What is the noun of confused?
confuse is a verb, confusion is a noun, confused and confusing are adjectives:All those numbers just confused me.
Is dis a noun or verb?
dis used as a noun: a diss, an expression of disrespect.
What does dis mean in vocabulary?
Vocabulary.com. Meaning “not” or “opposite of,” this common prefix is used in words like disagree (“to be of different or conflicting opinions”) and. Learn these words that contain the prefix dis-.
What is the antonym of common?
commonadjective. Antonyms: unusual, few and far between, rare, personal, uncommon, individual. Synonyms: ordinary, widespread, usual, normal, shared, mutual, standard.
What’s another word for things in common?
What is another word for in common?
alike | similarly |
comparably | comparatively |
consonantly | equivalently |
evenly | in the same manner |
just the same | in like manner |
What word can I use instead of common?
other words for common
- accepted.
- commonplace.
- familiar.
- natural.
- prevalent.
- routine.
- simple.
- universal.
Is commonality a word?
noun, plural com·mon·al·i·ties. a sharing of features or characteristics in common; possession or manifestation of common attributes. a feature or characteristic held in common: Historians perceive commonalities of behavior in many eras.
What are some sophisticated words?
10 Words to Make You Sound Wicked Smart
- Your Vocabulary Can Make You Sound Smart. Why use a simple 25-cents word when you can use an impressive $20 word?
- Elucidate. Elucidate [elu·ci·date] – to explain or make something clear.
- Malaise.
- Non sequitur.
- Obfuscate.
- Perfunctory.
- Quid Pro Quo.
- Scintillating.
What are the most used English words?
100 most common words
Word | Parts of speech | OEC rank |
the | Article | 1 |
be | Verb | 2 |
to | Preposition | 3 |
of | Preposition | 4 |
What are the 20 most common words in English?
The 100 most common words in English
1. the | 21. at | 61. some |
17. with | 37. when | 77. no |
18. his | 38. your | 78. way |
19. they | 39. can | 79. could |
20. I | 40. said | 80. people |
What is the most used word in 2020?
What is the most uncommon word?
Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.
- Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words.
- Gobbledygook.
- Scrumptious.
- Agastopia.
- Halfpace.
- Impignorate.
- Jentacular.
- Nudiustertian.
спутанный, смущенный, сбивчивый, беспорядочный, поставленный в тупик
прилагательное ↓
- смущённый; поставленный в тупик
to become confused — смутиться, прийти в замешательство
- спутанный; смешанный
confused sounds — неясные звуки
confused account — запутанный отчёт
confused statement — сбивчивое заявление
Мои примеры
They confused increased equipment and expenditure with the quantity of effective work done. — Они спутали рост количества оборудования и расходов с количеством реально выполненной работы.
confused by the embedded Latin quotations — в смущении от включённых туда латинских цитат
confused babble — смущённое бормотание
be confused — заговаривать; заминаться; сбиваться
become confused — прийти в замешательство; застыдиться; спутаться
confused answer — туманный ответ
confused consciousness — спутанность сознания
confused current — беспорядочное течение
confused idea — путаное представление
confused impressions — противоречивые впечатления
get confused — перепутываться; запутываться; путаться
in a confused way — спутанно; невнятно
Примеры с переводом
I’ve never been so confused.
Я никогда не был в таком замешательстве.
She looked a wee bit confused.
Она выглядела немножко растерянной.
We’re confused about what to do next.
Мы запутались: не знаем, что делать дальше.
If you’re confused about anything, phone me.
Если вы в чём то запутались, позвоните мне.
She felt hopelessly confused.
Она чувствовала себя безнадёжно смущённой.
Never had she been so confused.
Никогда она не была так смущена.
I was confused to learn of his latest decision.
Я пришёл в замешательство, когда узнал о его последнем решении.
ещё 18 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He gave a confused speech denying the accusations.
He felt confused and hopeless after losing his job.
My aunt, it grieves me to say, gets things confused.
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Возможные однокоренные слова
confusedly — смущенно, беспорядочно, в замешательстве, в смущении, в беспорядке
confusion — путаница, замешательство, беспорядок, смятение, беспорядки, смущение, неразбериха
confusing — смущать, смешивать, сбивать с толку, спутывать, создавать путаницу
confusable — очень похожий, с трудом различимый, ведущий к путанице
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I love playing idiots. I love very weird, confused women.
Jillian Bell
Confused is an adjective.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.
