The meaning of the word modest

скромный, умеренный, сдержанный, застенчивый, неприхотливый, нетребовательный


- скромный; сдержанный

with a modest air — со скромным видом, скромно, сдержанно
to be modest in speech [in dress, in behaviour] — быть скромным в разговоре [в одежде, в поведении]
to be modest about one’s achievements — скромно /сдержанно/ говорить о своих успехах

- скромный, застенчивый; благопристойный

modest girl — скромная девушка

- умеренный, небольшой, ограниченный

modest means — скромные /ограниченные/ средства
modest fortune — скромное /небольшое/ состояние
modest gift — скромный подарок
modest house — скромный /непритязательный/ дом
to be modest in one’s demands — быть скромным /умеренным/ в своих требованиях
by a modest computation — по скромным подсчётам

Мои примеры


a modest man of the people — скромный человек из народа  
a rather biggish table for a dining room of modest dimensions — стол, который великоват для столовой скромных размеров.  
modest behaviour — скромное поведение  
to be in modest circumstances — быть в стеснённых обстоятельствах  
modest woman — скромная женщина  
modest outlay — скромные расходы  
modest price — скромная цена  
moderate / modest request — скромная просьба  
meager / modest salary — скромное, скудное жалованье  
modest stipend — скромное жалованье  
to live on a modest stipend — жить на скромное жалованье  
to be modest in speech — быть скромным в разговоре  

Примеры с переводом

We live on a modest budget.

Мы живём на скромный бюджет.

You’re too modest! You’ve been a huge help to us.

Не надо скромничать! Вы оказали нам огромную помощь.

They own a modest home near the beach.

У них есть собственный небольшой дом, недалеко от пляжа.

He built a modest dwelling near the pond

Он построил скромное жилище возле пруда

We should be happy to buy it for a modest sum.

Мы должны быть счастливы, что купили его за скромную сумму.

The new service proved a modest success.

Новая услуга оказалась не особо успешной.

He is a modest man, one to whom such slaver must be loathsome.

Он скромный человек, которому такая грубая лесть должна быть отвратительна.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She’s very modest about her achievements.

New cars are now available at relatively modest prices.

…attempting more than his modest abilities could compass…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

immodest  — нескромный, бесстыдный, неприличный, наглый, непристойный
mod  — модуль, стиляга, ультрасовременный, модерновый, стильный
modesty  — скромность, умеренность, сдержанность, застенчивость, благопристойность
modestly  — умеренно, сдержанно
overmodest  — излишне скромный, сверхскромный, слишком скромный

  • 1

    1) скро́мный; уме́ренный;

    2) засте́нчивый, стесни́тельный

    3) благопристо́йный; сде́ржанный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > modest

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > modest

  • 3

    MODEST, missile optical destruction technique

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MODEST

  • 4



    скромный, умеренный

    He is always modest about his success. — Он никогда не распространяется о своих успехах.

    There was nothing modest about his manner. — В его манерах не было ни капли скромности. /В его поведении не было ни капли скромности.

    It was modest of him to refuse. — Он проявил скромность, отказавшись.

    He was too modest even to mention his part in the event. — Он был слишком скромным и даже не упомянул о своем участии в этом событии

    — modest person
    — modest in style
    — modest in one’s wishes
    — modest in price
    — be modest in dress
    — modest about one’s work

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > modest

  • 5


    1. скромный; сдержанный

    with a modest air — со скромным видом, скромно, сдержанно

    to be modest in speech [in dress, in behaviour] — быть скромным в разговоре [в одежде, в поведении]

    to be modest about one’s achievements — скромно /сдержанно/ говорить о своих успехах

    2. скромный, застенчивый; благопристойный

    3. умеренный, небольшой, ограниченный

    modest means — скромные /ограниченные/ средства

    modest fortune — скромное /небольшое/ состояние

    modest house — скромный /непритязательный/ дом

    to be modest in one’s demands — быть скромным /умеренным/ в своих требованиях

    НБАРС > modest

  • 6


    modest скромный; умеренный; to be in modest circumstances жить на скромные средства modest благопристойный; сдержанный modest небольшой modest ограниченный modest сдержанный modest скромный; умеренный; to be in modest circumstances жить на скромные средства modest скромный modest умеренный

