transfer n
aircraft control transfer
передача управления воздушным судном
automatic data transfer equipment
оборудование автоматической передачи данных
coefficient of heat transfer
коэффициент теплопередачи
control transfer line
рубеж передачи управления
fuel gravity transfer tube
труба перелива топлива
fuel transfer
fuel transfer pump
насос перекачки топлива
heart transfer
отвод тепла
interline transfer
передача в пункте стыковки авиарейсов
load transfer device
устройство для перемещения груза
passengers transfer
передача пассажиров
passenger transfer message
сообщение о передаче пассажиров
radar identification transfer
передача кода радиолокационного опознавания
radar transfer of control
передача радиолокационного диспетчерского управления
transfer flight
рейс с пересадкой
transfer fuel
перекачивать топливо
transfer of control
передача диспетчерского управления
transfer point
пункт передачи
transfer pump
насос перекачки
transferred marking
проверка прилегания по краске
transfer the control
передавать диспетчерское управление другому пункту
transfer valve
перепускной клапан
English-Russian aviation dictionary > transfer
transfer 1. перенос; передача; переносить, перемещать; передавать; 2. пассаж, перевивка; пересадка; перевивать; пересаживать
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > transfer
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > transfer
1) перено́с; перемеще́ние
3) перево́д рису́нка
и т.п.
на другу́ю пове́рхность
переводны́е карти́нки
зерка́льный о́ттиск
усту́пка, переда́ча (имущества, права
и т.п.
); це́ссия; трансфе́рт; докуме́нт о переда́че;
переса́дочный биле́т
1) переноси́ть, перемеща́ть ( from — из; to — в);
2) передава́ть (имущество, право
и т.п.
4) переса́живаться (на другой трамвай, автобус
и т.п.
); де́лать переса́дку ( на железной дороге)
5) переводи́ть рису́нок на другу́ю пове́рхность,
наноси́ть рису́нок на литогра́фский ка́мень
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > transfer
transfer to
transfer to а) переводить (по службе, работе и т. п.); transfer to anotherdepartment перевести кого-л. в другой отдел б) переходить, переводиться (с од-ной работы на другую); students may transfer to other colleges студенты могутпереходить в другие колледжи
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > transfer to
Персональный Сократ > transfer
TRANSFER, transportation simulation for estimating requirements
English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > TRANSFER
2) перемещение || перемещать
3) перевозка || перевозить
4) перегрузка || перегружать
5) перегрузчик; перегрузочная установка
6) транспортёр, конвейер
7) метал. шлеппер
14) кфт., тлв перезапись || перезаписывать
15) перевод, перенос || переводить, переносить
to transfer control — вчт. 1. выполнять команду передачи управления 2. передавать управление;
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > transfer
[̘. ̈n.ˈtrænsfə:]
account-to-account transfer перевод денег с одного счета на другой advance transfer перевод аванса automatic debit transfer автоматический перенос дебета automatic transfer system система автоматического перевода средств со сберегательного на текущий счет bank credit transfer банковский кредитный перевод bank transfer банковский перевод banker transfer банковский перевод blank transfer бланковый трансферт block transfer вчт. поблочная передача capital transfer движение капитала capital transfer перевод капитала capital transfer перемещение капитала control transfer команда передачи управления control transfer вчт. передача управления convey and transfer перевозить и передавать credit transfer кредитный перевод credit transfer перевод кредита credit transfer order требование перевода кредита current transfer текущий перевод data transfer вчт. пересылка данных dry transfer вчт. способ переводного нанесения аппликаций dry transfer вчт. способ сухого переноса шрифта electronic direct funds transfer system вчт. электронная система платежей electronic funds transfer система электронных платежей electronic funds transfer system вчт. электронная система платежей farm transfer передача фермы giro transfer жироперевод giro transfer перевод денег с одного жиросчета на другой giro transfer почтовый перевод денег с одного жиросчета на другой income transfer перемещение доходов income transfer перераспределение доходов interbank transfer межбанковский перевод intrabank transfer внутрибанковский перевод jump transfer вчт. команда перехода mass transfer массовая перевозка грузов mass transfer массовый переезд money transfer денежный перевод partial transfer частичный перевод postal credit transfer безналичный почтовый перевод postal transfer почтовый денежный перевод resource transfer перемещение ресурсов salary transfer перечисление заработной платы serial transfer вчт. последовательная пересылка share transfer передача акций split transfer вчт. передача с разделением буфера stock transfer перевод акций swift transfer экстренное перечисление денег tax-exempt transfer не облагаемый налогом денежный перевод technology transfer передача технологии transfer акт перенесения прав transfer безвозмездная социальная выплата transfer выполнять команду перехода transfer документ о передаче transfer полигр. зеркальный оттиск transfer команда перехода transfer перевод рисунка (и т. п.). на другую поверхность transfer переводить рисунок на другую поверхность, особ. наносить рисунок на литографский камень transfer перевод (по службе) transfer перевод (из одного места заключения в другое) transfer перевод (о денежных суммах) transfer перевод денег transfer перевод красок на холст (при реставрировании) transfer перевод репарационных сумм transfer переводить (из одного места заключения в другое) transfer переводить деньги transfer переводиться transfer pl переводные картинки transfer перевоз грузов transfer перевозить transfer перевозить груз transfer передавать (имущество и т. п.) transfer передавать transfer передача, уступка, цессия, трансферт, переход (права), документ о передаче, акт перенесения прав transfer передача transfer вчт. передача transfer передача права transfer переезд из одного места в другое transfer переезжать transfer переместить transfer перемещать transfer перемещаться transfer перемещение transfer перенос; перемещение