The short word for situation

Update: This word was added in April 2019

Historically, young speakers of English have been at the vanguard of a time-honored pursuit: finding new ways to shorten long words. Slang is an effective means of communicating comfort and familiarity, and cutting back longer words to one or two syllables is a classic technique by which it’s created.

Some words are easy to interpret simply by hearing their first syllable, and maybe a bit of context. We know that the merch in merch table means «merchandise» and that demo can mean «demonstration» («gave a demo of the product») or «demographic» («appealed to the 18-24 demo«). We have long accepted such shorthand forms as champ for «champion» or condo for «condominium.» Enter sitch.

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«Okay, so, getting out of the box has turned into a bit of a sitch.»

Sitch, short for situation, requires a bit of a double-take when you encounter it in print because it involves an alteration of the spelling of the original word. There’s no «ch» in situation, but the sound (known by phonologists as a voiceless alveopalatal affricate, rendered as /tʃ/ in the IPA alphabet) is represented in that word by the –tu- letter combination, much like in culture, natural, and fortunate.

The spelling alteration occurs when we take an initial syllable or syllables of a longer word and then render them phonetically to resemble more familiar orthographic patterns. Examples of such shortenings and alterations include delish for «delicious,» fax for «facsimile,» and nabe for «neighborhood.»

With sitch, the letter combination that represents the voiceless velar fricative is cut in half; the pronunciation intended would be harder for a reader to recognize if the syllable was rendered as sit or situ. Instead it gets spelled to resemble a more familiar word that ends in the voiceless velar fricative, such as witch. The same occurs when we say natch for «naturally.»

Like many short forms, sitch probably saw significant use in spoken English before it ever saw print, but it’s hard to make a determination of just how far back it goes, since most instances of speech aren’t recorded. A drunk character in John Bell Clayton’s 1954 novel Walk Toward the Rainbow uses the shortened form of situation to rhyme with a vulgar word for one that is difficult or unpleasant.

But most early print use of the word is found in gossip or lifestyle columns, where it fits the casual and relaxed tone:

The scene: Suppose they opened a nightclub and everybody wanted to come? That was the sitch when the disco-y China Club officially opened Tuesday night in Hollywood. It’s been open for months for private parties, but the owners just got all their licenses and opened to the public in a flurry.

— Jeannine Stein, The Los Angeles Times, 17 Aug. 1989

The word was then popularized by several youth-oriented television series, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and Kim Possible (2002-2007), whose titular animated crime-fighting teenager employed «What’s the sitch?» as a catchphrase.

And while it’s still favored chiefly by lifestyle publications that write with a casual tone (such as Cosmopolitan), sitch occasionally finds its way into other media:

Just as a flaw in his character opened the door, a strength in his character can close it. «I got this» is a phrase associated with Obama going back to 2008, phrase he used to assure nervous aides and fans that he had the sitch under control even at its bleakest.

— Michael Tomasky, Newsweek, 5 Nov. 2012

So when should you use sitch? It depends on—well, the situation. For writing in a chatty tone, sitch can be handy word to use—if the sitch presents itself.

Words We’re Watching talks about words we are increasingly seeing in use but that have not yet met our criteria for entry.

  • 1

    1) местоположе́ние, ме́сто

    2) положе́ние, обстано́вка, состоя́ние, ситуа́ция;

    3) слу́жба, до́лжность, ме́сто;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > situation

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    Персональный Сократ > situation

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    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > situation

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    Politics english-russian dictionary > situation

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    ситуация, обстановка, положение; состояние; условия

    — chemical warfare situation

    — electronic environment situation

    — ground activities situation

    — jamming environment situation

    English-Russian military dictionary > situation

  • 6



    1) положение дел, ситуация, обстановка

    The situation at home is getting more and more unbearable every day. — Обстановка дома с каждым днем становится все невыносимей.

    criminal situation

    — housing situation
    — rules governing every situation
    — oil and energy situation
    — serious and pop music situation

    crisis situation

    — desperate situation

    fluid situation

    — explosive situation
    — threatening situation
    — humiliating situation
    — life-and-death situation
    — thrilling situation
    — moving situation

    international situation

    — emergency situation

    situation report

    — situation map
    — situation in the country
    — situation at the front
    — present situation in teaching
    — with this situation in view
    — appreciate the situation
    — be master of the situation
    — ease the housing situation
    — experience a similar situation
    — get involved into an unpleasant situation
    — get out come out of a bad situation
    — introduce dramatic situations into the play
    — realize one’s financial situation
    — sense the situation
    — size up the situation
    — solve a difficult situation
    — straighten a bad situation
    — talk over political situation
    — accept a situation
    — be in a strange situation
    — be well informed of the whole situation
    — come out of a difficult situation with credit
    — deal with the situation
    — be determined by the situation
    — exploit use of the situation
    — have the situation well in hand
    — improve the situation
    — laugh off an awkward situation
    — manage situation
    — cope with the situation

    watch the situation with alarm

    — view the situation with alarm

    2) расположение, положение

    The country is in a crucial (desperate, hopeless, unfavourable, gloomy) situation. — Страна находится в критическом (отчаянном, безнадежном, невыгодном, мрачном) положении.

    The present situation calls for urgent measures. — Сложившаяся обстановка требует принятия срочных мер.

    That’s quite a situation. — Вот так ситуация!

    It was a life and death situation. — Это был вопрос жизни и смерти.

    convenient situation for a house

    — geographical situation of the country
    — situation of a city
    — have a good geographical situation
    — place is beautiful in situation

    3) работа, место, должность

    Situations are guarantied to all students trained at the college. — Всем выпускникам этого колледжа гарантируется работа.

