The name canada comes from the word kanata meaning village or settlement

Today, it seems impossible to imagine Canada by any other name. However, there were a number of other interesting suggestions and events leading up to the formal christening of our nation in 1867.

  • Aboriginal roots
  • The naming of a nation

Aboriginal roots

The name “Canada” likely comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” In 1535, two Aboriginal youths told French explorer Jacques Cartier about the route to kanata; they were actually referring to the village of Stadacona, the site of the present-day City of Québec. For lack of another name, Cartier used the word “Canada” to describe not only the village, but the entire area controlled by its chief, Donnacona.

The name was soon applied to a much larger area; maps in 1547 designated everything north of the St. Lawrence River as Canada. Cartier also called the St. Lawrence River the “rivière du Canada,” a name used until the early 1600s. By 1616, although the entire region was known as New France, the area along the great river of Canada and the Gulf of St. Lawrence was still called Canada.

Soon explorers and fur traders opened up territory to the west and to the south, and the area known as Canada grew. In the early 1700s, the name referred to all French lands in what is now the American Midwest and as far south as present-day Louisiana.

The first use of Canada as an official name came in 1791, when the Province of Quebec was divided into the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada. In 1841, the two colonies were united under one name, the Province of Canada.

Two Aboriginal youths telling Jacques Cartier about the route to the village of Stadacona, site of the present day City of Québec.

The naming of a nation

Leading up to the proposed confederation, a number of names were suggested for the northern half of the continent of North America, including: Albertsland, Albionora, Borealia, Britannia, Cabotia, Colonia, EfisgaFootnote 1, Hochelaga, Norland, Superior, Transatlantia, TuponiaFootnote 2, and Victorialand.

The debate was placed in perspective by Thomas D’Arcy McGee, who declared on February 9, 1865:

“I read in one newspaper not less than a dozen attempts to derive a new name. One individual chooses Tuponia and another Hochelaga as a suitable name for the new nationality. Now I ask any honourable member of this House how he would feel if he woke up some fine morning and found himself instead of a Canadian, a Tuponian or a Hochelagander.”

Fortunately for posterity, McGee’s wit and reasoning – along with common sense – prevailed, and on July 1, 1867, the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick became “one Dominion under the name of Canada.”

The Dauphin Map of Canada, c. 1543, showing Cartier’s discoveries

While a variety of theories have been postulated for the name of Canada, its origin is now accepted as coming from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning ‘village’ or ‘settlement’.[1] In 1535, indigenous inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct French explorer Jacques Cartier to the village of Stadacona.[2] Cartier later used the word Canada to refer not only to that particular village but to the entire area subject to Donnacona (the chief at Stadacona);[2] by 1545, European books and maps had begun referring to this small region along the Saint Lawrence River as Canada.[2]

From the 16th to the early 18th century, Canada referred to the part of New France that lay along the Saint Lawrence River.[3] In 1791, the area became two British colonies called Upper Canada and Lower Canada. These two colonies were collectively named the Canadas until their union as the British Province of Canada in 1841.[4]

Upon Confederation in 1867, Canada was adopted as the legal name for the new country at the London Conference, and the word Dominion was conferred as the country’s title.[5] By the 1950s, the term Dominion of Canada was no longer used by the United Kingdom, which considered Canada a «Realm of the Commonwealth».[6] The government of Louis St. Laurent ended the practice of using Dominion in the statutes of Canada in 1951.[7][8]

The Canada Act 1982, which brought the constitution of Canada fully under Canadian control, referred only to Canada. Later that year, the name of the national holiday was changed from Dominion Day to Canada Day.[9] The term Dominion was used to distinguish the federal government from the provinces, though after the Second World War the term federal had replaced dominion.[10]


A map of North America from 1565, one of the first to include the name «Canada» (top right).

The name Canada is now generally accepted as originating from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata ([kana:taʔ]), meaning ‘village’ or ‘settlement’.[11][12] Related translations include ‘land’ or ‘town’, with subsequent terminologies meaning ‘cluster of dwellings’ or ‘collection of huts’.[11][13] This explanation is historically documented in Jacques Cartier’s Bref récit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI.[11]

Although the Laurentian language, which was spoken by the inhabitants of St. Lawrence Valley settlements such as Stadacona (modern-day Quebec City) and Hochelaga (modern-day Montreal) in the 16th century, is now extinct, it was closely related to other dialects of the Iroquoian languages, such as the Oneida and Mohawk languages. Related cognates meaning ‘town’ include nekantaa, ganataje, and iennekanandaa in the Mohawk, Onondaga, and Seneca languages respectively.[11] Prior to archeological confirmation that the St. Lawrence Iroquois were a separate people from the Mohawk, most sources specifically linked the name’s origin to the Mohawk word instead of the Laurentian one.[14]

A 1934 three-cent stamp commemorated the four-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of Canada by the French navigator, Jacques Cartier.

A widespread perception in Canadian folklore is that Cartier misunderstood the term «Canada» as the existing proper name of the Iroquois people’s entire territory rather than the generic class noun for a town or village. For instance, the Historica Canada’s Heritage Minute episode devoted to Cartier’s landing at Hochelaga is scripted as having Cartier believe that «Kanata» or «Canada» was the established name of the entire country.[15] This is not supported by Cartier’s own writings, however—in Bref récit, Cartier fully understands the actual meaning of the word («They call a town Canada»),[16] and his earliest name for the wider territory is «le pays des Canadas» (‘country of Canadas’,[17] ‘land of Canadas’, or ‘land of villages’).

While the Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian origin for the name Canada is now widely accepted, other theories have been put forth in the past.

Iberian origin theory[edit]

The most common alternative theory suggested that the name originated when Portuguese or Spanish explorers, having explored the northern part of the continent and unable to find gold and silver, wrote cá nada (‘nothing here’ in Portuguese), acá nada, aqui nada or el cabo de nada (‘Cape Nothing’ in Spanish) on that part of their maps.[18] An alternative explanation favoured by philologist Marshall Elliott linked the name to the Spanish word cañada, meaning ‘glen’ or ‘valley’.[19][20]

The earliest iterations of the Spanish «nothing here» theory stated that the explorers made the declaration upon visiting the Bay of Chaleur,[21] while later versions left out any identifying geographic detail.

The known Portuguese presence in modern Canadian territory, meanwhile, was located in Newfoundland and Labrador. Neither region is located anywhere near Iroquoian territory, and the name Canada does not appear on any Spanish or Portuguese maps of the North American coast that predate Cartier’s visit.[20] No name for the Bay of Chaleur is attested at all in Spanish sources from that period, while the only name for Newfoundland attested in Portuguese sources is Terra Nova do Bacalhau, after the region’s plentiful cod.

In most versions of the Iberian origin theory, the Spanish or Portuguese passed their name on to the Iroquois, who rapidly adopted it in place of their own prior word for a village;[20] however, no historical evidence for any such Iberian-Iroquoian interaction has ever actually been found.[20] Elliott’s «valley» theory, conversely, was that the Spanish gave their name for the area directly to Jacques Cartier, who then entirely ignored or passed over the virtually identical Iroquoian word.[20] According to Elliott, Cartier never explicitly stated that there was a direct connection between canada or kanata as the Iroquoian word for ‘village’ and Canada as the new name of the entire territory, and never accounted for the spelling difference between kanata and Canada—and thus the Spanish etymology had to be favoured because the spellings matched.[20] Notably, Cartier never wrote of having any awareness of any preexisting Spanish or Portuguese name for the region either, meaning that Elliott’s allegation that the kanata derivation was not adequately supported by Cartier’s own writing on the matter was also true of his own preferred theory.

Franciscan priest André Thevet claimed that the word derived from segnada Canada, an answer reportedly given by Spaniards in the St. Lawrence Valley area when asked what their purpose was; according to Thevet, the phrase meant that they were seeking land[22] or that they were hunting.[23] These words do not actually exist in Spanish, however.

Minor or humorous theories[edit]

British philologist B. Davies surmised that by the same process which initially saw the First Nations mislabelled as Indians, the country came to be named for the Carnata region of India or that region’s Kannada ethnic group;[24] however, this theory has attracted no significant support from other academics.[11]

Additional theories have attributed the name «Canada» to: a word in an unspecified indigenous language for ‘mouth of the country’ in reference to the Gulf of St. Lawrence;[11] a Cree word for ‘neat or clean’;[25] a claimed Innu war cry of «kan-na-dun, Kunatun«;[23] a shared Cree and Innu word, p’konata, which purportedly meant ‘without a plan’ or ‘I don’t know’;[26] a short-lived French colony purportedly established by a settler whose surname was Cane;[11] Jacques Cartier’s description elsewhere in his writings of Labrador as «the land God gave to Cain;» or, to a claim that the early French habitants demanded a «can a day» of spruce beer from the local intendant[11] (a claim easily debunked by the facts that the habitants would have been speaking French, not English, and that canning did not exist until the 19th century).

