The nicest word in the world

23 of the most beautiful words in the world

  • Spookasem (Afrikaans) It’s cotton candy, but it sounds so much cooler than cotton candy.
  • Eudaimonia (Greek)
  • Shuushi (Japanese)
  • Hanyauku (Rukwangali)
  • Mellifluous (English)
  • Nakakapagpabagabag (Tagalog)
  • Kæreste (Danish)
  • Cryptoscopophilia (English)

In this regard, what is the most beautiful word in English?

The most beautiful word in the English language is ‘eclectic’. However, ‘cinque’ gets my vote for the most beautiful word in any language (it means five in Italian).

Secondly, what is the most beautiful word in the world? “Cellar Door” One of the most famous theories comes from Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien, who proposed in a 1955 speech that “cellar door” is the most beautiful word (or phrase) in the English language.

Hereof, what is the best word in the world?

The best word ever — according to deep lexicographical research, science, taste, and common sense — is this: diphthong.

What are some beautiful words?

Synonyms for Beautiful

  • admirable.
  • alluring.
  • angelic.
  • appealing.
  • attractive.
  • beauteous.
  • becoming.
  • bewitching.

Latest update: August 6, 2022. Page URL indicates original publication date; meanwhile, times change and the updates continue.

Words are added from time to time.

The Most Beautiful and Nicest English Words in the World

Actually, there are more than 100. These happy and positive words in the English language were contributed by writers for writers in a project of mine awhile back These words show that the world can indeed be a positive, happy, and wonderful place. This list has also been referred to as the nicest, most lovely, sweetest, stunning, greatest, and most beautiful words in the English language and world. Most of the words are standalone, some are contextual. Just the
mere act of reading this list can make one feel good.




Greetings Love Healing
Serenity Mellifluous Hug
Empathy Peaceful Joy
Life Caring Sharing
Friend Forgiveness Trust
Kindness Lovely Cure
Exquisite Soothing Hope
Thanks Welcome Acknowledgement
Compassion Sympathy Tenderness
Synergy Synchronicity Serendipity
Perfection Chocolate Champagne
Ethics Honesty Integrity
Simplicity Complexity Recursion
Music Art Humor
Discovery Insight Revelation
Beautiful Pristine Glorious
Freedom Privacy Independence
Home Shelter Food
Gorgeous Awesome Amazing
Success Prosperity Money
Faithfulness Loyalty Ally
Sunrise Rain Moonlight
Elegance Symmetry Balance
Wonderment Appreciation Gratitude
Plethora Plenitude Bonanza
Communication Interaction Mutuality
Courtesy Respect Graciousness
Mom Dad Child
Remembering Forgetting Awareness
Optimism Destiny Expectation
Smile Hello Please
Happiness Sweet Karma
Dalliance Efflorescence Eloquence
Beginning Ending Closure
Yes No Chance
Euphoria Elixir Cherish
Goals Aspirations Accomplishments

And last, but not least; whether it be a loan application or accepted for a new job:

— End of Table List —

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The 30 Most Beautiful Words in the English Language

  1. Sibilance. “Sibilance” refers to the distinctive hiss-like sound made by the letter S, or comparable sounds like a soft C. …
  2. Tranquility. …
  3. Loquacious. …
  4. Lagniappe. …
  5. Epiphany. …
  6. Plethora. …
  7. Vellichor. …
  8. Aurora.

What is the most nicest word?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

  • 8 Supine (adj.)
  • 7 Solitude (n.)
  • 6 Aurora (n.)
  • 5 Idyllic (adj.)
  • 4 Clinomania (n.)
  • 3 Pluviophile (n.)
  • 2 Euphoria (n.)
  • 1 Sequoia (n.)

What are the 2 most beautiful words?

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.

What are elegant words?


  • graceful.
  • handsome.
  • luxurious.
  • classy.
  • fine.
  • stylish.
  • majestic.
  • magnificent.

What are 10 powerful words?

My Top 10 Most POWERFUL WORDS and Why

  • #10. STRUGGLE. Struggle is a precious gift. …
  • #9. ADVENTURE. This is a topic which is always sure to excite me, my next adventure. …
  • #8. NATURE. There are few things in life from which I gain more satisfaction than being outdoors. …
  • #6. CURIOSITY. …
  • #4. CREATIVITY. …
  • #1. FREEDOM.