    English-Russian short dictionary > modest

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > modest

  • 8

    1. a скромный; сдержанный

    2. a скромный, застенчивый; благопристойный

    modest manner — скромное поведение; скромная манера держаться

    3. a умеренный, небольшой, ограниченный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. chaste (adj.) chaste; immaculate; spotless; stainless; unblemished; undefiled; unsullied

    2. clean (adj.) clean; wholesome

    3. constrained (adj.) constrained; discreet; reserved

    4. decent (adj.) decent; demure; moral; nice; proper; prudish; pure; virtuous

    5. humble (adj.) becoming; humble; lowly; meek; retiring; unassertive; unassuming; unobtrusive

    6. moderate (adj.) cheap; economical; inexpensive; moderate; nominal; reasonable; temperate

    7. plain (adj.) dry; homely; inelaborate; plain; simple; unadorned; unbeautified; undecorated; unelaborate; unembellished; unembroidered; ungarnished; unornamented; unostentatious; unpretentious

    8. shy (adj.) backward; bashful; coy; diffident; rabbity; self-conscious; self-effacing; shy; timid; unassured

    Антонимический ряд:

    big; bold; brazen; conceited; confident; corrupt; egotistical; excessive; exorbitant; extravagant; flaunting; glaring; grand; huge; immoderate; indecent; proud

    English-Russian base dictionary > modest

  • 9

    ˈmɔdɪst прил.
    1) скромный, сдержанный modest behaviour ≈ скромное поведение Syn: frugal, moderate, humble, lowly, meek, retiring, shy, unassuming, unpretentious, inexpensive Ant: conceited, overbearing, pretentious, showy
    2) скромный, умеренный, ограниченный to be in modest circumstances ≈ жить на скромные средства
    3) скромный, благопристойный, застенчивый modest woman ≈ скромная женщина Syn: decent
    сдержанный — with a * air со скромным видом, скромно, сдержанно — to be * in speech быть скромным в разговоре — to be * about one’s achievements скромно /сдержанно/ говорить о своих успехах скромный, застенчивый;
    благопристойный — * girl скромная девушка умеренный, небольшой, ограниченный — * means скромные /граниченные/ средства — * fortune скромное /небольшое/ состояние — * gift скромный подарок — * house скромный /непритязательный/ дом — to be * in one’s demands быть скромным /умеренным/ в своих требованиях — by a * computation по скромным подсчетам
    ~ скромный;
    to be in modest circumstances жить на скромные средства
    modest благопристойный;
    сдержанный ~ небольшой ~ ограниченный ~ сдержанный ~ скромный;
    to be in modest circumstances жить на скромные средства ~ скромный ~ умеренный

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > modest

  • 10



    1) скромный, сдержанный



    2) скромный, умеренный, ограниченный

    3) скромный, благопристойный, застенчивый


    Англо-русский современный словарь > modest

  • 11

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > modest

  • 12


    1) скромный; умеренный; to be in modest circumstances жить на скромные средства

    2) благопристойный; сдержанный


    humble, lowly, meek, retiring, shy, afbc.htm>unassuming, unpretentious

    see inexpensive


    conceited, overbearing, pretentious, showy

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [mod·est || ‘mɑdɪst /’mɒ-]
    скромный, сдержанный, стеснительный, застенчивый; благопристойный, умеренный; нетребовательный, неприхотливый

    * * *













    * * *

    1) скромный
    2) скромный
    3) скромный

    Новый англо-русский словарь > modest

  • 13

    1. умеренный

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > modest

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > MODEST

  • 15

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > modest

  • 16


    скромный, сдержанный

    скромный, умеренный, ограниченный

    скромный, благопристойный, застенчивый

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > modest

  • 17

    скромный, сдержанный; застенчивый; умеренный, небольшой, ограниченный

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > modest

  • 18

    скромный; небольшой; умеренный; благопристойный

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > modest

  • 19

    1) едва уловимый

    2) весьма условный (об улучшении, увеличении)

