These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
деньги, которые вы зарабатываете
деньгам, которые вы заработали
Passive income is money that you earn on a regular basis without having to put in much effort to maintain it.
And then you will live off the money that you earn.
Charity purifies money that you earn.
Numerous studies have also indicated that the amount of money that you earn by working for a corporate is extremely limited.
Многочисленные исследования показали, что количество денег, которые можно заработать, работая на корпорацию, крайне ограничено.
You work hard for the money that you earn, but…
All the money that you earn, you can spend it on yourself.
The money that you earn and spend is also under scrutiny.
The thing is, the fines in this country are not fixed, and they depend on the amount of money that you earn.
What do you do with the money that you earn?
It’s the money that you earn yourself.
This is money that you earn from the efforts of others.
But is the money that you earn really your own?
Created contracts can be shared with friends or the whole Hitman community and the money that you earn will unlock weapons, upgrades and disguises.
Созданными контрактами можно поделиться с друзьями или всем сообществом Hitman, а деньги за их выполнение или создание позволят открыть новое оружие, усилители и маскировки.
If they find out about conserving and earning loan, they’ll respect the money that you earn, which you are attempting to conserve.
Если они будут знать о том, как экономить и зарабатывать деньги, то они будут с уважением относиться к тем деньгам, которые вы заработали, и к тому, что вы пытаетесь их сохранить.
Besides the money that you earn during this year, you also gain practical experience that can be invaluable both in your final year project and when applying for jobs after graduating.
Помимо денег, которые вы зарабатываете в течение этого года, вы также получаете практический опыт, который может быть бесценен как в вашем финальном проекте, так и в случае конкуренции за выпускные работы.
Financial goals give you something to strive for and give you clear knowledge on how you want to spend the money that you earn.
Финансовые цели дают вам кое-что стремление и дают вам четкие знания о том, как вы хотите потратить деньги, которые вы заработаете.
If they know about saving and earning money, they’ll respect the money that you earn, and that you are trying to save.
Если они будут знать о том, как экономить и зарабатывать деньги, то они будут с уважением относиться к тем деньгам, которые вы заработали, и к тому, что вы пытаетесь их сохранить.
Why do you earn the money that you earn?
Remember that it’s 100% free, and that the trading system only charges 1% of the money that you earn!
My friend Jim Rohn once said, «the greatest reward in becoming a millionaire is not the amount of money that you earn. it is the kind of person that you have to become to become a millionaire in the first place.»
Джим Рон однажды сказал: «Величайшая награда того, чтобы быть миллионером, заключается не в той сумме, которую вы зарабатываете, а в возможности стать человеком, который будет называть себя миллионером».
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- С английского на:
- Русский
- С русского на:
- Английский
Average Annual Salary
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Average Annual Salary
Average Annual Taxable Salary
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Average Annual Taxable Salary
годовой оклад
Русско-английский политический словарь > годовой оклад
оклад годовой
4000 полезных слов и выражений > оклад годовой
годовой оклад
Русско-английский юридический словарь > годовой оклад
годовой оклад
Русско-английский синонимический словарь > годовой оклад
годовой оклад
Banks. Exchanges. Accounting. (Russian-English) > годовой оклад
годовой оклад
Русско-Английский новый экономический словарь > годовой оклад
шкала годовых окладов
- annual salary scale
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > шкала годовых окладов
Существительное плата означает вознаграждение (чаще всего денежное) кого угодно и на любых условиях. Конкретные виды оплаты разным соци-альным группам людей за разные услуги передаются как в русском, так и в английском языках словами с более конкретизированными значениями.
