The opposite meaning of a given word

Opposite Words in English PDF Download: A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another. Students should acquire as many antonyms and opposite terms as they can because this will help them expand their vocabulary and strengthen their command of the English language. «Opposite words» is an important topic in English Grammar. For competitive exams, in the reading comprehension topic or in the English language section, questions from the Opposite Words in English are common. These terms will be crucial to your academic development as well as the improvement of your reading and writing abilities. However, the list of opposite words in English a to z is provided below. The candidates in search of Antonyms/Opposite Words, frequently want to know about opposite words in English 20, opposite words in English list, words and opposite in English, opposite words in English 100, opposite words in English 10, opposite words in English a to z 200, opposite words in English a to z list, 100 opposite words in English, opposite words in English 20 PDF Download, 100 opposite words in English pdf download, 100 opposite words in English easy, etc., can refer to this article for more info.

Static GK 2023

Opposite Words In English a-z

It is not possible for one individual to study the antonyms of every word in the English lexicon due to the scope of the topic «Opposite Words.» There are many opposite terms that we frequently use in our daily lives, but some of us might not be familiar with all of them. We have listed more than 1000 opposing terms in this post for your reference; browse through them and attempt to understand a few new words with opposing connotations. This article will teach you many of the opposing words used in English grammar, which will undoubtedly improve your vocabulary, especially if you’re getting ready for competitive exams like the Bank Exams, SSC Exams, UPSC, and others where you have to study for the English subject. Candidates aspiring to know all the z opposite words, 1000 opposite words in English, and opposite words in English a-z can read further.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Candidates preparing for competitive exams can make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link provided below. With the help of opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link, aspirants can learn the opposite words easily and also they can download the PDF and take printouts if necessary. Make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link for effective preparation.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Here we have added the list of opposite words in English for the reference of the candidates. Below is a collection of some general and simple opposing words in English. Utilize these antonyms to expand your vocabulary in English. You can read the following general 100 opposite words in English easy here.

Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Words Antonyms In English
Absent Present












Big Small / Little
Cheap Expensive
Clean Dirty


Deep Shallow


Down Up


Early Late
Easy Difficult / Hard


Far Near / Close


Fast Slow
Fat Thin / Skinny
Full Empty
Good Bad
Happy Sad
Heavy Light


Here There
High Low
Hot Cold
In Out
Inside Outside
Interesting Boring
Light Dark
Long Short
Loud Soft
Many Few


New Old




Rich Poor
Right Left
Right Wrong
Safe Dangerous
Single Married
Smooth Rough
Soft Hard
Strong Weak
Tall Short
Thick Thin
Tight Loose






Warm Cool
Wet Dry
Wide Narrow
Young Old


Yes No

Opposite Words In English a to z List

Here you can find out the opposite words in English in alphabetical order from a to z. 

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘A’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter A tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘A’

  • absent — present
  • abundant — scarce
  • accept — decline, refuse
  • accurate — inaccurate
  • admit — deny
  • advantage — disadvantage
  • against — for
  • agree — disagree
  • alive — dead
  • all — none, nothing
  • ally — enemy
  • always — never
  • ancient — modern
  • answer — question
  • antonym — synonym
  • apart — together
  • appear — disappear, vanish
  • approve — disapprove
  • arrive — depart
  • artificial — natural
  • ascend — descend
  • attic — cellar
  • attractive — repulsive
  • awake — asleep

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘B’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter B tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘B’

  • backward — forward
  • bad — good
  • beautiful — ugly
  • before — after
  • begin — end
  • below — above
  • bent — straight
  • best — worst
  • better — worse, worst
  • big — little, small
  • bitter-sweet
  • black — white
  • blame — praise
  • bless — curse
  • bold — meek, timid
  • borrow — lend
  • bottom — top
  • bound — unbound, free
  • boundless — limited
  • boy — girl
  • brave — cowardly
  • bright — dim, dull
  • brighten — fade
  • broad — narrow
  • build — destroy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘C’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter C tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘C’

  • calm — windy, troubled
  • can — cannot, can’t
  • capable — incapable
  • captive — free
  • careful — careless
  • cheap — expensive
  • cheerful — sad, discouraged, dreary
  • clear — cloudy, opaque
  • clever — stupid
  • clockwise — counterclockwise
  • close — far, distant
  • closed — ajar, open
  • clumsy — graceful
  • cold — hot
  • combine — separate
  • come — go
  • comfort — discomfort
  • common — rare
  • compulsory — voluntary
  • conceal — reveal
  • contract — expand
  • cool — warm
  • correct — incorrect, wrong
  • courage — cowardice
  • courteous — discourteous, rude
  • create — destroy
  • crooked — straight
  • cruel — kind

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘D’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter D tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘D’

  • dangerous — safe
  • dark — light
  • day — night
  • daytime — nighttime
  • dead — alive
  • decline — accept, increase
  • decrease — increase
  • deep — shallow
  • definite — indefinite
  • demand — supply
  • despair — hope
  • dim — bright
  • disappear — appear
  • discourage — encourage
  • diseased — healthy
  • down — up
  • downwards — upwards
  • dreary — cheerful
  • dry — moist, wet
  • dull — bright, shiny
  • dusk — dawn

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘E’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter E tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘E’

  • early — late
  • east-west
  • easy — hard, difficult
  • empty — full
  • encourage — discourage
  • end — begin, start
  • enter — exit
  • even — odd
  • expand — contract
  • export — import
  • exterior — interior
  • external — internal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘F’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter F tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘F’

  • fade — brighten
  • fail — succeed
  • false — true
  • famous — unknown
  • far — near
  • fast — slow
  • fat — thin
  • feeble — strong, powerful
  • few — many
  • find — lose
  • first — last
  • float — sink
  • fold — unfold
  • foolish — wise
  • for — against
  • fore — aft
  • forget — remember
  • fortunate — unfortunate
  • found — lost
  • free-bound, captive
  • frequent — seldom
  • fresh — stale
  • friend — enemy
  • full — empty

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘G’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter G tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘G’

  • generous — stingy
  • gentle — rough
  • get — give
  • giant — tiny, small, dwarf
  • girl — boy
  • give — receive, take
  • glad — sad, sorry
  • gloomy — cheerful
  • go — stop
  • good — bad, evil
  • grant — refuse
  • great — tiny, small, unimportant
  • grow — shrink
  • guest — host
  • guilty — innocent

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘H’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter H tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘H’

