The meaning of the word preposition


Prepositions are one of the eight parts of speech in the English language, and they’re pretty important. Prepositions allow us to create complex sentences and add in important details. They play a crucial role in helping sentences make sense, which is super important when you need to communicate clearly and effectively. 

But if you have to sit down and give an accurate preposition definition, things can get a little tricky. You may know that prepositions are usually short words like at, for, in, on, or under, but what is a preposition as a part of speech? What do prepositions do, and how the heck do you identify a preposition in a sentence? 

To help you become an expert on prepositions, we’re going to talk about the following in this article:

  • Answer the questions “What is a preposition?” and “What does preposition mean?” 
  • Explain each type of preposition definition with examples of each type used in a sentence
  • Provide a list of four top tips for identifying prepositions in sentences

If there’s a specific type of preposition you want to know more about—like prepositions of space—you can find the information quickly by holding Command + F on your keyboard, then typing in the term you’re looking for. 

Now without further ado, let’s get started! 

Feature Image: (Jmayereup / Wikimedia) 

What’s a Preposition? Preposition Meaning and Usage in Sentences

Grammar rules for the English language state that prepositions are defined based on their function in a sentence. So, here’s how a preposition functions to create meaning in a sentence: A preposition combines with a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun to demonstrate a relationship between the noun and another component of the sentence, often another noun and verb. 

In other words, prepositions help readers understand the relationship between different nouns and verbs in a single sentence. 

Now that you’ve got an answer to the question, “What’s a preposition?” you’re probably wondering what kind of relationships prepositions show. Prepositions can show relationships of time, space, or possession between a subject and an object in a sentence

For example, in the following sentences, each preposition (in bold) helps us better understand the relationship between the cat and the table:

  • The cat sat on the table. 
  • The cat sat under the table. 
  • The cat sat beside the table. 
  • The cat sat at the table. 

In the examples above, the prepositions on, under, beside, and at help clarify the nature of the relationship between the cat—the subject of the sentence—and the table—the object of the preposition. Notice that each sentence makes us visualize something different: a cat sitting on a table is not the same thing as a cat sitting under a table. And guess what? That’s what prepositions are designed to do! 


Here’s a helpful list of prepositional phrases! 

The Prepositional Phrase 

The next thing you need to know about prepositions in sentences is that they almost always appear in a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases are important for communicating what types of actions and interactions occur between the subjects and objects of sentences. 

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition (or prepositions), the object of the preposition (a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun), and any other words that modify the object (an adjective or adverb). In the examples above involving the cat and the table, on the table, under the table, beside the table, and at the table are all prepositional phrases because they begin with a preposition that is followed by a noun (cat).

Quick note: if you’re not sure what things like nouns, adjectives, or adverbs are, don’t worry. We have a complete, expert guide to each part of speech that will teach you everything you need to know!

Keep in mind that prepositional phrases aren’t limited to a single preposition and a single object. Prepositional phrases can also contain modifiers of the object, which are usually adjectives and adverbs. Here’s an example of a prepositional phrase that also contains modifiers: 

The cat sat under the dirty, decaying table

In this example, under the dirty, decaying table is the entire prepositional phrase. It consists of the preposition (under), the object (the table), and the adjectives that modify the object (dirty, decaying). So while a prepositional phrase must contain at least one preposition and an object, it can also contain other types of words. 

Now if someone asks you, “What is a preposition?” you have an answer! Next, we’ll break down the different types of prepositions for you so you’ll be a preposition expert. 


2 Forms of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases You Need to Know

Part of answering the question, “What is a preposition?” includes explaining the two different forms, or structures, that prepositions and prepositional phrases can take. Think of form like a formula: it’s a prescribed way that you can put different prepositional words together to make them work in a sentence! 

Let’s look at the two forms of prepositions below.  

#1: Simple Prepositions

Simple prepositions are the first type of preposition, and it’s one of the two types that Defining simple prepositions is, well, simple: simple prepositions are one-word prepositions that appear at the beginning of a prepositional phrase in front of an object or in front of an article and an object. In other words, simple prepositions look something like this: 

We’ve been playing since noon. 

They walked through the field

In both of the examples above, the prepositional phrases begin with a simple preposition: since is the simple preposition in the first example, and through is the simple preposition in the second example. In both examples, the simple prepositions are followed by an object (noon in the first example) or an article plus an object (the field in the second example). 

These examples also explain how this is a form of preposition. While both of these are simple prepositions, the words we used totally changed the meaning of the sentence. In the first sentence, using since helps us understand the amount of time the person has been playing. That’s because since is a preposition of time! But the simple preposition structure also works in the second sentence, even though we’re using a preposition of movement (through) instead. 

So just like math, prepositional forms let you swap words in and out to create meaning

And that’s the definition of a simple preposition! Simple prepositions are used very frequently in the English language, so you’ll probably start to see them everywhere now that you know what you’re looking for. 

#2: Complex (or Compound, or Double) Prepositions

There’s a little disagreement out there about what to call this form of preposition: sometimes they’re called complex prepositions, compound prepositions, or double prepositions. Just know that all of these terms refer to the same thing. 

Complex prepositions are a group of prepositions that function like a simple preposition. That means complex prepositions always consist of more than one preposition (unlike simple prepositions, which only have one). Here are two examples of complex prepositions in a sentence: 

Get these chips away from me. 

She laughed at his joke in spite of herself.

As you can tell from these examples, complex prepositions can appear in two-word units or three-word units. When a complex preposition appears in a two-word unit, it involves two prepositions in a row which are followed by an object. In the first example, away from is our complex preposition, and the object that follows it is me. 

When a complex preposition appears in a three-word unit, it follows a different formula. In three-word units, the first preposition and second preposition are separated by a noun, then the object comes afterward. In the second example, in and of are prepositions, spite is the noun, and herself is the object! 

Remember how we talked about forms of prepositions working like a mathematical formula? That’s definitely the case for complex prepositions! Though there are many complex prepositions (which you’ll see in our list below), the most commonly used formulas for a complex preposition in English are the following

  • Preposition + of
  • Preposition + from
  • Preposition + to

To help you pick out complex prepositions when they’re used in sentences, here’s a list of commonly used complex prepositions: 

According to

For lack of

Near to

Ahead of

In accordance with

Next to

Along with

In addition to

On account of

Apart from

In back of

On behalf of

As for

In between

On top of

As well as

In the case of

Out of

Aside from

In charge of

Outside of

Away from

In exchange for

Owing to

Because of

In front of

Prior to

But for

In light of

Subsequent to

By means of

In line with

Such as

By virtue of

In place of

Thanks to

By way of

In the process of

Together with

Close to

In regard to

Up against

Contrary to

Inside of

Up to

Due to

In spite of

Up until

Except for

Instead of

With respect to

Far from

In view of



4 Types of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases That Convey Meaning 

These types of prepositions are used to convey meaning in a sentence. You can pop them into one of the forms we discussed above to help people better understand specific relationships between a subject and an object in a sentence. Specifically, these types of prepositions describe four different types of relationships: time, space, direction/movement, and agent/instrument. 