Definition of confused in the English dictionary
The first definition of confused in the dictionary is feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed. Other definition of confused is in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled. Confused is also lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age.
Synonyms and antonyms of confused in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «confused» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «confused» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of confused to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of confused from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «confused» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
bối rối
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of confused
The term «confused» is very widely used and occupies the 7.547 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «confused» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of confused
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «confused».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «confused» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «confused» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about confused
Famous quotes and sentences with the word confused.
I think of myself as quite a confused kind of person, because I think there’s so many great things about the world, but there are so many awful things too. I feel very guilty a lot of the time about enjoying my life so much when there are people living in such misery.
It’s bad timing, but a lot of kids become teenagers just as their parents are hitting their mid-life crisis. So everybody’s miserable and confused and seeking that new sense of identity.
It is true that from a behavioral economics perspective we are fallible, easily confused, not that smart, and often irrational. We are more like Homer Simpson than Superman. So from this perspective it is rather depressing. But at the same time there is also a silver lining. There are free lunches!
I love playing idiots. I love very weird, confused women.
I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.
Just keep going like crazy and look back when it’s over. Otherwise you just get confused.
I may not have gone to high school every day, but I spent whole a lot of my adolescence feeling vulnerable and confused and alone… just like everybody else.
I’m not sure if it’s good to have freedom or not. I’m really confused now.
The Chinese seemed to be mourning Mao in a heartfelt fashion. But I wondered how many of their tears were genuine. People had practiced acting to such a degree that they confused it with their true feelings.
I’m a spokesman for myself. It just so happens that there’s a bunch of people that are concerned with what I have to say. I find that frightening at times because I’m just as confused as most people. I don’t have the answers for anything.
Discover the use of confused in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to confused and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Suddenly the suitable boy is suitable because of his sheer unsuitability. Complications ensue. This is a funny, thoughtful story about finding your heart, finding your culture, and finding your place in America.
Tanuja Desai Hidier, 2010
Statistics for the Utterly Confused
This super-accessible book demystifies the dreaded subject for non-math majors.
Bloody Confused!: A Clueless American Sportswriter Seeks …
Bloody Confused! will put a smile on the face of any sports fan who has ever questioned what makes us love sports in the first place.
English Grammar for the Utterly Confused
This guide is a must-have for everyone, from students taking the GED to professionals writing business plans, as it explores the structures of English grammar and how to use them easily and proficiently.
Dazed and Confused: Teenage Nostalgia. Instant and Cool 70’s …
Atypical of most movie tie-ins, this book is an enlargement and amplification of the mid-70s period, designed like a teen magazine, complete with song lyrics, advertisements, profiles of the characters, photos, and more.
Abused, Confused, and Misused Words: A Writer’s Guide to …
These are just a few of the commonly misunderstood words discussed and explained in Abused, Confused, and Misused Words, an entertaining and informative look at the ever-changing nature of the English language.
On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay about Substance Concepts
Millikan provides the first in-depth discussion on the psychological act of reidentification.
Ruth Garrett Millikan, 2000
Comforting the Confused: Strategies for Managing Dementia
The book is a valuable tool for inservice training and a practical resource for professionals.
Stephanie B. Hoffman, Constance A. Platt, 2001
Test Taking Strategies & Study Skills for the Utterly Confused
The perfect guide for all the major standardized tests, including SAT, GMAT, Series 7, LSAT, MCAT, and more, this skillbuilding resource shows students, career changers, and business professionals how to make the most of their study time, …
Calculus for the Utterly Confused, 2nd Ed.
Written by two experienced teachers who have taken the complexity out of calculus for thousands of students, this book breaks down tough concepts into easy-to-understand chunks.
Robert Oman, Daniel Oman, 2007
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term confused is used in the context of the following news items.