  • happy — sad
  • hard — easy
  • hard — soft
  • harmful — harmless
  • harsh — mild
  • hate — love
  • haves — have-nots
  • healthy — diseased, ill, sick
  • heaven — hell
  • heavy — light
  • help — hinder
  • here — there
  • hero — coward
  • high — low
  • hill — valley
  • hinder — help
  • honest — dishonest
  • horizontal — vertical
  • hot — cold
  • humble — proud

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘I’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter I tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘I’

  • ill — healthy, well
  • immense — tiny, small
  • important — trivial
  • in — out
  • include — exclude
  • increase — decrease
  • inferior — superior
  • inhale — exhale
  • inner — outer
  • inside — outside
  • intelligent — stupid, unintelligent
  • intentional — accidental
  • interesting — boring
  • interesting — dull, uninteresting
  • interior — exterior
  • internal — external

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘J’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter J tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘J’

  • join — separate
  • junior — senior
  • just — unjust
  • justice — injustice

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘K’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter K tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘K’

  • knowledge — ignorance
  • known — unknown

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘L’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter L tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘L’

  • landlord — tenant
  • large — small
  • last — first
  • laugh — cry
  • lawful — unlawful, illegal
  • lazy — industrious
  • leader-follower
  • left — right
  • lend -borrow
  • lengthen — shorten
  • lenient — strict
  • less — more
  • light — dark, heavy
  • like — dislike, hate
  • likely — unlikely
  • limited — boundless
  • little — big
  • long — short
  • loose — tight
  • lose — find
  • loss — win
  • loud — quiet
  • love — hate
  • low — high
  • loyal — disloyal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘M’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter M tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘M’

  • mad — happy, sane
  • major — minor
  • many — few
  • mature — immature
  • maximum — minimum
  • melt — freeze
  • merry — sad
  • messy — neat
  • minor — major
  • minority — majority
  • miser — spendthrift
  • misunderstand — understand
  • more — less

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘N’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter N tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘N’

  • nadir — zenith
  • narrow — wide
  • near — far, distant
  • neat — messy, untidy
  • never — always
  • new — old
  • night — day
  • nighttime — daytime
  • no — yes
  • noisy — quiet
  • none — some
  • north-south

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘O’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter O tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘O’

  • obedient — disobedient
  • odd — even
  • offer — refuse
  • old — new
  • old — young
  • on — off
  • open — closed, shut
  • opposite- same, similar
  • optimist — pessimist
  • out — in
  • outer — inner
  • over — under

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘P’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter P tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘P’

  • past — present
  • patient — impatient
  • peace — war
  • permanent — temporary
  • plentiful — scarce
  • plural — singular
  • poetry — prose
  • polite — rude, impolite
  • possible — impossible
  • poverty — wealth, riches
  • powerful — weak
  • pretty — ugly
  • private — public
  • prudent — imprudent
  • pure — impure, contaminated
  • push — pull

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Q’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Q tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Q’

  • qualified — unqualified
  • question — answer
  • quiet — loud, noisy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘R’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter R tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘R’

  • raise — lower
  • rapid — slow
  • rare — common
  • real — fake
  • regular — irregular
  • rich — poor
  • right — left, wrong
  • right-side-up — upside-down
  • rough — smooth
  • rude — courteous

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘S’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter S tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘S’

  • safe — unsafe
  • same — opposite
  • satisfactory — unsatisfactory
  • scatter — collect
  • second-hand — new
  • secure — insecure
  • separate — join, together
  • serious — trivial
  • shallow — deep
  • shrink — grow
  • sick — healthy, ill
  • simple — complex, hard
  • singular — plural
  • sink — float
  • slim — fat, thick
  • slow — fast
  • sober — drunk
  • soft — hard
  • some — none
  • sorrow — joy
  • sour — sweet
  • sow -reap
  • start — finish
  • stop-go
  • straight — crooked
  • strict — lenient
  • strong — weak
  • success — failure
  • sunny — cloudy
  • sweet — sour
  • synonym — antonym

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘T’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter T tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘T’

  • take — give
  • tall — short
  • tame — wild
  • them — us
  • there — here
  • thick — thin
  • tight — loose, slack
  • tiny — big, huge
  • together — apart
  • top — bottom
  • tough — easy, tender
  • transparent — opaque
  • true — false
  • truth — falsehood, lie, untruth

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘U’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter U tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘U’

  • under — over
  • unfold — fold
  • unknown — known
  • unqualified — qualified
  • unsafe — safe
  • up — down
  • upside-down — right-side-up
  • upstairs — downstairs
  • us — them
  • useful — useless

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘V’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter V tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘V’

  • vacant — occupied
  • vanish — appear
  • vast — tiny
  • victory — defeat
  • virtue — vice
  • visible — invisible
  • voluntary — compulsory

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘W’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter W tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘W’

  • war — peace
  • wax — wane
  • weak — strong
  • wet — dry
  • white — black
  • wide — narrow
  • win-lose
  • wisdom — folly, stupidity
  • within — outside
  • wrong — right

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘X’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter X tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘X’

  • Xenial — Inhospitable
  • Xenophobic — Impartial
  • Xeroxes — Original

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Y’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Y tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Y’

  • yes — no
  • yin — yang
  • young — old

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Z’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Z tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Z’ / Z opposite words

  • zenith — nadir
  • zip — unzip

Opposite Words In English Exercises

In the English language portion of numerous tests, including SSC (SSC CGL, CHSL, JE, etc.), UPSC (NDA, CDS, etc.), Banking, and more, candidates who are taking government examinations commonly encounter questions relating to antonyms/opposite words. The opposite words that are requested in the vocabulary part are more complex than the straightforward opposite terms mentioned before. A few significant questions from the perspective of competitive exams are presented below for practice using opposite words.

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word

Q1. Xenophobic

  1. yang
  2. Impartial
  3. qualified
  4. Original

Ans. (b)

Q2. Optimist

  1. courteous
  2. messy
  3. pessimist
  4. sink

Ans. (c)

Q3. Wisdom

  1. folly
  2. Impartial
  3. always
  4. courteous

Ans. (a)

Q4. Ally

  1. enemy
  2. together
  3. repulsive
  4. support

Ans. (a)

Q5. Scatter

  1. disperse
  2. Inhospitable
  3. even
  4. collect

Ans. (d)

Q6. Bless

  1. blame
  2. praise
  3. curse
  4. enjoy

Ans. (c)

Q7. Cheerful

  1. Happy
  2. dreary
  3. Entertain
  4. optimistic

Ans. (b)

Q8. Hinder 

  1. trouble
  2. help
  3. disturbance
  4. pessimistic

Ans. (b)

Q9. Calm

  1. relax
  2. satisfied
  3. Righteous
  4. Windy

Ans. (d)

Q10. Nefarious

  1. Recuperate
  2. Stupidity
  3. Righteous
  4. Sobriety

Ans. (c)

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FAQs — Opposite Words in the English Language

Q. What are the opposing words in English?

A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another.

