The power of a word task 5

Предмет: Английский язык

Тема: The power of a word

Четверть: 3

Язык обучения:
🇰🇿 Казахский 🇰🇿


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  • English ESL Video Lessons
  • Grammar Practice
  • General grammar practice

Video quiz details

Task Description

Choose the correct form of the verb (gerund or infinitive) after verbs, prepositions and adjectives

Video details

Scene summary

Inspirational video about the power of words, showing a blind man seeking charity in the street.

Video length

1 minute 48 seconds

Language goals


Grammar practice

Other pedagogical goals


The above lesson is a great teaching resource for:Pre-intermediate (A2)

Student type

This resource is intended for:Adults



Quality check

Quality not yet verified by the community.


This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.

Copyright license

This resource is licensed by karead under the iSLCollective Copyright License.

Published 12/05/2021

Video quiz questions (printable)

1. Choose the correct options.

The man wants _______ money from people passing by.

2. Choose the correct options.

It isn’t easy _________ money right into the tin.

3. Choose the correct options.

The girl starts __________ on his sign.

4. Choose the correct options.

The man touches her shoes ______ her.

to recognise



5. Choose the correct options.

People don’t walk past without ________ some coins.

6. Choose the correct options.

The man is good at ___________ people from their shoes.


to recognise


7. Unmix the sentence.









8. Unmix the sentence.










Karead is from/lives in Italy and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2016-06-15. Karead last logged in on 2023-04-05, and has shared 2 resources on iSLCollective so far.

The Power Of Words: How A Single Word Can Impact Your Life

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’
We could all learn something from this well-known Bible verse. Looking beyond the religious overtones, there is a message to be found in this for everyone. Everything begins with a word.

Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us. Words are the creator; the creator of our universe, our lives, our reality. Without words, a thought can never become a reality. This is something that we have been taught throughout history, as far back as the Bible, which writes of ‘God’ – whatever that word may mean to you – saying ‘let there be light’ and as a result creating light.

So what can we learn from this? If our words and thoughts are the very tools with which we create our reality, then surely they are our most powerful tool yet? Surely we should only pick the very best words in order to create our very best reality?

The Power Of Words And Affirmations

Our thoughts also impact what we manifest in our lives. But it can be argued that the real power lies in our words. It is our words that provide a bold affirmation of our innermost thoughts. They are a confirmation to the world of how we see others, our lives and ourselves. It is this powerful affirmation that our words provide which enables our thoughts to manifest into a reality. So why do we choose to misuse our most powerful asset?

3 Ways To Use Words

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1. Choosing Your Words Wisely

As a society, we have become conditioned to talk about our misfortunes and problems. We take our interpretations of events, people and ourselves and communicate them to the world, bringing them into existence.

So by that admission, when we moan or complain about our lives to others, we are putting those negative words out there to become a reality. When you say something out loud enough times your words become the truth not only in your own mind but in the minds of everyone you are saying them too.

If this is really so, then ask yourself – do you really want to tell yourself and everybody that you know that you are unlucky in love, unsuccessful, miserable, bored or whatever else you have been complaining about? Especially now that you know that it is these exact words that are creating the life that you live?

Begin to choose the words that you speak consciously. Practice improved self-awareness over the words that you use to describe yourself and your life. Negative, powerless words such as ‘can’t’, ‘shouldn’t’, ‘need’, ‘won’t’ should all be avoided. They strip you of your ability to manifest a life that you want to live.

As the creator of your universe, what you say goes. Therefore, next time you catch yourself about to use negative words, regain control and frame your word choices so that they have a much more positive impact on your world.

For example, if you would usually say something such as ‘I am unhealthy and overweight’ then why not turn this into a more positive, constructive statement such as ‘I am in the process of becoming healthier and every day I get closer and closer to my ideal weight’.

Your words are the paint with which you paint your reality. Choose those words wisely and positively to create a reality that is good for you.

2. ‘I Am What I Am’

Affirm who you are, your dreams, your hopes and your successes with two of the most powerful words that a person can ever utter – ‘I am’.


These two small but incredibly powerful words should be considered the most precious words that you have in your entire vocabulary. How we end the sentence ‘I am…’ defines who we are to ourselves and to everybody around us. So, when you say ‘I am…fat/lazy/shy’ or ‘I am…beautiful/confident/successful/happy’ this is the exact truth that you are creating for yourself. It doesn’t even matter if there is any truth in the words that you are saying, how you finish those two little words is how you define your reality.