These prepositions can be mixed and matched with the preposition forms we just talked about, so most prepositions fit into two categories: one for their form, and another for their meaning. Put another way, a preposition in a sentence can be both a simple/complex preposition and a preposition of time, space, direction/movement, or agent/instrument!

Now, let’s learn a little more about the four types of prepositions that help writers convey meaning.  

#1: Prepositions of Time

Prepositions of time demonstrate relationships between things in terms of when something occurred. Prepositions of time can show the specific, exact time when something happened or will happen. It can also express a more general, extended period of time. 

Take a look at the table below for a list of prepositions that are frequently used to demonstrate relationships in terms of time: 



















So how do prepositions express time, exactly? Let’s look at two examples: 

Example #1: Sean will drop off the recycling after work. 

In this first example, after is the preposition of time, and after work is the prepositional phrase. But how is after establishing a time-based relationship here? After establishes time by showing that Sean will perform a specific action—dropping off the recycling—only after he has finished with work. In this case, we can see how these two elements of the sentence relate to one another: one has to end before the other can happen. 

It’s also worth noting that after is also part of a simple preposition…so it’s both a simple preposition and a preposition of time! 

Now that you have a better understanding of how this works, here’s a second example of a preposition of time in a sentence: 

Example #2: I’m going live at ten o’clock. 

In this example, at is the preposition, and at ten o’clock is the prepositional phrase. More importantly, at is establishing a precise time. In this case, the person speaking is going to go live on television at an exact time. Thus, the preposition at establishes that the time-based relationship between the subject and the verb and the object is a precise one. 

You use prepositions of time every day, even if you don’t realize it. Whether you’re giving directions, planning your day, or just telling a story, prepositions of time help us create chronological order. 

#2: Prepositions of Space 

Prepositions of space are used to show where a person, living creature, or other object or entity is located in space (as in, like, physical space in the everyday world, not outer space). 

The words in the following list are classified as this type of preposition, meaning they show where things are located in space, including location in relation to other things, direction, and movement. 










Across from





















Away from















Now that we have a full list of prepositions of space, let’s look at an example of a preposition of space: one example that simply shows where something is located in space. Here we go:

There’s an owl in the chimney!

This example is pretty straightforward. Where is the owl? It’s located in the chimney. There’s a spatial relationship established between the owl and the chimney through the use of the preposition in. 


Prepositions of direction and movement help readers understand movement. In this case, the dancer is lifting his partner off the ground! 

#3: Prepositions of Direction/Movement

Prepositions of space are sometimes broken down into even smaller categories, and two of the categories you need to know about are prepositions of direction and movement. These types of prepositions show movement from one place to another. Because of this, prepositions of direction and movement are often used with verbs of motion. 

Here’s a list of words that are classified as prepositions of direction and movement: 














off of





away from

out of


Prepositions of direction and movement connote that something is moving through space in relation to another object. Check out this example: 

Sophia threw the dart at the bullseye. 

In this example, the dart’s location in space is described in relation to the bullseye’s location in space through the use of the preposition at. We know that the dart is directed toward the bullseye, and since the dart has to move through space in order to actually hit the bullseye, we consider prepositions of direction/movement as falling into the bigger category of prepositions of space!

Here are a few more examples of prepositions that connote direction/movement:

They walked among the wildflowers. 

The festival-goers twirled around the maypole. 

Like the earlier example, both of these examples show that living beings are moving through space in relation to other objects. In the first example, they are moving through space in relation to some wildflowers. In the second example, the festival-goers are moving through space in relation to the maypole. 

One way to recognize prepositions of space that connote direction/movement is to look for a verb right before the preposition, because prepositions of direction/movement often follow a verb in a sentence!

#4: Prepositions of Agent/Instrument

There are also prepositions that can be used to connote a different kind of relationship besides relationships of time or space. These prepositions are known as prepositions of agent/instrument, and they demonstrate a relationship in which one noun performs an action on or toward another noun in a sentence. 

Here are the common prepositions of agent/instrument that you need to know: 

Let’s have a look at an example of a preposition of agent/instrument in a sentence: 

I think the movie was produced by Disney. 

This example conveys a relationship of agency, or power, between a noun and a verb: the movie under discussion in this sentence was produced by Disney. This conveys a relationship in which a group of persons has caused something to occur. In this sentence, prepositions help us understand that Disney has control over the production of the movie. It’s also important to note that prepositions of agency are usually used in sentences that are constructed in the passive voice, like in the example above. 

Now, here’s an example that shows a preposition of instrument. A preposition of instrument is used to describe machines, technologies, and devices. Basically, when you need to explain how a mechanical noun acts toward another noun, you use this type of preposition! Here’s an example: 

She lit the candle with a match. 

This sentence example uses the preposition meaning with to show a relationship between one noun—a match, which is an instrument—and another noun—the candle, which is also an instrument. In other words, the preposition with connotes a relationship in which the match acts upon the candle. Prepositions of instrument almost always describe use of devices, technologies, or other objects. 


3 Top Tips for Identifying Prepositions in a Sentence

As you’ve probably guessed by now, prepositions can be a little bit sneaky in sentences. Sometimes words that are commonly used as prepositions are also used for other purposes, which can make identifying prepositions in a sentence a little bit confusing! We’ve come up with three top tips on preposition grammar to help you spot prepositions in a sentence correctly. 

#1: Break Down the Word Itself 

If you have trouble remembering where a preposition should appear in relation to the object that it modifies in a sentence, you can break down the actual word “preposition” as a memory hack. A preposition appears in front of its object, so you can think of it as being pre-positioned in front of the object. 

Read the examples above one more time. In each one, the preposition comes before the object. And there’s an added bonus: when you can find the preposition in a sentence, you can also find its object, too! 

#2: Remember That Prepositions Are “Anywhere a Cat Can Go”

We’ve already used cats in a couple of our example preposition sentences, but did you know that many people are taught in school that prepositions are anywhere a cat can go? Just think about it: how many videos have you watched of cats fitting themselves into bizarre places? They can go on, in, through, around, under, across, behind, between, through…pretty much any object (especially boxes). And as it turns out—all of those words are prepositions! 

So If you’re looking for a way to remember prepositions of space, location, direction, and movement, just picture a cat playing with a box. If the word you’re using is somewhere the cat can go, then you’re probably dealing with a preposition. 

#3: Watch Out for Verbs…and Look for the Prepositional Phrase  

Something super important to know about words that are classified as prepositions is that they don’t necessarily function as prepositions every time they appear in a sentence. 

This means that you can’t really just glance at a sentence and pick out a single word that is often used as a preposition and be sure that it’s working like a preposition in that particular sentence. You’ve got to look at the bigger picture of the sentence itself to determine whether the word is being used as a preposition! 