1. payment —плата, платеж, взнос платежа, уплата ( плата обыкновенно деньгами любым способом за любые покупки и услуги): current payments — текущие платежи; weekly (monthly, annual) payments — еженедельные (ежемесячные, ежегодные) платежи; piece-rule payment — сдельная оплата; a lump-sum payment — единоврсменная выплата/единовременная оплата/аккордная оплата/единовременный платеж; a down payment — задаток/первый взнос; a preliminary payment — предварительная оплата; progress payment — поэтапная оплат; advance payment — плата вперед/предоплата; regular payments — исправные платежи/регулярные платежи; payment in rent (in cash) — плата натурой (наличными); promise of payment —долговое обязательство; payment order — платежное поручение; terms of payment — условия оплаты; payment by the time — плата по затраченному времени; payment by the distance — плата за расстояние; payment on a clearance — безнялич ный расчет/расчет в рассрочку; payment in advance — плата вперед; to make payments — произвести оплату/произвести платеж; to stop/to suspend payments — приостановить платежи; to request immediate payments — потребовать немедленной оплаты; to delay payment — задерживать платеж; to collect payments — получать платежи/собирать платежи; to withhold payment — воздержаться от платежа; to shirk payment уклоняться от уплаты/уклоняться от оплаты Discounts are offered with payment in cash. — При уплате наличными предоставляется скидка. We prefer to make payments through a bank. — Мы предпочитаем производить оплату через банк. We offer payments on easy terms. — Мы предлагаем оплату на льготных условиях. Here is a cheque in payment of my rent. — Вот квитанция об уплате за квартиру. We have made a down payment for a washing machine. — Мы внесли задаток за стиральную машину./Мы внесли взнос за стиральную машину.
2. pay — плата, оплата, заработная плата, заработок, денежное довольствие (военнослужащих): a piece-rate pay — сдельная оплата; a basic pay — основная зарплата; а take-home pay — заработок за вычетом налогов/реальная зарплата; overdue pay — уплата не в срок/выплата не в срок; rate of pay — норма оплаты; a weekly pay — недельная плата; a pay rise — повышение зарплаты; pay scales — сетка зарплаты; to cut (to increase) smb’s pay — урезать (повышать) зарплату What is the pay like here? — Сколько здесь платят?
3. salary — плата, жалование (выплачивается служащим за квалифицированный труд, часто переводится через банк или оплачивается чеком): on annual salary of… — с годовой зарплатой в…; fixed salary — твердый оклад She can hardly make both ends meet on her poor salary. — Она едва сводит концы с концами на свою скудную зарплату/Она едва сводит концы с концами на свое жалкое жалование. She is on a salary of 16.000. — Она получает жалование в шестнадцать тысяч фунтов,
4. wages — плата, зарплата (за ручной, физический и неквалифицированный труд): high (low) wages — высокая (низкая) зарплата; hourly (weekly) wages — почасовая (недельная) зарплата They are protesting about low wages. — Они протестуют против низкой зарплаты. The trade union demanded a four percent wage increase. — Профсоюз потребовал увеличить зарплату на четыре процента. Wage level dropped again last month. — В прошлом месяце уровень зарплаты опять упал.
5. fee — плата, гонорар, взнос (оплата за профессиональные услуги триста, врача или организации): doctor’s (lawyer’s) fees — гонорар врача (юриста); an entrance fee — плата за вход; tuition fee — плата за обучение Many doctors have a standard scale of fees. — У многих врачей установлена твердая плата за прием. The gallery charges a small entrance fee. — Картинная галерея взимает Небольшую плату за вход. The annual fee is five pounds. — Годовой взнос пять фунтов. The entrance fee has gone up by 50 %. — Плата за вход выросла на пятьдесят процентов.
Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > плата
годовой оклад
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > годовой оклад
годовая зарплата
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > годовая зарплата
годовой оклад [у членов Международного Cуда]
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > годовой оклад [у членов Международного Cуда]
ежегодный оклад
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ежегодный оклад
не по карману
it is beyond one’s means; it is out of one’s reach; it is more than one can afford; one cannot afford it; it hardly suits to one’s pocket
Ганечкина квартира… состояла из шести или семи комнат и комнаток, самых, впрочем, обыкновенных, но во всяком случае не совсем по карману семейному чиновнику, получающему даже и две тысячи рублей жалованья. (Ф. Достоевский, Идиот) — Ganya’s flat… consisted of six or seven rooms of various sizes, all very ordinary, but hardly suited to the pocket of a Government official burdened with a family, even if he commanded an annual salary of two thousand roubles.
Как ни странно, в этом городе, почти единственном на побережье, не оказалось верных друзей. Гостиница была не по карману. (Ю. Трифонов, Нетерпение) — The hotel was beyond his means and strangely enough, this was almost the only town along the coast where he had no true friends.