transfer перенос transfer переносить, перемещать (from — из; to — в); to transfer a child to another school перевести ребенка в другую школу transfer переносить transfer пересадка (на железной дороге и т. п.) transfer пересадка transfer амер. пересадочный билет transfer пересаживаться (на другой трамвай, автобус и т. п.); делать пересадку (на железной дороге) transfer перестановка transfer пересылать transfer пересылка transfer переуступать право transfer переход transfer переходить (с одной работы на другую); переводиться transfer переходить на другую работу transfer перечислять, переводить transfer перечислять transfer перечислять сумму transfer трансферт transfer уступать transfer юр. уступка, передача (имущества, права и т. п.); цессия; трансферт; transfer of authority передача прав, полномочий transfer уступка имущества transfer цессия transfer переносить, перемещать (from — из; to — в); to transfer a child to another school перевести ребенка в другую школу transfer in kind перевод натурой transfer юр. уступка, передача (имущества, права и т. п.); цессия; трансферт; transfer of authority передача прав, полномочий transfer of boundaries перенос границ transfer of business передача контроля над предприятием transfer of cause перенесение рассмотрения дела transfer of cause to another court перенесение рассмотрения дела в другой суд transfer of claim переход иска transfer of collateral перечисление залога transfer of control вчт. передача управления transfer of currency перевод валюты transfer of firm передача компании transfer of funds денежный перевод transfer of funds by mail почтовый денежный перевод transfer of funds by post почтовый денежный перевод transfer of goods передача товара transfer of income перемещение доходов transfer of income перераспределение доходов transfer of mortgage передача залога transfer of ownership передача права собственности transfer of payments перечисление платежей transfer of portfolio передача портфеля transfer of profit перевод прибыли transfer of profits перечисление прибылей transfer of property отчуждение собственности transfer of property передача имущества transfer of property передача права собственности transfer of property by way of security передача права собственности с помощью ценных бумаг transfer of property inter vivos передача права собственности при жизни завещателя transfer of property to younger generation передача права собственности представителям младшего поколения transfer of rights передача прав transfer of risk переход риска transfer of skills передача опыта transfer of technology передача технологии transfer of territory отчуждение территории transfer to another court передача дела в другой суд transfer to flag of convenience переход к удобному флагу transfer to reserve перечислять средства в резервный фонд transfer to reserve fund перечислять средства в резервный фонд unconditional transfer безусловная передача unconditional transfer вчт. безусловный переход unilateral transfer односторонний перевод unrequited transfer неоплаченный перевод unrequited transfer односторонний перевод wireless transfer трансферт, осуществленный по радиосвязи
English-Russian short dictionary > transfer
Англо-русский технический словарь > transfer
English-Russian electronics dictionary > transfer
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > transfer
передавать, уступать
уступка; передача ; цессия
2) трансферт; документ о передаче
3) денежный перевод; перечисление денег
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > transfer
1. n перенос, перенесение; перемещение
2. n переход
3. n тот, кто переводится
4. n передача
legal transfer — передача, требующая юридического оформления
5. n предмет передачи
image transfer — передача изображения; перенос изображения
6. n юр. уступка, передача; цессия
7. n трансферт; документ о передаче, документ о переводе ценной бумаги с одного лица на другое
8. n преим. амер. перевод; перечисление
9. n преим. амер. пересадочный пункт, пункт пересадки
10. n преим. амер. пересадка
11. n преим. амер. пересадочный билет
may I have a transfer, please? — дайте мне, пожалуйста, транзитный билет
12. n преим. амер. перевозка грузов
13. n преим. амер. паром
14. n преим. амер. переводные картинки
15. n преим. амер. полигр. зеркальный оттиск
16. n преим. амер. перевод красок на холст
17. v переносить, перемещать; переставлять; перекладывать; перевозить
18. v переходить, переводиться
19. v юр. передавать, уступать
20. v переводить; перечислять
21. v делать пересадку, пересаживаться
22. v преобразовывать; превращать
23. v переводить рисунок на другую поверхность,
Синонимический ряд:
4. shift (noun) assignment; change; movement; shift; traffic; translocation
6. convey (verb) abalienate; alien; alienate; assign; cede; consign; convey; deed; grant; make over; remise; sign; sign over
7. give (verb) dish out; dispense; feed; find; furnish; give; hand; hand over; provide; supply; turn over
8. move (verb) dislocate; disturb; manoeuvre; move; relocate; remove; shift; ship
10. transform (verb) change; commute; convert; metamorphize; metamorphose; mutate; transfigure; transform; translate; transmogrify; transmute; transpose; transubstantiate
Антонимический ряд:
appropriate; fix; keep; retain; withhold
English-Russian base dictionary > transfer
1. перенос; перевод; передача; переносить; переводить
legal transfer — передача, требующая юридического оформления
2. переводные картинки
3. изображение, подлежащее переносу или переводу
4. лист или плёнка для перевода
transfer shed — хранилище для грузов, ожидающих перевалки
5. зеркальный оттиск
6. пересылка; передача
7. перенос способом сухой декалькомании
8. сухой перенос копии
9. перенос изображения под действием тепла
10. перенос изображения, воспроизведённого термокраской
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > transfer
передача; перевод; перелёт ; переносить, передавать; переводить ; перекачивать
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > transfer
1. [ʹtrænsfɜ:]
1. 1) перенос, перенесение; перемещение
energy [heat] transfer — перенос /передача/ энергии [тепла]
3) переход
the transfer from book to life is not easy — нелегко применить книжные знания к реальной жизни
to get a transfer (to smth.) — получить перевод (куда-л.)
