tatty old sofa is good for the dump.   Ese sofá desgastado sólo es bueno para el basurero. be good to [sb] v expr (be kind toward [sb]) ser bueno con loc verb   My daughter is good to me; she comes to visit every Sunday and brings cake. good adj (suitable) apropiado/a adj     adecuado/a adj   Is lasagne a good thing to serve to your parents?   ¿Será apropiado servirles lasaña a tus padres? good adj (functioning) (funcional) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   You’ll have to speak into my good ear if you want me to hear.   Si quieres que te escuche, tienes que hablarme del lado bueno. good adj informal (fresh) (informal) bueno/a adj   Is that milk still good?   ¿Todavía está buena esa leche? good adj (tastes nice) bueno/a adj     rico/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   This is a really good apple.   Esta manzana está muy buena. good adj (genuine) genuino/a, bueno/a adj     válido/a adj   I can’t tell if this certificate is good or not.   No puedo determinar si este certificado es genuino (or: bueno) o no. good adj (wise) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   Those stocks were a good investment.   Esas acciones resultaron ser una buena inversión. good adj informal (thorough) (informal) bueno/a adj     profundo/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   This house needs a good cleaning.   La casa necesita una buena limpieza. good adj (fertile) bueno/a adj     fértil adj mf   There’s lots of good soil in this part of the country.   Hay mucha tierra buena en esta parte del país. good adj (devout) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   He’s a good Catholic.   Él es un buen católico. good adj (loyal) bueno/a adj     leal adj mf Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   He’s a good union man.   Él es un buen sindicalista. good adj (skin: clear) bueno/a adj     bello/la adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   She has good skin.   Ella tiene buen cutis. good adj (clothes: most dressy) elegante adj mf     bueno/a adj   You should wear your good suit for this dinner.   Deberías ponerte tu traje elegante para esta cena.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Me compré un buen pantalón para la boda de mi hermana. good adj (sport: in bounds) bueno/a adj Note: «Bueno» se convierte en «buen» cuando se coloca delante de un nombre masculino singular.   His first serve was good.   Su primer saque fue bueno. good adv US, informal (well) bien adv   This car runs good.   El auto funciona bien. good interj (approval) bien interj   «Good,» said the teacher when the student handed in his homework on time.   La maestra dijo «bien» cuando el estudiante entregó su tarea a tiempo. good n (benefit, sake) bien nm   I did it for the good of all of us.   Lo hice por el bien de todos nosotros. good n (merit) mérito nm   There’s a lot of good in his idea.   Su idea tiene mucho mérito. good n (virtue) bondad nf     lado bueno loc nom m    (informal) lo bueno loc nom m   You should always seek out the good in people.   Deberías buscar siempre la bondad que hay en las personas.   Deberías buscar siempre el lado bueno de la gente. good n (purpose) sentido nm   What good is it to ask all these questions without answering them?   ¿Qué sentido tiene hacer todas esas preguntas y después no contestarlas? the goods npl figurative, slang (information, evidence) noticias nfpl     información nf   The police are hoping that their informer will come up with the goods.   La policía espera que su informante tenga noticias.