Confused Kyrgios may need to ‘bottom out», says psychologist
Volatile Nick Kyrgios may have to «bottom out» before he realises the error of his ways with a leading sports psychologist suggesting he … «ninemsn, Jul 15»
The Media Is Still Confused About Whether The Paris Climate Deal …
Right now, the global climate is a patient that has no plausible chance of survival if left untreated. The climate is not merely in “critical” condition … «ThinkProgress, Jul 15»
7/7 : contemplation after a terrifying and confused day
It is approaching the hour, the minute – 08.50. Aldgate tube station in east London has been quietly shut, the grilled metal fence pulled across … «Channel 4 News, Jul 15»
Mum ‘confused‘ over son’s death
“This thing has me very confused,” 26-year-old Lasonta Gill told the MIDWEEK NATION when pressed for a comment on the death of Jahan … «Nation News, Jul 15»
Confused which internal HDD should I choose to convert to external …
Hi! I have a question about HDD’s. See, I have two HDD’s; a 250gb and a 500gb. Both are Sata and are Samsung Brands. The 250gb came … «Tom’s Hardware, Jul 15»
Vyapam scam: BJP calls Congress ‘confused‘
Kolkata, July 7 (IANS): The BJP on Tuesday called the Congress «confused» after the opposition party dismissed the Madhya Pradesh … «Daijiworld.com, Jul 15»
Wimbledon 2015: Tomas Berdych furious with confused reporter …
Wimbledon 2015: Tomas Berdych furious with confused reporter after fourth-round exit. 11:01, 7 July 2015; By Liam Corless … «Mirror.co.uk, Jul 15»
Dear Abby: Confused but honest beau makes fine match as friend
The E-Edition includes all of the news, comics, classifieds and advertisements of the newspaper. And it’s available to subscribers before 6 a.m. … «Columbus Dispatch, Jul 15»
«Dazed and confused» about ambiguity in Texas
What I am about to say might sound like its coming from the mouth of Yogi Berra, but we sometimes get confused about what ambiguity really … «Lexology, Jul 15»
Unnamed exec “still confused about” Eagles trading for Sam Bradford
When training camps open in a little under a month, one of the most-watched storylines will be the progress of Eagles quarterback Sam … «NBCSports.com, Jul 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Confused [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/confused>. Apr 2023 ».
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
confused [kənˈfjuːzd] прич
смущенный, озадаченный, растерянный, сконфуженный, обескураженный
(embarrassed, puzzled, bewildered, discouraged)
сбитый с толку
confused [kənˈfjuːzd] прил
запутанный, путаный, сбивчивый
(confusing, inconsistent)
беспорядочный, сумбурный
confused [kənˈfjuːzd] нареч
в замешательстве
confused [kənˈfjuːzd] гл
confuse [kənˈfjuːz] гл
смущать, смешивать, запутывать, путать, смутить, запутать, запутаться, спутать, перепутать, сбивать с толку, растеряться, смешать, напутать
(embarrass, mix, entangle, mix up, complicate, bewilder, lose, mess)
- confuse things – смешивать вещи
- confuse the situation – запутать ситуацию
сбивать, сбить
(bring down)
приводить в замешательство
создавать путаницу
(create confusion)
поставить в тупик
adjective | ||
смущенный | embarrassed, confused, bewildered, disconcerted, abashed, flummoxed | |
спутанный | confused, matted | |
сбивчивый | confused, discursive, indistinct | |
беспорядочный | messy, disorderly, random, erratic, indiscriminate, confused | |
поставленный в тупик | confused |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
confused прил
- perplexed · puzzled · distracted · lost · confounded · confused · embarrassed · abashed
- bewildered · baffled · disoriented · stunned · bemused · befogged
- chaotic
- disorderly
- convoluted · intricate
confuse гл
- embarrass · disturb · disconcert · fluster · perturb · abash · faze · discomfit
- confound · perplex · bewilder · obfuscate · conflate · obscure · mystify · complicate
- mix up · mingle
- disorient · disorientate
- mistake · mess · muddle · muss
- mix
- upset
- befuddle · bemuse
- bewildered, bemused, puzzled, perplexed, baffled, mystified, nonplussed, muddled, dumbfounded, at sea, at a loss, taken aback, disoriented, disconcerted, flummoxed, clueless, fazed, discombobulated
- demented, bewildered, muddled, addled, befuddled, disoriented, disorientated, unbalanced, unhinged, senile
- vague, unclear, indistinct, imprecise, blurred, hazy, woolly, shadowy, dim, imperfect, sketchy
- disorderly, disordered, disorganized, disarranged, out of order, untidy, muddled, jumbled, mixed up, chaotic, topsy-turvy, shambolic
- befuddled, bewildered, mixed-up, at sea, mazed, confounded, baffled, lost, bemused
- disordered, illogical, scattered, disconnected, disjointed, unconnected, garbled
- disoriented, lost
- disordered, broken, upset
- bewilder, baffle, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confound, flummox, faze, stump, fox, discombobulate, bedazzle
- complicate, muddle, jumble, overcomplicate, garble, blur, obscure, cloud
- mistake for, take for, misinterpret as, mix up with, muddle up with, confound with
- confound
- flurry, put off, disconcert
- blur, obnubilate, obscure
- befuddle, throw, confound, bedevil, fuddle, discombobulate, fox
- mix up, jumble
Предложения со словом «confused»