STOP SAYING GOOD! Use these 77 words & phrases instead… ✅

What words get peoples attention?

25 attention-grabbing words

  • Immediately. The word «immediately» conveys a sense of urgency that you should do something right now. …
  • Sharp. The word «sharp» may create different visual images depending on the other words in the sentence. …
  • Renewed. …
  • Instantly. …
  • Invigorated. …
  • Unleashed. …
  • Unlimited. …
  • Personalized.

What is the best word for love?


  • affection.
  • passion.
  • devotion.
  • fondness.
  • respect.
  • desire.
  • enthusiasm.
  • longing.

What is the prettiest sounding word?

The 30 Most Beautiful Words in the English Language

  1. Sibilance. “Sibilance” refers to the distinctive hiss-like sound made by the letter S, or comparable sounds like a soft C. …
  2. Tranquility. …
  3. Loquacious. …
  4. Lagniappe. …
  5. Epiphany. …
  6. Plethora. …
  7. Vellichor. …
  8. Aurora.

What are some classy words?


  • elegant.
  • graceful.
  • handsome.
  • fine.
  • stylish.
  • tasteful.
  • luxurious.
  • majestic.

What are beauty words?

Synonyms of beautiful

  • lovely.
  • gorgeous.
  • cute.
  • handsome.
  • attractive.
  • pretty.
  • stunning.
  • charming.

What is the cutest word?

What’s The Cutest Word In The World?

  • charm.
  • glitter.
  • bubble.
  • bumblebee.
  • petite.
  • humdrum.
  • snuggle.
  • pipsqueak.

What is the most happy word?

According to a report on the English language, «laughter,» «happiness,» and «love» are the three most positive words in English. A linguist discusses the happiest words and asks for your suggestions.

What’s the sweetest word in the world?

«MOTHER» The sweetest word in the world

  • «MOTHER» The sweetest word in the world.
  • Love your mother, the most beautiful person in the world.
  • The best medicine in the world is a Mother’s hug.

What are 3 most powerful words?

What Are The Three Most Powerful Words?

  • Stake Your Claim and Own Your Own Power. Women are too often reluctant to claim their own power. …
  • Gloria Steinem—Michele’s Professional Role Model. …
  • Hear More Stories and Read Michele’s Blogs and Books. …
  • Order Dr.

What are the 5 powerful words?

5 Powerful Words That Will Make Your Day More Productive

  • #1: «Draft». (As in «Just do a draft…»)
  • #2: «Now». ( As in «Do it now…»)
  • #3: «Why». (As in «Tell me why you want to meet?)
  • #4: «No.» (As in «No, I choose not to do this.)
  • #5: «Enough». (As in «I’ve done enough for today…»)

What are the most respectful words?

most respectful

  • appreciative.
  • civil.
  • deferential.
  • humble.
  • polite.
  • reverent.
  • reverential.
  • self-effacing.

What’s a good positive word?

Synonyms of positive

  • favorable.
  • good.
  • appreciative.
  • friendly.
  • approving.
  • supportive.
  • complimentary.
  • commendatory.

What is the most unique word?

Do you know what a quincunx is? Here are 15 of the most unusual words in the English dictionary

  • ​Deliquescent. Adjective: Becoming liquid, or having a tendency to become liquid.
  • Flabbergast. Verb: Surprise someone greatly.
  • Flimflam. …
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification. …
  • Limerence. …
  • Loquacious. …
  • Obdurate. …
  • Omnishambles.

What is a unique word?

To explain this very simply, a unique word is one that’s unusual or different in some way. It might have a complicated history or interesting connections to another language. But, primarily what makes an English word interesting is its unusual spelling, pronunciation or meaning.

Whats the longest word for pretty?

Pulchritudinous is an adjective that means physically beautiful or attractive. Pulchritudinous is a grandiose way of saying someone or something is good-looking. It’s quite rare and, for that reason, usually used for humorous effect.

What does 143 mean?

143 means I love you. 143 is an internet slang numerical expression that conveys a message of love. Home.

What’s stronger than I love you?

