From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Resource refers to all the materials available in our environment which are technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally sustainable and help us to satisfy our needs and wants. Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability — they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. They can also be classified as actual and potential on the basis of the level of development and use, on the basis of origin they can be classified as biotic and abiotic, and on the basis of their distribution, as ubiquitous and localised (private, community-owned, national and international resources). An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology. The benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth, proper functioning of a system, or enhanced well-being. From a human perspective, a natural resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy human needs and wants.[1] From a broader biological or ecological perspective, a resource satisfies the needs of a living organism (see biological resource).[2]
The concept of resources has been developed across many established areas of work, in economics, biology and ecology, computer science, management, and human resources for example — linked to the concepts of competition, sustainability, conservation, and stewardship. In application within human society, commercial or non-commercial factors require resource allocation through resource management.
The concept of a resource can also be tied to the direction of leadership over resources, this can include the things leaders have responsibility for over the human resources, with management, help, support or direction such as in charge of a professional group, technical experts, innovative leaders, archiving expertise, academic management, association management, business management, healthcare management, military management, public administration, spiritual leadership and social networking administrator.
individuals exploit the same amount of resource per unit biomass) to absolutely size-asymmetric (the largest individuals exploit all the available resource). The degree of size asymmetry has major effects on the structure and diversity of ecological communities, e.g. in plant communities size-asymmetric competition for light has stronger effects on diversity compared with competition for soil resources. The degree of size asymmetry has major effects on the structure and diversity of ecological communities.
Economic versus biological[edit]
There are three fundamental differences between economic versus ecological views: 1) the economic resource definition is human-centered (anthropocentric) and the biological or ecological resource definition is nature-centered (biocentric or ecocentric); 2) the economic view includes desire along with necessity, whereas the biological view is about basic biological needs; and 3) economic systems are based on markets of currency exchanged for goods and services, whereas biological systems are based on natural processes of growth, maintenance, and reproduction.[1]
Computer resources[edit]
A computer resource is any physical or virtual component of limited availability within a computer or information management system. Computer resources include means for input, processing, output, communication, and storage.[3]
Natural resources are derived from the environment. Many natural resources are essential for human survival, while others are used for satisfying human desire. Conservation is management of natural resources with the goal of sustainability. Natural resources may be further classified in different ways.[1]
Resources can be categorized on the basis of origin:
- Abiotic resources comprise non-living things (e.g., land, water, air and minerals such as gold, iron, copper, silver).
- Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere. Forests and their products, animals, birds and their products, fish and other marine organisms are important examples. Minerals such as coal and petroleum are sometimes included in this category because they were formed from fossilized organic matter, though over long periods of time.
Natural resources are also categorized based on the stage of development:
- Potential resources are known to exist and may be used in the future. For example, petroleum may exist in many parts of India and Kuwait that have sedimentary rocks, but until the time it is actually drilled out and put into use, it remains a potential resource.
- Actual resources are those that have been surveyed, their quantity and quality determined, and are being used in present times. For example, petroleum and natural gas is actively being obtained from the Mumbai High Fields. The development of an actual resource, such as wood processing depends upon the technology available and the cost involved. That part of the actual resource that can be developed profitably with available technology is known as a reserve resource, while that part that can not be developed profitably because of lack of technology is known as a stock resource.
Natural resources can be categorized on the basis of renewability:
- Non-renewable resources are formed over very long geological periods. Minerals and fossils are included in this category. Since their rate of formation is extremely slow, they cannot be replenished, once they are depleted. Even though metals can be recycled and reused, whereas petroleum and gas cannot, they are still considered non-renewable resources.
- Renewable resources, such as forests and fisheries, can be replenished or reproduced relatively quickly. The highest rate at which a resource can be used sustainably is the sustainable yield. Some resources, such as sunlight, air, and wind, are called perpetual resources because they are available continuously, though at a limited rate. Their quantity is not affected by human consumption. Many renewable resources can be depleted by human use, but may also be replenished, thus maintaining a flow. Some of these, such as agricultural crops, take a short time for renewal; others, such as water, take a comparatively longer time, while still others, such as forests, take even longer.