So what do you look for to determine whether a word is being used as a preposition? Look at the words around the preposition to see if there’s a prepositional phrase. Remember: a word that is often used as a preposition must show a relationship between the noun and another part of the sentence in order to function as a preposition. 

Additionally, preposition grammar rules indicate that when a word that looks like a preposition comes before a verb phrase instead of a noun phrase, that little word that looks like a preposition isn’t functioning as a preposition at all—it’s functioning as a particle instead. So, in addition to looking out for prepositional phrases, you can also look out for verbs. Here’s an example of what a particle looks like in a sentence: 

We’re going to walk at the market. 

In this example, the phrase to walk might look like a prepositional phrase at first glance, but walk is a verb, not a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. So, in this case, to isn’t the beginning of a prepositional phrase and isn’t being used as a preposition. However, the phrase at the market at the end of the sentence is a prepositional phrase, since the market is a noun!


What’s Next? 

Prepositions help make your writing clearer, which is incredibly important if you want to ace the writing portions of your standardized tests. Luckily for you, we have expert guides to help you ace your SAT and ACT essays! Click here to learn how to get a perfect 12 on your ACT essay. If you’re aiming to get a perfect 8 | 8 | 8 on the SAT essay, you’ll want to check out this article instead.

You’ll also have to write stellar admissions essays if you want to get into your dream school. Start by getting expert advice on how to tackle the Common App essay prompts, then check out our blog for school-specific tips. We have thorough guides about how to write essays for the top schools in the nation, including Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, Michigan State, USC, and more!

If you’re interested in grammar because you love to write, you might consider majoring in creative writing. If this sounds like you, you should definitely check out this list of the best 12 creative writing programs in the United States. 

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About the Author

Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you end a sentence with a preposition?

There is nothing wrong with ending a sentence in a preposition like to, with, for, or at. English speakers have been doing so since the days of Old English. The people who claim that a terminal preposition is wrong are clinging to an idea born in the 17th century and largely abandoned by grammar and usage experts in the early 20th.

What exactly is a preposition?

A preposition is a word—and almost always a very small, very common word—that shows direction (to in «a letter to you»), location (at in «at the door»), or time (by in «by noon»), or that introduces an object (of in «a basket of apples»). Prepositions are typically followed by an object, which can be a noun (noon), a noun phrase (the door), or a pronoun (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

The most common prepositions are at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with. Other common prepositions are about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, close to, down, during, except, inside, instead of, into, like, near, off, on top of, onto, out of, outside, over, past, since, through, toward, under, until, up, upon, within, without.

In English, words are grouped into word classes based on the function they perform in a sentence. There are nine main word classes in English; nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, and interjections. This explanation is all about prepositions.

Preposition meaning

In short, a preposition is a small word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.

A preposition shows how two parts of a sentence are connected in relation to time, place, movement/direction, or relationship. In other words, they tell us where or when something is in relation to something else in the sentence. Prepositions often come before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun, but they may be used in various other ways.

Examples of prepositions

The most common examples of prepositions include;

  • At

  • On

  • In

These show time (‘I arrive on Monday’) and place (‘It’s in the fridge‘). However, these aren’t the only prepositions, and there are plenty of others that can also be used to show time and place, as well as movement/direction. E.g. I travelled from New York to Washington’.

The same word can be used as a preposition in multiple ways. For example, the word ‘at’ can be used as a preposition of time (e.g. ‘I’m meeting Mickey Mouse at the weekend‘), or as a preposition of place (e.g. ‘I’m meeting him at Disneyland’).

Did you know? ‘As’ can function as a preposition in some contexts. As a preposition, it is used to indicate the role, function, or identity of someone or something. For example, in the sentence ‘He works as a teacher,’ ‘as’ is a preposition that shows the role of the subject ‘he’ as a teacher. In other contexts, ‘as’ can function as a conjunction or an adverb.

Preposition: List

Here is a list of some common prepositions in English:

  • about
  • above
  • across
  • after
  • against
  • along
  • among
  • around
  • as
  • at
  • before
  • behind
  • below
  • beneath
  • beside
  • between
  • beyond
  • by
  • down
  • during
  • except
  • for
  • from
  • in
  • inside
  • into
  • like
  • near
  • of
  • off
  • on
  • onto
  • out
  • outside
  • over
  • past
  • since
  • through
  • throughout
  • to
  • toward
  • under
  • underneath
  • until
  • up
  • upon
  • with
  • within
  • without

Positioning of prepositions

The word ‘preposition’ has two parts: ‘pre’ and ‘position’. This is a useful reminder; the position of the preposition is usually before (‘pre’) a noun phrase or pronoun. For example:

‘The cat is stuck in the tree’

In this sentence, the preposition ‘in’ comes before the noun ‘tree’. Prepositions can sometimes work alongside adjectives, adverbs, and clauses too.

‘She is talented at playing the piano’

Here, the preposition ‘at’ connects the adjective ‘talentedto the verb ‘playing’. If we didn’t have the preposition then the sentence wouldn’t make sense. (Thank you, prepositions!).

Types of preposition

Prepositions can be split into three main groups; prepositions of time, prepositions of place, and prepositions of movement/direction. Each shows a relationship between one part of a sentence or phrase and the other.

Prepositions of time

Prepositions of time express a relationship of time. The table below shows the different ways in which prepositions of time can be used:

Preposition prepositions of time StudySmarterFig 1. Prepositions of time

Prepositions of place

Prepositions of place express a relationship between location or space. They show how one person or thing is positioned in relation to another person or thing. Have a look at the table below, which will provide you with some examples of common prepositions of place:

preposition prepositions of place StudySmarterFig 2. Prepositions of place

Preposition, Image of dog in a box, StudySmarterFig 3. Where is the dog? Under the box!

Prepositions of movement/direction

Prepositions of movement/direction show movement from one place to another or the direction of movement. Whilst prepositions of place express the static position of something, prepositions of movement/direction show active movement. Here are some examples:

prepositions prepositions of movement / direction StudySmarterFig 4. Prepositions of movement/direction

Other types of prepositions

Prepositions don’t just belong to one category. They can also be grouped based on how they look. This includes complex prepositions, such as single-word prepositions, two-word prepositions, and three-word prepositions.

Two-word and three-word prepositions are phrases that have a unique meaning separate from that of the individual words. The words usually stick together as a group to form a certain meaning and usually can’t change order.

For example, the three-word preposition ‘with regard to‘ cannot be changed to ‘to regard with’. It is a fixed expression with a fixed meaning, much like a one-word preposition.

Of course, there can be four-word or even five-word prepositions such as ‘from the point of view of’; however, single-word, two-word, and three-word prepositions are most common.

Single-word prepositions

Single-word prepositions are, as the name suggests, prepositions that consist of only one word. These prepositions are more flexible in meaning and can be used in different parts of the sentence.

Examples of single-word prepositions include:

  • during

  • from

  • on

  • towards

  • with

  • up

  • near

  • at

  • to

  • above

Two-word prepositions

Two-word prepositions contain two words that come together to form a preposition.