2) тот, кто переводится
a limited number of transfers may be accepted by the college — колледж может принять в порядке перевода ограниченное число студентов
3. 1) передача
transfer of control — а) передача управления; б) команда перехода
information /data/ transfer — передача информации
2) предмет передачи
уступка, передача (); цессия
transfer of authority — передача прав /полномочий/
4) трансферт; документ о передаче, документ о переводе ценной бумаги с одного лица на другое
амер. перевод (); перечисление ()
cable /telegraphic/ [mail] transfer — телеграфный [почтовый] перевод
1) пересадочный пункт, пункт пересадки
2) пересадка ()
3) пересадочный билет
may I have a transfer, please? — дайте мне, пожалуйста, транзитный билет
5) паром
6. перевод рисунка
на другую поверхность
9. перевод красок на холст ()
2. [trænsʹfɜ:]
1. переносить, перемещать; переставлять; перекладывать; перевозить
to transfer a book from a table to a shelf — переложить книгу со стола на полку
to transfer a prisoner from one prison to another — перевести заключённого из одной тюрьмы в другую
to transfer a name to a different list — перенести фамилию в другой список
to transfer one’s affections to a new object — переносить свои чувства на другой предмет /-ое лицо/
a truck will transfer our baggage from the railway station to our home — багаж можно будет перевезти с вокзала домой на грузовике
2. 1) переводить ()
to transfer smb. to another department — перевести кого-л. в другой отдел
to transfer an officer to a remote frontier — перевести офицера на отдалённую границу
then he is just transferred to some other job — тогда его просто переводят на какую-нибудь другую работу
2) переходить, переводиться ()
to transfer to the armoured division — перевестись в бронетанковую дивизию
students may transfer to other colleges — студенты могут переходить в другие колледжи
he has transfered from the Navy to the Air Force — он перешёл из флота в авиацию
3. 1) передавать
to transfer motion from one wheel to another — передавать движение с одного колеса на другое
передавать, уступать ()
to transfer a right to smb. — передать кому-л. своё право ()
3) переводить (); перечислять ()
this farm has been transferred from father to son for generations — на протяжении многих поколений эта ферма переходила от отца к сыну
4. делать пересадку, пересаживаться ()
you’ll have to transfer at Albany — в Олбани вам нужно будет сделать пересадку
5. (into) преобразовывать; превращать
to transfer wastes into fertile fields — преобразовать пустыни в плодородные поля
6. переводить рисунок на другую поверхность,
наносить рисунок на литографский камень
НБАРС > transfer
1) передача; передача в собственность, уступка (напр. имущества) || передавать
2) трансфер (т); безвозмездная социальная выплата (в системе национальных счетов)
3) перевод (денег); перечисление (сумм); перевод репарационных сумм || переводить (деньги)
4) pl внутрифирменный оборот
6) бухг. перенос, транспорт || переносить
7) перемещение, перестановка (напр. деталей со станка на станок)
перемещение, переезд из одного места в другое || перемещаться, переезжать
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > transfer
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > transfer
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > transfer
См. также в других словарях:
transfer — trans·fer 1 /trans fər, trans ˌfər/ vt trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring: to cause a transfer of trans·fer·abil·i·ty /trans ˌfər ə bi lə tē, ˌtrans fər / n trans·fer·able also trans·fer·ra·ble /trans fər ə bəl/ adj trans·fer·or /trans fər ȯr, tr … Law dictionary
Transfer — may refer to:*Call transfer *Decal *Electron transfer *Jacoby transfer, a bidding device in contract bridge *Knowledge transfer *Language transfer, where native language grammar and pronunciation influence the learning and use of a second… … Wikipedia
Transfer 21 — ist das Nachfolge Projekt des Programms “21“ – Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Bund Länder Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung. Das Programm “21“ wurde 1999 ins Leben gerufen, um modellhafte Konzepte im Sinne von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Transfer — (lat. transferre „hinüberbringen“) bezeichnet: eine Methode in der Maschinellen Übersetzung in der Pädagogischen Psychologie die Übertragung von Wissen und Fertigkeiten in neue Anwendungen, siehe Lerntransfer der Datenaustausch in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Transfer — Trans fer, n. 1. The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or personal,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transfer — TRANSFÉR, transferuri, s.n. Faptul de a (se) transfera. – Din fr. transfert. Trimis de ionel bufu, 28.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 TRANSFÉR s. 1. v. mutare. 2. v. transmisiune. 3. v. schimb. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime … Dicționar Român
transfer — vb 1 *move, remove, shift Analogous words: *carry, convey, transport, transmit: *commit, consign 2 Transfer, convey, alienate, deed are comparable chiefly as legal terms meaning to make over property from one owner to another. Transfer is the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
transfer — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. transfererze {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 8}}ekon. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} transakcja gospodarcza, której istota polega na wzajemnym przekazaniu sobie rzeczy, usługi, kapitału … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
Transfer — Trans*fer , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Transferred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Transferring}.] [L. transferre; trans across, over + ferre to bear: cf. F. transf[ e]rer. See {Bear} to carry.] 1. To convey from one place or person another; to transport, remove,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Transfer — (film) Transfer est le premier court métrage de David Cronenberg. Il a été réalisé en 1966. Fiche technique Réalisation, scénario, photographie et montage : David Cronenberg Son : Margaret Hindson et Stephen Nosoko Tourné à Toronto… … Wikipédia en Français
transfer — [trans′fər; ] for v., also [ trans fʉr′] vt. transferred, transferring [ME transferren < L transferre < trans , across + ferre, to BEAR1] 1. to convey, carry, remove, or send from one person, place, or position to another 2. to make over or … English World dictionary
We transferred the baby’s car seat to the other car.
The patient was transferred to a different hospital.
transfer data on the hard drive to a disk
He transferred my call to another line.
The virus is transferred by mosquitoes.
He transferred control of the company to his son.
She was able to transfer her organizational skills to her new job.
Her skills transferred well to her new job.
We switched to another car, and the transfer only took a few minutes.
They arranged for a transfer of the prisoner to a different prison.
a material that reduces heat transfer
speeding up data transfer between computers
We are doing everything possible to ensure a smooth transfer to the new system.
a transfer by deed or will
a transfer to the home office
My overseas transfer has been approved.
See More
Recent Examples on the Web
On paper, Alabama’s 2023 roster took a hit in the offseason when five offensive linemen transferred out of Tuscaloosa.
—Nick Alvarez | Nalvarez@al.com, al, 6 Apr. 2023
There is currently no clear outline of how Tunisia would transfer power, even temporarily, should the president become incapacitated, analysts say.
—Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023
But then the scammers call, pretending to be from the bank, to tell you that someone has transferred money out of your account.
—Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, 4 Apr. 2023
Other horses Baffert transferred to Yakteen include Arabian Lion, Carmel Road, Hejazi, Fort Bragg and Mr. Fisk.
—Ryan Black, The Courier-Journal, 4 Apr. 2023
In 2012, the Mary Nohl site ownership transferred from the Kohler Foundation, Inc. to Creation and Preservation Partners, Inc., an affiliate of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center.
—Alex Groth, Journal Sentinel, 4 Apr. 2023
Low is accused of transferring more than $21 million of foreign money to Michel who then, allegedly, funneled $865,000 in campaign contributions through straw donors to Obama’s re-election campaign, violating all kinds of laws.
—Lester Fabian Brathwaite, EW.com, 4 Apr. 2023
Step 4Once rice and chicken are ready, transfer chicken and steam rack to cutting board.
—Nicole Papantoniou, Good Housekeeping, 4 Apr. 2023
The district is also trying to determine if credits from classes taught in non-English languages would transfer to four-year colleges and universities.
—Debbie Truong, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023
Starting two-guard Zep Jasper exhausted his eligibility, while starting point guard Wendell Green Jr. entered the NBA Draft, and freshmen Yohan Traore and Chance Westry both entered the transfer portal.
—Tom Green | Tgreen@al.com, al, 7 Apr. 2023
In half the time, the Wildcats matched that total with four transfer portal additions in 2021 and one in 2022.
—Ryan Black, The Courier-Journal, 6 Apr. 2023
At season’s end, Lindsey Duvall and Emmy Souder graduated while Whitney Hay and Emmy Taylor entered the transfer portal.
—Brendan Connelly, The Enquirer, 6 Apr. 2023
But in one vital regard — players moving through the transfer portal — the offseason has been underway since conference tournaments ended in early March.
—Jon Wilner | , oregonlive, 6 Apr. 2023
Along with defensive linemen B.J. Green and Anthonie Cooper, Stansbury sought other offers in the transfer portal.
—Jenna Ortiz, The Arizona Republic, 6 Apr. 2023
Also departing are two short-time, former transfer portal additions in left tackle Jarrett Horst (15 starts in two seasons) and reserve guard Brian Green.
—Chris Solari, Detroit Free Press, 5 Apr. 2023
This was a team built strictly for 2023 — replenished by coach Dan Hurley, who went to the transfer portal to find more outside shooting after back-to-back first-round exits in the tournament.
—Eddie Pells, Anchorage Daily News, 4 Apr. 2023
Gard and his staff expect to return all five starters, are adding four freshmen and are actively pursuing several players in the transfer portal.
—Jeff Potrykus, Journal Sentinel, 4 Apr. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘transfer.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
передача, перевод, трансфер, передавать, переводить, переводный
существительное ↓
- перенос, перенесение; перемещение
the transfer of meaning — перенос значения (слова)
transfer of fire — воен. перенос огня
transfer of radioactivity — перенос радиоактивных веществ
energy [heat] transfer — перенос /передача/ энергии [тепла]
transfer of population — перемещение населения
- перенос (знаний из одной области в другую)
transfer of training — применение (приобретённых знаний) в другой области
- переход
the transfer from book to life is not easy — нелегко применить книжные знания к реальной жизни
- перевод (по службе)
to get a transfer (to smth.) — получить перевод (куда-л.)
to carry out a transfer — оформить перевод (по службе)
transfer to the reserve — воен. перевод в запас
- тот, кто переводится
a limited number of transfers may be accepted by the college — колледж может принять в порядке перевода ограниченное число студентов
ещё 15 вариантов
глагол ↓
- переносить, перемещать; переставлять; перекладывать; перевозить
to transfer a book from a table to a shelf — переложить книгу со стола на полку
to transfer a prisoner from one prison to another — перевести заключённого из одной тюрьмы в другую
to transfer a name to a different list — перенести фамилию в другой список
to transfer one’s affections to a new object — переносить свои чувства на другой предмет /-ое лицо/
to transfer fire — воен. переносить огонь
a truck will transfer our baggage from the railway station to our home — багаж можно будет перевезти с вокзала домой на грузовике
- переводить (по службе, работе, учёбе и т. п.)
to transfer smb. to another department — перевести кого-л. в другой отдел
to transfer an officer to a remote frontier — перевести офицера на отдалённую границу
then he is just transferred to some other job — тогда его просто переводят на какую-нибудь другую работу
- переходить, переводиться (с одной работы на другую)
to transfer to the armoured division — перевестись в бронетанковую дивизию
students may transfer to other colleges — студенты могут переходить в другие колледжи
he has transfered from the Navy to the Air Force — он перешёл из флота в авиацию
- передавать
to transfer information — передавать информацию
to transfer the case to another court — передать дело в другой суд
to transfer motion from one wheel to another — передавать движение с одного колеса на другое
- юр. передавать, уступать (имущество и т. п.)
to transfer land — передавать землю другому владельцу
to transfer a right to smb. — передать кому-л. своё право (на что-л.)
ещё 4 варианта
Мои примеры
transfer data on the hard drive to a disk — переместить данные с винчестера на диск /на дискету/
a material that reduces heat transfer — материал, который снижает теплопередачу
speeding up data transfer between computers — ускорение передачи данных между компьютерами
a transfer to the home office — перевод в главное представительство
transfer of a call — переадресация вызова
conditional transfer of control — условная передача управления
to transfer fuel — перекачивать топливо
to transfer / transplant genes — пересаживать гены
to transfer power — передать власть кому-л.
to transfer property — передавать имущество
to transfer to another department — перевести кого-л. в другой отдел
amount of transfer — сумма перевода
Примеры с переводом
He transferred my call to another line.
Он перевел мой звонок на другую линию.