Dependent upon the speed and quantity of consumption, overconsumption can lead to depletion or total and everlasting destruction of a resource. Important examples are agricultural areas, fish and other animals, forests, healthy water and soil, cultivated and natural landscapes. Such conditionally renewable resources are sometimes classified as a third kind of resource, or as a subtype of renewable resources. Conditionally renewable resources are presently subject to excess human consumption and the only sustainable long term use of such resources is within the so-called zero ecological footprint, where in human use less than the Earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate.
Natural resources are also categorized based on distribution:
- Ubiquitous resources are found everywhere (for example air, light, and water).
- Localized resources are found only in certain parts of the world (for example metal ores and geothermal power).
Actual vs. potential natural resources are distinguished as follows:
- Actual resources are those resources whose location and quantity are known and we have the technology to exploit and use them.
- Potential resources are the ones of which we have insufficient knowledge or we do not have the technology to exploit them at present.
On the basis of ownership, resources can be classified as individual, community, national, and international.
Labour or human resources[edit]
In economics, labor or human resources refers to the human effort in the production of goods and rendering of services. Human resources can be defined in terms of skills, energy, talent, abilities, or knowledge.[4]
In a project management context, human resources are those employees responsible for undertaking the activities defined in the project plan.[5]
Capital or infrastructure[edit]
In social studies, capital refers to already-produced durable goods used in production of goods or services. In essence, capital refers to human-made resources created using knowledge and expertise based on utility or perceived value. Common examples of capital include buildings, machinery, railways, roads, and ships. As resources, capital goods may or may not be significantly consumed, though they may depreciate in the production process and they are typically of limited capacity or unavailable for use by others.
Tangible versus intangible[edit]
Whereas, tangible resources such as equipment have an actual physical existence, intangible resources such as corporate images, brands and patents, and other intellectual properties exist in abstraction.[6]
Use and sustainable development[edit]
Typically resources cannot be consumed in their original form, but rather through resource development they must be processed into more usable commodities and usable things. The demand for resources is increasing as economies develop. There are marked differences in resource distribution and associated economic inequality between regions or countries, with developed countries using more natural resources than developing countries. Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use, that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment.[1] Sustainable development means that we should exploit our resources carefully to meet our present requirement without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The practice of the three R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle must be followed in order to save and extend the availability of resources.
Various problems relate to the usage of resources:
- Environmental degradation
- Over-consumption
- Resource curse
- Resource depletion
- Tragedy of the commons
- Myth of superabundance
Various benefits can result from the wise usage of resources:
- Economic growth
- Ethical consumerism
- Prosperity
- Quality of life
- Sustainability
- Wealth
See also[edit]
- Natural resource management
- Resource-based view
- Waste management
- ^ a b c d WanaGopa — NyawakanMiller, G.T. & S. Spoolman (2011). Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions (17th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks-Cole. ISBN 978-0-538-73534-6.
- ^ Ricklefs, R.E. (2005). The Economy of Nature (6th ed.). New York, NY: WH Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-8697-4.
- ^ Morley, D. 2010. Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, 13th ed. Course Technology, Stamford, CT. ISBN 0-538-74810-9.
- ^ Samuelson, P.A. and W.D. Nordhaus. 2004. Economics, 18th ed. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Boston, MA. ISBN 0-07-287205-5.
- ^ Hut, PM (2008-09-07). «Getting and Estimating Resource Requirements — People». Retrieved 2012-01-02.
- ^ Berry, John. 2004. Tangible Strategies for Intangible Assets. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0071412865.