«I am committed to you.»

Love can be fleeting, so making a commitment shows your love is something stronger than an emotion. Commitment is choosing to stick with someone in spite of feelings or circumstances, so it transcends mere love.

What is the oldest word for love?

The word ‘love’ was once ‘*leubh’, a word used by the Proto-Indo-Europeans approximately five thousand years ago to describe care and desire. When ‘love’ was incorporated into Old English as ‘lufu’, it had turned into both a noun to describe, ‘deep affection’ and its offspring verb, ‘to be very fond of’.

What are the 12 most powerful words?

What are the twelve powerful words? Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict. Why use the twelve powerful words?

How can I make my words powerful?

How To Make Your Words More Powerful

  1. Do just one thing, and do it well. …
  2. Write, then revise. …
  3. Learn to revise in your head. …
  4. Eliminate the non-essential. …
  5. Learn the common mistakes. …
  6. Read The Elements of Style.

the most beautiful words in the world - featured image

I’m passionate about language, so I set out on a quest to find the most beautiful words in the world.

It was an arduous journey, but I’m pleased with the result, and I hope that you’ll be too. The words you find below don’t all belong to the English language, far from it.

It’s essential to learn from foreign cultures that developed words and concepts not translatable to your native tongue. These arcane pieces of lexicon will allow you to see the world differently, quickly learn a new language, kick start your writing career, and change your mind in unforeseen ways.

But the goal of creating this collection was not only to find rare specimens with deep meanings. Rather, it was to find the most mellifluous tones that satisfy the concept of phonaesthetics.

Definition: Phonaesthetics is the study of beauty and pleasantness associated with the sounds of certain words or parts of words.

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.” – Patrick Rothfuss

Explore the most beautiful words in the world:

1. Toska (Russian)

Russian word roughly translated as “sadness, melancholia, lugubriousness.”

According to Vladimir Nabokov: “No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause.”

2. Papillon (French)

A word for butterfly, borrowed from Latin pāpiliō. It’s also an informal expression for a parking ticket or a flighty genius who’s all over the place. It reminds me of one of my favorite French movies: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Le Scaphandre et le Papillon)

3. Komorebi (Japanese)

It can be translated as “sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees.” It reflects the Japanese soul that longs for the beauty of nature. It’s also a great ingredient of haiku (a traditional short poem):

Sunlight filters through the dense foliage. My face welcomes it, my hand gripping the balcony railing.

4. Hanan (Arabic)

Compassion, kindness, warm-heartedness. It’s also a popular name throughout the Arab world. Munir Bashir, the great Iraqui oud player, described this word through music in a tune performed with his son Omar.

5. Kama (Sanskrit)

It’s a word for “desire, wish, longing.” It’s usually associated with carnal pleasure but actually goes deeper than that. It can refer to any kind of desire, passion, longing, or pleasure of the senses. It’s also related to aesthetics, affection, love, and enjoyment of life. In the Indian tradition, it’s one of the four goals of human life.

According to an old scripture:

Man consists of desire (kama),
As his desire is, so is his determination,
As his determination is, so is his deed,
Whatever his deed is, that he attains.

Related content: 115 Advanced words in English

6. Szerelem (Hungarian)

It’s one of the most beautiful words for “love.” It’s also the title of one of the most touching Hungarian language songs, which served as a soundtrack for The English Patient.

Love, Love, Damned anguish, Why didn’t you bloom, in the top of trees?”

7. Elvágyódás (Hungarian)

It’s an “untranslatable” word that describes a desire to get away from where you are. It signals a deep longing for something else (even though you’re not entirely sure what it is). It’s a bit similar to “wanderlust,” but not exactly there. It’s more melancholic than that.

8. Ubuntu (Nguni Bantu)

Literally “humanity.” It’s a quality that includes the essential human virtues of compassion and humanity. It can be translated as “I am because we are” or “humanity towards others.” The concept was developed in Southern Africa in the 1950s by Jordan Kush Ngubane.

According to Desmond Tutu:

“A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.”

9. Haneul (Korean)

It’s a word meaning “sky, heaven, ether or sphere.” It’s a popular unisex name in Korea, which may be interpreted as an urging to “spread your dreams high like the sky.” Pretty neat, eh?