    He studied the «situations vacant» columns in the newspaper. — Он внимательно просматривал газетные объявления о найме рабочей силы.

    well-paying situation

    — one’s former situation
    — situation as a typist
    — situation with high wages
    — from one’s former situation
    — accept the situation
    — apply for a situation
    — be in a situation
    — be out of a situation
    — get a situation out of town
    — hold a responsible situation
    — leave the situation without a character
    — look for a good situation
    — lose one’s situation
    — take a situation as a nurse


    Ситуации и состояния ассоциируются с местом; хорошая ситуация ассоциируется с таким надежным местом, как дом, а нехорошая ситуация — с ненадежным, опасным местом. ср.: We are in a situation where there are no real winness. Мы оказались в такой ситтуации, где победителей не может быть. In this work, the author is back on familiar territory. Автор опять описывает вполне знакомую ему ситуацию. It was time for her to leave the family nest. Настало время ей покинуть тепло семейного гнезда/изменить ситуацию. I have felt at home since the moment I started workhere. С тех пор, как я работаю здесь, я чувствую себя как дома/на своем месте/вполне комфортно. He carved out a niche for himself within the company. Он нашел себе безопасную нишу в этой компании. This is right up my street/alley. Это вполне по мне/мне подходит. The park is a heaven for tired shoppers. Парк вокруг торгового центра просто рай для усталых покупателей. This town has always been a cultural desert. С точки зрения культурной деятельностиэтот городишко просто пустыня. That pary of the city is nothing but a concrete jungle. Эта часть города не что иное как бетонные джунгли. He spent many years in the political wilderness. Многие годы он провел в политическом забвении/был абсолютно неуспешен в политике. This is a potential minefield for beginners. Для новичка эта ситуация полна опасностей. /Оказавшись в этой ситуации, новички вступают на минное поле. We have a very rocky road to travel. Нам предстоит нелегкий путь. /На этом пути нас ждет немало трудностей. I have been caught between a rock and a hard place. Я оказался между Сциллой и Харибдой. /Куда не кинь всюду клин. /Я оказался в безвыходном положении. /И то то и то плохо. He is in a fight spot. Он в затруднительном положении. We were left nigh and dry when they withdrew our funding. Мы оказались на мели, когда у нас изъяли финансирование

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > situation

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > situation

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    situation положение, обстановка, состояние, ситуация; to come out of a difficult situation with credit с честью выйти из трудного положения competitive situation состояние конкуренции conflict situation вчт. конфликтная ситуация critical situation критическая ситуация earnings situation ситуация с доходами economic situation состояние экономики economic situation экономическая конъюнктура economic situation экономическая ситуация employment situation положение на рынке труда exchange situation ситуация на валютном рынке export situation положение на экспортном рынке failure situation вчт. сбойная ситуация financial situation финансовая ситуация situation служба, должность, место (особ. о прислуге); to find a situation найти работу, устроиться на место foreign exchange situation положение на валютном рынке foreign exchange situation состояние валютного рынка income situation состояние доходов interest rate situation состояние ставки процента liquidity situation состояние ликвидности market situation положение на рынке market situation рыночная конъюнктура market situation состояние рынка price situation состояние цен queueing situation вчт. условия образования очереди sales situation рыночная конъюнктура situation место службы situation местоположение, место situation обстановка situation положение, обстановка, состояние, ситуация; to come out of a difficult situation with credit с честью выйти из трудного положения situation положение, обстановка, состояние, ситуация situation положение дел situation работа situation ситуация situation служба, должность, место (особ. о прислуге); to find a situation найти работу, устроиться на место situation служба, должность, место (особ. о прислуге) situation социальное положение situation of conflict состояние конфликта tangled situation запутанная ситуация tangled situation сложная ситуация tight economic situation напряженная экономическая ситуация uncertain situation неопределенная ситуация war-like situation положение, подобное военному

    English-Russian short dictionary > situation

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    ситуация, обстановка, положение (дел)

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > situation

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    1. n ситуация, обстановка, положение

    2. n состояние, положение

    3. n лит. момент, сцена; ситуация

    4. n место, служба, работа

    5. n социальное положение

    6. n местность

    7. n местоположение, расположение

    8. n разг. одно из трёх первых мест

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. circumstances (noun) case; circumstances; condition; mode; plight; posture; predicament; state

    2. job (noun) appointment; berth; billet; connection; employment; job; office; post; profession; seat; slot; spot; trade

    3. place (noun) bearing; direction; locale; locality; location; locus; orientation; place; placement; point; position; site; where; whereabouts

    5. status (noun) capacity; character; footing; quality; rank; sphere; standing; station; status