In their 1983 book The Anglo Guide to Survival in Québec, humourists Josh Freed and Jon Kalina tied the Iberian origin theory to the phrase nada mas caca (‘nothing but shit’).[27] No historian or linguist has ever analyzed this explanation as anything more than an obvious joke.


The demonym «Canadien» or «Canadian» once referred exclusively to the indigenous groups who were native to the territory.[20] Its use was extended over time to the French settlers of New France, and later the English settlers of Upper Canada.[20]

Colonial usage[edit]

New France[edit]

European explorer Jacques Cartier transcribed the Saint-Lawrence Iroquoian word (pronounced [kanata]) as «Canada» and was the first European to use the word to refer not only to the village of Stadacona but also to the neighbouring region and to the Saint Lawrence River, which he called rivière de Canada during his second voyage in 1535.[28][29] By the mid 1500s, European books and maps began referring to this region as Canada.[30]

Canada soon after became the name of a colony in New France that stretched along the St. Lawrence River.[30][31] The terms «Canada» and «New France» were often used interchangeably during the colonial period.[30]

British North America[edit]

After the British conquest of New France (including ceding of the French colony, Canada) in 1763, the colony was renamed the Province of Quebec. Following the American Revolution and the influx of United Empire Loyalists into Quebec, the colony was split on 26 December 1791 into Upper and Lower Canada, sometime being collectively known as «The Canadas», the first time that the name «Canada» was used officially in the British regime.[32]

Some reports from the 1840s suggest that in that era, the word «Canada» was commonly pronounced «Kaugh-na-daugh» rather than its more contemporary pronunciation.[20]

Upper and Lower Canada were merged into one colony, the Province of Canada, in 1841, based on the recommendations of the Durham Report.[11] The former colonies were then known as Canada East and Canada West, and a single legislature was established with equal representation from each. Underpopulated Canada West opposed demands by Canada East for representation by population, but the roles reversed as Canada West’s population surpassed the east’s. The single colony remained governed in this way until 1 July 1867, often with coalition governments. A new capital city was being built at Ottawa, chosen in 1857 by Queen Victoria, and became a national capital.

Selection of the name Canada[edit]

Proclamation announcing the formation of one Dominion, under the name of CANADA, 1867

At the conferences held in London to determine the form of confederation that would unite the Province of Canada (now Ontario and Quebec), the Province of New Brunswick, and the Province of Nova Scotia, a delegate from either Nova Scotia or New Brunswick proposed the name Canada in February 1867, and it was unanimously accepted by the other delegates. There appears to have been little discussion,[33] though other names were suggested.

Other proposed names[edit]

While the provinces’ delegates spent little time, if any, in settling on Canada as the name for the new country, others proposed a variety of other names:[34][11]

  • Anglia – the medieval Latin name for England
  • Albionoria – ‘Albion of the north’
  • Borealia – from borealis, the Latin word for ‘northern’; compare with Australia
  • Cabotia – in honour of Italian explorer John Cabot, who explored the eastern coast of Canada for England
  • Colonia
  • Efisga – an acronym of English, French, Irish, Scottish, German, Aboriginal
  • Hochelaga – an old name for Montreal
  • Laurentia
  • Mesopelagia – ‘land between the seas’
  • New Albion
  • Norland
  • Superior
  • Tupona – acronym for The United Provinces of North America
  • Transatlantica
  • Ursalia – ‘place of bears’
  • Vesperia – ‘land of the evening star’
  • Victorialand – in honour of Queen Victoria

Walter Bagehot of The Economist newspaper in London argued that the new nation should be called Northland or Anglia instead of Canada.[35] On these names, the statesman Thomas D’Arcy McGee commented, «Now I would ask any honourable member of the House how he would feel if he woke up some fine morning and found himself, instead of a Canadian, a Tuponian or a Hochelegander?».[36]

Kingdom and Dominion[edit]

Working towards the Confederation of Canada, Canada’s founders deliberated on the official title for their new country, primarily between the «Kingdom of Canada» or the «Dominion of Canada.»[37][38]

In J. S. Ewart’s two volume work, The Kingdom Papers,[39][40] it is noted that the following names were considered for the union of British North America: «The United Colony of Canada», «the United Provinces of Canada», and «the Federated Provinces of Canada».[41] Ewart was also an ardent advocate for the formation of «the Republic of Canada», a position which was rarely expressed in those times.[42]

Kingdom of Canada[edit]

During the Charlottetown Conference of 1864, John A. Macdonald, who later became the first Prime Minister of Canada, talked of «founding a great British monarchy,» in connection with the British Empire. He advocated, in the fourth Canadian draft of the British North America Act, the name «Kingdom of Canada[37] in the text is said:

The word ‘Parliament’ shall mean the Legislature or Parliament of the Kingdom of Canada.
The word ‘Kingdom’ shall mean and comprehend the United Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.

The words ‘Privy Council’ shall mean such persons as may from time to time be appointed, by the Governor General, and sworn to aid and advise in the Government of the Kingdom.[43]

Canada’s founders, led by Macdonald, wished their new nation to be called the Kingdom of Canada in order to «fix the monarchical basis of the constitution.»[44] The governor general at the time, The 4th Viscount Monck, supported the move to designate Canada a kingdom;[45] however, officials at the Colonial Office in London opposed this potentially «premature» and «pretentious» reference for a new country. They were also wary of antagonizing the United States, which had emerged from its Civil War as a formidable military power with unsettled grievances because British interests had sold ships to the Confederacy despite a blockade, and thus opposed the use of terms such as kingdom or empire to describe the new country.[46]

Adoption of Dominion[edit]

Map of the British Empire under Queen Victoria at the end of the nineteenth century. «Dominions» refers to all territories belonging to the Crown.

Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, Premier of New Brunswick, suggested the term Dominion,[i] inspired by Psalm 72:8 (from the King James Bible): «He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.»[38] This is also echoed in Canada’s motto: A Mari Usque Ad Mare (Latin for ‘from sea to sea’).[47]

The term Dominion had been used for centuries to refer to the lands held by a monarch,[48] and had previously been adopted as titles for the Dominion of New England and the Dominion and Colony of Virginia. It continued to apply as a generic term for the major colonial possessions of the British Empire until well into the 20th century;[49] although Tilley and the other Fathers of Confederation broadened the meaning of the word dominion to a «virtual synonym for sovereign state.»[50] Its adoption as a title for Canada in 1867 served the purpose of upholding the monarchist principle in Canada; in a letter to Queen Victoria, Lord Carnarvon stated:[51]

The North American delegates are anxious that the United Provinces should be designated as the ‘Dominion of Canada.’ It is a new title, but intended on their part as a tribute to the Monarchical principle which they earnestly desire to uphold.[51]

Macdonald, however, bemoaned its adoption. In a letter to Lord Knutsford on the topic of the loss of the use of the word kingdom, Macdonald said:

Canadian post card from 1905.

A great opportunity was lost in 1867 when the Dominion was formed out of the several provinces…The declaration of all the B.N.A. provinces that they desired as one dominion to remain a portion of the Empire, showed what wise government and generous treatment would do, and should have been marked as an epoch in the history of England. This would probably have been the case had Lord Carnarvon, who, as colonial minister, had sat at the cradle of the new Dominion, remained in office. His ill-omened resignation was followed by the appointment of the late Duke of Buckingham, who had as his adviser the then Governor General, Lord Monck — both good men, certainly, but quite unable, from the constitution of their minds, to rise to the occasion. Had a different course been pursued, for instance, had united Canada been declared to be an auxiliary kingdom, as it was in the Canadian draft of the bill, I feel sure almost that the Australian colonies would, ere this, have been applying to be placed in the same rank as The Kingdom of Canada.[52][53]

He added as a postscript that it was adopted on the suggestion of British colonial ministers to avoid offending republican sensibilities in the United States:

P.S. On reading the above over I see that it will convey the impression that the change of title from Kingdom to Dominion was caused by the Duke of Buckingham. This is not so. It was made at the instance of Lord Derby, then foreign minister, who feared the first name would wound the sensibilities of the Yankees. I mentioned this incident in our history to Lord Beaconsfield at Hughenden in 1879, who said, ‘I was not aware of the circumstance, but it is so like Derby, a very good fellow, but who lives in a region of perpetual funk.’[54]

Use of the term dominion was formalized in 1867 through Canadian Confederation. In the Constitution of Canada, namely the Constitution Act, 1867 (British North America Acts), the preamble of the Act indicates:

Whereas the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick have expressed their Desire to be federally united into One Dominion under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with a Constitution similar in Principle to that of the United Kingdom….[55]

Moreover, section 2 indicates that the provinces:

… shall form and be One Dominion under the Name of Canada; and on and after that Day those Three Provinces shall form and be One Dominion under that Name accordingly.[55]

French terms[edit]

The French translation of the 1867 British North America Act translated «One Dominion under the Name of Canada» as «une seule et même Puissance sous le nom de Canada» using Puissance (‘power’) as a translation for dominion. Later, the English loanword dominion was also used in French.[56]

The Fathers of Confederation met at the Quebec Conference of 1864 to discuss the terms of this new union. One issue on the agenda was to determine the Union’s «feudal rank» (see Resolution 71 of the Quebec Conference, 1864). The candidates for the classification of this new union were: le Royaume du Canada (‘the Kingdom or Realm of Canada’), l’Union du Canada (‘the Union of Canada’), and le Dominion du Canada (‘the Dominion of Canada’).

