The plural form of the word fox

лиса, лисица, хитрец, лисий мех, кошечка, хитрить, покрываться бурыми пятнами


- (тж. без измен.) лиса, лисица; лис

to hunt the fox — охотиться на лис

- зоол. лисица (Vulpes)

arctic fox — песец (Alopex lagopus)
silver fox — чёрно-бурая лисица (Vulpes fulvus)

- лисий мех
- pl. изделия из лисьего меха
- хитрец, лиса

to play the fox — ловчить, хитрить, притворяться, прикидываться

- красновато-жёлтый, рыжеватый цвет
- редк. рыжий (о человеке)
- амер. сл. красотка

crazy like a fox — амер. себе на уме; ≅ пальца в рот не клади
fox and geese — ≅ «волки и овцы» (игра на шашечной доске)
fox and hounds — «лиса и собака» (детская игра)
to set a fox to keep the /one’s/ geese — ≅ волк не пастух; пришла из лесу птичница в лисьей шубке цыплят посчитать


- разг. обманывать, одурачивать; действовать ловко

to fox smb. by pretending to be ill — обмануть кого-л., прикинувшись больным
he isn’t really ill, he’s just foxing — он не вправду болен, он симулирует

- затруднять, сбивать с толку

the second question on the examination paper foxed me — второй вопрос экзаменационной работы поставил меня в тупик

- покрываться «лисьими», бурыми пятнами (о бумаге)

the engraving is badly foxed — гравюра побурела

- амер. охотиться на лисиц
- проф. ставить новые верха (на ботинки)

Мои примеры


as sly as a fox — хитёр, как лиса  
kid fox — лисёнок  
to run a fox to cover — гнать лису в укрытие  
some animals, as the fox and the wolf — некоторые животные, как например, лиса и волк  
fox brush — лисий хвост  
polar fox — зоол. песец (лат. Alopex lagopus)  
red fox — зоол. рыжая лисица  
fox trap — лисий капкан  
fox trip spear — винтовая освобождающаяся труболовка  
fox trot — фокстрот  

Примеры с переводом

He’s a wily old fox.

Он — хитрый старый лис.

We were foxed by the problem.

Мы были озадачены этой проблемой.

He was a sly old fox.

Он был старым хитрецом.

The problem had us foxed!

Эта проблема поставила нас в тупик.

They foxed me into telling the secret.

Они хитростью заставили меня рассказать этот секрет.

A fox yelps.

Лиса тявкает.

Возможные однокоренные слова

foxed  — прокисший, о вине, пьяный, одурачивать
foxiness  — рыжий, бурый цвет, хитрость, лисьи повадки, краснуха

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fox
he/she/it: foxes
ing ф. (present participle): foxing
2-я ф. (past tense): foxed
3-я ф. (past participle): foxed

ед. ч.(singular): fox
мн. ч.(plural): foxes

Table of Contents

  1. What is plural form of Fox?
  2. How do you say more than one fox?
  3. Why is Fox Foxen not plural?
  4. How do you describe a baby wolf?
  5. What is the height of a baby wolf?
  6. Where are wolf pups born?
  7. Do wolves kill for revenge?
  8. Why do wolves kill but not eat?
  9. Do wolves kill bears?

noun plural foxes or fox.

How do you say more than one fox?

The plural of fox is foxes.

Why is Fox Foxen not plural?

The form foxen has occasionally been seen as a plural of fox, as in David Booth’s Analytical Dictionary of the English Language [1]. But as a plural, it would have had stiff competition from foxen = vixen “a female fox”. The word ox comes from Middle English ox, from Old English oxa.

How do you describe a baby wolf?

Birth of a Baby Wolf A pup weighs about one pound at birth and is totally deaf and blind, with little sense of smell but a well-developed sense of taste and touch. Most pups are born with blue eyes, but they gradually change to a golden yellow color by eight to 16 weeks.

What is the height of a baby wolf?


Wolf Pup LT Baby Wolf
Height @BB 29.5″ 29.5″
Height w/Castle 35″ 35″
Height Folded 42″ 42″
Depth Open 33″ 33″

Where are wolf pups born?


Do wolves kill for revenge?

Wolves are commonly killed in revenge after they kill livestock, or in fear of attacks on humans. Gray wolves are carnivores that usually prey on ungulates much larger than themselves, such as elk, deer or moose, but will also eat smaller mammals such as beaver, rabbit or livestock.

Why do wolves kill but not eat?

If wolves do find themselves in a position with a number of very vulnerable prey, they will kill more than they an eat at the moment. But, they will keep coming back and finishing that food source off.”

Do wolves kill bears?

