summarysummary [ˊsʌmǝrɪ]
кра́ткое изложе́ние, резюме́, конспе́кт, сво́дка
1) сумма́рный, кра́ткий;
ско́рый, сумма́рный;
3) ско́рый, бы́стрый, сде́ланный без дальне́йших отлага́тельств и промедле́ния;
а) наказа́ние, кото́рому подверга́ют неме́дленно;
б) дисциплина́рное взыска́ние
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > summary
summaryАнгло-русский словарь строительных терминов > summary
summaryПерсональный Сократ > summary
summaryсводка, отчет; ведомость; краткие выводы [сведения]
— operational summary
English-Russian military dictionary > summary
capital summary сводка движения капитала summary выводы, резюме, краткое изложение, компендиум summary выводы summary компендиум summary конспект summary краткий summary краткое изложение, резюме, конспект, сводка summary краткое изложение summary осуществляемый без участия присяжных summary осуществляемый в суммарном порядке summary осуществляемый в упрощенном, суммарном порядке summary осуществляемый в упрощенном порядке summary резюме summary сводка summary юр. скорый, суммарный; summary jurisdiction суммарное производство summary скорый, быстрый, сделанный без дальнейших отлагательств и промедления summary скорый summary суммарный, краткий; summary account краткий отчет summary суммарный, краткий, скорый summary суммарный summary of balance sheet сводный балансовый отчет summary court дисциплинарный суд; summary punishment дисциплинарное взыскание tabular summary полигр. сводка в виде таблицы
English-Russian short dictionary > summary
summary1. n краткое изложение, конспект
2. n сводка, резюме, выводы
3. a суммарный; краткий
4. a быстрый, скорый, сделанный без отлагательства, промедления
5. a бесцеремонный; сделанный без долгих слов
6. a юр. скорый; суммарный; упрощённый, осуществляемый без участия присяжных
Синонимический ряд:
1. concise (adj.) breviloquent; brief; compact; compendiary; compendious; comprehensive; concise; condensed; cursory; curt; laconic; lean; peremptory; pithy; short; short and sweet; succinct; terse
2. drumhead (adj.) drumhead
3. sum (noun) epitome; recap; recapitulation; resume; run-down; run-through; sum; summation; summing-up; sum-up; wrap-up
4. synopsis (noun) abridgment; abstract; brief; compendium; condensation; digest; outline; precis; prйcis; syllabus; synopsis
Антонимический ряд:
complete; expansion
English-Russian base dictionary > summary
summaryPolitics english-russian dictionary > summary
summaryEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > summary
1. сущ. краткое изложение, конспект, сводка, резюме to give a summary, to make a summary ≈ сделать резюме a brief summary ≈ краткий конспект, краткая сводка a news summary ≈ сводка новостей Syn: abstract, digest, outline, precis, synopsis, abridgment
2. прил.
1) краткий, суммарный Syn: total, short
2) скорый, быстрый, сделанный без промедления
3) юр. скорый, суммарный, осуществляемый в упрощенном (суммарном) порядке;
осуществляемый без участия присяжных
краткое изложение, конспект — * of invention формула изобретения сводка, резюме, выводы суммарный;
краткий — * account краткий отчет быстрый, скорый, сделанный без отлагательства, промедления — * punishment наказание, которому подвергают немедленно;
(военное) дисциплинарное взыскание;
расправа на месте бесцеремонный;
сделанный без долгих слов — * dismissal увольнение без всяких объяснений — to treat smb. with * dispatch бесцеремонно отделаться от кого-л. (юридическое) скорый;
упрощенный, осуществляемый без участия присяжных — * jurisdiction /proceedings/ упрощенное /суммарное/ производство — * conviction осуждение в порядке суммарного производства — * court-martial (американизм) (военное) дисциплинарный суд
capital ~ сводка движения капитала
summary выводы, резюме, краткое изложение, компендиум ~ выводы ~ компендиум ~ конспект ~ краткий ~ краткое изложение, резюме, конспект, сводка ~ краткое изложение ~ осуществляемый без участия присяжных ~ осуществляемый в суммарном порядке ~ осуществляемый в упрощенном, суммарном порядке ~ осуществляемый в упрощенном порядке ~ резюме ~ сводка ~ юр. скорый, суммарный;
summary jurisdiction суммарное производство ~ скорый, быстрый, сделанный без дальнейших отлагательств и промедления ~ скорый ~ суммарный, краткий;
summary account краткий отчет ~ суммарный, краткий, скорый ~ суммарный
~ of balance sheet сводный балансовый отчет
~ court дисциплинарный суд;
summary punishment дисциплинарное взыскание
tabular ~ полигр. сводка в виде таблицыБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > summary
summary1. [ʹsʌm(ə)rı]
1. краткое изложение, конспект
2. сводка, резюме, выводы
2. [ʹsʌm(ə)rı]
1. суммарный; краткий
2. 1) быстрый, скорый, сделанный без отлагательства, промедления
summary punishment — а) наказание, которому подвергают немедленно; б) дисциплинарное взыскание; в) расправа на месте
2) бесцеремонный; сделанный без долгих слов
to treat smb. with summary dispatch — бесцеремонно отделаться от кого-л.