10. Sonrisa (Spanish)

I love this word because it sounds like the English “sunrise” but actually means “smile.” Somehow the two concepts are intertwined.

“La sonrisa cuesta menos que la electricidad y da más luz.” (The smile costs less than electricity and gives more light.) – Proverb

sonrisa - definition

Related content: 50 Sophisticated Words in English (With Examples From Movies)

11. Ancymonek (Polish)

It’s an amusing word that can be translated as “slyboots,” “scamp,” or “chap.” It describes a person who’s plotting and scheming but simultaneously feigning complete innocence. It’s used mostly in relation to children.

12. Zindabad (Persian)

This word is present in many different languages, including Odia, Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi, and Bengali. It’s used as a shout of encouragement and can be directly translated as “long live…”. It has a political connotation, but it has its place in everyday life.

13. Noor (Arabic)

It’s a charming word, also used as a unisex name in the Arab world. It means “light” or “Divine Light.” The word plays an essential role in the esoteric practices where it refers to inner illumination. It’s derived from Proto-Semitic “nūr,” which means “fire.”

14. Sadiq (Arabic)

It means “friend” or “colleague.” As everything in Arabic, it’s beautifully written (صَدِيق), especially when rendered by a skilled calligrapher.

Sadeeq - calligraphy

15. Tamam (Turkish)

This is such a universal word. You’ll hear it dozens of times each day if you ever go into the heart of Istanbul. In the simplest terms, it means “okay,” but it’s used in many contexts. It’s borrowed from Arabic, in which it means “full” or “complete.” It came to Anatolia in the 12th century CE, in a book of poetry.

16. Achha (Hindi)

This is another universal word with many shades of meaning. You’ll hear it all the time if you travel to India. The literal meaning is “good,” but it can also signal surprise, as in “achha?” You can also use it to show that you understand something or as an exclamation mark (like hell yeah!). It all depends on the intonation!

17. Eonia (Greek)

It means “time immemorial” or “eternity.” You might have noticed that it’s very similar to the English word “eon” which first appeared in the 1640s from Late Latin “aeon.” In the past, the word also referred to as a “vital force.”

18. Felicidade (Portuguese)

It’s one of the best words for “happiness” I’ve ever heard. In a particular context, it can also mean “success” or “good luck.” You can even say “muitas felicidades,” which means “best wishes.” Don’t mix it up with English “felicide,” which means “killing of a cat.”

19. Carinho (Portuguese)

This word could be most closely translated as “fondness,” “affection,” or “endearment.” But in Portuguese, it’s used as a verb involving a physical action of caressing someone. You “give carinho” to others by hugging them or stroking their hair.

20. Passeggiata (Italian)

This mellifluous word means “walk” or “stroll.” You could say – “Andiamo per fare una passeggiata” (Let’s go for a walk). But it’s not just any walk. It’s more like a traditional evening stroll in the historical central piazza. It’s mostly done on Sunday evenings when everyone goes out in their best clothing.

Passeggiata - Definition

21. Muhibbah (Malay)

It’s an important word meaning “friendship,” “living in harmony,” and it’s mostly used in the work context. It describes the feelings of camaraderie, tolerance, and understanding. Many nationalities are working together in Malaysia, so “muhibbah” is vital for a harmonious environment.

22. Bidadari (Malay)

It’s a word for “angel,” but figuratively, it can also mean “beautiful woman” or “goddess in heaven.” It comes from Sanskrit “vidyādharī,” where it means “fairy.” It’s a popular word you can find in the names of hotels, resorts, and shopping malls.

23. Saudade (Portuguese)

This is one of these non-translatable words that make your heart melt. It’s a feeling you have when you miss someone. It’s also a fundamental concept of Fado music. You can have “saudades” when you miss someone’s physical touch and presence. When you speak on the phone, you can say “que saudade!” which means that you miss them a lot.

24. Hiraeth (Welsh)

It’s a Welsh concept centered around longing for home. It can’t be directly translated, and it means more than just “missing something,” “yearning,” or “missing home.” It’s has a note of nostalgia to it, as it relates to the time of yore, that you can’t quite put your finger on. Bittersweet memories mixed with feelings of gratitude for times passed.