Few instances of direct mortality to either species have been documented. Instances of wolves killing bears and bears killing wolves have been reported, but such events are rare and considered the exception. According to Mech (1981), wolves sometimes kill bears, but likely only young, old, or otherwise weakened bears.

Write the plural form of the words in t he correct lists.


























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noun plural fox·es (especially collectively) fox.

What is the correct plural form?

Plural Noun Rules

The correct spelling of plurals usually depends on what letter the singular noun ends in. 1 To make regular nouns plural add ‑s to the end. cat – cats. house – houses. 2 If the singular noun ends in ‑s -ss -sh -ch -x or -z add ‑es to the end to make it plural.

What is the plural of fox in Hindi?

Fox Meaning in Hindi is लोम्ड़ी. It is written as Lomṛī in Roman Hindi. Fox is a noun plural foxes (especially collectively) fox by form.

What is plural form of deer?

/ (dɪə) / noun plural deer or deers.

What is the plural of fish?

See the full definition for fish in the English Language Learners Dictionary. fish. noun. ˈfish plural fish or fishes.

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What is plural child?

Children is the plural form of the word child and is used to refer to a group of or many youngsters who are below the age of puberty.

What is the plural of tomato?

tomato. noun. to·​ma·​to | tə-ˈmā-tō -ˈmä- plural tomatoes.

What is the plural of donkey?

noun. don·​key | ˈdäŋ-kē ˈdəŋ- ˈdȯŋ- plural donkeys.

Can you say shrimps?

‘Shrimp’ has two plurals. You can either say or write ‘shrimp’ or ‘shrimps. ‘ However ‘shrimps’ is usually used in reference to different species or…

What is the plural form of meat?

meat ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

singular meat
plural meats

Is it 2 deer or 2 deers?

Deers is an accepted plural but it is rarely used. The word deer comes from the Old English word deor which means four-legged animal beast. Also the Dutch word dier and the German word tier. Deer is one of a set of words with irregular plural forms such as sheep and fish.

Is mice singular or plural?

noun plural mice [mahys].

Is it correct to say fishes?

The plural of fish is usually fish. When referring to more than one species of fish especially in a scientific context you can use fishes as the plural. The zodiac sign Pisces is also often referred to as fishes.

What is Wolf plural?

wolf. / (wʊlf) / noun plural wolves (wʊlvz)

Can you spell potato with an E?

How do you spell potato? The singular spelling of potato doesn’t contain the letter “E ” so it is somewhat understandable that people would get confused when the plural does. The correct plural spelling is potatoes.

What is a plural form of carrot?

(kærət ) Word forms: plural carrots.

What is the plural of kangaroo?

noun. kan·​ga·​roo | ˌkaŋ-gə-ˈrü plural kangaroos.

What is plural moose?

See the full definition for moose in the English Language Learners Dictionary. moose. noun. ˈmüs plural moose.

How do you say sheep plural?

The plural form of the word “sheep” is sheep only. It comes under the few exceptions of the English language which do not change their form when changed to plural from singular. Therefore option a “sheep” is the right answer. Option b “sheeps” Option c “sheepes” and option d “sheepen” are all incorrect.

How do you say Ox plural?

ox is the singular of oxen. This is an –en noun. To form the plural an -en was added.

What is the plural of Coke?

Plural. coke or cokes. If you burn coal you will have coke left over and you can use the coke for fuel.

What is the plural of cheese?

cheese /ˈtʃiːz/ noun. plural cheeses. cheese. /ˈtʃiːz/ plural cheeses.

What is the plural of moose and deer?

Nouns that don’t change in their plural forms (called “zero plurals“) include “series ” “aircraft” and “species.” But most zero-plural words refer to animals e.g. deer moose sheep elk walrus antelope fish buffalo salmon.

Why is the plural of sheep not sheeps?

The reason “sheep” doesn’t have a separate plural form is by chance. … In Middle English the suffix -s was appended to nearly all nouns to form plurals. This phenomenon replaced the plural forms of Old English—e.g. Old English handa became hands in Middle English.

What is the singular form of flies?

Flies is the plural form of fly in the sense of the winged insect. It is also the third person singular conjugated form of the verb fly in the sense of an airplane bird or anything moving through the air.

See also what are the 6 levels of organization

Is there such word as mouses?

In most cases the plural of mouse is “mice ” but more than one computer mouse can also be called “mouses.” Mouse can also be a verb in this context like when you mouse over an icon to select a link.

What is the plural of deer and sheep?

A plural cannot be the same as a singular. If you could add an ”s” or ”es” to the end of those words then they’d have a plural but you can’t. The words ”fish” ”sheep” ”deer” ”cattle” ”moose” and ”salmon” strangely have no plurals. As others have said that’s just the nature of the language.