Use of Dominion[edit]

There are numerous references in United Kingdom Acts of Parliament to «the Dominion of Canada;» and the British North America Act, 1867 (BNA Act) referred to the formation of «one Dominion under the name of Canada.»[57] Section 4 of the BNA Act also declares that: «Unless it is otherwise expressed or implied, the Name Canada shall be taken to mean Canada as constituted under this Act;» this has been interpreted to mean that the title of the country is simply Canada. Nonetheless, the term «Dominion of Canada» appears in the Constitution Act, 1871—the usage of which was «sanctioned»[58]—and both «Canada» and «Dominion of Canada» appear in other texts of the period, as well as on numerous Canadian banknotes before 1935.

Until the 1950s, the term Dominion of Canada was commonly used to identify the country. As the country acquired political authority and autonomy from the United Kingdom, the federal government began using simply Canada on state documents. Quebec nationalist leaders also objected to dominion, arguing that it suggested Ottawa would have control over Quebec.

Under Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent, compromises were reached that quietly, and without legislation, «Dominion» would be retired in official names and statements, usually replaced by «federal». The St. Laurent government thereby ended the practice of using «Dominion» in the Statutes of Canada in 1951.[59]

The independence of the separate Commonwealth realms was emphasised after the accession of Queen Elizabeth II in 1952, when she was proclaimed not just as Queen of the United Kingdom, but also Queen of Canada, Queen of Australia, Queen of New Zealand, Queen of South Africa, and of all her other «realms and territories».[6] This also reflected the change from dominion to realm; in the proclamation of Queen Elizabeth II’s new titles in 1953, the phrase «of her other Realms and Territories» replaced «dominion» with another mediaeval French word with the same connotation, «realm» (from royaume).[60]

With that said, the national holiday of «Dominion Day» kept that name until May 1980, when a private member’s bill to replace the name with Canada Day was unexpectedly passed in the House. In the Senate, Eugene Forsey and the Monarchist League of Canada strongly defended the traditional usage. When a Gallup poll showed 70% of all Canadians favoured the change, the Senate approved the bill without a recorded vote.[61]

The Canada Act 1982 refers only to Canada and does not use the term dominion. No constitutional statute amends this name, nor does any Canadian legal document state that the name of the country is anything other than Canada.[62] Moreover, official sources of the United Nations system,[63][64]
international organizations (such as the Organization of American States),[65] the European Union,[66]
the United States,[67] and other polities with which Canada has official relations as a state either consistently use Canada as the only official name, affirm that Canada has no long-form name, or affirm that the formal name is simply Canada.

The terms Dominion and Dominion of Canada are still considered to be appropriate, although arcane, titles for the country.[68][69][70] The federal government continues to produce publications and educational materials that specify the currency of these titles, although these publications are not themselves legal or official documents.[71][72][73]
For instance, in 2008 the Canadian government registered the Maple Leaf Tartan, designed in 1964, with the Scottish Tartans Authority. The tartan’s alternate name is «Dominion of Canada.»[74][75]

The term Dominion and Dominion of Canada is also used in a colonial historical sense, having been used to distinguish contemporary (post-1867) Canada from either the earlier Province of Canada or from the even earlier The Canadas and modern history of the current realms.[76] The terms have also been used to distinguish the federal government from the provinces, though in this usage, «federal» has replaced «dominion». For example, The Canadian Almanac stopped using Dominion of Canada in 1964.[77]

See also[edit]

  • List of Canadian place names of royal heritage
  • Canadian provincial and territorial name etymologies
  • Origins of names of cities in Canada
  • List of Canadian place names of Ukrainian origin
  • List of Canadian place names of Indigenous origin
  • List of Canadian place names of English origin
  • List of Canadian place names of Scottish origin
  • List of Canadian place names of Spanish origin


  1. ^ «Dominion (noun).» Merriam-Webster Dictionary: «a self-governing nation of the Commonwealth of Nations other than the United Kingdom that acknowledges the British monarch as chief of state»


