The origin of the word artist

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This article is about the person who is engaged in arts. For the person that is also known as an artist, see Singer.

An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse refers to a practitioner in the visual arts only. However, the term is also often used in the entertainment business, especially in a business context, for musicians and other performers (although less often for actors). «Artiste» (French for artist) is a variant used in English in this context, but this use has become rare. Use of the term «artist» to describe writers is valid, but less common, and mostly restricted to contexts like used in criticism.

Dictionary definitions[edit]

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the older broad meanings of the term «artist»:

  • A learned person or Master of Arts.
  • One who pursues a practical science, traditionally medicine, astrology, alchemy, chemistry.
  • A follower of a pursuit in which skill comes by study or practice.
  • A follower of a manual art, such as a mechanic.
  • One who makes their craft a fine art.
  • One who cultivates one of the fine arts – traditionally the arts presided over by the muses.

History of the term[edit]

The Greek word «techně«, often translated as «art,» implies mastery of any sort of craft. The adjectival Latin form of the word, «technicus«,[1]
became the source of the English words technique, technology, and technical.

In Greek culture, each of the nine Muses oversaw a different field of human creation:

  • Calliope (the ‘beautiful of speech’): chief of the muses and muse of epic or heroic poetry
  • Clio (the ‘glorious one’): muse of history
  • Erato (the ‘amorous one’): muse of love or erotic poetry, lyrics, and marriage songs
  • Euterpe (the ‘well-pleasing’): muse of music and lyric poetry
  • Melpomene (the ‘chanting one’): muse of tragedy
  • Polyhymnia or Polymnia (the ‘[singer] of many hymns’): muse of sacred song, oratory, lyric, singing, and rhetoric
  • Terpsichore (the ‘[one who] delights in dance’): muse of choral song and dance
  • Thalia (the ‘blossoming one’): muse of comedy and bucolic poetry
  • Urania (the ‘celestial one’): muse of astronomy

No muse was identified with the visual arts of painting and sculpture. In ancient Greece sculptors and painters were held in low regard, somewhere between freemen and slaves, their work regarded as mere manual labour.[2]

The word art derives from the Latin «ars» (stem art-), which, although literally defined means «skill method» or «technique», also conveys a connotation of beauty.

During the Middle Ages the word artist already existed in some countries such as Italy, but the meaning was something resembling craftsman, while the word artisan was still unknown. An artist was someone able to do a work better than others, so the skilled excellency was underlined, rather than the activity field. In this period, some «artisanal» products (such as textiles) were much more precious and expensive than paintings or sculptures.

The first division into major and minor arts dates back at least to the works of Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472): De re aedificatoria, De statua, De pictura, which focused on the importance of the intellectual skills of the artist rather than the manual skills (even if in other forms of art there was a project behind).[3]

With the academies in Europe (second half of 16th century) the gap between fine and applied arts was definitely set.

Many contemporary definitions of «artist» and «art» are highly contingent on culture, resisting aesthetic prescription, in much the same way that the features constituting beauty and the beautiful cannot be standardized easily without moving into kitsch.

Training and employment[edit]

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies many visual artists as either craft artists or fine artists.[4] A craft artist makes handmade functional works of art, such as pottery or clothing. A fine artist makes paintings, illustrations (such as book illustrations or medical illustrations), sculptures, or similar artistic works primarily for their aesthetic value.

The main source of skill for both craft artists and fine artists is long-term repetition and practice.[4] Many fine artists have studied their art form at university, and some have a master’s degree in fine arts. Artists may also study on their own or receive on-the-job training from an experienced artist.

The number of available jobs as an artist is increasing more slowly than other fields.[4] About half of US artists are self-employed. Others work in a variety of industries. For example, a pottery manufacturer will employ craft artists, and book publishers will hire illustrators.