Is shrimp a plural?

noun plural shrimps (especially collectively) shrimp for 1. any of several small long-tailed chiefly marine crustaceans of the decapod suborder Natania certain species of which are used as food.

Is Cacti the plural of cactus?

The plural for cactus is Cactuses . Cactus is derived from the German word Kaktus. To say cacti would suggest that it is from a Latin word.

Was tomato ever spelled with an E?

When to Use Tomatoes

The singular spelling of tomato doesn’t contain the letter “E ” so it is somewhat understandable that people would get confused when the plural does. The correct plural spelling is tomatoes. Tomatos is a common misspelling.

How do you spell yoghurt?

Yoghurt is a variant spelling of yogurt that is common in British English. It can be used in all the same contexts as its American counterpart yogurt. While yoghurt is much more common in British English than in American English it still isn’t the dominant spelling.

How do you remember Desert spelling?

Try these mnemonics to help you remember how to spell dessert and desert:

  1. Dessert is twice as nice as a desert.
  2. Desserts spelled backward is stressed. (And maybe you eat dessert when you’re stressed.)
  3. Strawberry shortcake (two S’s) is for dessert. …
  4. It’s too dry in the desert for two S’s to grow.

See also what was required to make plantation cash crops a source of wealth?

What is the plural form of radish?

UK /ˈrædɪʃ/ singular. radish. plural. radishes.

What is the plural of turnip?

turnip /ˈtɚnəp/ noun. plural turnips.

What is the plural of Fox?

What is the plural of Fox?

Singular and Plural Nouns – English Grammar – Book work – Lesson 4 – Class 2- CBSE

Plural Nouns in English – Regular & Irregular Plurals

fox. / (fɒks) / noun plural foxes or fox.

Is it 2 Fox or 2 foxes?, The plural is foxes. Have a great day ! ABOUT FOX: The ordinary rule is – when a count noun ends in a sibilant, add -es to form the plural.Sep 10, 2016

Furthermore, What is the singular form of Fox?, a)Fox– It is the singular noun of a fox.

Finally,  What is the correct plural form?, Plural Noun Rules

The correct spelling of plurals usually depends on what letter the singular noun ends in. 1 To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the end. cat – cats. house – houses. 2 If the singular noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add ‑es to the end to make it plural.Dec 16, 2020

Frequently Asked Question:

What is more than 1 fox called?

A group of foxes are called a leash, skulk or earth, according to the U.S. Department of Interior.Sep 14, 2017

Is fox plural or singular?

noun, plural fox·es, (especially collectively) fox.

What is the word for multiple foxes?

The plural form of fox is foxes. Find more words!

Is fox’s correct?

Words that end in X are treated like words that end in S: Fox becomes fox’s in the singular possessive; the plural foxes adds only an apostrophe for its possessive—foxes’. The two possessives sound exactly the same but must be treated differently when written.

What is the opposite of fox?

Antonyms for fox

crone, horror, frump, bag, gorgon, dog, hag, witch, monster.

What is the example of plural form?


Singular Plural
woman women
man men
child children
tooth teeth

Is there a plural form?

The plural form of there is theres.

What is more than one Fox called?

Foxes are very social creatures that live in packs. A group of foxes are called a leash, skulk or earth, according to the U.S. Department of Interior. They are also called packs.Sep 14, 2017

What is the singular of Fox?

a)Fox– It is the singular noun of a fox.

Is Fox’s correct?

Or fox’s and foxes’? “Boy” and “fox” are singular nouns, so “boy’s” would be the possessive for one boy and “fox’s” would be the possessive for a single fox. By contrast, “boys” and “foxes” are plural nouns and these are their plurals: boys’ and foxes’.

Is foxes an irregular plural?

For example, we say two “buses”, “sneezes”, “beaches”, “bridges”, and “foxes”. These are irregular plurals because they deviate from standard practice of simply adding a -s to the end of a noun, as with many nouns in English that end with different consonants (e.g. “labs”, “legs”, “snails”, etc.).

Is it 2 fox or 2 foxes?

The plural form of fox is foxes.

What is the plural possessive form of fox?

Words that end in X are treated like words that end in S: Fox becomes fox’s in the singular possessive; the plural foxes adds only an apostrophe for its possessive—foxes‘.

How do you say multiple foxes?

The plural is foxes. Have a great day ! ABOUT FOX: The ordinary rule is – when a count noun ends in a sibilant, add -es to form the plural.Sep 10, 2016

What is the plural in fox?

fox. / (fɒks) / noun plural foxes or fox.

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