The lost word of power

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54 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 1930

About the author

Robert Collier was an American author of self-help, and New Thought metaphysical books in the 20th century. He was the nephew of Peter Fenelon Collier, founder of Collier’s Weekly. He was involved in writing, editing, and research for most of his life. His book The Secret of the Ages (1926) sold over 300,000 copies during his life. Collier wrote about the practical psychology of abundance, desire, faith, visualization, confident action, and personal development.

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The Lost Word of Power


SINCE the childhood of the race mankind has been haunted by the
knowledge that all around him are riches and supplies sufficient to
more than satisfy his every want—if only he could lay his hands on
the key to make those riches available.

You find this thought running through the ancient Chinese and
East Indian legends, you meet it in the tales of Aladdin and Ali
Baba from the Arabian Nights, you come across it in the folklore
and myth of every bygone people. Van Dyke tells of it in the “Lost
Word” and Longfellow in “Sandalphon”.

In most of these tales, the key takes the form of some magic word,
as in the story of Ali Baba, where his “Open, Sesame!” opened to
him the door of the robbers’ treasure cave, containing uncounted

Even among the Jewish Rabbis, there was a secret cult called the
“Cabala”, which believed that writing was revealed to man as a
means of penetrating the Divine mysteries, and that every letter,
every word and number, even every accent in the Scriptures contains
a hidden meaning. And by their system of interpretations,
they arrived at this hidden meaning.

But there was one word that was lost, and this word was the most
important of all—the secret name of God! One of the very foundation
stones of the ancient Jewish religion was that the knowledge
of the secret name of God enabled anyone who possessed it to perform
the most marvelous deeds This secret name was said to have been revealed to Moses by God
Himself, taught by him to Aaron and handed down to the High
Priests of Israel. It was the secret enshrined in the Holy of Holies.
It was the supreme object of all attainment, for with it one could do

The possession of this secret name was believed to be the power by
which Moses was able to overcome all the might of the Pharaohs,
to bring down the ten plagues upon Egypt while keeping his own
people free, to divide the Red Sea, to lead the Israelites through the
wilderness to the edge of the Promised Land. Elijah had it, and Elisha—
all the great wonder-workers of antiquity—and by it they
cured the sick and the crippled, by it they defeated great armies, by
it they even raised the dead.

This sounds incredible, of course, but the strange part is that it is
true! To him who knows the secret name of God, all things are
possible. It is the Lost Word of Power, the “Open Sesame!” of
Aladdin, the “Schem-Hammaphoraseh” of the Israelites. What is
more, YOU can learn it. Not only learn it, but USE it! How?
“The Word is nigh unto us,” we are assured in Deuteronomy, “even
in our hearts and in our mouths.” But how get hold of it?

In the Book of Job, we are told that “If there be a messenger with
us, an interpreter, we shall be delivered from going down into the
pit.” And again in Job, we are assured that by acquainting ourselves
with God, we shall not only be at peace, but shall lay up
gold as dust and have plenty of silver.

On through both the Old and the New Testaments, we are told that
if we possess certain understanding, all things we desire shall be
ours—riches and honor, health, happiness and triumph over our
enemies. And again and again we are given the records of those
who triumphed through such understanding.

The Bible might well be called the Book of Promise, so many and
so varied are the promises of good in it. And through all of these
promises there runs this common element—the idea that if we acquire
certain wisdom, certain understanding, all good things will
be given us.

Job makes them contingent upon rightly interpreting a certain message.
The Psalms speak of their attainment, through “ways made
known unto Moses”. Solomon adjures us to seek first understanding,
and all else will follow.

Similar promises are to be found in the Vedas and the sacred books
of other old religions.

For an idea to persist through so many ages, it must have at least a
grain of truth back of it. And that there is more than a grain of truth
in these promises, we think you will agree when you have read the

“Lord, of a thousand worlds, I AM;
I’ve reigned since Time began;
And night and day, in cyclic sway,
Pass by while their deeds I can.
Yea, Time shall cease ere I find release,
For I AM the Soul of Man.”

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Robert Collier The Lost Word of Power

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