External links[edit]
The dictionary definition of resource at Wiktionary
ресурс, средство, запас, возможность, находчивость, способ, изобретательность
существительное ↓
- обыкн. pl
- (материальные) запасы, ресурсы, средства
natural resources — естественные ресурсы /богатства/
to be at the end of one’s resources — исчерпать все возможности
the resources in men and ammunition — воен. резерв личного состава и боеприпасов
- духовные ресурсы; внутреннее содержание человека
to have inner resources to fall back on — опираться на свои собственные духовные силы
he has no inner resources of character — его натуре не хватает внутренней содержательности
- возможность, средство, способ
to be at the end of one’s resources — исчерпать все возможности
to draw upon one’s own resources — обойтись своими средствами
to make the most of one’s resources — до конца использовать свои возможности
his only remaining resource was flight — ему оставалось лишь одно — бежать
deception was his only resource — он рассчитывал лишь на обман
- времяпрепровождение, занятие (во время отдыха); отдых, развлечение
reading had been her chief resource — она обычно отдыхала за книгой
leave him to his own resources — ≅ не надо его занимать, пусть он сам себя развлекает /сам займётся чем хочет/
- находчивость, изобретательность
full of resource — изобретательный
man of great [no] resource — изобретательный [ненаходчивый] человек
- шанс; вероятность спасения, помощи и т. п.
without /beyond/ resource — безнадёжно, безвозвратно
- вчт. ресурс
resource allocation — а) распределение ресурсов; б) предоставление ресурса, выделение ресурса
resource sharing — совместное использование ресурса
Мои примеры
international sea-bed resource agency — международное агентство по ресурсам морского дна
to pool / share one’s resource — объединять ресурсы, совместно использовать ресурсы
a royalty on a natural resource — плата за использование природного ресурса
resource allocation processor — процессор распределения ресурсов
community-based natural resource management — местное управление природными ресурсами
resource-sharing network — сеть с коллективным использованием ресурсов
resource contention — состязание за обладание ресурсами
resource-sharing control — управление разделением ресурсов
decisions resource levelling — выравнивание ресурса
resource availability — дата появления ресурса
Примеры с переводом
Any resource can be exhausted.
Любой ресурс может закончиться.
We have the resource to do the job.
У нас есть возможность выполнить это задание.
She showed great resource at problem solving.
Она проявила большую изобретательность в разрешении проблем.
Oil is essentially their only resource.
Нефть, по сути, является их единственным ресурсом.
The school must be resourced with musical instruments.
Школу необходимо снабдить музыкальными инструментами.
Canada’s vast mineral resources
огромные минеральные ресурсы Канады
She had no financial resources.
У неё не было финансовых ресурсов.
ещё 10 примеров свернуть
Возможные однокоренные слова
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: resource
he/she/it: resources
ing ф. (present participle): resourcing
2-я ф. (past tense): resourced
3-я ф. (past participle): resourced
ед. ч.(singular): resource
мн. ч.(plural): resources
Meaning Resources
What does Resources mean? Here you find 82 meanings of the word Resources. You can also add a definition of Resources yourself
1 |
0 Personnel, equipment, services and supplies available, or potentially available, for assignment to incidents. Personnel and equipment are described by kind and type, e.g., ground, water, air, etc., an [..]
2 |
0 ResourcesNaturally occurring concentrations or deposits of coal in the Earth’s crust, in such forms and amounts that economic extraction is currently or potentially feasible.
3 |
0 ResourcesRessources
4 |
0 ResourcesThe reserves of a valuable mineral commodity plus all other mineral deposits that may eventually become available, even those that are presumed to exist but have not yet been discovered and those that are not economically or technologically exploitable at the moment. The total mineral endowment ultimately available for extraction.
5 |
0 ResourcesThe things needed to carry out a task or piece of work. Resources can include appropriately qualified staff, finances, suitable buildings and sufficient equipment.
6 |
0 Resources1) Personnel, equipment, services and supplies available, or potentially available, for assignment to incidents. 2) The natural resources of an area, such as timber, crass, watershed values, recreation values, and wildlife habitat.
7 |
0 ResourcesEconomic elements applied or used in the performance of activities or to directly support cost objects. They include people, materials, supplies, equipment, technologies, and facilities. Also see: Res [..]
8 |
0 ResourcesDust particles 5 microns or less in size.
9 |
0 ResourcesThe personnel, equipment, materials, and services needed to complete tasks in a project. [D01697]
10 |
0 ResourcesThe labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship used by society to produce consumer satisfying goods and services. Land provides the basic raw materials—vegetation, animals, minerals, fossil fuels—th [..]
11 |
0 ResourcesSomething (raw materials, time, personnel, information) used to help achieve an objective.
12 |
0 ResourcesAll assets people skills information technology premises supplies and information that an organisation has to have available to use when needed in order to operate and meet its objectives.