Он хорошо рисует, и главный его конёк — графика. Маслом он пишет редко. Говорит, что не по карману. Конечно, ведь он живёт на стипендию. (И. Гофф, Юноша с перчаткой) — He draws very well and prefers drawing to painting with oils. He says he can’t afford oils. After all, he lives on his stipend.
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не по карману
основной годовой оклад
Русско-английский политический словарь > основной годовой оклад
тринадцатый оклад
annual bonus, thirteenth month salary
Banks. Exchanges. Accounting. (Russian-English) > тринадцатый оклад
ежемесячная надбавка
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > ежемесячная надбавка
1) General subject: leave allowance , salaries being pre-paid ahead of summer vacations, vacation pay, recreational leave welfare allowance
4) Business: holiday pay , leave salary
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > отпускные
зарплата зарплат·а
pay, earnings; wages; salary
Russian-english dctionary of diplomacy > зарплата зарплат·а
См. также в других словарях:
annual salary — total salary earned during the period of one year … English contemporary dictionary
Salary cap — In professional sports, a salary cap (or wage cap) is a cartel agreement between teams that places a limit on the amount of money that can be spent on player salaries. The limit exists as a per player limit or a total limit for the team s roster … Wikipedia
salary — Regular wages and benefits an employee receives from an employer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * salary sal‧a‧ry [ˈsæləri] noun salaries PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES money that you receive as payment from the… … Financial and business terms
salary — sal|a|ry W3 [ˈsæləri] n plural salaries [U and C] [Date: 1200 1300; : Latin; Origin: salarium money to pay for salt , from sal salt ] money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month →↑wage,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
salary — sal|a|ry [ sæləri ] noun count ** a particular amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job: an annual salary of $45,000 be on salary (=earn a salary): Are you on salary or do you get paid by the hour? … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
salary */*/ — UK [ˈsælərɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms salary : singular salary plural salaries a fixed amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job an annual salary of £25,000 … English dictionary
annual — annually, adv. /an yooh euhl/, adj. 1. of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: annual salary. 2. occurring or returning once a year: an annual celebration. 3. Bot. living only one growing season, as beans or corn. 4. performed or executed… … Universalium
annual — I UK [ˈænjuəl] / US adjective *** 1) happening once a year an annual conference/festival/holiday 2) calculated or considered over a period of one year an annual salary/total/average II UK [ˈænjuəl] / US noun [countable] Word forms annual :… … English dictionary
annual — Makahiki, kūmakahiki, ma ka makahiki. ♦ Annual flower, pua makahiki. ♦ Annual issue, puka makahiki. ♦ Annual report, hō ike makahiki. ♦ Annual salary, uku ma ka makahiki … English-Hawaiian dictionary
annual — an|nu|al1 [ ænjuəl ] adjective *** 1. ) happening once a year: an annual festival/vacation/report 2. ) calculated or considered over a period of one year: an annual salary/total/average ╾ an|nu|al|ly / ænjuEli / adverb annual an|nu|al 2 [ ænjuəl… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
annual — an•nu•al [[t]ˈæn yu əl[/t]] adj. 1) of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: annual salary[/ex] 2) occurring or returning once a year: an annual celebration[/ex] 3) bot (of a plant) living for only one growing season 4) performed or executed… … From formal English to slang
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You wear them with shorts on
corner and earn the money to pay for them.
If you want to buy those crazy Micronaut things, you’re going to have to earn the money.
But before Amiat could earn the money needed to help her family construct a better house,
she had to leave Saudi Arabia because of her status as an irregular immigrant.
Но прежде чем Амиат смогла заработать деньги на то, чтобы построить семье дом получше,
ей пришлось покинуть Саудовскую Аравию из-за своего статуса нелегального мигранта.
Listen, Brick, if you really want
goggles that bad,
Послушай, Брик, если ты действительно хочешь прибор так сильно,
Maybe we could earn the money, like, through a fund-raiser,
or we could tell all our grandmas our birthdays are coming up.
