The russian word count

SEO-копирайтинг от лучших авторов, работа копирайтером на дому

Описание сервиса

SEO-анализ текста от — это уникальный сервис, не имеющий аналогов. Возможность подсветки «воды», заспамленности и ключей в тексте позволяет сделать анализ текста интерактивным и легким для восприятия.

SEO-анализ текста включает в себя:

Счетчик символов, подсчет количества знаков и слов в тексте онлайн

С помощью данного онлайн-сервиса можно определить число слов в тексте, а также количество символов с пробелами и без них.

Определение ключей и семантического ядра текста

Возможность нахождения поисковых ключей в тексте и определения их количества полезна как для написания нового текста, так и для оптимизации уже существующего. Расположение ключевых слов по группам и по частоте сделает навигацию по ключам удобной и быстрой. Сервис также найдет и морфологические варианты ключей, которые выделятся в тексте при нажатии на нужное ключевое слово.

Определение процента водности текста

Данный параметр отображает процент наличия в тексте стоп-слов, фразеологизмов, а также словесных оборотов, фраз, соединительных слов, являющихся не значимыми и не несущими смысловой нагрузки. Небольшое содержание «воды» в тексте является естественным показателем, при этом:

  • до 15% — естественное содержание «воды» в тексте;
  • от 15% до 30% — превышенное содержание «воды» в тексте;
  • от 30% — высокое содержание «воды» в тексте.

Определение процента заспамленности текста

Процент заспамленности текста отражает количество поисковых ключевых слов в тексте. Чем больше в тексте ключевых слов, тем выше его заспамленность:

  • до 30% — отсутствие или естественное содержание ключевых слов в тексте;
  • от 30% до 60% — SEO-оптимизированный текст. В большинстве случаев поисковые системы считают данный текст релевантным ключевым словам, которые указаны в тексте.
  • от 60% — сильно оптимизированный или заспамленный ключевыми словами текст.

Поиск смешанных слов или слов в различных раскладках клавиатуры

Данный параметр показывает количество слов, состоящих из букв различных алфавитов. Часто это буквы русского и английского языка, например, слово «стол», где «о» — буква английского алфавита. Некоторые копирайтеры заменяют в русских словах часть букв на английские, чтобы обманным путем повысить уникальность текста. SEO-анализ текста от успешно выявляет такие слова.

SEO-анализ текста доступен через API. Подробнее в API-проверке.




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Check your texts for plagiarism for free on

Service description Word Count is totally unique without any equivalents on the Web. Highlighting watery fragments, keyword density areas, and keywords in a text make the analysis interactive and easy to interpret.

Word Count includes:

Word count, character count in your text online

The online service count words and characters in your text, including or excluding spaces.

Analysis of keywords and semantic core of a text

Finding keywords and detection of theiк number is extremely useful for writing new texts and improving existing ones. The service arranges keywords in groups and by frequency for fast and simple search. It will also show keyword forms when you click on it.

Detection of watery in the text

Shows the exact percentage of stop-words, idioms and conjunctions it the text. A small percentage of watery in the text is natural, but:

  • to 15% — average amount of watery;
  • from 15% to 30% — exceeded amount;
  • from 30% — high amount of watery in the text.

Detection of keywords density of the text

Keyword density shows a number of keywords in a text. The more the keywords, the higher the keyword density:

  • to 30% — absence or average number of keywords in a text;
  • from 30% to 60% — SEO-optimized text. Search engines consider such texts relevant to the keywords they include in most cases.
  • from 60% — too optimized text with high keyword density.

Search for words with swapped letters

The parameter finds words consisting of letters from different alphabets: for example, the English word «table», where an «a» is taken from the Cyrillic alphabet. Some copywriters swap letters in the texts to pass Plagiarism Check successfully and raise the percentage of originality. Word Count will detect such words easily.

What Is Meant by Word Count?

The term word count means the number of words contained within a document or passage of text. Checking your word count can ensure your text reaches or stays within a certain limit.

There are lots of reasons why a word count may be required for a passage of text, including readability and reliability reasons. Different word counts may be set depending on the audience of the text, its purpose, or both.

For example, a word count for a college essay may be set at 10,000 words to ensure the text contains significant research and is considered a reliable, in-depth paper. Whereas a journalist may have a 1,000-word count target to ensure the text is a short, easy-to-read summary for their target audience.

Professionals, students, authors, journalists, or anyone that needs to write a passage of text will usually find it important to know the word count.