13 |
0 ResourcesThe labor effort, capital and operating costs, and other inputs that must be provided to execute work activities and produce work products.
14 |
0 Resourcesdropdown»>Word Finder Word Finder
15 |
0 ResourcesGuide to LEED Certification
16 |
0 ResourcesCase Studies
17 |
0 ResourcesBrand Assets
18 |
0 ResourcesHardware Payments Feature Checklist Getting Started Why Vend? FAQs About About Us Careers Media Blog Contact Us Do more with Vend Vend U Retail resources & training Vend Experts Certified experts [..]
19 |
0 ResourcesSpecials & Promotions
20 |
0 ResourcesArticles
21 |
0 ResourcesThe basic kinds of resources used to produce goods and services: land or natural resources, human resources (including labor and entrepreneurship), and capital.
22 |
0 ResourcesLand casinos
23 |
0 ResourcesNewsletter/ Marketplace
24 |
0 Resourcesthings and people available for use in reaching a goal.
25 |
0 ResourcesTotal dollars, people, materials and facilities available for use including estimated revenues, fund transfers, and beginning fund balances.
26 |
0 ResourcesAll those things which can be used to produce economic satisfaction.
27 |
0 ResourcesState-by-State Resources
28 |
0 ResourcesEmployment Opportunities Resume Writing Interviewing Talent Acquisition Glossary
29 |
0 ResourcesNews
30 |
0 ResourcesPersonnel and major items of equipment, supplies, and facilities available or potentially available for assignment to incident operations and for which status is maintained. Resources are described by [..]
31 |
0 ResourcesAny financial, material or shared items or information required to implement or maintain academic programs or courses.
32 |
0 Resources30 day guarantee! Collector’s Corner® FREE Catalogs Email Sign up Freshwater Fish [..]
33 |
0 Resources
34 |
0 ResourcesAny substance of use to humans; renewable such as water or finite such as oil.
35 |
0 ResourcesOnline Forms
36 |
0 ResourcesSee Official resources.
37 |
0 ResourcesAccountant directory API Custom accelerated development Support
38 |
0 Resourcesin education, the stock or supply of materials (including staff) provided to support the effective achievement of various goals.
39 |
0 ResourcesNormally meaning the economy (see economy), but may also refer to build power or conentration (both also finite resources)
40 |
0 ResourcesWhere to Buy On-line Catalog Distance Calculator Clearance Calculator Return on Investment How to weatherproof antenna connectors Knowledge Base Wireless Video Camera: AIRAYA WirelessGRID-PTZx10 Glossary of Helpful Wireless Video Camera and CCTV — Compliments of If your browser has not taken you directly to your desired definition, [..]
41 |
0 ResourcesBlog
42 |
43 |
0 ResourcesJRP Blog
44 |
0 Resourcesare the materials found in the environment that can be extracted from the environment in an economic process. There are abiotic resources (non-renewable) and biotic resources (renewable).
45 |
0 ResourcesRebates
46 |
0 ResourcesSocially Smart Blog
47 |
0 ResourcesProcessing times
48 |
0 ResourcesMaterials or phenomena which can provide energy directly or via conversion.
49 |
0 ResourcesAvailable manpower, facilities, revenue, equipment, and supplies to produce requisite Health care and services.
50 |
0 ResourcesNatural sources from which Power is obtained.
51 |
0 ResourcesEnergy sources produced from Primary Energy Resources, such as refined fuels or electric Power.
52 |
0 ResourcesEnvironmental reservoirs of Water related to natural Water Cycle by which Water is obtained for various purposes. This includes but is not limited to Watersheds, aquifers and springs.
53 |
0 ResourcesEquipment, personnel and other assets, either contracted or owned, utilized to conduct monitoring and/or response operations.
54 |
0 ResourcesAppointments
55 |
0 ResourcesWhy We Are Different
56 |
0 ResourcesHow-to’s, top-ten lists, link lists, reviews, case studies News: Reporting, commentary Humour: Parodies, images, video Controversy: Inflammatory material, rants, shock [..]