  1. ^ Olson, James Stuart; Shadle, Robert (1991). Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 109. ISBN 978-0-313-26257-9.
  2. ^ a b c Rayburn 2001, pp. 14–22.
  3. ^ Magocsi, Paul R. (1999). Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples. University of Toronto Press. p. 1048. ISBN 978-0-8020-2938-6.
  4. ^ «An Act to Re-write the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada». J.C. Fisher & W. Kimble. 1841. p. 20.
  5. ^ O’Toole, Roger (2009). «Dominion of the Gods: Religious continuity and change in a Canadian context». In Hvithamar, Annika; Warburg, Margit; Jacobsen, Brian Arly (eds.). Holy Nations and Global Identities: Civil Religion, Nationalism, and Globalisation. Brill. p. 137. ISBN 978-90-04-17828-1.
  6. ^ a b Morra, Irene (2016). The New Elizabethan Age: Culture, Society and National Identity after World War II. I.B.Tauris. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-85772-867-8.
  7. ^ «November 8, 1951 (21st Parliament, 5th Session)». Canadian Hansard Dataset. Retrieved April 9, 2019.
  8. ^ Bowden, J.W.J. (2015). «‘Dominion’: A Lament». The Dorchester Review. 5 (2): 58–64.
  9. ^ Buckner, Philip, ed. (2008). Canada and the British Empire. Oxford University Press. pp. 37–40, 56–59, 114, 124–125. ISBN 978-0-19-927164-1.
  10. ^ Courtney, John; Smith, David (2010). The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Politics. Oxford University Press. p. 114. ISBN 978-0-19-533535-4.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Rayburn 2001, pp. 14–17.
  12. ^ Mithun 1999, p. 312.
  13. ^ Hawkins, Alfred; John Charlton Fisher (1834). «7». Hawkins’s Picture of Quebec: With Historical Recollections. Printed for the proprietor by Neilson and Cowan. p. 111. in the note of Charlevoix, Nouvelle France, volume the first, page nine, of the quarto edition, and repeated in «Beautés de l’Histoire du Canada» affords the real solution of the difficulty: «Quelqu’uns derivent ce nom du mot Iroquois Kannata qui se prononce Cannada, et signifie un amas de cabanes;»–»Some derive this name from the Iroquois word Kannata, pronounced Cannada, signifying a collection of huts.»
  14. ^ Johansen 1999, p. 49.
  15. ^ «Heritage Minutes: Jacques Cartier» Archived 2013-10-04 at the Wayback Machine. Historica Foundation of Canada.
  16. ^ Francis, Jones & Smith 2009, p. 27.
  17. ^ Cook, Ramsay (2017). The Voyages of Jacques Cartier. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 9781442658042. Archived from the original on February 2, 2017.
  18. ^ John George Hodgins (1858). The Geography and History of British America, and of the Other Colonies of the Empire: To which are Added a Sketch of the Various Indian Tribes of Canada, and Brief Biographical Notices of Eminent Persons Connected with the History of Canada. Maclear & Company. p. 51.
  19. ^ «Further Conjectures as to the Origin of the Name ‘Canada'». The New York Times, September 5, 1908.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i Orkin 2010, pp. 38–43.
  21. ^ Jefferys, Thomas. 1754. The Conduct of the French, with Regard to Nova Scotia. London: T. Jefferys.
  22. ^ Gervais Carpin, Histoire d’un mot: l’ethnonyme «canadien» de 1535-1691. Les Éditions de Septentrion, 1995. ISBN 9782894480366. p. 50.
  23. ^ a b Olive Dickason, Le mythe du sauvage. Les Éditions de Septentrion, 1993. ISBN 9782921114967. p. 298.
  24. ^ Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, December 1861. p. 432.
  25. ^ John Maclean, Canadian Savage Folk: The Native Tribes of Canada. C. W. Coates, 1986.
  26. ^ Joseph Graham, Naming the Laurentians: A History of Place Names ‘up North’. Les Éditions Main Street, 2005. ISBN 9780973958607. p. 65
  27. ^ Josh Freed and Jon Kalina, The Anglo Guide to Survival in Québec. Eden Press, 1983. ISBN 978-0920792339. p. 89.
  28. ^ Marsh 1999, p. 355.
  29. ^ Roger E. Riendeau (2007). A Brief History of Canada. Infobase Publishing. p. 27. ISBN 978-1-4381-0822-3. Archived from the original on February 17, 2017.
  30. ^ a b c Warkentin & Podruchny 2001, p. 234.
  31. ^ MCC. «Le territoire Archived 2008-09-20 at the Wayback Machine», in La Nouvelle-France. Ressources françaises, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France), 1998, retrieved 2 August 2008
  32. ^ «Canadian Heritage — Origin of the Name — Canada». April 27, 2011. Archived from the original on October 12, 2011. Retrieved October 26, 2011.
  33. ^ Creighton, Donald. 1956. The Road to Confederation. Houghton Mifflin: Boston; p. 421.
  34. ^ «How Canada Got Its Name — Origin of the Name Canada». Archived from the original on December 7, 2010. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  35. ^ Moore, Christopher. 1997. 1867: How the Fathers Made a Deal. McClelland and Stewart: Toronto; p. 214.
  36. ^ John Robert Colombo (June 1, 2001). 1000 Questions About Canada: Places, People, Things, and Ideas : A Question-And-Answer Book on Canadian Facts and Culture. Dundurn Press Ltd. p. 335. ISBN 978-0-88882-232-1. Archived from the original on March 19, 2015.
  37. ^ a b Farthing, John; Freedom Wears a Crown; Toronto, 1957
  38. ^ a b «Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley» Archived 2007-10-01 at the Wayback Machine Library and Archives Canada.
  39. ^ Ewart 1912–1917, p. 331
  40. ^ Ewart 1912–1917, p. 393
  41. ^ Ewart 1912–1917, pp. 372–393; as per «Rank and Name», pp. 374–381.
  42. ^ Ewart 1912–1917, Imperial Projects and the Republic of Canada, pp. 262–393.
  43. ^ Pope, Joseph; Confederation; pg. 177
  44. ^ George M. Wrong; H. H. Langton (2009). The Chronicles of Canada: Volume VIII — The Growth of Nationality. Fireship Press. p. 60. ISBN 978-1-934757-51-2. Archived from the original on June 29, 2014. Retrieved July 1, 2010.
  45. ^ Hubbard, R.H.; Rideau Hall; McGill-Queen’s University Press; Montreal and London; 1977; p. 9
  46. ^ R. Douglas Francis; Richard Jones; Donald B. Smith (2009). Journeys: A History of Canada. Cengage Learning. p. 246. ISBN 978-0-17-644244-6. Archived from the original on March 19, 2015.
  47. ^ Reingard M. Nischik (2008). History of Literature in Canada: English-Canadian and French-Canadian. Camden House. p. 113. ISBN 978-1-57113-359-5. Archived from the original on March 19, 2015.
  48. ^ Treaty of Utrecht 1713 «Moreover, the most Christian King promises, as well in his own name, as in that of his heirs and successors, that they will at not time whatever disturb or give any molestation to the Queen of Great Britain, her heirs and successors, descended from the aforesaid Protestant line, who possess the crown of Great Britain, and the dominions belonging therunto.»
  49. ^ «… on the 23rd of April 1895, Tongaland was declared by proclamation to be added to the dominions of Queen Victoria … » («Africa» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). 1911. p. 343.)
  50. ^ Delisle, Jean (October 8, 2009). «Through the Lens of History: Translating dominion as puissance». Government of Canada. Archived from the original on December 24, 2013. Retrieved June 24, 2013.
  51. ^ a b «The Prince of Wales Royal Visit 2001, Quiz (Kids)». Canadian Heritage. January 9, 2009. Archived from the original on June 16, 2008. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  52. ^ Arthur Bousfield; Garry Toffoli (1991). Royal Observations: Canadians & Royalty. Dundurn Press Ltd. p. 152. ISBN 978-1-55002-076-2.
  53. ^ Joseph Pope (1894). Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Macdonald, G. C. B., first Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada. E. Arnold. p. 321.
  54. ^ «Senator Cools congratulates Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her Forty-Seventh Anniversary of Accession to Throne, Feb 11, 1999». Archived from the original on April 25, 2012. Retrieved October 26, 2011.
  55. ^ a b Dennis Ambrose O’Sullivan (1887). Government in Canada: The principles and institutions of our federal and provincial constitutions. The B. N. A. act, 1867, compared with the United States Constitution, with a sketch of the constitutional history of Canada. Carswell & co. p. 309.
  56. ^ Le Petit Robert 1: dictionnaire de la langue française, 1990.
  57. ^ Commonwealth and Colonial Law by Kenneth Roberts-Wray, London, Stevens, 1966. P. 17 (direct quote, word for word)
  58. ^ Martin, Robert. 1993. Eugene Forsey Memorial Lecture: A Lament for British North America. Archived 2005-10-17 at the Wayback Machine The Machray Review. Prayer Book Society of Canada.—A summative piece about nomenclature and pertinent history with abundant references.
  59. ^ «November 8, 1951 (21st Parliament, 5th Session)». Retrieved April 9, 2019.
  60. ^ King, Robert D.; Kilson, Robin W. (September 7, 1999). The Statecraft of British Imperialism: Essays in Honour of Wm. Roger Louis. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780714643786 – via Google Books.
  61. ^ Alan Rayburn, Naming Canada: Stories about Canadian Place Names (2001) pp 17–22.
  62. ^ «Government of Canada Translation Bureau, «List of Country Names»—Introduction notes that «The official name of a state (e.g. Islamic Republic of Iran), found under the common name (Iran), is taken from the United Nations Terminology Bulletin No. 347.»«. March 18, 2009. Archived from the original on January 17, 2010. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  63. ^ «The UN Terminology website «which holds records for each country containing the short and formal names in the six UN official languages, is the successor to UN Terminology». United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database (UNTERM.UN.ORG), Canada page. Archived from the original on May 8, 2014.
  64. ^
    «UNITED NATIONS GROUP OF EXPERTS ON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES, Working Paper No. 16» (PDF). p. Bulletin No. 347/Rev. 1. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 27, 2008.
  65. ^ «Organization of American States Office of Legal Cooperation, Member Country Information Page for Canada». Archived from the original on June 27, 2010. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  66. ^ «European Union Gateway Interinstutional Style Guide, List of Countries, territories and currencies — «Note 1, ‘Full name’ corresponds in most cases to the official name recognized by the United Nations.»«. Archived from the original on August 5, 2013. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  67. ^ «United States Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Independent States of the World—Canada: «no long-form name»«. January 1, 1979. Retrieved June 11, 2010.
  68. ^ Forsey, Eugene A., in Marsh, James H., ed. 1988. «DominionArchived 2017-01-22 at the Wayback Machine» The Canadian Encyclopedia. Hurtig Publishers: Toronto.
  69. ^ Rayburn 2001, pp. 19, 21.
  70. ^ Canadian Heritage: National Flag of Canada Day — How Did You Do? Archived 2011-06-11 at the Wayback Machine, Canada’s Digital Collections: Confederation 1867, Canadian Heritage: The Prince of Wales Royal Visit 2001, Quiz.
  71. ^ Canadian Heritage: National Flag of Canada Day — How Did You Do? Archived 2011-06-11 at the Wayback Machine, Canada’s Digital Collections: Confederation 1867, Canadian Heritage: The Prince of Wales Royal Visit 2001, Quiz
  72. ^
    Forsey, Eugene A. 2005. How Canadians Govern Themselves Archived 2009-03-25 at the Wayback Machine (PDF), 6th ed. Canada: Ottawa; pp. 8-9. The preface to the publication specifies that the opinions reflected are those of the author, and «do not necessarily reflect those of parliament.»
  73. ^
    «Territorial evolution». Atlas of Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Archived from the original on April 13, 2010. Retrieved October 9, 2007. In 1867, the colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are united in a federal state, the Dominion of Canada.
  74. ^ «Tartan Display». Scottish Tartan Authority. Retrieved April 10, 2019.
  75. ^ BRIAN LILLEY, Parliamentary Bureau (March 9, 2011). «It’s official, Maple Leaf Tartan is Canada’s tartan | Canada | News». Toronto Sun. Retrieved October 26, 2011.
  76. ^ «Dominion of Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia».
  77. ^ «Dominion of Canada FAQ». Retrieved April 9, 2019.