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > modest

  • 20

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > modest


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Modest — may refer to: a number of Saints, see under Saint Modest (disambiguation) Michael Modest (born 1971), semi retired American professional wrestler Modest (e mail client), a free, open source, e mail client People with the given name Modest: Modest …   Wikipedia

  • modest — MODÉST, Ă, modeşti, ste, adj. 1. Care este lipsit de îngâmfare; p. ext. moderat, cumpătat în purtare, în pretenţii. 2. De proporţii mici; de valoare sau de importanţă redusă; lipsit de strălucire. – Din lat. modestus, fr. modeste, it. modesto.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Modest — Mod est, a. [F. modeste, L. modestus, fr. modus measure. See {Mode}.] 1. Restraining within due limits of propriety; not forward, bold, boastful, or presumptious; rather retiring than pushing one s self forward; not obstructive; as, a modest… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • modest — UK US /ˈmɒdɪst/ adjective ► not large in size or amount, or not expensive: modest amount/budget/profit »We have a fairly modest budget, considering our oil wealth. modest rise/increase/improvement »There has been a modest improvement in housing… …   Financial and business terms

  • modest — [mäd′ist] adj. [Fr modeste < L modestus, keeping due measure, modest < modus: see MODE] 1. having or showing a moderate opinion of one s own value, abilities, achievements, etc.; not vain or boastful; unassuming 2. not forward; shy or… …   English World dictionary

  • Modest — f Russian: from the Late Latin personal name Modestus, originally a byname from a vocabulary word meaning ‘moderate, restrained, obedient, modest’ (a derivative of modus (due) measure, moderation). The name was borne by half a dozen early saints …   First names dictionary

  • modest — [adj1] shy bashful, blushing, chaste, coy, demure, diffident, discreet, humble, lowly, meek, moderate, nice, proper, prudent, quiet, reserved, resigned, reticent, retiring, seemly, self conscious, self effacing, sheepish, silent, simple,… …   New thesaurus

  • Modest — (v. lat.), ehrbar, bescheiden; daher Modestie, Bescheidenheit, Sittsamkeit …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Modést — (lat., franz.), bescheiden, ehrbar. Modesten, scherzhaft für Beinkleider …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Modést — (lat.), bescheiden …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Modest — Modest, lat. dtsch., bescheiden;, Bescheidenheit …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

What does it mean to describe a person, place, or thing as modest? This article will teach you all about how to use the word modest in a sentence. Then, it will provide you with key information that will further your understanding of our word of the day, such as synonyms, antonyms, and translations! 

What Does Modest Mean?

According to Dictionary, the word modest is an adjective that means humble, decent, or limited. Something that is modest is the opposite of showy or ostentatious. The pronunciation of the word modest is ˈmɒdɪst, and the adverb form of the word modest is modestly.

How Can We Use Modest in a Sentence?

Modest is a common word, and there are several situations where you might hear it in a sentence. Someone could use modest to talk about a place, a thing, or even a person.

Knowing how to use this word of the day in a sentence can help you incorporate it into your vocabulary. Below, you will find examples of the word modest. Study these examples of the word modest, then see if you can write your own example sentences. 

The modest man hated talking about his abilities and preferred to let his work speak for itself.

The women lived within their modest means and always found a way to make ends meet. 

They purchased a modest amount of land to build their small farm. They couldn’t wait to build their barn and fill the land with animals. 

I could only afford a modest apartment in the city, but I was so excited to get out of the suburbs finally!

We were given a modest budget to throw a team-building event at our company. Unfortunately, our employees were annoyed since the party was less than stellar. 

We saw a modest increase in stock prices over the last year but were always worried that the company would fold. 

Ten years ago, you could buy a modest house for a modest price. However, a reasonable price today means you’re living in a shack!

While my income was considered a modest salary in New York, it means I’m rich in Iowa!

The play was a modest success but didn’t break through to a Broadway run. 

The stuffy woman preferred a modest neckline and would alter all her shirts to ensure they didn’t reveal anything.

Once we had saved enough money, we purchased a modest home to start our family. 

What Are Translations of Modest?