57 |
0 ResourcesAbout the Affordable Care Act
58 |
0 Resources«Resources» has the meaning given that term in ORS 411.704 (Definitions for ORS 411.141, 411.706 and 411.708). For eligibility purposes, «resources» does not include charitable con [..]
59 |
0 ResourcesGlossary of Terms
60 |
0 ResourcesWhy Choose Lennox?
61 |
0 ResourcesAnything that both players have to utilise to gain an advantage in the game. Mana/Cores is the simplest. Cards in hand is another. Minions on field are another form. Having more resources generally me [..]
62 |
0 ResourcesThe currency used to play any cards in the game. The word itself is very rarely used in-game, an icon is used instead.
63 |
0 ResourcesThe raw materials and other factors of production that enter the production process or final goods and services that are desired by economic agents.
64 |
0 ResourcesFind answers to frequently asked questions, tips to save money on your heating and cooling bills, seasonal weather preparation articles, company blogs, videos, and much more! Browse our Resource Library »
65 |
0 ResourcesQuantities of oil and gas estimated to exist in naturally occurring accumulations. A portion of the resources may be estimated to be recoverable, and another portion may be considered to be unrecove [..]
66 |
0 Resourcesare those quantities of petroleum (both conventional and unconventional) occurring naturally within the earth's crust and include both discovered and undiscovered accumulations.
67 |
0 ResourcesRefers to natural resources, such as oil and gas.
68 |
0 ResourcesAll quantities of petroleum (recoverable and unrecoverable) naturally occurring on or within the Earth’s crust, discovered and undiscovered, plus those quantities already produced.
69 |
0 ResourcesContingent and Prospective Resources, unless otherwise specified
70 |
0 ResourcesThe volumes of hydrocarbons, expressed at 50% probability of occurrence, assessed to be technically recoverable that have not been delineated and have unknown economic viability.
71 |
0 ResourcesGas resources represent all natural gas contained in a reservoir without regard to technical or economic recoverability.
72 |
0 ResourcesResources are quantities of oil and natural gas estimated to exist in naturally occurring accumulations. A portion of the resources may be estimated to be recoverable and another portion may be considered unrecoverable. Resources include both discovered and undiscovered accumulations.
73 |
0 ResourcesConcentrations in the earth’s crust of naturally occurring liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons that can conceivably be discovered and recovered. Normal use encompasses both discovered and undiscovered resources.
74 |
0 ResourcesResources which cannot be classified as reserves because of an early stage of development.
75 |
0 ResourcesMaterials, time, money and abilities available for use that can be drawn upon for aid or to take care of a need.
76 |
0 ResourcesRecommended Reading How To Materials Open Studio Hours
77 |
0 ResourcesJobs Research ELetters Executive Summaries White Papers Related Sites
78 |
0 ResourcesInclude people, money, information, knowledge, skills, energy, facilities, machines, tools, equipment, technologies and techniques
79 |
0 Resourcesanything that is required to get the project done, people, hardware, materials, information, etc.
80 |
0 ResourcesOrgan Donation Toolbox Transplant Resource Guide State UAGA Legislation UNOS Reports Terminology & Data References About Us
81 |
0 ResourcesThe available material means for pursuing human goals or desired objectives. See also: factors of production
82 |
0 ResourcesA resource is a source or supply from which a benefit is produced. Resources can be broadly classified on the basis upon their availability they are renewable and non renewable resources. They can als [..]
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Other forms: resources
A resource is any personal talent or outside supply that can be tapped for help or support.
Resource comes from an old French word meaning «relief» or «recovery,» which certainly ties in with the idea of a resource being something that offers necessary aid. However, the word resource also refers to the natural resources available in and on our Earth — things that we are constantly drawing on and depleting, such as our trees, ores, and atmosphere. Once such a natural resource is used up, it’s usually gone forever, and is no longer a resource.