Q. What is the opposite word of benefit?

Some of the opposite words of benefit are, disadvantage, hindrance, drawback, impediment, minus, liability, obstacle, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of kind?

The opposite words of kind are unkind, inconsiderate, mean, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of tall?

The opposite words of tall are short, small, low, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of fat?

The opposite words of fat are thin, skinny, etc.,

Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning in relation to other words in
proposal. Using antonyms can help us improve our writing and vocabulary skills

Definition of antonyms

An Antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example, the antonym
«hot» can be «cold». The root words for the word «antonym» are the words » anti»,
meaning «against» or «opposite» and «onym» meaning «name».

To better understand antonyms, let’s look at what the word «synonym» means. The synonym is
a word that has a meaning similar to or exactly the same meaning as another word. Synonyms
and antonyms are exactly the opposite.

Why are antonyms important?

Oddly enough, to better understand the meaning of a word, we can look at its antonym or
opposite value. For example, take the word «surly». The definition of «gloomy» — » gloomy
or sullen humor.» Sometimes even reading a dictionary is not enough to give us a complete
understanding of the word. Most dictionaries also provide synonyms and antonyms.

For Example, here are a few listed synonyms for the word «surly»: «surly», » sour»,
In addition, here are a few antonyms: «cheerful» and «optimistic». Now we know that
the opposite of «Moody» is cheerful and even optimistic! A look at synonyms and antonyms
does give us a clearer definition.

Using antonyms in writing

Sometimes we
we find it difficult when trying to choose the best word in a sentence, or we are too often
we use the same words. For example,
we can look for a word that means the opposite of» manly, » but we want to
choose a different word than » scared.» Let’s
let’s take the antonym challenge and see if we can find the best word!

When we search for the word
«manly» and scroll down to the list of antonyms, we see words like:
«cowardly» and «weak-willed». These words are more vivid than the word «scared», and
by using brighter words in our writing, we improve our writing.



2 years ago




1 year ago



Я тупой

10 months ago

не привет а пока

Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize how synonyms improve writing.
  2. Identify common antonyms to increase your vocabulary.

As you work with your draft, you will want to pay particular attention to the words you have chosen. Do they express exactly what you are trying to convey? Can you choose better, more effective words? Familiarity with synonyms and antonyms can be helpful in answering these questions.


SynonymsWords that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. You can say an “easy task” or a “simple task” because easy and simple are synonyms. You can say Hong Kong is a “large city” or a “metropolis” because city and metropolis are synonyms.

However, it is important to remember that not all pairs of words in the English language are so easily interchangeable. The slight but important differences in meaning between synonyms can make a big difference in your writing. For example, the words boring and insipid may have similar meanings, but the subtle differences between the two will affect the message your writing conveys. The word insipid evokes a scholarly and perhaps more pretentious message than boring.

The English language is full of pairs of words that have subtle distinctions between them. All writers, professionals and beginners alike, face the challenge of choosing the most appropriate synonym to best convey their ideas. When you pay particular attention to synonyms in your writing, it comes across to your reader. The sentences become much more clear and rich in meaning.

Writing at Work

Any writing you do at work involves a careful choice of words. For example, if you are writing an e-mail to your employer regarding your earnings, you can use the word pay, salary, or hourly wage. There are also other synonyms to choose from. Just keep in mind that the word you choose will have an effect on the reader, so you want to choose wisely to get the desired effect.

Exercise 1

Replace the underlined words in the paragraph with appropriate synonyms. Write the new paragraph on your own sheet of paper.

When most people think of the Renaissance, they might think of artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, or Leonardo da Vinci, but they often overlook one of the very important figures of the Renaissance: Filippo Brunelleschi. Brunelleschi was born in Florence, Italy in 1377. He is considered the very best architect and engineer of the Renaissance. His impressive accomplishments are a testament to following one’s dreams, persevering in the face of obstacles, and realizing one’s vision.

The most difficult undertaking of Brunelleschi’s career was the dome of Florence Cathedral, which took sixteen years to construct. A major blow to the progress of the construction happened in 1428. Brunelleschi had designed a special ship to carry the one hundred tons of marble needed for the dome. He felt this would be the most inexpensive way to transport the marble, but the unthinkable happened. The ship went down to the bottom of the water, taking all the marble with it to the bottom of the river. Brunelleschi was really sad. Nevertheless, he did not give up. He held true to his vision of the completed dome. Filippo Brunelleschi completed construction of the dome of Florence Cathedral in 1446. His influence on artists and architects alike was felt strongly during his lifetime and can still be felt in this day and age.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

Exercise 2

On your own sheet of paper, write a sentence with each of the following words that illustrates the specific meaning of each synonym.

  1. leave, abandon
  2. mad, insane
  3. outside, exterior
  4. poor, destitute
  5. quiet, peaceful
  6. riot, revolt
  7. rude, impolite
  8. talk, conversation
  9. hug, embrace
  10. home, residence


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.


AntonymsWords that have the opposite meaning of a given word. are words that have the opposite meaning of a given word. The study of antonyms will not only help you choose the most appropriate word as you write; it will also sharpen your overall sense of language. Table 4.3 «Common Antonyms» lists common words and their antonyms.

Table 4.3 Common Antonyms

Word Antonym    Word Antonym
absence presence frequent seldom
accept refuse harmful harmless
accurate inaccurate horizontal vertical
advantage disadvantage imitation genuine
ancient modern inhabited uninhabited
abundant scarce inferior superior
artificial natural intentional accidental
attractive repulsive justice injustice
borrow lend knowledge ignorance
bravery cowardice landlord tenant
create destroy, demolish likely unlikely
bold timid, meek minority majority
capable incapable miser spendthrift
combine separate obedient disobedient
conceal reveal optimist pessimist
common rare permanent temporary
decrease increase plentiful scarce
definite indefinite private public
despair hope prudent imprudent
discourage encourage qualified unqualified
employer employee satisfactory unsatisfactory
expand contract tame wild
forget remember vacant occupied


Learning antonyms is an effective way to increase your vocabulary. Memorizing words in combination with or in relation to other words often helps us retain them.