Может быть мы могли бы заработать, организовав сбор средств
или мы могли бы сказать что у наших бабушек скоро день рождения.
Or maybe; you might want to even start packing your home up and get ready to buy that new house that you
Или, может быть, вы, возможно, захотите, чтобы даже начать упаковку вашего дома и получить готовый купить, что новый дом,
but it also pays expenses to
tax haven company, which is
holder of
но, с другой стороны, она платит
офшорной компании, которая является обладателем прав.
To put it simply: the»real» Irish company earns the money using
but on
other hand it also pays expenses to
tax haven company, which is
holder of
Проще говоря,« реальная» ирландская компания зарабатывает деньги, используя лицензии,
но, с другой стороны, она платит
офшорной компании, являющейся держателем прав.
Usually they give their rights to
firm they work at, and this firm earns the money by restricting access to that program.
Обычно они отдают свои права фирме, в которой работают, а эта фирма зарабатывает деньги, ограничивая доступ к этой программе.
Well, you can call it our
but for
sake of discussion,
Ну, ты можешь называть их вашими
но справедливости ради,
I’m saying… that if you— if this is really important to you, then you need to earn the money yourself.
Game»Nacho wrestling» allows you to select a new and exciting costumes,
but only after overcoming
required level, after which you will earn the money needed to purchase this costume.
Игра« Начо реслинг» предоставляет возможность выбирать новые и интересные костюмы,
но только после преодоления требуемого уровня, после которого ты заработаешь деньги, необходимые на покупку этого костюма.
initial stage of
game you will be given a small amount of
development of his farm,
В начальном этапе игры вам будет предоставлена небольшая сумма
на развитие своего фермерского хозяйства,
We will just have to ask Prince to earn the money for
ticket on his own,” Lolidragon said with a shrug,
and then she crawled back to her cage to sleep without a second thought.
Мы просто должны попросить Принца самому заработать деньги на билет,- пожала плечами Лолидрагон, а потом поползла
обратно в свою камеру, чтобы спать без задних мыслей.
Very often migrants go to Bishkek with
purpose of earning the money necessary for traveling to Russia.
Очень часто мигранты едут в Бишкек с целью заработать деньги, необходимые для путешествия в Россию.
Word-list 4
/ əˈkaʊntənt
someone whose job is to keep and check
financial accounts, calculate taxes etc
affluent society
/ ˈæfluənt /
a society
having plenty of money, nice houses, expensive things etc
забезпечене суспільство
/ ˈæliməni /
money that a court orders someone to pay
regularly to their former wife or husband after their marriage has
a loan at 8% interest
/ ləʊn
an amount of money
that you borrow from a bank etc
the extra money that you must pay back when you
borrow money
позика під відсоток
/ əˈlaʊəns
an amount of money that you are given regularly
or for a special purpose
кишенькові гроші
a monthly statement
/ ˈsteɪtmənt
a record showing amounts of money paid,
received, owed etc for a monthly period
звіт за місяць
bank account
/ əˈkaʊnt
an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money
safe so that you can pay more in or take money out
рахунок у банку
bank balance
/ ˈbæləns /
the amount of money that you have in your bank
баланс на рахунку
bank charges
/ tʆɑːdʒ
the amount of money you have to pay for goods
or services of a bank
тарифи банку
/ ˈbæŋkrʌptsi
the state of being unable to pay your debts
/ bet /
an agreement to risk money on the result of a
race, game etc or on something happening, or the money that you
побиття об заклад
/ brɑːntʆ
a local business, shop etc that is part of a
larger business etc
by cheque
/ tʆek
a printed piece of paper that you write an
amount of money on, sign, and use instead of money to pay for
by credit card
/ ˈkredit kɑːd
a small plastic card that you use to buy goods
or services and pay for them later
кредитна картка
/ kæˈʆɪə
someone whose job is to receive or pay out
money in a shop
cash dispenser
/ dɪˈspensə
a machine in or
outside a bank, supermarket, or other public building, from which
you can obtain money with a special plastic card
change for a fiver
/ ˈfaɪvə
coins or paper money that you give in exchange