25. Purnama (Indonesian)

It’s a fantastic word meaning “full moon.” It originally comes from Sanskrit and has its equivalents in many other languages – Purnima (Bengali), Purnima (Hindi), Purnima (Kannada), Purnima (Marathi), Purnima (Tamil).

26. Flâner (French)

It’s a sneaky word related to strolling, hanging around, or dawdling. It’s used to describe aimless wandering through the streets of a large city (ideally Paris). A flaneur is a person who sits around in cafes for the whole day, observing people and paying no heed to time.

27. Firgun (Hebrew)

It’s a term and concept in the Israeli culture. It describes an unselfish delight or pride in the accomplishments of another person. It’s an empathetic joy you feel when something good has happened to or for another person. The antonym to this word is German “schadenfreude” – getting satisfaction from someone else’s failure.

28. Saha (Arabic)

It literally means “health,” “clear,” or “sober,” but it has a much deeper meaning in a cultural context. It’s used when you have a fit of coughing, and others say it to the effect of “bless you.” When you start a meal, you can also say “sahtein” (“two healths”) which can then be translated as “enjoy your meal.”

29. Goya (Urdu)

Here’s another untranslatable, but useful word. It’s a momentary suspension of disbelief that occurs when fantasy is so realistic that it temporarily becomes a reality. It’s usually associated with a story very well told. It’s “as if/as though” something was a reality. Goya is also the name of one of my favorite Spanish painters which only adds to the charm.

30. Allora (Italian)

If you’ve ever been to Italy, you must have heard this phrase hundreds of times as Italians are obsessed with it. Literally, it means “so, then, well.” It acts as a filler word used in conversation when you think things over. But it can also express impatience. Allora! (Come on!)

auguri - Definition

31. Auguri (Italian)

In simplest terms, it means “to wish,” but you can use it in many different situations. You can say it when wishing someone a happy birthday, congratulating them on something, during general celebrations, while offering best wishes or simply saying “all the best.” It’s deceptively similar to the beautiful English “augury” which has its roots in Latin “augurium” (“divination, the observation, and interpretation of omens”).

32. Aazaard (Flemish)

While it sounds similar to the English “hazard,” it has a different meaning. It describes a happy coincidence, for example, when you get a good deal on something, or you meet a person you haven’t seen a while.

33. Friolento (Spanish)

It’s a cute word describing someone who is overly sensitive to cold. It has a note of sarcasm in it because “frio” means “cold” and “lento” means “slow.” So theoretically it should describe someone resistant to cold, but it’s the other way around. Clever these Spaniards are.

34. Sobremesa (Spanish)

You really have to visit Spain to fully grasp the concept of “sobremesa.” It literally means “dessert” or “table cover,” but it can also refer to a prolonged after-dinner banter at a table. The Spanish love to order espressos after dinner (at 11:00 PM or even 12:00 PM) and then talk and smoke long into the night.

35. Thanatos (Greek)

It’s one of these mysterious words that slip of the tongue producing enchantment and awe. Thanatos means “death,” but it also describes a mythical figure which brings death about (like Grim Reaper). Christopher Hitchens once said: “In the war against Thanatos, if we must term it a war, the immediate loss of Eros is a huge initial sacrifice.”

36. Merak (Serbian)

It’s a fascinating word referring to a feeling of bliss and the sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures. It’s a Zen-like quality you get when you’re fully content with where you are and what you do – when the soul is settled.

37. Libellule (French)

It means “dragonfly.” If you want to turn it into true acoustic eargasm, you can say “libellule émeraude” (“emerald dragonfly”).

38. Tsundoku (Japanese)

That’s a bookworm’s favorite which describes the act of buying lots of books and never getting round to reading them. It’s a universal human activity, but it’s nice of the Japanese to come up with a word that that precisely describes it. It literally means “reading pile” and dates back to the Meiji era (1868–1912).

39. Boketto (Japanese)

It’s another poetic Japanese word that is hard to translate. It describes the idea of starting at the sky without a thought. When you stare vacantly into the sky, giving no thought to time, life, history, or anything else for that matter – you’re experiencing boketto.