    English-Russian base dictionary > situation

  • 11

    состояние; обстановка; ситуация; условия

    situation of loads carriage

    situation of the systems

    air-threat situation

    combat situation

    crash situation

    crash-impact situation

    departure situation

    failure situation

    fast-moving situation

    flight situation

    go-around situation

    hazardous situation

    head on situation

    high-angle-of-attack situation

    high-stress situation

    high-workload situation

    intercept situation

    lateral intercept situation

    negative dihedral situation

    out-of-control situation

    PIO situation

    post-stall situation

    real situation

    runway denial situation

    single-engine situation

    spin situation

    stall situation

    stressful situation

    wind situation

    Авиасловарь > situation

  • 12

    ˌsɪtjuˈeɪʃən сущ.
    1) обстановка, положение, ситуация, состояние to accept a situation ≈ мириться с положением/ситуацией to come out of a difficult situation with credit ≈ с честью выйти из трудного положения to comprehend, grasp, take in a situation ≈ понимать положение, вникать в положение/в ситуацию awkward situation crisis situation emergency situation critical situation delicate situation desperate situation embarrassing situation explosive situation fluid situation hopeless situation international situation world situation no-win situation life-and-death situation political situation
    2) место, местоположение (здания, города и т. п.) Syn: position
    1., location
    3) служба, должность, место to be out of a situation ≈ быть безработным situations vacant, situations wanted ≈ вакансии заголовок газетного раздела о свободных вакансиях Syn: post III, job II
    ситуация, обстановка, положение (дел) — financial * финансовое положение — ice * (метеорология) ледовая обстановка — price * (экономика) уровень цен — the * at the front положение на фронте — * map (военное) карта обстановки — let me know how the * stands дайте мне знать, как обстоят дела состояние, положение — (to be) in an awkward * (находиться) в неловком положении — to barge into an unpleasant * (разговорное) влипнуть в неприятную историю (литературоведение) момент, сцена;
    ситуация — dramatic * драматический момент — the drama is full of exciting *s драма изобилует захватывающими эпизодами место, служба, работа — the * of a servant место слуги — to find a * найти место;
    устроиться на место — in one’s former * на месте прежней службы социальное положение — (one’s) subordinate * (чье-либо) подчиненное положение местность — the farm stands in a fine * ферма расположена в прекрасной местности — the place is unrivalled for its * место славится природными условиями — a pleasant * приятное место местоположение, расположение — the * of a house местоположение дома — commanding * господствующее положение( разговорное) одно из трех первых мест (на скачках)
    ~ положение, обстановка, состояние, ситуация;
    to come out of a difficult situation with credit с честью выйти из трудного положения
    competitive ~ состояние конкуренции
    conflict ~ вчт. конфликтная ситуация
    critical ~ критическая ситуация
    earnings ~ ситуация с доходами
    economic ~ состояние экономики economic ~ экономическая конъюнктура economic ~ экономическая ситуация
    employment ~ положение на рынке труда
    exchange ~ ситуация на валютном рынке
    export ~ положение на экспортном рынке
    failure ~ вчт. сбойная ситуация
    financial ~ финансовая ситуация
    ~ служба, должность, место (особ. о прислуге) ;
    to find a situation найти работу, устроиться на место
    foreign exchange ~ положение на валютном рынке foreign exchange ~ состояние валютного рынка
    income ~ состояние доходов
    interest rate ~ состояние ставки процента
    liquidity ~ состояние ликвидности
    market ~ положение на рынке market ~ рыночная конъюнктура market ~ состояние рынка
    price ~ состояние цен
    queueing ~ вчт. условия образования очереди
    sales ~ рыночная конъюнктура
    situation место службы ~ местоположение, место ~ обстановка ~ положение, обстановка, состояние, ситуация;
    to come out of a difficult situation with credit с честью выйти из трудного положения ~ положение, обстановка, состояние, ситуация ~ положение дел ~ работа ~ ситуация ~ служба, должность, место (особ. о прислуге) ;
    to find a situation найти работу, устроиться на место ~ служба, должность, место (особ. о прислуге) ~ социальное положение
    ~ of conflict состояние конфликта
    tangled ~ запутанная ситуация tangled ~ сложная ситуация
    tight economic ~ напряженная экономическая ситуация
    uncertain ~ неопределенная ситуация
    war-like ~ положение, подобное военному

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > situation

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    1. 1) ситуация, обстановка, положение (дел)

    financial [international, strategical] situation — финансовое [международное, стратегическое] положение

    let me know how the situation stands — дайте мне знать, как обстоят дела

    2) состояние, положение

    (to be) in an awkward [in a dangerous] situation — (находиться) в неловком [в опасном] положении

    to barge /to plunge/ into an unpleasant situation — влипнуть в неприятную историю


    момент, сцена; ситуация

    dramatic [tense, strong] situation — драматический [наряжённый, острый] момент

    the drama [the novel] is full of exciting [thrilling] situations — драма [роман] изобилует захватывающими [волнующими] эпизодами /сценами/

    2. 1) место, служба, работа

    the situation of a servant [of a stenographer] — место слуги [стенографистки]

    to find a situation — найти место /работу, службу/; устроиться на место /на работу, на службу/

    in one’s former situation — на месте прежней службы /работы/

    2) социальное положение

    3. местность

    the farm stands in a fine situation — ферма расположена в прекрасной местности

    the place [the resort] is unrivalled for its situation — место [курорт] славится природными условиями

    a pleasant [a remote] situation — приятное [заброшенное /удалённое/] место

    4. местоположение, расположение

    the situation of a house [of a city] — местоположение дома [города]

    commanding [insular] situation — господствующее [островное] положение


    одно из трёх первых мест ()

    НБАРС > situation

  • 14

    Англо-русский современный словарь > situation

  • 15

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > situation

  • 16

    ситуация, обстановка, положение

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > situation

  • 17

    5) ситуация || ситуационный

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > situation

  • 18

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > situation

  • 19

    ситуация, обстановка, положение; состояние
    situation actual fire — обстановка на реальном пожаре; реальный пожар
    situation design — предполагаемая обстановка
    situation disaster — аварийная ситуация (обстановка)
    situation emergency — аварийная обстановка
    situation fire — обстановка на пожаре или месте пожарных работ
    situation force status — обстановка, определяющая необходимый состав сил и средств
    situation forest-fire — обстановка на лесном пожаре или месте лесопожарных работ
    situation survivabie — обстановка, допускающая возможность выживания (напр. на пожаре)
    situation water — состояние (условие) водоснабжения