Exercise 3

Correct the following sentences by replacing the underlined words with an antonym. Write the antonym on your own sheet of paper.

  1. The pilot who landed the plane was a coward because no one was injured.
  2. Even though the botany lecture was two hours long, Gerard found it incredibly dull.
  3. My mother says it is impolite to say thank you like you really mean it.
  4. Although I have learned a lot of information through textbooks, it is life experience that has given me ignorance.
  5. When our instructor said the final paper was compulsory, it was music to my ears!
  6. My only virtues are coffee, video games, and really loud music.
  7. Elvin was so bold when he walked in the classroom that he sat in the back row and did not participate.
  8. Maria thinks elephants who live in freedom have a sad look in their eyes.
  9. The teacher filled her students’ minds with gloomy thoughts about their futures.
  10. The guest attended to every one of our needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word.
  • Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word.
  • Choosing the right synonym refines your writing.
  • Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary.

Writing Application

Write a paragraph that describes your favorite dish or food. Use as many synonyms as you can in the description, even if it seems too many. Be creative. Consult a thesaurus, and take this opportunity to use words you have never used before. Be prepared to share your paragraph.

Antonym Questions and Answers

Antonym is a word or phrase which gives the opposite meaning of a word of the same language. Antonyms questions are often asked in the competitive exams and are considered as a scoring topic. On this page we will learn how to solve Antonyms questions – 

The three main reasons why Antonyms is important to know:

  • Draft interesting write-ups
  • Build your vocabulary
  • Make your statements and writings factual

Relative Pronoun Questions

Rules for Antonyms Questions – 

The most basic rule to follow for solving Antonym Questions is knowing your words well. Knowing the meaning of different unusual words aids you to solve tricky questions in the form of fill up or MCQ pattern. Other rules to follow are:

  • Know how the words are perceived when written or spoken i.e. whether they have a positive, negative or a neutral tone.
  • Know the types of Antonyms –
    • Graded Antonyms
    • Complimentary Antonyms (AKA relative Antonyms)
  • Know what are negative prefixes and how to use them
    • un
    • in
    • ir
    • de
    • dis…………. and so on.

Rule #1 – Answer Choices

Take note of positively and negatively charged answer choices. It is possible to associate a negative or positive charge with almost any given word.

Try to discern whether each word in the following list has a –

  1. positive (+)
  2. negative (-), or 
  3. neutral (=) charge.

Choose the best synonym/antonym based on its charge.

Rule #2 – Types of Antonyms

Antonyms have been categorized into two parts, for a better understanding of the students.

Types of Antonyms:

  • Gradable Antonyms: they offer a middle ground to all the words and act on a graded spectrum i.e. within a range.
    • let’s take a word fat. Now it’s antonyms can be thin, skinny, slender, slight, slim, (Here you can see there’s a range of words from very thin to not too thin.)
    • old – new, young, youthful, current, fresh, modern, green. (here old was either age or time, hence all antonyms fall into a broader range)
  • Complementary Antonyms: these are the ones that stand in complete contrast to each other.
    • push and pull
    • In and out
    • Up and down
    • right and left
  • Relational Antonyms: Also known as relational antonyms, the relation of these antonyms are universally opposite.
    • black and white
    • husband and wife
    • pen and paper

Rule #3 – Root Word, Prefix and Suffix

Answering a question without knowing its meaning can be difficult. However, if you have an idea about the root words and prefix or suffix, the process becomes easier.

Root Words:

The basic or the main word that can be used to form different word and still relate to the same meaning is known as a root word.

For example:

  • Form – meaning Shape
    • reform – rebuilding the shape
    • deform – breakdown a shape
    • Formless – something that has no shape.


Words that are placed before the root word to change its meaning.

  • Positive prefix – pre, pro, re, super, en, co etc.
  • Negative Prefix – de, ir, im, mal, un, non, a, in etc.

For example:

    • able – unable
    • sane – insane
    • respect – disrespect
    • Operate – cooperate
    • code – decode
    • symmetrical – asymmetrical
    • sure – ensure


Words that are placed after the root word to change its meaning.

  • Some of the suffix are: less, ful, ment, ion, ive, dom, ism, ness, ship etc.

For example:

    • Free – freedom
    • Friend – Friendship
    • attain – attainment
    • happy – happiness
    • harm – harmful
    • harm – harmless

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  • Rules of Antonyms
  • Tips and Tricks to solve Antonyms
  • How to solve Antonyms Quickly

Question 1

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In the below-given questions, choose the word which gives the opposite meaning of the given word.


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Question 2

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Question 3

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Question 4

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Question 5

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Question 6

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Question 7

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Question 8

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Question 9

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Question 10

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Question 11

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Question 12

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Question 13

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Question 14

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Question 15

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Question 16

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Question 17

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Question 18

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Question 19

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Question 20

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Question 21

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Question 22

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Question 23

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Question 24

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Question 25

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Question 26

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Question 27

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Question 28

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Question 29

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Question 30

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  • Synonyms and Antonyms – Questions   |  Rules | How to Solve Quickly | Tricks & Shortcuts
  • Synonyms – Questions   |  Rules | How to Solve Quickly | Tricks & Shortcuts
  • Synonyms and Antonyms –
    Questions   |
    Rules |
    How to Solve Quickly |
    Tricks & Shortcuts
  • Synonyms –
    Questions   |
    Rules |
    How to Solve Quickly |
    Tricks & Shortcuts

The English language is a mystery to many non-speakers. This is largely due to the contradictions within the language itself, such as English words that have opposite definitions despite being spelled the same way. If you’re an English speaker, you do not pay much attention to these things. But for English language learners, these types of words add to their confusion with the language.

Do you know what the words that are spelled similarly and have two different meanings are called? They are called contronyms. The simplest explanation is that they are words that have opposite meanings.

Several nyms comprise the English language. Words that mean the same thing are synonyms. Words that sound the same but have different spelling, such as pear and pair are homonyms. Antonyms are the opposite meaning of a word. Heteronyms are words spelled similarly but pronounced differently.

What is a contronym?