for the piece of paper money worth five pounds
/ ˈtʆæriti
money or gifts given to help people who are
poor, sick etc
cheque book
/ tʆek
a set of things
such as cheques
held together inside a paper cover
чекова книжка
cheque is bounce (=worthless)
/ baʊns
if a cheque bounces, or if a bank bounces a
cheque, the bank will not pay any money because there is not
enough money in the account of the person who wrote it
чек недійсний
/ ˈklaɪənt
someone who gets services or advice from a
professional person, company, or organization
/ kɔɪn
a piece of metal, usually flat and round, that
is used as money
/ ˈkaʊntəfɔɪl
the part of something such as a cheque or
ticket that you keep as a record
crossed cheque
/ krɒst
tʆek /
a cheque in Britain that has two lines across
it showing that it must be paid into a bank account
чек у Британії, який
треба сплатити у банк
currency exchange
a process in which you change money from one
currency to another
обмін валют
/ dɪˈpɒzɪt
an amount of money that is paid into a bank
депозит (гроші)
deposit account
/ dɪˈpɒzɪt
a bank account that pays interest on the money
that you leave in it
депозитний рахунок
dole money
/ dəʊl
money given by the government in Britain to
people who are unemployed
виплати безробітним
/ dəʊˈneɪʆən
something, especially money, that you give to a
person or an organization in order to help them
матеріальна допомога
draw one’s will
/ wɪl
to make a legal document that says who you want
your money and property to be given to after you die
/ ˈɜːnɪŋz
the money that you receive for the work that
you do
/ ˌekəˈnɒmɪk
relating to trade, industry, and the management
of money
/ ˌekəˈnɒmɪkl
using money, time, goods etc carefully and
without wasting any
/ ˌekəˈnɒmɪks
the study of the way in which money and goods
are produced and used
економіка (наука)
/ ɪˈkɒnəmi
the system by which
a country’s money and goods are produced and used, or a country
considered in this way
the careful use of money, time, goods etc so
that nothing is wasted
exchange rate
/ ɪksˈtʆeɪndʒ
reɪt /
the value of the money of one country compared
to the money of another country
валютний курс
/ ɪkˈspendɪtʆə
the total amount of money that a government,
organization, or person spends during a particular period of time
extra/overtime payment
/ ˈekstrə ˈpeɪmənt
an amount of something, especially money, in
addition to the usual, basic, or necessary amount
понаднормова платня
/ ɪkˈstrævəgənt
spending or costing a lot of money, especially
more than is necessary or more than you can afford
дуже дорогий
/ feə /
the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus,
train, plane etc
ціна за проїзд
/ fiː
an amount of money that you pay to do something
or that you pay to a professional person for their work
плата за послуги
financial supporter
səpɔːtə /
someone who supports a particular person,
group, or plan with money
той, хто підтримує
/ faɪn
money that you have to pay as a punishment
/ ɪnˈstɔːlmənt
one of a series of regular payments that you
make until you have paid all the money you owe
регулярна виплата
for a rainy day
/ ˈreɪni
to save something, especially money, for a time
when you will need it
до гірших часів
foreign currency
the system or type of money that a foreign
country uses
іноземна валюта
gas and electricity bills
/ bɪl
written lists showing how much you have to pay
for services you have received, work that has been done etc
/ ˈdʒenərəs
someone who is generous is willing to give
money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them
/ grɑːnt
an amount of money given to someone, especially
by the government, for a particular purpose
грант (стипендія)
hard currency
/ hɑːd
money that is from a country that has a strong
economy and is therefore unlikely to lose its value
міцна валюта
hard money
/ hɑːd
mʌni /
paper money and
coins, not cheques or credit cards
heir (-ess)
/ eə /
/ ˈeəres /
the person who has
the legal right to receive the property or title of another person
when they die
a woman who will receive or has received a lot
of money or property when an older member of her family dies
/ ˈherɪtɪdʒ
the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of
a family, country, or society
звичаї, традиції
hire purchase
/ haɪə
a way of buying expensive goods by regularly
paying small amounts over a period of time
