The most hardest word to say

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What are the 10 most difficult words in English?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out.
  • Ironic.
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless)
  • Whom.
  • Colonel.
  • Nonplussed.
  • Disinterested.
  • Enormity.

What is the longest and hardest word to say in English?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica or quartz dust. The term is also a synonym for the disease known as “silicosis.” Everett K.

What are the 5 unfamiliar words?

5 unfamiliar words with meaning and example

  • Conduct: Personal behavior.
  • Scarce: Insufficient to satisfy the need.
  • Appoint: Assign to a position.
  • Level: Having no part higher than another.
  • Convince: To move by argument.
  • Inspire: To fill with an animating.
  • Know: To see or comprehend as reality or truth.

What are 20 difficult words?

20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.

Is there a word with 1000 letters?

It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What word takes 3.5 hours to say?

A word of warning… the “word” takes about 3.5 hours to say. The word is 189,819 letters long. It’s actually the name of a giant protein called Titin. Proteins are usually named by mashing-up the names of the chemicals making them.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. A perfect pangram is a pangram where each of the letters appears only once.

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.
  • Pochemuchka.
  • Gobbledegook.

What are the difficult words?

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say

  • Rural.
  • Sixth.
  • Sesquipedalian.
  • Phenomenon.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
  • Worcestershire.

What are some uncommon words?

10 unusual words to add to your English vocabulary

  • Anachronism. An anachronism is something (or someone) that is out of place in terms of time or chronology.
  • Accismus. A form of irony in which someone feigns indifference to something he or she desires.
  • Cacophony.
  • Draconian.
  • Limerence.
  • Pareidolia.
  • Riposte.
  • Sanctimony.

What are the 5 longest words?

10 Longest Words in the English Language

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)

What is the hardest spelling bee word?

Top Ten Most Brutal Spelling Bee Words

  • Soubrette. Year: 1953.
  • Albumen. Year: 1928.
  • Eudaemonic. Year: 1960.
  • Chiaroscurist. Year: 1998.
  • Autochthonous. Year: 2004.
  • Insouciant. Year: 1951.
  • Staphylococci. Year: 1987.
  • Foulard. Year: 1931. Origin: This word is from French.

What are the top 5 hardest words to pronounce?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What are the D words?

List of positive words that start with D

Dynamic Dear Decent
Dutiful Decisive Driven
Devoted Delicious Deserving
Dapper Determined Destined
Dedicated Diamond Distinctive

What is the world longest name?

The longest personal name is 747 characters long, and belongs to Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. (b. 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021.

What’s the longest word in Japanese?

A funny phrase in japanese is “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarinow” 虎が人を噛もうとするときのうなり声。 It is 37 letters long and is comprised of a 17 syllables. It is a very odd phrase, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bite someone”.

Can you say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Pronunciation
It is pronounced pneu·mo·no·ul·tra·mi·cro·scop·ic·sil·i·co·vol·ca·no·co·ni·o·sis.

What is shortest word in English?

The shortest word is a. Some might wonder about the word I since it consists of one letter, too. In sound, a is shorter because it is a monophthong (consists of one vowel), while I is a diphthong. Both do consist of one letter in the English writing system, and in most fonts I is the narrowest letter.

What begins with E and ends with E Riddle?

What starts with E ends with E and only has one letter in it?! – The Answer Wall.

What is the 27th letter in the alphabet?

The ampersand, also known as the and sign, is the logogram &, representing the conjunction “and”. It originated as a ligature of the letters et—Latin for “and”.

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Hi there! I’m Cary Hardy, an education expert and consultant. I’ve worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, and I love helping them unlock their full potential. I’m also a big believer in lifelong learning- there’s always something new to learn!

I got my start in education as a teacher, working with students in grades K-12. After several years of teaching, I transitioned into the world of educational consulting. I’ve since worked with schools and districts all over the country, helping them improve their curriculums and instruction methods.