A contronym is one word that has opposite meanings, which depends on the context of its use. It seems illogical that one word can have two different meanings, which can be the exact opposite of the other at times. For example, the word cleave means to cling, to adhere or to stick to something or someone. But it can also mean to cut, to split or to separate.

A contronym has other names, too. Some people call it contronym while others refer to it as autoantonym. More descriptive terms include antilogy, self-antonym, enantiodrome and antagonym. There’s still another term that many people use to refer to contronyms – Janus words. It was derived from Janus, an Italian deity of old, said to be heaven’s doorkeeper whose head has two faces, one in front and one at the back.

Development of English words with opposite meanings

The English language continues to evolve, including its parts. People, especially native speakers of English use contronyms in their daily conversation, but it may be tricky for learners of the language.

Contronyms develop over time as a result of constant use. For example, according to its etymology, the word blunt used to mean obtuse (person) or dull (weapons, tools) when it was used from the 12th century to the late 14th century. But around the 1580s, it became a word to mean sharp, referring to abrupt manner or speech, which takes on the context of making an unceremoniously made or direct comment. Another example is the word bolt, an Old English term whose original meaning (as a verb) is to fix or fasten something. Centuries later, bolt is also used to mean spring into sudden action, which could have been derived from bolt (noun) that refers to a missile or projectile such as an arrow.

One vital thing for English language learners to remember is to understand the context in using a word so that they will not make the mistake of saying something that is contradictory to the intended meaning.

This knowledge is essential in interpretation and translation as well. If a contronym is used in a different context, it can distort the whole meaning of the conversation or a sentence. If you need translation or interpreting services, ensure that you collaborate with a professional and native-speaking translator or interpreter, so as to avoid these types of mistakes.

The development of contronyms is also due to pronunciation changes through the years. Let’s look at the word cleave againIt means to join together and to split apart. It came from two Old English words, cleofan (split apart, separate) and cleofian (also clifian, cliofian) (adhere, stick together). Through years of use, the two words started to sound the same and later merged to become cleave.

Here’s another interesting one. Let is a word that used to mean stop, delay, obstruct, impede. It came from the Old English term lettan. Another Old English word, lætan means to leave undone, leave behind, bequeath or to allow. The original words later formed the contronym, let.

In some cases, the difference is the variant of English one uses creates the contronyms. In a parliamentary procedure, to table a bill means that the bill could be discussed, considered or reconsidered in British English. In American English however, it means to suspend or postpone the consideration.

Examples of contronyms

If you love languages, you’ll have fun with contronyms. But for many people, it can be confusing. So instead of getting confused, here are some examples of contronyms, which could be words that you use every day or see often. You may not even realize that you are using them in two different contexts because you are so used to them.

  1. Sanction is either to impose a penalty on something or give official approval or permission.
  2. You use left when you mean someone or something is still remaining (this is what’s left of the bunch), but it can also be used to mean someone departed (left the party, group, team, etc.).
  3. You dust the furniture to remove dirt. You can also dust, in the context of applying it, such as dusting a cake with powdered sugar.
  4. When you seed a cucumber, you are removing its seeds. When you seed your lawn, you are adding  seeds (grass) to the soil.
  5. Trim can mean to cut or remove irregularities or outgrowth (plants, trees) or reduce the length of your hair. But you can also use the word to mean embellishing or decorating something, such as a Christmas tree.
  6. When you mean something or someone is moving rapidly, you say it or she/he is fast. In terms of fabric color, it means that the dye will not run. It can also mean something is unmoving or fixed.
  7. Off, when used as an adjective can mean something is not in operation or is deactivated, such as the stove is off or the light is off. It can also mean activated (the alarm went off) as well. As an adverb, it can denote distance in relation to space and time (the dinghy is two kilometers off the shore) or moving from a position or place (drove off, went off to work, event is still two weeks off).
  8. Weather is an atmospheric condition, but it could mean enduring, as in weathered the economic downturn, or worn away, just like weathered wood or rock.
  9. You can either screen to hide or block out an ugly view or corner, or use it to mean show (film/movie), test or sort.
  10. Clip can mean bind things together, such as sheets of paper. It can also mean to separate or cut away or a part, as in clip your fingernails, clip the wings.
  11. Centuries back, flog meant to whip, cane or beat a person or animal. In today’s application, it is used as a sales term, as in persistently promote something (such as a book).
  12. The word hold can either mean to support something or someone, but it can also mean hinder, arrest or confine.
  13. When you say toss, it can either mean discarding something, but it can also mean suggesting (like toss out an idea).
  14. The military term anabasis means military retreat as well as military advance.

Here are more contronyms for you to use:

  • Aught (nothing, all)
  • Chuffed (annoyed, pleased)
  • Consult (give advice, seek advice)
  • Custom (special, usual)
  • Dollop (small amount, large amount)
  • Enjoin (prohibit, prescribe)
  • Garnish (curtail wages, enhance food)
  • Give out (stop production, produce)
  • Grade (level, incline)
  • Handicap (disadvantage e.g. physical or mental condition, advantage)
  • Mean (excellent, average)
  • Put out (generate, extinguish)
  • Strike (miss, hit)
  • Transparent (obvious, invisible)
  • Unbending (relaxing, rigid)
  • Wind up (start up, end)
  • Story (factual, untrue account)
  • Scan (skim, scrutinize)
  • Refrain (stop an action, repeat an action, e.g, song refrain)
  • Oversight (close control and scrutiny, accidental error or omission)
  • Overlook (place to see things from above, miss seeing things or details)
  • Peruse (read in a cursory or casual way, go over something attentively)

Remember that when using contronyms, you have to be aware of the words’ context, to ensure that you are relaying the right message.

Assurance of right context and correct definitions

The job of a professional translator is to provide an accurate translation of a source document into any language, which also includes careful consideration of the context of the message to ensure its proper delivery. At Day Translations, Inc. we work only with native speakers, to ensure the quality of the language. Our translators live in-country, so they are not only fluent in the language, but they are also fully knowledgeable of the culture of their country. They are professionals with years of experience in language services.

We also have subject matter experts for specific translation needs. We see to it that all the translation projects we handle pass through our quality control process to make sure that ensure accuracy, appropriateness of terminology and proper context. For all your translation and interpreting needs, call Day Translations. We offer a full suite of language services so you only have to talk to one organization. We are available 24/7, 365 days of the year. You can reach us through 1-800-969-6853. You have the option to send us an email as well here: Contact us.