40. Szept (Polish)

I like how this word meaning “whisper” has that “shhh” sound in it as if you’re already whispering.

szept Definition

41. Crimson (English)

Describing a deep and vivid red, this word lights up your imagination. It reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death” and Arthur Conan Doyle’s “A Study in Scarlet.” The word comes from the Old Italian “carmesi,” but it has roots in Arabic and got into Europe because of silk clothes export.

42. Kalsarikännit (Finnish)

Another magnificent word which we should import into English! It’s related to that moment when you’re going to get drunk home alone in your underwear – with no intention of going out. In Finland, it has been elevated to an official activity. Beer anyone?

43. Habseligkeiten (German)

Goethe Institute held a competition for Germany’s most beautiful word. Based on 22,000 entries, habseligkeiten was a clear winner. It means “belongings.” It’s not related to ownership or wealth, but rather to simple possessions, and it does it in a friendly way.

44. Limerence (English)

The state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one’s feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship. Dorothy Tennov coined this word for her book “Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love.”

45. Schwellenangst (German)

It has “angst” in it so it must be something interesting, right? It describes a fear of, or aversion to, crossing a threshold or entering a place to begin a new chapter. I guess we all feel it from time to time.

46. Resfeber (Swedish)

It’s a word that must have come from the world of the Vikings. It refers to tangled feelings between fear and excitement before a journey begins. It literally means “travel fever.”

47. Querencia (Spanish)

It’s a word signaling a metaphysical concept. It comes from the verb “querer” which means “to desire.” “Querencia” can be translated as “fondness,” “homing instinct,” or “homeland.” Hemingway wrote in the Death in the Afternoon: “A querencia is a place the bull naturally wants to go to in the ring, a preferred locality… It is a place which develops in the course of the fight where the bull makes his home.”

48. Nefelibata (Portuguese)

It’s a word derived from Greek, meaning “one who walks the clouds” or “daydreamer.” You use it for a person who trudges individually, not caring about what others think (like a nonconformist). In the literature, it also describes a writer who does not follow the usual conventions.

49. Nostalgia (English)

A list of beautiful words couldn’t be complete without “nostalgia.” It’s a wistful desire to return in thought or fact to a former time in one’s life, to one’s home or homeland, or one’s family and friends. It’s a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. “I’d trade all my tomorrows for one single yesterday,” said Kris Kristofferson.

sonorous - Definition

50. Sonorous (English)

It comes from Latin “sonorus” (“resounding”), from “sonare” (“to sound, make a noise”). The pronunciation of a word fits the meaning perfectly as it describes someone or something capable of emitting a deep, resonant sound.

51. Ethereal (English)

How I love this word! It’s so lofty and fleeting and elven-like. It means “extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.” In the past, it used to refer to places “of the highest regions of the atmosphere.”

52. Atash (Farsi)

It’s a Persian word for “fire” which has a nice ring to it. It’s widely used in Persian poetry which often uses the concept of “the moth and the flame,” especially by poets like Farid ud-Din Attar. Being devoured by the flame refers to a metaphysical idea of getting closer to the divine.

53. Daryâ (Farsi)

Another outstanding Persian word meaning “river,” “ocean,” or “sea.” It’s also used when referring to any kind of vast expanse.

54. Firdaus (Arabic)

It means “paradise,” but it’s derived from an earlier word meaning “garden” or “enclosure.” Water is scarce in the Arab world, and hence, a paradise is often described as a lush garden abound in flowing water.

55. Niwemang (Kurdish)

It’s a beautiful word meaning “half-moon.” It’s also the title of one of my favorite Iranian movies.

56. Aisling (Irish)

It literally means “dream” or “vision.” It’s the name of a poetic genre where a poet is bestowed with a vision of a young and beautiful heavenly woman who prophesies changes of fortune for the Irish people. Aisling is also used as a feminine given name, now having many anglicized forms and variants like Ashling, Aislin, Aislinn and Aislene.

57. Spleodar (Irish)

It means “energy,” “exuberance,” “gameness,” “vivaciousness,” or “boisterousness.”

58. Suaimhneas (Irish)

It’s a word for “peace” and “tranquility.” It can also relate to calmness, composure, contentment, quietness, or repose.