    Англо-русский пожарно-технический словарь > situation

  • 20

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > situation

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • situation — [ sitɥasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1375 « position (des étoiles) »; de situer 1 ♦ (Concret) Rare Le fait d être en un lieu; manière dont une chose est disposée, située ou orientée. ⇒ emplacement, 1. lieu, position. ♢ (1447) Cour. Emplacement d un édifice, d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Situation — «Situation» Sencillo de Yazoo del álbum Upstairs at Eric s Publicación 1982 Formato Disco de vinilo de 7 y 12 pulgadas CD desde 1996 Grabación 1982 …   Wikipedia Español

    • situation — Situation. s. f. v. Assiete, position d une maison, d un chasteau, d un jardin &c. Belle & bonne situation. situation avantageuse, commode, agreable. voilà une vilaine situation. Il se dit aussi, Des hommes & des animaux; & signifie, La position …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

    • situation — sit‧u‧a‧tion [ˌsɪtʆuˈeɪʆn] noun [countable] a combination of all that is happening and all the conditions that exist at a particular time and place: • I d better go and see the boss and explain the situation. • In view of the company s financial …   Financial and business terms

    • situation — is a useful noun for expressing the meaning ‘a set of circumstances, a state of affairs’, especially when preceded by a defining adjective, e.g. the financial situation, the political situation, etc. It is less useful, indeed often redundant,… …   Modern English usage

    • Situation — Sit u*a tion, n. [LL. situatio: cf. F. situation.] 1. Manner in which an object is placed; location, esp. as related to something else; position; locality site; as, a house in a pleasant situation. [1913 Webster] 2. Position, as regards the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Situation — Sf std. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. situation, zu frz. situer in die richtige Lage bringen , aus ml. situare, zu l. situs m. Lage, Stellung , dem PPP. von l. sinere (situm) niederlassen, niederlegen, hinlegen . Zu dem weniger… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

    • situation — [n1] place of activity bearings, direction, footing, latitude, locale, locality, location, locus, longitude, position, post, seat, setting, site, spot, stage, station, where, whereabouts; concept 198 situation [n2] circumstances, status ballgame* …   New thesaurus

    • situation — late 15c., place, position, or location, from M.L. situationem (nom. situatio), from L.L. situatus, pp. of situare (see SITUATE (Cf. situate)). Meaning state of affairs is from 1750; meaning employment post is from 1803. Situation ethics first… …   Etymology dictionary

    • Situation — »‹Sach›lage, Stellung, ‹Zu›stand«: Das Fremdwort wurde im späten 16. Jh. – zuerst in der heute veralteten Bedeutung »geographische Lage; Lageplan; Gegend« – aus gleichbed. frz. situation entlehnt, einer Substantivbildung zu frz. situer »in die… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

    • Situation — [Aufbauwortschatz (Rating 1500 3200)] Auch: • Lage Bsp.: • Deutschlands Lage im Zentrum Europas brachte viele Schwierigkeiten mit sich. • Peter war in einer schwierigen Lage. • Das ist eine schwierige Situation …   Deutsch Wörterbuch


    Other forms: situations

    Situation is related to the verb «situate,» which means to place. A building might be situated on the top of a hill — that’s its position or situation.

    You’ve probably heard the term «sitcom,» but may not realize it is short for «situation comedy,» or a comedy where the humor is based on a set of quirky circumstances the characters find themselves placed in. A situation can also mean a set of circumstances that you find yourself placed in: holding both halves of a crazy aunt’s broken vase could be a sticky situation — perfect for a situation comedy.

    Definitions of situation

    1. noun

      physical position in relation to the surroundings

    2. noun

      the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time

      “the present international
      situation is dangerous”

      “»eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social
      situation«- Franklin D.Roosevelt”


      state of affairs

      see moresee less


      show 55 types…
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      absurd, the absurd

      a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless


      the state of being acceptable and accepted

      ballgame, new ballgame

      a particular situation that is radically different from the preceding situation


      a demanding or stimulating situation


      the condition of being without offspring


      a situation or condition that is complex or confused


      a situation in which people or things are crowded together


      loss of equilibrium attributable to an unstable situation in which some forces outweigh others


      the situation in which you are happiest and most effective


      the totality of surrounding conditions


      a stable situation in which forces cancel one another


      the state of being excluded

      fish bowl, fishbowl, goldfish bowl

      a state of affairs in which you have no privacy


      a situation that is ideal for rapid development (especially of something bad)


      the state of being included


      the situation of being or dying without a legally valid will

      picture, scene

      a situation treated as an observable object

      prison, prison house

      a prisonlike situation; a place of seeming confinement


      the state of being rejected

      size, size of it

      the actual state of affairs

      square one

      the situation in which you begin an endeavor and to which you return if your efforts fail

      status quo

      the existing state of affairs


      a special situation

      congestion, over-crowding

      excessive crowding


      a state of equilibrium

      balance of power

      an equilibrium of power between nations

      dynamic balance

      (aeronautics) the state of equilibrium in which centrifugal forces due to a rotating mass (e.g., a propeller) do not produce force in the shaft and so vibration is reduced


      (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes


      (geology) a general equilibrium of the forces tending to elevate or depress the earth’s crust