In the US, fine artists have a median income of approximately US$50,000 per year, and craft artists have a median income of approximately US$33,000 per year.[4] This compares to US$61,000 for all art-related fields, including related jobs such as graphic designers, multimedia artists, animators, and fashion designers.[4] Many artists work part-time as artists and hold a second job.[4]

See also[edit]

  • Art
  • Art history
  • Arts by region
  • Artist in Residence
  • Fine art
  • Humanities
  • List of painters by name
  • List of painters
  • List of composers
  • List of sculptors
  • List of sketches of notable people by Marguerite Martyn
  • Mathematics and art
  • Social science


  1. ^
    Oxford English Dictionary s.v. technic
  2. ^
    In Our Time: The Artist BBC Radio 4, TX 28 March 2002
  3. ^
    P.Galloni, Il sacro artefice. Mitologie degli artigiani medievali, Laterza, Bari, 1998
  4. ^ a b c d e f «Craft and Fine Artists». Occupational Outlook Handbook (2016–17 ed.). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 17 December 2015. Retrieved 21 October 2017.


Wikiquote has quotations related to Artist.

  • P.Galloni, Il sacro artefice. Mitologie degli artigiani medievali, Laterza, Bari, 1998
  • C. T. Onions (1991). The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Clarendon Press Oxford. ISBN 0-19-861126-9

External links[edit]

Look up artist in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • The Artist on In Our Time at the BBC

1. 1) художник,


2) творческий работник в области изобразительных искусств; скульптор, гравировщик,


2. артист, актёр

opera artist — оперный певец

artist of the dance — артист(ка) балета

3. артист, мастер своего дела

artist in words — мастер слова

this cook is an artist — этот повар — настоящий артист

he is an artist with cards — он ловкий картёжник /шулер/

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «artist» в других словарях:

  • artist — ARTÍST, Ă, artişti, ste, s.m. şi f. Persoană de talent care lucrează în mod creator într un domeniu al artei; p. restr. actor; p. ext. persoană care dă dovadă de talent în profesiunea pe care o exercită. ♢ Artist al poporului = titlu de supremă… …   Dicționar Român

  • artist — 1 Artist, artificer, artisan, architect mean one who makes something beautiful or useful or both. In their wider senses the words are often confused. The earliest and the continuing implication of artist is skill or proficiency (see artist under… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Artist — Sm Künstler (der Geschicklichkeitsübungen vorführt) erw. fach. (14. Jh., Bedeutung 19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ml. artista, dieses eine Täterbezeichnung zu l. ars (artis) f. Kunst, Wissenschaft, Geschicklichkeit . Das Wort bezeichnete im… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Artist — (franz.), Künstler, insbes. Gesamtbezeichnung für Kunstreiter, Akrobaten, Gymnastiker, Clowns, Tierbändiger (Dompteurs) etc. In Leipzig wurde neuerdings die Internationale Artistengenossenschaft begründet, die durch Hilfs und Sterbekassen,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • artist — ► NOUN 1) a person who paints or draws as a profession or hobby. 2) a person who practises or performs any of the creative arts. 3) informal a habitual practitioner of a specified activity: a con artist. DERIVATIVES artistry noun. ORIGIN French… …   English terms dictionary

