The meaning of the word fantastic


The train runs at fantastic speeds.

a fantastic scheme for getting rich quick

Recent Examples on the Web

The ride is fantastic.

Scott Kramer, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

Plus, the smell is fantastic.

Tatjana Freund, ELLE, 28 Mar. 2023

For certain kinds of shoes, no-show socks are fantastic.

Lauren Breedlove, Travel + Leisure, 28 Mar. 2023

The partnership in the northwest side of Chicago area is fantastic.

Caroline Kubzansky, Chicago Tribune, 28 Mar. 2023

But for me, just meeting those kids was fantastic.

Ed Masley, The Arizona Republic, 28 Mar. 2023

Sign up now to get top sports headlines delivered daily What LeBron James has done this season James has been fantastic, earning an All-Star nod for a record 19th-time.

Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY, 27 Mar. 2023

If any one of those three comes first, that would be fantastic.

Marlow Stern, Rolling Stone, 25 Mar. 2023

Their guest appearance is fantastic because Wong and Park are naturally hilarious and have great chemistry.

Jihane Bousfiha, Vulture, 23 Mar. 2023

Gemini May 21-June 20 Life is taking a turn for the fantastic.

Tarot Astrologers, Chicago Tribune, 15 Mar. 2023

Mixed with this pastoral mood are the first hints of something uncanny, a fantastic of the everyday, as when Toprak’s character, Saffet, is seen smoking at the fairground, an amusement ride at his back, the shrieking bodies awhirl around his head like mad angels.

Yasmine Seale, Harpers Magazine, 5 Jan. 2021

Among the fire fights, there’s mystery, mischief, and even a few stand alone anthology seasons — like season eight: Dreamland — that are down-right fantastic.

Melissa Sherrard,, 6 Jan. 2023

But the reading of Ti’s last wishes sets Josie on a journey to learn her mother’s history, to encounter the fantastic, to discover herself and her own power — and to fight.

Los Angeles Times, 9 Aug. 2022

However, guest pianist Linda Gentille and Assistant Cruise Director Richard Rubin’s shows were over-the-top fantastic.

Debbi Kickham, Forbes, 13 Mar. 2022

After a banner 2021 for high-end genre films, industry vets are hopeful that the fantastic can resurrect the corpse of pre-COVID theatrical distribution.

Jamie Lang, Variety, 12 Feb. 2022

With more modern styling inside and out as well as the familiar fantastic-to-drive behavior, the reborn Golf GTI attracts new enthusiasts, continues to reward the faithful, and again makes our 10Best and Editors’ Choice lists.

Car and Driver, 4 Feb. 2022

Camille and Mindy want to go to this fantastic-sounding house party.

Jessica Goldstein, Vulture, 22 Dec. 2021

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘fantastic.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

фантастический, превосходный, чудесный, причудливый, гротескный, экстравагантный


- причудливый, фантастический, странный, эксцентричный

fantastic costumes — эксцентричные костюмы
fantastic music — странная /фантастическая/ музыка

- экстравагантный, капризный

fantastic acts of kindness — экстравагантная /чрезмерная/ доброта

- эмоц.-усил. изумительный, потрясающий

I find the book fantastic — я считаю эту книгу замечательной
the results were fantastic — результаты превзошли все ожидания
a fantastic sum of money — ≅ куча денег

- арх. воображаемый, нереальный, фантастичный

fantastic fears — выдуманные страхи

Мои примеры


a fantastic scheme for getting rich quick — фантастический план быстрого обогащения  
a fantastic idea of his own importance — фантастическая мысль о его собственной значимости  
fantastic exploits — фантастические, сказочные похождения  
absurd / crazy / fantastic / farfetched idea — безумная идея  
fantastic scheme — фантастический, нереальный план  
fantastic nature — фантастичность, причудливость  
fantastic delirium — фантастический бред  
fantastic apparition — фантастическое видение  
fantastic film — фантастический фильм  
fantastic idea — фантастическая идея; необычайная идея  
fantastic lies — несусветная ложь  
trip the light fantastic — отплясывать  

Примеры с переводом

That’s fantastic news!