He kind of got this confused look on his face, and he said … |
По нему было видно, что он смущён . |
Now, when you wake from a deep sleep, you might feel confused about the time or anxious about oversleeping, but there’s always a basic sense of time having passed, of a continuity between then and now. |
Когда просыпаешься после глубокого сна, порой не можешь понять, который час, переживаешь, что проспал, но всегда есть подспудное ощущение прошедшего времени и неразрывной связи между тогда и сейчас. |
I was very confused , because there was nothing funny about this. |
Я была обескуражена, здесь не было ничего смешного. |
Like you notice, nobody could make any sense of what was happening except me, and I didn’t give a damn, really, because the whole world, and whole humanity, seemed as confused and lost as I was. |
Как вы заметили, никто не имел ни малейшего понятия, что происходит, кроме меня, но мне было наплевать, потому что весь мир и всё человечество казались такими же потерянными, как и я. |
In other words, I’m your basic confused human when it comes to violence. |
Другими словами, к теме жестокости я отношусь крайне неоднозначно. |
Some of them have evolved for extremely low levels of aggression, others have evolved in the opposite direction, and floating there in between by every measure are humans, once again this confused , barely defined species that has all these potentials to go one way or the other. |
Эволюционно одни виды менее склонны к проявлению агрессии, чем другие, а люди находятся где — то между этими крайностями, неуверенные и готовые в любой миг сделать шаг в одну из этих сторон. |
And I was confused , because the fire hadn’t been difficult physically, so why was he looking at me with something like astonishment? |
Я смутилась: потушить пожар не было физически сложно, так почему в его взгляде было нечто похожее на изумление? |
They would be understandably confused and caught off guard, but then a conversation would ensue. |
Их это, конечно, заставало врасплох и удивляло, но в результате начинался разговор. |
She looked at me really confused and unengaged, but then said, Halul. |
Она посмотрела на меня очень смущённо и безучастно, но потом ответила: Халюль. |
And we got just instantaneously confused about what time it was. |
И мы мгновенно запутались, который же час был на самом деле. |
So that we don’t get confused . |
Теперь мы не запутаемся. |
I was very confused because I was thinking, well, My white people, come on, where are they? |
Я была очень обескуражена, потому что подумала тогда: Ну же, где вы, мои белые люди? |
Again, I was so confused , I couldn’t understand what was going on. |
Я снова была обескуражена, не понимала, что происходит. |
And then those who are anti-parochial and who — whenever I get confused , I just think of the John Lennon song Imagine. |
И напротив, анти — парохиальные, которые, если я начинаю путаться, вспоминаю песню Леннона Imagine. |
Confused, I call my father, who calmly intones, There’s been a shooting in Deah’s neighborhood in Chapel Hill. |
Сбитая с толку, я звоню отцу, который спокойно сообщает: Недалеко от дома Диа в Чапел — Хилл была перестрелка. |
Stop being perplexed or confused or befuddled by the achievement gap, the income gap, the incarceration rates, or whatever socioeconomic disparity is the new it term for the moment. |
Хватит быть растерянными, или смущёнными , или ошарашенными разрывом в образовании, разрывом в доходах, уровнем преступности или другим термином, которым сейчас измеряется социоэкономическое неравенство. |
I don’t think Brendan confused interest with flirtation. |
Не думаю, что Брендан мог спутать интерес с флиртом. |
He confused Osiris with Apopis, his mortal enemy. |
Он перепутал Апопа с Осирисом, его злейшим врагом! |
But there’s one thing I’m not confused about. |
Но есть одна вещь, которой я не смущаюсь . |
Bosch was confused by the sudden departure in the conversation. |
Босх был сбит с толку неожиданным отклонением от темы. |
The innocent little Princess looked confused by her request. |
Молоденькая невинная принцесса, казалось, растерялась от ее просьбы. |
Because Chevy Suburbans are often confused with Israeli tanks. |
Потому что внедорожники Chevy так часто путают с израильскими танками. |
And he would have explained it to me in very clear terms, because I get confused sometimes. |
И он бы все понятно объяснил, потому что меня легко сбить с толку. |
It really would be totally understandable if you were feeling confused . |
Это действительно могло бы быть совершенно понятным, если ты чувствуешь себя сбитым с толку. |
We look weak to our adversaries, confused to our friends. |
Мы выглядим слабыми перед нашими врагами, озадаченными перед нашими друзьями. |
He was scared, excited, frustrated, confused , unsure, scared, unhappy, worried. |
Он был напуган, возбужден, раздосадован, сбит с толку, неуверен и встревожен. |
It tries to catch up, but then it gets confused and throws itself into reverse. |
Он пытается, но сбивается с толку, начинает вести отсчет времени в обратном направлении. |
In the only occupied bed there was a drowsy and confused woman with her arm in a sling. |
В единственной занятой постели я увидела сонную перепуганную женщину с рукой на перевязи. |