  • Ewart, J.S. (1912–1917). The Kingdom Papers. Vol. I. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild, and Stewart. Archived from the original on February 15, 2006.
  • Francis, R. Douglas; Jones, Richard; Smith, Donald B. (2009). Journeys: A History of Canada. Nelson College. ISBN 978-0176442446.
  • Johansen, Bruce Elliott (1999). The Encyclopedia of Native American Economic History. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0313306235.
  • Marsh, James H. (1999). The Canadian Encyclopedia. The Canadian Encyclopedia. ISBN 978-0-7710-2099-5. Archived from the original on March 25, 2017.
  • Mithun, Marianne (1999). The Languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-29875-X.
  • Orkin, Mark M (2010), «The Name Canada: An Etymological Enigma» (PDF), Canadian English: A Linguistic Reader, Kingston, Ontario: Strathy Language Unit, Queen’s University, archived from the original (PDF) on September 24, 2015
  • Rayburn, Alan (2001). Naming Canada: Stories about Canadian Place Names. University of Toronto Press. pp. 14–17. ISBN 978-0-8020-8293-0. Archived from the original on April 12, 2016.
  • Warkentin, Germaine; Podruchny, Carolyn (2001). Decentring the Renaissance: Canada and Europe in Multidisciplinary Perspective, 1500-1700. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0-8020-8149-0. Archived from the original on June 10, 2016.

Further reading[edit]

  • Choudry, Sujit. 2001(?). «Constitution Acts» (based on looseleaf by Hogg, Peter W.). Constitutional Keywords. University of Alberta, Centre for Constitutional Studies: Edmonton.
  • Gerald Hallowell (2004). The Oxford Companion to Canadian History. Oxford University Press Canada. ISBN 978-0-19-541559-9.

External links[edit]

  • Dominion of Canada FAQ
  • Origin of the Name — Canada — Canadian Heritage

The name Canada comes from a word, kanata, meaning village or settlement. In 1535, native inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct French explorer Jacques Cartier towards the village of Stadacona. Cartier later used the word Canada to refer not only to that particular village, but also the entire area; by 1545, European books and maps had begun referring to this region as Canada.
With a land area of 3.8 million square miles (nearly 10 million square kilometers), Canada is the world’s second-largest country. It also dominates the northern portion of the North American continent. Three oceans—the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic — border Canada’s shores. An undefended land border of 5,524 miles, the longest in the world, is shared with the continental United States to the south and with the state of Alaska to the northwest.
If you visit Canada, you should try to see Niagara Falls. These beautiful waterfalls, on the border between Canada and the United States, were once one of the most famous honeymoon spots in North America.
The nominal head of state is the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, and her Canadian representative is the Governor-General.
Canada is a federation of ten provinces and three territories. Formally considered a constitutional monarchy, Canada is governed by its own House of Commons. While the governor-general is officially the representative of Queen Elizabeth II, in reality the governor-general acts only on the advice of the Canadian prime minister.
Canada’s national government — Parliament — is run by the Prime Minister. Parliament includes the House of Commons, the Senate, and the Governor General, who represents the Queen.
Canada is a bilingual country: It has two official languages: English and French.
The native peoples of the far north were given a name they did not want – “Eskimo,” literally “eaters of raw meat.” Given the history, it is hardly surprising that modern-day leaders of Canada’s aboriginal peoples have rejected these names in favor of others: aboriginal, native Canadians, and First Nations are all acceptable, though the people of the north prefer Inuit (meaning “the people”). Included among Canada’s native peoples are the Métis, mixed race descendants of French fur traders who married First Nations women. The Métis (a French word meaning “mixed”) developed their own distinct culture on the prairies.
National symbols are influenced by natural, historical, and First Nations sources. Particularly, the use of the maple leaf as a Canadian symbol dates back to the early 18th century and is depicted on its current and previous flags, the penny, and on the coat of arms. Other prominent symbols include the beaver, Canada Goose, the Crown, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Королевская канадская конная полиция), and more recently the totem pole and Inukshuk.
Canada’s official national sports are ice hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the summer. Ice hockey is a national pastime and the most popular spectator sport in the country. It is the most popular sport Canadians play. After hockey, other popular sports include curling and football, golf, baseball, skiing, soccer, volleyball, and basketball.
Canada celebrates many of the same holidays as the United States, especially religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas. In May, Canadians can also be found celebrating Queen Victoria’s birthday, with gatherings of friends and family. This commemorative day, celebrated since 1845 in honor of then-reigning Queen Victoria of England, is viewed as the first of the summer holidays.
Celebrations large and small occur throughout Canada on July 1 for Canada Day. Fireworks, picnics, parades, and patriotic events commemorate the anniversary of the formation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Another public holiday, occurring the first weekend of August, is known as the August Civic Holiday. This is the next to last (with Labor Day still to come in September) of summer holidays. During this holiday,
Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated much as it is in the United States, except for an earlier date, reflecting the earlier end to the growing season further north. Celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada, this autumnal event truly incorporates a bounty of harvest to be thankful for.
Incredible shows of leaves changing colors, active harvesting of the land, and plates of turkey with all the trimmings indicate the presence of Thanksgiving.
Canadians can often be found enjoying the luxury of the mountains, beaches, lakes, and beautiful outdoor scenery that the country is blessed with.
Ottawa is the capital of Canada and the country’s fourth largest municipality. Ottawa is governed by a 24 member City Council. The members of this council are elected by the residents of Ottawa. Each councilor represents one ward (sub region) within Ottawa. The mayor however represents Ottawa as a whole.
The city is situated along the Ontario side of the Ottawa River, opposite Gatineau, Quebec. 1.4 million people live in the City of Ottawa. Unique as a North American capital, the city is bilingual with the majority of the population speaking English and a significant number also speaking French.
Ottawa is home to many of the world’s cultures as thousands of immigrants from around the world now call Ottawa home. The city is probably best known as the nation’s capital but has become one of the fastest growing cities in North America owing to the booming high-tech business sector.
Montreal is the cultural capital of Quebec and the main entry point to the province. The second largest city in Canada, it is a city rich in culture and history, has an inordinate number of attractive, fashionably dressed people, and a well-deserved reputation as one of the liveliest cities in North America. Montreal is home to the second-largest population of native French speakers in the world, behind Paris.
Montreal is home to one of Canada’s oldest and most prestigious universities, McGill University. Concordia University is the city’s other English-language university and has over 30,000 students.
The Université de Montréal is the second largest French-language university in the world, after the Sorbonne in Paris and is one of the largest research institutions in Canada.
Calgary is well-known as a destination for winter sports and ecotourism with a number of major mountain resorts near the city and metropolitan area. Economic activity in Calgary is mostly centred on the petroleum industry; however, agriculture, tourism, and high-tech industries also contribute to the city’s fast economic growth. In 1988, Calgary became the first Canadian city to host the Olympic Winter Games, and one of the fastest long track speed skating ice rinks in the world was built at the University of Calgary to accommodate these Games.
Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. Ontario is known as the Golden Horseshoe which is home to 8.1 million residents.
As Canada’s economic capital, Toronto is considered a global city and is one of the top financial cities in the world. Toronto’s leading economic sectors include finance, business services, telecommunications, aerospace, transportation, media, arts, film, television production, publishing, software production, medical research, education, tourism, and sports industries. The Toronto Stock Exchange, the world’s seventh largest, is in the city, along with a majority of Canada’s corporations.
Toronto is a cosmopolitan city with a wonderful network of parks, recreational, and cultural facilities. It is the largest city in Canada. Toronto is the home of seven professional sports teams and the third largest English-speaking theatre district in the world, behind New York and London. Toronto has also been labeled a «world city».
The Niagara Region, including Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake, is about an hour’s drive from Toronto towards the United States border at the Falls.
