The meaning of the word seasoned

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Idell Jacobi

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(16 votes)

Seasoned describes a person who has been around forever, doing what they do, and doing it well — throughout the seasons. They have lots of experience, and they can handle just about anything that comes their way.

What is a well seasoned person?

adjective (well seasoned when postpositive) (of food) flavoured pleasantly or generously with herbs, salt, pepper, or spices. (of timber) prepared and dried skilfully or thoroughly. 3. (of a person) matured or experienced.

What is a seasoned actress?

adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] You can use seasoned to describe a person who has a lot of experience of something.

How do you use the word seasoned?

Seasoned sentence example

  1. Corn seasoned with red bell peppers and black beans made a colorful vegetable. …
  2. While uneasy, Damian suspected Jenn was seasoned enough to handle the boy for a month. …
  3. The plough consists of several parts made of seasoned wood.

What does Seasoned change mean?

: the change from winter to spring, spring to summer, etc. I enjoy the change of seasons every year.

24 related questions found

What does seasoned mean?

Seasoned describes a person who has been around forever, doing what they do, and doing it well — throughout the seasons. They have lots of experience, and they can handle just about anything that comes their way.

What is season change short answer?

season changes due to earth’s rotation around sun. while sun is in southern hemisphere, winter is in northern hemisphere,southern hemisphere that receives more sun energy. … that’s how season change.

Does seasoned mean experience?

According to the Oxford dictionary, experienced means having knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity, while seasoned having a lot of experience in a particular activity.

What is seasoned job?

Seasoned workers are much more focused on the success of the organization as a whole, rather than personal gains alone. … As a result, most of these employees enjoy their jobs and are committed to the organization.

What does seasoned executive mean?

Seasoned means “more experienced”.

What does seasoned Judgement mean?

Seasoned Judgement. Applies broad knowledge and seasoned experience when addressing complex issues; defines strategic issues clearly despite ambiguity; takes all critical information into account when making decisions; makes timely, tough decisions.

What is a seasoned designer?

The seasoned and mature designer

The mature designer knows what he is designing: user experience rather than graphics. … The seasoned designer knows his toolbox well. He knows what works for what purpose and what does not. He spends his time on make the experience work instead of making the website “blink”.

What does seasoned veteran mean?

Español. seasoned veteran n. (person with years of experience)

What is well versed means?

adjective. highly experienced, practiced, or skilled; very knowledgeable; learned: He is a well-versed scholar on the subject of biblical literature.

Where does the term seasoned come from?

seasoned (adj.)

mid-15c., «flavored, spiced,» past-participle adjective from season (v.). Meaning «fit for use» is from 1540s; that of «acclimatized, accustomed» is from 1640s.

What does a seasoned teacher mean?

«Seasoned» implies that the teacher has been through many different challenges, and is very good at his or her job.

How does the seasoned app work?

It’s all in the Seasoned App. The service industry moves fast, so we built an app that lets you look for jobs even faster. Download it now to apply to jobs, schedule interviews, and connect with locals in the industry.

Should you use the word seasoned in a resume?

RESUME TIP: Do not use the word «SEASONED»! Many people think of seasoned as “old”. In the recruiting and Human Recourse world it is a “negative”. Many employers will not even look at the resume any further when they see the word “seasoned” – sorry, it’s true.

Is Seasoned a positive word?

Why “Seasoned” is a Word Best Avoided

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to phrase things positively, of course. “Seasoned” just isn’t an effective way to do it. In addition, the word is often used in a way that’s redundant.

What does seasoned mean in business?

Seasoned means experienced, professional, and smart.

What is another word for experience on a resume?

In this page you can discover 100 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for experience, like: involvement, direct observation, expertise, participation, adventure, undergoing, wisdom, encounter, live-through, experiential and practice.

Why do seasons change?

The earth’s spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons. When the earth’s axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere. … Midway between these two times, in spring and autumn, the spin axis of the earth points 90 degrees away from the sun.

Why do seasons change Class 4?

Earth has seasons since its pivot/ Axis is inclined. … As the Earth goes around the Sun throughout a year and the tilt of the axis points your side of the equator towards or away from the Sun, you experience the changing of the seasons.

Why do seasons change question answer?

As the earth moves around the sun over the course of the year, the northern or “top” half tilts toward the sun in summer and then away from the sun in winter. So it’s the earth’s tilt toward or away from the sun, not its distance from the sun, that explains our change of seasons.

Seasoned describes a person who has been around forever, doing what they do, and doing it well — throughout the seasons. They have lots of experience, and they can handle just about anything that comes their way.

