The more word riches

Table of Contents

  1. What name rhymes with Xena?
  2. What word rhymes with Mary?
  3. What word rhymes with riches?
  4. What does the word riches mean?
  5. What does opulence mean?
  6. Is Riche a word?
  7. Which type of noun is rich?
  8. What net worth is rich?
  9. What is rich food?
  10. Is Rich a common noun?
  11. What are 5 common nouns?
  12. Is boy a common noun?
  13. Is Dragon a common noun?
  14. Is brother a common noun?
  15. Is love a proper noun?
  16. Is a dragon a person place or thing?
  17. What is common noun for Kids?
  18. Is car a common noun?
  19. What part of speech is dragon wings?
  20. Is a dragon a monster?
  21. How can I describe a dragon?
  22. How do you describe a dragon wing?
  23. What is another word for dragon?
  24. How do you describe the skin of a dragon?
  25. What can a dragon see?
  26. Do Beardies like music?
  27. What is a dragon worst enemy?
  28. Can bearded dragons pee?

Valuable or precious possessions. [Middle English richesse, wealth, from Old French, from riche, wealthy; see rich.]

What name rhymes with Xena?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
vena 100 Noun
Medina 100 Name
Tina 100 Name
Regina 100 Name

What word rhymes with Mary?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
Larry 100 [/x]
Barry 100 [/x]
dairy 100 [/x]
fairy 100 [/x]

What word rhymes with riches?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
witches 100 Noun
ditches 100 Noun
britches 100 Noun
itches 100 Verb, Noun

What is another word for riches?

estate property
resources assets
capital fortune
wealth possessions
belongings goods

What does the word riches mean?

: large amounts of money and possessions. : good things that are available to use or choose. riches. noun plural. rich·​es | / ˈri-chəz /

What does opulence mean?

1 : wealth, affluence the opulence of prerevolutionary monarchs. 2 : abundance, profusion an opulence of fruits.

Is Riche a word?

Which type of noun is rich?

Answer. The abstract noun form of the adjective ‘rich’ is richness, a word for a quality. A related abstract noun form is riches, a word for wealth or resources; a word for a concept.

What net worth is rich?

Most Americans say that to be considered “wealthy” in the U.S. in 2021, you need to have a net worth of nearly $2 million — $1.9 million to be exact. That’s less than the net worth of $2.6 million Americans cited as the threshold to be considered wealthy in 2020, according to Schwab’s 2021 Modern Wealth Survey.

What is rich food?

“Rich food” refers to its high calorie ingredients, such as butter, cream, oils, sugar, etc. “Rich food” is not referring to its cost.

Is Rich a common noun?

Rich is not a noun, in the first place. It’s an adjective, a word used to describe nouns. ‘Riches’ exist as a plural noun and means wealth, an abundance of money or property.

What are 5 common nouns?

Examples of a Common Noun

  • People: mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, salesclerk, woman, man.
  • Animals: lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf.
  • Things: table, truck, book, pencil, iPad, computer, coat, boots,

Is boy a common noun?

The noun ‘boy’ is not a proper noun. It is a common noun because it does not give the name of a specific boy.

Is Dragon a common noun?

Besides, a dragon is a species like any other; there’s no need to capialize the common nouns. Dragon species needs to be capitalized but why do viking need to be capitalized?

Is brother a common noun?

Generally, the noun ‘brother’ is a common noun. It is not the name of a specific brother.

Is love a proper noun?

Proper nouns are those that name a specific person, place or thing. In the same way, “sugar” and “love” don’t name specific things and so these are also common nouns.

Is a dragon a person place or thing?

Dragons is a noun – Word Type.

What is common noun for Kids?

Kids Definition of common noun : a noun that names a class of persons or things or any individual of a class and that may occur with a limiting modifier (as a, the, some, or every) The words “child,” “city,” and “day” are common nouns.

Is car a common noun?

The word “car,” on its own, is a common noun. It refers to a general vehicle.

What part of speech is dragon wings?

compound noun

Is a dragon a monster?

A dragon is a large, serpentine, legendary creature that appears in the folklore of many cultures worldwide. In western cultures, dragons are portrayed as monsters to be tamed or overcome, usually by saints or culture heroes, as in the popular legend of Saint George and the Dragon.

How can I describe a dragon?

A dragon has none to four legs, claws, scales and possibly spikes. A dragon is usually powerful. A dragon can look like a snake with wings, or like reptiles. A dragon has a tail and a neck.

How do you describe a dragon wing?

Here are some adjectives for dragon wings: leathery, green, fragile, leathery, veined, tenuous, bright blue, flaming, graceful, silvery, dry, blue, green, huge. You can get the definitions of these adjectives by clicking on them. You might also like some words related to dragon wings (and find more here).