I’m passionate about helping people achieve their dreams, and I believe that education is the key to unlocking everyone’s potential. Thanks for reading!

See all posts by Cary Hardy

Home / Entertainment / The 14 Hardest Words to Pronounce in the English LanguageEntertainment

The 14 Hardest Words to Pronounce in the English Language

You might want to start practicing these tongue twisters that are almost impossible to pronounce.By Best Life EditorsDecember 21, 2019

By Best Life EditorsDecember 21, 2019

confused woman hard words to pronounce


No one would say the English language is simple. After all, there are words spelled completely differently than they actually sound, multiple words that sound the same but mean totally different things, and complex grammar rules that still make our heads spin. And there are also everyday words even native English speakers say incorrectly. So, to help with all those tongue twisters and confusing spellings, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most hard-to-pronounce words, including phonetic spellings. Read on to discover the hardest words to pronounce, and don’t forget to always cross-check your pronunciation against the dictionary!


Anathema pronunciationAnathema pronunciation

Meaning «one who is cursed» or referring to a ban, this word is one that might have you cursing when you try to pronounce it. When you do finally figure out howanathema is supposed to be said, though, it’s actually kind of a pretty word.


Pronunciation of anemonePronunciation of anemone

When you hear anemone, most often it’s because of sea anemones, which are invertebrates with long, bright clusters of tentacles. And surprisingly enough, the pronunciation of this word rhymes with enemy. If you can’t remember how to say it, this joke from Finding Nemo should help to jog your memory.


How to pronounce boatswainHow to pronounce boatswain


Unless you work on a ship, it’s unlikely that you use the word boatswain in everyday conversation, so it’s understandably a tricky one. The wordwhich refers to a petty officer in charge of hull maintenanceis not pronounced «boats-wain.» Rather, it’s «bo-sun» to reflect the «salty pronunciation» of sailors, as The Free Dictionary explains.


Cache pronunciationCache pronunciation

The cash that you use to pay for things and the cache memory on your computer have the same pronunciation. Commit this to memory and you’ll never accidentally say «ka-shay» again!


How to pronounce colonelHow to pronounce colonel

What’s that first «l» doing in there? And where does the «r» sound come from? Well, the pronunciation of the word colonelhas to do with the word’s French and Italian translations. When you say the word, you want to pronounce it like a popcorn «kernel.»


How to pronounce conchHow to pronounce conch

Yes, those spiral-shelled mollusks commonly found on the beach are «konk» shells. Merriam-Webster does note that conch can be pronounced like it’s spelled, but «konk» is the preferred pronunciation.


Draught pronunciationDraught pronunciation

Pronouncing this word correctly became such a nuisance that bartenders around the country just gave up and started spelling it «draft beer» instead of «draught beer.» But the result is that when we see draught spelled properly, we’re even less likely to know how to say it!


How to pronounce fauxHow to pronounce faux

When it comes to hard-to-pronounce words, faux is almost always at the top of the list. This word, which means «not real or genuine,» looks like it should rhyme with aux. However, it instead rhymes with bow.


How to pronounce ignominiousHow to pronounce ignominious

Ignominious is a great word to use when you want to refer to someone as dishonorablejust be careful not to disgrace yourself by mispronouncing it.


How to pronounce onomatopoeiaHow to pronounce onomatopoeia

This hard word to say is not one that people use in conversation too often, but it means «the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz, hiss),» according to Merriam-Webster. So, onomatopoeia should roll off the tongue rapidly with a soft «t» and «p.»


How to pronounce posthumousHow to pronounce posthumous

When we talk about something happening after someone’s death, we say that it happened posthumously. But it’s not «post-hu-mus,» as it appears; it’s pronounced «pas-chu-mus.»


How to pronounce quinoaHow to pronounce quinoa

Do not embarrass yourself by ordering «ki-no-a» as the base of your grain bowl. The increasingly popularquinoais actually pronounced «keen-wah.»