Edmonton is Canada’s second most populous provincial capital (after Toronto) and is a cultural, government and educational centre. It is home to North America’s largest mall: West Edmonton Mall, Canada’s largest historic park: Fort Edmonton, and North America’s largest urban parkland network. It has brilliant spectator sports, and is Canada’s Festival City, home to a growing and established retail market, bustling nightlife, and a large number of professional golf courses.
It plays host to a year-round slate of world-class festivals, earning it the title of «The Festival City.»
Quebec City is the capital of the province of Quebec in Canada. Located at a commanding position on cliffs overlooking the St. Lawrence Seaway, Quebec City’s Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the only city in North America, north of Mexico with its original city walls.
Quebec City is internationally known for its Summer Festival, Winter Carnival and the Château Frontenac, a hotel which dominates the city skyline.
Among the tourist attractions near the city are Montmorency Falls and the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré in the town of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Название Канада происходит от слова, каната, смысл деревне или урегулирования. В 1535 году коренные жители современного города Квебек региона используется слово прямой французский исследователь Жак Картье к деревне Стадаконе. Картье позже использовал слово Канада для обозначения не только этой конкретной деревне, но и всей области; в 1545 европейские книги и карты начали, ссылаясь на этот регион, как Канада.С площадью 3,8 миллиона квадратных миль (около 10 миллионов квадратных километров) Канада является второй по величине страной в мире. Он также доминирует в северной части северо-американского континента. Трех океанов — Тихого океана, Арктики и Атлантики — граница побережье Канады. Незащищенные сухопутной границы 5,524 км, самая длинная в мире, совместно с континентальной части Соединенных Штатов на юге и в штате Аляска на северо-западе.Если вы посещаете Канады, вы должны попробовать увидеть Ниагарский водопад. Эти красивые водопады, на границе между Канадой и Соединенными Штатами, когда-то были одним из самых известных мест для новобрачных в Северной Америке.Номинальный глава государства — британский монарх, в настоящее время королева Елизавета II, и ее представитель Канады является генерал-губернатор.Канада представляет собой федерацию из десяти провинций и трех территорий. Официально считается конституционной монархии, Канада регулируется собственной палаты общин. Несмотря на то, что генерал-губернатор официально представитель королевы Елизаветы II, на самом деле генерал-губернатор действует только по рекомендации премьер-министром Канады.Национальное правительство Канады — парламент — находится в ведении премьер-министра. Парламент включает в себя в палате общин, Сенат и генерал-губернатором, который представляет королеву.Канада является двуязычной страной: она имеет два официальных языка: английский и французский языки.Коренные народы Крайнего Севера дали имя, они не хотят – «Эскимо, «буквально «пожиратели сырого мяса». Учитывая историю, это не удивительно, что современные лидеры коренных народов Канады отвергли эти имена в пользу других: аборигенов, родной канадцев, и первый Наций все приемлемы, хотя предпочитают люди севера инуитов (что означает «люди»). Среди коренных народов Канады являются метисами, смешанные расы потомки французского меха торговцев, которые замуж женщин. Метисов (французское слово, означающее «смешанные») разработали свою собственную самобытную культуру на прерии.Национальные символы находятся под влиянием природных, исторических и первый Наций источников. В частности использование как символ канадский кленовый лист восходит к начале XVIII века и изображен на его текущий и предыдущие флаги, копейки и на гербе. Другие известные символы включают бобра, Канадская казарка, Корона, КККП (Королевская канадская конная полиция Королевская канадская конная полиция) и совсем недавно тотемный столб и сложенная.Официальный национальный спортивный Канады являются хоккей зимой и Лакросс в летнее время. Хоккей является национальным времяпрепровождением и самых популярных зритель спорта в стране. Это самые популярные спорта канадцев играть. После хоккея другие популярные виды спорта включают керлинга и футбол, гольф, бейсбол, Катание на лыжах, футбол, волейбол и баскетбол.Канада празднует многие же праздников как Соединенные Штаты, особенно религиозные праздники, как Пасха и Рождество. В мае канадцы могут найти празднует день рождения королевы Виктории, с встреч друзей и семьи. Этот памятный день, который отмечается с 1845 года в честь царствующего тогда королева Виктория Англии, рассматривается как первый из летних каникул.1 июля День Канады праздников больших и малых происходят по всей Канаде. Фейерверки, пикники, парады и патриотических мероприятий в годовщину образования Доминион Канада в 1867 году. Еще один праздник, происходящие в первые выходные августа, известен как гражданский праздник августа. Это рядом с последней (с еще день труда приехать в сентябре) из летних праздников. Во время этого праздника,Канадские благодарения отмечается столько, сколько это в Соединенных Штатах, за исключением более раннюю дату, отражает ранее конца вегетации далее север. Отмечается во второй понедельник октября в Канаде, это осеннее событие действительно включает в себя щедрость урожая чтобы быть благодарны за.Невероятное шоу листьев, изменение цвета, активной заготовки из земли и пластины из Турции со всеми отделкой указывают на наличие благодарения.Канадцы часто можно найти наслаждаясь роскошью горы, пляжи, озера и открытый пейзажами, что страна является благословил с.Оттава-столица Канады и четвертым по величине муниципалитете страны. Оттава регулируется 24 члена городского Совета. Члены этого Совета избираются жителями Оттавы. Каждый советник представляет один Уорд (суб-регион) в Оттаве. Однако мэр представляет Оттава в целом.Город расположен вдоль реки Оттавы, напротив Гатино, Квебек Онтарио. 1.4 миллиона человек живут в городе Оттава. Уникальный столицей Северной Америки, город является двуязычным с большинством населения, выступая английский и значительное число выступая также французский.Оттава является домом для многих из мировых культур, как тысячи иммигрантов со всего мира теперь называют Оттава домой. Город, вероятно, наиболее известен как столица страны, но стал одним из наиболее быстро растущих городов в Северной Америке благодаря бум сектора бизнес хай тек.Монреаль является культурной столицей провинции Квебек и главной точкой входа в провинции. Второй по величине город в Канаде, это город с богатой культурой и историей, имеет чрезмерное количество привлекательных, модно одетых людей и вполне заслуженную репутацию как один из самых оживленных городов в Северной Америке. Монреаль является домом для второй по величине населения французский носителей в мире, за Париж. Монреаль является домом для одной из Канады старейших и самых престижных университетов, университета МакГилл. Университет Конкордия — город другого английского языка университета и имеет более 30 000 студентов.Монреальский университет является вторым по величине университетом французского языка в мире, после Сорбонны в Париже и является одним из крупнейших научно-исследовательских учреждений в Канаде.Калгари известен как место назначения для зимних видов спорта и экотуризма с рядом крупных горных курортов вблизи города и агломерации. Экономическая активность в Калгари главным образом сосредоточена на нефтяной промышленности; Однако сельское хозяйство, туризм и высокотехнологичные отрасли промышленности также способствуют быстрый экономический рост города. В 1988 году Калгари стал первым канадским городом, провести зимние Олимпийские игры, и в Университете Калгари для размещения этих игр был построен один из быстрых длинный трек Конькобежный ледовых катков в мире.Торонто является крупнейшим городом в Канаде и столица провинции Онтарио. Онтарио известен как Золотая подкова, которая является домом для 8,1 млн жителей.Как экономическая столица Канады Торонто считается глобальным городом и является одним из лучших финансовых городов в мире. Торонто ведущих отраслей экономики включают в себя финансы, Бизнес услуги, телекоммуникации, аэрокосмической, транспорт, средства массовой информации, искусство, кино, телевизионного производства, публикации, производства программного обеспечения, медицинских исследований, образования, туризма и спорта промышленности. Фондовая биржа Торонто, седьмой по величине, в мире находится в городе, а также большинство корпораций Канады.Торонто — космополитический город с прекрасным сети парков, рекреационных, и культурных объектов. Это самый большой город в Канаде. Торонто является домом для семи профессиональных спортивных команд и третьим по величине англо говорящих театральный район в мире, уступая Нью-Йорке и Лондоне. Торонто также был назван «город мира».Ниагара региона, включая Ниагарский водопад и Ниагара на озере, находится примерно в часе езды от Торонто к границе Соединенных Штатов у водопада.Эдмонтон является вторым наиболее густонаселенных столица провинции Канады (после Торонто) и является культурным, правительство и образовательный центр. Она является домом для Северной Америки крупнейший торговый центр: крупнейший исторический парк Западный Эдмонтон, Канада: Форт Эдмонтон и Северной Америке крупнейших городских парков сети. Она имеет блестящий зрительский Спорт и фестиваль город Канады, домом для растущего и установленных розничного рынка, оживленная ночная жизнь и большое количество профессиональных полей для гольфа.Он играет пребывания для круглогодичного Шифер фестивалей мирового класса, зарабатывая ему название «Фестиваль города.» Квебек-Сити-столица провинции Квебек в Канаде. Старый город Квебек расположен на командные позиции на скалы с видом на Seaway Святого Лаврентия, в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО и единственным городом в Северной Америке, к северу от Мексики с ее оригинальной стены города.Квебек известен на международном уровне ее летний фестиваль, зимний карнавал и Château Frontenac, отель, который доминирует над горизонтом города.Среди туристических достопримечательностей вблизи города являются Montmorency Falls и базилики Сент-Анн де Бопре в городе Сент-Анн де Бопре