  • Artist — Art ist, n. [F. artiste, LL. artista, fr. L. ars. See {Art}, n., and cf. {Artiste}.] 1. One who practices some mechanic art or craft; an artisan. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] How to build ships, and dreadful ordnance cast, Instruct the articles and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Artist — (v. fr.), 1) Künstler, bes. Maler od. Bildhauer; 2) Chemiker, u. mit chemischen Operationen sich Beschäftigender, wie Pharmaceut etc. Daher Artistisch, zur Kunst gehörig …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Artíst — (frz.), Künstler; jetzt bes. die Künstler des Variététheaters und Zirkus (Coupletsänger, Gymnastiker etc.); artistisch, zur Kunst gehörig, künstlerisch; Artistenfakultät, ehedem s.v.w. philos. Fakultät …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Artist — Artist, Künstler …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • artist — index practitioner Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • àrtist — m (àrtistkinja ž) 1. {{001f}}onaj koji nastupa u varijeteima, noćnim lokalima, cirkusima kao akrobat, mađioničar, žongler i sl. 2. {{001f}}reproduktivni umjetnik koji savršeno vlada tehnikom svoga zvanja; besprijekoran umjetnik ✧ {{001f}}fr. ←… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • Afrikaans: kunstenaar
  • Albanian: artist (sq) m, artiste (sq) f, piktor (sq) m, piktore (sq) f
  • Arabic: فَنَّان‎ m (fannān), فَنَّانَة‎ f (fannāna); رَسَّام‎ m (rassām), رَسَّامَة‎ f (rassāma)
    Egyptian Arabic: فنان‎ m (fannān)
  • Armenian: նկարիչ (hy) (nkaričʿ)
  • Asturian: artista m or f
  • Azerbaijani: rəssam (az)
  • Bashkir: рәссам (rässam) (painter)
  • Basque: artista
  • Belarusian: маста́к m (masták), маста́чка f (mastáčka), маля́р m (maljár), маля́рка f (maljárka), арты́ст m (artýst), арты́стка f (artýstka)
  • Bengali: শিল্পী (bn) (śilpi)
  • Bulgarian: худо́жник (bg) (hudóžnik), худо́жничка f (hudóžnička), арти́ст (bg) m (artíst), арти́стка (bg) f (artístka)
  • Burmese: ပန်းချီဆရာ (my) (pan:hkyihca.ra)
  • Catalan: artista (ca) m or f
  • Chechen: суртдуьллург (surtdüllurg)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 藝術家艺术家 (zh) (yìshùjiā), 畫家画家 (zh) (huàjiā), 美術家美术家 (zh) (měishùjiā)
  • Czech: umělec (cs) m, umělkyně (cs) f, malíř (cs) m, malířka (cs) f
  • Danish: kunstner (da) c
  • Dutch: kunstenaar (nl) m, kunstenares (nl) f
  • Elfdalian: konstnär m
  • Esperanto: artisto
  • Estonian: kunstnik (et), taidur
  • Faroese: listamaður m, listakona f
  • Finnish: taiteilija (fi), artisti (fi)
  • French: artiste (fr) m or f, peintre (fr) m or f, peintresse (fr) f
  • Galician: artista (gl) m or f
  • Georgian: მხატვარი (mxaṭvari), ხელოვანი (xelovani)
  • German: Künstler (de) m, Künstlerin (de) f, Maler (de) m, Malerin (de) f
  • Greek: καλλιτέχνης (el) m (kallitéchnis), δημιουργός (el) m or f (dimiourgós)
  • Greenlandic: eqqumiitsuliortoq
  • Hebrew: אֳמָן (he) m (omán)
  • Hindi: कलाकार (hi) m (kalākār), फ़नकार m (fankār), शिल्पी (hi) m (śilpī), हुनरमंद (hi) m (hunarmand), आर्टिस्ट (hi) (ārṭisṭ), चित्रकार (hi) m (citrakār)
  • Hungarian: művész (hu)
  • Hunsrik: Kinstler m, Kinstlerin f