Modest is a common word worldwide, not just in American English and British English. If you are traveling or speaking with a person who does not speak English, you can use one of the below translations of modest from Nice Translator.

You might notice that several translations have a similar look and sound to the word modest. When two words in different languages have a similar sound and appearance, they may have the same language of origin or root word. For example, many of the words below that look similar to modest might come from the Latin modestus.

  • Telugu: నమ్రత
  • Slovak: skromný
  • Urdu: معمولی
  • Swedish: blygsam
  • German: bescheiden
  • Basque: linac
  • Italian: modesto
  • Ukrainian: скромний
  • Dutch: bescheiden
  • Arabic: محتشم
  • Kannada: ಸಾಧಾರಣ
  • Portuguese (Portugal): modesto
  • Hebrew: צָנוּעַ
  • Polish: skromny
  • Vietnamese: khiêm tốn
  • Chinese (Taiwan): 謙虛
  • Bulgarian: скромен
  • Amharic: መጠነኛ
  • Portuguese (Brazil): modesto
  • Slovenian: skromno
  • Welsh: gymedrol
  • Thai: เจียมเนื้อเจียมตัว
  • Croatian: skroman
  • Indonesian: sederhana
  • Malayalam: എളിമയുള്ള
  • Danish: beskeden
  • Tamil: சாதாரண
  • Greek: μετριόφρων
  • Bengali: বিনয়ী
  • Latvian: pieticīgs
  • Hungarian: szerény
  • Norwegian: beskjeden
  • Lithuanian: kuklus
  • Gujarati: વિનમ્ર
  • Chinese (PRC): 谦虚
  • Filipino: mababang-loob
  • Serbian: скроман
  • Estonian: tagasihoidlik
  • Russian: скромный
  • Finnish: vaatimaton
  • Icelandic: Hóplaus
  • Catalan: Modest
  • Malay: sederhana
  • Japanese: 控えめ
  • Romanian: modest
  • French: modeste
  • Hindi: मामूली
  • Turkish: mütevazı
  • Czech: skromný
  • Spanish: modesto
  • Korean: 보통의
  • Swahili: wastani
  • Marathi: विनम्र

What Are Synonyms of Modest?

Modest has a fairly positive connotation. However, some related words to modest don’t have the same connotation. 

If you’re looking to describe something as modest but want a neutral or negative connotation, you can use one of the below synonyms of modest from Power Thesaurus. Which of these synonyms of modest would you use in a positive or negative situation?

  • bashful
  • chaste
  • common
  • coy
  • decent
  • decorous
  • demure
  • diffident
  • economical
  • fair
  • humble
  • inconspicuous
  • inexpensive
  • limited
  • low
  • lowly
  • mean
  • meek
  • middling
  • mild
  • minor
  • moderate
  • ordinary
  • plain
  • poor
  • proper
  • prudish
  • pure
  • quiet
  • reasonable
  • reserved
  • restrained
  • reticent
  • retiring
  • scanty
  • seemly
  • self-conscious
  • self-deprecating
  • self-effacing
  • sheepish
  • shy
  • simple
  • slight
  • small
  • small-scale
  • timid
  • timorous
  • unassertive
  • unassuming
  • unexceptional
  • unobtrusive
  • unostentatious
  • unpresuming
  • unpretentious

What Are Antonyms of Modest?

If someone or something is not modest, they might be ostentatious or showy. To learn several words that you might use as an opposite of the word modest, you can reference these Power Thesaurus. 

Some of these have a positive connotation, while other antonyms of modest are negative. 

  • arrogant
  • assured
  • attention seeker
  • audacious
  • beautiful
  • boastful
  • bold
  • bombastic
  • brash
  • conceited
  • confident
  • disdainful
  • egotistic
  • elaborate
  • exceptional
  • extravagant
  • extreme
  • eye-catching
  • fabulous
  • fantastic
  • filthy
  • fine
  • flamboyant
  • flashy
  • gaudy
  • glorious
  • grand
  • great
  • haughty
  • immodest
  • indecent
  • lofty
  • magnificent
  • ostentatious
  • outrageous
  • overweening
  • pompous
  • presumptuous
  • pretentious
  • proud
  • royal
  • sassy
  • saucy
  • self-important
  • sensational
  • showy
  • slut
  • smug
  • smutty
  • splendid
  • stuck-up
  • supercilious
  • superior
  • terrific
  • unlimited
  • vain
  • vainglorious


The word modest is an adjective that means humble or understated. People can use modest to describe any noun, including people and inanimate objects. The word modest is fairly positive and is often complementary or neutral. Try using the word modest in a sentence today!