скорый; суммарный; упрощённый, осуществляемый без участия присяжных
summary jurisdiction /proceedings/ — упрощённое /суммарное/ производство
НБАРС > summary
краткое изложение, конспект, сводка, резюме
to give / make a summary — сделать резюме
— executive summarySyn:
1) краткий, суммарный
2) скорый, быстрый, сделанный без промедления
скорый, суммарный, осуществляемый в упрощённом (суммарном) порядке; осуществляемый без участия присяжных
Англо-русский современный словарь > summary
summaryАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > summary
имя существительное:имя прилагательное:
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > summary
summaryaerodrome climatological summary
аэродромная метеосводка
financial summary
финансовая сводка
operational summary
эксплуатационная сводка
preliminary report summary
предварительная сводка отчетов
(об авиационных происшествиях)
summary signal envelopeогибающая суммарного сигнала
traffic flow summary
статистическая сводка воздушных перевозок
traffic summary
данные воздушных перевозок
English-Russian aviation dictionary > summary
общ.краткое изложение, конспект, сводка, резюме
to give [to make] a summary — сделать резюме, подвести итоги
суммарный, краткий
быстрый; упрощенный, по упрощенной процедуре, суммарный
Англо-русский экономический словарь > summary
summaryАнгло-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > summary
summaryкраткое изложение; резюме; сводка || суммарный; краткий
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > summary
summaryn1) свод правил / установлений
2) сущность
summary of the method сущность данного метода
3) подборка (
, каких-л. данных)
4) аннотация; реферат; резюме
5) преамбула
6) справка
1) сводный
3) итоговый
4) общий / общие
English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > summary
summaryEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > summary
summaryкраткое изложение, резюме; конспект
1) краткий, суммарный
суммарный; упрощённый; осуществляемый без участия присяжных
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > summary
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
summary — sum·ma·ry / sə mə rē/ adj: done immediately, concisely, and without usual formal procedures; esp: used in or done by summary proceeding compare plenary sum·mar·i·ly /sə mer ə lē/ adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster … Law dictionary
Summary — Sum ma*ry, a. [Cf. F. sommaire. See {Sum}.] 1. Formed into a sum; summed up; reduced into a narrow compass, or into few words; short; brief; concise; compendious; as, a summary statement of facts. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, rapidly performed;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
summary — [sum′ə rē] adj. [ME < ML summarius < L summa,SUM] 1. that presents the substance or general idea in brief form; summarizing; concise; condensed 2. a) prompt and without formality; expeditious [summary punishment] b) hasty and arbitrary [a… … English World dictionary
summary — (adj.) early 15c., from M.L. summarius of or pertaining to the sum or substance, from L. summa whole, gist (see SUM (Cf. sum)). Sense of done promptly is first found 1713. The noun meaning a summary statement or account is first recorded c.1500,… … Etymology dictionary
Summary — Sum ma*ry, n.; pl. {Summaries}. [F. sommaire, or L. summarium. See {Summary}, a.] A general or comprehensive statement; an abridged account; an abstract, abridgment, or compendium, containing the sum or substance of a fuller account. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
summary — [adj] concise, to the point arbitrary, boiled down*, breviloquent, brief, compact, compacted, compendiary, compendious, condensed, cursory, curt, hasty, in a nutshell*, laconic, perfunctory, pithy*, recapped, rehashed, run down, run through,… … New thesaurus
summary — adj pithy, compendious, *concise, terse, succinct, laconic Analogous words: *brief, short: *quick, prompt, ready, apt: compacted or compact, concentrated (see COMPACT vb) Antonyms: circumstantial … New Dictionary of Synonyms
summary — ► NOUN (pl. summaries) ▪ a brief statement of the main points of something. ► ADJECTIVE 1) dispensing with needless details or formalities. 2) Law (of a judicial process) conducted without the customary legal formalities. DERIVATIVES summarily… … English terms dictionary