Это потрясающие новости!

That’s fantastic!

С ума сойти!

I’ve got a fantastic idea. — OK, shoot!

У меня есть замечательная идея.

It’s a fantastic place, really beautiful!

Это фантастическое место, очень красивое!

You look fantastic!

Ты потрясающе выглядишь!

The train runs at fantastic speeds.

Поезд мчится с фантастической скоростью.

‘I’ve passed my driving test.’ ‘Fantastic!’

— Я сдала экзамен по вождению. — Превосходно!

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Gaudi’s fantastic architecture

What a fantastic lunch. I could eat the same again.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fantastical  — фантастический, причудливый, чудесный, гротескный, превосходный, экстравагантный
fantasticate  — фантазировать
unfantastic  — реальный, осуществимый

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  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > fantastic

  • 2


    fantastic нереальный, воображаемый; fantastic(al) fears надуманные страхи fantastic разг. превосходный, чудесный fantastic(al) фантастический; причудливый; гротескный; fantastic(al) ideas странные выдумки fantastic нереальный, воображаемый; fantastic(al) fears надуманные страхи fantastic(al) фантастический; причудливый; гротескный; fantastic(al) ideas странные выдумки fantastic(al) lies несусветная ложь; fantastic(al) profits баснословные прибыли fantastic(al) lies несусветная ложь; fantastic(al) profits баснословные прибыли

    English-Russian short dictionary > fantastic

  • 3

    fænˈtæstɪk прил. фантастический, причудливый, прихотливый, сказочный, странный Syn: arabesque, mythical, fabulous, bizarre, grotesque, outlandish, way-out, weird, strange, odd Ant: normal, unexceptional
    причудливый, фантастический, странный, эксцентричный — * costumes эксцентричные костюмы — * music странная /фантастическая/ музыка экстравагантный, капризный — * acts of kindness экстравагантная /чрезмерная/ доброта( эмоционально-усилительно) изумительный, потрясающий — I find the book * я считаю эту книгу замечательной — the results were * результаты превзошли все ожидания — a * sum of money куча денег( устаревшее) воображаемый, нереальный, фантастичный — * fears выдуманные страхи
    fantastic нереальный, воображаемый;
    fantastic(al) fears надуманные страхи ~ разг. превосходный, чудесный ~(al) фантастический;
    fantastic(al) ideas странные выдумки
    fantastic нереальный, воображаемый;
    fantastic(al) fears надуманные страхи
    ~(al) фантастический;
    fantastic(al) ideas странные выдумки
    ~(al) lies несусветная ложь;
    fantastic(al) profits баснословные прибыли
    ~(al) lies несусветная ложь;
    fantastic(al) profits баснословные прибыли

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fantastic

  • 4


    1. причудливый, фантастический, странный, эксцентричный

    fantastic music — странная /фантастическая/ музыка

    2. экстравагантный, капризный

    fantastic acts of kindness — экстравагантная /чрезмерная/ доброта


    изумительный, потрясающий

    a fantastic sum of money — ≅ куча денег


    воображаемый, нереальный, фантастичный

    НБАРС > fantastic

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > fantastic

  • 6

    1. a причудливый, фантастический, странный, эксцентричный

    2. a экстравагантный, капризный

    3. a эмоц. -усил. изумительный, потрясающий

    4. a арх. воображаемый, нереальный, фантастичный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. amazing (adj.) amazing; astonishing; astounding; fabulous; incredible; marvellous; marvelous; miraculous; phenomenal; unbelievable; wonderful; wondrous

    2. bizarre (adj.) antic; bizarre; eccentric; far-fetched; freakish; grotesque; peculiar; queer; strange