купівля у кредит
(in) cash
/ kæʆ
money in the form of coins or notes rather than
cheques, credit cards etc
/ ˈɪŋkʌm
the money that you earn from your work or that
you receive from investments, the government etc
income tax
tæks /
tax paid on the money that you earn
податок на дохід
inflation went
up by 3%
/ ɪnˈfleɪʆən
a continuing increase in prices, or the rate at
which prices increase which becomes faster
зростання інфляції
/ ɪnˈherɪt
to receive money, property etc from someone
after they have died
/ ɪnˈherɪtəns
money, property etc that you receive from
someone who has died
interest on
overdraft on current account
/ ˈɪntrəst
the extra money that you must pay back when you
borrow money
відсотки (платити)
interest on savings
/ ˈɪntrəst
money paid to you by a bank or financial
institution when you keep money in an account there
відсотки (отримувати)
/ ɪnˈvestmənt
the use of money to get a profit or to make a
business activity successful, or the money that is used
/ ɪnˈvestə
someone who gives money to a company, business,
or bank in order to get a profit
IOU (=I owe you)
/ ˌaɪ
əʊ ˈjuː
a note that you sign to say that you owe
someone some money
«Я твій боржник»
/ lɒs
if a business makes a loss, it spends more than
it earns
/ miːn
not wanting to spend
money, or not wanting to use much of something
poor or looking poor
the average amount, figure, or value
середнє значення
mortgage payment
/ ˈmɔːgɪdʒ
the amount of money you borrow in the form of a
legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar
organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the money over
a period of years
виплата іпотеки
/ ˌmɪljəˈneə
someone who is very rich and has at least a
million pounds or dollars
/ ˈaʊtˌgəʊɪŋz
the money that you have to spend regularly, for
example on rent or food
регулярні витрати
/ ˈəʊvədrɑːft
the amount of money you owe to a bank when you
have spent more money than you had in your account
paper money
/ ˈpeɪpə
ˈmʌni /
money made of paper, not coins
паперові гроші
/ ˈpɔːnʆɒp
a pawnbroker’s shop
someone whose business is to lend
people money in exchange for valuable objects
/ ˈpenɪləs
someone who is penniless has no money
без грошей
unwilling to spend or give money
people on welfare
/ ˈwelfeə /
money that is paid by the government in the US
to people who are very poor or unemployed
соціальна допомога
/ ˈpenʆen
an amount of money paid regularly by the
government or company to someone who does not work any more, for
example because they have reached the age when people stop working
or because they are ill
/ ˈpɪgi
bæŋk /
a small container, usually in the shape of a
pig, in which children can save coins
для грошей
pin money
/ pɪn
a small amount of extra money which someone
earns to spend on things which they want but do not really need
дрібні гроші
pocket money
/ ˈpɒkɪt
a small amount of money that parents give
regularly to their children, usually every week or month
кишенькові гроші
/ ˈpɒvəti
the situation or experience of being poor
/ ˈprɒfɪt
money that you gain by selling things or doing
business, after your costs have been paid
/ prɒˈsperɪti
when people have money and everything that is
needed for a good life
/ ˈprɒspərəs
rich and successful
багатий і успішний
/ pɜːs
a small bag in which
women keep paper money, coins, cards etc
the amount of money that a person,
organization, or country has available to spend
/ ˈriːfʌnd
an amount of money that is given back to you if
you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have
paid for
повернення грошей
за неякісний продукт
road tax
/ rəʊd
tæks /
a tax in Britain that the owner of a vehicle
must pay in order to drive it legally
дорожній податок
/ seɪf
a strong metal box or cupboard with special
locks where you keep money and valuable things
salary is
/ ˈsæləri /
money that you receive as payment from the
organization you work for, usually paid to you every month
місячна заробітна
savings account
a bank account in which you keep money that you
want to save for a period of time, and which pays you interest on
the money you have in it
заощадження на
/ ˈskɒləʆɪp
an amount of money that is given to someone by
an educational organization to help pay for their education
/ ʆeə
one of the equal parts into which the ownership
of a company is divided
soft money
/ sɒftˈmʌni