Definitions of resource
a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
“the local library is a valuable
resource” -
available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed
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natural resource, natural resources
resources (actual and potential) supplied by nature
labor resources
resources of available manpower
bread and butter, keep, livelihood, living, support, sustenance
the financial means whereby one lives
backing, financial backing, financial support, funding, support
financial resources provided to make some project possible
ways and means
resources available to meet expenses (especially legislation for raising revenue for a government)
land resources
natural resources in the form of arable land
mineral resources
natural resources in the form of minerals
renewable resource
any natural resource (as wood or solar energy) that can be replenished naturally with the passage of time
amenities, comforts, conveniences, creature comforts
things that make you comfortable and at ease
means of maintenance of a family or group
meal ticket
a source of income or livelihood
minimal (or marginal) resources for subsisting
type of:
anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company
the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems
“a man of
imagination, resourcefulness
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Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > resources
resources ресурсы, средства
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > resources
ресурсы; средства; запасы ; силы и средства
English-Russian military dictionary > resources
bank’s own resources собственные денежные средства банка budgetary resources бюджетные ресурсы capital resources капитал компании capital resources чистая стоимость капитала cash resources сумма наличных денег Community resources ресурсы Европейского экономического сообщества human resources людские ресурсы; наличная и потенциальная рабочая сила вместе взятые human resources людские ресурсы information resources вчт. информационные ресурсы investment fund resources средства инвестиционного фонда liquid resources ликвидные активы liquid resources ликвидные ресурсы monetary resources вчт. денежные ресурсы operating resources производственные ресурсы own resources собственные денежные средства own resources собственные ресурсы resources банковские активы resources вспомогательное средство resources денежные средства resources материальные запасы resources природные богатства resources ресурсы resources средства существования
English-Russian short dictionary > resources
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > resources
ресурсы, запасы
energy resources энергетические ресурсы
mineral resources минеральные ресурсы
natural resources природные [естественные] ресурсы
primary energy resources ресурсы первичных источников энергии
total resources суммарные ресурсы
ultimate potential resources максимальные потенциальные ресурсы
ultimately recoverable resources максимальные извлекаемые ресурсы
undiscovered potential resources 1. неоткрытые ресурсы 2. прогнозные ресурсы
water resources водные ресурсы, источники водной энергии* * *
English-Russian dictionary of geology > resources
Англо-русский технический словарь > resources
1. ресурсы
2. природные богатства
Синонимический ряд:
1. assets (noun) assets; belongings; capital; cash; collateral; fortune; investment; means; money; products; property; resourcefulness; riches; substance; wealth; wherewithal; worth
2. expediencies (noun) expediencies; expedients; makeshifts; recourses; refuges; resorts; resources; shifts; stopgaps; strings; substitutes; surrogates
English-Russian base dictionary > resources
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > resources
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > resources
ресурсы, запасы ; богатства недр
* * *
запасы ; богатства недр; ресурсы
* * *
• 1) ресурсы; 2) недра
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > resources
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > resources
- ресурсы
Совокупность трудовых, материальных, технических и финансовых средств, необходимых для выполнения работы в строительном производстве
[Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]
Используемые и потенциальные источники удовлетворения потребностей общества.
1 Укрупненно можно подразделить все ресурсы на материальные и энергетические (первичные и вторичные), интеллектуальные, трудовые, информационные, финансовые, временные, традиционные и нетрадиционные.
2 К ресурсам относят работников, инфраструктуру, производственную среду, информацию, поставщиков и партнеров, природные и финансовые ресурсы; материальные ресурсы, такие как усовершенствованные производственные и вспомогательные средства; нематериальные ресурсы, такие как интеллектуальная собственность; ресурсы и механизмы, содействующие инновационным постоянным улучшениям.