Transfer the data onto a disk.
Перенесите данные на диск.
Students may transfer to other colleges.
Студенты могут переходить в другие колледжи.
Transfer the meat to warm plates.
Переложите мясо на горячие тарелки.
Penny’s applied for a transfer to head office.
Пенни подала заявление на перевод в головной офис.
The captain applied to headquarters for a transfer.
Капитан подал в штаб рапорт о переводе на другое место службы.
I’ve been thinking again about putting in for a transfer.
Я снова и снова возвращаюсь к мысли о переходе на другую работу.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Who authorized the transfer of the funds?
Her skills transferred well to her new job.
We transferred the baby’s car seat to the other car.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
transferable — допускающий замену, допускающий перемещение, допускающий передачу
transferal — перенос, перевод, перемещение
transference — передача, перенесение, перемещение, перевод, переброска
transferor — цедент, лицо, передающее что-л.
transferring — передающий
transferred — передавать, переводить, переводиться, переносить, переходить, перемещать
transferrer — цедент, лицо, право
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): transfer
мн. ч.(plural): transfers
For Wikipedia’s articles transfer to other sister projects, see Help:Transwiki on Meta.
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Transfer may refer to:
Arts and mediaEdit
- Transfer (2010 film), a German science-fiction movie directed by Damir Lukacevic and starring Zana Marjanović
- Transfer (1966 film), a short film
- Transfer (journal), in management studies
- «The Transfer» (Smash), a television episode
- The Transfer, a novel by Silvano Ceccherini
- Transfer payment, a redistribution of income and wealth by means of the government making a payment
- Balance transfer, transfer of the balance (either of money or credit) in an account to another account
- Money transfer (disambiguation)
- Wire transfer, an international expedited bank-to-bank funds transfer
Science and technologyEdit
Learning and psychologyEdit
- Transfer (propaganda), a method of psychological manipulation
- Knowledge transfer, within organizations
- Language transfer, in which native-language grammar and pronunciation influence the learning and use of a second language
- Transfer of learning, in education
- Transfer function in mathematics
- Transfer (group theory), a type of homomorphism
- Transfer principle, in mathematics
Other sciencesEdit
- Transfer (computing), movement of data between memory media
- Transfer (patent), transfer of intellectual property rights
- Call transfer, in telephony
- Electron transfer, in chemistry
- Heat transfer, in thermal engineering
- Population transfer, movement of large groups of people
- Transfer DNA, the transferred DNA of the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid of some species of bacteria such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens
- Fouling, transfer of unwanted material onto solid surfaces
- Trace evidence, in forensic science
Sports and gamesEdit
- Transfer (association football)
- Transfer, a type of bidding convention in contract bridge
- Jacoby transfer
- Texas transfer
- Transfer (public transit), a ticket that allows a passenger to use multiple conveyances in a single trip
- Transfer (railway station), a railway station connecting two or more lines
- Transfer (travel), local transportation as part of an itinerary
Other usesEdit
- Transfer, Pennsylvania
- Internal hiring, a move to another job in another team in the same organization
- Intra-company transfer
- College transfer
- Decal, a sticker
- Iron-on transfer
- The process of moving a human to or from a wheelchair or other assistive device
See alsoEdit
- Manhattan Transfer (disambiguation), several meanings
Meaning Transfer
What does Transfer mean? Here you find 160 meanings of the word Transfer. You can also add a definition of Transfer yourself
1 |
1 from the airport or arrival point to the hotel. GROUP RESERVATIONS: A reservation for large number of guests
2 |
0 Transfern. 1) the movement of property from one person or entity to anoth…
3 |
0 TransferAny mode or means by which a debtor disposes of or parts with his/her property.
4 |
0 TransferRelationships Related Term: disposal n. ~ Records · The process of moving records as part of their scheduled disposition, especially from an office to a records center, or from a records center to [..]
5 |
0 TransferA change of ownership from one person or party to another.
6 |
0 TransferTo move electric energy from one utility system to another over transmission lines.
7 |
0 TransferTransfert
8 |
0 TransferShifting funds from one appropriation account to another, as authorized by law. (Contrast to Reprogram.)
9 |
0 Transferlate 14c., from Old French transferer or directly from Latin transferre «bear across, carry over, bring through; transfer, copy, translate,» from trans- «across» (see trans-) + fer [..]
10 |
0 Transfer1670s, «conveyance of property,» from transfer (v.).
11 |
0 Transferthe removal of a cause from the jurisdiction of one court or judge to another by lawful authority
12 |
0 TransferAn intrafirm transaction accounting for the movement of merchandise from one selling department or location to another, which is a transfer in for the department or other selling unit receiving the goods and a transfer out for the department or location sending the goods.
13 |
0 TransferA document registered at the Land Titles Office and noted on the Certificate of Title which verifies the change of ownership of a property.
14 |
0 TransferThis term may refer to two different operations. For one, the delivery of a stock certificate from the seller’s broker to the buyer’s broker and legal change of ownership, normally accomplis [..]
15 |
0 TransferA vertical or inclined connection between two or more levels and used as an ore pass.
16 |
0 Transferto pass or switch from one to another.
17 |
0 TransferIn a transfer, a 401(k) or IRA custodian or trustee moves the assets in your existing account directly to the custodian or trustee of your new account. With a transfer, you don't risk failing to deposit the full amount of your withdrawal within the 60-day deadline for rollovers. And, in the case of a transfer from a 401(k) or similar retire [..]
18 |
0 TransferFor the purpose of Element 465, a transfer should be indicated where a student is enrolled in a higher degree research course and without completing the requirements of that course, commences a differ [..]
19 |
0 TransferThe process of changing the registered owner of a security by (a) updating the list of registered bondholders of an issue and (b) if the security is certificated, issuing a new securities certifica [..]
20 |
0 TransferThe process of a student leaving one program to enroll in another. F and M students may be eligible to transfer to another school if they have continuously maintained their status and follow proper procedures.