money that people, companies, or organizations
give to political parties, rather than to a particular candidate
гроші для політичних
/ ˈspendˌθrɪft
someone who spends money carelessly, even when
they do not have a lot of it
sponsor (-ship)
/ ˈspɒnsə
/ / ˈspɒnsəʆɪp
a person or company
that pays for a show, broadcast, sports event etc especially in
exchange for the right to advertise at that event
a person or company
that supports someone by paying for their training, education,
living costs etc
financial support for an activity or event
спонсор, спонсорство
/ ˈstrɪndʒənt
stringent economic conditions exist when there
is a severe lack of money and strict controls on the supply of
у скрутному
матеріальному становищі
/ ˈstɪndʒi
not generous,
especially with money
a stingy amount of something, especially food,
is too small
stony broke
/ brəʊk
having no money
повний банкрут
/ tæks friː
not taxed
звільнений від
tax rebate
/ ˈriːbeɪt
an amount of money that is paid back to you
when you have paid too much tax
повернення податку,
/ ˈθrɪfti
using money carefully and wisely
/ tɪp
a small amount of additional money that you
give to someone such as a waiter or a taxi driver
/ ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪdʒd/
very poor, with worse living conditions,
educational opportunities etc than most people in society
money paid regularly by the government to
people who have no job
допомога безробітним
wages are
/ weɪdʒ
money you earn that is paid according to the
number of hours, days, or weeks that you work
заробітна плата
робітникам за тиждень
/ ˈwɒlɪt
a small flat case, often made of leather, that
you carry in your pocket, for holding paper money, bank cards etc
гаманець (чоловічий)
welfare state
/ ˈwelfeə
a system in which the government provides
money, free medical care etc for people who are unemployed, ill,
or too old to work
держава загального
/ welθ /
a large amount of money, property etc that a
person or country owns
/ ˈwelθi /
having a lot of money, possessions etc
/ wɪl
a legal document that says who you want your
money and property to be given to after you die
/ ˈwɪndfɔːl
an amount of money that you get unexpectedly
не очікувано отримані
/ ˈwɪnɪŋz
money that you have won
/ wɪðˈdrɔːəl
the act of taking money from a bank account, or
the amount you take out
зняття з рахунку
to ask for credit
/ ˈkredɪt
to ask for an arrangement with a shop, bank etc
that allows you to buy something and pay for it later
просити кредит
to be bankrupt
/ ˈbæŋkrʌpt
to be someone who has officially said that they
cannot pay their debts
бути банкрутом
to be beyond one’s means
/ bɪˈjɒnd
miːnz /
to cost more or greater than the money or
income you have
бути недосяжним
to be broke
/ brəʊk/
to have no money
бути банкрутом
to be comfortably off
/ ˈkʌmftəbli/
with enough money to live on without having to
worry about paying for things
бути забезпеченим
to be down and out
ənd aʊt/
having no luck or money
to be down to one’s last ten p.
to be left with only a small amount of
залишитись із
to be extremely well-off
/ wel
ɒf /
having a lot of money, or enough money to have
a good standard of living
бути надзвичайно
to be hard up
/ hɑːd
if you are hard up, you do not have much money
бути у складному
to be heavily in debt
/ det /
owing a lot of money
багато заборгувати
to be in the black
/ blæk /
to have money in your bank account
не мати заборгованості
to be in the red
/ red /
to owe more money than you have
мати заборгованість
to be on the breadline
/ ˈbredlaɪn
to have a
very low level of income which allows people to eat but not have
any extra things
жити скрутно
to be overdrawn
if you or your bank account is overdrawn, you
have spent more than you had in your account and so you owe the
bank money
мати заборгованість
to be poverty-stricken
/ ˈpɒvəti
ˈstrɪkən /
to be extremely poor
бути бідним
to be rolling in money
/ rəʊlɪŋ
to have or earn a lot of money
купатися у грошах
to be running into debt
/ det /
when you owe money to someone
to be up to one’s ears in debt
/ det /
to have a lot of debts
бути по вуха у боргах
to borrow from
/ ˈbɒrəʊ
to use something that belongs to someone else
and that you must give back to them later
позичити у
to cash a cheque
/ tʆek
to get cash in exchange for a cheque
отримати готівку за
to cut one’s bill
/ kʌt
