The saddest word in english

There are many words in the English language that make you feel sad and depressed. This goes for kids and adults. You need to understand their actual meaning to improve your vocabulary and know what these words or phrases mean. 

This article will discuss the ten saddest and most depressing words/phrases spoken in English. So let’s start with the saddest words and phrases. 

Sad Words

In this list, we have concluded some of the saddest words used frequently in the English Language. 


Goodbye can refer to the end of a relationship or, in some cases, the end of a relationship. “You say (goodbye) all the time, but you never know which one is the last,” 

When breaking up, it can sometimes refer to finality or the end. The worst part about saying goodbye is that you never know when it will be your last time saying it to that person.


Suppose you are trying to do something, at your job or as a hobby or whatever. However, it is getting complicated, or your energy level gets low whenever you think about it. In the end, if you’re not getting appreciated or you’re just having a bad day, you can say, “I’m feeling discouraged about the recent project we are working on.”

You will eventually get a sad and upset feeling when you are having a bad day. 


Miserable in vocabulary means very sad. You usually use this sentence when something disappointing or sad happens to you or someone you love happens. However, if you want to express your feelings more accurately, you can use “miserable” as a word. 

So, I lost my job and haven’t been able to find a replacement, and I’m miserable. I’m unhappy because my boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with me. It’s usually for something serious and depressing in your life.


It is yet one of the most depressing and distressing emotions you can ever feel. If you’re lonely, there is no one to listen to you, or you don’t have anyone with whom you can share your feelings. 

You can’t use the word lonely/loneliness in a positive perspective. On the contrary, it is considered one of the English language’s saddest words. 


To be heartbroken is to be in excruciating pain. According to the dictionary, a heartbroken person is “crushed with sorrow or grief,” according to the dictionary. It’s a difficult word to say. But, those who have experienced heartbreak understand how powerful this word is. We’ve all been there—you know what it’s like as soon as you feel it, and you can’t wait for it to pass. It is usually used on 14th Feb.

Only those who have experienced heartbreak can truly understand how powerful this word is. And the feelings that end up driving them. You will realize when the time has come for you to be heartbroken.

Saddest Phrases

Now we will discuss some of the saddest phrases that you might have listened to and used in the English Language. Let’s have a look:

It might have been

The sad and hurtful phrase “It might have been” appears in a poem titled “Maud Muller.” “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!” writes John Greenleaf Whittier in the poem. As the author understood, nothing is more depressing and bittersweet in life than lamenting what could have been.

Be down in the dumps

This idiom is used to express a “sad feeling,” It usually includes the word “feel,” as in He was having a bad day. Furthermore, ‘be down in the dumps’ usually means being depressed and discouraged.


This occurs when a person is in a constant state of sadness. Melancholy is a gloomy state of mind, especially when chronic or long-lasting; depression. 

What’s fascinating about being or feeling depressed is that some of the most common symptoms have no apparent cause. Instead, this emotion is accompanied by many brooding and sad thoughts.


The more common meaning of this word is to refrain from doing something, such as not making a rude remark about someone’s wrong shoes.

However, there is another meaning: to do something repeatedly. Because the word is derived from two different roots, it is a homonym (Homonym is defined as two words that are spelled and written almost the exact same and sound the same but have different meanings).

Wet weekend Face

This is a slang term used in the United Kingdom. It could stem from a situation where a person wants to relax, do something outdoors, or get some fresh air on the weekend but cannot do so because the weather is poor – it’s overcast, cold, or raining nonstop.

Time for Bed

It might not be the saddest word for everyone. But, it is usually only for kids. No words can be more upsetting to children worldwide than their parents telling them, “Time for bed.” As we all know, Kids enjoy staying up late to do what children do best: play and have fun. But when it’s time to go to bed, some kids get sad to hear this.

Back to school

Back to school is a phrase that every child in the world hates. But, when these words come, it means that children’s vacation time has ended. 

Usually, nobody liked when vacations were over, and you needed to come back to the routine. When your parents say: “Pack your bags, it’s time to go back to school.” Most kids will tell you it means giving up many things they were doing just a few days before. Surprisingly, many parents look forward to their children returning to school.


We have discussed some of the saddest words and phrases you can use in English. If you use these words on appropriate events, it would be better to give an accurate perspective of what you are trying to say. Moreover, it helps you to express your feelings more precisely. For more updates, make sure to sign-up for our newsletter.

Really sad and depressing words or phrases
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There are many beautiful and blissful words in the English language that can make people laugh and smile. At the same time, there are also some really sad and unhappy words of phrases which do the total opposite.