How to pronounce segueHow to pronounce segue

When you proceed without pause in a conversation, you make a smooth segue. But how do you pronounce this oddly spelled word? When you say it, it should rhyme with «weekday.»


How to pronounce synecdocheHow to pronounce synecdoche

Another hard-to-pronounce word that refers to a hard-to-explain figure of speech, synecdoche refers to using a part of something to refer to a whole (e.g. «all hands on deck»). With this word, you want to pay extra attention to its final syllables; you need to use a «k» sound, rather than a «ch» sound like the spelling might lead you to believe.Filed UnderHow-To LanguageRead This Next

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Video liên quan

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out. …
  • Ironic. …
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless) …
  • Whom. …
  • Colonel. …
  • Nonplussed. …
  • Disinterested. …
  • Enormity.

What are the 10 hardest words to spell?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

10 мар. 2016 г.

What is the hardest name to pronounce?

15 of the hardest-to-pronounce names – and the right way to say them

  • Aoife. …
  • ​Caoimhe. …
  • Helena. …
  • Linnea. …
  • Niamh. ​It’s NEEV, not NEE-a-m.
  • ​Róisín. This means ‘little rose’ – ro-SHEEN.
  • ​Saoirse. ​This gorgeous name stumps many who encounter it. …
  • Siobhan. ​While this name is quite common down under, it still manages to confuse.

28 мар. 2019 г.

What are some words that are hard to say?

20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.

10 апр. 2019 г.

What are some tricky words?

We’ve rounded up ten of the trickiest words in English and provided tips that will help you stop misspelling them.

  • Necessary.
  • Stationary vs. Stationery. …
  • Separate. When we pronounce this word, it sounds like “seperate”. …
  • Affect vs. Effect. …
  • Embarrassed. …
  • Compliment vs. …
  • Accommodation.
  • Rhythm.

9 янв. 2020 г.

What is the easiest word in English?

Learn the most English common words first.

English Nouns

  1. People. People (and the singular ‘person’) is a basic English word for someone learning the basics of the language. …
  2. Thing. …
  3. Time. …
  4. Day. …
  5. Man. …
  6. Woman. …
  7. Child.

What is a tricky word?

Tricky words are those words which cannot be sounded out easily. Emergent readers may find them difficult to read as they have not yet learned some of the Graphemes in those words.

What word takes 3 hours to say?


All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names is that there’s essentially no limit to how long they can be.

What are the 5 longest words?

  • 10 Longest Words in the English Language. …
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters) …
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters) …
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) …
  • Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters) …
  • Thyroparathyroidectomized (25 letters) …
  • Antiestablishmentarian (22 letters)

How do you pronounce Siobhan?

Pronounce the “Sio” portion of the name as “Shi” with a soft “ih” sound. Pronounce the “bhan” portion of the name as “vawn.” “Vawn” should be pronounced to rhyme with “lawn” or “gone.” Combine both syllables of the name to pronounce “Siobhan” as “Shi-vawn.”

What is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. … Instead, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is considered a social phobia.

What are some long a words?

Long A Words

Long A Words Category Word Family / Sound
agent Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ail Vowel Team – AI -ail
aim Vowel Team – AI -aim
ale Magic E Rule -ale

What are the 100 most common words in English?

The 100 most common words in English

1. the 21. at 61. some
2. of 22. be 62. her
3. and 23. this 63. would
4. a 24. have 64. make
5. to 25. from 65. like

Table of Contents

  1. How can I learn sophisticated vocabulary?
  2. What is it called to use fancy words?
  3. What is the best way to learn words?
  4. What is sophisticated vocabulary?
  5. What are the three hardest words to say?
  6. What’s the hardest word in the English language to spell?
  7. What’s the easiest word in the English language?
  8. Which language is the easiest to learn in the world?
  9. Which language is oldest in the world?
  10. What are the 5 most important languages?
  11. Which language is best to learn?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

How can I learn sophisticated vocabulary?