To become seasoned takes a long time, because it means you are an old pro — someone who has dedicated years to a specific skill or activity. A seasoned hiker can tell you the fastest path up any mountain, and a seasoned bowler spends hours practicing in order to bowl strikes every time. Seasoned can also describe food that is full of herbs and spices, like the heavily seasoned French fries that seasoned bowlers eat at a bowling alley.

Definitions of seasoned

  1. adjective

    aged or processed

    seasoned wood”



    (used of concrete or mortar) kept moist to assist the hardening

  2. adjective

    rendered competent through trial and experience

    seasoned traveler”



    experienced, experient

    having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘seasoned’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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закаленный, приправленный, выдержанный, бывалый


- закалённый

seasoned traveller — закалённый путешественник
seasoned troops — войска, испытанные в боях

- приправленный (о пище)

highly seasoned dishes — острые /пикантные/ блюда

- сдобренный (иронией и т. п.)

highly seasoned anecdote — «солёный» анекдот

Мои примеры


a highly seasoned piece of fish — добротно приправленный кусок рыбы  
a dish seasoned with chopped fresh herbs — блюдо, посыпанное рубленой зеленью  
seasoned soldier — закалённый боец  
seasoned eye — намётанный глаз  
seasoned cigar — отлежавшаяся сигара  
with seasoned eye — наметанным глазом  
seasoned flyer — опытный лётчик  
heavily seasoned sausage — колбаса острого вкуса  
high seasoned — сильно приправленный пряностями; острый  
high-seasoned — сильно приправленный пряностями; неприличный; острый  
fire-seasoned — побывавший под огнем; испытанный в боях  
seasoned issue — облигации, пользующиеся популярностью среди инвесторов в течение продолжительного времени  

Примеры с переводом

Ham seasoned with garlic.

Ветчина, приправленная чесноком.

He’s very well seasoned to diseases.

Он хорошо закалён и не подвержен заболеваниям.

Artie was by then a seasoned musician with six albums to his credit.

К тому времени Арти уже был опытным музыкантом с шестью альбомами на счету.

The surprise ending will dumbfound even the most seasoned mystery reader.

Такая неожиданная концовка ошарашит даже самых опытных любителей детективов.

Smothered chicken is chicken cooked in a seasoned gravy.

Тушёная курица — это курица, приготовленная в подливе со специями.

The young boxer looked like a mere stripling next to his larger, more seasoned opponent.

Рядом с более крупным и опытным соперником этот молодой боксёр казался просто юнцом.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the chef seasoned the vegetables as soon as they came out of the oven…

…the student journalist asked questions as probing as those of a seasoned intelligencer…

…having sung in opera houses all over the world, she has the confident demeanor of a seasoned cosmopolite…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

season  — сезонный, сезон, время года, время, приправлять, сушить
seasonable  — своевременный, по сезону, уместный, подходящий, соответствующий времени года
seasoning  — приправа, выдерживание, старение металла
unseasoned  — неприученный, невыдержанный, несозревший, непросушенный, неприправленный

  • 1

    seasoned [ˊsi:znd]

    1) вы́держанный ( о вине

    и т.п.


    2) закалённый, быва́лый;

    3) припра́вленный ( о пище)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > seasoned

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > seasoned

  • 3


    seasoned p. p. от season seasoned выдержанный (о вине и т. п.) seasoned закаленный, бывалый; seasoned soldier закаленный боец; with seasoned eye наметанным глазом seasoned приправленный (о пище) seasoned закаленный, бывалый; seasoned soldier закаленный боец; with seasoned eye наметанным глазом seasoned закаленный, бывалый; seasoned soldier закаленный боец; with seasoned eye наметанным глазом

    English-Russian short dictionary > seasoned

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > seasoned

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > seasoned

  • 6

    1. a закалённый

    2. a приправленный

    3. a сдобренный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. experienced (adj.) able; accustomed; experienced; familiar with; habituated; old; old-time; practical; practiced; practised; skilled; versed; vet; veteran

    2. spicy (adj.) aromatic; full of herbs; marinated; pungent; salty; spicy; tangy; tasty; zesty

    3. seasoned (verb) acclimated; acclimatised; acclimatized; casehardened; hardened; seasoned; stiffened; toughened

    English-Russian base dictionary > seasoned

  • 7


    1. закалённый

    seasoned troops — войска, испытанные в боях

    2. 1) приправленный ()

    highly seasoned dishes — острые /пикантные/ блюда

    2) сдобренный ()

    highly seasoned anecdote — «солёный» анекдот

    НБАРС > seasoned

  • 8


    past participle

    of season 2.

    1) выдержанный (о вине и т. п.)