How to Check Word Count

There are numerous ways you can check your word count. You can use Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or an online Word Counter Tool.

How to check word count using Microsoft Word

To check your word count using Microsoft Word, you can:

  1. Select the text you want to check
  2. You’ll find the word count in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen

How to check word count using Google Docs

To check your word count using Google Docs, you can:

  1. Select Tools
  2. Select Word Count
  3. View your word count

What Is the Word Counter Tool?

The Word Counter Tool is an online website that tells you the word count of a passage of text. The tool instantly counts the number of words and shows you the results. It can be used to make sure your text is of a certain length.

The Word Counter Tool can be used on a computer, laptop, or mobile device.

How Does the Word Counter Work?

The Word Counter Tool works by calculating the total number of words contained within a passage of text in real time.

It will count the words as you write, or it will show you the total number of words within text that you have copied and pasted into the box.

Using the tool, you can check the following information:

  • Word count
  • Unique word count
  • Character count (with and without spaces)
  • Sentence count
  • Paragraph count
  • Reading time

The Word Counter Tool is especially helpful if you are working on a mobile device and need to quickly check your word count.

How to Use the Word Counter

It’s easy to check your word count using the Word Counter.

To use the tool, simply:

  1. Start typing or copy and paste your text into the box
  2. Check your word count

Have you ever wondered how many words there are in the Russian language? Russian is an old – and constantly evolving – language, so it does contain a high humber of words. But finding out how much exactly can be very tough. After all, with al its declensions, perfective/imperfective verbs and loanwords from English, which words are really Russian? And which words count?

Note: in this article we’re going to find out how many words to learn the Russian language. We’re going to take a look at the common estimates, and how relevant they are. Most of the time the question behind ‘how many words in the Russian language?’ is ‘how many words to learn to speak Russian fluently?’. It’s a very good question if you’re learning Russian. We’ll discuss that and at the end I’ll give you my strategy for quickly and effectively increasing your vocabulary.

How many words are there in the Russian language?

There are many estimates. However, several of the larger Russian dictionaries quote around 130,000 to 150,000. Now, that’s a lot of Russian words. But if you compare it to English for instance – which has more than 400,000, then it’s not that bad. The main reason for that is that Russian doesn’t have to many so-called loanwords included in the dictionaries (yet). English has a lot more of those. But Russia wasn’t exposed to many other languages in the time of communism.

So some of the estimates are around 150,000 – which means there a lot of Russian words to learn.

By the way, if you want to learn Russian quickly, I’ve got a course that teaches you how to use strategic habit-building to make learning Russian fun, easy, and automatic. It’s not free, but it’s helpful if you’re currently struggling with learning Russian. You can find more information here.

That’s a lot – and there are even more

Unfortunately, the truth is there is an even higher number of words in the Russian language. You see, it all depends on how you go and count them. Do you count красивый-красиво as 1 word or 2? And what about all the other forms of the adverb?

On top of that, you have all the perfective and imperfective verbs. Some of them are counted twice (such as идти/ходить). But others were the difference is a simple change of а for an и (получить – получать), they might not be included.

And then of course you’ve got all the loanwords that are entering the language in the last ten years – because of the internet this has gone a lot faster than before. But this is the case in virtually ever language. So Russian words like милкшейк (milkshake) also have to be counted, since they are used pretty often.

On top of that, you also got all the regional dialects, which also contain a lot of Russian words that are not in the dictionaries. And I’m also doubting if some of the creative Russian swearing is counted in all of the estimates.

So if you take all this together, then the estimates take on a whole new form. How many words in the Russian language? Well, including all these, the number of words you’re going to get anything from 250,000 to 500,000.

how many words are there in Russian

How many words in the Russian language? A lot – but the good news is that you don’t need to learn them all to become fluent in Russian.

But the good news is you don’t need to learn them all

That’s a lot of Russian words. if you were to learn 100 words every single day – it would still take you 7 to 15 years to learn all of them.

That’s crazy. But the good thing is that you really don’t need to learn all of them. Think of English, I’m sure every once in a while you come across a word that you don’t know its meaning. Plus there are tens of thousands of other words that you will probably never hear in your lifetime. Or others that are simply not relevant for you – and will never be. Think of all the Russian words that are only used in specific professions. All the lingo that is being used in law, or construction, or accounting, or politics even will most likely never apply to you (unless you work in one of these fields of course).