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


The name Canada comes from a word, kanata, meaning village or settlement. In 1535, native inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct French explorer Jacques Cartier towards the village of Stadacona. Cartier later used the word Canada to refer not only to that particular village, but also the entire area; by 1545, European books and maps had begun referring to this region as Canada.
With a land area of 3.8 million square miles (nearly 10 million square kilometers), Canada is the world’s second-largest country. It also dominates the northern portion of the North American continent. Three oceans—the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic — border Canada’s shores. An undefended land border of 5,524 miles, the longest in the world, is shared with the continental United States to the south and with the state of Alaska to the northwest.
If you visit Canada, you should try to see Niagara Falls. These beautiful waterfalls, on the border between Canada and the United States, were once one of the most famous honeymoon spots in North America.
The nominal head of state is the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, and her Canadian representative is the Governor-General.
Canada is a federation of ten provinces and three territories. Formally considered a constitutional monarchy, Canada is governed by its own House of Commons. While the governor-general is officially the representative of Queen Elizabeth II, in reality the governor-general acts only on the advice of the Canadian prime minister.
Canada’s national government — Parliament — is run by the Prime Minister. Parliament includes the House of Commons, the Senate, and the Governor General, who represents the Queen.
Canada is a bilingual country: It has two official languages: English and French.
The native peoples of the far north were given a name they did not want – “Eskimo,” literally “eaters of raw meat.” Given the history, it is hardly surprising that modern-day leaders of Canada’s aboriginal peoples have rejected these names in favor of others: aboriginal, native Canadians, and First Nations are all acceptable, though the people of the north prefer Inuit (meaning “the people”). Included among Canada’s native peoples are the Métis, mixed race descendants of French fur traders who married First Nations women. The Métis (a French word meaning “mixed”) developed their own distinct culture on the prairies.
National symbols are influenced by natural, historical, and First Nations sources. Particularly, the use of the maple leaf as a Canadian symbol dates back to the early 18th century and is depicted on its current and previous flags, the penny, and on the coat of arms. Other prominent symbols include the beaver, Canada Goose, the Crown, the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Королевская канадская конная полиция), and more recently the totem pole and Inukshuk.
Canada’s official national sports are ice hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the summer. Ice hockey is a national pastime and the most popular spectator sport in the country. It is the most popular sport Canadians play. After hockey, other popular sports include curling and football, golf, baseball, skiing, soccer, volleyball, and basketball.
Canada celebrates many of the same holidays as the United States, especially religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas. In May, Canadians can also be found celebrating Queen Victoria’s birthday, with gatherings of friends and family. This commemorative day, celebrated since 1845 in honor of then-reigning Queen Victoria of England, is viewed as the first of the summer holidays.
Celebrations large and small occur throughout Canada on July 1 for Canada Day. Fireworks, picnics, parades, and patriotic events commemorate the anniversary of the formation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Another public holiday, occurring the first weekend of August, is known as the August Civic Holiday. This is the next to last (with Labor Day still to come in September) of summer holidays. During this holiday,
Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated much as it is in the United States, except for an earlier date, reflecting the earlier end to the growing season further north. Celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada, this autumnal event truly incorporates a bounty of harvest to be thankful for.
Incredible shows of leaves changing colors, active harvesting of the land, and plates of turkey with all the trimmings indicate the presence of Thanksgiving.
Canadians can often be found enjoying the luxury of the mountains, beaches, lakes, and beautiful outdoor scenery that the country is blessed with.
Ottawa is the capital of Canada and the country’s fourth largest municipality. Ottawa is governed by a 24 member City Council. The members of this council are elected by the residents of Ottawa. Each councilor represents one ward (sub region) within Ottawa. The mayor however represents Ottawa as a whole.
The city is situated along the Ontario side of the Ottawa River, opposite Gatineau, Quebec. 1.4 million people live in the City of Ottawa. Unique as a North American capital, the city is bilingual with the majority of the population speaking English and a significant number also speaking French.
Ottawa is home to many of the world’s cultures as thousands of immigrants from around the world now call Ottawa home. The city is probably best known as the nation’s capital but has become one of the fastest growing cities in North America owing to the booming high-tech business sector.
Montreal is the cultural capital of Quebec and the main entry point to the province. The second largest city in Canada, it is a city rich in culture and history, has an inordinate number of attractive, fashionably dressed people, and a well-deserved reputation as one of the liveliest cities in North America. Montreal is home to the second-largest population of native French speakers in the world, behind Paris.
Montreal is home to one of Canada’s oldest and most prestigious universities, McGill University. Concordia University is the city’s other English-language university and has over 30,000 students.
The Université de Montréal is the second largest French-language university in the world, after the Sorbonne in Paris and is one of the largest research institutions in Canada.
Calgary is well-known as a destination for winter sports and ecotourism with a number of major mountain resorts near the city and metropolitan area. Economic activity in Calgary is mostly centred on the petroleum industry; however, agriculture, tourism, and high-tech industries also contribute to the city’s fast economic growth. In 1988, Calgary became the first Canadian city to host the Olympic Winter Games, and one of the fastest long track speed skating ice rinks in the world was built at the University of Calgary to accommodate these Games.
Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. Ontario is known as the Golden Horseshoe which is home to 8.1 million residents.
As Canada’s economic capital, Toronto is considered a global city and is one of the top financial cities in the world. Toronto’s leading economic sectors include finance, business services, telecommunications, aerospace, transportation, media, arts, film, television production, publishing, software production, medical research, education, tourism, and sports industries. The Toronto Stock Exchange, the world’s seventh largest, is in the city, along with a majority of Canada’s corporations.
Toronto is a cosmopolitan city with a wonderful network of parks, recreational, and cultural facilities. It is the largest city in Canada. Toronto is the home of seven professional sports teams and the third largest English-speaking theatre district in the world, behind New York and London. Toronto has also been labeled a «world city».
The Niagara Region, including Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake, is about an hour’s drive from Toronto towards the United States border at the Falls.
Edmonton is Canada’s second most populous provincial capital (after Toronto) and is a cultural, government and educational centre. It is home to North America’s largest mall: West Edmonton Mall, Canada’s largest historic park: Fort Edmonton, and North America’s largest urban parkland network. It has brilliant spectator sports, and is Canada’s Festival City, home to a growing and established retail market, bustling nightlife, and a large number of professional golf courses.
It plays host to a year-round slate of world-class festivals, earning it the title of «The Festival City.»
Quebec City is the capital of the province of Quebec in Canada. Located at a commanding position on cliffs overlooking the St. Lawrence Seaway, Quebec City’s Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the only city in North America, north of Mexico with its original city walls.
Quebec City is internationally known for its Summer Festival, Winter Carnival and the Château Frontenac, a hotel which dominates the city skyline.
Among the tourist attractions near the city are Montmorency Falls and the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré in the town of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Имя Канада входит в word тропарем, смысл деревни или урегулирования. В 1535, «местным жителям в Квебеке региона используется слово в прямой по-французски internet explorer Жак Картье в направлении деревни Stadacona. Cartier выше, используется слово Канада не только в отношении этой конкретной деревни, но и всей области; в 1545,Европейский книги и карты начали в этом регионе как Канада.
с площадь 3,8 млн. квадратных миль (почти 10 млн. кв. км), Канада является второй в мире по величине страной. Кроме того, она доминирует в северной части северо-американского континента. Трех океанов — Тихого океана, в Арктике, и Атлантике — границу Канады по берегам. На незащищенные границы от 5 524 миль,

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The name «Canada» comes from «kanata,» the Iroquois-Huron word for «village» or «settlement.» The Iroquois used the word to describe the village of Stadacona, present-day Quebec City.

During his second voyage to «New France» in 1535, French explorer Jacques Cartier sailed up the Saint Lawrence River for the first time. The Iroquois pointed him in the direction of «kanata,» the village at Stadacona, which Cartier misinterpreted as a reference to both the village of Stadacona and the wider area subject to Donnacona, the Stadacona Iroquois chief.

During Cartier’s 1535 trip, the French established along the Saint Lawrence the colony of «Canada,» the first colony in what the French called «New France.» Use of «Canada» gained prominence from there. 

The Name «Canada» Takes Hold (1535 to the 1700s)

By 1545, European books and maps had begun referring to this small region along the Saint Lawrence River as «Canada.» By 1547, maps were showing the name Canada as everything north of the St. Lawrence River. Cartier referred to the St. Lawrence River as la rivière du Canada («the river of Canada»), and the name began to take hold. Even though the French called the region New France, by 1616 the entire area along the great river of Canada and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence was still called Canada.

As the country expanded to the west and the south in the 1700s, «Canada» was the unofficial name of an area spanning the American Midwest, extending as far south as what is now the state of Louisiana.

After the British conquered New France in 1763, the colony was renamed the Province of Quebec. Then, as British loyalists headed north during and after the American Revolutionary War, Quebec was divided into two parts.

Canada Becomes Official

In 1791, the Constitutional Act, also called the Canada Act, divided the Province of Quebec into the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada. This marked the first official use of the name Canada. In 1841, the two Quebecs were united again, this time as the Province of Canada.

On July 1, 1867, Canada was adopted as the legal name for the new country of Canada upon its confederation. On that date, the Confederation Convention formally combined the Province of Canada, which included Quebec and Ontario, with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick as «one Dominion under the name of Canada.» This produced the physical configuration of modern Canada, which is today the second largest country in the world by area (after Russia). July 1 is still celebrated as Canada Day.

Other Names Considered for Canada

Canada wasn’t the only name considered for the new dominion, although it was ultimately chosen by unanimous vote at the Confederation Convention. 

Several other names were suggested for the northern half of the North American continent leading up to confederation, some of which were later repurposed elsewhere in the country. The list included Anglia (a medieval Latin name for England), Albertsland, Albionora, Borealia, Britannia, Cabotia, Colonia, and Efisga, an acronym for the first letters of the countries England, France, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, with the «A» for «Aboriginal.»

Other names floated for consideration were Hochelaga, Laurentia (a geological name for part of North America), Norland, Superior, Transatlantia, Victorialand and Tuponia, an acrostic for The United Provinces of North America.