  • Icelandic: listamaður m, listakona f
  • Indonesian: seniman (id), artis (id)
  • Irish: ealaíontóir m
  • Italian: artista (it) m or f
  • Japanese: 芸術家 (ja) (げいじゅつか, geijutsuka), 画家 (ja) (がか, gaka), アーティスト (ātisuto)
  • Kazakh: суретші (kk) (suretşı), әртіс (ärtıs)
  • Khmer: សិល្បករ (km) (səlləpaʼkɑɑ), វិចិត្រករ (km) (vicetraʼkɑɑ)
  • Korean: 화가(畫家) (ko) (hwaga)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ھونەرمەند (ckb) (hunermend)
    Northern Kurdish: hunermend (ku) m
  • Kyrgyz: художник (ky) (hudojnik)
  • Lao: ສິນລະປິນ (lo) (sin la pin), ຈິດຕະກອນ (chit ta kǭn)
  • Latin: artifex f
  • Latvian: mākslinieks m, māksliniece f
  • Lithuanian: menininkas m, artistas m
  • Luxembourgish: Kënschtler m, Kënschtlerin f
  • Macedonian: уметник m (umetnik), уметничка f (umetnička), уметница f (umetnica)
  • Malay: seniman, artis
  • Maltese: artist m
  • Maori: ringatoi, rehetoi
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: зураач (mn) (zuraač), жүжигчин (mn) (žüžigčin)
  • Norman: artiste m or f
  • Northern Sami: dáiddár
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: kunstner (no) m
    Nynorsk: kunstnar m
  • Occitan: artista (oc) m or f
  • Ojibwe: mazinibii’igewinini
  • Old English: cræftiga m
  • Persian: هنرمند (fa) (honarmand), آرتیست (fa) (ârtist), نقاش (fa) (naqqâš), نگارگر(negârgar)
  • Polish: artysta (pl) m, artystka (pl) f, twórca (pl) m, twórczyni (pl) f, malarz (pl) m, malarka (pl) f
  • Portuguese: artista (pt) m or f
  • Romanian: artist (ro) m, artistă (ro) f
  • Romansch: artist m, artista f
  • Russian: худо́жник (ru) m (xudóžnik), худо́жница (ru) f (xudóžnica), арти́ст (ru) m (artíst), арти́стка (ru) f (artístka)
  • Scottish Gaelic: dealbhadair m, dealbhaiche m, ealantair m, neach-ealain m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: у̀метнӣк m, у̀мјетнӣк m, у̀метница f, у̀мјетница f
    Roman: ùmetnīk (sh) m, ùmjetnik (sh) m, ùmetnīca f, ùmjetnica (sh) f
  • Slovak: umelec m, umelkyňa f, maliar (sk) m, maliarka f
  • Slovene: umetnik (sl) m, umetnica f, slikar (sl) m, slikarka f
  • Spanish: artista (es) m or f
  • Swahili: msanii (sw), mwanasanaa
  • Swedish: artist (sv) m, konstnär (sv) c
  • Tagalog: dalubsining
  • Tajik: ҳунарманд (hunarmand), рассом (tg) (rassom), наққош (naqqoš), суратгар (suratgar)
  • Tatar: рәссам (tt) (rässam)
  • Telugu: కళాకారుడు (te) (kaḷākāruḍu)
  • Thai: ศิลปิน (th) (sǐn-lá-bpin), จิตรกร (jìt-dtrà-gɔɔn)
  • Tibetan: རི་མོ་མཁས་པ (ri mo mkhas pa)
  • Turkish: sanatçı (tr), dörütçü, dörütmen, ressam (tr)
  • Turkmen: suratçy, hudožnik
  • Ukrainian: худо́жник m (xudóžnyk), худо́жниця f (xudóžnycja), ма́ля́р m (máljár), ма́ля́рка f (máljárka), арти́ст (uk) m (artýst), арти́стка (uk) f (artýstka), мите́ць m (mytécʹ), мистки́ня f (mystkýnja)
  • Urdu: فنکار‎ m (fankār), فنکارہ‎ f (fankārā)
  • Uyghur: سەنئەتكار(sen’etkar), رەسسام(ressam)
  • Uzbek: rassom (uz), xudojnik, sanatkor
  • Vietnamese: họa sĩ (vi)
  • Volapük: (♂♀) lekanan (vo), () hilekanan, () jilekanan
  • Welsh: arlunydd m
  • Yiddish: קינסטלער‎ m (kinstler), קינסטלערין‎ f (kinstlerin), אַרטיסט‎ m (artist), אַרטיסטקע‎ f (artistke)