    3. fancied (adj.) conceptual; fancied; imaginary; imagined; notional; unreal

    4. fancy (adj.) fanciful; fancy; imaginative

    5. fictitious (adj.) chimerical; fictional; fictitious; fictive; illusory; invented; made-up; suppositious; supposititious

    6. foolish (adj.) crazy; donkeyish; dotty; feeble-minded; foolish; harebrained; idiotic; idleheaded; insane; loony; loopy; lunatic; mad; nonsensical; sappy; silly; tomfool; unearthly; wacky; zany

    7. monstrous (adj.) cracking; massive; monstrous; monumental; mortal; prodigious; stupendous; towering; tremendous

    8. outlandish (adj.) absurd; erratic; extravagant; extreme; farfetched; great; implausible; ludicrous; outlandish; preposterous; ridiculous; wild

    9. whimsical (adj.) capricious; comical; humorous; whimsical

    10. bravo (other) bravo; fabulous; great; marvellous; spectacular

    Антонимический ряд:

    ceremonious; common; commonplace; constant; conventional; customary; fixed; formal; hackneyed; logical; normal; ordinary; precise; real; regular; sensible; simple

    English-Russian base dictionary > fantastic

  • 7



    1) фантастический, причудливый, прихотливый, странный, сказочный, гротескный, мифический



    2) воображаемый, нереальный




    превосходный, чудесный, классный

    Англо-русский современный словарь > fantastic

  • 8

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > fantastic

  • 9

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > fantastic

  • 10

    1) причу́дливый, фантасти́ческий



    отли́чный, превосхо́дный

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > fantastic

  • 11

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > fantastic

  • 12

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fantastic(al)

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > fantastic

  • 14


    1) Общая лексика: анекдотический, воображаемый, гротескный, капризный, нереальный, превосходный, причудливый, сказочный, странный, фантастический, фантастичный, экстравагантный, эксцентрический, эксцентричный, невообразимый

    2) Разговорное выражение: чудесный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > fantastic

  • 15


    фантастический, причудливый, прихотливый, сказочный, странный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > fantastic

  • 16


    1) фантастический; причудливый; гротескный; fantastical ideas странные выдумки; fantastical lies несусветная ложь; fantastical profits баснословные прибыли

    2) нереальный, воображаемый; fantastical fears надуманные страхи



    превосходный, чудесный

    * * *

    (a) фантастический

    * * *

    причудливый, фантастический

    * * *

    [fan’tas·tic || ‘fæn’tæstɪk]
    причудливый, фантастический, гротескный, экстравагантный, капризный, превосходный, чудесный

    * * *


















    * * *

    фантастический, причудливый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > fantastic

  • 17

    фантастический, воображаемый, нереальный

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > fantastic

  • 18

    фантастический; причудливый; сказочный

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > fantastic

  • 19


    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Fantastic!

  • 20


















    English-Russian smart dictionary > fantastic


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Fantastic — is a literary term that describes a quality of other literary genres, and in some cases is used as a genre in and of itself, although in this case it is often conflated with the Supernatural. The term was originated in the structuralist theory of …   Wikipedia

  • fantastic — FANTÁSTIC, Ă, fantastici, ce, adj. 1. Care nu există în realitate; creat, plăsmuit de imaginaţie; ireal, fantasmagoric, fabulos. ♦ Literatură fantastică = gen de literatură în care elementul preponderent îl constituie imaginaţia, irealul. 2. Care …   Dicționar Român

  • Fantastic — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Fantastic» Sencillo de Ami Suzuki Publicación 8 de febrero de 2006 Formato CD Grabado …   Wikipedia Español

  • Fantastic — Single par Ami Suzuki extrait de l’album Connetta Face A Fantastic Face B Slow Motion Sortie 8 février 2006 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fantastic — [fan tas′tik] adj. [ME fantastik < OFr fantastique < ML fantasticus < LL phantasticus < Gr phantastikos, able to present or represent to the mind < phantazein, to make visible < phainein, to show: see FANTASY] 1. existing in the …   English World dictionary