summary — ▪ I. summary sum‧ma‧ry 1 [ˈsʌməri] noun summaries PLURALFORM [countable] a short statement that gives the main information contained in a document, plan etc or the main things that happened at an event, without giving all the details: • Here is a … Financial and business terms
summary — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate, apt, clear, cogent (esp. AmE), excellent, fair, good, useful ▪ Is that a fair summary of the situa … Collocations dictionary
summary — [[t]sʌ̱məri[/t]] summaries 1) N COUNT: oft N of n A summary of something is a short account of it, which gives the main points but not the details. What follows is a brief summary of the process… Here s a summary of the day s news… Milligan… … English dictionary
резюме, сводка, краткое изложение, краткий, суммарный, скорый
существительное ↓
- краткое изложение, конспект
summary of invention — формула изобретения
- сводка, резюме, выводы
прилагательное ↓
- суммарный; краткий
summary account — краткий отчёт
- быстрый, скорый, сделанный без отлагательства, промедления
summary punishment — а) наказание, которому подвергают немедленно; б) воен. дисциплинарное взыскание; в) расправа на месте
- бесцеремонный; сделанный без долгих слов
summary dismissal — увольнение без всяких объяснений
to treat smb. with summary dispatch — бесцеремонно отделаться от кого-л.
- юр. скорый; суммарный; упрощённый, осуществляемый без участия присяжных
summary jurisdiction /proceedings/ — упрощённое /суммарное/ производство
summary conviction — осуждение в порядке суммарного производства
summary court-martial — амер. дисциплинарный военный суд
Мои примеры
a summary account of the accident — краткий отчет об аварии (отчёт с основными выводами)
a crude summary of the country’s history — упрощённое изложение истории страны
a very contracted summary — очень краткое резюме
brief summary — краткий конспект, краткая сводка
news summary — сводка новостей
to give / make a summary — сделать резюме
summary printout — итоговая распечатка
summary info box — окно краткого описания (напр., файла)
year-end earnings summary — сводная смета доходов на конец года
ejection summary — сводка результатов катапультирований
summary of radiation tolerant electronics — краткие сведения о электронной аппаратуре, устойчивой к воздействию радиации
summary of the established posts — сводка штатных должностей
Примеры с переводом
Your summary should be as clear and concise as possible.
Ваше резюме должно быть максимально ясным и краткими.
In summary, do not sell your shares.
В общем, акции продавать нельзя.
Each chapter concludes with a short summary.
Каждая глава завершается кратким резюме.
He concluded the report with a brief summary.
Он завершил доклад кратким резюме.
An eminently clear, terse, and spirited summary.
Очень понятное, сжатое и яркое изложение.
The report is a fair summary of the issues facing us.
В отчёте предоставлена объективная оценка стоящих перед нами вопросов.
Obviously a one-volume encyclopedia can offer only a very summary account of the American Civil War.
Очевидно, что однотомная энциклопедия может предложить лишь очень краткое описание Гражданской войны в США.
In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issues discussed so far.
В этой главе мы в сжатой форме резюмируем основные рассмотренные до сих пор вопросы.
A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.
Краткое описание предоставлено на отдельном листе.
They gave a summary of their progress in building the bridge.
Они кратко рассказали о своем прогрессе в строительстве моста.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The group produces a monthly summary of their research.
…a compendious summary of the referendum before the voters…
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
summarize — суммировать, резюмировать, подводить итог
summarily — кратко, вкратце, сжато, суммарно, сокращенно, без промедления, без долгих…
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): summary
мн. ч.(plural): summaries
The present disambiguation page holds the title of a primary topic, and an article needs to be written about it. It is believed to qualify as a broad-concept article. It may be written directly at this page or drafted elsewhere and then moved over here. Related titles should be described in Summary, while unrelated titles should be moved to Summary (disambiguation). |
For uses of the word «summary» within Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Summary (disambiguation).