    2) закаленный, бывалый; seasoned soldier закаленный боец; with seasoned eye наметанным глазом

    3) приправленный (о пище)

    * * *

    1 (a) выдержанный; выпущенный солидной компанией

    2 (r) проверенный рынком

    * * *

    бывалый, закаленный, опытный; испытанный

    * * *

    выдержанный, закаленный, бывалый, приправленный

    * * *







    * * *

    1) бывалый
    2) а) приправленный (пряностями, специями о пище)
    б) выдержанный (о вине и т. п.)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > seasoned

  • 9



    1) бывалый, закалённый, опытный; испытанный

    2) выдержанный, высушенный на воздухе



    Англо-русский современный словарь > seasoned

  • 10

    1) вы́держанный

    2) припра́вленный, с припра́вами

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > seasoned

  • 11

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > seasoned

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > seasoned

  • 13

    «выдержанный», испытанный, проверенный.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > seasoned

  • 14

    Англо русский политехнический словарь > seasoned

  • 15


    бывалый, закаленный, опытный; испытанный



    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > seasoned

  • 16

    English-russian dictionary of physics > seasoned

  • 17

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > seasoned

  • 18

    Англо-русский словарь по сварочному производству > seasoned

  • 19

    1) закаленный; 2) высушенный на воздухе

    1) закаленный; 2) вяленый; 3) высушенный на воздухе; 4) приправленный

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > seasoned

  • 20

    проверенный (рынком); выпущенный солидной компанией и имеющий активный вторичный рынок (о ценных бумагах)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > seasoned


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • seasoned — seasoned; un·seasoned; …   English syllables

  • seasoned — index elderly, expert, practiced, ripe, sapid, veteran Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • seasoned — [adj] experienced accomplished, adept, battle scarred, been around*, been there*, competent, expert, familiar, hardened, instructed, knowledgeable, matured, old hand*, practiced, prepared, pro, professional, qualified, skillful, tested, toughened …   New thesaurus

  • seasoned — sea|soned [ˈsi:zənd] adj 1.) [only before noun] used to describe someone who has a lot of experience of a particular thing seasoned traveller/observer etc ▪ Artie was by then a seasoned musician with six albums to his credit. 2.) seasoned food… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • seasoned — [[t]si͟ːz(ə)nd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n You can use seasoned to describe a person who has a lot of experience of something. For example, a seasoned traveller is a person who has travelled a lot. The author is a seasoned academic… He began… …   English dictionary

  • seasoned — adjective 1 seasoned traveller/campaigner/veteran etc a very experienced traveller etc 2 seasoned food has salt, pepper etc added: well seasoned/highly seasoned (=with a strong taste) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Seasoned — Season Sea son, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Seasoned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Seasoning}.] 1. To render suitable or appropriate; to prepare; to fit. [1913 Webster] He is fit and seasoned for his passage. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To fit for any use by time or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seasoned — adj. highly; lightly seasoned * * * [ siːz(ə)nd] lightly seasoned highly …   Combinatory dictionary

  • seasoned — adjective 1. aged or processed seasoned wood • Ant: ↑unseasoned • Similar to: ↑cured 2. rendered competent through trial and experience a seasoned traveler veteran steadiness …   Useful english dictionary

  • seasoned — adj. Seasoned is used with these nouns: ↑campaigner, ↑observer, ↑performer, ↑professional, ↑timber, ↑traveller, ↑veteran, ↑warrior, ↑wood …   Collocations dictionary

  • seasoned — Synonyms and related words: acclimated, acclimatized, accommodated, accustomed, adapted, adjusted, aged, blase, brisk, burning, case hardened, conditioned, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, curried, developed, established, experienced, familiarized,… …   Moby Thesaurus

seasoned — перевод на русский


Season three’s an emotional roller coaster.

Третий сезон — эмоциональные русские горки.

The harvest season only lasts 3 months. Ambroise’s companion is worried…

Сезон ловли длится всего лишь три месяца.

Dace are in season.

Сезон плотвы.

I’m never there except in the hunting season and not much then.

Я туда езжу только в охотничий сезон, и то ненадолго.

Next season!

Новый сезон!

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I’ll never come to Monte Carlo out of season again.

Я больше никогда не поеду в Монте Карло в это время года.

But as soon as the new television season starts… How about Thursday at 5:30 p.m.?

…в это время года у актеров дела не очень, но как только начнется новый телесезон…

Rain or snow, each season should be accepted with gratitude.

Дождь ли, снег — любое время года Надо благодарно принимать.

When we invented agriculture, we had to take care and sow our seeds and harvest our crops at just the right season.