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dragon, like: draco, firedrake, hydra, mythical beast, wyvern, basilisk, winged serpent, talos, windigo, monster and tarragon.

How do you describe the skin of a dragon?

Here are some adjectives for dragon skin: brown, tough, delicate, thin, blue, green, black.

What can a dragon see?

In fact, dragons see exceedingly well in dim light. In moonlight, dragons see was well as they can in sunlight. In even dimmer light, a dragon sees four times as far as a human can under similar conditions. Dragons can even see with no light at all.

Do Beardies like music?

However, most bearded dragons do enjoy music; it’s stimulating and calming for them. You simply need to find the kind of music that they like.

What is a dragon worst enemy?


Can bearded dragons pee?

A bearded dragon does not urinate in the same way as humans or most other animals. Instead of releasing toxins and waste in a liquid form, he produces a dry, white powdery substance. This substance is uric acid, and is essentially a concentrated form of urine without the liquid portion.

Use the word riches when you’re talking about wealth, including money, treasures, and expensive belongings. Most people who buy lottery tickets dream of winning riches.

Occasionally, someone who’s born into poverty will grow up to earn riches through hard work and a lot of luck — but more often, people inherit their riches from wealthy relatives. You can also use riches in a figurative way, for something bountiful or profuse: «Let’s go to the farmers market and see what riches are available!» Riches was originally richesse, a singular word that was misinterpreted as being plural.

Definitions of riches

  1. noun

    an abundance of material possessions and resources

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Synonyms of riches

  • as in wealth

  • as in wealth

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plural noun

Definition of richesnext

as in wealth

the total of one’s money and property

industrialists who had amassed riches of a magnitude that few had dreamed possible

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • wealth

  • assets

  • money

  • capital

  • fortune

  • funds

  • possessions

  • things

  • opulence

  • worth

  • prosperity

  • holdings

  • means

  • resources

  • savings

  • success

  • substance

  • effects

  • finances

  • abundance

  • belongings

  • wherewithal

  • affluence

  • property

  • treasure

  • wallet

  • chattels

  • valuables

  • acquisition

  • treasury

  • bankroll

  • paraphernalia

  • deep pockets

  • personal property

  • accession

  • personalty

  • reserve

  • nest egg

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • debts

  • liabilities

  • indebtedness

  • debts

  • liabilities

  • indebtedness

Phrases Containing riches

  • embarrassment of riches
  • embarrassment of riches

Thesaurus Entries Near riches




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“Riches.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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More from Merriam-Webster on riches

Nglish: Translation of riches for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of riches for Arabic Speakers

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of riches

The word riches uses 6 letters: c, e, h, i, r, s

riches is playable in:

Words With Friends11

Scrabble US11

Scrabble UK11

a. — That which makes one rich; an abundance of land, goods, money, or other property; wealth; opulence; affluence.

a. — That which appears rich, sumptuous, precious, or the like.

Hook words of riches

These are words formed by appending one letter to riches. Extend an already existing word on the board.

  • richest

Other words with the same letter pairs

Find words containing the letter combinations found in riches.

  • ri

  • ic

  • ch

  • he

  • es

богатство, богатства, сокровища, обилие, наваристый


- употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч.
- богатство, обилие

spiritual riches — духовное богатство
to have riches — быть богатым

- богатства, сокровища

the riches of the earth /of the soil/ — сокровища недр
I wouldn’t do such a thing for all the riches of the world — я бы этого не сделал за все сокровища мира /ни за что на свете/

Мои примеры


the story of her rise from rags to riches (=from being poor to being rich) — история её подъёма из грязи в князи (т.е. от бедности к богатству)  
the riches of the soil — сокровища недр  
to chase riches — гоняться за богатством  
from rags to riches — из грязи в князи  
the riches of the earth — сокровища недр  
nouveaux riches — нувориш, богатый выскочка  
endeavour after riches — добиваться богатства  
heap up riches — накапливать богатства; богатеть  
put honour before riches — предпочитать честь богатству  
inexhaustive riches — неистощимые богатства  
riches of the soil — сокровища недр  

Примеры с переводом

Freedom is to be prized above riches.

Свободу надо ценить превыше богатства.

The attraction of riches is very strong.

Притягательная сила богатства очень велика.

He likes to tell people of his rise from rags to riches.

Он любит рассказывать, как выбился из грязи в князи.

Don’t let greed for riches control you.

Не позволяйте жадности овладеть вами.

Don’t let their promises of immense riches bedazzle you.

Не позволяйте им ослепить вас обещаниями огромного богатства.

He was enjoying his new-found riches.

Он наслаждался своим вновь обретённым богатством.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…not from earthly riches but from the milk of human kindness comes true beatitude…

…industrialists who had amassed riches of a magnitude that few had dreamed possible…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

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