      Nash equilibrium

      (game theory) a stable state of a system that involves several interacting participants in which no participant can gain by a change of strategy as long as all the other participants remain unchanged


      a state of being balanced in a stable equilibrium

      thermal equilibrium

      a state in which all parts of a system are at the same temperature

      imbalance, instability, unbalance

      a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium


      a current state of general acceptance and use

      acknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognition

      the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged

      approval, favorable reception, favourable reception

      acceptance as satisfactory


      acceptance as true or valid

      content, contentedness

      the state of being contented with your situation in life


      acceptance without protest


      the state of being welcome

      apostasy, defection, renunciation

      the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)

      disfavor, disfavour

      the state of being out of favor

      censure, exclusion, excommunication

      the state of being excommunicated


      rejection by God; the state of being condemned to eternal misery in Hell


      the state of taking in or encircling


      including entirely

      Coventry, banishment, ostracism

      the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent)


      the state of being debarred (excluded from enjoying certain possessions or rights or practices)

      circumstance, context, setting

      the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event


      the environment as it relates to living organisms

      background, scope, setting

      the state of the environment in which a situation exists


      an environment offering affection and security

      milieu, surroundings

      the environmental condition

      area, arena, domain, field, orbit, sphere

      a particular environment or walk of life


      the streets of a city viewed as a depressed environment in which there is poverty and crime and prostitution and dereliction

      type of:


      the way something is with respect to its main attributes

    3. noun

      a condition or position in which you find yourself

      “found herself in a very fortunate



    4. noun

      a complex or critical or unusual difficulty

      “the dangerous
      situation developed suddenly”

      “that’s quite a

      “no human
      situation is simple”

      see moresee less


      show 23 types…
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      conflict of interest

      a situation in which a public official’s decisions are influenced by the official’s personal interests


      an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty


      a critical situation that arises because of a shortage (as a shortage of time or money or resources)

      hornet’s nest, hornets’ nest

      a highly contentious or hazardous situation

      hot potato

      a difficult situation

      how-d’ye-do, how-do-you-do

      an awkward situation

      embroilment, imbroglio

      an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation

      Mexican standoff

      a situation in which no one can emerge as a clear winner

      incubus, nightmare

      an oppressive situation resembling a terrifying dream

      no-win situation

      a situation in which a favorable outcome is impossible; you are bound to lose whatever you do

      pass, strait, straits

      a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs


      a temporary condition of torment or suffering


      a situation fraught with difficulties and imponderables

      ticking bomb, time bomb

      a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed


      a dangerous state of affairs; a situation that is a potential source of violence


      an urgent situation calling for prompt action

      dead end, deadlock, impasse, stalemate, standstill

      a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible


      a treacherous situation that tends to entrap and destroy


      a crisis in which a desperate effort is the only alternative to defeat

      exigence, exigency

      a pressing or urgent situation

      critical point, crossroads, juncture

      a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made

      desperate straits, dire straits

      a state of extreme distress

      depression, economic crisis, slump

      a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment

      type of:


      a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one’s ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome

    5. noun

      a job in an organization


      berth, billet, office, place, position, post, spot

      see moresee less


      show 130 types…
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      the position of member of an honorary academy


      the position of accountant


      the office of admiral


      the post of ambassador


      the position of apostle

      apprenticeship, internship

      the position of apprentice


      the position of associate (as in an office or academy)


      the position of attorney


      the office of bailiff


      the state of a baronet

      bishopry, episcopate

      the office and dignity of a bishop


      the position of cadet


      the office of a caliph

      captaincy, captainship

      the post of captain


      the office of cardinal


      the position of chairman


      the office of chancellor

      chaplaincy, chaplainship

      the position of chaplain

      chieftaincy, chieftainship

      the position of chieftain


      the job of clerk

      commandership, commandery

      the position or office of commander


      the position of comptroller


      the post of consul


      the position of controller

      councillorship, councilorship

      the position of council member

      counsellorship, counselorship

      the position of counselor


      the position of a curate


      the position of curator


      the position of custodian

      deanery, deanship

      the position or office of a dean


      the position of a director of a business concern


      the position of disciple


      the position of editor


      the office of elder


      the office of an emir


      the status of a father


      the status of a religious leader


      the position of foreman

      generalcy, generalship

      the office and authority of a general


      the office of governor


      the position of head


      the position of headmaster or headmistress

      hot seat

      a difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism


      the office of an incumbent


      the office of inspector


      the position of instructor


      the position of a medical intern

      judgeship, judicature

      the position of judge


      the position of a khan


      the post of lecturer

      legateship, legation

      the post or office of legate


      the office of legislator


      the position of librarian


      the position of a lieutenant

      magistracy, magistrature

      the position of magistrate


      the position of manager


      the status of being a man


      the post of marshall


      the position of master


      the position of mayor


      the position of messiah


      the position of moderator


      the position of overlord

      pastorate, pastorship

      the position of pastor


      the state of being a peasant


      a highly desirable position or assignment


      the office of praetor


      the position of precentor


      the position of preceptor


      the office of prefect

      prelacy, prelature

      the office or station of a prelate


      the office of premier

      presidency, presidentship

      the office and function of president


      the office of primate


      the post of principal


      the office of prior

      proconsulate, proconsulship

      the position of proconsul


      the position of proctor

      chair, professorship

      the position of professor


      the position of protector

      public office

      a position concerning the people as a whole


      the office or function of a rabbi


      the office of a receiver

      rectorate, rectorship

      the office or station of a rector


      the office of a regent


      the position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship)


      the position of ruler


      the status and dignity of a saint


      the position of secretary

      feudal lordship, seigneury, seigniory

      the position and authority of a feudal lord


      the office of senator


      an office that involves minimal duties


      the position of solicitor


      the position of Speaker


      the position of steward


      the position of student


      the position of teacher


      the position of thane


      the position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions


      the position of treasurer


      the position of tribune


      the position of trustee


      the office and function of a vice president


      the position of viceroy


      the position of vizier


      the position of warden


      the position of warder


      the status of a woman


      the position of headmaster


      the position of headmistress

      Chief Executive, President, President of the United States

      the office of the United States head of state

      bully pulpit

      a public office of sufficiently high rank that it provides the holder with an opportunity to speak out and be listened to on any matter