She was somewhat confused and agitated, and could make no ready answer. |
Она была слегка смущена и взволнована и ничего не могла ответить. |
I looked from one leering young face to the other, confused . |
Я недоуменно переводил взгляд с одного хитрого лица на другое. |
I just got confused because i was thinking of another guy |
Я просто смущен , потому что я думал о другом парне. |
He was confused and blinded by the rush of it and the beat of angry wings. |
Стремительный натиск и яростные удары крыльев ослепили, ошеломили волчонка. |
This chistian is confused in his thoughts, because of incomplete knowledge of church’s canons. |
В этом христианине находим мы смятенность мысли от неполного знания церковных канонов. |
We live at the end of a long driveway which often gets confused with a road. |
Мы живем в конце длинного проезда который часто путают с дорогой. |
Aston and Morris looked utterly confused , and she made a face. |
Эстон и Моррис выразили на своих лицах полнейшее недоумение, и она недовольно поморщилась. |
Tankado clutched at his chest with crippled hands, a confused look of terror on his face. |
Танкадо прижал изуродованную руку к груди с выражением недоумения и ужаса на лице. |
There’s no way this majestic tower can be confused with the male organ of love. |
Никаким образом эту величественную башню нельзя спутать с мужским органом любви. |
You must have been so confused to associate with this filthy creature. |
Ты, наверное, просто сбита с толку общением с таким непристойным созданием. |
He fumbled for his pitch-pipe, and arose with a confused intention of attempting a musical exorcism. |
Он поискал в кармане камертон и встал со смутным намерением пустить в дело музыкальное заклинание. |
His white makeup gave a ghastly comic look to his confused , panic-stricken face. |
Белый грим делал испуганное лицо похожим на отвратительно комичную маску. |
The asteroid was massive, and the instruments, not designed for the current situation, were producing confused readings. |
Астероид был массивный, и приборы, сконструированные для совершенно иных ситуаций, выдавали показания, ставящие в тупик. |
Someone at the mortuary had misunderstood, confused Richard’s name with a similar name of another body at the mortuary. |
Спутали фамилию Ричарда и другого человека, чье тело лежало в этом морге? |
Now the confused threads are gradually becoming untangled and a clear pattern emerges. |
Теперь спутанные нити удалось расплести, и стала ясной подоплека событий. |
She was sure it had confused her with Emily. |
Ким была уверена, что эта штука спутала ее с Эмили. |
That way you won’t be confused later by their unexplainable presence in your home. |
Чтобы вы потом не удивлялись их необъяснимому появлению в вашем доме. |
By long day’s end, the confused woman had to be given a sizable dose of heavy wine and forcefully put to bed. |
Дело кончилось тем, что ее напоили крепким вином и уложили в постель. |
In the distance the deep beat of temple drumming mingled with the confused roaring of the mob. |
Вдалеке гулкая дробь барабанов храма смешивалась с нечленораздельным ревом толпы. |
They could easily distinguish a confused mass of great trees, which extended beyond the limits of their view. |
Без труда можно было различить смутные очертания высоких деревьев, сливавшихся в необозримые леса. |
It would have been clear to anyone that I was profoundly confused and dreadfully incomplete. |
Каждому было бы ясно, что я совершенно растерян и ужасающе неполноценен. |
External EEG could get confused if there are multiple structural abnormalities. |
Внешняя ЭЭГ может быть неточной, если есть многочисленные структурные аномалии. |
McKeon met her scrutiny with a stolid expression and fought to suppress his confused , bitter resentment. |
Маккеон бесстрастно встретил ее испытующий взгляд и постарался задавить растущую обиду. |
It was inappropriate, and I think it may have confused you. |
Это было недопустимо и я думаю, что ты меня неправильно поняла. |
Poor, confused , wounded bird for Agent Crawford and Doctors Lecter and Bloom. |
Бедная, запутавшаяся, раненая пташка для агента Кроуфорда, доктора Лектера и Блум. |
The sable had been running in a bunch as they came out and any individual track was confused or obliterated. |
Антилопы сначала бежали стадом, и все следы были запутаны или стерты. |
He stood watching us, a kindly, rather confused smile on his face. |
Он стоял и смотрел на нас с доброй, несколько смущенной улыбкой. |
Last week I helped a confused young woman free herself from her tangled web of lies and deceit. |
На прошлой неделе я помог запутавшейся девушке освободиться от паутины лжи и обмана. |
More heartbeats joined it, a confused chorus of drumming beats, but I was able to identify individual rhythms into a pair of groups. |
Стук сливался в нестройный хор, но мне удалось выделить две группы. |
Hang in its blind spot, make noise, keep it confused ! |
Держитесь слепой зоны, шумите, сбейте его с толку! |
Ruling requires power and stratagems, but right and wrong cannot be confused ! |
Правление требует силы и хитрости, но нельзя путать добро и зло! |
I’m just… I’m confused about how to behave. |
Я просто не знаю, как себя вести. |
1. Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.