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It is difficult to find antonyms for words. What are antonyms and examples of their enrichment of the Russian language. What is the antonym

что такое прилагательные антонимы

Antonyms are words that are different in sound and have opposite meanings: lie is true, evil is kind, to be silent is to speak. Examples of antonyms show that they refer to the same part of speech.

Antonymy in Russian is presented much narrower than synonymy. This is due to the fact that only words enter into antonymic relations that are related in terms of quality (good — bad, native — alien, smart — stupid, thick — rare, high — low), temporary (day — night, early — late), quantitative (the only one — multiple, many — few), spatial (spacious — close, large — small, wide — narrow, high — low) signs.

There are antonymic pairs denoting the names of states, actions. Examples of antonyms of this kind: rejoice — grieve, cry — laugh.

Types and examples of antonyms in Russian

In terms of structure, antonyms are divided into different roots (morning — evening) and one-root (go in — go out). The opposite of meaning for single-root antonyms is caused by prefixes.

However, it should be remembered that the addition to adverbs and prefixes without-, not— in most cases, attaches to them the meaning of a weakened opposite (high — low), so the contrast of their values ​​turns out to be «muted» (low — this does not mean «low»).

Based on this, not all prefix formations can be attributed to antonyms, but only those that are the extreme points of the lexical paradigm: strong — powerless, harmful — harmless, successful — unsuccessful.

Antonyms, as well as synonyms, are closely related to ambiguity: empty — serious (conversation); empty — full (cup); empty — expressive (look); empty — meaningful (story). Examples of antonyms show that different meanings of the word «empty» are included in different antonymic pairs. Unambiguous words, as well as words with specific meanings (iambic, pencil, desk, notebook, etc.) cannot have antonyms.

Among the antonyms, there is also the phenomenon of enantiosemia — this is the development of mutually exclusive, opposite meanings of some ambiguous words: to carry (to the room, to bring) — to carry (from the room, to take away); abandoned (phrase just spoken) — abandoned (abandoned, forgotten). The meaning in such cases is specified in the context. Often, enantiosemia is the cause of the ambiguity of certain expressions. Examples of antonyms of this kind: he listened to the report; the director looked at these lines.

Contextual antonyms: examples and definition

Contextual antonyms are words opposed in a specific context: moonlight — sunlight; not a mother, but a daughter; one day — all life; wolves are sheep. The polarity of the meanings of such words in the language is not fixed, and their opposition is an individual author’s decision. The writer in such cases reveals the opposite qualities of various concepts and contrasts them in speech. However, these pairs of words are not antonyms.

Antonyms are words, belonging to the same part of speech, differing in spelling and sound, and meaning directly opposite concepts.

One part of speech is not the only condition under which words of the opposite meaning can be called antonyms. There must be some common feature between these words. That is, both concepts should describe feeling, or time, or space, or quality and quantity — in which case they will be antonyms.

Examples of antonyms

Let’s analyze this definition with examples.

Antonym for the word «Before»

The antonym for the word «before» will be the word «now»… Both words are adverbs — “when? before ”and“ when? now». Both of them are united by a common feature — the description of time. But if the word «before» describes a situation or event that took place sometime in the past, then the word «now» refers to the present. Thus, the words are opposite in meaning and are antonyms.

Antonym for the word «Friendly»

The antonym for the word «friendly» is the word «Unfriendly»… Both concepts refer to one part of speech — the adverb. As the rule requires, they are united by a common feature — that is, they describe an emotional shade. But if the word «friendly» means joy and pleasure (for example, from someone’s presence), then «unfriendly» has the exact opposite meaning — the one whose appearance or speech is characterized by this word is clearly not happy about anything.

Antonym for the word «Tears»

The antonym for the word «tears» will be the word «laughter». Both concepts refer to nouns, both of which describe an emotional action. But if in the first case the emotion is clearly negative — tears of grief, tears of sadness, tears of pain — then the word «laughter» means joy, happiness and fun. Words are opposite in meaning — and therefore they are antonyms.

Other popular antonyms

Below is a list of words and their antonyms.

  • The word «Synonym», the antonym is «Antonym».
  • The word «Interesting», the antonym — «Boring».
  • The word «Wind», the antonym — «Quiet».
  • The word «Find», the antonym — «Lose».
  • The word «Fresh», the antonym — «Spoiled, stale.»
  • The word «Beautiful», the antonym — «Disgusting, terrible.»
  • The word «Snow», the antonym — «Rain».
  • The word «Waited», the antonym — «Sudden, unexpected».
  • The word «Carefully», the antonym — «Careless».
  • The word «Sun», the antonym — «Moon».
  • The word «Day», the antonym — «Night».
  • The word «Fast», the opposite is «slow».

We hope you now know what an antonym is.

How nice it is to see and listen to an interesting person. I always admire people who know the word. I hope you share my opinion.

There are very few sources of quality language in our children’s environment today. Just very little.

Which exit? This environment must be created. I already talked about this in an article about the theatrical activities of children. Word games give good results for the mind and speech. ,for example, when we are looking for a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one, thinking is accelerated.

An antonym is a word that is the opposite of a given one in meaning.

For preschoolers, the expression «enemy words» is more understandable. But you can introduce the concept of «antonyms to the word.» I usually tell the kid: “Now we will look for the“ enemy words ”. They are also called «antonyms». You will learn this word at school. So remember, it will still be useful to you. «

Believe the experience, the preschooler will definitely try to remember and flaunt in front of his friends and parents. Sometimes this can be explained to schoolchildren, if the search for antonyms is news to them. And these are not only first grade students.

The game. Finish the sentence and name the «enemy words»

Instruction. «You and I will come up with proposals: I will come up with a beginning, and you will come up with an end.»