Modest Synonyms | Power Thesaurus

Modest Antonyms | Power Thesaurus  

Modest Definition & Meaning | 

Modest | Nice Translator 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.



: placing a moderate estimate on one’s abilities or worth


: neither bold nor self-assertive : tending toward diffidence


: arising from or characteristic of a modest nature



: limited in size, amount, or scope

Did you know?

When used to modify a sum or amount, or to mean «unpretentious,» modest conveys a sense of not being excessive:

Captives received a modest salary of $0.80 per day, working at farms around Sonoma County picking apples, prunes, hops and other crops.

Janet Balicki, The Santa Rosa (Calif.) Press Democrat, 8 Dec. 2016

The minister of foreign affairs drove up in a modest car and joined our conversation.
Michael Taussig, Vice, 22 June 2016

The adjective humble is often used this way too, as when one speaks of «one’s humble abode.» Both words can be used in a humorous way that might be seen as self-deprecating.

Like humble, modest adequately describe one who does not boast about one’s achievements, thereby avoiding a different kind of excessiveness:

Louisa May Alcott was always modest about her gifts; whatever early dreams of genius she
might have nourished had been knocked out of her years before her literary fame arrived.
Barbara L. Packer, The New York Times Book Review, 25 Oct. 1987

Soft-spoken and modest in conversation, Knoll would be accomplished enough with his visual-effects credits in movies alone.

Julie Hinds, The Detroit Free Press, 11 Dec. 2016


Choose the Right Synonym for modest

bashful implies a frightened or hesitant shyness characteristic of childhood and adolescence.

a bashful boy out on his first date

diffident stresses a distrust of one’s own ability or opinion that causes hesitation in acting or speaking.

felt diffident about raising an objection

modest suggests absence of undue confidence or conceit.

coy implies a pretended shyness.

put off by her coy manner

chaste, pure, modest, decent mean free from all taint of what is lewd or salacious.

chaste primarily implies a refraining from acts or even thoughts or desires that are not virginal or not sanctioned by marriage vows.

they maintained chaste relations

pure differs from chaste in implying innocence and absence of temptation rather than control of one’s impulses and actions.

modest and decent apply especially to deportment and dress as outward signs of inward chastity or purity.

preferred more modest swimsuits

decent people didn’t go to such movies

Example Sentences

The foundry work was grueling, but for a little longer Brierfield afforded these African Americans a way station of modest freedom and a residue of authentic independence that was fast disappearing for most rural blacks.

Douglas A. Blackmon, Slavery By Another Name, 2008

… these remnants he lacked the will to discard, depressed him, deepening the low fever of depression in which even as modest a task as removing a blue doorknob loomed like a mountain almost impossible to climb.

John Updike, Harper’s, October 2004

You’re the hero, so then you have to behave in a certain way—there is a prescription for it. You have to be modest, you have to be forbearing, you have to be deferential, you have to be understanding.

Philip Roth, American Pastoral, 1997

They own a modest home near the beach.

She enjoyed modest success with her singing career.

He earns a modest income.

We live on a modest budget.

New cars are now available at relatively modest prices.

He has only a modest amount of knowledge on the subject.

It is a book of only modest importance.

She’s very modest about her achievements.

Don’t be so modest. Your performance was wonderful!

“I’m not a hero. I was just doing my job,” he said in his characteristically modest way.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Garrett acknowledged that the savings for taxpayers would be modest.

Mike Cason |, al, 6 Apr. 2023

It is expected to be more modest than Queen Elizabeth II’s 1953 coronation, which had 16,000 participants, and took 45 minutes to pass any stationary point on the 4.3-mile procession route.