7 Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary

  1. Develop a reading habit. Vocabulary building is easiest when you encounter words in context.
  2. Use the dictionary and thesaurus.
  3. Play word games.
  4. Use flashcards.
  5. Subscribe to “word of the day” feeds.
  6. Use mnemonics.
  7. Practice using new words in conversation.

What is it called to use fancy words?

Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook. If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don’t really know what it was about because they can’t understand the words.

What is the best way to learn words?

How to memorize new vocabulary faster: 9 tips

  1. Use Memory Techniques.
  2. Create a learning environment.
  3. Put the words in context.
  4. Learn from real-life situations.
  5. Take it to the next level.
  6. Find the tools that work for you.
  7. Make it interactive.
  8. Focus on useful words.

What is sophisticated vocabulary?

An advanced and elaborate set of instructions; a computer with a sophisticated vocabulary can go beyond the more common mathematical calculations such as addition, multiplication, and subtraction, and perform operations such as linearize, extract square root, and select highest number.

  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.
  • Choir.
  • Worcestershire.

What are the three hardest words to say?

In their new book Think Like a Freak , Stephen Dubner and Steve Levitt tell us that the hardest three words in the English language are “I don’t know,” and that our inability to say these words more often can have huge consequences.

What’s the hardest word in the English language to spell?

“Sacrilegious” comes from “sacrilege,” not from “religious,” and the fact that they sound so similar is a pure linguistic coincidence. The word “sacrilege” came to be from the Latin sacri-, or “sacred,” and legere, meaning “to gather or steal.”

What’s the easiest word in the English language?

Learn the most English common words first….English Nouns

  1. People. People (and the singular ‘person’) is a basic English word for someone learning the basics of the language.
  2. Thing.
  3. Time.
  4. Day.
  5. Man.
  6. Woman.
  7. Child.

Which language is the easiest to learn in the world?

And The Easiest Language To Learn Is…

  1. Norwegian. This may come as a surprise, but we have ranked Norwegian as the easiest language to learn for English speakers.
  2. Swedish.
  3. Spanish.
  4. Dutch.
  5. Portuguese.
  6. Indonesian.
  7. Italian.
  8. French.

Which language is oldest in the world?

Seven oldest surviving languages in the world.

  • Tamil: Origin (according to first appearance as script) – 300 BC.
  • Sanskrit: Origin (according to first appearance as script) – 2000 BC.
  • Greek: Origin (according to first appearance as script) – 1500 BC.
  • Chinese: Origin (according to first appearance as script) – 1250 BC.

What are the 5 most important languages?

The Most Important Languages To Learn In 2020

  1. Mandarin Chinese. With over one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers in the world, of course it tops the list of most important languages to learn in 2020.
  2. Spanish.
  3. German.
  4. French.
  5. Arabic.
  6. Russian.
  7. Portuguese.
  8. 8. Japanese.

Which language is best to learn?

The World’s Top 10 Languages to learn

  • Mandarin. Mandarin is one of the fastest growing languages in the world.
  • Spanish. The importance of speaking Spanish continues to grow.
  • German. German ranks fourth in most used world languages.
  • Portuguese.
  • Arabic.
  • French.
  • Japanese.
  • Russian.

Last Updated: December 12, 2021 | Author: Lisa McCombs


  • 1 What is the hardest word ever?
  • 2 What are the top 10 hardest words to pronounce?
  • 3 What word takes 3 hours to say?
  • 4 How do you pronounce 6th?
  • 5 What is the longest word to say?
  • 6 What is the longest word in the world?
  • 7 Is there a word with 1000 letters?
  • 8 What is the shortest word?
  • 9 How do you spell Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?
  • 10 What are the D words?
  • 11 Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious the longest word?
  • 12 What is the longest name?
  • 13 What starts with the letter F?
  • 14 What is G word?
  • 15 What starts with Z?