  1. the mosquito is small, and the elephant;
  2. the fluff is light, but the stone;
  3. mustard is bitter and sugar;
  4. the bush is low, and the tree;
  5. the compote is cold, and the soup;
  6. thick sour cream, and milk;
  7. narrow brook, river;
  8. it is dark at night and during the day;
  9. sugar is sweet and lemon;
  10. walk with their feet and throw;
  11. the kindergarten is close, but the school;
  12. the tape is narrow and the belt;
  13. the stream is shallow and the lake;
  14. the lark sings, and the crow;
  15. the plane flies high, and the helicopter;
  16. the turtle crawls slowly, the hare gallops;
  17. there is a lot of water in a saucepan, but in a glass;
  18. the buyer buys and the seller;
  19. hot in summer and winter;
  20. they have breakfast in the morning, and at noon;
  21. salt is salted, and sugar;
  22. the children are responsible, and the educator;
  23. children leave kindergarten in the evening, and in the morning;
  24. fruits grow on the tree, and in the garden;
  25. flowers appear on trees in spring, and in autumn;
  26. get out of bed in the morning, and in the evening;
  27. the skyscraper is tall, and the hut;
  28. birds fly and snakes;
  29. they dine at noon, and in the evening;
  30. the viewer watches the movie and reads the book;
  31. there is dirt on the street, but in the house;
  32. the trunk of the tree is thick, and the twig.
  33. pencil draws and eraser

The game. Say the opposite

Instruction. «I will tell you a word, and you say the other way around» (give an example)

night -; breakfast -; evening -; enemy -; cleanliness -; cold -; war -; grass -; earth -; movement -; talker -; health -.; mind — enter -; be silent -; gave -; get up -; undress -; raise -; laugh -; turn on -; close -; come -; appear -; eat -. large -; black -; low -; bad -; sick -; old -; young -; wide -; thick -; narrow -; complex -; dry — .; bitter —

Words with the opposite meaning are absent in the dictionary even of high school students. Therefore, the search for antonyms is currently relevant until the graduation class.

Learning how to search for antonyms for a word for both preschoolers and schoolchildren should start with a simple one. Schoolchildren may resent the simplicity. Explain to warm up. Complicate: answer directly «in flight». Typically, guys with limited vocabulary already have a loser complex. By immediately proposing complex (for example, abstract) words, you can get a complete rejection of classes.

Semantic opposites in verses

It’s time for you and me to Play the game «On the contrary». I will say the word High, and you will answer:


I will say the word Far away, and you will answer:


I will say the word Ceiling, and you will answer:


I will say the word Lost. And you say:


I will tell you the word Coward, You will answer:

(brave man).

Now the Beginning I will say, — Well, answer:

(end) (D. Chiardi)

I do not like the word «heat», I’m in the river, in the thick shade And in bottles of lemonade, And my name?


An enemy of the word «laughter». Not from joy, pleasures, I happen against my will And from happiness, and from pain, From resentment, failure. Have you guessed? — It


What are antonyms in Russian? Examples of words

что такое прилагательные антонимы

Antonyms — these are words of the same part of speech with the opposite meaning. Let us indicate examples of antonyms that are words of different parts of speech.

The concept of antonyms

The variety and richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language create synonyms, antonyms, paronyms and homonyms. To find out what the linguistic term «antonyms» means, let us turn to its origin. This word is made up of the Greek prefix anti-, which means «against,» and the word «onyma» is «name.» As a result, we get the meaning of the word «antonym» — «opposite name».

Let us give a precise definition of this term.


Antonyms — these are words of the same part of speech with the opposite lexical meaning.

And here is the definition of what antonyms are given by Wikipedia:

Antonyms (Old Greek ἀντι- prefix with the meaning of the opposite + ὄνομα «name») — these are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings, for example: «truth» — «lie», «kind» — «evil», «speak» — «be silent.»

Antonyms, unlike synonyms, have exactly the opposite lexical meaning:

  • smart — stupid;
  • day Night;
  • cordially — hostile.

Antonyms, as a rule, are words of the same part of speech that answer the same question. They characterize an object, feature or phenomenon from the same side, pointing to the same quality, but the opposite in meaning. These words make up antonymic pairs.

Word examples

Here are examples of antonyms belonging to different parts of speech.


  • sunrise — sunset;
  • good evil;
  • morning evening;
  • peace is war;
  • fire water;
  • a hard worker is a slacker;
  • summer Winter;
  • friend — enemy;
  • sadness is joy;
  • chatterbox — silent;
  • courage is cowardice.


  • dirty — clean;
  • brave — cowardly;
  • loud — quiet;
  • wide narrow;
  • thick — thin;
  • long short;
  • strong — weak;
  • high Low;
  • feminine — masculine;
  • light dark;
  • distant — close.


  • to be silent — to speak;
  • run — stand;
  • to rejoice — to be upset;
  • it got dark — dawn;
  • to scold — to praise;
  • take — give;
  • build — break;
  • protect — offend;
  • get wet — dry.


  • in winter — in summer;
  • in the morning — in the evening;
  • on foot — running;
  • interesting — boring;
  • early late;
  • in front — behind;
  • always — never;
  • here — there;
  • deep — shallow.

What do antonyms mean?

After observing the antonyms, we will find out that they express different relationships:


  • end — beginning;
  • during the day — at night;
  • early — late;


  • far close;
  • left right;
  • inside Outside;

3.high quality

  • love is hate;
  • anger is kindness;
  • cheerful — sad;
  • young — old;


  • a lot — a little;
  • excess — lack;
  • expensive — cheap.

Single root antonyms

In the vocabulary of the Russian language, pairs of antonyms with different roots and one-root antonyms are distinguished. A pair of single-root antonyms are words that have the same root in the morphemic composition, but differ in opposite prefixes:

  • to carry — to bring;
  • insert — expose;
  • to run away — to resort;
  • undress — get dressed;
  • close — open;
  • guess — guess.

Single-root antonyms are created by the prefix non-:

  • cheerful — unhappy look;
  • close — not a short way;
  • loud — quiet whisper;
  • simple is not an easy task;
  • few — many questions.

The meaning of antonyms in speech

Antonyms make our speech more imaginative and vivid.

Opposition helps to tell figuratively about completely opposite phenomena, to draw pictures of the world around that are unlike each other, to highlight one quality of an object against the background of another comparable to it, to convey more fully and accurately the feelings and experiences of people.

These words enrich any utterance, as they clarify the meaning of the words. Thanks to antonyms, speech becomes expressive, beautiful and accurate. To be convinced of this, let’s observe the statements of thinkers and famous writers.

From a bad beginning and the end is bad (Euripides).

Joys are forgotten, but sorrows — never (M. Yu. Lermontov).

To love good, you need to hate evil with all your heart (F. Wolf).

Both evil and good — everyone receives a reward for their actions (J. Goethe).

Antonyms in proverbs

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter.

You don’t know where you will find it, and where you will lose it.

Not salted on the table, salted on the back.

They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds.

The truth in the fire does not burn and does not sink in the water.

The well-fed does not understand the hungry.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

Talk less and do more.

At first it is thick, but at the end it is empty.

A foolish person is looking for a place, but a reasonable one can be seen in the corner.

White bread will be born on the black earth.