The definition of an artist is wide-ranging and covers a broad spectrum of activities to do with creating art, practicing the arts and/or demonstrating an art. The normal meaning in both everyday speech and academic discourse is a practitioner in the visual arts only. The term is often used in the entertainment business, especially in a business context, for musicians and other performers (less often for actors). «Artiste» (the French for artist) is a variant used in English only in this context. Use of the term to describe writers, for example, is certainly valid, but less common, and mostly restricted to contexts like criticism.

Dictionary definitions

Wiktionary defines the noun ‘artist’ (Singular: artist; Plural: artists) as follows:
# A person who creates art.
# A person who creates art as an .
# A person who is skilled at some activityThe Oxford English Dictionary defines the older broad meanings of the term «artist,»

:* A learned person or Master of Arts (now rather obsolete):* One who pursues a practical science, traditionally medicine, astrology, alchemy, chemistry (also obsolete):* A follower of a pursuit in which skill comes by study or practice — the opposite of a theorist:* A follower of a manual art, such as a mechanic — partly obsolete:* One who makes their craft a fine art:* One who cultivates one of the fine arts — traditionally the arts presided over by the muses — now the dominant usage

A definition of Artist from creative person (a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination).

History of the term

In Greek the word «techně» is often mistranslated into «art.» In actuality, «techně» implies mastery of a craft (any craft.) The Latin-derived form of the word is «tecnicus», from which the English words , technology, technical are derived.

In Greek culture each of the nine Muses oversaw a different field of human creation:
* Calliope (the ‘beautiful of speech’): chief of the muses and muse of epic or heroic poetry
* Clio (the ‘glorious one’): muse of history
* Erato (the ‘amorous one’): muse of love or erotic poetry, lyrics, and marriage songs
* Euterpe (the ‘well-pleasing’): muse of music and lyric poetry
* Melpomene (the ‘chanting one’): muse of tragedy
* Polyhymnia or Polymnia (the ‘ [singer] of many hymns’): muse of sacred song, oratory, lyric, singing and rhetoric
* Terpsichore (the ‘ [one who] delights in dance’): muse of choral song and dance
* Thalia (the ‘blossoming one’): muse of comedy and bucolic poetry
* Urania (the ‘celestial one’): muse of astronomy

No muse was identified with the visual arts of painting and sculpture. In ancient Greece sculptors and painters were held in low regard, somewhere between freemen and slaves, their work regarded as mere manual labour. [«In Our Time: The Artist» BBC Radio 4, TX 28th March 2002] The word art is derived from the Latin «ars», which, although literally defined means, «skill method» or «technique», holds a connotation of beauty. During the Middle Ages the word «artist» already existed in some countries such as Italy, but the meaning was something resembling «craftsman», while the word «artesan» was still unknown. An artist was someone able to do a work better than others, so the skilled excellency was underlined, rather than the activity field. In this period some «artisanal» products (such as textiles) were much more precious and expensive than paintings or sculptures. The first division into major and minor arts dates back to Leon Battista Alberti’s works («De re aedificatoria, De statua, De pictura»), focusing the importance of intellectual skills of the artist rather than the manual skills (even if in other forms of art there was a project behind). [P.Galloni, «Il sacro artefice. Mitologie degli artigiani medievali», Laterza, Bari, 1998)] With the Academies in Europe (second half of XVI century) the gap between fine and applied arts was definitely set. Many contemporary definitions of «artist» and «art» are highly contingent on culture, resisting aesthetic prescription, in much the same way that the features constituting beauty and the beautiful, cannot be standardized easily without corruption into kitsch.

The present day concept of an ‘artist’

«Artist» is a descriptive term applied to a person who engages in an activity deemed to be an art. An artist also may be defined unofficially, as, «a person who expresses themselves through a medium». The word also is used in a qualitative sense of, a person creative in, innovative in, or adept at, an artistic practice.

Most often, the term describes those who create within a context of ‘high culture’, activities such as drawing, painting, sculpture, acting, dancing, writing, filmmaking, photography, and music—people who use imagination, talent, or skill to create works that may be judged to have an aesthetic value. Art historians and critics will define as artists, those who produce art within a recognized or recognizable discipline.

The term also is used to denote highly skilled people in non-«arts» activities, as well—crafts, law, medicine, alchemy, mechanics, mathematics, defense (martial arts), and architecture, for example. The designation is applied to high skill in illegal activities, such as «scam artist» (a person very adept at deceiving others, often profiting (semi-illegally) from other people) or «con artist» (a person very adept at committing fraud).

Often, discussions on the subject focus on the differences among «artist» and «technician», «entertainer» and «artisan,» «fine art» and «applied art,» or what constitutes art and what does not. The French word «artiste» (which in French, simply means «artist») has been imported into the English language where it means a performer (frequently in Music Hall or Vaudeville). Use of the word «artiste» can also be a pejorative term. [ [] ]

The English word ‘artist’ has thus, a narrower range of meanings than the word ‘artiste’ in French.