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say

  • Rural. …
  • Sixth. …
  • Sesquipedalian. …
  • Phenomenon. …
  • Onomatopoeia. …
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. …
  • Worcestershire.

What are the top 10 hardest words to pronounce?

The 10 hardest English words to pronounce, according to Reddit

  • Worcestershire. Pronunciation: Wuss-ter-sheer. …
  • Choir. Pronunciation: Kw-eye-er. …
  • Squirrel. Pronunciation: Sk-whirl. …
  • Isthmus. Pronunciation: Is-muss. …
  • Sixth. Pronunciation: Siks. …
  • Penguin. Pronunciation: Pen-gwen. …
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.

What word takes 3 hours to say?

Note the ellipses. All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names is that there’s essentially no limit to how long they can be.

How do you pronounce 6th?

What is the longest word to say?


1. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What is the longest word in the world?


The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

Is there a word with 1000 letters?


It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

How do you spell Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Also spelt pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis

noun | A lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.

What are the D words?

Here is a list of some positive words starting with the letter D.

List of positive words that start with D.

Dynamic Dear Decent
Devoted Delicious Deserving
Dapper Determined Destined
Dedicated Diamond Distinctive

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious the longest word?

5 What’s the longest word you know? If you watched Mary Poppins as a child, you might quickly think of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (thirty-four letters). … 7 Strengths has only nine letters, but all except one of them are consonants! This earns the word a Guinness World Record.

What is the longest name?

Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr.

The longest personal name is 747 characters long, and belongs to Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. (b. 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021.

What starts with the letter F?

words that begin with the Letter F

  • fish.
  • five.
  • flamingo.
  • flower.
  • fly.
  • four.
  • freedom.
  • frog.

What is G word?

(humorous) Any word beginning with g that is not normally taboo but is considered (often humorously) to be so in the given context. …

What starts with Z?

Letter Z Word Bank:

  • zebra.
  • zero.
  • zig-zag.
  • zipper.
  • zoo.
  • zoom.

We’ve all got a word or two that we struggle with – just the thought of saying them out loud can make us feel a little anxious, or spur us on to practice them a few times. But don’t feel too self-conscious – there are lots of everyday English words that are hard to say, even for the most well-spoken among us. So, what makes a word hard to pronounce? Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly mispronounced words in the English language.

Hardest Words for English Speakers to Say


An anemone (try saying that in a hurry) is a type of flower native to temperate climates – and not a sea creature. Sea anemones bear no relation; they were named after the plants for their colourful features. It’s pronounced “ah-neh-muh-nee”, which looks easy enough – but this tricky word has slipped people up into a near endless loop of “an-em-on-em-on-em-on…”.

It could be because at first glance, the arrangement of its constituent letters make it look like a repeating pattern. And there’s the way the syllables bounce off the lips and tongue – giving an urge to keep the rhythm going in a way that makes sense.


Two syllables have never been harder to say. It’s particularly infuriating that such an important condition, typically managed from early childhood, should be so hard to communicate. A cluster of consonants, crushed in a vowel sandwich, “az-muh” is the typical US pronunciation for asthma. Some British speakers aim to painfully eek out every sound as “ah-ss-th-muh”.

The “sss” sound is next to the “th” sound; that’s quite a difficult transition of tongue shape and jaw position to do smoothly, and it slows the word down greatly.


Many English-speakers unfamiliar with the area mistakenly think that the name of this small New Forest village rhymes with polio. It’s actually much closer to rhyming with Julie, with the “beau” at the start pronounced as it is in the word beautiful. There’s another Beaulieu in France, where it’s pronounced “Bol-yoo”.

So why is it hard to say? It’s all down to the composition – an eight letter word with only two consonants makes for wobbly, inconsistent interpretations for those unfamiliar with it.


