The red panda 8 grade excel


  1. Endangered Animal : Red Panda
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  7. The Red Panda (Vocabulary) Excel 8 Module 6

Endangered Animal : Red Panda

Published byShavonne Jordan Modified over 4 years ago

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Presentation on theme: «Endangered Animal : Red Panda»— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Animal : Red Panda
By: Eric/David

2 What does the red panda look like?
It weighs about 6 kg. It’s body is brown, and it’s limbs are brownish-black. It has long hair and a fluffy, round face with white markings. Their tail is thick, and longer than half of its body length. In China, the Chinese people called red panda nine day wolf.

3 Where does the red panda live?
Red panda lives in tree holes or caves. The fruit, root, shoot , in sects for food. The little pandas live in the mountains of the Himalayas and the Southwest Mountainous South China forest. They spend most of their time in the branches of the trees or trees to rest. They are only active for a few hours at night. The little panda sleeps at the top of the tree’s shadow to avoid daytime temperatures. They often lie on the tree branches or roll in the tree hole with their long tail over their face.

4 Why does the red panda endangered ?
Maybe it can’t survive in a bad environment, and the people are killing the red panda. The people kill red pandas to sell their skin to get money. People cut down the trees to make homes, so when the people cut down the trees, animals cannot have a home.

shooting >>>>>>>> And they make red panda like this >>>>>

6 How to protect the red panda
We can cut down the trees, but we can’t cut too many, because the animal will live in the trees. We can’t hunt the red panda, and take off its skin, because, this activity can make red panda’s number lower and lower until no more red pandas are alive. We can set up some place to feed the red panda, so the red panda can live in there.

7 Let’s look at the red panda!

10 How cute red panda is !

11 Thanks for watching. So if we begin to protect the red panda, red panda’s Smile will follow us forever.


The Red Panda (Vocabulary) Excel 8 Module 6

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Excel 8 Module 6 The Red PandaСкачатьПодробнее

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Excel 8.Module 6. Flowers Vocabulary. p 63СкачатьПодробнее

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Excel 8. Module 6. The Red Panda.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8th grade. Module 6. The natural World. FlowersСкачатьПодробнее

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Разработка урока «The natural World» для 8 класса

Unit 6. The Natural World

Teacher name: Chernysheva Y. A.

Theme of the lesson

The natural World

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a range of familiar general and curricular topics understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics

All learners will be able to

  • name beautiful places of the world and Kazakhstan
  • match the words to make up word expressions

Most learners will be able to

  • answer questions about the animals, that live in Kazakhstan
  • find the meanings of the words

Some learners will be able to

  • tell about endangered animals

tell about beautiful places of the world and Kazakhstan and endangered animals

Cross curricular links

Teacher shows video, Ss should guess the theme of the lesson

· to revise the new vocabulary

· to use the vocabulary in phrases and sentences

· to speak about flora and fauna of Kazakhstan

T:I. Answer the questions:

What beautiful places of the world do you know?

What beautiful places of Kazakhstan do you know?

II. Find the meanings of the words

a. a. animals, birds and plants that live in natural conditions

b. b. all the plants that grow in a particular area

c. c. all the animals that live in a particular area

d. d. small animals that have six legs and often have wings

e. e. a plant or animal group whose members all have similar general features

III. You see two columns of words. Match the words to make up word expressions.

IV Flora of Kazakhstan

Students share information about flora of Kazakhstan:

Kazakhstan is an amazing country which many people call «a museum under the sky». It is situated in Middle Asia and known for its numerous natural landmarks. Some of them are: Lake Burabai, Lake Kaindy, Charyn canyon, Lake Tengiz, Lake Balkhash, Zailiyskiy Alatay and others. Kazakhstan can be divided into 3 zones: steppes, semi-deserts and deserts, The steppes of the North Kazakhstan are characterized by feather grass. In the North there are birch and pine forests, especially on the sands near the Irtysh river and the Tobol river. The semi-deserts are characterized by different types of wormwood, the deserts – by grass, subshrub and saxaul. The lakes are usually surrounded by reed. At the foothills bushes grow (dogrose, honeysuckle, barberry). In the mountains of Zailisky Alatau we can find wild apple tree, hawthorn. In the centre there are coniferous forests.