For example:

  • ahead of

  • because of

  • instead of

  • near to

  • due to

  • rather than

  • according to

  • prior to

Some of these two-word prepositions need both words to make sense. Take the preposition ‘instead of’. The sentence ‘I want pizza instead chicken nuggets’ does not make sense; the word ‘of’ is required.

Two-word prepositions are often longer words followed by a simple preposition such as ‘of’, ‘to’, ‘than’ etc.

Three-word prepositions

The three-word combination works together to form a preposition with a specific meaning, separate from that of each individual word. For example, the words ‘in’, ‘spite’, and ‘of’ each have a different meaning; however, when they are all put together they form the preposition ‘in spite of’, which has its own meaning.

Examples of three-word prepositions include:

  • in front of

  • by means of

  • in spite of

  • in addition to

  • in exchange for

  • in case of

  • on top of

  • as well as

Three-word prepositions often follow the structure Preposition + Noun/Adjective + Preposition. For example, the preposition ‘in addition to‘ contains the prepositions ‘in’ and ‘to’, and the noun ‘addition’.

Prepositional phrases

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that is built around a preposition. Prepositional phrases contain a preposition, along with the object (a noun or pronoun) and any modifiers.

Take a look at these examples:

The cat hid under a red car

In this example, the prepositional phrase ‘under the car‘ contains the preposition ‘under’ along with the noun phrase ‘a red car’. The car is the object of the sentence that receives the verb ‘hid’. The words ‘a’ and ‘red’ are modifiers that add extra information about the noun. This prepositional phrase gives information about the position of the cat.

I saw a man with a curly moustache

Here, the prepositional phrase is ‘with a curly moustache‘. The preposition ‘with’ is followed by a noun phrase that contains the noun ‘moustache’ and the modifiers ‘a‘ and ‘curly‘. This phrase functions in the same way as an adjective, it gives information about the noun (‘man’). These kinds of prepositional phrases can therefore also be called ‘adjective phrases’.

In the morning, we went home

Here the prepositional phrase ‘in the morning’ is used to set the scene. It modifies (gives more information about) the verb phrase ‘we went home‘ and can therefore also be called an ‘adverbial phrase’.

Preposition — key takeaways

  • A preposition is often a small word showing how two parts of a sentence are connected in relation to time, place, movement/direction, or relationship.
  • Prepositions often come before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun; however, they may be used in a variety of ways.
  • Prepositions can be split into three main groups: prepositions of time, prepositions of place, and prepositions of movement/direction.
  • Prepositions can also be grouped based on how they look; this includes single-word prepositions, two-word prepositions, and three-word prepositions.
  • A prepositional phrase is a group of words that is built around a preposition. They often contain a preposition, along with the object (a noun or pronoun) and any modifiers.

«Preposition» redirects here. Not to be confused with proposition.

Prepositions and postpositions, together called adpositions (or broadly, in traditional grammar, simply prepositions),[1] are a class of words used to express spatial or temporal relations (in, under, towards, before) or mark various semantic roles (of, for).[2]

A preposition or postposition typically combines with a noun phrase, this being called its complement, or sometimes object. A preposition comes before its complement; a postposition comes after its complement. English generally has prepositions rather than postpositions – words such as in, under and of precede their objects, such as in England, under the table, of Jane – although there are a few exceptions including «ago» and «notwithstanding», as in «three days ago» and «financial limitations notwithstanding». Some languages that use a different word order have postpositions instead, or have both types. The phrase formed by a preposition or postposition together with its complement is called a prepositional phrase (or postpositional phrase, adpositional phrase, etc.) – such phrases usually play an adverbial role in a sentence.

A less common type of adposition is the circumposition, which consists of two parts that appear on each side of the complement. Other terms sometimes used for particular types of adposition include ambiposition, inposition and interposition. Some linguists use the word preposition in place of adposition regardless of the applicable word order.[1]


The word preposition comes from Latin: prae- prefix (pre- prefix) («before») and Latin: ponere («to put»). This refers to the situation in Latin and Greek (and in English), where such words are placed before their complement (except sometimes in Ancient Greek), and are hence «pre-positioned».

In some languages, including Sindhi, Hindustani, Turkish, Hungarian, Korean, and Japanese, the same kinds of words typically come after their complement. To indicate this, they are called postpositions (using the prefix post-, from Latin post meaning «behind, after»). There are also some cases where the function is performed by two parts coming before and after the complement; this is called a circumposition (from Latin circum- prefix «around»).

In some languages, for example Finnish, some adpositions can be used as both prepositions and postpositions.

Prepositions, postpositions and circumpositions are collectively known as adpositions (using the Latin prefix ad-, meaning «to»). However, some linguists prefer to use the well-known and longer established term preposition in place of adposition, irrespective of position relative to the complement.[1]

Grammatical propertiesEdit

An adposition typically combines with exactly one complement, most often a noun phrase (or, in a different analysis, a determiner phrase). In English, this is generally a noun (or something functioning as a noun, e.g., a gerund), together with its specifier and modifiers such as articles, adjectives, etc. The complement is sometimes called the object of the adposition. The resulting phrase, formed by the adposition together with its complement, is called an adpositional phrase or prepositional phrase (PP) (or for specificity, a postpositional or circumpositional phrase).

An adposition establishes a grammatical relationship that links its complement to another word or phrase in the context. It also generally establishes a semantic relationship, which may be spatial (in, on, under, …), temporal (after, during, …), or of some other type (of, for, via, …). The World Atlas of Language Structures treats a word as an adposition if it takes a noun phrase as a complement and indicates the grammatical or semantic relationship of that phrase to the verb in the containing clause.[3]

Some examples of the use of English prepositions are given below. In each case, the prepositional phrase appears in italics, the preposition within it appears in bold, and the preposition’s complement is underlined. As demonstrated in some of the examples, more than one prepositional phrase may act as an adjunct to the same word.

  • As an adjunct to a noun:
    • the weather in March
    • cheese from France with live bacteria
  • As a predicative expression (complement of a copula)
    • The key is under the stone.
  • As an adjunct to a verb:
    • sleep throughout the winter
    • danced atop the tables for hours
    • dispense with the formalities (see Semantic functions, below)
  • As an adjunct to an adjective:
    • happy for them
    • sick until recently

In the last of these examples the complement has the form of an adverb, which has been nominalised to serve as a noun phrase; see Different forms of complement, below. Prepositional phrases themselves are sometimes nominalized:

  • In the cellar was chosen as the best place to store the wine.

An adposition may determine the grammatical case of its complement. In English, the complements of prepositions take the objective case where available (from him, not *from he). In Koine Greek, for example, certain prepositions always take their objects in a certain case (e.g., ἐν always takes its object in the dative), while other prepositions may take their object in one of two or more cases, depending on the meaning of the preposition (e.g., διά takes its object in the genitive or in the accusative, depending on the meaning). Some languages have cases that are used exclusively after prepositions (prepositional case), or special forms of pronouns for use after prepositions (prepositional pronoun).