This is how the Canadian government remembers the name debate on ​

The debate was placed in perspective by Thomas D’Arcy McGee, who declared on February 9, 1865:

“I read in one newspaper not less than a dozen attempts to derive a new name. One individual chooses Tuponia and another Hochelaga as a suitable name for the new nationality. Now I ask any honourable member of this House how he would feel if he woke up some fine morning and found himself instead of a Canadian, a Tuponian or a Hochelagander.”

Fortunately for posterity, McGee’s wit and reasoning–along with common sense–prevailed…

The Dominion of Canada

«Dominion» became part of the name instead of «kingdom» as a clear reference that Canada was under British rule but still its own separate entity. After World War II, as Canada became more autonomous, the full name «Dominion of Canada» was used less and less.

The country’s name was officially changed to «Canada» in 1982 when the Canada Act was passed, and it’s been known by that name ever since.

The Fully Independent Canada

Canada did not become fully independent from Britain until 1982 when its constitution was «patriated» under the Constitution Act of 1982, or the Canada Act, The act essentially transferred the country’s highest law, the British North America Act, from the authority of the British Parliament—a connection from the colonial past—to Canada’s federal and provincial legislatures.

The document contains the original statute that established the Canadian Confederation in 1867 (the British North America Act), amendments that the British Parliament made to it over the years, and Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the result of fierce negotiations between the federal and provincial governments that set down basic rights ranging from freedom of religion to linguistic and educational rights based on the test of numbers.

Through it all, the name «Canada» has remained. 

The word "Canada" comes from the Huron- Iroquois word “Kanata”.

The word «Canada» comes from the Huron- Iroquois word “Kanata”.

Canada is the second largest country in the world occupying some 3.85 million square miles of the North American continent. With a wealth of natural resources and rich cultural heritage Canada continues to play an influential role in international economics and politics.

Aboriginal and British Influences

The Origin Of «Canada»

Before the arrival of European explorers, Canada was inhabited by a variety of First Nations peoples and this aboriginal culture continues to play a significant role in the country’s unique national identity. This fact is particularly evident in the names of Canada’s provinces and territories. A prominent example of this is the country’s name which is derived from the Huron- Iroquois word “Kanata” meaning settlement or village. It’s believed that this name was initially used to describe the modern day area of Quebec City by local aboriginals traveling with French explorer Jacques Cartier in 1535. By the year 1547, all of the land north of the St. Lawrence River came to be known as Canada.


Another example of the lasting legacy of Huron and Iroquois tribes is the provincial name of Ontario which comes from the native word for “great lake” or “beautiful waters”. This name seems appropriate for the nation’s most populous province due to its abundant freshwater lakes as well as its geographical location bordering a number of waterways and lakes including Hudson Bay, James Bay, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie. Ontario is also the site of the Canadian side of the majestic Niagara Falls (also known as Horseshoe Falls).


The province of Quebec lies just east of Ontario and has the distinction of being Canada’s largest province, in terms of area, encompassing over 500,000 square miles. Quebec is also the second most populated province in the nation with over seven million residents. The only Canadian province using French as the official language, Quebec’s heritage is deeply rooted in its history as a colony of France. The province takes its name from the Algonquin word “kébec” which means «where the river becomes narrow.» The river being referenced is the St. Lawrence, which has long been one of Canada’s most important trade routes.


The province of Manitoba takes its name from the Cree and Ojibwa Native America words meaning the «straits of the Great Spirit.» It is believed that this refers to an area now known as The Narrows which lies in the center of Lake Manitoba. It is also suggested that Manitoba’s name comes from the Assiniboine words meaning «Lake of the Prairie.» This region of Canada was home to indigenous tribes for thousands of years before the arrival of European explorers. The province was officially created in 1870 with the passing of The Manitoba Act.


The prairie province of Saskatchewan is located just west of Manitoba. Its name refers to the Saskatchewan River and originates from the Cree word meaning «river that flows swiftly.» The province contains over 22,000 square miles of freshwater rivers and lakes. Native American inhabitants of Saskatchewan first encountered Europeans in 1690, but the region wasn’t designated as a Canadian province until 1905.

British Columbia

Canada’s provincial names are also influenced by the nation’s long and historical relationship with Europe and Britain in particular. An obvious example of this is the west coast province of British Columbia. Its name, which refers to the British-controlled region drained by the Columbia River, was chosen by Queen Victoria in 1858. At that time the southern portion of this area was controlled by the Americans and thus referred to as “American Columbia” before becoming the modern state of Oregon.


Just east of B.C. is the prairie province of Alberta. In 1905 this particular region of Canada took its name from Princess Louise Alberta, the fourth daughter and sixth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The British royal lived from 1848 to 1939 and is also commemorated in the names of Alberta’s Lake Louise (in Banff National Park) and Mount Alberta (in Jasper National Park).

Prince Edward Island

The tiny island province of Prince Edward Island is named after the son of King George III and Queen Victoria of England. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn was known as the «Father of the Canadian Crown» and lived from 1767 to 1820. Located on the country’s east coast P.E.I. is well known for its potatoes, seafood, and Anne of Green Gables, the beloved fictional character created by author Lucy Maud Montgomery. With a total land area of 2,190 square miles Prince Edward Island is home to less than 150,000 people.

New Brunswick

The name of the maritime province of New Brunswick is derived from the city of Braunschweig, Germany, the ancestral home of British monarch King George III. Located in the area of Lower Saxony in northern Germany Braunschweig was called Brunswick in English.

Newfoundland and Labrador

The first name of Canada’s easternmost province, Newfoundland, and Labrador is a translation of the Portuguese “Terra Nova” which literally means “newly found land.” Labrador is the Anglicized translation of the surname of Portuguese explorer Joao Fernandes Newfoundland, Lavrador, who was one of the first Europeans to explore the northeastern coast of North America.

Nova Scotia

With a population of less than a million and total land area of 21,345 square miles the province of Nova Scotia is the second smallest province in Canada. With deep roots in the United Kingdom. it is not surprising that the name Nova Scotia is the Latin version of “New Scotland.” The province took its name in 1621 and entered into the Canadian Confederation in 1867.

Origin of Name Of Canada’s Northern Territories

Two of Canada’s northern territories take their names from the Inuit language. The country’s newest, most northern, and least populated territory, Nunavut, can be translated to “our land” in the Eastern Canadian Inuit language. The Inuit are indigenous peoples who have historically lived in the Arctic regions of countries such as Canada, Greenland, and Alaska. In 1982 the federal government of Canada passed an act identifying the Inuit as a unique group of aboriginals rather than being considered part of the First Nations community. The area that is now Nunavut was officially created in 1999 but was once part of Canada’s Northwest Territories. Yukon is another of Canada’s northern territories. This region takes its name from the Gwich’in indigenous peoples’ word “Yu-kun-ah” which means «white-water river.» The Yukon River is being referred here. The Gwich’in are North American indigenous inhabitants who lived in the northernmost areas of the North American continent. Although the Yukon was once part of the Northwest Territories, it entered Canadian Confederation in 1898. The name of the Northwest Territories refers to the area’s location at the time of joining the nation in 1870.

Land of the True, North, Strong, and Free

Canada is a country made up of people from a variety of diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. One of the keys to understanding the nation’s storied history is by examining the origins of its provincial and territorial names. From its status as the homeland of a number of aboriginal communities to the subsequent arrival of European explorers and the modern day development of the northern territory of Nunavut Canada has continued to evolve throughout the years. In this way, the nation has been able to adapt while at the same time honor its vibrant history.

How Did Canada And Its Provinces Get Their Names?

Rank Place What Was It Named After?
1 Canada «Kanata», an Iroquoian word for «settlement».
2 Alberta British Princess Louise Alberta, daughter of Victoria and Albert.
3 British Columbia The British-controlled portion of the land drained by the Columbia River.
4 Manitoba Cree and Ojibwa Native America words meaning the «straits of the Great Spirit».
5 New Brunswick Anglicized form of Braunschweig, Germany, where British King George III hailed from.
6 Newfoundland and Labrador Literally, it was a newly found land; Labrador is the Anglicized version of Portuguese explorer Joao Lavrador’s last name.
7 Northwest Territories Reference to the territory’s location when formed as part of the Confederation of Canada in 1870.
8 Nova Scotia The Latin version of «New Scotland».
9 Nunavut Means «our land» in the Eastern Canadian Inuit language.
10 Ontario Words meaning «great lake» or «beautiful waters» in First Nations’ languages.
11 Prince Edward Island Prince Edward, song of British King George III and Queen Victoria.
12 Quebec The Algonquin kébec, «where the river becomes narrow».
13 Saskatchewan Cree words meaning «river that flows swiftly».
14 Yukon Words in Gwich’in indigenous peoples’ language meaning «white-water river».
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