V. Fauna of Kazakhstan

Students share information about fauna of Kazakhstan:

The wildlife of Kazakhstan is varied too. There are 155 species of mammals. Most of them are rodents, gophers and hamsters in the steppes, sanderlings in the deserts, water rats near the water. Field- vole, jerboa, hare can be found everywhere. There are hoofed animals: saiga, dzheiran in the deserts, maral, musk deer in the lowlands. In the mountains wild boar, roe can be met. In the forests of Altai and Tian Shan – brown bear, snow leopard, sguirrel dwell, wolf, fox.
There are 480 species of birds in Kazakhstan. Many of them are water fowl, grey goose, wild duck. Lake Tengiz is famous for its flamingo.
There are 49 species of reptile and 11 species of amphibian. There are tortoises, lizards and snakes in the plane.

VI. Let’s speak about endangered animals, that are in the Red Book. Tell about them.

Students share information about Endangered Animals in Kazakhstan.

Endangered animals: Turkestan lynx, argali, kulan, graycrane, caiga, snow leopard, black rhino, great white shark, blue whale, giant panda and others.

Every year the number of endangered species steadily grows. It would be good to define what the community of endangered species is. It is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct. More than 40 percent of all organisms are likely to become extinct soon, which is unbelievable. Some of them are simply few in numbers, some are threatened by changing environment. In most cases animal extinction, as well as other natural calamities, is a result of human actions. Many habitats are being destroyed around the world. It seems that endangered wildlife is everywhere around us. To think only that these cute little polar bears at the zoo are gradually going to become extinct. Human activity has strong influence on the process of animal extinction. People chop down numerous forests, leaving certain species without shelter and their natural habitat.

Conclusion: We should protect the nature and animals of our land.


The Red Panda (Vocabulary) Excel 8 Module 6

Excel 8 Module 6 Nature Reserves around the World text p 71СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 module 6 p65 ex3 Endangered Animals VocabularyСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 module 6 p64 The Red PandaСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 module 6 p63 Flowers VocabularyСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 Module 6 About the Red PandaСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 Module 6 The Red PandaСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8.Module 6.Suggesting. Agreeing, Disagreeing.p 69СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 Module 6 p 68 VocabularyСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8 grade Module 6 a Endangered animalsСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 9 Module 6. Vocabulary. p 63 ex 1СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8.Module 6(e).Reserves around the World (Vocabulary)СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8.Module 6. The Natural World (Vocabulary).p 63СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8.Module 6. Flowers Vocabulary. p 63СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8. Module 6. Nature rulesСкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8. Module 6. The Red Panda.СкачатьПодробнее

Excel 8th grade. Module 6. The natural World. FlowersСкачатьПодробнее

Nature Reserves around the World (Vocabulary) Excel 8 Module 6eСкачатьПодробнее

Places Of Natural Beauty (Vocabulary) Excel 8 Module 6cСкачатьПодробнее

The Red Panda (Text) Excel 8 Module 6СкачатьПодробнее


Ашық сабақ Тақырыбы:Red Panda 8-сынып

Материал жайлы қысқаша түсінік:

Бұл материалда 8 сыныпқа арналған ашық сабақ жоспары жаңартылған білім мазмұны бойынша Natural World тарауында Red Panda тақырыбы.Сабаққа қойылғын мақсатқа жету үшін әдіс-тәсілдер, бағалау түрлері дұрыс алынған.Сабақ өте жақсы жоспарланған.Спалы жоспарланған.

Төмендегі Ашық сабақ толық нұсқасы емес, тек сізге танысу үшін көрсетілген, сайтқа жарияланған документтен айырмашылығы болуы мүмкін. Жүктеу үшін осы беттің төменгі жағындағы жүктеу деген жазуды басу керек

Ашық сабақ Тақырыбы:Red Panda 8-сынып

Мусалина Гульмира Нургалиевна

Түркістан облысы , Мақтаарал ауданы Б.Соқпақбаев атындағы №48 жалпы орта мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі




Назар аударыңыз, сертификатты “менің материалдарым” деген бетте жүктеп алуға болады

Өз пікіріңізді қалдырыңыз

Lesson objectives

to revise the new vocabulary

to use the vocabulary in phrases and

to speak about flora and fauna of

T:I. Answer the questions: 

beautiful places of the world do you know?

beautiful places of Kazakhstan do you know?