  • fantastic — 1 chimerical, visionary, fanciful, imaginary, quixotic Analogous words: extravagant, extreme (see EXCESSIVE): incredible, unbelievable, implausible (see affirmative adjectives at PLAUSIBLE): preposterous, absurd (see FOOLISH): irrational,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fantastic — 1. Fantastic is one of the most popular colloquial terms for ‘excellent, very enjoyable’. It is first recorded with this meaning in the 1930s and is now used in all sorts of contexts: • Oh, Val, isn t it fantastic?… It s amazing, isn t it?… …   Modern English usage

  • Fantastic — Fan*tas tic, a. [F. fantastique, fr. Gr. ??????????? able to represent, fr. ????????? to make visible. See {Fancy}.] 1. Existing only in imagination; fanciful; imaginary; not real; chimerical. [1913 Webster] 2. Having the nature of a phantom;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fantastic — [adj1] strange, different; imaginary absurd, artificial, capricious, chimerical, comical, crazy, eccentric, erratic, exotic, extravagant, extreme, fanciful, far fetched, fictional, foolish, foreign, freakish, grotesque, hallucinatory, illusive,… …   New thesaurus

  • Fantastic — Fan*tas tic, n. A person given to fantastic dress, manners, etc.; an eccentric person; a fop. Milton. [1913 Webster] Our fantastics, who, having a fine watch, take all ocasions to draw it out to be seen. Fuller. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fantastic — index delusive, ludicrous, nonexistent, noteworthy, prodigious (amazing), special, unusual Burton …   Law dictionary

Other forms: fantasticly

The adjective fantastic has two meanings — extraordinarily brilliant or ludicrously far-fetched. So when your boss calls your suggestion of work-at-home-in-your-bathrobe-Fridays for the whole office fantastic, be sure you know which one he means.

We get fantastic from the Latin phantasticus, meaning “imaginary.” Sometimes it’s still used that way: If you call a unicorn a fantastic beast, you’re not paying it a compliment; you’re saying it exists only in fairy tales. Most often, though, fantastic means strikingly out-of-the-ordinary. It can be complimentary («You got an A? Fantastic!») or disparaging («He was always foolishly unrealistic, but trying to reach the moon using a balloon tied to his bicycle was his most fantastic idea yet.»).

Definitions of fantastic

  1. adjective

    extravagantly fanciful in design, construction, appearance

    fantastic architecture”



    not plain; decorative or ornamented

  2. adjective

    existing in fancy only

    fantastic figures with bulbous heads the circumference of a bushel»- Nathaniel Hawthorne”




    lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria

  3. adjective

    fanciful and unrealistic; foolish

    fantastic idea of his own importance”




    not realistic

  4. adjective

    ludicrously odd

    fantastic Halloween costumes”


    antic, fantastical, grotesque

    strange, unusual

    being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird

  5. adjective

    extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers

    “the film was


    grand, howling, incredible, marvellous, marvelous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous


    beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘fantastic’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Alternative forms[edit]

  • fantastick, phantastick (obsolete)
  • phantastic
  • phantastique (archaic)


Borrowed from Middle French fantastique, borrowed from Late Latin phantasticus, borrowed from Ancient Greek φᾰντᾰστῐκός (phantastikós, imaginary, fantastic; fictional), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *bʰeh₂- (to shine). Equivalent to fantasy +‎ -tic. Doublet of fantastique.


  • IPA(key): /fænˈtæstɪk/
  • Rhymes: -æstɪk


fantastic (comparative more fantastic, superlative most fantastic)

  1. Existing in or constructed from fantasy; of or relating to fantasy; fanciful.

    He told fantastic stories of dragons and goblins.

    His fantastic post-college plans had all collapsed within a year of graduation.

    She had a fantastic view of her own importance that none of her colleagues shared.