Rachel Silva, ELLE Decor, 5 Apr. 2023

If the recent sparring over Scott’s administrator nominee is any indication, the council could make the mayor’s life more difficult this budget season, even if the budgeting change is modest, Crenson said.

Emily Opilo, Baltimore Sun, 5 Apr. 2023

These contributions are relatively modest compared to other industries.

Margaret Coker, ProPublica, 4 Apr. 2023

Their additions were more modest.

Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic, 1 Apr. 2023

The Norman Hartnell creation featured silk organza material and minimal crystal embellishments, focusing on the voluminous skirt and modest V-neckline.

Nicole Briese, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

Alzheimer’s experts agreed the benefit was modest, but many celebrated the results because it’s been so difficult to find drugs that stall the devastating loss of cognition.

Byjennifer Couzin-frankel,, 28 Mar. 2023

Goals for overall economic growth and development were modest, especially by Chinese standards.

Milton Ezrati, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘modest.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Latin modestus moderate; akin to Latin modus measure

First Known Use

1550, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of modest was
in 1550

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“Modest.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
8 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Well, I think we gave pretty specific guidance on growth rates and we used the term modest leverage.

Nawas is just one of a group of athletic Kansas City area young Muslim women who wear the hijab and what they term «modest» dress — long sleeves and pants or long skirts. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Nawas is just one of a group of athletic Kansas City area young Muslim women who wear the hijab and what they term «modest» dress long sleeves and pants or long skirts. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Mohammed Rashid, its general manager, said the attack was expected to halt what he called a modest rebound in commercial shipping to Tripoli after an initial wartime slowdown. ❋ Richard Boudreaux (2011)

Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao told reporters Friday that for the entire year, though, China is expecting only what he called a modest trade surplus. ❋ Unknown (2011)

As the word «modest» suggests, Gil is the quieter one. ❋ Nancy Ruhling (2011)

Erica says yes, she is going to take advantage of the sales because «it’s the only way that she can afford to have what she calls a modest Christmas.» ❋ Unknown (2008)

Pentagon officials say they are contemplating now what they call a modest increase in those forces. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Bolton told senators he has had made what he calls modest progress toward reforming the U.N. bureaucracy and in demanding a stronger response to North Korea’s missile tests. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The SA Communist Party welcomed what it described as modest measures, and proposed that the school-feeding scheme be revived. ❋ Unknown (2002)

Nor was he what we call a modest and humble man, he was intellectually proud, disdainful, and sometimes, when irritated, abusive. ❋ John Lord (1852)

A Pew Research Center poll released Monday found what it characterized as «modest support» among Americans for airstrikes against Gadhafi’s forces, with 47 percent characterizing the U.S. intervention as the «right decision.» ❋ Unknown (2011)

Moynihan has previously had to revise guidance about the bank’s dividend after the Fed rejected what he called a «modest» increase requested for later this year. ❋ Unknown (2011)

In the second round of deficit reduction talks that will play out this fall, he recommended an approach that would combine spending cuts with tax revenue increases along with what he called «modest adjustments» to popular entitlement programs like Medicare. ❋ Unknown (2011)

«I have what I guess what I call modest expectations,» said Nicholas Lardy, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Yeater’s lawyers are seeking what they call a «modest and rightful» settlement. ❋ AARON RASMUSSEN (2011)

— «Me? A great artist? No, I can’t accept that title.»
— «But you are! You don’t have to be so modest
— «[I’m looking] for a more modest dress.»
— «What’s modest
— «You know- [long skirt], high neckline, [long sleeves]. Nothing that shows off my breasts or my thighs.»
— «I’ve never seen anything like that.»
— «Forget it!» ❋ Lorelili (2005)

«[Modest] ARE the [hottest].» ❋ Youknowimright. (2009)

[Since] [Mary] didn’t [give me] any, I am labelling her modest. ❋ William Joseph Hemmington (2004)

[Everyone] [likes] me. ❋ Melanie (2003)

Guy 1: «Are you [modest
[A karen]: «yes»
Guy 1: «You’re [a Karen] [no you] aren’t» ❋ MinecraftPro69 (2020)