59. Dobrodosli (Slovenian)

It’s a marvelous Slavic word for “welcome.” It’s comprised of two distinct words, “dobro” and “dosli,” and it can be literally translated as “you came in a good way.” It’s something you would want to hear after finishing a long trip.

mir - Definition

60. Mir (Slovenian)

Short and punchy, “mir” is a Slovenian word for “peace,” “quiet,” and “tranquility.” It’s also the name of a Russian space station.

61. Huzun (Turkish)

It’s dark, but a beautiful word for “sadness,” “melancholy,” or “gloominess.” I was first introduced to it by the Turkish author, Orhan Pamuk. The word has Arab origins, but in modern Turkish, it denotes a sense of failure in life, lack of initiative, and a retreat into oneself.

62. Safderun (Turkish)

This word sounds like it was taken straight from “Arabian Nights.” It’s used to describe a person whose heart is so pure that they are often easily fooled. It could be translated as “gull.”

63. Namaste (Hindi)

It’s a word used as a customary greeting across India. It comes from Sanskrit where it meant “a reverential salutation.” But it can be translated as “I bow to the divine in you.” If you want to do it properly, you bow slightly and smile when saying it!

64. Jijivisha (Hindi)

It’s an untranslatable word that signifies an intense desire to live and continue living to the fullest in the highest sense of being.

65. Sundar (Hindi)

It’s an adjective meaning “beautiful.” In a broader sense, it also means attractive, beautiful, good, handsome, or nice.

66. Kvietok (Slovak)

This word has a nice ring to it, especially to a Slavic ear like mine. It means “flower.” It’s especially significant for Slovaks who love to give flower bouquets and grow magnificent gardens.

67. Geluksalig (Afrikaans)

It’s a word used to describe the highest form of happiness. It’s often used when referring to the hereafter joys of paradise.

68. Skitterend (Afrikaans)

It can be most accurately translated as “glistering” or “splendid.” It’s a mixture of Dutch words that literally mean “exuding light that seems alive.” How cool is that?

69. Dor (Romanian)

It’s a powerful, almost magical word that’s a bit hard to translate. In simple terms, it means “longing” or “to miss something.” It comes from the Latin word dolus, which means “pain” and is related to the Romanian word durere (also “pain”).

balaur - Definition

70. Balaur (Romanian)

It’s a straight-from-fantasy-like word for a “dragon” or “monster.” It has an uncertain origin, but it’s deeply connected to Romanian folklore. A Balaur is a large creature with fins, feet, and up to twelve serpent heads. It represents evil, and its name (rightfully so) was used in popular RPG games and fantasy novels.

71. Badkruka (Swedish)

It’s a funny but charming word for a person who’s afraid to go into the water. Swedes are surrounded by water (which is freezing cold). It’s only natural that some inhabitants of this Nordic land aren’t too eager to take a dip.

72. Dépaysement (French)

It can be literally translated as “to be uncountried.” It signifies disorientation or cultural shock we sometimes feel in a strange and foreign land.

73. Zapoi (Russian)

This word is used to describe several days of continuous drunkenness during which one withdraws from society. People often “dive into a zapoi” during the New Year’s season when Russians are thought to collectively drink 1.5bn liters of alcohol.

74. Gattara (Italian)

It’s an endearing word for “cat lady.” Gattaras are usually old devout cat lovers who feed alley cats or surround themselves with cats at home. Imagine an Italian version of the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons.

75. Trepverter (Yiddish)

It literally translates as “stepwords,” but actually means a witty comeback you think of only after it’s already too late. It’s this brilliant, but the late conclusion you think of when you can’t say it to anyone because you blew your chance.

76. Litost (Czech)

According to the famous writer Milan Kundera, this word is quite difficult to render in English. It signifies a state of being a singular entity in the face of overwhelming hopelessness and painfully evident helplessness. You could say it means “self-pity,” “sorrow,” or “regret,” but not quite.

77. Voorpret (Dutch)

Literally translated as “pre-fun” this word is terrific because it’s all about the excitement you feel right before an event you’ve been waiting for.

78. Tampo (Filipino)

It’s a “silent treatment” you get from a girl if you irritate her or renege on the promise you gave her. If you hurt somebody’s feelings, your significant other will withdraw his or her affection and force you to endure the pain of psychological separation. The closest English translation for “tampo” is “sulking.”