  2. Not believable; implausible; seemingly only possible in fantasy.

    The events were so fantastic that only the tabloids were willing to print them.

    She entered the lab and stood gaping for a good ten minutes at the fantastic machinery at work all around her.

    • 1661, Boyle, Robert, “THE CONCLUSION”, in The Sceptical Chymist: or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist’s Principles Commonly call’d Hypostatical, As they are wont to be Propos’d and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis’d Part of another Diſcourſe relating to the ſame Subject[1], London: J. Caldwell, pages 429-430:

      And indeed, when in the writings of Paracelſus I meet with ſuch Phantaſtick and Un-intelligible Diſcourſes as that Writer often puzzels and tyres his Reader with, father’d upon ſuch excellent Experiments, as though he ſeldom clearly teaches, I often find he knew ; me thinks the Chymiſts, in their ſearches after truth, are not unlike the Navigators of Solomons Tarſhiſh Fleet, who brought home from their long and tedious Voyages, not only Gold, and Silver, and Ivory, but Apes and Peacocks too ; For ſo the Writings of ſeveral (for I ſay not, all) of your Hermetick Philoſophers preſent us, together with divers Subſtantial and noble Experiments, Theories, which either like Peacocks feathers make a great ſhew, but are neither ſolid nor uſeful ; or elſe like Apes, if they have ſome appearance of being rational, are blemiſh’d with ſome abſurdity or other, that when they are Attentively conſider’d, makes them appear Ridiculous.

    • 1986 June 6, Richard Feynman, “Personal observations on the reliability of the Shuttle”, in Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, Report to the President:

      Since 1 part in 100,000 would imply that one could put a Shuttle up each day for 300 years expecting to lose only one, we could properly ask «What is the cause of management’s fantastic faith in the machinery?»

  3. Resembling fantasies in irregularity, caprice, or eccentricity; irregular; grotesque.
  4. Wonderful; marvelous; excellent; extraordinarily good or great (used especially as an intensifier).

    «I had a simply fantastic vacation, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!»


  • (based in fantasy rather than reality): fabulous, fantastical
  • (extravagantly fanciful and unrealistic): foolish, hare-brained, unrealistic, wild
  • (incredibly wonderful): brilliant, fabulous, splendid, super, wonderful
  • See also Thesaurus:excellent


  • (incredibly wonderful): sucktastic

Derived terms[edit]

  • fantastical
  • fantastically
  • trip the light fantastic


  • fantasy
  • fantasise, fantasize


existing in or constructed from fantasy

  • Asturian: fantásticu
  • Bulgarian: фантастичен (bg) (fantastičen), недействителен (bg) (nedejstvitelen)
  • Catalan: fantàstic (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 匪夷所思 (zh) (fěiyísuǒsī)
  • Czech: fantastický (cs) m
  • Dutch: fantasierijk (nl)
  • Esperanto: fantazia
  • Estonian: fantastiline
  • Finnish: mielikuvituksellinen (fi), ihmeellinen (fi)
  • French: fantastique (fr)
  • Galician: fantástico
  • German: fantastisch (de)
  • Greek: φανταστικός (el) (fantastikós)
    Ancient: φαντασιώδης (phantasiṓdēs)
  • Hungarian: fantasztikus (hu)
  • Indonesian: fantastis (id)
  • Polish: fantastyczny (pl) m
  • Portuguese: fantástico (pt)
  • Romanian: fantastic (ro)
  • Russian: фантасти́ческий (ru) (fantastíčeskij)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Roman: fantàstično (sh) n, fantàstičan (sh) m, fantastična (sh) f

not believable, only possible in fantasy

resembling fantasies in irregularity, grotesque


fantastic (plural fantastics)

  1. (archaic) A fanciful or whimsical person.


  • anti-facts



From French fantastique, from Latin phantasticus.


fantastic m or n (feminine singular fantastică, masculine plural fantastici, feminine and neuter plural fantastice)

  1. fantastic


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