happened — перевод на русский
Well, what happened to your satellite dish?
А что случилось со спутниковой тарелкой?
Carolina, what happened?
Каролина, что случилось?
— And what happened?
-Что случилось?
What has happened to her?
Что с ней случилось?
What happened to that?
Что случилось?
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You got to tell me what happened.
Ты должен рассказать мне что произошло.
I don’t know what happened.
ведь я-— я не знаю что произошло.
Explain to me what happened slowly.
что произошло.
After what happened there… The rumors going around now are that he’s thrown away his swords.
что там произошло… отказался от меча.
— What happened there?
— Что произошло?
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What is happening here?
А что происходит здесь?
You can each of you make one phone call home but you must not, under any circumstances, tell them where you are and what is happening.
Каждый из вас может совершить один звонок домой, но ни при каких обстоятельствах не говорите, где вы находитесь и что происходит.
I don’t know what’s happening, but whatever he wants, just give it to him.
Я не знаю, что происходит, но дай ему то, что он хочет.
I think I know what’s happening.
Думаю, я знаю, что происходит.
Yep, okay, so here’s what happened.
Так, хорошо, вот что происходит.
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That scene was added, and I think that scene is so important to understand Allison’s mind-set moving forward, because you see her as this, you know, this sort of sweet, naive girl, and then something massive happens. And then it’s, you know…
Эту сцену добавили, и я считаю, что эта сцена очень важна для понимания дальнейшего образа мышления Элисон, вы видите ее там, такую милую наивную девушку, а затем случается что-то грандиозное.
«That’s what happens… when you leave me alone.»
Вот что случается, когда ты оставляешь меня одну.
What usually happens when a boy gets mixed up… … witha bunchof would-be tough guys?
Что обычно случается с теми, кто корешится с лихими парнями.
Every time you say that, something happens.
Каждый раз, когда ты говоришь это, что-то случается.
What’s the difference what happens to a lot of rats… caught in a trap…
Какая разница, что случается с большинством крыс.
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Well, I saw what was happening when the wrong people ran it.
Я видел, что бывает, когда им занимаются не те люди.
You know what happens to bad little boys who tell stories?
Вы знаете, что бывает с плохими мальчиками, которые рассказывают небылицы?
Them things will happen.
Чего только не бывает…
Sure, those things happen.
Ну, такое иногда бывает.
You know, such things have happened.
Ты же знаешь, и такое бывает.
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Say, you don’t happen to belong to that gang out there in that boat, do you?
— Скажите, вы случайно не из компании тех ребят, которые там на корабле? — Нет.
Say, you don’t happen to know in which room the big roving poker game is going on tonight, do you?
Вы случайно не знаете, в какой комнате крупная игра в покер проходит сегодня вечером?
You don’t happen to know which room they’re holding the game?
Ты случайно не знаешь, в каком номере у них сегодня проходит игра?
I happen to know.
Случайно знаю.
I just happen to remember.
Я случайно запомнила.
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I still don’t know for sure what happened.
как это получилось.
Funny how that happened.
Забавно, что так получилось.
I’d finally found him and look what happens.
Я, наконец, нашел его, и смотри, что получилось.
I’m sorry it had to happen at a time like this, V.S., with the convention just starting.
Извини, что так получилось, В.С. самое неподходящее время, съезд уже начинается.
It just happened that in an emergency,
Так получилось, что в чрезвычайной ситуации,
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What’s happening out here?
В чем дело?
What’s happened?
А в чём дело?
— What has happened?
— А в чём всё-таки дело?
— What’s happened?
В чем дело?
What happened, Roy?
— В чем дело, Рой?
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I wonder what will happen…?
что же дальше?
All right, what happened?
Ладно, что дальше?
Now we’ll go upstairs and we’ll think about what should happen next in peace and comfort.
Теперь идёмте наверх. И подумаем в тишине и уюте, о том, что делать дальше.
You know what happened? The guy had an iron…
А дальше,ты представляешь, мужику пришлось жениться…
What happens here?
-Что дальше?
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What’s happened?
Где Джонни?
When this thing happened, were you working very hard?
Где вы упорно трудились?
-Hang onto her. -Something’s happened to my mother-in-law.
Надо выяснить, где свекровь.
I never knew what happened to the other glove.
Я так и не узнала, где же вторая.
— What happened to it?
— И где они?