Ss answer

II. Find  the meanings of the words

1. species

2. wildlife

3. insects



a. animals, birds and plants that live in natural conditions

b. all the plants that grow in a particular area

c. all the animals that live in a particular area

d. small animals that have six legs and often have wings

e. a plant or animal group whose members all have similar
general features

III. You
see two columns of words. Match the words to make up word expressions.


endangered                                                             change



protect                                                                     reserves



IV  Flora of Kazakhstan

Students share  information
about flora of Kazakhstan:

Kazakhstan is an amazing country which
many people call «a museum under the sky». It is situated in Middle Asia and
known for its numerous natural landmarks. Some of them are: Lake Burabai, Lake
Kaindy, Charyn canyon, Lake Tengiz, Lake Balkhash, Zailiyskiy Alatay and
others. Kazakhstan can be divided into 3 zones: steppes, semi-deserts and
deserts, The steppes of the North Kazakhstan are characterized by feather
grass. In the North there are birch and pine forests, especially on the sands
near the Irtysh river and the Tobol river. The semi-deserts are characterized
by different types of wormwood, the deserts – by grass, subshrub and saxaul.
The lakes are usually surrounded by reed. At the foothills bushes grow
(dogrose, honeysuckle, barberry). In the mountains of Zailisky Alatau we can
find wild apple tree, hawthorn.
In the centre there are
coniferous forests.

Lake Burabai

Lake Kaindy


Lake Tengiz

Lake Balkhash

Zailiyskiy Alatay

V. Fauna of Kazakhstan

Students share  information
about fauna of Kazakhstan:

 The wildlife of Kazakhstan is varied
too. There are 155 species of mammals. Most of them are rodents, gophers and
hamsters in the steppes, sanderlings in the deserts, water rats near the
water. Field- vole, jerboa, hare can be found everywhere. There are hoofed
animals: saiga, dzheiran in the deserts, maral, musk deer in the lowlands. In
the mountains wild boar, roe can be met. In the forests of Altai and Tian
Shan – brown bear, snow leopard, sguirrel dwell, wolf, fox.
There are 480 species of birds in Kazakhstan. Many of them are water fowl,
grey goose, wild duck. Lake Tengiz is famous for its flamingo.
There are 49 species of reptile and 11 species of amphibian.
are tortoises, lizards and snakes in the plane.

VI. Let’s speak about endangered
animals, that are in the Red Book. Tell about them.

Students share  information about Endangered Animals in

Endangered animals: Turkestan lynx,
argali, kulan, graycrane, caiga, snow leopard, black rhino, great white
shark, blue whale, giant panda and others.

Every year the number of endangered species steadily grows. It
would be good to define what the community of endangered species is. It is a
population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct. More than 40
percent of all organisms are likely to become extinct soon, which is
unbelievable. Some of them are simply few in numbers, some are threatened by
changing environment. In most cases animal extinction, as well as other
natural calamities, is a result of human actions. Many habitats are being
destroyed around the world. It seems that endangered wildlife is everywhere
around us. To think only that these cute little polar bears at the zoo are
gradually going to become extinct. Human activity has strong influence on the
process of animal extinction. People chop down numerous forests, leaving
certain species without shelter and their natural habitat.

Conclusion: We should protect the nature and animals of our



  • answers the questions
  • finds  the meanings of
    the words
  • matches the words to make up word
  • tells information about fauna and
    flora of Kazakhstan
  • tells information about Endangered
    Animals in Kazakhstan
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The Red Panda Presentation

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Excel 8 Module 6 About the Red Panda

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Excel 8.Module 6.Listening The Great Sphinx.Ex:8.p67

Excel 8 grade Module 6 a Endangered animalsПодробнее

Excel 8 grade Module 6 a Endangered animals

Excel 8 grade Module 6 The natural world FlowersПодробнее

Excel 8 grade Module 6 The natural world Flowers

Excel 8. Module 6. Nature Reserves around the World.Подробнее

Excel 8. Module 6. Nature Reserves around the World.

Excel 8th grade. Module 6. The natural World. FlowersПодробнее

Excel 8th grade. Module 6. The natural World. Flowers


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