to stop doing something that is failing, so
that you do not waste any more money, time, or effort
to deposit
/ dɪˈpɒzɪt
to put money or something valuable in a bank or
other place where it will be safe
вкласти гроші на
to draw / go on the dole
/ dəʊl
be unemployed and receiving money from the
отримувати допомогу
за безробіттям
to draw one’s will
/ wɪl
to prepare a legal document that says who you
want your money and property to be given to after you die
скласти заповіт
to earn a
living for oneself
to get enough to eat or live
заробляти на життя
to earn one’s
to get enough to eat or live
заробляти на життя
to earn over $1,000 in interest
to receive a
particular amount of money in interest
отримати 1000 доларів
США у відсотках
to exchange
traveller’s cheque
/ tʆek
a special cheque for a fixed amount that can be
exchanged for the money of a foreign country
обміняти туристичний
to fall on hard times
/ fɔːl
to experience difficulties and problems in your
life such as not having enough money
потрапити у скрутне
to fill in/out
a bank account / cheque / form
/ fɪl
to write all the necessary information on an
official document, form etc
заповнити чек, форму
to fritter away
/ ˈfrɪtə
to waste time, money, or effort on something
small or unimportant
марнувати час і гроші
to go on a
spending spree
/ spriː/
a short period of time when you do a lot of one
activity, especially spending money
взятися до розтрати
грошей, «смітити грошима»
to have more money than sense
/ ˈmʌni
/ / sens /
to have more money than the ability to
understand or judge something
грошей більше, ніж
to have to penny-pinch
/ penɪ
to have to be
unwilling to spend or give money
змушений рахувати
to initial a cheque
/ ɪˈnɪʆəl
to write your
initials on a cheque
to make it official
підписати чек
to invest in
/ ɪnˈvest
to buy shares, property, or goods because you
hope that the value will increase and you can make a profit
інвестувати в
to lend sb sth / sth to sb
/ lend /
to let someone borrow money or something that
belongs to you for a short time
позичити комусь
to live in the
lap of luxury
/ læp /
having an easy and comfortable life with a lot
of money, possessions etc
жити як у бога за
to live off the parents
/ lɪv
ɒf /
to get your
income or food from the parents
жити за рахунок
to live on a
/ ˈʆuːˌstrɪŋ
if you live
on a shoestring, you live
without spending much money
жити економно
to live rough
/ lɪv
living outside because they have no home
жити скрутно
to lose a quid and find a fiver
/ kwɪd
/ / ˈfaɪvə
increase the earnings
втративши мало,
отримати багато
to obtain a loan
/ ləʊn
an amount of money that you borrow from a bank
отримати кредит
to open a bank account
/ əˈkaʊnt
to start an arrangement between a bank and a
customer that allows the customer to pay in and take out money
відкрити банківський
to pay back
/ peɪ
to give someone the money that you owe them
to pay for
/ peɪ
to give someone money for something you buy or
for a service
платити за
to pay one’s way
/ peɪ
/ / weɪ /
to pay for everything that you want without
having to depend on anyone else for money
платити за себе
to pawn
/ pɔːn
to leave something valuable with a pawnbroker
in order to borrow money from them
to repay
/ rɪˈpeɪ
to pay back money that you have borrowed
to save
/ seɪv
to keep money in a bank so that you can use it
later, especially when you gradually add more money over a period
of time
to spend money like water
/ ˈwɔːtə
if you spend money like water, you spend large
amounts of it when you should try to save it — used to show
смітити грошима
to spend on
/ spend /
to use your money to pay for goods or services
витрачати на
to squander
/ ˈskwɒndə
to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities
to take money out of
/ aʊt
to take money from inside an object, container,
building, or place
знімати гроші
to tighten one’s belts
/ ˈtaɪtn
to try to spend less money than you used to
підтягнути пасок
to use a bank
/ bæŋk
to pay in and take out money in a bank
банківський рахунок
to waste
/ weɪst
when something such as money or skills are not
used in a way that is effective, useful, or sensible
даремно витрачати
to win a/one’s
fortune in sth
/ ˈfɔːtʆən
to win a very large amount of money
to withdraw money from the bank
/ wɪðˈdrɔː/
to take money out of a bank account
знімати гроші зрахунку