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intransitive verb
: to occur by chance
—often used with it
it so happens I’m going your way
: to come into being or occur as an event, process, or result
: to do, encounter, or attain something by or as if by chance
I happen to know the answer
: to meet or discover something by chance
happened upon a system that worked—Richard Corbin
: to come or go casually : make a chance appearance
he might happen by at any time
: to come especially by way of injury or harm
I promise nothing will happen to you
Example Sentences
Something like that was bound to happen sooner or later.
You never know what’s going to happen when they get together.
What happened at school today?
“What’s happening?” “They’re installing new equipment.”
Recent Examples on the Web
The crash happened at 12:01 a.m. Thursday on Interstate 59/20 near the Arkadelphia Road entrance ramp, according to the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office.
—Carol Robinson | Crobinson@al.com, al, 7 Apr. 2023
Instead of trying to convince yourself that this time might be different, be pragmatic about what might happen based on past patterns.
—Sahaj Kaur Kohli, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2023
But when that might happen was unclear.
—Olga R. Rodriguez, ajc, 6 Apr. 2023
And the stakes are always incredibly high when that happens.
—Samantha Highfill, EW.com, 6 Apr. 2023
Anything could have happened there.
—Jim Rutenberg, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023
What happens when six Hollywood Reporter film critics get together to pick their 50 favorite movies of the 21st century so far?
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023
That crash reportedly happened just 1,800 feet beyond the end of the runway.
—Greg Norman, Fox News, 6 Apr. 2023
Better yet, Clark’s move to the firm so happened to attract some new Amazon recruits too.
—Kylie Robison, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘happen.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English, from hap
First Known Use
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of happen was
in the 14th century
Dictionary Entries Near happen
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“Happen.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/happen. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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Last Updated:
8 Apr 2023
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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:
Главные переводы | ||
английский | русский | |
happen⇒ vi | (occur) | случаться, происходить, приключаться несов |
происходить несов пер и . | ||
A lot of things have happened since last year. | ||
Много чего случилось с прошлого года. | ||
happen vi | (befall) | случаться, происходить, приключаться несов . |
I didn’t work hard for it, it just happened! | ||
Я не особо старался, это просто произошло само собой. |
‘happened‘ также найдено в этих статьях:
(redirected from happened)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.
v. hap·pened, hap·pen·ing, hap·pens
a. To come to pass: Where did the accident happen?
b. To come about as a consequence; result: Trouble always seems to happen when he’s around.
c. To be the fate; become: What will happen to the business when the owner retires?
2. To encounter something by chance: I happened upon an interesting article in the newspaper.
3. To come or go casually; make an appearance: My friend happened by around dinnertime.
1. Used with the impersonal subject it and a following clause or infinitive to indicate the occurrence of a usually unexpected or chance event: It happened that I was in the shower when you called. It happened to snow on the night she was born.
2. To have the fortune (to be or do something); be in a situation or position (to be or do something): The bus station happens to be close to the museum. I happen to know the answer to that question.
3. Used with an infinitive to make polite requests: Do you happen to know the time?
[Middle English happenen, from hap, chance; see hap.]
Synonyms: happen, befall, betide, chance, occur
These verbs mean to come about: saw an awful thing happen; predicted that misery will befall humankind; woe that betides the poor soldier; former friends who chanced to meet again; described the accident exactly as it occurred.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (intr) (of an event in time) to come about or take place; occur
2. (foll by: to) (of some unforeseen circumstance or event, esp death), to fall to the lot (of); be a source of good or bad fortune (to): if anything happens to me, it’ll be your fault.
3. (tr) to chance (to be or do something): I happen to know him.
4. (tr; takes a clause as object) to be the case, esp if by chance, that: it happens that I know him.
adv, sentence substitute
b. (as sentence modifier): happen I’ll see thee tomorrow.
[C14: see hap1, -en1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈhæp ən)
1. to take place; come to pass; occur.
2. to come to pass by chance; occur without apparent reason or design.
3. to have the fortune or lot (to do or be as specified); chance: I happened to see him on the street.
4. to befall, as to a person or thing: Don’t worry; nothing happened to her.
5. to meet or discover by chance (usu. fol. by on or upon): to happen on a clue to a mystery.
6. to be, come, go, etc., casually or by chance: My friend happened along.
7. Slang. to be very exciting or interesting: That party was happening!
[1300–50; Middle English hap(pe)nen. See hap1, -en1]
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
— Fairly new to English, from hap, «chance, luck,» which was borrowed from Old Norse happ.
See also related terms for luck.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. ‘happen’
When something happens, it takes place without being planned.