These are the English language top 11 saddest words or phrases you will not want to read,  hear or ever feel. That’s because these words or phrases will end up making you feel unhappy or may cause you grief. But the only thing we can all do is try and prepare for them for when the time comes. What phrase or words make you the saddest?

Goodbye –

Adios, adieu, sayonara or cheerio. No matter what language you say it in, goodbye is a word most of us never want to hear someone say to us. The problem with goodbye is what it can mean. It can in some cases refer to finality or the end when breaking up. But the worst thing about a goodbye is that you never know when you say it – if it will be the last time you say it to that person.

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It Might Have Been –

There is a poem titled “Maud Muller” which contains the sad and hurtful phrase “It might have been.” The poem was written by John Greenleaf Whittier and it reads “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!” The author understood that in life, there is nothing more depressing and bittersweet, than lamenting what could have been.

Time For Bed –

For children all over the world, no words can be sadder than when their parents tell them “Time for bed.” Kids love to stay up and do what children do which is play and have fun. But when the time comes to end all of that – bed time – the tears soon follow.

Lonely –

Loneliness is the one of the most distressing and depressing emotions and feelings a person can have. Being alone of feeling lonely means that there is no one there for you or with you. The famous hit song “Only the lonely” said it best with the lyrics “Only the lonely know the way I feel tonight.”

Terminal –

Although this word has several meanings, we are referring to the medical context of the word. When it applies to a disease or a person’s health, being terminal means death will soon follow. And there is nothing more sadder than death.

Heartbroken –

The dictionary defines someone being heartbroken as a person “Crushed with sorrow or grief.” Only those that have been heartbroken in the past can truly relate to how powerful this word really  is. And the emotions which make them so. When the time comes for you to be heartbroken, you will know it right away. Sadly enough, this word triumphs during Valentine’s day.

Regrets –

The word regrets literally means to “Feel sorrow or remorse for…..” Whether it is something you did in the past, disappointment or pondering about a loss, regrets can hit you at your heart. We all have regrets in life. However, some regrets hurt a lot more than others do though.

Back To School –

The universal phrase every kid in the world hates is back to school. When these words rear their ugly head, it means vacation time is over for children. Most kids will tell you that going back to school means giving up tons of things they were doing just a few days before. Ironically, for many parents, having their kids go back to school brings them joy.

Melancholy –

People feeling melancholy are usually in a depressed or gloomy state of mind. What’s really interesting about being or feeling melancholy is that some typically have no obvious cause for it. There are lots of pensive and sad thoughts which do accompany this emotion though.

Party’s Over –

If you’re having an awesome time in a club, gathering or life in general, the last words you want to hear are ‘Party’s over.” That’s because they absolutely mean that the fun must end. There are even songs which use these words to signify the end of a relationship. Kids, teens and adults alike never want the party to be over.

Be sure to take a look at Who decides what’s right or wrong in English grammar?

Love –

While love can be beautiful for many people, ultimately, it is one of the most saddest emotions and feelings in the world. Being in love is great, but only if the other person you love loves you back. If not, then love can hurt and cut the deepest part of your heart and core. Some say that it is better to love than to never have loved at all. However, that all depends on the person you ask and when.

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. It is the third most widespread native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states. The vocabulary of English is vast, and counting exactly how many words English has, is impossible.

Let’s get back to our main topic “Saddest Words and Phrases in the English Language.” There are many beautiful and blissful words in the English language that can make people laugh and smile. At the same time, there are also some really sad and unhappy words and phrases which do the total opposite.

These are the top 10 saddest words or phrases you would not want to read or hear. That is because these words or phrases will end up making you feel unhappy or disappoint you. When the time comes, all we can do is prepare for them.

Back to School

Back to School. Image Credit: Mommyish

Back to School. Image Credit: Mommyish

When these words rear kids head, it means vacation time is over for children. If you randomly ask a group of kids if they’d rather be hanging out at a park with their friends or wait for the school bus at the bus stop in the morning, it’s a fair bet that they’ll pick the park.


Goodbye. Image Credit: Simply Human

Goodbye. Image Credit: Simply Human

Adios, adieu, sayonara, or cheerio. No matter what language you say it in, Goodbye is a word most of us never want to hear someone say to us. Goodbye refers to finality or when breaking up, in some cases. An astute poster on Quora wrote, “You say (goodbye) all the time, but you never know which one is the last.”


Regrets. Image Credit: OpnLttr

Regrets. Image Credit: OpnLttr

Regrets mean to “feel sorrow or remorse (for an act, disappointment, fault etc.)” It can hit you at your heart, whether it is something you did in the past, pondering about a loss, or disappointment. Some regrets hurt a lot more than anything else in life. We all have regrets in our life.