So the real question is:

How many words to be fluent in Russian?

When we approach the question from this angle – everything becomes a lot more fun. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with such a higher number of words to learn, everything starts feeling very manageable now. My first start with Russian was through the Michel Thomas method – and he always emphasized me that you only need to learn around a 1000 words.

His story was that some study analyzed national newspapers – and to understand around 80% of all the words, you needed to learn around a 1000 Russian words. Now, that was for English – but the same principles apply for Russian. heck for every language. Many of the words that you use in your daily life are going to be the simple words. Now, of course once a while a more difficult word will be used in specific situations – but most of the time you can guess the meaning of those words anyways.

So if you only need to learn around a 1000 words to understand around 80% of Russian, then how much do you need to learn around 90% of words? Well, the answer is maybe 2,000. So if you would learn only 20 words every day – it would take you a 100 days in total to understand virtually all spoken Russian.

Add in some cognates (words that sound the same in  several languages – most famous are taxi, tobacco etc.) and your vocabulary most likely already contains a couple of 100 words. So you really shouldn’t worry that much about vocabulary. Sure, you’re not going to know 2000 words in 30 days. But if you take your time and learn a couple of words every day, you’ll find that you’ll come very far in just a couple of months.

What’s the best way to learn new words?

There are many methods out there for learning vocabulary. But the one that I personally like the most is using spaced repetition. It basically means flashcards – but with the added twist that if you get something right, you’ll practice that word again in let’s say 10 days. But if you get it wrong, you’re doing it again tomorrow. It’s like having a stack of 100 flashcards, and if you don’t know a word you put it back in the top 10 cards – and if you do know it you put it on the bottom.

Of course, there’s an app for that! It’s called Ankidroid and it’s free. Plus you can download a lot of other free decks for learning words. I’m going through a deck now which has around 5000 words. And I’m getting 20 new words every day. Needless to say, over the last 9 months tat I’m doing this my vocabulary has skyrocketed!

P.S. How many words in the Russian language? Somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000. But you don’t need them all. Install Ankidroid, download a Russian-English flash card deck and you’ll surprise yourself how fast you’ll know your first 1000 words (which consist of 80% of all regularly-spoken words in Russian). Curious how to learn the grammar that goes along with it? Sign up here for the free trial of Russianpod101!

What should you do next?

Learning Russian does NOT need to be difficult. All you need is a solid plan that helps you improve the following things on a consistent basis:

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Listening
  • Speaking

That’s ALL you need. If you can do this for a couple of weeks, you’ll already be making great progress in your Russian skills.

And the best part? If you improve a little bit every day, soon these practices will become daily habits.

And then you will start making progress on autopilot.

This means that learning Russian is now a part of your daily routine. So you won’t even need discipline anymore to get yourself to practice.

If you like how this sounds, check out my course the Russian Conversational Blueprint.

It teaches you how to use strategic habit-building to make learning Russian fun, easy, and automatic, so that you can finally start to enjoy conversations with native Russian speakers.

The course is not free, but if you’re serious about learning Russian, it will be incredibly helpful.


Количество слов в тексте

Калькулятор вычисляет количество слов в заданном тексте. Может быть использован для грубой оценки стоимости перевода. Пригоден для подсчета слов в ресурсах программного обеспечения.

Калькулятор считает число символов, слов и строк в заданном тексте. Можно задать минимальное число символов в слове, исключить из подсчета заданные слова, не считать слова состоящие целиком из цифр.

PLANETCALC, Подсчет количества слов

Подсчет количества слов


Текст в котором надо посчитать количество слов

Исключить из подсчета

Слова, которые требуется исключить из подсчета

Минимальная длина слова

Исключать числа

Позволяет исключить из подсчета слова, состоящие только из цифр

Количество подсчитанных слов

Количество исключенных слов

Количество строк

Количество символов

Без первого слова в строке

Ссылка скопирована в буфер обмена

Похожие калькуляторы

  • • Подсчет одинаковых слов
  • • Подсчет совпадающих строк в списке
  • • Подсчет суммы и произведения чисел, соответствующих буквам в слове
  • • Составитель пронумерованных списков
  • • Анаграммы 5-и буквенных слов
  • • Раздел: Словесность ( 7 калькуляторов )

 анализ текста количество слов перевод подсчет слова Словесность текст числа

PLANETCALC, Количество слов в тексте

Anton2020-11-03 14:19:30


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