Then a strange thing happened.
There’ll be an investigation into what happened and why.
Be Careful!
Happen does not have a passive form. Don’t say, for example, ‘Then a strange thing was happened‘.
2. ‘take place’, ‘occur’
Happen is usually used after vague words like something, thing, what, or this. After words with a more precise meaning, you usually use take place or occur.
The incident had taken place many years ago.
Mrs Brogan was in the house when the explosion occurred.
Don’t say that a planned event ‘happens’. Say that it takes place.
The first meeting of the committee took place on 9 January.
The election will take place in June.
3. ‘happen to’
When something happens to someone or something, it takes place and affects them.
I wonder what ‘s happened to Jeremy?
If anything happens to the car, you’ll have to pay for it.
In sentences like these, don’t use any preposition except to after happen.
You use happen in front of a to-infinitive to show that something happens or exists by chance. For example, instead of saying ‘The two people he wanted to speak to lived in the same street’, you can say ‘The two people he wanted to speak to happened to live in the same street’.
I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If you happen to see Jane, ask her to call me.
You often use happen to be in sentences beginning with there. For example, instead of saying ‘A post office happened to be in the next street’, you say ‘There happened to be a post office in the next street’.
There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way.
Be Careful!
In sentences like these you must use there. Don’t say, for example, ‘Happened to be a post office in the next street‘.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: happened
Gerund: happening
Imperative |
happen |
happen |
Present |
I happen |
you happen |
he/she/it happens |
we happen |
you happen |
they happen |
Preterite |
I happened |
you happened |
he/she/it happened |
we happened |
you happened |
they happened |
Present Continuous |
I am happening |
you are happening |
he/she/it is happening |
we are happening |
you are happening |
they are happening |
Present Perfect |
I have happened |
you have happened |
he/she/it has happened |
we have happened |
you have happened |
they have happened |
Past Continuous |
I was happening |
you were happening |
he/she/it was happening |
we were happening |
you were happening |
they were happening |
Past Perfect |
I had happened |
you had happened |
he/she/it had happened |
we had happened |
you had happened |
they had happened |
Future |
I will happen |
you will happen |
he/she/it will happen |
we will happen |
you will happen |
they will happen |
Future Perfect |
I will have happened |
you will have happened |
he/she/it will have happened |
we will have happened |
you will have happened |
they will have happened |
Future Continuous |
I will be happening |
you will be happening |
he/she/it will be happening |
we will be happening |
you will be happening |
they will be happening |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been happening |
you have been happening |
he/she/it has been happening |
we have been happening |
you have been happening |
they have been happening |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been happening |
you will have been happening |
he/she/it will have been happening |
we will have been happening |
you will have been happening |
they will have been happening |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been happening |
you had been happening |
he/she/it had been happening |
we had been happening |
you had been happening |
they had been happening |
Conditional |
I would happen |
you would happen |
he/she/it would happen |
we would happen |
you would happen |
they would happen |
Past Conditional |
I would have happened |
you would have happened |
he/she/it would have happened |
we would have happened |
you would have happened |
they would have happened |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb | 1. | happen — come to pass; «What is happening?»; «The meeting took place off without an incidence»; «Nothing occurred that seemed important»
come about, hap, occur, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass recrudesce, develop, break — happen; «Report the news as it develops»; «These political movements recrudesce from time to time» come up, arise — result or issue; «A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion» result — come about or follow as a consequence; «nothing will result from this meeting» intervene — occur between other event or between certain points of time; «the war intervened between the birth of her two children» transpire — come about, happen, or occur; «Several important events transpired last week» give — occur; «what gives?» operate — happen; «What is going on in the minds of the people?» supervene — take place as an additional or unexpected development proceed, go — follow a certain course; «The inauguration went well»; «how did your interview go?» come — come to pass; arrive, as in due course; «The first success came three days later»; «It came as a shock»; «Dawn comes early in June» fall — occur at a specified time or place; «Christmas falls on a Monday this year»; «The accent falls on the first syllable» anticipate — be a forerunner of or occur earlier than; «This composition anticipates Impressionism» develop — be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest; «The plot developed slowly»; recur, repeat — happen or occur again; «This is a recurring story» come off, go over, go off — happen in a particular manner; «how did your talk go over?» roll around, come around — happen regularly; «Christmas rolled around again» materialise, materialize, happen — come into being; become reality; «Her dream really materialized» bechance, befall, happen — happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; «It happens that today is my birthday»; «These things befell» (Santayana) bechance, befall, betide — become of; happen to; «He promised that no harm would befall her»; «What has become of my children?» coincide, concur — happen simultaneously; «The two events coincided» backfire, backlash, recoil — come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect; «Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble» chance — be the case by chance; «I chanced to meet my old friend in the street» break — happen or take place; «Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months» fall, shine, strike — touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly; «Light fell on her face»; «The sun shone on the fields»; «The light struck the golden necklace»; «A strange sound struck my ears» turn out — prove to be in the result or end; «It turns out that he was right» contemporise, contemporize, synchronise, synchronize — happen at the same time |
2. | happen — happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; «It happens that today is my birthday»; «These things befell» (Santayana)
bechance, befall hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass — come to pass; «What is happening?»; «The meeting took place off without an incidence»; «Nothing occurred that seemed important» happen — chance to be or do something, without intention or causation; «I happen to have just what you need!» |
3. | happen — chance to be or do something, without intention or causation; «I happen to have just what you need!»