The functions of adpositions overlap with those of case markings (for example, the meaning of the English preposition of is expressed in many languages by a genitive case ending), but adpositions are classed as syntactic elements, while case markings are morphological.

Adpositions themselves are usually non-inflecting («invariant»): they do not have paradigms of form (such as tense, case, gender, etc.) the same way that verbs, adjectives, and nouns can. There are exceptions, though, such as prepositions that have fused with a pronominal object to form inflected prepositions.

The following properties are characteristic of most adpositional systems:

  • Adpositions are among the most frequently occurring words in languages that have them. For example, one frequency ranking for English word forms[4] begins as follows (prepositions in bold):
the, of, and, to, a, in, that, it, is, was, I, for, on, you, …
  • The most common adpositions are single, monomorphemic words. According to the ranking cited above, for example, the most common English prepositions are on, in, to, by, for, with, at, of, from, as, all of which are single-syllable words and cannot be broken down into smaller units of meaning.
  • Adpositions form a closed class of lexical items and cannot be productively derived from words of other categories.

Classification of adpositionsEdit

As noted above, adpositions are referred to by various terms, depending on their position relative to the complement.

While the term preposition is sometimes used to denote any adposition, in its stricter meaning it refers only to one which precedes its complement. Examples of this, from English, have been given above; similar examples can be found in many European and other languages, for example:

  • German: mit einer Frauwith a woman»)
  • French: sur la tableon the table»)
  • Polish: na stoleon the table»)
  • Russian: у меняin the possession of me» [I have])
  • Khmer: លើក្តារខៀន [ləː kdaːkʰiən] («on (the) blackboard»)
  • Tigrinya: አብ ልዕሊ ጣውላ [abː lɨʕli tʼawla] («at/on top table»); አብ ትሕቲ ጣውላ [abː tɨħti tʼawla] («at/on under table»)

In certain grammatical constructions, the complement of a preposition may be absent or may be moved from its position directly following the preposition. This may be referred to as preposition stranding (see also below), as in «Whom did you go with?» and «There’s only one thing worse than being talked about.» There are also some (mainly colloquial) expressions in which a preposition’s complement may be omitted, such as «I’m going to the park. Do you want to come with [me]?», and the French Il fait trop froid, je ne suis pas habillée pour («It’s too cold, I’m not dressed for [the situation].»)
The bolded words in these examples are generally still considered prepositions because when they form a phrase with a complement (in more ordinary constructions) they must appear first.

A postposition follows its complement to form a postpositional phrase. Examples include:

  • Latin: mecumwith me», literally «me with«)
  • Turkish: benimle or benim ilewith me», literally «my with«)
  • Chinese: 桌子 zhuōzi shàng (lit. «table on«); this is a nominal form which usually requires an additional preposition to form an adverbial phrase (see Chinese locative phrases)
  • English: ten kilometers away, ten months ago (both could be considered adverbs)

Some adpositions can appear either before or after their complement:

  • English: the evidence notwithstanding OR notwithstanding the evidence
  • German: meiner Meinung nach OR nach meiner Meinungin my opinion»)
  • German: die Straße entlang OR entlang der Straßealong the road»; here a different case is used when entlang precedes the noun)

An adposition like the above, which can be either a preposition or a postposition, can be called an ambiposition.[5] However, ambiposition may also be used to refer to a circumposition (see below),[6] or to a word that appears to function as a preposition and postposition simultaneously, as in the Vedic Sanskrit construction (noun-1) ā (noun-2), meaning «from (noun-1) to (noun-2)».[7]

Whether a language has primarily prepositions or postpositions is seen as an aspect of its typological classification, and tends to correlate with other properties related to head directionality. Since an adposition is regarded as the head of its phrase, prepositional phrases are head-initial (or right-branching), while postpositional phrases are head-final (or left-branching). There is a tendency for languages that feature postpositions also to have other head-final features, such as verbs that follow their objects; and for languages that feature prepositions to have other head-initial features, such as verbs that precede their objects. This is only a tendency, however; an example of a language that behaves differently is Latin, which employs mostly prepositions, even though it typically places verbs after their objects.

A circumposition consists of two or more parts, positioned on both sides of the complement. Circumpositions are very common in Pashto and Kurdish. The following are examples from Northern Kurdish (Kurmanji):

  • bi … re («with»)
  • di … de («in», for things, not places)
  • di … re («via, through»)
  • ji … re («for»)
  • ji … ve («since»)

Various constructions in other languages might also be analyzed as circumpositional, for example:

  • English: from now on
  • Dutch: naar het einde toe («towards the end», lit. «to the end to»)
  • Chinese: 冰箱 cóng bīngxiāng («from the inside of the refrigerator», lit. «from refrigerator inside»)
  • French: à un détail près («except for one detail», lit. «at one detail near»)
  • Swedish: för tre timmar sedan («three hours ago», lit. «for three hours since»)
  • German: aus dem Zimmer heraus («out from the room», lit. «from the room out»)
  • Tigrinya: ካብ ሕጂ ‘ደሓር («from now on», lit. «from now to later»)

Most such phrases, however, can be analyzed as having a different hierarchical structure (such as a prepositional phrase modifying a following adverb). The Chinese example could be analyzed as a prepositional phrase headed by cóng («from»), taking the locative noun phrase bīngxīang lǐ («refrigerator inside») as its complement.

An inposition is a rare type of adposition that appears between parts of a complex complement. For example, in the native Californian Timbisha language, the phrase «from a mean cold» can be translated using the word order «cold from mean»—the inposition follows the noun but precedes any following modifiers that form part of the same noun phrase.[8] The Latin word cum is also commonly used as an inposition, as in the phrase summa cum laude, meaning «with highest praise», lit. «highest with praise».

The term interposition has been used[9] for adpositions in structures such as word for word, French coup sur coup («one after another, repeatedly»), and Russian друг с другом («one with the other»). This is not a case of an adposition appearing inside its complement, as the two nouns do not form a single phrase (there is no phrase *word word, for example); such uses have more of a coordinating character.


Preposition stranding is a syntactic construct in which a preposition occurs somewhere other than immediately before its complement. For example, in the English sentence «What did you sit on?» the preposition on has what as its complement, but what is moved to the start of the sentence, because it is an interrogative word. This sentence is much more common and natural than the equivalent sentence without stranding: «On what did you sit?» Preposition stranding is commonly found in English,[10] as well as North Germanic languages such as Swedish. Its existence in German is debated. Preposition stranding is also found in some Niger–Congo languages such as Vata and Gbadi, and in some North American varieties of French.