A [modest] propasal ❋ Melanie (2003)

[Holly] is a very [modest] girl and everyone [knows it]. ❋ HelloMother (2014)

John: Hey Phil, did you just do [the 100] meter sprint in 10 seconds?
Bill: Yeah, but I’m not very good at [sprinting].
The opposite of modest is arrogance. This is being truthful about how [good you] are. ❋ Lanhj001 (2008)

[oooo] look its «[Danny] [Cooper]» the modester ❋ [ NF | DTR ] (2003)

[Stay hydrated] 🥤 as [modest pelican] [says] ❋ Master Bay Shan (2021)



From Middle French modeste, from Latin modestus.


  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈmɑdəst/
  • Rhymes: -ɒdəst


modest (3) Venus statue.

modest (comparative more modest or modester, superlative most modest or modestest)

  1. Not bragging or boasting about oneself or one’s achievements; unpretentious, humble.
  2. Small, moderate in size.

    He earns a modest amount of money.

    Her latest novel was a modest success.

  3. Pure and delicate from a sense of propriety.

    modest thoughts or language

  4. (especially of behaviour or clothing) Intending to avoid the encouraging of sexual attraction in others.


  • See also Thesaurus:humble
  • See also Thesaurus:intermediate
  • See also Thesaurus:small


  • immodest

Derived terms[edit]

  • modest proposal
  • modesty


not bragging or boasting about oneself or one’s achievements

  • Arabic: مُتْوَاضِع(mutwāḍiʕ)
  • Armenian: համեստ (hy) (hamest), պարկեշտ (hy) (parkešt)
  • Azerbaijani: təvazökar, təvazölü
  • Belarusian: скро́мны (skrómny), сці́плы (scíply)
  • Bulgarian: скро́мен (bg) (skrómen)
  • Catalan: modest (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 謙虛谦虚 (zh) (qiānxū), 謙讓谦让 (zh) (qiānràng), 謙遜谦逊 (zh) (qiānxùn), 謙恭谦恭 (zh) (qiāngōng), 虛心虚心 (zh) (xūxīn)
  • Czech: skromný (cs) m
  • Danish: beskeden
  • Dutch: bescheiden (nl), ingetogen (nl)
  • Esperanto: modesta
  • Finnish: vaatimaton (fi)
  • French: modeste (fr)
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: bescheiden (de), maßvoll (de)
  • Greek: ταπεινός (el) (tapeinós), μετριόφρων (el) (metriófron), σεμνός (el) (semnós)
    Ancient: αἰδήμων (aidḗmōn), αἰδοῖος (aidoîos)
  • Haitian Creole: modès
  • Hebrew: צָנוּעַ(tsanúa)
  • Hungarian: szerény (hu)
  • Irish: náireach, náiriúil, adhnáireach, modhúil
  • Italian: modesto (it)
  • Japanese: 謙虚な (ja) (けんきょな, kenkyo na), 謙遜した (ja) (けんそんした, kenson shita)
  • Korean: 겸손하다 (ko) (gyeomsonhada)
  • Latin: modestus
  • Latvian: pieticīgs
  • Macedonian: скромен (skromen)
  • Maori: whakamōwai, pōrearea
  • Old English: sċamfæst
  • Plautdietsch: bescheiden
  • Polish: skromny (pl)
  • Portuguese: modesto (pt)
  • Romanian: modest (ro)
  • Russian: скро́мный (ru) (skrómnyj)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: скро̏ман
    Roman: skrȍman (sh)
  • Slovak: skromný
  • Slovene: skromen (sl)
  • Spanish: modesto (es), humilde (es)
  • Swedish: blygsam (sv)
  • Thai: ถ่อมตัว (th) (tɔ̀m-dtuua)
  • Turkish: kalender (tr), alçak gönüllü (tr), mütevazı (tr)
  • Ukrainian: скро́мний (skrómnyj)
  • Vietnamese: khiêm tốn (vi)
  • Yiddish: באַשיידן(basheydn)