      Attorney General, Attorney General of the United States

      the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States

      Agriculture Secretary, Secretary of Agriculture

      the position of the head of the Department of Agriculture

      Commerce Secretary, Secretary of Commerce

      the position of the head of the Department of Commerce

      Defense Secretary, Secretary of Defense

      the position of the head of the Department of Defense

      Education Secretary, Secretary of Education

      the position of the head of the Education Department

      Energy Secretary, Secretary of Energy

      the position of the head of the Department of Energy

      Secretary of Health and Human Services

      the position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services

      Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

      the position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

      Labor Secretary, Secretary of Labor

      the position of the head of the Department of Labor

      Secretary of State

      the position of the head of the State Department

      Interior Secretary, Secretary of the Interior

      the position of the head of the Department of the Interior

      Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Secretary

      the position of the head of the Treasury Department

      Secretary of Transportation, Transportation Secretary

      the position of the head of the Department of Transportation

      Secretary of Veterans Affairs

      the position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs

      Secretary of War, War Secretary

      head of a former executive department; combined with the Navy Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947

      Navy Secretary, Secretary of the Navy

      head of a former executive department; combined with the War Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947

      Secretary of Commerce and Labor

      head of a former executive department created in 1903 and divided into two departments in 1913

      Secretary of Health Education and Welfare

      head of a former executive department created in 1953 and divided into two departments in 1979

      type of:

      business, job, line, line of work, occupation

      the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘situation’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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    What is another word for Situation?

    • position

      job, location

    • place

      job, location

    • condition

      circumstances, model

    • spot

      place, location

    • post

      job, position

    • berth

      job, position

    • site

      place, location

    • job

      position, place

    • office

      job, position

    • state

      circumstances, position

    • location

      place, place of activity

    • status

      condition, place

    • standing

      status, condition

    • station

      status, circumstances

    • employment

      employment status

    • case

      circumstances, condition

    • billet

      employment status

    • state of affairs

      circumstances, scenario

    • appointment

      employment status

    • rank

      status, condition

    • plight

      problem, circumstance

    • footing

      status, place of activity

    • locus

      technical, place of activity

    • locality

      location, place of activity

    • circumstances


    • locale

      place of activity

    • scene


    • picture

      scenario, facts

    • trade

      employment status

    • atmosphere


    • posture

    • setting

    • circumstance

      condition, happening

    • whereabouts

    • profession

      employment status

    • placement

    • environment

      setting, atmosphere

    • predicament

      problem, circumstance

    • context

    • capacity

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    situate, situated, situating

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    Photo search results for Situation

    Woman blaming husband in home quarrel A Child Sitting On Sidewalk Crying Beside Her Mother Couple having conflict and dispute at home Woman explaining position to African American husband Annoyed woman emotionally shouting at husband and proving opinion to partner while man browsing laptop and ignoring Irritated woman shouting at husband during quarrel

    Image search results for Situation

    football, playing field, corner office, people, situation checklist, check yes or no, decision lamps, warning lights, light signal stop, road, road sign highway, road, traffic

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    Synonyms for Situation. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

    Synonyms for Situation. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.

    Synonyms for Situation. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

    I am looking for a word that is a synonym for «context» or «situation» but describes someone’s present moment in a more holistic way. It would be a single word that refers to the entirety of the situation — the location, the surroundings, the feelings, the time, etc.

    Any ideas? A regular Thesaurus wasn’t helping. Thanks!


    I am specifically looking for a short word, preferably one syllable, but a word that still grasps many aspects of a situation:

    • External (environment, surroundings)
    • Internal (emotions, sequence of events in one’s life, the «aura» surrounding the person & situation)

    I know that these limit the synonym possibilities, but that’s why a Thesaurus wasn’t helping!

    I am also open to words that may not have an English origin, or even a hybrid.


    What is another word for “situation”?  This lesson provides a list of commonly used synonyms for “situation” in English with ESL pictures and useful example sentences. Learn these words to use instead of “situation” to expand your English vocabulary.

    Table of Contents

    Situation Synonym

    Situation Definition and Examples

    Meaning of Situation: Something that is happening at a particular time and place, the environment of a place


    • “ The situation at the Siachin glacier is now under control, General”
    • “The situation could get quite dangerous.”
    • “He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.”

    Other Words for “Situation”

    Commonly used synonyms for “situation”.

    • Ball game  (informal)
    • Case
    • Circumstance
    • Condition
    • Kettle of fish (informal)
    • Plight
    • State
    • State of affairs
    • Status quo

    Big list of 100+ different words to use instead of “situation”.

    • Ability
    • Affair
    • Ambience
    • Ambient
    • Appointment
    • Area
    • Assignment
    • Atmosphere
    • Ball game  (informal)
    • Basis
    • Berth
    • Billet
    • Business
    • Capacity
    • Case
    • Challenge
    • Circumstance
    • Circumstances
    • Climate
    • Concern
    • Condition
    • Conditions
    • Conjuncture
    • Context
    • Contingency
    • Crisis
    • Development
    • Devise
    • Difficulty
    • Emergency
    • Emplacement
    • Employment
    • Environment
    • Environs
    • Establish
    • Estate
    • Event
    • Eventuate
    • Fact
    • Footing
    • Function
    • Grade
    • Happening
    • Incident
    • Instance
    • Issue
    • Job
    • Juncture
    • Kettle of fish (informal)
    • Level
    • Locale
    • Locality
    • Location
    • Locus
    • Matter
    • Mode
    • Occasion
    • Occupation
    • Occurrence
    • Office
    • Place
    • Placement
    • Plight
    • Point
    • Position
    • Post
    • Posture
    • Practice
    • Predicament
    • Problem
    • Profession
    • Put
    • Question
    • Rank
    • Real
    • Reality
    • Role
    • Scene
    • Seat
    • Setting
    • Sitch
    • Site
    • Sphere
    • Spot
    • Stage
    • Stand
    • Standing
    • State
    • State of affairs
    • Station
    • Stationing
    • Status
    • Status quo
    • Subject
    • Thing
    • Trade
    • Trouble
    • Truth
    • Vacancy
    • Where
    • Whereabouts

    Situation Synonyms with Examples

    Learn another word for “situation” with example sentences.