Loneliness. Image Credit: Sanpatrignano

Loneliness. Image Credit: Sanpatrignano

Loneliness is one of the most distressing and depressing emotions and feelings a person can have. Being alone means that there is no one there for you or with you. If you’re lonely it inherently means you’re sad. There’s no possible way to put a positive spin on loneliness. That’s why it is considered as one of the saddest words in the English language.


Love. Image Credit: Pixhome

Love. Image Credit: Pixhome

While love can be beautiful for many people, ultimately, it is one of the saddest emotions and feelings in the world. Being in love is one of the beautiful feelings one can ever feel but, there is a flip side to the coin. If love is unrequited, it’s the worst, and that’s why it’s on this list.


Melancholy. Image Credit: YouTube

Melancholy. Image Credit: YouTube

Melancholy is a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression. What’s really interesting about being or feeling melancholy is that some typical ones have no obvious cause for it. There are lots of brooding and sad thoughts which accompany this emotion.


Heartbroken. Image Credit: OnMogul

Heartbroken. Image Credit: OnMogul

Heartbroken means to suffer from overwhelming distress. The dictionary defines someone being heartbroken as a person “crushed with sorrow or grief.” It is a tough word. Those who have been heartbroken can truly relate how powerful this word really is. We’ve all been there at one time or another—you know it as soon as you feel it, and you can’t wait for it to go away. This concept tends to rear its ugly head on February 14.


Terminal. Image Credit: VideoBlocks

Terminal. Image Credit: VideoBlocks

The terminal is never a good word when used in a medical context. When it applies to a disease or a person’s health, being terminal means death will soon follow. And there is nothing sadder than death. It is another word one can never put a good spin on.

It Might Have Been

A quote on 'It might have been'. Image Credit: little misconceptions

It might have been. Image Credit: little misconceptions

‘It might have been’ is a phrase that often gets tinged with regret. There is a poem titled “Maud Muller” which contains the sad and hurtful phrase “It might have been.” The poem was written by John Greenleaf Whittier and it reads “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!” The author understood that in life, there is nothing more depressing and bittersweet, than lamenting what could have been.

Party’s over

Party's over. Image Credit: Smosh

Party’s over. Image Credit: Smosh

If you’re having an awesome time in a club, gathering or life in general, the last words you want to hear are “Party’s over.” That’s because they absolutely mean that the fun must end. Kids, teens, and adults never want the fun to be over.

There you go, these are the saddest words and phrases in the English language. What phrases or words make you the saddest? Let us know through the comments below.

Reference: Online Spellcheck Blog

Asked by: Yoshie Bragulat

asked in category: books and literature Last Updated: 19th October, 2020

The English Language Top 11 Saddest Words or Phrases

  • GoodbyeAdios, adieu, sayonara or cheerio.
  • It Might Have Been –
  • Time For Bed –
  • Lonely –
  • Terminal –
  • Heartbroken –
  • Regrets –
  • Back To School –

Click to explore further. Simply so, what is the most depressing word?

In a world full of infinitely diverse possibilities «no» is the single most depressing word which brings a halt to the endless permutations of ideas, actions and experiences.

Additionally, what is the happiest word in the English language? The happiest word: Laughter – followed by happiness, love, happy, laughed, laugh, laughing, excellent, laughs, and joy.

In respect to this, what are some depressing words?

Synonyms for depressing

  • bleak.
  • daunting.
  • disheartening.
  • dismal.
  • dispiriting.
  • distressing.
  • dreary.
  • gloomy.

Is Sadder even a word?

«More sad» instead of «sadder» is not correct, but it is heard from time to time, as is «ain’t sad.» It is associated with a poor education.

Table of Contents

  1. What are the slang words for 2018?
  2. What are the new words for 2017?
  3. What is the hardest word in the world to say?
  4. What does Kiki mean in slang?
  5. What is saddest word?

Hundo P – Literally short (but actually longer) for 100%. “Hundo P” and 100% are used to describe something that’s really awesome, or totally certain.

Here’s a List of Modern Slang Words That 2018 Teens Say

What are the slang words for 2018?

Here’s a List of Modern Slang Words That 2018 Teens Say

  • 1 (BIG) RIP. Yes, it still means “Rest in Peace,” but you definitely wouldn’t be saying it about someone who just died. …
  • 2 TBT. …
  • 3 BB. …
  • 4 SMH. …
  • 5 ILY / SM/ ILYSM. …
  • 6 TBH. …
  • 7 LOL / LEL. …
  • 8 LMAO.

What are the new words for 2017?