21 |
0 TransferTo move ownership or possession of an asset (or an interest in an asset) from one party to another. The term encompasses all methods for disposing of an asset, including by gift, sale, release, lease, [..]
22 |
0 Transfertransportation: the act of moving something from one location to another transfer somebody to a different position or location of work someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to anot [..]
23 |
0 TransferTo copy or move information from one computer to another.
24 |
0 Transferto carry or send something or someone from one place to another
25 |
0 Transferv. To convey, remove, or cause to pass from one person or place to another.
26 |
0 TransferTo send information from one location and to receive it at another.
27 |
0 TransferDefinitions (2) 1. A changing of ownership, such as real estate, a security or a financial account, from one party to another.
28 |
0 TransferA Transfer is the movement of an employee to a job having the same value as the one that was occupied at the time of the move. A transfer will typically not provide an adjustment in pay since it is a [..]
29 |
0 Transfer1. verb. to shift or switch from one locale to another, one type to another, or one scenario or condition to another. 2. noun. the shift or switch generated.
30 |
0 TransferTo take merchandise with zone status from a zone for consumption, transportation, exportation, warehousing, cartage or lighter age, vessel supplies and equipment, admission to another zone, and like p [..]
31 |
0 Transfertransfer (pop)
32 |
0 Transferconduction
33 |
0 TransferA change in the physical custody of archival materials from one location or agency to another, usually without a corresponding change of legal ownership and responsibility, for example, the relocation [..]
34 |
0 TransferAn abbreviation used in data communications.
35 |
0 Transfertrans·ferred trans·fer·ring : to cause a transfer of trans·fer·abil·i·ty [trans-fər-ə-bi-lə-tē, trans-fər-] n trans·fer·able …
36 |
0 TransferSystem where drinking water or raw water is moved around a region.
37 |
0 TransferTo move or cause to go from one place, person, or thing to another.
38 |
0 TransferMoves product from one line to another.
39 |
0 Transferlocal transportation, sometimes including porterage, as from one carrier terminal to another, from terminal to a hotel, or from a hotel to an attraction transit visa:
40 |
0 TransferCommunication from one partner to another.
41 |
0 TransferThe Industrial Relations Act 1999 defines a transfer of calling as including a transmission, assurance, conveyance, assignment or succession either by operation of law or by agreement including an agreement effected by a third person.
42 |
0 TransferA disposal process consisting of the confirmed export of digital records and folders and their subsequent destruction within the exporting electronic records management system. Records may be transferred from one Australian Government agency to: another Australian Government agency following administrative changearchival custodya service provider [..]
43 |
0 TransferThe transfer of custody of a Commonwealth record is subject to section 24 of the Archives Act 1983. It involves transferring the duty of care for the ongoing physical management of records from one custodian to another. This duty of care may include responsibility for the record’s: the record’s physical storage and protectionmaking its [..]
44 |
0 TransferThe transfer of ownership of a Commonwealth record is subject to section 24 of the Archives Act 1983. It involves one party relinquishing physical, legal and, in certain instances, intellectual property rights over the record to another party.
45 |
0 TransferProcess of transporting people between terminals and hotels, or moving equipment or people from one place to another.
46 |
0 TransferA device or series of devices, usual- ly mounted inside a conveyor section, which uses belts, chains, o-rings, rollers, or skate- wheels, to move products at right angles to adjacent or parallel conveyor lines.
47 |
0 TransferThe movement of the membership of ordained ministers from one Annual Conference to another. Although an ordained United Methodist minister is authorized to perform ministerial duties anywhere in the d [..]
48 |
0 TransferThe movement of the membership of a lay person from one local church to another. A lay person may transfer his or her membership either to another United Methodist local church or to a local church of [..]
49 |
0 TransferA legal document used to transfer the holding of one Investor to another. It is no longer required for on market transactions.
50 |
0 TransferA document registered with the Land Titles Office that confirms the change of ownership as noted on the Certificate of Title.
51 |
0 TransferSee Intergovernmental fiscal transfers.
52 |
0 TransferA one-way payment for which no money, good, or service is given or exchanged.
53 |
0 TransferTransfer is the switch of ownership rights to an asset from one party to another. A transfer can also be the movement of money from one account to another. Specific to IRAs, a transfer is the movement [..]
54 |
0 TransferTransfer results in the changing of ownership from one party to another. Pursuant to section 2 201 of the Uniform Probate Code, transfer relates to a transfer by or of the decedent. Transfer under the [..]
55 |
0 TransferAccording to Federal Bankruptcy Code 11 USCS § 101 [Title 11. Bankruptcy; Chapter 1. General provisions] the term transfer means—
56 |
0 TransferGenerally Transfer means to convey or remove from one place or one person to another. In law, it means
57 |
0 TransferThe process by which securities are reregistered to new owners.
58 |
0 TransferTransfer means that students withdraw from the University of Canterbury and apply to another university, without any guarantee of being accepted by that university and with the knowledge that the univ [..]
59 |
0 TransferThe movement of a student from one postsecondary institution to another with credit granted by the receiving institution for courses taken at the sending institution. Provides academic mobility for [..]
60 |
0 TransferConsists of the granting of credit (transfer credit) toward a credential by one institution, for programs or courses completed at another.
61 |
0 TransferTo withdraw from one educational institution or course of study and enrol in another.
62 |
0 TransferNumber of transfer credits used to meet program requirements in the Degree Evaluation Report.
63 |
0 TransferTransfer is the ability to apply an idea or a skill that has been learned in one context and use it in a different context.
64 |
0 TransferSee program transfer.
65 |
0 Transfer(n) the act of moving something from one location to another(n) someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another(n) the act of transfering something from one form to another(n)� [..]
66 |
0 Transfer the movement of electrons from one place to another either by current of static.
67 |
0 TransferFor the purpose of Element 465, a transfer should be indicated where a student is enrolled in a higher degree research course and without completing the requirements of that course, commences a different higher degree research course at the same level at the same Higher Education Provider (HEP). There would be no interval between the candidature fo [..]