Some prescriptive English grammars teach that prepositions cannot end a sentence, although there is no rule prohibiting that use.[11][12] Similar rules arose during the rise of classicism, when they were applied to English in imitation of classical languages such as Latin. Otto Jespersen, in his Essentials of English Grammar (first published 1933), commented on this definition-derived rule: «…nor need a preposition (Latin: praepositio) stand before the word it governs (go the fools among (Sh[akespeare]); What are you laughing at?). You might just as well believe that all blackguards are black or that turkeys come from Turkey; many names have either been chosen unfortunately at first or have changed their meanings in course of time.»[13]

Simple versus complexEdit

Simple adpositions consist of a single word (on, in, for, towards, etc.). Complex adpositions consist of a group of words that act as one unit. Examples of complex prepositions in English include in spite of, with respect to, except for, by dint of, and next to.

The distinction between simple and complex adpositions is not clear-cut. Many complex adpositions are derived from simple forms (e.g., with + inwithin, by + sidebeside) through grammaticalisation. This change takes time, and during the transitional stages, the adposition acts in some ways like a single word, and in other ways like a multi-word unit. For example, current German orthographic conventions recognize the indeterminate status of certain prepositions, allowing two spellings: anstelle/an Stelle («instead of»), aufgrund/auf Grund («because of»), mithilfe/mit Hilfe («by means of»), zugunsten/zu Gunsten («in favor of»), zuungunsten/zu Ungunsten («to the disadvantage of»), zulasten/zu Lasten («at the expense of»).[14]

The distinction between complex adpositions and free combinations of words is not a black and white issue: complex adpositions (in English, «prepositional idioms») can be more fossilized or less fossilized. In English, this applies to a number of structures of the form «preposition + (article) + noun + preposition», such as in front of, for the sake of.[15] The following characteristics are good indications that a given combination is «frozen» enough to be considered a complex preposition in English:[16]

  • It contains a word that cannot be used in any other context: by dint of, in lieu of.
  • The first preposition cannot be replaced: with a view to but not *for/without a view to.
  • It is impossible to insert an article, or to use a different article: on account of but not *on an/the account of; for the sake of but not *for a sake of.
  • The range of possible adjectives is very limited: in great favor of, but not *in helpful favor of.
  • The grammatical number of the noun cannot be changed: by virtue of but not *by virtues of.
  • It is impossible to use a possessive determiner: in spite of him, not *in his spite.

Marginal prepositionsEdit

Marginal prepositions are prepositions that have affinities with other word classes, most notably verbs.[17] Marginal prepositions behave like prepositions but derive from other parts of speech. Some marginal prepositions in English include barring, concerning, considering, excluding, failing, following, including, notwithstanding, regarding, and respecting.

Proper versus improperEdit

In descriptions of some languages, prepositions are divided into proper (or essential) and improper (or accidental). A preposition is called improper if it is some other part of speech being used in the same way as a preposition. Examples of simple and complex prepositions that have been so classified include prima di («before») and davanti (a) («in front of») in Italian,[18] and ergo («on account of») and causa («for the sake of») in Latin.[19] In reference to Ancient Greek, however, an improper preposition is one that cannot also serve as a prefix to a verb.[20]

Different forms of complementEdit

As noted above, adpositions typically have noun phrases as complements. This can include nominal clauses and certain types of non-finite verb phrase:

  • We can’t agree on whether to have children or not (complement is a nominal clause)
  • Let’s think about solving this problem (complement is a gerund phrase)
  • pour encourager les autres (French: «to encourage the others», complement is an infinitive phrase)

The word to when it precedes the infinitive in English is not a preposition, but rather is a grammatical particle outside of any main word class.

In other cases, the complement may have the form of an adjective or adjective phrase, or an adverbial. This may be regarded as a complement representing a different syntactic category, or simply as an atypical form of noun phrase (see nominalization).

  • The scene went from blindingly bright to pitch black (complements are adjective phrases)
  • I worked there until recently (complement is an adverb)
  • Come out from under the bed (complement is an adverbial)

In the last example, the complement of the preposition from is in fact another prepositional phrase. The resulting sequence of two prepositions (from under) may be regarded as a complex preposition; in some languages, such a sequence may be represented by a single word, as Russian из-под iz-pod («from under»).

Some adpositions appear to combine with two complements:

  • With Sammy president, we can all come out of hiding again.
  • For Sammy to become president, they’d have to seriously modify the Constitution.

It is more commonly assumed, however, that Sammy and the following predicate forms a «small clause», which then becomes the single complement of the preposition. (In the first example, a word such as as may be considered to have been elided, which, if present, would clarify the grammatical relationship.)

Semantic functionsEdit

Adpositions can be used to express a wide range of semantic relations between their complement and the rest of the context. The relations expressed may be spatial (denoting location or direction), temporal (denoting position in time), or relations expressing comparison, content, agent, instrument, means, manner, cause, purpose, reference, etc.

Most common adpositions are highly polysemous (they have various different meanings). In many cases a primary, spatial meaning becomes extended to non-spatial uses by metaphorical or other processes. Because of the variety of meanings, a single adposition often has many possible equivalents in another language, depending on the exact context in which it is used; this can cause significant difficulties in foreign language learning. Usage can also vary between dialects of the same language (for example, American English has on the weekend, where British English uses at the weekend).

In some contexts (as in the case of some phrasal verbs) the choice of adposition may be determined by another element in the construction or be fixed by the construction as a whole. Here the adposition may have little independent semantic content of its own, and there may be no clear reason why the particular adposition is used rather than another. Examples of such expressions are:

  • English: dispense with, listen to, insist on, proud of, good at
  • Russian: otvechat’ na vopros («answer the question», literally «answer on the question»), obvinenie v obmane («accusation of [literally: in] fraud»)
  • Spanish: soñar con ganar el título («dream about [lit. with] winning the title»), consistir en dos grupos («consist of [lit. in] two groups»)

Prepositions sometimes mark roles that may be considered largely grammatical:

  • possession (in a broad sense) – the pen of my aunt (sometimes marked by genitive or possessive forms)
  • the agent in passive constructions – killed by a lone gunman
  • the recipient of a transfer – give it to him (sometimes marked by a dative or an indirect object)

Spatial meanings of adpositions may be either directional or static. A directional meaning usually involves motion in a particular direction («Kay went to the store»), the direction in which something leads or points («A path into the woods»), or the extent of something («The fog stretched from London to Paris»). A static meaning indicates only a location («at the store», «behind the chair», «on the moon»). Some prepositions can have both uses: «he sat in the water» (static); «he jumped in the water» (probably directional). In some languages, the case of the complement varies depending on the meaning, as with several prepositions in German, such as in:

  • in seinem Zimmer («in his room», static meaning, takes the dative)
  • in sein Zimmer («into his room», directional meaning, takes the accusative)

In English and many other languages, prepositional phrases with static meaning are commonly used as predicative expressions after a copula («Bob is at the store»); this may happen with some directional prepositions as well («Bob is from Australia»), but this is less common. Directional prepositional phrases combine mostly with verbs that indicate movement («Jay is going into her bedroom», but not *»Jay is lying down into her bedroom»).