    • Ball game (informal)

    This has made the presidential election a whole new ball game.

    • Case

    In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.

    • Circumstance

     I know I can trust her in any circumstance.

    • Condition

    Your condition is serious and requires surgery.

    • Kettle of fish (informal)

     That was indeed a pretty kettle of fish.

    • Plight

    She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless.

    • State

    Her mind was in a state of constant turmoil.

    • State of affairs

    This state of affairs can no longer be ignored.

    • Status quo

    He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

    More helpful examples with the word “situation”:

    •  Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.
    • The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now.
    • Journalists are reporting that the situation has now normalized.
    • The political situation has grown increasingly oppressive.
    • The situation was getting quite frightening.
    • He has had an acute analysis of the situation.
    • Try not to worry – there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.
    • There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.
    • A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.
    • I will have to make a full report of the situation to my superiors.

    Another Word for Situation | Infographic

    Another Word for Situation | List of 100+ Synonyms for "Situation"Pin

    Last Updated on January 8, 2021

    WiktionaryRate these synonyms:2.3 / 3 votes

    1. situationnoun

      The combination of circumstances at a given moment; a state of affairs.

      set up, condition

    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

    1. situation

      A circumstance (Latin circum, around, and sto, stand), is something existing or occurring in connection with or relation to some other fact or event, modifying or throwing light upon the principal matter without affecting its essential character; an accompaniment is something that unites with the principal matter, tho not necessary to it; as, the piano accompaniment to a song; a concomitant goes with a thing in natural connection, but in a subordinate capacity, or perhaps in contrast; as, cheerfulness is a concomitant of virtue. A circumstance is not strictly, nor usually, an occasion, condition, effect, or result. (See these words under CAUSE.) Nor is the circumstance properly an incident. (See under ACCIDENT.) We say, «My decision will depend upon circumstances» — not «upon incidents.» That a man wore a blue necktie would not probably be the cause, occasion, condition, or concomitant of his committing murder; but it might be a very important circumstance in identifying him as the murderer. All the circumstances make up the situation. A certain disease is the cause of a man’s death; his suffering is an incident; that he is in his own home, that he has good medical attendance, careful nursing, etc., are consolatory circumstances. With the same idea of subordination, we often say, «This is not a circumstance to that.» So a person is said to be in easy circumstances. Compare EVENT.

      accompaniment, circumstance, concomitant, detail, event, fact, feature, incident, item, occurrence, particular, point, position

      «Mere situation is expressed by ‘in the circumstances’; action affected is performed ‘under the circumstances.'» [Murray’s «New English Dictionary»]

    Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 3 votes

    1. situation

      locality, position, topography, state, seat, post, place, condition, residence, aspect, footing, office, birth, plight, predicament, standing

      non-situation, non-location, absence, nonassignment, unfixedness, displacement, dislodgment

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.8 / 4 votes

    1. situation, state of affairsnoun

      the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time

      «the present international situation is dangerous»; «wondered how such a state of affairs had come about»; «eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation»- Franklin D.Roosevelt

      position, spot, site, state of affairs, post, office, berth, billet, place

    2. situation, positionnoun

      a condition or position in which you find yourself

      «the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils»; «found herself in a very fortunate situation»

      locating, stead, view, location, post, placement, side, status, place, emplacement, site, attitude, state of affairs, posture, stance, spot, perspective, position, office, spatial relation, lieu, positioning, military position, berth, billet

    3. situationnoun

      a complex or critical or unusual difficulty

      «the dangerous situation developed suddenly»; «that’s quite a situation»; «no human situation is simple»

      position, spot, site, state of affairs, post, office, berth, billet, place

    4. site, situationnoun

      physical position in relation to the surroundings

      «the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides»

      internet site, web site, position, land site, spot, state of affairs, post, office, site, berth, billet, website, place

    5. position, post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situationnoun

      a job in an organization

      «he occupied a post in the treasury»

      stance, state of affairs, touch, billet, short letter, berth, seat, lieu, place, spot, perspective, locating, mail, bureau, authority, role, home, station, function, view, post, plaza, property, piazza, mooring, spotlight, topographic point, point, mail service, part, note, position, spatial relation, bunk, power, dapple, speckle, status, positioning, government agency, fleck, agency, blank space, posture, smear, moorage, site, slip, business office, slur, military position, maculation, attitude, daub, placement, bit, smudge, line, emplacement, space, stead, postal service, smirch, office staff, side, location, office, stain, federal agency, pip, stake, built in bed, military post, shoes, patch, blot

    Matched Categories

      • Condition
      • Difficulty
      • Occupation
      • State

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

    1. situationnoun

      place, locality, station, location, site, position, seat, ground, spot

    2. situationnoun

      condition, state, plight, case, predicament, category, circumstances

    3. situationnoun

      post, station, office, BERTH, employment

    Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. situationnoun

      position, place, post, employment, job, location, site, station, position, circumstance, condition, plight, predicament, exigency

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «situation»:

      status, situations, position, circumstances, conditions, condition, state, lage, plight, case, situación, location, scenario, picture, situational, context, circumstance, reality, problem, predicament

    Suggested Resources

    1. situation

      Song lyrics by situation — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by situation on the website.