68 |
0 TransferWhen a group policy member or family member(s) moves from one group policy or level of cover or from one group policy to another.
69 |
0 TransferConsists of the granting of credit (transfer credit) toward a credential by one institution, for programs or courses completed at another.
70 |
0 TransferThe movement of a student from one postsecondary institution to another with credit granted by the receiving institution for courses taken at the sending institution
71 |
0 TransferWhen you transfer, you go to another college or university for advanced education or training. A «transfer course» is any course acceptable at another college or university. These courses ar [..]
72 |
0 TransferThe mobility of students among post-secondary institutions on the basis of their having transfer credit. (see Transfer Credit)
73 |
0 TransferKnowledge of the L1 is used to help in learning the L2. Transfer can be positive, when the two language have similar structures, or it can be negative, when the two languages are different, and L1-induced errors occur. Trinity College London Responsible for the Certificate in TESOL and the Licentiate Diploma in TESOL examinations.
74 |
0 TransferThe process of moving from one university to another to complete a degree.
75 |
0 TransferDevice to carry the piece under the die
76 |
0 TransferMovement of cargo from one carrier to another against transfer manifest.
77 |
0 TransferIn a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges.
78 |
0 TransferAn exchange of ownership from one party to another party. This may occur in a registry account or in a tracking system
79 |
0 Transfer A slip of paper issued to a passenger that gives him or her the right to change from one transit vehicle to another according to specified limitations.
80 |
0 TransferThe act of a chauffeur transporting passengers from one place to another. This is another service that Auto Europe provides to its customers and more can be learned about it by visiting our transfer a [..]
81 |
0 TransferThe successful response to a page request; also when a browser receives a complete page of content from a Web server.
82 |
0 Transferv. (student) transferirse; (academic credits) convalidarse
83 |
0 TransferStudents can apply to move from one course to another within the University.
84 |
0 TransferThe option of applying as an «upperclass» candidate at the same level from one American college to another. To be eligible for transfer admission, a student must usually meet the same requirements as a freshman candidate and must also hav e completed one or two years of college studies. If a student completes the first two years of a bach [..]
85 |
0 TransferOne of the processes of articulation; it is the mechanics of credit, course, and curriculum exchange.
86 |
0 TransferTo move from one to another
87 |
0 TransferFunds moved from one account to another.
88 |
0 Transferto move money from one account to another.
89 |
0 TransferChange in Learning in one situation due to prior Learning in another situation. The transfer can be positive (with second Learning improved by first) or negative (where the reverse holds).
90 |
0 TransferThe Transfer of Mammalian Embryos from an in vivo or In Vitro Environment to a suitable host to improve Pregnancy or gestational outcome in Human or Animal. In Human Fertility treatment Programs, Prei [..]
91 |
0 TransferThe Transfer of energy of a given form among different scales of Motion. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed). It includes the Transfer of kinetic energy and the Tra [..]
92 |
0 TransferA technique that came into use in the mid-1980’s for assisted conception in infertile Women with normal Fallopian Tubes. The protocol consists of hormonal stimulation of the Ovaries, followed by [..]
93 |
0 TransferRate of energy dissipation along the path of charged particles. In Radiobiology and Health Physics, exposure is measured in kiloelectron volts per micrometer of Tissue (keV/micrometer T).
94 |
0 TransferSurgical reinnervation of a denervated peripheral target using a healthy donor nerve and/or its proximal stump. The direct connection is usually made to a healthy postlesional distal portion of a non- [..]
95 |
0 TransferInterfacility or intrahospital Transfer of Patients. Intrahospital Transfer is usually to obtain a specific kind of care and interfacility Transfer is usually for economic reasons as well as type of c [..]
96 |
0 TransferThe techniques used to select and/or place only one Embryo from Fertilization in Vitro into the uterine cavity to establish a singleton Pregnancy.
97 |
0 TransferSpread and Adoption of Inventions and techniques from one geographic area to another, from one discipline to another, or from one sector of the economy to another. For example, improvements in medical [..]
98 |
0 TransferSurgical procedure by which a Tendon is incised at its insertion and placed at an anatomical site distant from the original insertion. The Tendon remains attached at the point of origin and takes over [..]
99 |
0 TransferA technique in assisted Reproduction (Reproductive Techniques, Assisted) consisting of hormonal stimulation of the Ovaries, follicular aspiration of preovulatory Oocytes, in-vitro Fertilization, and i [..]
100 |
0 TransferDistance a vessel moves away from her original line of advance when altering course under helm. Is measured along a line perpendicular to her original course, and to the point where she is on her new [..]
101 |
0 TransferChange in learning in one situation due to prior learning in another situation. The transfer can be positive (with second learning improved by first) or negative (where the reverse holds).
102 |
0 TransferThe distance traveled in right angles to direction of original course while turning
103 |
104 |
0 TransferA movement of funds from one account to another.
105 |
0 TransferSubstituting one set of discriminative stimuli for another (or, as a process, the stimulus control maintained after such a substitution). Transfer may be based on common properties of two sets of stim [..]
106 |
0 TransferA transfer is a move from one Harvard University Housing apartment to another. Transfers are tightly governed. Please refer to Tenant Policies and Procedures for more information.
107 |
0 TransferSee Copyright transfer and agreement
108 |
0 TransferAny mode or means by which a debtor disposes of or parts with his/her property.
109 |
0 TransferA judge’s order to transfer a case from 1 court to another before a hearing or trial is held in the matter.
110 |
0 TransferThe process by which a juvenile court judge or prosecutor shifts the jurisdiction over a youth charged with a delinquent offense to adult criminal court. See also “Waiver of Jurisdiction.»
111 |
0 TransferThe legal change in ownership after a security sale. This task may involve the physical delivery of a stock certificate or the change of ownership on the books of the corporation by the transfer agent [..]