Commonly mispronounced as “defribulator”, the correct pronunciation for this life-saving piece of equipment is “de-fib-ri-lay-tuh”. Another big misconception about defibrillators is that they restart a heart that has stopped; they’re actually used to steady a life-threateningly irregular heartbeat. Defibrillators in movies are a magic cure for death, but in reality they can’t jump start a heart that no longer beats.

To stop your heart irregularly beating before you say this word, just think of its medical nickname first: defib (pronounced “dee-fib”). That’ll remove doubt about where the “r” sound goes in the word, and give you a little time to catch yourself – and it’s perfectly acceptable to simply call it a defib.


What do strawberries and libraries have in common? Not much – except that sometimes, even seasoned native speakers pronounce them similarly. “Liberry” is a common mispronunciation of library that drives some people to despair.

It’s probably a hangover from the mispronunciation of February, which is assumed to be pronounced the same as January – thus spoken as “feb-yoo-ree”, when it should be “feb-roo-eh-ree”. It could also be the two”r” sounds being so close together, giving library and February a stuttering effect that takes some thought to pull off without repetition.


It’s a tongue-twisting, plosive-filled and hissy-sounding mash of letters, with a soft c and a hard c thrown in for good measure. The proximity of the sibilant sounds makes it especially hard to say, and taking away one of them seems to be the solution for many. No wonder it’s so often pronounced “pacific”.


Ever been tempted to call it “war-Chester-shire”? If you have, you’re not alone. “Woo-ster-sher”, as it’s pronounced, has stumped anyone who has seen it before they’ve heard it. If it’s Worcestershire sauce, you’ll often find it truncated to Worcester sauce – even if Worcestershire is written in full.

It’s hard to say because, like many English words and names, it makes absolutely no sense at all being spelled the way it is. Towns ending -cester all follow the same rule: -cester is pronounced “ster” (except for Cirencester, which confusingly is said in full).

Add to this the fact that “the first three letters are pronounced “woo”, and you begin to wonder why it isn’t spelled “Wustershire”.

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The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.
  • Choir.
  • Worcestershire.

Simply so Does specifically mean only? As adverbs the difference between only and specifically

is that only is without others or anything further; exclusively while specifically is in a specific manner, applying to or naming a particular thing or things, expressly, explicitly.

What word takes 3 hours to say? The chemical name of titin was first kept in the English dictionary, but it was later removed from the dictionary when the name caused trouble. It is now known only as Titin. Titin protein was discovered in 1954 by Reiji Natori.

also What is the longest word in the world? The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

What is the richest language in the world?

The Top 10 Business Languages of the World in 2018 by GDP (IMF)

Rank Language GDP($US Billions)
1 English 28.088
2 Chinese 26.56
3 Spanish 8.17
4 Arabic 7.1

• Nov 29, 2018

How do you use specifically? You use specifically to emphasize that something is given special attention and considered separately from other things of the same kind. Our service is designed specifically for college students. We haven’t specifically targeted school children.

What is a specific example?

A specific example is a particular instance. So to give a specific example of technology would be to write about particular people using a particular machine. To give a specific example of any human activity would require that you write about individual people.

What’s another word for specifically? In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for specifically, like: particularly, especially, precisely, characteristically, respectively, clearly, explicitly, accurately, specially, generally and primarily.

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

Is there a word without a vowel? Words with no vowels. Cwm and crwth do not contain the letters a, e, i, o, u, or y, the usual vowels (that is, the usual symbols that stand for vowel sounds) in English. … Shh, psst, and hmm do not have vowels, either vowel symbols or vowel sounds. There is some controversy whether they are in fact “words,” however.

What is the longest video on YouTube?

Jonathan Harchick has created and uploaded the longest YouTube video of all time, clocking in at 571 hours, 1 minute and 41 seconds.

What is the least said word in the world? The 20 Least-Known Words In English

  • genipap.
  • futhorc.
  • witenagemot.
  • gossypol.
  • chaulmoogra.
  • brummagem.
  • alsike.
  • chersonese.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. My favorite pangram is “Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.”