    How to pronounce situation?

    How to say situation in sign language?

    How to use situation in a sentence?

    1. Michalis Karagiannis:

      The situation is difficult.

    2. Koichi Hanabusa:

      It is very regrettable that we have come to this situation.

    3. Gabriel Wer:

      We’re in mourning because we know the electoral system we have nowadays is not the best; it’s not the one we could have, and it’s not the one we deserve, we wanted to show in a very visible way that we’re outraged with this situation, with a process that has been corrupted. There are more than 1,400 candidates being investigated who are still running (out of a total of 23,497).

    4. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy:

      It’s a different situation than it was when it came out of the Senate.

    5. National Director Dan Cantor:

      The combination of local anger and a viable candidate makes a potentially volatile situation.

    Translations for situation

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • حَالَة, مَوْقِع, حالةArabic
    • хәл, урын, торош, урынлашыуBashkir
    • месцазнахо́джаннеBelarusian
    • পরিস্থিতিBengali
    • situace, poloha, místoCzech
    • Situation, Lage, Platz, Zustand, Stellung, OrtGerman
    • κατάσταση, θέση, τοποθεσίαGreek
    • nivel, localización, estado, puesto, situación, ubicaciónSpanish
    • موقعیت, وضعیتPersian
    • tilanne, olot, olosuhteet, tehtävä, sijainti, asema, työpaikkaFinnish
    • localisation, situation, emploi, poste, lieuFrench
    • suidheachadhScottish Gaelic
    • מיקום, מצבHebrew
    • állás, helyzet, körülmények, viszonyok, hely, fekvés, munkaalkalomHungarian
    • 情況, 状況, 場所, 状態, 情勢, 境遇, 位置Japanese
    • სიტუაციაGeorgian
    • 위치, 상황, 상태, 장소Korean
    • stāvoklis, situācijaLatvian
    • situatieDutch
    • pozycja, położenie, sytuacjaPolish
    • posição, situação, localizaçãoPortuguese
    • posturi, poziție, stare, etapă, situație, stadiu, situare, localizare, postRomanian
    • ситуа́ция, местоположе́ние, пози́ция, состоя́ние, положе́ние, расположе́ние, обстано́вка, до́лжность, местонахожде́ниеRussian
    • situation, läge, plats, ställning, tjänst, anställning, placering, statusSwedish
    • స్థితి, పరిస్థితిTelugu
    • สถานการณ์Thai
    • розташува́ння, пос́ада, стан, ситуа́ція, поло́ження, обстано́вка, місцеполо́женняUkrainian
    • địa điểm, vị tríVietnamese
    • 情況Chinese

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    ситуация, положение, обстановка, состояние, место, местоположение, местность, служба


    - ситуация, обстановка, положение (дел)

    financial [international, strategical] situation — финансовое [международное, стратегическое] положение
    ice situation — метеор. ледовая обстановка
    price situation — эк. уровень цен
    the situation at the front — положение на фронте
    situation map — воен. карта обстановки
    let me know how the situation stands — дайте мне знать, как обстоят дела

    - состояние, положение

    to barge /to plunge/ into an unpleasant situation — разг. влипнуть в неприятную историю

    - лит. момент, сцена; ситуация

    dramatic [tense, strong] situation — драматический [наряжённый, острый] момент
    the drama [the novel] is full of exciting [thrilling] situations — драма [роман] изобилует захватывающими [волнующими] эпизодами /сценами/

    - место, служба, работа

    the situation of a servant [of a stenographer] — место слуги [стенографистки]
    to find a situation — найти место /работу, службу/; устроиться на место /на работу, на службу/
    in one’s former situation — на месте прежней службы /работы/

    - социальное положение
    - местность

    the farm stands in a fine situation — ферма расположена в прекрасной местности
    the place [the resort] is unrivalled for its situation — место [курорт] славится природными условиями
    a pleasant [a remote] situation — приятное [заброшенное /удалённое/] место

    - местоположение, расположение

    the situation of a house [of a city] — местоположение дома [города]
    commanding [insular] situation — господствующее [островное] положение

    - разг. одно из трёх первых мест (на скачках)

    Мои примеры


    a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty — изменчивая ситуация, полная неопределённости  
    a mistaken view of the situation — ошибочный взгляд на ситуацию  
    a despairing view of the world situation — безнадёжный взгляд на ситуацию в мире  
    a dead-end situation — безнадёжная ситуация  
    delicate situation — щекотливое положение  
    desperate situation — отчаянное положение  
    dramatic situation — ситуация, полная драматизма  
    danger of escalation of the situation — опасность обострения ситуации  
    to grasp the gravity (of a situation) — понять, осознать серьёзность ситуации  
    mistress of the situation — хозяйка положения  
    nervous situation — тревожная ситуация  
    to perpend the situation — обдумывать ситуацию  

    Примеры с переводом

    The situation is very serious.

    Положение очень серьёзное.

    I explained the situation.

    Я объяснил ситуацию.

    It was a very nervous situation.

    Обстановка была очень нервной.

    The overall situation is good.

    В целом ситуация хорошая.

    I was unfamiliar with the situation.

    Я был не в курсе происходящего.

    The situation was rather involved.

    Ситуация была довольно запутанная.

    The situation called for strong measures.

    Ситуация требовала решительных мер.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    …his debonair dismissal of my inquiry concerning his financial situation led me to believe that nothing was wrong…

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): situation
    мн. ч.(plural): situations

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