112 |
0 TransferIn a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to [..]
113 |
0 Transfern. 1) the movement of property from one person or entity to another. 2) passage of title to property from the owner to another person. 3) a piece of paper given to allow a person or shipment to contin [..]
114 |
0 Transfer1. The distance a vessel moves perpendicular to its initial direction in making a turn of 90° with a constant rudder angle. 2. The distance a vessel moves perpendicular to its initial direction for t [..]
115 |
0 TransferAn artificial bid that shows length in a specific suit. The most common example is Jacoby transfers over NoTrump.
116 |
0 Transfer(1) (noun) a bid that shows length in a different suit
117 |
0 TransferA bid that shows length in a different suit.
118 |
0 TransferMovement of cargo from one carrier to another against transfer manifest.
119 |
0 TransferA movement of funds from one account to another.
120 |
0 TransferDocument registered with certificate of title confirming change of ownership.
121 |
0 TransferSee Connection
122 |
123 |
0 Transferthe act of moving someone or something from one place to another.
124 |
0 Transfermeans a change from one service to another service with the same or a different Carrier
125 |
0 TransferA transfer can be the bus ride from the airport to your docked cruise ship or from the cruise ship to a hotel you’ve booked through the cruise line for a post-cruise stay. If you buy your airfare di [..]
126 |
0 TransferTransportation service between two points such as airport and hotel; airport and pier; railroad station and hotel.
127 |
0 TransferAnother term for layover.
128 |
0 Transfergenerally means the transfer of a policy holder or dependents from another health fund to Teachers Health Fund, or the change to another membership within Teachers Health Fund.
129 |
0 Transferlocal transportation, sometimes including porterage, as from one carrier terminal to another, from terminal to a hotel, or from a hotel to an attraction
130 |
0 Transferaccounting technique used to move figure from one form to another, usually between folios; also receipt for paid fare issued to users of public transit systems allowing continuous travel between inter [..]
131 |
0 TransferThe document used to transfer ownership of land.
132 |
0 TransferThe change of an individual from an SES position in one agency to an SES position in another agency without a break in service of one full workday (USAID Automated Directives System — ADS — Chapter 42 [..]
133 |
0 TransferA transfer is a transaction in which one institutional unit provides a goods, service or asset to another unit without receiving from the latter any goods, service or asset in return as a direct coun [..]
134 |
0 TransferThe moving of an image from one surface to another, it is usually achieved by placing a clean, blank sheet of paper on the image and rubbing the back of the paper so that the image is copied. However, [..]
135 |
0 TransferThis is when you need to change aircraft (either the same or different airlines) en route to reach your final destination.
136 |
0 TransferA slip of paper or ticket issued to a passenger that gives her/him the right to change from one transit vehicle to another according to specified limitations in order to complete a trip.
137 |
0 TransferSee also Connection. The linking of multiple transit trips together to reach your final destination. May include more than one mode of travel (bus, ferry, rail, etc.).
138 |
0 Transferrecords the transfer of inventory to a new location within a warehouse, from a warehouse to another location, or transfers between warehouses within a company. trend analysis Trend analysis
139 |
0 TransferChanging planes at an airport somewhere between your departure and arriving at your destination.
140 |
0 TransferMethod of drawing in which artist works on a specially coated paper or surface other than the intended printing element. The Drawing is then transferred to metal or stone which is then processed for p [..]
141 |
0 TransferTo move from one institution of higher education to another or to move from one degree program to another within the same institution.
142 |
0 TransferTo copy or move a drawing or part of a drawing to another substrate.
143 |
0 TransferThe passing of any estate or interest in land under the Real Property Act 1900
144 |
0 TransferThe voluntary act of a registered owner of an interest in land transferring that interest to another person, typically as a consequence of a sale or gift of the land to that person. The term includes [..]
145 |
0 Transferlang=en 1800s=1818 * »’1818»’ — . »».
146 |
0 TransferThe instrument and act by which one person conveys to another an estate or interest in land; Includes a grant from the Crown. Transform
147 |
0 TransferAn act by which the title to property is conveyed from one person to another.46
148 |
0 TransferA document registered with the Land Titles Office that confirms the change of ownership as noted on the Title.
149 |
0 TransferA change of ownership from one person or party to another.
150 |
0 TransferTransfer may refer to:
151 |
0 TransferIn the mathematical field of group theory, the transfer defines, given a group G and a subgroup of finite index H, a group homomorphism from G to the abelianization of H. It can be used in conjunction [..]
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0 TransferIn professional football, a transfer is the action taken whenever a player under contract moves between clubs. It refers to the transferring of a player’s registration from one association football cl [..]
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0 TransferAs objects of intellectual property or intangible assets, patents and patent applications may be transferred. A transfer of patent or patent application can be the result of a financial transaction, s [..]
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0 TransferTransfer is a 1966 short film written, shot, edited and directed by David Cronenberg. It features Mort Ritts and Rafe Macpherson and has a runtime of 7 minutes.
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0 TransferIn computer technology, transfers per second and its more common secondary terms gigatransfers per second (abbreviated as GT/s) and megatransfers per second (MT/s) are informal language that refer to [..]
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0 TransferTransfer is a technique used in propaganda and advertising. Also known as association, this is a technique of projecting positive or negative qualities (praise or blame) of a person, entity, object, o [..]
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0 TransferA transfer allows the rider of a public transportation vehicle who pays for a single-trip fare to continue the trip on another bus or train. Depending on the network, there may or may not be an additi [..]
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0 TransferTransfer: European Review of Labour and Research is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of management studies. The journal’s editor-in-chief is Maria Jepsen (European Trad [..]
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0 TransferIn travel, a transfer is local travel arranged as part of an itinerary, typically airport to hotel and hotel to hotel. Transfer has some features that distinguish it from ground transportation alterna [..]
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0 TransferTransfer is a 2010 German science fiction/drama film directed by Damir Lukacevic.
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