Examples of art and artists

* Abstract: Jackson Pollock
* Actress: Greta Garbo
* Animation: Walt Disney
* Architect: Antoni Gaudí
* Ballet: Margot Fonteyn
* BioArt: Hunter O’Reilly
* Calligraphy: Rudolf Koch
* Ceramics: Grayson Perry
* Choreographer: Martha Graham
* Comics: Will Eisner
* Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
* Conceptual art: Sol LeWitt
* Cubism: Pablo Picasso
* Dancer: Isadora Duncan
* Designer: Arne Jacobsen
* Doll Maker: Greer Lankton
* Entertainer: PT Barnum
* Fashion designer: Alexander McQueen
* Fluxus art: Yoko Ono
* Game designer: Peter Molyneux
* Graphic Artist: Ludwig Merwart
* Graphic designer: Peter Saville
* Horticulture: André le Nôtre

* Illusionist: Houdini
* Illustrator: Quentin Blake
* Impressionism: Claude Monet
* Industrial designer: Pininfarina
* Jewelry: Fabergé
* Landscape architect: Frederick Law Olmsted
* Minimalist artist: Donald Judd
* Movie director: Sergei Eisenstein
* Muralist: Diego Rivera
* Musician: John Lennon
* Novelist: Charles Dickens
* Musical instrument maker: Stradivari
* Orator: Cicero
* Outsider Art: Nek Chand
* Painter: Rembrandt van Rijn
* Performance Art: Carolee Schneemann
* Photographer: Bill Brandt
* Photomontage: John Heartfield
* Pianist: Glenn Gould
* Playwright: Alan Bennett
* Poet: Pablo Neruda
* Potter: Bernard Leach
* Printmaker: William Hogarth
* Sculptor: Michelangelo Buonarotti
* Singer: Maria Callas
* Street Art: Banksy
* Surrealism: André Breton
* Typographer: Eric Gill

See also

* Art
* Art history
* Arts by region
* Fine art
* Mathematics and art
* Humanities
* Social sciences
*List of sculptors
*List of composers



*P.Galloni, Il sacro artefice. Mitologie degli artigiani medievali, Laterza, Bari, 1998
*C. T. Onions (1991). The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Clarendon Press Oxford. ISBN 0-19-861126-9

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a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.

a person who practices one of the fine arts, especially a painter or sculptor.

a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.

a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer: a mime artist; an artist of the dance.

a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.

a person who is expert at trickery or deceit: He’s an artist with cards.



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Origin of artist

1575–85; <Middle French artiste<Medieval Latin artista master of arts. See art1, -ist

synonym study for artist

1. Artist, artisan, artiste are persons having superior skill or ability, or who are capable of producing superior work. An artist is a person engaged in some type of fine art. An artisan is engaged in a craft or applied art. An artiste is usually a skilled public performer.


artisan, artist , artiste (see synonym study at the current entry)

Words nearby artist

artillery plant, artio-, artiodactyl, artisan, artisanal, artist, artiste, artistic, artistic director, artistry, artless Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to artist

artisan, composer, expert, inventor, painter, artiste, authority, creator, virtuoso, whiz, craftsperson

How to use artist in a sentence

  • Spotify, for instance, is offering educational classes to train artists to better promote their music to global audiences.

  • If you’re a writer or artist, you can use your talents to convey a message that will resonate with people.

  • The worst thing a chef can be told by a businessperson or investor is that you’re an artist.

  • Each show is hosted by or features an artist, designer or influencer that is associated with the brand or product.

  • Your Friends In New York’ is predicted to bridge the gap between brands, artists and the community together in different forms including the next evolution of Pyer Moss fashion show.

  • No artist had ever done anything like that at an awards show.

  • To be fair, no artist had ever been asked to, or could have pulled it off if they had.

  • The most exciting and thrillingly unique artist to surface in 2014.

  • A 59-year-old retired subway train driver, who gave his name only as Artist, admitted that he had family members in the NYPD.

  • A lot of actors are good, but Phil was a fully developed artist.

  • This attracted much attention, and the London journals praised the artist.

  • Her attachment to impressionism leads this artist to many experiments in color—or, as one critic wrote, «to play with color.»

  • The pictures of flowers which this artist paints prove her to be a devoted lover of nature.

  • This artist is, sui generis, a daughter of the people, of unconventional tastes and habits.

  • Other pictures by this artist remind one of the works of Botticelli.

British Dictionary definitions for artist


a person who practises or is skilled in an art, esp painting, drawing, or sculpture

a person who displays in his work qualities required in art, such as sensibility and imagination

a person whose profession requires artistic expertise, esp a designera commercial artist

a person skilled in some task or occupationan artist at bricklaying

obsolete an artisan

slang a person devoted to or proficient in somethinga booze artist; a con artist

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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