What is the softest language?

Italian language, or Italiano—as it is commonly known, is a Romance language and one of the languages most people would readily agree on as one of the softest and sweetest languages in existence. The language of revolutionists like Dante da Vinci, and Pavarotti, Italian is spoken by 66 million people globally.

What is the hardest language to learn? Mandarin

As mentioned before, Mandarin is unanimously considered the toughest language to master in the world! Spoken by over a billion people in the world, the language can be extremely difficult for people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

Which is the easiest language in the world? And The Easiest Language To Learn Is…

  1. Norwegian. This may come as a surprise, but we have ranked Norwegian as the easiest language to learn for English speakers. …
  2. Swedish. …
  3. Spanish. …
  4. Dutch. …
  5. Portuguese. …
  6. Indonesian. …
  7. Italian. …
  8. French.

What does specifically regarding mean?

Specifically means particularly, or regarding one option out of several. You specifically requested that your birthday cake be chocolate with raspberry icing, so you were quite disappointed with the vanilla cake you were served instead.

What type of adverb is specifically? Focusing Adverbs

Examples: even, particularly, especially, specifically, merely, only, just, also, either, purely, too. What they do: single out information, express restriction or refer back to something.

How do you use specifically after a comma?

Are you talkin specifically, or just in general? It depends on the context of the sentence. Specifically, if you write a sentence like this, it would need a comma. If you specifically write your sentence like this, there would not be a comma.

What does specific person mean? 2 adj If someone is specific, they give a description that is precise and exact. You can also use specific to describe their description.

What is be specific in writing?

In composition, words that are concrete and particular rather than general, abstract, or vague. Contrast with abstract language and blurred words. Adjective: specific.

How do you explain specific to a child? Kids Definition of specific

  1. 1 : relating to or being an example of a certain kind of thing a specific case.
  2. 2 : relating to a particular individual or situation There are problems specific to this project.
  3. 3 : clearly and exactly presented or stated specific directions.

Table of Contents

  1. How do you deal with hatred?
  2. Which word has the most meanings?
  3. What word takes 3.5 hours to say?
  4. What is the meaning of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
  5. What is the longest word in Mexico?
  6. What is titin chemical name?
  7. What is the longest chemical formula?
  8. What is the longest Hawaiian word?
  9. What do Hawaiians call their state fish?
  10. How do you say triggerfish in Hawaiian?
  11. Do Hawaiians still speak Hawaiian?
  12. What race are the Hawaiians?
  13. What are Hawaiians called?
  14. Is speaking Hawaiian illegal?
  15. Is Hawaiian a dying language?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

How do you deal with hatred?

Here’s How to Eliminate Hatred with 4 Simple Steps

  1. TALK TO THE PERSON YOU HATE. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll want to do this. …
  2. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS. I know this sounds cheesy but it’s one of the most effective ways to overcome grudges. …
  3. BE MORE EMPATHETIC. Try to put yourself in the place of the person you detest. …

Which word has the most meanings?


  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What word takes 3.5 hours to say?

It’s the longest word in English and if you want to hear it, click on the viral video found on YouTube of a guy pronouncing the word. A word of warning… the “wordtakes about 3.

What is the meaning of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as “a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous”, while says it is “used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.”

What is the longest word in Mexico?

Long words

Word Letters Part of speech
hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia 33 noun
esternocleidooccipitomastoideo 30 noun
hexakosioihexekontahexafobia 28 noun
anticonstitucionalmente 23 adverb

What is titin chemical name?

So what’s the word? Wikipedia’s says that it’s “Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl … isoleucine” (ellipses necessary), which is the “chemical name of titin, the largest known protein.” Also, there’s some dispute about whether this is really a word.

What is the longest chemical formula?

(C18H24N2O6), a miticide and contact fungicide used to control powdery mildew in crops. The IUPAC name for Titin. This is the largest known protein and so has the longest chemical name. Written in full, it contains 189,819 letters.