Compound Forms:
good Inglés Español a good innings n UK, informal, figurative (long life) larga vida adj + nf     vivir sus buenos años loc verb    (AR, coloquial, figurado) peinar canas expr   He was 96 when he died. That’s a good innings!   Tenía 96 años cuando murió. ¡Esa es una larga vida!   Tenía 96 años cuando murió. ¡Vivió sus buenos años!   Tenía 96 años cuando murió. ¡Eso es peinar canas! a great deal,
a good deal
n (bargain) (coloquial) una ganga nf    (coloquial) un chollo nm   I chose the car because it was reliable and a great deal.   Elegí ese coche porque es confiable y fue una ganga. a great deal,
a good deal
n (much, large amount) muchísimo adv     mucho adv   I have a great deal to accomplish before the end of the semester.   Tengo muchísimo que hacer antes de que termine el semestre. a great deal of [sth],
a good deal of [sth]
expr (large amount of [sth]) muchísimo adv     mucho adv   Her presidential campaign had a great deal of success at the local level.   Su campaña presidencial tuvo muchísimo éxito a nivel local. a great deal,
a good deal
adv (greatly, very much) mucho adv   I value your input a great deal.   Valoro mucho tu opinión. a great deal,
a good deal
adv (considerably) mucho adv   I’m feeling a great deal better since I ate some soup.   Me siento mucho mejor desde que tomé sopa. a great deal of effort,
a good deal of effort
n (a lot of work) muchísimo esfuerzo adv + nm     un montón de esfuerzo loc adv + nm   I put a great deal of effort into this project, and I was really offended when management ignored it.   Puse muchísimo esfuerzo en este proyecto y realmente me ofendí cuando mi jefe lo ignoró. all in good time interj (be patient) todo a su debido tiempo expr     cada cosa en su momento expr     hay que tener paciencia expr   The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time.   El doctor aseguró a la familia que el paciente sería dado de alta al día siguiente, todo a su debido tiempo. any good adj informal (sufficient quality) bueno/a adj     nada bueno loc adj Note: Used in questions, with negatives and where there is doubt.   I don’t think his later films are any good.   Esa novela no es buena, te vas a aburrir. Te recomiendo esta otra.   Creo que sus últimas películas no son nada buenas. any good adj informal (at all effective) bueno/a adj   Was the ointment I gave you any good?   Esas pastillas no son buenas para la fiebre, tomate mejor estas otras. as good as expr (of equal quality to) tan bueno como loc adj   He is as good at maths as my brother.   Él es tan bueno en matemáticas como mi hermano. as good as expr (nearly; virtually) prácticamente adv   I’ve worked all night on the picture and it’s as good as finished.   He trabajado toda la noche en el cuadro y está prácticamente terminado.     casi adv   He trabajado toda la noche en el cuadro y está casi terminado. as good as it gets expr (the best circumstances) lo mejor que se puede, lo mejor que se consigue expr   The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets. as good as new expr (successfully repaired or restored) como nuevo loc adj     como recién comprado loc adj   John fixed my bike and now it’s as good as new!   John ha arreglado mi bici y ahora está como nueva. as good as they come expr (the best available) lo mejor que se consigue grupo nom     lo mejor que hay grupo nom   Es lo mejor que se consigue, todos los otros que hay en el mercado son de calidad muy inferior. as good as your word expr (trustworthy) de palabra expr at a good price expr (at reasonable cost) a buen precio, a un buen precio loc adv   I was able to buy my PC at a good price.   Pude comprar mi PC a buen precio. be good interj (do not misbehave) pórtate bien loc interj    (AR, UY) portate bien loc interj     sé bueno loc interj be in a good place,
be in a happy place
v expr figurative, informal (be happy, contented) estar en un buen lugar loc verb     encontrarse en una buena situación loc verb be in good company v expr (have the same problem as many others) bienvenido al club expr be in good odor (US),
be in good odour (UK)
v expr figurative (be in favor) tener buena reputación loc verb     tener buena fama loc verb be in good odor with [sb] (US),
be in good odour with [sb] (UK)
v expr figurative (be in favor with [sb]) tener la aceptación de loc verb     tener el visto bueno de loc verb bid [sb/sth] good riddance,
bid good riddance to [sb/sth]
v expr (get rid of [sb], [sth] undesirable) (figurado) decirle chau a loc verb by a great deal,
by a good deal