He who knows a lot sleeps a little.

They did it early, but galloped late.

A full ear tilts to the ground, and an empty ear stretches to the sky.

Contextual antonyms

Words can enter into antonymic relations depending on the meaning of the context. Such words become antonyms in a certain message at the will of its author.

Contextual antonyms clarify the writer’s thought, make it figurative and help to create a complete description of the described phenomenon or object.

With their help, it is possible to express the ultimate opposition between the considered phenomena of reality, the qualities of objects, the feelings of people. Contextual antonyms are volumetric and accurately express the author’s assessment of the depicted.

They got along. Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other (A.S. Pushkin).


Antonyms can be not only individual words, but also phrases and turns of speech. Stable phrases, phraseological units, can have the opposite meaning, that is, they are antonyms.


  • in all shoulder blades — at a snail’s pace;
  • work up your sleeves — work carelessly;
  • chickens do not bite — the cat cried;
  • word for word — written on the water with a pitchfork;
  • a stone’s throw from here — at the devil’s place;
  • seven spans in the forehead — without a king in the head;
  • to fight off from hands — to pick up;
  • keep a stone in your bosom — with an open mind;
  • sit back — work tirelessly;
  • keep your ears open — count the crows;
  • sharpen the fringes — collect water in your mouth;
  • to sit on someone else’s neck — to live with your hump;
  • from board to board — from the fifth to the tenth.



Antonyms are adjectives examples of words. What is Antonym? Examples. Verbs-antonyms: examples of words in Russian

что такое прилагательные антонимы

Synonyms are words belonging to the same part of speech, different in spelling and pronunciation, but similar in lexical name (cheerful — joyful). Antonyms are words belonging to the same part of speech, different in spelling and pronunciation, with directly opposite lexical meanings. (funny — sad). Synonymous nouns: fun is joy, moon is month, doctor is doctor. Nouns-antonyms: minus — plus, evil — good, heat — cold.

Nouns are a group of words that give names to people, objects, abstract concepts, natural phenomena, etc. Nouns answer the questions who? or what? Among the nouns, various subgroups are distinguished according to the meaning of words. Among such subgroups are synonyms and antonyms.

What are synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms are words whose meaning is very similar. At the same time, words sound and are spelled differently and have nothing in common. For example, trouble and sorrow, doctor and doctor. These words have exactly the same meanings and can be used in the same situations. Such synonyms are called absolute.

In addition to absolute, there are partial synonyms. For example hot and hot. When describing the weather, we can say both «hot weather» and «hot weather», but with the word «tea» we can only put «hot tea». «Hot» in this case will sound silly.

Also, synonyms can be a word and a phrase. For example, morning is the beginning of the day. In this case, one word «morning» can be replaced by two words without losing the meaning.

Synonyms are used when in the text it is necessary to avoid the constant use of the same words.

Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. Unlike synonyms, antonyms can have completely different spellings, but they can also be single-root words. The former include the words «black» and «white». The second is the example of «truth» and «untruth».

It is also worth mentioning that synonyms form a synonymous series, in which there can be an unlimited number of words. For example, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense Antonyms form only pairs: heavy — light, kind — evil, strong — weak.

Examples of synonyms and antonyms

To better understand the difference between synonyms and antonyms, consider a few examples:

  • day — night — words could be considered synonyms, because they denote part of the day, but these are antonyms, since day is the light part, night is the dark part;
  • lake — pond — synonyms. There is a difference between a lake and a pond, but these bodies of water are very similar and the words are synonymous;
  • space — the universe — synonyms;
  • noise — silence — antonyms.

Antonyms are words that belong to the same part of speech, differ in sound and spelling, and have exactly the opposite meaning. Belonging to one part of speech is not the only condition according to which words that have an opposite in meaning can be called antonyms; there must be a common feature between such words, for example, when both concepts describe feeling, time, space, quantity, quality, etc.


Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms

  • Synonyms
  • Words put on and put on
  • Antonyms
  • Homonyms

Synonyms — these are words related to the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, but denoting the same thing. For example:

sweet — sugar

the sun is a star

Words that are close in meaning form synonymous row:

cheat, lie, cheat, cheat

In a number of synonyms, all words refer to one part of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs), but differ in shades of meaning. For example:

wet, wet, wet

All words are adjectives and call the same feature of an object — not dry. Each word has its own shade of meaning:

wet — slightly damp, not completely dry

wet — slightly wet, very wet

wet — completely saturated with water

Synonyms can be not only separate words, but also stable phrases (phraseological units):

deceive — lead by the nose

Words put on and put on

Words clothe и put on are not synonyms and cannot replace each other in speech.

Dress up can only someone or something, for example:

dress a doll, dress a child

I dressed the doll in a beautiful dress. I need to dress my daughter.

Put on you can only do something on yourself or on someone (for something), for example:

put on a suit, put on a ring

I put a beautiful dress on the doll. You need to put a ring on your daughter’s finger.

To make it easier to remember the difference between clothe и put on the following sentence can be used:

Put on clothes, put on Hope.


Antonyms — these are words that refer to the same part of speech, but have the opposite meaning. For example:

far close

a lot — a little

sunny — cloudy

Antonyms can also be single-root words, the opposite meaning in this case is usually created by negative prefixes: not-, without-, anti-, counter-. For example:

happy — unhappy

joyful — joyless

virus — antivirus

attack — counterattack

come — leave

Homonyms — these are words related to the same part of speech, the same in sound and spelling, but completely different in lexical meaning. For example:

Boxer — dog breed.

Boxer — a boxing person.

The lexical meaning of homonyms can be distinguished only in context, that is, in phrases and sentences, since a separate word does not allow determining its meaning:

paint brush — hand brush

Homonyms are divided into complete and incomplete. Complete homonyms — these are words of one part of speech, the same sound and spelling, but have different meanings. Examples of full homonyms are given above. There are three types of incomplete homonyms in Russian: homographs, homophones and homoforms.

  • Homographs — these are words of one part of speech, differing in stress, that is, different in pronunciation and meaning. For example:

    castle with large windows — a reliable lock

  • Homophones — these are words of the same part of speech, differing in spelling and meaning, but having the same pronunciation. For example:

    ball — point, ghost — cast

  • Omoforms — these are words of different parts of speech, having the same spelling and pronunciation, but differing in meaning. For example:

    Russian oven (noun) — to bake pies (also:)

    sharp saw (noun) — drank tea with cookies (also)


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