a. Lacking logical order or sense: a confused set of rules.
b. Chaotic; jumbled: a confused mass of papers.
con·fus′ed·ly (-fyo͞o′zĭd-lē) adv.
con·fus′ed·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed
2. in a disordered state; mixed up; jumbled
3. (Social Welfare) lacking sufficient mental abilities for independent living, esp through old age
confusedly adv
conˈfusedness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | at sea, baffled, bewildered, confounded, mazed, mixed-up, befuddled, bemused, lost perplexed — full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; «perplexed language»; «perplexed state of the world» |
2. | garbled, disjointed, disordered, illogical, scattered, unconnected, disconnected incoherent — without logical or meaningful connection; «a turgid incoherent presentation» |
3. | confused — having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity; «I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway»; «the anesthetic left her completely disoriented»
disoriented, lost unoriented — not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained; «engaged in unoriented study»; «unoriented until she looked at the map» |
4. | disordered, upset, broken disorganised, disorganized — lacking order or methodical arrangement or function; «a disorganized enterprise»; «a thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose»; «she was too disorganized to be an agreeable roommate» |
5. | confused — mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; «the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused»
perplexed — full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; «perplexed language»; «perplexed state of the world» clearheaded, clear-thinking — not mentally confused; able to think clearly and act intelligently |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. bewildered, puzzled, baffled, at sea, muddled, dazed, perplexed, at a loss, taken aback, disorientated, muzzy (U.S. informal), nonplussed, flummoxed, at sixes and sevens, thrown off balance, discombobulated (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), not with it (informal), not knowing if you are coming or going People are confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.
bewildered aware, with it (informal), informed, switched-on (informal), enlightened, on the ball (informal), sussed (Brit. slang)
2. disorderly, disordered, chaotic, mixed up, jumbled, untidy, out of order, in disarray, topsy-turvy, disorganized, higgledy-piggledy (informal), at sixes and sevens, disarranged, disarrayed The situation remains confused as both sides claim victory. Everything lay in a confused heap on the floor.
disorderly ordered, in order, arranged, organized, tidy, orderly
«If you are sure you understand everything that is going on, you are hopelessly confused» [Walter Mondale]
«Anyone who isn’t confused doesn’t really understand the situation» [Ed Murrow (on the Vietnam War)]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
2. Characterized by physical confusion:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ruglaîur, ringlaîurruglingslegur, óskipulegur
bối rối
[kənˈfjuːzd] ADJ
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[kənˈfjuːzd] adj
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(kənˈfjuːz) verb
1. to put in disorder. He confused the arrangements by arriving late.
2. to mix up in one’s mind. I always confuse John and his twin brother.
3. to make puzzled. He completely confused me by his questions.
conˈfused adjective
1. mixed up. The message I received was rather confused.
2. mixed up in the mind. in a confused state of mind.
conˈfusedly (-zidli) adverbconˈfusion (-ʒən) noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مُرْتَبِك zmatený forvirret verwirrt μπερδεμένος confundido sekava confus zbunjen confuso 当惑した 당황한 verward forvirret zdezorientowany confuso спутанный förvirrad ที่สับสน kafası karışık bối rối 困惑的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. confuso-a, confundido-a, distraído-a;
to be ___ → estar ___, confundirse.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
adj confundido; to get o become — confundirse
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.