79. Tartle (Scottish)

It refers to that funny moment when you hesitate in recognizing a person or thing. You know them from somewhere, but at that moment you can’t recall from where. In this situation, you can say, “pardon my tartle!”

80. Kaapshljmurslis (Lithuanian)

This convoluted and wizardly word is used to describe the atmosphere in public transport during the rush hour. You’re cramped in a tube or a bus and can’t wait to get out of there. At this moment you’re experiencing the notorious kaapshljmurslis.


Did you get inspired by the exotic words above? The variety of lexis and meaning throughout different cultures is fascinating!

This list is by no means complete, so please oh, language lover share some of your favorite examples!

Rafal Reyzer

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I’m a full-time blogger, educator, digital marketer, freelance writer, editor and content manager with over 10 years of experience. I started to provide you with great tools and strategies you can use to achieve freedom from 9 to 5 through online creativity. My site is a one-stop-shop for freelance writers, bloggers, publishers, content enthusiasts who want to be independent, earn more money and create beautiful things. Feel free to check my archive containing over 600 articles and my YouTube channel for writers and content creators. Ah yes, and stay awesome!

Table of Contents

  1. How do you say snow leopard in Tibetan?
  2. Does Google Translate have Tibetan?
  3. How are you translate in Tibetan?
  4. What is the kindest word in the world?
  5. What are the coolest sounding words?
  6. What is the funniest sounding word?
  7. What is the weirdest English word?
  8. What is the longest name in the world?
  9. What is the longest kiss in history?
  10. Who is the girl with 1000 letters in her name?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

How do you say snow leopard in Tibetan?

In Nepal, snow leopards are called Heung chituwa; in Tibet they are Sah or Shen; in Russia and Mongolia they are Irbis, and in Urdu, one of the languages of central Asia, they are Barfani chita.

Does Google Translate have Tibetan?

go to the google translate website and find Tibetan and select it. Then begin translating. The more you do, the closer Tibetan comes to being added as a language!

How are you translate in Tibetan?

How to Greet Tibetan People, Tibetan Greetings

In English In Tibetan
How are you? Keh-rahng ku-su de-bo yin-peh?
I’m fine. La yin. Ngah snug-po de-bo yin.
Thank you. Thu-chi che.
What’s your name? Kerang gi tsenla kare ray?
  1. 1 Sequoia (n.) (A 7 letter word that has the letter Q and all 5 vowels) A redwood tree, especially the California redwood.
  2. 2 Euphoria (n.)
  3. 3 Pluviophile (n.)
  4. 4 Clinomania (n.)
  5. 5 Idyllic (adj.)
  6. 6 Aurora (n.)
  7. 7 Solitude (n.)
  8. 8 Supine (adj.)

What is the kindest word in the world?

unkind word

What are the coolest sounding words?

60+ of the Coolest, Most Epic Words in the English Language

#1–15 #16–30 #31–45
2. Bamboozled 17. Exquisite 32. Nefarious
3. Bizarre 18. Flippant 33. Onomatopoeia
4. Blasphemy 19. Gerrymandering 34. Persnickety
5. Bumblebee 20. Hyperbolic 35. Phosphorous

What is the funniest sounding word?

Let’s see which of these craziest words you already know and which ones are new to you:

  • Bumfuzzle. This is a simple term that refers to being confused, perplexed, or flustered or to cause confusion.
  • Cattywampus.
  • Gardyloo.
  • Taradiddle.
  • Snickersnee.
  • Widdershins.
  • Collywobbles.
  • Gubbins.

What is the weirdest English word?

Here are the 12 weirdest words in English:

  • Vex.
  • Bequeath.
  • Mixology.
  • Flub.
  • Kerfuffle.
  • Bibble.
  • Kakorrhaphiophobia.
  • Berserk.

What is the longest name in the world?

Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.

What is the longest kiss in history?

The official longest kiss was clocked at 32 hours, 7 minutes and 14 seconds long by Nikola Matovic and Kristina Reinhart in Germany in February 2009, according to Guinness.

Who is the girl with 1000 letters in her name?

HOUSTON – CoSandra Williams

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