Когда мы изобрели сельское хозяйство, мы должны были обрабатывать землю сеять семена и собирать урожай только в подходящее время года.

It’s like we’re in the wrong season suddenly.

Словно другое время года.

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I need a summer, a whole season, to consider such a great piece, a great drama.

Мне нужно время, чтобы осмыслить столь великое произведение…

It’s the best season.

Сейчас лучшее время.

Sure, it’s the wedding season!

Естественно! Сейчас время свадеб!

— And it’s not even the fishing season.

Да ещё и в запретное время? — Что она там делала?

Well, I reckon this ain’t the right season for it, Mrs. Jones.

— Не лучшее для этого время, я полагаю, миссис Джонс.

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Splayed summertime, season of dense climates… of grand mornings, of dawns without noise, of identical, astral days,

Летняя пора, время года, в котором причудливо сочетаются великолепные рассветы, безмолвные вечера, и неотличимые друг от друга астральные дни.

I have never slept through a whole season.

Я не сплю больше одного времени года.

‘I had always seen winter as a beautiful season.

Мне всегда зима казалась прекрасной порой года.

I hate this time of year. Brush fire season.

Ненавижу это время года.

My favourite season and time of day.

Мое любимое время года и дня.

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Season’s greetings from the Little Gem Fertilizer Company.

Сезонные поздравления от компании по производству удобрений.

Seasons greetings from the cockpit.

Сезонные поздравления из кабины пилота.

Mom got Dad’s season tickets in the divorce, so she gave them to me.

Маме после развода достались сезонные билеты отца, и она их отдала мне.

Season tickets!

Сезонные билеты!

When I was a kid, my dad’s company gave season tickets to the No. 1 salesman every year.

Когда я был маленьким, компания моего отца дарила сезонные билеты каждый год продавцу № 1. Мой отец никогда их не получал.

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This is the Christmas season.

У нас рождественские праздники.

This is the holiday season, We’ve been invited to meals,

Сейчас сплошные праздники.

For instance, what are you gonna get yourself this holiday season?

Для примера, что вы собираетесь купить себе на эти праздники?

The holiday season and all.

Праздники, и всё такое.

This holiday season and…

— на праздники и…

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In season two, Derek’s goal is really to find that place of having a sense of family again and belonging.

Во втором сезоне, цель Дерека снова стать частью семьи.

In season two, he feels almost like he was blessed, I guess, in a way, with this power, and that he has to use his powers for good. Here we go.

Во втором сезоне, думаю, Скотт чувствовал себя почти благословленным, в каком-то смысле, он должен использовать свои силы во благо.

Scott’s biggest responsibility in season two is to save as many lives as he can. [Blows whistle]

Во втором сезоне у Скотта колоссальная ответственность спасти столько жизней, сколько он может.

Season two, Derek and Scott are still on thin ice with each other.

Всё дело в силе. Во втором сезоне у Скотта и Дерека все еще напряженные отношения.

And I think that she really finds herself in season two. [Dramatic music]

И я думаю она действительно ищет себя во втором сезоне.

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They’d be out before the season end.

ќни бы залегли на дно до конца сезона.

And Reggie said the seats are ours for the rest of the season.

И Реджи сказал, что эти места наши до конца сезона.

Like, the motorcycle hood with a heart of gold whose mom died, and he’s just really misunderstood and he’ll hook up with Brenda before the season’s out.

Байкер с золотым сердцем, что схоронил мамку, и никто его не понимает, а Бренда наверняка ему даст до конца сезона. Таково первое впечатление о Моужере.

He benched me… for the rest of the season, cause I didn’t take the test.

Я в запасных до конца сезона. За отказ сдать анализ.

If you’ll help us Just to get us through to the end of the season I will resign.

Если вы поможете нам продержаться хотя бы до конца сезона, я уйду в отставку.

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Brilliant, seasoned, wise of the mind.

Талантливый, опытный, мудрый.

And a seasoned arsonist would’ve disabled the sprinklers.

Опытный поджигатель отключил бы систему пожаротушения.

Perry is a seasoned agent, and he is gonna do anything to save himself.

Пэрри опытный агент, и он сделает все возможное, чтобы спасти свою шкуру.

I’m seasoned and I am skilled.

Я опытный и умелый.

Trust me, I’m a seasoned FBI agent.

Поверь, я опытный агент ФБР.

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I think Paprika sounds like a seasoning.

А, по-моему, Паприка звучит как приправа.

Mmm. Dad, what is this special seasoning?

Пап, а что за особая приправа?

Seasoning — what do I need?

Приправа, вот что мне надо.

Italian seasoning?

Итальянская приправа?

-It needs more seasoning.

— Нужно еще немного приправы.

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