So why not choose a higher expression for yourself? Remind yourself of what you are and what you wish to be by starting each morning with a positive affirmation beginning with those magical words ‘I Am’.

3. Speak From The Heart

When we complain about our lot in life, speak anxiously or use hateful words, we usually do so from a place of fear. So, the first step that you need to take in order to conquer this is to practice better self-awareness over the words that you are using.

Next time you open your mouth to complain or put yourself or others down, ask yourself:

  1. ‘Why am I about to say this?’
  2. ‘How is this going to serve me or my happiness?’

Ask yourself these two important questions and you will no doubt discover that you are in fact speaking out of fear. This is the fear that you are not good enough, fear that you are in the wrong relationship, the wrong career etc. Most importantly of all, you will realize that by voicing these fears you will be doing nothing for your happiness. Your words can only make you feel worse, manifesting these fears into your life with greater intensity.

So choose your words bravely, consciously and lovingly. Always speak from a place of love; for yourself, for your life and for others. Your words equal your world, so use them wisely.

Learn More About The Power Of Words

If this has made you reconsider your thought patterns and the way you use words, you probably are interested in how affirmations can play a part in your manifestation journey.

Get your FREE Law Of Attraction toolkit which contains a detailed guide to affirmation. It includes affirmation lists AND lots more of manifestation tools.

Click here to download your free copy of our toolkit now!

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Words contain “spelling”.

To cast a spell is to cast words. Indeed, words are magical because they manipulate symbols to change consciousness and behaviour. Words possess and deliver “power”.

We “cast” words, actors, wishes, and fishing-lines, to bring something forward. Words can elicit powerful emotional responses, inciting violence, or inducing obedience. Artfully cast words can produce experiences of what is familiar or unknown, what is real or fictional, what is the truth or deception.

Written words are codes formed by combining symbols from a table (alphabet). The symbols (letters) represent basic phonemes (sounds). Together, they “summon” images, ideas, and feelings. Spoken words invoke “spelling” in real time. Whether words are written or spoken, their user is “summoning” whatever the words represent.

In a primal sense, words are various incantations, prayers, offerings, commands, and solicitations.

At school we practice “spelling” to decipher words. However, we are not taught that words are everyday propaganda tools for social engineering, and that the hidden meanings of specialised words are traps for the exploited populace.

Words require interpretation, and countless words have more than one meaning, having been co-opted for specific purposes. Thus, there is the complex language of “legalese”, developed for the theatre of commerce, and which requires careful deciphering.

By the use of “legalese” words, the People of many nations have been deceived, bankrupted, and enslaved. This is because ordinary language has been interspersed with trick “legalese” words that change the user’s jurisdiction.

The primary trick word is “person” (the definition of “person” was revised to include “corporation” in 1862). All statues apply to legally generated “persons” created by the State. Artificial “persons”, having no innate “productive capacity”, are debtors by default.

Other jurisdictional trick words include: “understand” (“do you understand?” means “stand under my authority”), “resident”, “voter”, “driver”, and “public” (all things “public” are of the State, including its artificial “persons”).

Less obvious words have been advanced for their psychological effect. The systemic and repeated use of servile words conditions a population to accept and practice servile behaviour. We the People are taught to “submit”, “petition”, and to “appeal” to our Public Servants.

We are not taught the critical difference between a “person” and a “man” or “woman”. Nor are we taught that the “Law of the Sea” refers only to legal fictions in Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction – serving commerce, while the “Law of the Land” refers to lawful facts in the Common Law Jurisdiction – serving men and women.

Some of the most powerful words for living people are “man”, “woman”, “consent”, “private”, “property”, “administer”, “notice”, “require”, “verify”, “claim”, “trespass”, “injury”, “remedy”, “restoration”, “damages”, and “charge”.

For example, a woman’s children were seized by the court. She subsequently went to an “administrative court”, reclaiming her children, by stating:

“I, a woman, believe that my property is being administered without my consent, and I require the immediate restoration of said property or I will be charging a dollar per second until the remedy is given.”

Note: She never used the word “children”, and would have lost if she did. She used her given first name only in court documents, and if asked for her full name would add “family of” as in “Jane: family of Smith”. Your “property” includes everything that comes from your energy. The powerful words she used were “woman”, “property”, “administered”, “consent”, “require”, “restoration”, “charging”, and “remedy”.

Learning key words and phrases is essential if you wish to establish your living “standing” as a “man” or “woman” possessing and exercising your Unalienable Rights.

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