[ ГОСТ Р 52104-2003]
Общеe свойство Р. — потенциальная возможность их участия в производстве (производственные Р.) и в потреблении (потребительские Р.). В каждый данный момент Р. ограничены и потому главной задачей экономического управления является их наилучшее (оптимальное) распределение. (См. Дефицитность ресурсов, Распределение ресурсов). В экономико-математических работах этим термином обозначают не только сырье, землю, труд, но и продукцию, поскольку продукция одной отрасли или производства — Р. для другой. Это удобно для формирования моделей и алгоритмов, где анализируются затраты (тогда показатель Р. отрицателен) и результаты (тогда он положителен). Различают Р. воспроизводимые (renewable resources) (например, продукция, кадры определенной квалификации, которые воспроизводятся, т.е. обучаются в течение анализируемого периода и т.д.) и невоспроизводимые (depletable resourses), например, разрабатываемые запасы полезных ископаемых. Впрочем, это разделение в разных моделях в зависимости от их условий проводится по-разному: те же квалифицированные кадры могут рассматриваться в краткосрочной модели как невоспроизводимый Р. Общепринятой классификации Р. не существует. Можно указать лишь на то, что в экономико-математических моделях рассматриваются следующие виды Р.: природные (включают Р. земли, вод, атмосферы, а также космоса): сырьевые и энергетические; средств производства (включая производственные мощности, предметы труда); трудовые (делятся, например, по группам населения, квалификационно-профессиональным группам); конечных «потребительских» благ (непроизводственные «мощности» и продукты для личного и общественного непроизводственного потребления); информационные (охватывают весь потенциал науки, «мощности» культуры и просвещения — кино, театра, школы) — как возможности идеологической работы, просвещения, образования и т.д.; финансовые (Р. капитальных вложений, кредитные и др.); внешние — валютные резервы, сеть внешнеторговых связей и т.п. Они выделены в отдельный класс, поскольку обладают очень широкими возможностями замещения внутренних ресурсов. См. также: Взаимозаменяемость ресурсов, Дефицитность ресурсов, Затраты, Первичные ресурсы, Свободный ресурс.
- ресурсосбережение, обращение с отходами
- экономика
- resources
- Quellén
- Ressourcen
- ressources
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > resources
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > resources
English-Russian mining dictionary > resources
res, resources
ресурсы; (силы и) средства
resr; resrc, resources
ресурсы; (силы и) средства
English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > resources
Банки/Банковские операции
Англо-русский экономический словарь > resources
English-Russian dictionary of information security > resources
Англо-русский строительный словарь > resources
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > resources
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
resources — a stock or supply of materials or assets. → resource resources personal attributes that sustain one in adverse circumstances. → resource … English new terms dictionary
resources — [n] money, possessions, natural resources ace in hole*, assets, backing, bankroll, basics, belongings, budget, capital, collateral, effects, funds, holdings, income, kitty*, material goods, means, nest egg*, nut*, property, reserves, revenue,… … New thesaurus
resources — index advantage, assets, capital, cash, effects, estate (property), finance, fund … Law dictionary
resources — n. 1) to develop; exploit, tap resources 2) to husband; marshall; pool, share one s resources 3) economic; natural; untapped resources (to exploit natural resources) 4) the resources to + inf. (we have the resources to do the job) * * * exploit… … Combinatory dictionary
resources — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, ability, assessed valuation, assets, assets and liabilities, available means, balance, bank account, bottom dollar, budget, capacity, capital, capital goods, capitalization, cash reserves, checking… … Moby Thesaurus
resources — /rɪ sɔ:sɪz/ plural noun 1. a source of supply of something ♦ we are looking for a site with good water resources a site with plenty of water available 2. the money available for doing something ♦ the cost of the new project is easily within our… … Marketing dictionary in english
resources — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pl. assets, wealth, prosperity; ingenuity, expedients. See money, means. II (Roget s IV) pl.n. Syn. means, money, property, stocks, bonds, products, revenue, riches, wealth, natural resources, assets … English dictionary for students
resources — ištekliai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Fiziškai ir konceptualiai atskiriamų tam tikros veiklos srities objektų, kurių naudojimas gali būti vienareikšmiškai apibrėžtas, visuma. atitikmenys: angl. resources vok. Potential… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
resources — Money or any property that can be converted to meet needs; means of raising money or supplies; capabilities of raising wealth or to supply necessary wants; available means or capability of any kind. Cerenzia v. Department of Social Security of… … Black’s law dictionary
resources — Assets; means; income. The word does not necessarily mean money in hand. A debtor may have ample resources to pay all his debts as they become due, and yet have no money in his pocket or in bank. Sacry v Lobree, 84 Cal 41, 23 P 1088 … Ballentine’s law dictionary
Resources for the Future — (RFF) is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences on environmental, energy, and natural resource issues. Although RFF is headquartered in Washington, D.C … Wikipedia