Directional meanings can be further divided into telic and atelic. Telic prepositional phrases imply movement all the way to the endpoint («she ran to the fence»), while atelic ones do not («she ran towards the fence»).[21]

Static meanings can be divided into projective and non-projective, where projective meanings are those whose understanding requires knowledge of the perspective or point of view. For example, the meaning of «behind the rock» is likely to depend on the position of the speaker (projective), whereas the meaning of «on the desk» is not (non-projective). Sometimes the interpretation is ambiguous, as in «behind the house», which may mean either at the natural back of the house, or on the opposite side of the house from the speaker.[22]

Overlaps with other categoriesEdit

Adverbs and particlesEdit

There are often similarities in form between adpositions and adverbs. Some adverbs are derived from the fusion of a preposition and its complement (such as downstairs, from down (the) stairs, and underground, from under (the) ground). Some words can function both as adverbs and as prepositions, such as inside, aboard, underneath (for instance, one can say «go inside», with adverbial use, or «go inside the house», with prepositional use). Such cases are analogous to verbs that can be used either transitively or intransitively, and the adverbial forms might therefore be analyzed as «intransitive prepositions». This analysis[23] could also be extended to other adverbs, such as here (this place), there (that place), afterwards, etc., even though these never take complements.

Many English phrasal verbs contain particles that are used adverbially, even though they mostly have the form of a preposition (such words may be called prepositional adverbs). Examples are on in carry on, get on, etc., and over in take over, fall over, and so on. The equivalents in Dutch and German are separable prefixes, which also often have the same form as prepositions: for example, Dutch aanbieden and German anbieten (both meaning «to offer») contain the separable prefix aan/an, which is also a preposition meaning «on» or «to».


Some words can be used both as adpositions and as subordinating conjunctions:

  • (preposition) before/after/since the end of the summer
  • (conjunction) before/after/since the summer ended
  • (preposition) It looks like another rainy day
  • (conjunction) It looks like it’s going to rain again today

It would be possible to analyze such conjunctions (or even other subordinating conjunctions) as prepositions that take an entire clause as a complement.


In some languages, including a number of Chinese varieties, many of the words that serve as prepositions can also be used as verbs. For instance, in Standard Chinese, 到 dào can be used in either a prepositional or a verbal sense:

  • 我到北京去 wǒ dào Běijīng qù («I go to Beijing»; , meaning «to go», is the main verb, dào is prepositional meaning «to»)
  • 我到了 wǒ dào le («I have arrived»; dào is the main verb, meaning «to arrive»)

Because of this overlap, and the fact that a sequence of prepositional phrase and verb phrase often resembles a serial verb construction, Chinese prepositions (and those of other languages with similar grammatical structures) are often referred to as coverbs.

As noted in previous sections, Chinese can also be said to have postpositions, although these can be analyzed as nominal (noun) elements. For more information, see the article on Chinese grammar, particularly the sections on coverbs and locative phrases.

Case affixesEdit

Some grammatical case markings have a similar function to adpositions; a case affix in one language may be equivalent in meaning to a preposition or postposition in another. For example, in English the agent of a passive construction is marked by the preposition by, while in Russian it is marked by use of the instrumental case. Sometimes such equivalences exist within a single language; for example, the genitive case in German is often interchangeable with a phrase using the preposition von (just as in English, the preposition of is often interchangeable with the possessive suffix ‘s).

Adpositions combine syntactically with their complement, whereas case markings combine with a noun morphologically. In some instances it may not be clear which applies; the following are some possible means of making such a distinction:

  • Two adpositions can usually be joined with a coordinating conjunction and share a single complement (of and for the people), whereas this is generally not possible with case affixes;
  • One adposition can usually combine with two coordinated complements (of the city and the world), whereas a case affix would need to be repeated with each noun (Latin urbis et orbis, not *urb- et orbis);
  • Case markings combine primarily with nouns, whereas adpositions can combine with (nominalized) phrases of different categories;
  • A case marking usually appears directly on the noun, but an adposition can be separated from the noun by other words;
  • Within the noun phrase, determiners and adjectives may agree with the noun in case (case spreading), but an adposition only appears once;
  • A language can have hundreds of adpositions (including complex adpositions), but no language has that many distinct morphological cases.

Even so, a clear distinction cannot always be made. For example, the post-nominal elements in Japanese and Korean are sometimes called case particles and sometimes postpositions. Sometimes they are analysed as two different groups because they have different characteristics (e.g., the ability to combine with focus particles), but in such analysis, it is unclear which words should fall into which group.

Turkish, Finnish and Hungarian have both extensive case-marking and postpositions, but there is evidence to help distinguish the two:

  • Turkish: (case) sinemaya (cinema-dative, «to the cinema») vs. (postposition) sinema için («for the cinema»)
  • Finnish: (case) talossa (house-inessive, «in the house») vs. (postposition) «talon edessä (house-genitive in front, «in front of the house»)
  • Hungarian: (case) tetőn (roof-superessive, «on the roof») vs. (postposition) «tető alatt («under the roof»)

In these examples, the case markings form a word with their hosts (as shown by vowel harmony, other word-internal effects and agreement of adjectives in Finnish), while the postpositions are independent words. As is seen in the last example, adpositions are often used in conjunction with case affixes – in languages that have case, a given adposition usually takes a complement in a particular case, and sometimes (as has been seen above) the choice of case helps specify the meaning of the adposition.

See alsoEdit

  • List of English prepositions
  • Old English prepositions
  • Spanish prepositions
  • Japanese particles
  • Relational noun


  1. ^ a b c An example is Huddleston & Pullum (2002) («CGEL«), whose choice of terms is discussed on p. 602.
  2. ^ Huddleston & Pullum (2002), chapter 7.
  3. ^ «Chapter 85: Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase». World Atlas of Language Structures. Retrieved 29 August 2011.
  4. ^ «Wordcount · Tracking the Way We Use Language».
  5. ^ See Reindl (2001), Libert (2006).
  6. ^ Gernot Windfuhr, Iranian Languages, Routledge 2013 p. 736.
  7. ^ Vít Bubeník, From Case to Adposition: The Development of Configurational Syntax in Indo-European Languages, John Benjamins Publishing 2006, p. 109.
  8. ^ Matthew S. Dryer, «Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase», in The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Retrieved 2015-01-01.
  9. ^ See Melis (2003), p. 22. The term is used here in French, and in reference to the French language.
  10. ^ Lundin, Leigh (2007-09-23). «The Power of Prepositions». On Writing. Cairo: Criminal Brief.
  11. ^ Fogarty, Mignon (4 March 2010). «Top Ten Grammar Myths». Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. Retrieved 27 March 2010.
  12. ^ O’Conner, Patricia T.; Kellerman, Stewart (2009). Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. New York: Random House. p. 17. ISBN 978-1-4000-6660-5.
  13. ^ Jespersen, Otto (1962). Essentials of English Grammar. London: George Allen & Unwin. p. 69. ISBN 1135662118.
  14. ^ Duden: Neue Rechtschreibung Crashkurs (Regel 11 Archived 2008-03-12 at the Wayback Machine).
  15. ^ CGEL, p. 618ff; Pullum (2005); Huddleston and Pullum (2005), pp. 146-47.
  16. ^ Quirk and Mulholland (1964).
  17. ^ Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Jan Svartvik, & Geoffrey Leech. 1985. A comprehensive grammar of the English language. London: Longman. 667-68.
  18. ^ Maria Franca Zuccarello, Edvaldo Sampaio Belizário, As preposições acidentais (preposizioni improprie) italianas e seus termos correpondentes em português, CNLF, Vol. XII No. 16, p. 72.
  19. ^ Harm Pinkster, On Latin Adverbs, Amsterdam University Press 2005, p. 148.
  20. ^ Stanley E. Porter, Idioms of the Greek New Testament, A&C Black 1992, p. 140.
  21. ^ Zwarts, Joost. 2005. «Prepositional Aspect and the Algebra of Paths.» Linguistics and Philosophy 28.6, 739–779.
  22. ^ Creswell, Max. 1978. «Prepositions and points of view.» Linguistics and Philosophy, 2: 1–41.
  23. ^ See for example CGEL, pp. 612–16.