  • Armenian: համեստ (hy) (hamest)
  • Catalan: modest (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 小的 (xiǎo de), 數量不大的数量不大的 (shùliàng bùdà de), 少量的 (shǎoliàng de), 略微的 (lüèwēi de), 樸素的朴素的 (pǔsù de)
  • Danish: beskeden, moderat
  • Dutch: bescheiden (nl)
  • Esperanto: modesta
  • Finnish: vaatimaton (fi)
  • French: modeste (fr)
  • German: bescheiden (de), klein (de), gering (de), moderat (de)
  • Greek: ταπεινός (el) (tapeinós)
  • Italian: modesto (it) m, irrisorio (it) m, esiguo (it) m
  • Japanese: 適度 (ja) (てきど, tekido)
  • Latin: modestus
  • Polish: skromny (pl) m, niewielki (pl)
  • Portuguese: modesto (pt)
  • Russian: скро́мный (ru) (skrómnyj)
  • Spanish: pequeño (es), modesto (es), moderado (es), módico (es)
  • Swedish: liten (sv)
  • Turkish: naçiz (tr), naçizane (tr), mütevazı (tr)
  • Yiddish: באַשיידן(basheydn)

intending to avoid the encouraging of sexual attraction in others

  • Arabic: مُحْتَشِم(muḥtašim)
  • Armenian: համեստ (hy) (hamest)
  • Bulgarian: сдържан (bg) (sdǎržan)
  • Catalan: modest (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 端莊的端庄的 (duānzhuāng de), 適度的适度的 (shìdù de)
  • Danish: blufærdig, anstændig, sømmelig, ærbar
  • Dutch: kuis (nl), fatsoenlijk (nl), eerbaar (nl), ingetogen (nl), zedig (nl)
  • Finnish: siveä (fi)
  • German: anständig (de), sittsam (de)
  • Greek: σεμνός (el) (semnós)
  • Irish: modhúil
  • Portuguese: recatado (pt) m, decente (pt)
  • Russian: благопристо́йный (ru) (blagopristójnyj), скро́мный (ru) (skrómnyj)
  • Spanish: decente (es), pudoroso (es), púdico (es)
  • Yiddish: צניעותדיק(tsniesdik)


  • domets



  • IPA(key): /mɔdɛst/


modest m (feminine modeste)

  1. modest

Derived terms[edit]

  • modesti



From Latin modestus.


  • (Balearic) IPA(key): /moˈdəst/
  • (Central) IPA(key): /muˈdɛst/
  • (Valencian) IPA(key): /moˈdest/


modest (feminine modesta, masculine plural modests or modestos, feminine plural modestes)

  1. modest
    Antonym: immodest

Derived terms[edit]

  • modestament


  • immodest
  • modèstia

Further reading[edit]

  • “modest” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
  • “modest”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2023
  • “modest” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
  • “modest” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.



From Latin modestus or French modeste or Italian modesto.


  • IPA(key): /moˈdest/


modest m or n (feminine singular modestă, masculine plural modești, feminine and neuter plural modeste)

  1. modest


Britannica Dictionary definition of MODEST

[more modest; most modest]


not very large in size or amount

  • Despite its modest [=somewhat small] size, the city has many things to offer tourists.

  • They own a modest home near the beach.

  • She enjoyed modest success with her singing career.

  • He earns a modest income.

  • We live on a modest budget.

  • New cars are now available at relatively modest prices.

  • He has only a modest amount of knowledge on the subject.

  • It is a book of only modest importance.



not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities


not showing or feeling great or excessive pride

  • She’s very modest about her achievements.

  • Don’t be so modest. Your performance was wonderful!

  • “I’m not a hero. I was just doing my job,” he said in his characteristically modest way.

  • He is unusually modest for a man who is so famous and successful.

opposite immodest

of clothing


not showing too much of a person’s body

  • She preferred wearing more modest swimsuits.

  • In some countries, women must wear very modest clothing in public.


shy about showing your body especially in a sexual way


preferring to wear modest clothing

  • a modest young woman

opposite immodest

  • Our business has been modestly successful.

  • a modestly priced car

  • a modestly dressed young woman

  • She modestly refused to accept credit for the team’s success.

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