Look up summary or summarisation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Summary may refer to:
- Abstract (summary), shortening a passage or a write-up without changing its meaning but by using different words and sentences
- Epitome, a summary or miniature form
- Abridgement, the act of reducing a written work into a shorter form
- Summary or executive summary of a document, a short document or section that summarizes a longer document such as a report or proposal or a group of related reports
- Introduction (writing)
- Summary (law), which has several meanings in law
- Automatic summarization, the use of a computer program to produce an abstract or abridgement
See also[edit]
- Overview (disambiguation)
- Recap (disambiguation)
- Synopsis (disambiguation)
This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Summary.
If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.
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In such cases, one usually can avoid the term summary judgment and say that “the judge dismissed the case before trial” ❋ PAUL R. MARTIN (2002)
Rather than repeating the story, here’s what’s happening in summary from the Art Newspaper .. ❋ Unknown (2008)
This, in summary, is the Roosevelt Recovery Programme. ❋ Unknown (1934)
To the extent that your summary is accurate I would agree with Glazier. ❋ Unknown (2010)
Let me ask: assuming that my summary is accurate, rather than yours, what would your reaction to Black Matrix be? ❋ Unknown (2009)
The NSA staff would therefore have a vested interest in ensuring that the material in the summary is accurate. ❋ Unknown (1996)
This summary is the belief of the most conservative of the outstanding clinicians in the United States engaged in diabetic work on a large scale. ❋ Unknown (1965)
Peter [325] down to the present time; and she alone maintained a brief but definitely formulated _lex_, which she entitled the summary of apostolic tradition, and by reference to which she decided all questions of faith with admirable certainty. ❋ Adolph Harnack (1890)
The NFL released what it described as a summary of its proposal to the union: ❋ Unknown (2011)
The league released what it described as a summary of its proposal to the players: ❋ Unknown (2011)
If you prove that somebody’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, you can pretty much walk into federal court on a civil rights case and move for what they call summary judgment and say, ‘We win, because we have a lesser standard here, the findings have been made.’ ❋ Unknown (2010)
For those unfamiliar with his fantastic life story here it is in summary: ❋ Alan Smart (2009)
Your summary is enough show that you have not read the book perhaps I can illustrate this by asking a few questions ❋ Unknown (2009)
Here is a brief summary from a Sept. 2, 2008, Evolution News & Views article: ❋ Unknown (2009)
There was a summary of people [take aim] on the [foosball] [table] ❋ Steve Peaches (2018)
[Oops], Mary ought’o be careful [’bout] [gettin’] that summary right. ❋ Hercolena Oliver (2008)
I was in an [elevator] and had 40 seconds to explain my proposal to a [billionair] [investor].That was the only period which I was allowed to me by the investor. So I used an elevator summary by telling him «I have a scheme which can save you millions of dollars. You only have to invest few thousand and spend 2 days in my holiday resort. The returns are guaranteed and vouched by Mr. …» ❋ Shamsheer Sharma (2008)
‘Hey, Cinema Summary [told] me to have a [damn good] [day]!’
‘Same!’ ❋ Lampostt (2021)
Please [provide] [a brief] [summary] ❋ Cherry Picker (2019)
homie #1: can i copy your daily summary?
homie #2: yeah just [change it up] a little so she doesnt think we [copied]
homie #1: [ok thanks] bro ❋ Fairycxt (2020)
A random [flex] guy: I have my [new American] Express credit card and I will apply for some more big status cards in the future.
Me: Let me [summary up], you just have 1 card, and it’s $500 limit !! ❋ Milky Seal (2021)
Jim the worker: [Hey Bob] did you [read that] executive summary from BigBootyCorp.
Bob [the executive]: I dont have time to read all of that, I am way to important! ❋ Kbone15 (2010)
Brian’s [pot summary] involved 3 chickens, an [office chair], and 12 hookers… his conclusion-it was a [bad trip]. ❋ Jeopard (2010)
syrup summary of [libertarianism]: «we like freedom.»
syrup summary of democrats: «we dislike inequality.»
syrup summary of republicans: «we like America.»
syrup summary of feminism: «we want equality for women.»
syrup summary of white supremacists: «we like white culture.»
syrup summary of Bush-era foreign policy: «we don’t like terrorists.»
syrup summary of MADD: «we don’t like [drunk driving] accidents.»
syrup summary of [NRA]: «we like freedom and safety.»
syrup summary of PETA: «we oppose animal torture.» ❋ PaleBlueYacht (2013)
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ suhm—uh-ree ]
/ ˈsʌm ə ri /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
noun, plural sum·ma·ries.
a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
brief and comprehensive; concise.
direct and prompt; unceremoniously fast: to treat someone with summary dispatch.