What is the longest Hawaiian word?


What do Hawaiians call their state fish?


How do you say triggerfish in Hawaiian?

The reef triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), also known as the rectangular triggerfish, wedgetail triggerfish, or by its Hawaiian name humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa (pronounced [ˈhumuˈhumuˈnukuˈnukuˈwaːpuˈwɐʔə], meaning ‘triggerfish with a snout like a pig’), also spelled humuhumunukunukuapua’a or just humuhumu for short, …

Do Hawaiians still speak Hawaiian?

However, the language is still classified as critically endangered by UNESCO. A creole language, Hawaiian Pidgin (or Hawaii Creole English, HCE), is more commonly spoken in Hawaiʻi than Hawaiian….Hawaiian language.

Native to Hawaiian Islands
Region Hawaiʻi and Niʻihau
Ethnicity Native Hawaiians
Native speakers ~24,000 (2008)

What race are the Hawaiians?

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person who has origin in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islander group, such as Carolinian, Chuukese (Trukese), Fijian, Kosraean, Melanesian, Micronesian, Northern Mariana Islander, Palauan, Papua New Guinean, Pohnpeian, Polynesian, …

What are Hawaiians called?

Native Hawaiians, also known as Kanaka Maoli, are the indigenous or aboriginal people (and their descendants) of the Hawaiian islands. Their ancestors were the original Polynesians who sailed to Hawai’i and settled the islands around the 5th century AD.

Is speaking Hawaiian illegal?

The Hawaiian Language Banned After the annexation of Hawaii as a territory of the United States in 1898, the language was officially banned from schools and the government. Use of the Hawaiian language was even banned at Kamehameha Schools – a private school system reserved only for children of Hawaiian descent.

Is Hawaiian a dying language?

After the takeover of the monarchy, the provisional government banned Hawaiian medium education in 1896 and discouraged speaking the language at home. … The Hawaiian language renaissance is in the middle of the second generation. The language is still endangered but the growing number of native speakers is encouraging.

What is the hardest word to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To PronounceColonel.Penguin.Sixth.Isthmus.Anemone.Squirrel.Choir.Worcestershire.

What is the most advanced language?


What is the sweetest language in the world?


What is the ugliest language?

Ugliest is by far Cantonese (sounds like people cursing at each other) followed by Danish (sounds like German and Swedish had a messed up child), Welsh (sounds like people chocking on potatoes), Mandarin (the “sh”, “dzh” and “sch” sounds drive me crazy), and Haitian Creole (sounds like the speaker is performing …

What is the stupidest language?

The worst human language is the one spoken by people you detest or deprecate. It’s a value judgment. Charles de Gaulle illustrates this. He once said the genius of the French language was that the words come in the order that they naturally occur to the mind.

Which is the ugliest language in India?

The answer is Kannada, a language spoken by around 40 million people in south India. If you guessed wrong, you’re not alone—Kannada was the least-recognizable language in a study of which languages people are most likely to confuse with others.

What is the coolest sounding language?

Top 10 Coolest Languages German. When spoken it can be one of the most poetic languages to the most scariest sounding ones. English. English is spoken in Eurovision, Junior Eurovision, NATO, European Union, airports, all of the football confederations, except Conmebol. French. Russian. Spanish. Italian. Japanese. Swedish.

Which is the richest language in India?

More than one million speakersRankLanguage2011 Census of India (total: 1,Speakers1Hindiengaliarathi

What is the most beautiful language in India?

Which is the easy language in India?

For Indians, it is easier to be a Germanophone, especially if they have a background in Sanskrit. Persian This southwestern Iranian language’s grammar is similar to many contemporary European languages.

What is the most beautiful sound in the world?

A two-minute recording from a Malaysian swamp at dusk has been judged The Most Beautiful Sound in the World in an online competition. Sound expert Julian Treasure launched the competition last October on the online association BeautifulNow.

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