Chapter 2
The Power of One Word
Words are powerful. They have the power to inspire, encourage, appreciate, heal, and turn the impossible into the possible. Throughout history, words have transformed societies, people, and relationships. Words have inspired us to put a man on the moon, advance racial equality, and heal after our greatest tragedies.
But can One Word really make a difference? We know that words are powerful when spoken in sentences and when included in inspiring speeches, but can One Word on its own really change your life?
Our answer is an emphatic yes. After nearly 15 years of doing this ourselves and taking others through the One Word process as part of our workshops, we’ve found that when you find your word for the year, it will change the way you think, the words you speak, the attitudes of your heart, your relationships, and even your actions.
Similar to buying a new car and suddenly seeing the same model everywhere you go, you’ll begin to see your One Word everywhere. One Word will give you clarity and focus for the challenges of a busy, stress-filled world. Just as a light focused becomes a laser that can cut through steel, a life focused with One Word becomes a force that can cut through the status quo. One Word is both simple and powerful. Simplicity, done right, will always bring impact.
One Word also creates powerful relationships. When those closest to you know your One Word, you can count on them sharpening, challenging, …
Seven Powers of One Word is beautiful! I love the synthesis of heartfelt story, scientific fact, spiritual connections and practical application. This book provides a simple, yet powerful structure to help people live an inspired life.
Melinda Abrams, Artist/Leadership Consultant
Brown’s book is ideal for anyone traversing the difficult landscape of life. Susan Brown is a refreshing voice in the genre of personal discovery and growth, using an approach that is tangible, enlightening and extremely effective. OPEN THIS BOOK and get ready to embrace the journey that lies in the power of your one word!
Lisa Plato, Entrepreuner/Graphic Designer
Having taken Susan Brown’s «Power of One Word» workshop several times, I am in awe of the impact her insight has had on countless others and me. In 2015, I chose the word BELIEVE which became a catalyst for healing during my breast cancer journey. You, too, will be amazed at how her proven process improves your resiliency and ability to overcome your personal obstacles and challenges.
Bonnie Ross-Parker, Author/Founder of Xperience Connections
I had no idea that ONE WORD would change the trajectory of my life. My word, GO, manifested in my life with such force that at times the momentum left me breathless. Using the seven powers of one word changed my life, making this transformational tool a fixture in my personal journey.
Jai Stone, Entrepreneur and founder of the Emotional Nudity Lifestyle
Susan Brown has written one of the best self-help books I have read. I recommend this book to everyone that wants to make an impact, not only in his or her own life, but also in the lives of those around them.
Cindy Elsberry, Editor/Virtual Assistant
О книге «One Word That Will Change Your Life, Expanded Edition»
The guide to creating simplicity in your world and developing a discipline for life, now in a full-color, expanded edition One Word explains how to simplify your life and business by focusing on just ONE WORD for the entire year. The simplicity of choosing one word makes it a catalyst for life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity. By celebrated authors Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, and Jon Gordon, One Word That Will Change Your Life shows you how to cut through to the core of your intention for the next year. It offers an action plan and simple process to discover your word for the year. It also explains how your one word will impact the six dimensions of your life—mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. This beautifully illustrated full-color Second Edition includes even more stories demonstrating the impact of embracing the One Word call to action. It explores the legacy of taking a focused approach to your life and outlines six new dimensions to the Action Plan. Includes additional material on developing the One Word for teams and families, specifically how a group of people can also have a One Word Demonstrates how to establish a simple, disciplined, and focused approach to the next year of your life Discover how to create simplicity in your world and develop a discipline for life through the power of One Word.
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Автор: Кортни Брайс
Жанр: Современная проза
The modern classic. No stranger to the injustice of racial hatred, five-year-old Peekay learns the hard way the first secret of survival and self-preservation — the power of one. An encounter with amateur boxer Hoppie Groenewald inspires in Peekay a fiery ambition — to be welterweight champion of the world. The book is made to movie with the same name.
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For the patient waiting to hear back from the doctor, one word, “Positive” or “Negative,” will alter the trajectory of her future. For the lover kneeling down on one knee, one word, “Yes” or “No,” holds a multitude of hopes and dreams. For the couple reading an email from the bank, one word, “Approved” or “Denied,” will shape their days and nights for many years to come.
One word can change your life.
That’s the title and the premise of a book written by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page. I read this self-help book a few years ago at the recommendation of a layperson. Although it is not an explicitly religious text, this book dramatically changed my life and ministry. Gordon, Britton, and Page claim it will take approximately forty-seven minutes to read the book cover to cover. An hour later (I’m a slow reader), the authors convinced me of the power of a single word.
As an alternative to New Year’s Resolutions, the book encourages readers to select a word as a focus for the year. When I first read this book, I was serving as a youth pastor, and I saw an opportunity to create a process of spiritual discernment for my students as they began a new year. I thought: “If one word can change your life, then one Word from God can change your life forever.” Here is the process that we used to create a three-week series that was very effective:
Week #1 – Seek (Prayer) [Matthew 6:33]
We had each of the students answer some reflection questions about their life and their relationship with God to help them starting thinking about where to start in choosing a word. For example:
- Where is God at work in your life right now?
- What are the areas of your life where the Holy Spirit is nudging you?
- What character traits would like you like to grow and develop?
Week #2 – Search (Scriptures) [2 Timothy 3:16-17]
We set up OneWord stations where students could spend time learn more about their words and discussing it with others in community. For example:
- Prayer Room – sacred space for prayer and reflection on potential words.
- Bible room – reference resources to study potential words.
- Peer Room – coffeehouse discussion table to bounce ideas off their peers.
- Mentor Room – wise counsel sessions with one of our adult mentors.
Week #3 – Share (Community) [1 Corinthians 12:12,27]
We bought canvases and paint and let students create a piece of art to communicate their OneWord. The first year, we were nervous about whether or not the students (especially the middle school boys) would engage with this exercise…they loved it!
The most powerful thing about the canvases—and really the whole OneWord process—was that the process was so personal and communal. Although everyone was participating in the same exercises, no OneWord was the same. Each student was able to express their word in a way that was unique to them.
Now, serving as the Pastor of Discipleship & Lead Pastor of Modern Worship at our church, we are gearing up for a sermon series in January based on the process of OneWord. We have Sunday school classes, small groups, and other teams that have embraced the OneWord vision, ready to partner with our youth ministry in this discernment process.
So, if you are considering a class, sermon series, small group focus, youth or children’s program, or just something to do with your family as you start the new year, I would highly recommend OneWord — it just might change your life forever.