bechance, befall, happen — happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance; «It happens that today is my birthday»; «These things befell» (Santayana) chance — be the case by chance; «I chanced to meet my old friend in the street» |
4. | materialise, materialize hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass — come to pass; «What is happening?»; «The meeting took place off without an incidence»; «Nothing occurred that seemed important» come out, appear — be issued or published; «Did your latest book appear yet?»; «The new Woody Allen film hasn’t come out yet» |
5. | happen — come upon, as if by accident; meet with; «We find this idea in Plato»; «I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here»; «She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day»
find, encounter, bump, chance |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. occur, take place, come about, follow, result, appear, develop, arise, come off (informal), ensue, crop up (informal), transpire (informal), materialize, present itself, come to pass, see the light of day, eventuate We cannot say for sure what will happen.
2. chance, turn out (informal), have the fortune to be I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail.
happen on or upon something find, encounter, run into, come upon, turn up, stumble on, hit upon, chance upon, light upon, blunder on, discover unexpectedly He just happened upon a charming guest house.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
2. To take place by chance:
phrasal verb
happen on or upon
To find or meet by chance:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَحْدُثيَحْدُثُيَحْدُثُ بالصُّدْفَهيَحْدُثُ لِ
stát seukázat senáhodounáhodou se státpřihodit se
پیشامد کردن
dogoditi se
gerast, eiga sér staî; verakoma fyrir, hendavilja til, rekast á
atsitiktinai būtiatsitiktinai ką padarytiatsitiktinai užeitiatsitiktinai užtiktiįvykti
izrādīties, gadītiesnejauši gadītiesnotikt
náhodou nájsť
pripetiti sezgoditi se
olmaktesadüfen olmakyer bulmakbaşına gelmek
xảy ra
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈhæpən] vi (= occur) → arriver, se passer
Tell me what happened → Dis-moi ce qui s’est passé.
what’s happening? → qu’est-ce qui se passe?, que se passe-t-il?
what’s happened? → qu’est-ce qui s’est passé?, que s’est-il passé?
what will happen if …? → qu’est-ce qui se passera si …?, que se passera-t-il si …?
nothing happened → il ne s’est rien passé
whatever happens → quoi qu’il arrive
to happen again
It won’t happen again → Cela ne se reproduira plus.
to have happened before
I have seen this happen before → Ça s’est déjà produit auparavant.
these things happen → ça arrive
accidents will happen, accidents happen → on ne peut pas tout prévoir
see also accident
(by chance) to happen to do sth
I happened to bump into him in a shop → Il se trouve que l’ai rencontré dans un magasin.
She happened to be free that afternoon → Il se trouva qu’elle était libre cet après-midi-là.
If you happen to see Jane, ask her to phone me → Si jamais tu vois Jane, demande-lui de me téléphoner.
Do you happen to know the name of her secretary? → Connaîtriez-vous par hasard le nom de sa secrétaire?
You don’t happen to know the postal code for Swindon? → Tu ne saurais pas, par hasard, le code postal de Swindon?