adv (by a large amount or extent) por mucho loc adv   The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean by a great deal.     por un gran número loc adv certificate of good conduct n (acknowledgement) certificado de buena conducta nm + loc adj come to no good v expr informal (end badly) acabar mal vi + adv     terminar mal vi + adv common good n (benefit of everyone) beneficio de todos nm + loc prep   Being honest with each other is for the common good.   Ser honesto con el otro es para el beneficio de todos.     bien común nm + adj mf   Ser honesto con el otro es para el bien común. cover a lot of ground,
cover a good deal of ground
v expr figurative (make progress) avanzar⇒ vi cover a lot of ground,
cover a good deal of ground
v expr figurative (speech, text: include a lot of material) abarcar⇒ vtr do a good deed v expr (perform a charitable act) hacer una buena obra loc verb   When someone joins the Boy Scouts, one of the requirements is to do a good deed every day.   Cuando te unes a los Niños Exploradores, uno de los requisitos es hacer una buena obra todos los días. do [sb] a good turn,
do a good turn for [sb]
v expr (perform a kind act) hacer un favor a loc verb     hacer una buena obra para loc verb do good v expr (perform charitable acts) hacer el bien loc verb     hacer buenas obras loc verb   If I were a millionaire, I would use my wealth to do good.   Si yo fuera millonaria, usaría mi fortuna para hacer el bien. do good v expr slang (do well, do [sth] successfully) hacer algo bien loc verb   You can do good if you just try.   Lo puedes hacer bien si lo intentas.     irle bien loc verb   Te puede ir bien si lo intentas. do [sb]‘s heart good to do [sth] v expr (delight, make happy) hacer sentir bien loc verb     alegrar el corazón loc verb     llenar de alegría loc verb enjoy good health v expr (be physically healthy) gozar de buena salud loc verb     tener buena salud loc verb fairly good adj (reasonable, acceptable) bastante bien loc adv     bastante decente loc adj     aceptable adj mf     pasable adj mf   I didn’t get top marks in the exam, but my results were fairly good.   No obtuve las mejores notas en el examen, pero mis resultados estuvieron bastante bien. feel good vi + adj (be happy, optimistic) sentirse bien loc verb   I feel good now that my exams are over. Springtime always makes me feel good.   Me siento bien ahora que terminaron mis exámenes. La primavera siempre me hace sentir bien. feel good vi + adj (not feel guilty) sentirse uno tranquilo con su conciencia loc verb feel-good adj informal (that causes happiness) (coloquial) feliz adj     que causa felicidad loc adj feel good about [sth] v expr (be optimistic) ser optimista con respecto a loc verb     tener un buen sentimiento respecto a loc verb feel good about [sth] v expr (find [sth] morally acceptable) estar de acuerdo con loc verb     sentirse bien con loc verb for a good cause expr (for charity, etc.) por una buena causa expr for good adv (permanently) para siempre loc adv   His severe injury ended his sports career for good.   Su grave herida terminó con su carrera deportiva para siempre.     definitivamente adv   Su grave herida terminó con su carrera deportiva definitivamente. for good measure expr (a little more than required) por si acaso loc adv   Emily added an extra teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe for good measure. get off to a good start v expr informal (begin well) tener un buen comienzo loc verb   Our new employee has gotten off to a good start.   Nuestro nuevo empleado ha tenido un buen comienzo.     empezar con el pie derecho expr   Nuestro nuevo empleado ha empezado con el pie derecho.     empezar con buen pie expr   Nuestro nuevo empleado ha empezado con buen pie. give [sb] a good telling-off,
give [sb] a good telling off
v expr informal (reprimand) (informal) echarle una buena bronca a loc verb    (AR, coloquial) cagar a pedos a loc verb   When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off.   Cuando el jefe se dio cuenta de lo que había pasado, llamó a Sally a su despacho y le echó una buena bronca.     reprender a, regañar a vtr + prep     retar a vtr + prep   Cuando el jefe se dio cuenta de lo que había pasado, llamó a Sally a su despacho y la reprendió (or: regañó). good afternoon interj (greeting) buenas tardes loc interj   Phil wished me good afternoon as he passed me in the corridor.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Buenas tardes, María. ¿Cómo están tus padres? good and … adv informal (completely) totalmente adv     completamente adv   Make sure the apples are good and ripe before you pick them.   Come and eat your dinner while it’s good and hot.   Asegúrate de que las manzanas estén totalmente maduras antes de recogerlas. // Ven a cenar mientras la comida está totalmente caliente. good appetite,
healthy appetite
n (healthy desire to eat) buen apetito loc nom m   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Se está recuperando de su enfermedad, y tiene buen apetito. good behavior (US),