What Was the Best New Word Added to the Dictionary in 2017?

  • Ghost. verb. …
  • Word salad. noun. …
  • Froyo. noun. …
  • Weak sauce. noun. …
  • Photobomb. verb. …
  • Throw shade. verb. …
  • Listicle. noun. …
  • Facepalm.

May 21, 2019

The saddest word in English is the word “ALMOST”. He was almost in Love. She was almost good for him. He almost stopped her.

What is the hardest word in the world to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

More items…•Oct 26, 2018

What does Kiki mean in slang?

“Kiki” (alternately kiking or a ki) is a SLANG term which grew out of Black American gay social culture, and is loosely defined as a gathering of friends for the purpose of gossiping and chit-chat, and later made more widely known in the song “Let’s Have a Kiki” by the Scissor Sisters.

The saddest word in English is the word “ALMOST”.

Table of Contents

  1. What is non aesthetic?
  2. What is the meaning of Doxa?
  3. What does Redamancy mean?
  4. What’s a word for wanting something you cant have?
  5. What do you call a love you can’t have?
  6. How do you describe wanting someone?
  7. What can I say instead of I want?

The saddest word in English is the word “ALMOST”.

What is non aesthetic?

: not of or relating to aesthetics or the arts : not artistic : not aesthetic her intellectual and nonaesthetic achievements.

What is the meaning of Doxa?

Doxa (Ancient Greek: δόξα; from verb δοκεῖν, dokein, ‘to appear, to seem, to think, to accept’) is a common belief or popular opinion. In classical rhetoric, doxa is contrasted with episteme (‘knowledge’).

What does Redamancy mean?

The act of loving in return

What’s a word for wanting something you cant have?

I like the word ‘unrequited’. It means something (usually something emotional) that you cannot have or cannot force someone to give to you. Often used in the phrase ‘unrequited love’. Other words with similar meaning would be ‘unobtainable’ or ‘unattainable’ or even ‘ungratifiable’ (or simply ‘ungratified’).

What do you call a love you can’t have?

People who are aromantic, also known as “aro,” don’t develop romantic attractions for other people. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. … Romantic love involves intense feelings of intimacy, passion, and even temporary euphoria for another person.

How do you describe wanting someone?

Some common synonyms of want are covet, crave, desire, and wish. While all these words mean “to have a longing for,” want specifically suggests a felt need or lack.

What can I say instead of I want?

Different ways to say “I want” in English

  • I feel like a pizza.
  • I am in the mood for chocolate.
  • I am craving a doughnut.
  • I’m dying for a cup of coffee.
  • I would like some water, please.
  • Hit the spot.

The English Language Top 11 Saddest Words or Phrases

  • Goodbye – Adios, adieu, sayonara or cheerio. …
  • It Might Have Been – …
  • Time For Bed – …
  • Lonely – …
  • Terminal – …
  • Heartbroken – …
  • Regrets – …
  • Back To School –

In this manner, What is the ultimate sad song?

61 Sad Songs for When You Just Want to Sit With Your Feelings

  • 1 “traitor” – Olivia Rodrigo. …
  • 2 “Punisher” – Phoebe Bridgers. …
  • 4 “Righteous” – Juice WRLD. …
  • 5 “929” – Halsey. …
  • 6 “Cowboy Like Me” – Taylor Swift. …
  • 7 “Landslide” – Fleetwood Mac. …
  • 8 “To Build a Home” – The Cinematic Orchestra. …
  • 9 “when the party’s over” – Billie Eilish.

Keeping this in view, What is a fancy word for SAD?

pessimistic, melancholy, bitter, somber, dismal, wistful, heartbroken, sorry, sorrowful, mournful, dark, pathetic, regrettable, moving, bad, unhappy, depressing, poignant, tragic, serious.

Furthermore, What’s the longest saddest word in the whole world?

in the whole wide world. is the word almost. He was almost in love.

How do you express sad?

Here are a few ways to express your sadness:

  1. Let it out: vocalize your feelings (cry, yell, scream, etc.)
  2. Get creative: draw, paint or sculpt.
  3. Let loose: listen to music that reflects your sadness and dance to it.
  4. Put it in writing: write about your feelings in a journal or keep a sadness diary.

Secondly, What is the song that makes you cry?

Below, 20 Reddit users share the life-changing songs that make them tear up every time.

  • “When She Loved Me” — Sarah McLachlan. …
  • “Wish You Were Here” — Pink Floyd. …
  • “Living Years” — Mike and The Mechanics. …
  • “Hurt” — Johnny Cash. …
  • “Julia” — The Beatles. …
  • “Friend, Please” — Twenty One Pilots. …
  • “Supermarket Flowers” — Ed Sheeran.