I happen to know he’s lying → Je sais qu’en fait il ment.
as it happens → justement
As it happens, I don’t want to go → Justement, je ne veux pas y aller.
happen on
happen upon vt fus (= come across by chance) → tomber sur
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= occur) → geschehen; (somewhat special or important event) → sich ereignen; (esp unexpected, unintentional or unpleasant event) → passieren, geschehen; (process also) → vor sich gehen, geschehen; it happened like this … → es geschah or war so …; nothing ever happens here → hier ereignet sich or geschieht or passiert (doch) überhaupt nie etwas; this interview/conversation never happened → dieses Interview/Gespräch hat nicht stattgefunden; it’s all happening here today → heute ist hier ganz schön was los (inf); what’s happening? → was läuft? (inf), → was ist los?; you can’t just let things happen → du kannst die Dinge nicht einfach laufen lassen; it’s broken, how did it happen? → es ist kaputt, wie ist denn das passiert?; it just happened → es ist (ganz) von allein passiert or gekommen; as if nothing had happened → als ob nichts geschehen or gewesen wäre; worse things have happened → es ist schon Schlimmeres passiert or vorgekommen; don’t let it happen again → dass das nicht noch mal vorkommt or passiert!; these things happen → so was kommt (schon mal) vor; what has happened to him? → was ist ihm passiert or geschehen?; (= what have they done to him) → was ist mit ihm passiert?; (= what’s wrong with him) → was ist mit ihm los?; (= what has become of him) → was ist aus ihm geworden?; what’s happened to your leg? → was ist mit deinem Bein los or passiert?; if anything should happen to me → wenn mir etwas zustoßen or passieren sollte; you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me → du bist der größte Glücksfall in meinem Leben; it all happened so quickly → es ging alles so schnell
(= chance) how does it happen that …? (cause) → wie kommt es, dass …?; (possibility) → wie ist es möglich, dass …?; it might happen that you will be asked such a question → es könnte passieren or sein, dass Ihnen solch eine Frage gestellt wird; to happen to do something → zufällig(erweise) etw tun; we happened to discover we had a friend in common → wir stellten durch Zufall fest, dass wir einen gemeinsamen Bekannten hatten; do you happen to know whether …? → wissen Sie vielleicht or zufällig, ob …?; I happen to know it’s true → ich weiß zufällig(erweise), dass es stimmt; I just happened to come along when … → ich kam zufällig (gerade) vorbei, als …; he happened to see me just as I … → muss er mich doch gerade in dem Augenblick sehen, als ich …; I picked up the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail → ich nahm die erstbeste Zeitung zur Hand, es war zufällig die Daily Mail; it so happens or as it happens I (don’t) like that kind of thing → so etwas mag ich nun einmal (nicht); as it happens I’ve been there too/I’m going there today → zufällig(erweise) bin ich auch dort gewesen/gehe ich heute (dort)hin; you don’t want to come, do you? — it so happens, I do → du möchtest doch sicher nicht kommen, oder? — doch, natürlich
adv (N Engl inf: = perhaps) → vielleicht
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈhӕpən) verb
1. to take place or occur; to occur by chance. What happened next?; It just so happens / As it happens, I have the key in my pocket.
2. (usually with to) to be done to (a person, thing etc). She’s late – something must have happened to her.
3. to do or be by chance. I happened to find him; He happens to be my friend.
ˈhappening noun
an occurrence. strange happenings.
happen (up)on
to find by chance. He happened upon the perfect solution to the problem just as he was about to give up his research.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَحْدُثُ stát se ske geschehen συμβαίνω ocurrir tapahtua se passer dogoditi se accadere 起こる 일어나다 gebeuren hende zdarzyć się acontecer случаться hända เกิดขึ้น olmak xảy ra 发生
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vi. suceder, acontecer, ocurrir.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- When did it happen?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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of Happen
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Rank popularity for the word ‘happened’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #786
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Rank popularity for the word ‘happened’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #468
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Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of happened in Chaldean Numerology is: 5
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of happened in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6
Examples of happened in a Sentence
Restituto Padilla:
So the troops who were operating on the ground were able to recover him in that area of barangay Timpook, where that incident happened, where they were operating.
President Biden:
It is a shock and surprise that what’s happened in terms of the consequence of President Trump’s phony populism has happened, it is disappointing that so many of my Republican colleagues in the Senate, who I know know better, have been reluctant to take on, for example, an investigation because they’re worried about being primaried … That’s why it’s so important that I succeed in my agenda.
Vijay Sumon:
You saw what happened with Stock Connect; it was delayed, mSCI doesn’t want to be put in a position where they may have to delay.
Mike Camenza:
For all of us Filipinos it’s disappointing. He did everything, but nothing happened.
Ildefonso Jaimes:
For many remote rural communities there hasn’t been an opportunity for catharsis, to talk about what has happened, most people in rural areas don’t know what a psychologist is and have never met one. Some people say :.
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