(of legal proceedings, jurisdiction, etc.) conducted without, or exempt from, the various steps and delays of a formal trial.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of summary
First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English, from Latin summārium, equivalent to summ(a) “sum” + -ārium noun suffix; see sum, -ary
synonym study for summary
1. Summary, brief, digest, synopsis are terms for a short version of a longer work. A summary is a brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work: a summary of a chapter. A brief is a detailed outline, by heads and subheads, of a discourse (usually legal) to be completed: a brief for an argument. A digest is an abridgment of an article, book, etc., or an organized arrangement of material under heads and titles: a digest of a popular novel; a digest of Roman law. A synopsis is usually a compressed statement of the plot of a novel, play, etc.: a synopsis of Hamlet.
historical usage of summary
The English noun summary comes straight from the Latin neuter noun summārium “abridgment, abstract, epitome,” an extremely rare word used only once in the surviving Latin literature by the Roman author, tragedian, statesman, and Stoic philosopher Seneca (the Younger) in one of his Moral Letters to Lucilius (39), in which he complains “…what is now commonly called a ‘breviary’ [ breviārium ] was called, in the good old days, when we used to speak Latin, a ‘summary’ [ summārium ].» (Complaints about the terrible state of the language are nothing new.)
Summārium is a compound of adjective summus “highest, topmost, top” and the noun suffix -ārium. ( Summa, the feminine of summus used as a noun, in mathematics and accounting means “sum, total”: The Romans added their numbers from the bottom up and wrote the total in summā “on the top.”)
Medieval Latin has the adjective summārius “abbreviated, summary,” which was borrowed into Middle English in the 15th century.The adjectival meaning “relating to legal proceedings conducted without certain required formalities” is recorded about 1765, though the corresponding meaning of the adverb summarily appears much earlier.
sum·mar·i·ness [suh—mair-i-nis], /səˈmɛər ɪ nɪs/, noun
Words nearby summary
summa cum laude, summand, summarily, summarization, summarize, summary, summary court-martial, summary judgment, summary offence, summary proceeding, summat
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to summary
arbitrary, cursory, curt, hasty, succinct, terse, analysis, essence, outline, prospectus, recap, rehash, review, rundown, sketch, survey, synopsis, version, brief, compact
How to use summary in a sentence
That distinction is as pat a summary of the moment as you’ll find.
Hoffman said that the public can still access portions of a petitioner’s court file, including summaries of expert opinions about why the person is safe be released.
Once you’ve made your choices, click Next and then Reset on the summary screens.
Keep in mind that any particular score is a summary of other metrics you should look to find activity preceding or lining up with a failing score milestone in order to figure out what might be causing the problem.
He began his affiliation with McWilliams Ballard in 2000, according to a career summary of Rieschick’s tenure with the real estate company published on its website.
He and other Taliban sources claim that in Karachi as many as 50 to 60 Taliban are given summary executions each month.
But the lawyer deleted that line from the final version of the summary.
You should look at our summary of benefits,” she continued, directing me to a handy online chart of “coverage examples.
Instead, the Lift monitors posture all day long and gives a daily summary of performance.
We see them for a few minutes, then pen a quick summary and leave directions for the nurses to follow.
This appears to me a very convenient and sufficient summary of all I am to tell.
The following table contains a summary of the composition of ten different animals in different stages of fattening.
Malcolm gave Saumarez a summary of affairs in the Northwest Provinces as they rode on ahead of the troop.
She felt that her summary was precipitate, and drawing herself up defiantly looked hard at Mrs. Leslie.
Accordingly, in the next seven stanzas, we have a fair summary of the general contents of the Somnium Scipionis.
British Dictionary definitions for summary
noun plural -maries
a brief account giving the main points of something
adjective (usually prenominal)
performed arbitrarily and quickly, without formalitya summary execution
(of legal proceedings) short and free from the complexities and delays of a full trial
summary jurisdiction the right a court has to adjudicate immediately upon some matter arising during its proceedings
giving the gist or essence
Derived forms of summary
summarily, adverbsummariness, noun
Word Origin for summary
C15: from Latin summārium, from summa sum 1
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