Is it normal to cry over a song?

The first finding is that being moved to tears by music is not unusual; 89.8 percent of the people in the study reported that they had experienced feeling like crying by hearing music. … The majority (63 percent) reported feeling sad when music made them cry, and 36.7 percent reported feeling awe.

What is the saddest BTS song?

What are the saddest BTS songs?

  • First Love – Oh god, Suga’s rapping here is so deep. …
  • Butterfly (Prologue Mix) – Butterfly is a sad song in general (it’s about someone disappearing from your life) but the prologue mix just cranks it up to 11.

What are 5 synonyms sad?

synonyms for sad

  • bitter.
  • dismal.
  • heartbroken.
  • melancholy.
  • pessimistic.
  • somber.
  • sorry.
  • wistful.

What’s a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What’s a word for deep sadness?

What is another word for deep sadness?

pathos poignancy
pain sentimentality
unhappiness grief
despair anguish
heartache agony

What is the saddest anime?

10 Saddest Anime That Made Everyone Ugly Cry

  • 8 Assassination Classroom.
  • 7 Clannad After Story.
  • 6 Your Lie In April.
  • 5 A Silent Voice.
  • 4 Banana Fish.
  • 3 Naruto.
  • 2 I Want To Eat Your Pancreas.
  • 1 Orange.

What is the happiest word?


  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • delighted.
  • ecstatic.
  • elated.
  • joyous.
  • overjoyed.
  • pleased.

Which is the saddest fruit?

The answer to What Is The Saddest Fruit Riddle is Blueberries. Some colors are associated with feelings, and the color Blue is associated with sadness. When anyone “feels blue”, it means that they are feeling sad. As blueberries have blue in their name, they are called the saddest fruits.

How do you cry when you’re sad?

How to Make Yourself Cry

  1. Put on sad music. …
  2. Turn to movies that have made you cry in the past. …
  3. Conjure up your most tearful memories, or imagine a hypothetical one. …
  4. Think about what you’re thankful for.

Is it OK to be sad all the time?

Everyone gets sad sometimes; it’s a part of being human. But feeling sad for a long period of time makes life really hard and isn’t good for your overall health. Here are some signs that sadness is taking over your life: You’ve stopped seeing friends and family.

What are some depressing words?

  • dismal,
  • drear,
  • dreary,
  • heartbreaking,
  • heartrending,
  • melancholy,
  • mournful,
  • pathetic,

What is the stupidest song?

Jimmy Webb wrote “MacArthur Park”, which is popularly held as the worst song ever written. In 1992, Miami Herald journalist Dave Barry conducted a poll among his readers, who selected the Harris original as the worst track ever recorded, both in terms of “Worst Lyrics” and “Worst Overall Song”.

What songs make you feel like a badass?

Songs That Make You Feel Like a Badass

  • null. Music is the ultimate psychologist. …
  • Pharaohe Monch – “Simon Says” …
  • Kanye – “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” …
  • 2Pac – “Hit ‘Em Up” …
  • Rage Against the Machine – “Killing In The Name” …
  • TNGHT – “Higher Ground” …
  • Wu-Tang Clan – “Bring Da Ruckus” …
  • Mobb Deep – “Survival of the Fittest”

What is the saddest love song ever written?

So get ready to break out the Kleenex ’cause here are our picks for the 10 saddest breakup songs ever written.

  • The Cure “Pictures of You”
  • Joni Mitchell “Both Sides, Now”
  • Harry Nilsson “Without You”
  • Phil Collins “I Wish It Would Rain Down”
  • Bonnie Raitt “I Can’t Make You Love Me”
  • Joy Division “Love Will Tear Us Apart”

What makes a sad song sad?

What makes a song sad is a sad story, sad events, or sad emotions. The lyrical content can include sad thoughts–things that are the opposite of happy. … because it feels like someone else understands how they feel because they are going through or went through a sad emotional time.

Why is it healthy to cry?

Crying for long periods of time releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, otherwise known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals can help ease both physical and emotional pain. Once the endorphins are released, your body may go into somewhat of a numb stage. Oxytocin can give you a sense of calm or well-being.

Why do I cry when I try to sing?

Crying Doesn’t Always Signify Sad Emotions

Many people become overwhelmed with emotions while they are singing due to their emotional connection to the song. The melody or lyrics of the song could trigger memories in the singer that cause them to become overcome with joy or sadness.

Last Updated: 17 days ago – Authors : 12 – Contributors : 13 – References : 49 interviews and posts; 11 Videos.

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