  • Haspelmath, Martin. (2003) «Adpositions». International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-513977-1.
  • Huddleston, Rodney, and Geoffrey K. Pullum. (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-43146-8.
  • Huddleston, Rodney; Pullum, Geoffrey K.; Reynolds, Brett (2022). A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-009-08574-8.
  • Koopman, Hilda. (2000) «Prepositions, postpositions, circumpositions, and particles». In The Syntax of Specifiers and Heads, pp. 204–260. London: Routledge.
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  • Melis, Ludo. (2003) La préposition en français. Gap: Ophrys.
  • Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2005) «Phrasal Prepositions in a Civil Tone.» Language Log. Accessed 9 September 2007.
  • Quirk, Randolph, and Joan Mulholland. (1964) «Complex Prepositions and Related Sequences». English Studies, suppl. to vol. 45, pp. 64–73.
  • Rauh, Gisa. (1991) Approaches to Prepositions. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
  • Reindl, Donald F. (2001) «Areal Effects on the Preservation and Genesis of Slavic Postpositions». In Lj. Šarić and D. F. Reindl On Prepositions (= Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia 8), pp. 85–100. Oldenburg: Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universitat Oldenburg.

External linksEdit

Look up adposition in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Merriam Webster Editor’s take on whether it is ok to end a sentence with a Preposition
  • Some prepositions at Purdue Online Writing Lab

Types of Prepositions

There are several types of prepositions such as: Simple Prepositions, Double Prepositions, Compound Prepositions, Phrasal prepositions, Participle Prepositions, Disguised preposition, and Detached Prepositions.

1. Simple Prepositions: 

Simple prepositions are used to denote a relation between nouns or pronouns. These can even be used to join different parts of sentences and clauses. Simple prepositions are one word prepositions. These are also called Single Prepositions. Common words used that come under the category of Simple Prepositions are as follows:

In, out, on, up, at, for, from, by, of, off, through, till, etc.

Examples of Simple Prepositions in sentences:

Keep your phones in your pockets.

Staring at people is not considered a good gesture.

In the above two examples, both prepositions consist of one simple word and hence are Single or Simple Prepositions.

2. Double Prepositions: 

Double Prepositions are made by putting together two Single Prepositions. That is why they are called Double Prepositions. Common words used as Double Prepositions are as follows:

Onto, into, throughout, up till, up to, within, without, upon, etc.

Examples of Double Prepositions in sentences:

Complete this essay within two hours.

I am going to turn this scrap into a masterpiece.

In the first example, the Preposition within is made by combining two Single Prepositions with and in.

In the second example, the Preposition into is formed by putting together two Simple Prepositions in and two. These are hence Double Prepositions.

3. Compound Prepositions: 

Compound Prepositions are those types of preposition that are usually formed by prefixing a preposition to nouns, adjectives or adverbs.  They are different from double prepositions because they are not formed by two single prepositions. Common words, which come under the category of compound prepositions, are stated below:

Above, about, across, along, before, behind, beside, inside, outside, etc.

Examples of preposition in sentences:

He was going about his business.

The person beside Ali is my brother.

In the first example, the prefix ‘a’ is added to a root word ‘bout’ to make a preposition. In the second example, the prefix be is added to the root word side to make a preposition. Thus, these words are Compound Prepositions.

4. Phrasal Prepositions: 

Phrasal Prepositions are groups of words or phrases that join the noun or pronoun in a sentence, to the remainder of the sentence. These groups of words express a single idea by coming together as a unit. Words that come under the category of Phrasal Prepositions are as follows:

In addition to, by means of, in spite of, according to, owing to, in favour of, etc.

Examples of Phrasal Prepositions in sentences:

He couldn’t pass the test, owing to his lack of knowledge of English Grammar.

She made it to the other side of the world, in spite of all the difficulties.

In the first example, the group of words ‘owing to’ is joining the two sentences with each other and is a phrase. Likewise, the group of words ‘in spite of’ is also a phrase and is working as a preposition. Hence, these are Phrasal Prepositions.

5. Participle Prepositions: 

Participle Prepositions, indicating from their name, are the Present Participle forms of Verbs. These are used without any noun or pronoun attached with them. The words that are distinguished as Participle Prepositions are as follows:

Concerning, considering, barring, notwithstanding, touching, pending, during, etc.

Examples of Participle Prepositions in sentences:

Notwithstanding his efforts, he was still fired from the job.

Touching this matter, I do not have much information.

In above examples, both the verbs notwithstanding and touching are in Present Participle which is apparent from the ‘ing’ at the end of both words. These words are therefore Participle Prepositions.

6. Disguised Prepositions: 

Disguised prepositions are those prepositions which are not used in the sentences directly, but we use them in a disguised way. Their shorter forms are used. The examples of Disguised Prepositions are ‘a’ and ‘o’.

Disguised preposition ‘a’ is shortened form of the preposition ‘on’ and similarly ‘o’ is the shortened form of the preposition ‘of’.

Examples of disguised prepositions in sentences:

The ceremony will be held at 5 o’ clock.

We all went to a party.

In the first example, instead of saying ‘5 of the clock’, we have used disguised form of the preposition of.

In the second example, instead of saying ‘went on partying’, we have used abbreviation of the preposition on and disguised the preposition as ‘a’. Hence these are Disguised Prepositions.

7. Detached Prepositions: 

A preposition is called a detached preposition when it does not come before its object. It is detached from its object. When the object of a preposition is an interrogative pronoun or a relative pronoun, the preposition comes at the end of the sentence.

Look at the following examples of detached prepositions for further understanding.

She is the woman whom I was talking about.

Here are the books that you asked for.

Which of the houses were you working in?

In the first two of the above examples, we can see that because of relative pronouns whom and that, the prepositions about and for are being detached from their objects.

In the third example, the interrogative pronoun ‘which’ is detaching the preposition ‘in’ from its object.

Hence these are all detached prepositions.

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