The power of a word 5 класс

Предмет: Английский язык

Тема: The power of a word

Четверть: 3

Язык обучения:
🇷🇺 Русский 🇷🇺


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Предмет — Английский язык

Класс — 5 класс

Четверть — 3 четверть

Язык — 🇷🇺 Русский

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AccentAmerican Accent


Touch a word or the <play> button for sound

Click on a word or on the <play> button for sound

Click on a word or on the red <play> button for sound

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Click on a word and I�ll read it
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Sometimes it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

[box message: I’m blind. Please help]

— What did you do to my sign?
— I wrote the same… but different words
— Thanks, love.

[new message: it’s a beautiful day and I can’t see it]

Change your words.
Change your world.

LOVE= (BrE) a colloquial way to address a girl or a woman, even if you don’t know her.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to identify the impact that helpful or hurtful language has on others.

Compassion, Forgiveness, Respect

  • Join the class together in a circle, on the rug or in chairs.
  • Tell them that today they will participate in a personal experience panel.
  • Explain that three or four volunteers will describe a time when someone used positive words with them, and a time when someone used mean words with them (no names will be used).
  • Share an example of each instance from your own life. For example: «When I was in college a guy in my calculus class said women aren’t good at math, and that really impacted my confidence. I learned to persevere because I love math, and now I’m a math teacher.»
  • Tell students that everyone who isn’t speaking should listen to each volunteer on the panel with kind attention.
  • Write «Personal Experience Panel» on the board.
  • Underneath it, write a list of the following guidelines for the panel:
    • Each person has equal time to speak.
    • No one interrupts, gives advice, or breaks in with a personal story.
    • What is said in the classroom, stays in the classroom.
    • Focus on each speaker with eye contact and listening ears.
  • Ask for three or four volunteers to come into the center of the circle to form a smaller circle.
  • Explain that they will each have three minutes to share an experience.
  • Ask the class to take a few deep breaths into their bellies, and to relax their shoulders and hands.
  • Then, have them return to normal breathing and feel their feet in their shoes or on the floor.
  • Give each volunteer the following prompt: «Describe a time someone used mean words with you. What was this like? How did you feel?»
  • Remind the listeners of the guidelines on the board, and have the volunteers speak one at a time.
  • Afterwards, give the next prompt: «Describe a time someone used kind and uplifting words with you. What was this like? How did you feel?»
  • Again, remind the class of the guidelines, and have the volunteers speak for three minutes.
  • Thank the volunteers, and ask them to return to the larger circle.
  • Ask the class, «What was it like to hear your classmates’ stories? How did their experiences impact them? How can our words impact others and our community?»
  • (Note: If a student shares a situation where they have been emotionally abused or inflicted with physical harm, teachers must follow up as they are mandatory reporters.)

By:   •  Essay  •  477 Words  •  November 9, 2009  •  1,278 Views

Page 1 of 2

Essay title: The Power of a Word

John Doe


Mrs. Robinson


The Power of a Word

Passion: strong emotion, desire. The Power of a Word is all about how it is interpreted. Interpretation can change the meaning of any word. An eighty-year old man’s interpretation of the word passion would probably vary from a twenty-year old woman’s interpretation of passion. Interpretation is key when it comes to defining a word.

Rick Shaw says that passion is “The desire to do something that you like come hell or high-water”. Meanwhile, my younger brothers believe that “Passion is how you feel about women”. It is all in how people view things. I could stare at an abstract painting for hours, wondering what it is supposed to be. While Mrs. Goulet could take one glimpse at it and give you a two-hour long interpretation about what that painting means.

The word passion was first interpreted in 1175. It was interpreted as “the suffering of Christ on the cross”, hence the Passion of the Christ. Nearly two-hundred years later, 1374, the word began to be interpreted as “strong emotion, desire”. In 1588 passion was being defined as “sense of sexual love”. By 1638 the word was understood, by most, to mean “Strong liking, enthusiasm, and or predilection”. After this many different meaning of the word passion, it is easy to understand why it has so many different interpretations today.

Different languages also have different interpretations of words. The word passion in the English language would probably have a different meaning to Arabic people. But words do not only differ from person to person or language to language. Words will also heavily differ from culture to culture. Passion

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(2009, 11). The Power of a Word. Retrieved 11, 2009, from

«The Power of a Word» 11 2009. 2009. 11 2009 <>.

«The Power of a Word.», 11 2009. Web. 11 2009. <>.

«The Power of a Word.» 11, 2009. Accessed 11, 2009.

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