good behaviour (UK)
n (child: not misbehaving) buen comportamiento adj + nm   Billy got a sticker for his good behavior today at school.   Hoy en la escuela le dieron a Guillermito una pegatina por buen comportamiento.     buena conducta adj + nf   Hoy en la escuela le dieron a Guillermito una pegatina por buena conducta.     portarse bien v prnl + adv   Hoy en la escuela le dieron a Guillermito una pegatina por portarse bien. good behavior (US),
good behaviour (UK)
n (prisoner: good conduct) buena conducta adj + nf   I expect that he will have his prison term reduced for good behaviour.   Espero que le reduzcan la pena por buena conducta. good boy n (well-behaved male child) buen chico, buen niño adj + nm     niño juicioso nm + adj   He was a very good boy. good boy interj (used to praise a male child) ¡buen chico! loc interj   Good boy! You received an «A» in mathematics.   ¡Buen chico! Has sacado una «A» en matemáticas. good boy interj (used to praise male dog) (perro) ¡buen chico! loc interj good buy n (bargain) ganga nf    (AR: coloquial) pichincha nf   I got a good buy on these drinks, only $1 per bottle.   Estas bebidas fueron una ganga: solo $1 por botella. good call n informal (smart decision, wise judgment) sabia decisión adj + nf good cause n (law: adequate grounds for [sth]) motivo justificado loc nom m good chance n (high probability) mucha probabilidad, alta probabilidad adj + nf     mucha chance adj + nf good cheer n (joyfulness) ánimo nm     alegría nf     júbilo nm   The party guests were in good cheer.   Los invitados a la fiesta estaban de buen ánimo. good child n (child who is well behaved) buen niño loc nom m   My mother says I was a good child when I was younger.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Sé un buen niño y tráeme mis botas.     niño bueno nm   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Los niños buenos obedecen a sus padres.     chico bueno nm good Christian n ([sb] who obeys Christian teachings) buen cristiano nm   A good Christian uses Jesus as an example for his life. good citizen n (helpful member of society) (miembro de una sociedad) ciudadano, ciudadana nm, nf     vecino, vecina nm, nf     munícipe n común     habitante n común good clothes npl (finest or most formal outfit) mejor ropa adj + nf   I would not wear my good clothes while doing the housework.   No me voy a poner la mejor ropa para lustrar los pisos. good company n invariable (pleasant, welcome companion) buena compañía adj + nf good cop/bad cop n informal (police questioning technique) policía bueno policía malo expr good day n (day spent well) buen día loc nom m   William had a good day at the races, winning a considerable amount of money.   William tuvo un buen día en las carreras y ganó una cantidad importante de dinero. good deed n (charitable act) buena acción loc nom f   Have you done any good deeds lately, like donating blood?   ¿Has hecho alguna buena acción últimamente, como donar sangre?     obra de bien loc nom f   ¿Has hecho alguna obra de bien últimamente, como donar sangre?     buena obra loc nom f   ¿Has hecho alguna buena obra últimamente, como donar sangre? good disposition n (pleasant manner, character) buena disposición adj + nf   Labradors have a good disposition which makes them a good dog around children.   Los labradores tienen buena disposición, lo que los hace buenos perros para estar con niños.    (ES) ser majo loc verb   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Es un chaval muy majo, siempre está dispuesto a echar una mano. good dog interj (used to praise a canine) buen chico interj good eater n ([sb] who eats plenty) buen comedor grupo nom     alguien que come mucho grupo nom good eating n (healthy or top-quality food) comida saludable nf + adj     comida sana nf + adj good egg n figurative (decent or kind person) (coloquial) buen tipo loc nom m    (coloquial) buena gente loc nom f   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Ese tío es buena gente. good English n (skillfulness with English) buen nivel de inglés grupo nom    (nivel de idioma) buen inglés loc nom m   Good English is a necessity for any foreign student wishing to study at an English university.   Si quieres estudiar en una facultad británica, tienes que tener un buen nivel de inglés. good enough adj (satisfactory) suficientemente bueno loc adj   It isn’t the best computer available, but it’s good enough for my needs.   No es la mejor computadora, pero es suficientemente buena para cubrir mis necesidades. good evening interj (greeting) buenas noches loc interj   «Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order?» asked the waiter.   El camarero dijo: «Buenas noches, señor. ¿Está listo para ordenar?».

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